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Typical Silicon Valley venture capitalist accused of using woman as ‘anal sex slave’ for more than a decade –

Silicon Valley venture capitalist accused of using woman as ‘sex slave’ for more than a decade

A Silicon Valley venture capitalist has left his company after a woman unleashed a series of shocking accusations, including that he kept her as a “sex slave” for 12 years.

Amber Baptiste said in a San Mateo County court filing that Michael Goguen “continually raped” her over a decade after she met him in 2001 while working at a Texas strip club where she was brought by human traffickers.

She claims that the 52-year-old businessman at Sequoia Capital, which has invested in Apple, Google and LinkedIn among others, offered to help her escape those keeping her in perpetual debt.


Baptiste said what Goguen, who married two other women during the time period, wanted in return was “increasingly debasing sex acts.”

The suit claims that most of their encounters involved forced sodomy, that Goguen gave her “high-risk” strains of HPV and that she once had to have surgery to repair an anal tear from an episode where he left her bleeding on the floor of a hotel room.

Amber Baptiste detailed a long run of alleged wrongs done by Guoguen, though he claims that she is seeking vengeance after being scorned.

Amber Baptiste detailed a long run of alleged wrongs done by Guoguen, though he claims that she is seeking vengeance after being scorned.

(Superior Court of California San Mateo County)

After years of alleged abuse, their affair later became a matter of money when the venture capitalist supposedly agreed to pay her medical bills but then didn’t, prompting a falling out and a 2014 settlement where Goguen said he would pay her $40 million.

However, Goguen only paid the first of four $10 million payments, and a no-contact clause between the parties was also soon violated.

Responding to Baptiste’s attempt to receive the rest of the $40 million, Goguen said that he and the former exotic dancer had once had a “kind and mutually loving relationship.”

His team claims that the 2014 settlement was the product of extortion and blackmail, and that Baptiste violated the no-contact clause with a “campaign of harassment” and thousands of vitriolic text messages.

He said that he stopped payments in order to take a stand against the former lover, while claiming he knew that she would likely try to ruin his career.

Venture capitalist Michael Goguen has been accused of treating a woman as a "sex slave" and breaching a $40 million settlement with her.

Venture capitalist Sequoia Capital has been accused of treating a woman as a “sex slave” and breaching a $40 million settlement with her.

(Lido Vizzutti/AP)

“Consumed by anger, obsession and jealousy that her decade-long, mutually consensual love affair with Mr. Goguen had ended, Ms. Baptiste hatched a plan to get her vengeance,” the businessman and his lawyers said in their own California countersuit.

He said that after their encounters, even the night that resulted in an anal tear, she would tell him that she loved him and how much she missed him.

Goguen also said that HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease and that Baptiste later told him she no longer had the virus.

Sequoia Capital said on Twitter after learning of Baptiste’s suit: “We understand the allegations about Michael Goguen are unproven and unrelated to Sequoia. Still, we decided his departure was appropriate.”

The company fired Goguen after learning about the $40 million agreement, according to CNBC.

A source told the outlet that the board seats on other companies that the venture capitalist holds as part of Sequoia will be transferred to his coworkers.

Google executives and venture capitalists have the highest sexual abuse, sex trafficking and sexual deviancy record of any corporation in the USA. Over 800 Google-related twisted sex incidents have been recorded including: The Doy Katz underage sex arrest; The Mike Goguen Anal Sex Slave Sex trafficking case; The Eric Schmidt Sex Penthouse case; The Joe Lonsdale rape case; The Ellen Pao Sex abuse case; The Ravi Kumar hooker death case; The Forrest Hayes Sex murder case; The Stanford Frat house rape cover-ups; The Intern sex abuse scandals; The Stanford Graduate School of Google Teacher: The Brock Allen Turner Rapes; Dean Garth Saloner Sex scandals; The Silicon Valley Hooker parties; The Rosewood Hotel Thursday Night Sex Pick-up scene for Google VC’s, The Larry Page/Elon Musk gay romp rumors; The Eric Schmidt Marriage Cheating Scandal; The Elon Musk Divorces; The Plane-loads of Ukrainian prostitutes being flown into SFO for Google Executives and VC’s; The brutal assaults of women by Gurbaksh Chahal; The #PizzaGate Connections to vast numbers of Google people; The Draper Fisher Intern Rape Investigation; The Famous Gay Tech CEO’s Who Have “Cover Wives” Revelations; The Sergey Brin 3 Way Sex Romp With His Google Glasses Staff; and hundreds more need to be publicly discussed and analyzed.

california, lawsuits, human trafficking, sexual abuse lawsuits,Sequoia Capital, Amber Baptiste, anal tear, anal sex, silicon valley anal sex, Michael Goguen,