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How Google Took Over The White House

How Google Took Over The White House

Google’s lawyer runs the U.S. Patent Office and suddenly no patents that jeopardize Google are being issued. Google’s friends run the FCC and suddenly all FCC rulings only benefit Google. Google put Steven Chu into the Department of Energy and Google’s assets got the only cash he handed out while all of Google’s competitors got their funding cut-off and their resources sabotaged by him. The list goes on and on…

The odds of so many people from one company getting all of the top jobs in the federal government, of the 320 million possible people in America; are near impossible… unless something was rigged.

Q. Is something fishy? A. YES!!!!!!!

The White House’s roster is starting to resemble Google’s list of former employees

Written by
Jeanne Kim

At the height of the financial crisis, the White House frequently found itself turning to veterans of Goldman Sachs to tackle the emergency, leading to the firm’s nickname: Government Sachs. Of course this was no accident, as then-US Treasury secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. was a Goldman alum.
Now, with the spectacular initial failure of the healthcare.gov website having focused the White House’s attention on technology issues, the Obama administration is looking to another pool of private-sector talent—Google’s—for people willing to bring their professional expertise to new jobs with the government.
Megan Smith, a Google executive, is said to be the White House’s top candidate to serve as the country’s chief technology officer, replacing Todd Park, who has a healthcare information technology background and will work for the administration as an adviser based in Silicon Valley. Park recently helped bring another Google veteran, Michael “Mikey” Dickerson, to a new area of the executive branch, the US Digital Service.
Google’s expanding diaspora in Washington has sparked growing concerns about the company’s influence with government officials. Just as the Treasury Department’s actions in 2008 had implications for Goldman Sachs, many of the questions before federal agencies and lawmakers today, from net neutrality rules to the potential for regulating drone deliveries and self-driving cars, could be significant to Google’s businesses. Some of the ex-Googlers hired by the White House already have returned to the private sector; that’s understandable—not every recruit, especially those who left families behind in Silicon Valley, wants to make a lifelong commitment to Washington, or to the government’s pay scale—but the revolving door action makes critics all the more skeptical about the relationships between companies and federal offices.
Megan Smith
She’s not part of the White House yet, but Smith would be the third person—and first woman to hold the title of US chief technology officer if she gets the job. Her ascension would represent a major milestone for women in the tech industry. Back at Google, Smith is vice president of Google’s X lab and played a key role in the development of Google Earth. Previously, she was the CEO of Planet Out, an online media company catering to gay and lesbian audiences.
Michael “Mikey” Dickerson
Dickerson—currently the administrator of the new US Digital Service—was pulled into public service when healthcare.gov, an integral piece of the Obamacare health insurance system, ran into trouble. At Google, Dickerson was a site reliability engineer and part of the team that helped Google’s servers run smoothly. His task now: work with the federal government’s IT teams to improve the functionality of government websites. He’s already made waves for turning the West Wing into a business casual zone. Administration officials probably don’t care what he’s wearing to the office so long as he prevents another healthcare.gov-style embarrassment from occurring.
Katie Jacobs Stanton
Before being lured back to the private sector in 2010 for a job at Twitter, Stanton was part of the White House staff as director of citizen participation, tasked with furthering engagement with the public through new media. (She then spent seven months at the State Department before going to Twitter, where she recently changed roles from vice president of international markets to VP of global media.) At Google, she managed products like Google Finance, Google News, and Blog Search, and was involved in new business development. Stanton helped develop Google Moderator, which allowed users to submit questions for the presidential debates when Obama was running in 2008. Stanton’s resume also includes a stop at Yahoo, and a fellowship at the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Andrew McLaughlin
McLaughlin, formerly Google’s head of global public policy, worked on Obama’s transition team in 2008 and 2009 and spent two years as the administration’s deputy chief technology officer. He advised the president on a wide range of topics, from cybersecurity and online privacy to entrepreneurship and the creation of open technology standards. In 2010, he was reprimanded for exchanging emails with former colleagues still at Google to discuss issues under his purview as a government official, in violation of the administration’s ethics rules. He left the White House the next year; now he’s a partner at the startup studio betaworks and is the CEO of Digg.
Nicole Wong
Although Wong (nicknamed “The Decider“) apparently has decided to leave the White House to return to her family in California, her background in internet law and privacy issues made her a strong pick as the administration’s deputy chief technology officer amid growing public concern over government data collection. Formerly the legal director at Twitter, she helped author a White House report on big data (pdf), which was released in May, and worked on policies regarding privacy and US intelligence. Not only was Wong a vice president at Google, she was deputy general counsel for the company, and testified before Congress (pdf) about Google’s adherence to privacy laws.
Sonal Shah
The former head of global development at Google.org, the company’s philanthropic arm, Shah served in the White House from April 2009 to August 2011 as head of the Office of Social Innovation, aiding nonprofits and entrepreneurs in tackling important social issues. Now she’s at Georgetown University, with the Beeck Center for Social Impact & Innovation. Prior to working at Google, she was a VP at Goldman Sachs.
Eric Schmidt
While Google’s chairman and CEO, Eric Schmidt, doesn’t have a formal position in the White House, he was a strong supporter of Obama’s in 2008 and his ties with the administration remain strong. He reportedly advised Obama’s 2008 campaign in the areas of tech and energy and was on hand again as an informal adviser during the 2012 race.
The Revolving Door in Action: Obama Has Hired 70 Lobbyists Since Taking Office
The revolving door is alive and well in Washington.

