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What are the biggest fears about the spying scandal?

On KPFA Radio, NPR, KCBS and numerous other media, today, a number of speakers commented about actual abuses of spying resources that they had witnessed.

In recent polls, attempts have been made to articulate the biggest fears of the public.

As of today, the public supports using spying to stop mass destruction bad guys but they are most concerned about the abuse of the resources for the following:

  • Spying on reporters for the purpose of damaging those reporters who write anything controversial.
  • The use of spy databases by aides and senior staff, who are non-military, to target lovers, ex’s and business competitors.
  • The use of spy databases by White House staff to take down or acquire advance notice of opposite-party tactics.
  • The use of spy databases to take down competitors to companies owned by campaign backers.
  • The use of spy databases by the Senators of one party to spy on the Senators, or their staff, from the opposing party in order to gain tactical advantage.
  • The damage to the U.S. image overseas.
  • The complete lack of privacy of any electronic device (ie: “if it has a plug, it has a bug”)
  • The exposure of the fact that Silicon Valley companies spy on you to make profit off of your personal information.

Let’s discuss.




The President made a national announcement about spying. In it he reminded everyone that it is companies in the private sector — not the government — that collects its electronic information in the first place.

His quote:

“Corporations of all shapes and sizes track what you buy, store and analyze our data, and use it for commercial purposes,” the president said. “That’s how those targeted ads pop up on your computer and your smartphone periodically.”

“There is a reason why BlackBerrys and iPhones aren’t allowed in the White House situation room,” Obama said, adding a reminder the U.S. government doesn’t consider them safe from snooping by foreign governments.

Consumer beware. Cut off your social media accounts and don’t buy networked connected hardware if you want to avoid getting snooped on.

Amy – NY Times

German Counterintelligence Pushed to Do More To Fight NSA Spying

Oct 31, 2013 … Amid the continuing NSA scandal, the German intelligence community is being … NSA Blowback: Counterespionage Pushed to Step Up.

www.spiegel.de/ international/ germany/ german-counterintelligence-pushed-to-do-more-to-fight-nsa-spying-a-93 1135.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Schneier on Security: Blowback from the NSA Surveillance

Jun 17, 2013 … There’s one piece of blowback that isn’t being discussed — aside from the … But when the US spies on its own citizens, then we have a scandal.

https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/06/blowback_from_t.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA Spying Sparks Blowback From the ACLU, Tech Giants, and …

Jun 11, 2013 … While the majority of Americans aren’t terribly concerned about the NSA surveillance scandal, a few groups dedicated to preserving civil …

www.nymag.com/ daily/ intelligencer/ 2013/ 06/ nsa-blowback-from-aclu-tech-giants-and-europe.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Headlines of the day I: Spies, blowback, lies, more | eats shoots ‘n …

Nov 19, 2013 … EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding has met with US Attorney General Eric Holder to discuss the NSA spy scandal. EU citizens will be …

richardbrenneman.wordpress.com/ 2013/ 11/ 19/ headlines-of-the-day-i-spies-blowback-lies-more/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Spying Controversy Blowback, The Rebekah Brooks Trial and …

Oct 28, 2013 … Now that the entire planet knows that spy doors are embedded in every … the realization has created some additional secondary blowback for bad ….. http:// ridgecrest.blogspot.de/2007/04/feinstein-corruption-scandal.html.

boycotttesla.wordpress.com/2013/10/28/spying-controversy-blowback/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA Spying Scandal Roils US-EU Trade Negotiations | Mary Bottari

Nov 10, 2013 … The NSA spying scandal and revelations of mass surveillance in France, ….. Pretty dumb if they didn’t realize there would be blow back when it …

www.huffingtonpost.com/ mary-bottari/ us-eu-trade-negotiations_b_4251035.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Valerie Plame pens a spy novel about (surprise!) a covert CIA agent

Sep 19, 2013 … No, it’s “Blowback” — the upcoming spy novel by ex-undercover CIA agent … The scandal caused a huge uproar, Plame and Wilson briefly …

www.washingtonpost.com/ blogs/ reliable-source/ wp/ 2013/ 09/ 19/ valerie-plame-pens-a-spy-novel-about-surprise-a-covert-cia-agent/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA Blowback: German Minister Floats US Company Ban

Aug 5, 2013 … With the NSA spying scandal continuing to make headlines in Europe, the German Justice Minister, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, has …

www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/3051449/postsView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Australia’s Real Surveillance Scandal | The Global Mail

