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  • Ben Affleck made a very interesting movie about how a fake movie studio was created to stage a massive Middle East spy operation in Iran. Is Sony a bigger version of that?

Ben Affleck made a very interesting movie about how a fake movie studio was created to stage a massive Middle East spy operation in Iran. Is Sony a bigger version of that?

Ben Affleck made a very interesting movie about how a fake movie studio was created to stage a massive Middle East spy operation in Iran. Is Sony a bigger version of that?


Mr. Aflleck’s movie depicts a daring spy mission, in Iran, which exploited the culpability of the public to tolerate a broader range of things when there is “Movie Studio Involved”.

Then we get the big ruckus with Sony. Wikileaks informs us that Sony is funding Israel and financing a political party. Other publications, and news journals, inform us that the Bin Laden take-down, a huge “spy thing”, didn’t even happen the way Sony showed in their DARK THIRTY movie, and that Sony was rigging the movie for PR bluster. Wikileaks even creates a logo, for their document leak, showing Sony’s movie Spiderman character pulling off his mask to reveal that he is a political operative.

Then Sony makes a movie that everybody knows will flip out North Korea, and it does, and then the biggest (known) corporate spy attack happens.

Then we see that Sony executives are deciding who gets into ivy league colleges and who hires who.

So, not much of this sounds like movie making. It sounds more like, you know: Spy Stuff.

Just as in Affleck’s movie, studio personnel can get any place by saying they are “Location scouting”, the proximity of “actors” doubles co-operation of agencies.

Sony may have been working a side gig as spies but, we can now see from their emails, these people were immature, petty, childish whiners who were horribly concerned about their ego’s, positions at the table in awards ceremonies and willing to back-stab anybody for personal power.

Not really the kind of folks you want representing your entire nation.

If Sony really is CIA-West Coast, they kinda suck at it. They can’t protect any data. They miss the boat on what the real American demographic is (See declining movie attendance). They are massively partisan and hyper sexist. They are an all male frat club of self-importance.

All this, we learn, by their own hand, in their own emails.

Memo to the CIA: The next time you pick a front operation like that, use SUNDANCE CHANNEL. They are actually cool. Sony seems to be a bunch of dicks.

A-    A-  Hollywood Reporter, Associate