Tess VandenDolder

When Barack Obama was first running for president he pledged to reduce the influence of corporate lobbyists on government. “I am in this race to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of setting the agenda in Washington are over,” the future president famously declared in 2007. But according to a review completed by POLITICO, the White House has hired around 70 former lobbyists since Obama took office.
The Obama Administration has indeed installed new rules designed to curb the influence of lobbyists on the White House. In a series of executive orders Obama has barred employees in the executive branch from accepting gifts from lobbyists, banned former lobbyists from working on issues related to industries they used to lobby for, and forbidden White House staff from lobbying the White House after moving to the private sector.
But these barriers haven’t been enough to completely halt the revolving door career paths that permeate practically every area of political work here in Washington. Some examples include: Broderick Johnson, one of Obama’s top aides who previously lobbied for companies like Microsoft, Comcast and FedEx; Sean Kennedy, the in-house lobbyist for AT&T who went on to join the White House Office of Legislative Affairs; Alan Hoffman, a lobbyist from Timmons &Co. who was hired as Vice President joe Biden’s Chief of Staff; Mara Rudman, who served on the National Security Council after leaving her own lobbying firm Quorum Strategies; Bradley Gillen, a lobbyist for DISH Network who took a job at the FCC; and Microsoft lobbyist Marc Berejka who got a gig at the Commerce Department.
Five of the six individuals listed above have since left the Obama Administration to return to the private sector, many in a position that includes lobbying.
The fact that the revolving door is alive and well shouldn’t shock anyone who has lived in Washington for more than a year. Lobbyists too often get a bad rap among voters, which means making political promises to end lobbying is a goldmine for first time politicians running for office. But these lobbyists also happen to best some of the best and brightest political minds in the Beltway, with deep knowledge of the issues, the players and the game – making them an invaluable resource for an administration to leverage.
This isn’t to say there aren’t still ethical issues surrounding the revolving door. A Google lobbyist for example, who leaves to take a job at the White House probably has plans to return to the private sector someday. He could even return to Google, probably to get a better pay check and job title. The individual therefore would have a vested interest in maintaining his relationship with Google while fulfilling his public duties, thus blurring the ethical lines due to personal self interest.
While reform can, and probably is needed to change the revolving door, it’s going to take more than a naive pledge from a green politician. Too bad Obama didn’t realize that until after he made a promise he couldn’t keep.

Read More:  barack obama, Influence, jobs, K Street, Lobbying, lobbyists, news, Revolving Door, White House