Dec 13, 2013 … The real privacy scandal in Australia is that over the past few decades, … These rules forbid DSD spying on Australians, as well as disseminating ….. And I said, “I can’t run your material, because if I do, it will blow back on you …

www.theglobalmail.org/ feature/ australias-real-surveillance-scandal/ 777/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA Scandal Goes Global: British Government Spied on G20 …

Jun 17, 2013 … The Guardian reveals broad and extensive spying on the 2009 G20 … While the Obama Administration has received some blowback from …

https://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/06/17-0View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Obama’s Planned Strike on Syria and the Problem of Blowback

Sep 8, 2013 … If Obama does attack Syria, this will produce blowback, yet is … and the Duplicity of Barack Obama · The NSA Spying Scandal: To Those …

www.dennisloo.com/ Articles/ obama-s-planned-strike-on-syria-and-the-problem-of-blowback.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

What we are learning – or should be – from the spying scandal

Jun 14, 2013 … Revelations about NSA spying on US communications should allow us to … This scandal should be a perfect “news peg” to help us connect the dots ….. we must suffer the blowback of having all our privacy, individually and …

www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/06/2013614192147195213.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Promisgate: World’s longest spy scandal still glossed over / Part I

Promisgate: World’s longest spy scandal still glossed over / Part I … But ” blowback” from the U.S. Government’s theft of PROMIS in 1982 soon turned into a series …

oraclesyndicate.twoday.net/stories/2726093/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Valerie Plame – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notable work(s), Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House …. Main articles: CIA leak grand jury investigation, Plame affair, and Plame affair …. The first book in the series, titled Blowback, will be released on October 1, 2013 …

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerie_PlameView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

No harm expected to joint asylum curbs | The Australian

Nov 20, 2013 … THE blowback from the spying scandal is unlikely to disrupt joint efforts between Australia and Indonesia to curb people-smuggling, former …

www.theaustralian.com.au/ national-affairs/ policy/ no-harm-expected-to-joint-asylum-curbs/ story-fn9hm1gu-1226763808345View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA spying could mean US tech companies lose international – CSO

Jun 19, 2013 … And that could cause some serious international blowback for the U.S., … “there are unintended consequences of the NSA scandal that will …

www.csoonline.com/ article/ 735134/ nsa-spying-could-mean-u.s.-tech-companies-lose-international-businessView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Ana Palacio on the most disturbing implication of the US spying …

Nov 5, 2013 … Two decades ago, geopolitical conditions limited blowback from … The current spying scandal is the product of a rudderless US foreign policy …

www.project-syndicate.org/ commentary/ ana-palacio-on-the-most-disturbing-implication-of-the-us-spying-scand alView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA Spying Is Freezing Cisco, Google And Other Companies Out of …

Nov 14, 2013 … This means that in reaction to the NSA scandal, countries all over the … Personally, I am already seeing strong blowback against Google in …

www.mayo615.com/ 2013/ 11/ 13/ nsa-spying-is-freezing-cisco-google-and-other-companies-out-of-trilli on-dollar-global-market/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Interview: Valerie Plame, Author Of ‘Blowback‘ : NPR

Sep 28, 2013 … In Blowback, Plame channels her expertise in nuclear … Plame confesses that there’s a lot of downtime in the life of a spy, but still, the CIA is …

www.npr.org/ 2013/ 09/ 28/ 226529040/ i-spy-valerie-plame-makes-her-fiction-debut-in-cia-thrillerView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Loveint: How NSA spies snooped on girlfriends, lovers, and first dates.

Sep 27, 2013 … At least six other similar LOVEINT cased were recorded by the NSA. One spy entered six email addresses used by an American ex-girlfriend …

www.slate.com/ blogs/ future_tense/ 2013/ 09/ 27/ loveint_how_nsa_spies_snooped_on_girlfriends_lovers_and_first_dates.h tmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA Officers Spy on Love Interests – Washington Wire – WSJ

Aug 23, 2013 … National Security Agency officers on several occasions have channeled their agency’s enormous eavesdropping power to spy on love interests, U.S. … If people are able to spy on their ex-spouses and only be found by …

blogs.wsj.com/ washwire/ 2013/ 08/ 23/ nsa-officers-sometimes-spy-on-love-interests/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA staff used spy tools on spouses, exlovers: watchdog | Reuters

