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Susan Sarandon: ‘DNC is completely corrupt’

Susan Sarandon: ‘DNC is completely corrupt’


Actress Susan Sarandon on Thursday tore into the Democratic National Committee (DNC), calling it “completely corrupt.”

“After my experience in the primary, it’s very clear to me the DNC is gone,” she told CNN’s Carol Costello.


“Every superdelegate is a lobbyist. The way that the system is set up in terms of trying of having superdelegates — you could win a state and not get the delegates. It’s crazy.”

Sarandon backed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for the Democratic nomination. She said she still respects Sanders even though he endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

“Look, Bernie has said ‘don’t ever listen to me if I tell you how to vote,’ ” she said.

“What [Sanders] did is show people that they counted. He brought them hope. He’s supporting a lot of candidates. It’s very important to go and vote down the ticket.”

Sarandon predicted a surge in third-party support on Election Day, calling Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump “untrustable.”

“I think we’ve been voting the lesser of two evils for too long. The good news is everybody’s so frustrated that at least we’re awake.”

Sarandon on Monday endorsed Green Party nominee Jill Stein.

“It’s clear a third-party is necessary and viable at this time,” she said in a letter posted on Stein’s campaign website. “And this is the first step in accomplishing that end.”