Sep 27, 2013 … WASHINGTON (Reuters) – At least a dozen U.S. National Security Agency employees have been caught using secret government surveillance …

www.reuters.com/ article/ 2013/ 09/ 27/ us-usa-surveillance-watchdog-idUSBRE98Q14G20130927View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA Admits Workers Used Spying Tools To Snoop On Exes

Sep 27, 2013 … Grassley had asked the NSA internal watchdog to report on … for email addresses or try to snoop on phone calls of current or former lovers, …

www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/27/nsa-spying-exes_n_4002834.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA employees spied on their lovers using eavesdropping …

Aug 24, 2013 … NSA employees spied on their lovers using eavesdropping programme … Facebook users risk psychological damage spying on ex lovers.

www.telegraph.co.uk/ news/ worldnews/ northamerica/ usa/ 10263880/ NSA-employees-spiedon-their-lovers-using-eavesdropping-programme.htm lView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA: Some used spying power to snoop on lovers – CNN.com

Sep 27, 2013 … NSA officers spied on love interests …. are under fire after the disclosure of internal documents by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

www.cnn.com/2013/09/27/politics/nsa-snooping/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

LOVEINT: On his first day of work, NSA employee spied on ex

Sep 27, 2013 … New letter from NSA oversight to senator details 12 instances of … LOVEINT: On his first day of work, NSA employee spied on ex-girlfriend.

www.arstechnica.com/ tech-policy/ 2013/ 09/ loveint-on-his-first-day-of-work-nsa-employee-spiedonex-girlfriend/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

5 Americans who used NSA facilities to spy on lovers

Sep 27, 2013 … So the NSA sent Grassley a letter with details of the 12 LOVEINT … Man spies on his American ex-girlfriend, says he was just practicing. On his …

www.washingtonpost.com/ blogs/ the-switch/ wp/ 2013/ 09/ 27/ 5-americans-who-used-nsa-facilities-to-spy-onlovers/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA offers details on ‘LOVEINT’ (that’s spying on lovers, exes …

Sep 27, 2013 … NSA offers details on ‘LOVEINT’ (that’s spying on lovers, exes) … user of the NSA‘s system queried six e-mail addresses that belonged to his ex, …

news.cnet.com/ 8301-13578_3-57605051-38/ nsa-offers-details-on-loveint-thats-spying-onloversexes/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Naughty NSA Agents Spied On Lovers | TechCrunch

Aug 25, 2013 … Note to self: do not cheat on employees of the National Security Agency. The NSA is in more hot water after it was revealed that a few …

www.techcrunch.com/2013/08/25/naughty-nsa-agents-spiedonlovers/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Senator Bernie Sanders Asks NSA If It Spies On Congress | Zero …

Jan 3, 2014 … “Has the NSA spied, or is the NSA currently spying, on members of ….. POWER resides over, has been made possible by a finite resource- oil. … Nothing will ever be perfect, and those in power usually abuse their positions.

www.zerohedge.com/ news/ 2014-01-03/ senator-bernie-sanders-asks-nsa-if-it-spies-congressView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act – Wikipedia, the free …

The FISA resulted from extensive investigations by Senate Committees into the legality … of federal resources to spy on political and activist groups, which violates the Fourth ….. would ensure that the expanded capability would not be abused.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Intelligence_Surveillance_ActView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Senate backs controversial internet, phone spy programme …

Sep 19, 2013 … The Nigerian Senate, Wednesday, brushed aside public discontent with a secret … from several millions of Nigerians, a privilege many Nigerians fear will be abused. …. Human Resource Executive at Molete Baptist College.

www.premiumtimesng.com/ news/ 144915-senate-backs-controversial-internet-phone-spy-programme.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Senate investigation finds Homeland Security spying wasted billions …

Oct 4, 2012 … A Senate investigation finds the post-9/11 big government … spying wasted billions, watched citizens, abused civil liberties – but does nothing about it … Americans’ civil liberties and using vast resources for functions that have …

www.sott.net/ article/ 251956-Senate-investigation-finds-Homeland-Security-spying-wasted-bil lions-watched-citizens-abused-civil-liberties-but-does-nothing-about- itView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

NSA employees spied on significant others – CBS News

At least 12 employees abused spying powers in the last decade; all were … in the last decade, according to an inspector general’s report provided to Sen.

www.cbsnews.com/news/nsa-employees-spied-on-significant-others/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight