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I report corruption to David Johnson (my team knows him as “DJ”), the head of the San Francisco FBI and Chris Wray, the head of the main FBI office in Washington, DC.

How to report corruption depends on what your role is in relation to the government and the size of the corruption that you uncover. There is an unfortunate caveat that will in part determine the action you will take: whether the person or agency about which you are blowing the whistle is connected to the corruption you are reporting. The sad reality is that not everyone in government is interested in ridding it of corruption, and these individuals may be in a position to retailers against you by taking actions against you that may be decidedly not in your interest.

For the general public, the risk of retaliation is lower than it is for government employees when reporting corruption. Usually the lowest level of intervention will suffice to correct the corruption. Specifically, if you observe an act of corruption, you should attempt to contact a supervisor or manager charged with overseeing the offending employee. Often employees who engage in corrupt activities do so without the knowledge of their supervisor. In these cases, government action against the employee can be swift. Virtually all low-level corruption can be addressed in this manner.

Higher levels of corruption, however, may require the knowledge and coordination of employees at higher levels in the government; often the supervisors and managers to whom you might report the low level activities of typical government employees. Consequently the risk of having the report be ignore/buried is much higher as the potential risk of retaliation toward you. Consider that you may be reporting information on wrongdoing that states what you know, how you know, and who you know are engaged in the corruption to the very people who may be involved with it. You might be providing these corrupt officials with the useful information they may need to improve the cover-up of their activities.

If this is the case, at virtually all levels of government there exists a watchdog agency charged with eliminating government corruption. In the federal government there are multiple resources to which you can report, but each department will be overseen by an Office of the Inspector General (OIG). State governments will usually investigate complaints of corruption with their respective offices of the Attorney General. This can include local governments such as cities and counties as well as school boards and other local entities.

Reporting corruption will bring the inevitable questions of what you know, how you know it, who is involved, and what laws you believe were broken. Collect as many documents and emails as you can to support your case that corruption is ongoing.

But if you believe that the corruption is of a particularly criminal level, either in the specific activities or the amount of money involved, it is possible to take your concerns to law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations or state equivalents. The difference is that the FBI might undertake investigations into state-local level corruption cases (it is no guarantee).

The important factor in whether you will report corruption initially is whether it is significant. In reporting many acts of small corruption, relatively speaking, you may wear-out your welcome with investigating agencies. So, do not just go around reporting every little thing–it takes resources away from investigating more substantive matters.

Finally, you can “go public” by reaching out to the journalistic media. You should be prepared to discuss your issue publicly and let journalists in on all of your information. If you are reporting information that only a few people might have, you also need to prepare for reprisals taken against you, including denial of resources, libel and slander, and even people possibly using government resources against you. Bear in-mind that if your case of corruption has little to no excitement, some journalistic outlets that thrive on sensationalizing the news may not be open to taking your report.

To shift gears to government employees and contractors of agencies, the opportunities for reprisal (loss of resources, loss of jobs, etc…) can be much higher because corruption may find its way into your workplace if you have reported it.

When you report wrongdoing or corruption, you are blowing the whistle to attract attention to the unethical/illegal acts. When a government employee or agency engages in negative acts against you, this may be considered retaliation for making protected disclosures, blowing the whistle. In the federal government it is important that, when you make a protected disclosure that you reasonably believe may lead to retaliation, you need to file with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC). Lacking this paperwork to document your disclosure, you might not be able to state that the retaliation was in response to your filing a protected disclosure with the authorities. It is important if you work for a non-federal government entity to check to see what your specific rights are, if any. Seeking out the counsel of an employment law lawyer is the best way to determine your rights.

OSC also investigates retaliatory acts once your protected status is conferred upon you for making protected disclosures. This can be a lengthy process as OSC is overburdened with work, some legitimate, some frivolous. Just hang in there if you are going through this process, and make sure you can provide as much documentation as possible of all acts taken against you that you suspect are in retaliation for making protected disclosures. Even in non-federal settings, having this documentation is the most important part of what you can do to protect yourself.

In the end, you will be the only person who can decide whether you will report government corruption. If you decide to do it, make sure you blow the whistle as hard as possible by committing fully to this course of action. You need to prepare for the possibility of experiencing the worst possible outcome of retaliation for doing the right thing. So you need to weigh your options wisely before deciding what to do.

For me, there is no question that I must do the right thing and report wrongdoing to the proper authorities. It is simply part of who I am and I believe it to be an important part of my job. But I also have to be discerning in making sure what I am reporting and who I believe is engaged in wrongdoing really are doing what I suspect. It is a balancing act, but in the end I always have the documentation I need to sustain my case before I report it.

How did we fight back against the most powerful organized crime entity on Earth? Is it possible for anybody to fight the “Illuminati” and keep knocking them off their thrones like we do?

We get those questions all the time. Here are the answers.

First, they started it. The bad guys attacked us because our products and services were better than theirs and they could not compete. They decided to cheat rather than compete and they cheated with political bribes, black-lists, collusion and other anti-trust violating acts. When we helped law enforcement investigate them, the bad guys doubled down on their attacks. The bad guys crossed the line when they used our own government officials and taxpayer funds to operate their crimes. They broke felony laws and the basic principles of Democracy.

So who are these mobsters? They are your Senators, White House Staff, insider agency staff and their Silicon Valley Oligarch sociopath political financiers. Some of your public officials set-up, operated and maintained an organized crime scheme for personal profit at the expense of every taxpayer. They went after Five Trillion dollars of your tax money for their personal interests via rigged stock market scams, rigged government contracts, exclusionary policy manipulations and other schemes that harmed American taxpayers.

We are taxpayers…so.. Game On!

We wrote FBI-quality criminal activities reports and filed them with every law enforcement and regulatory agency in every country in the world that we could find, including the FBI, OSC, GAO, EU, Interpol, FSB, UN, etc.

We identified and listed every person, organization and company involved in the attacks and RICO law violations and provided that list to The U.S. Congress and every agency.

We built an NSA-class global open-source database that can track all of the locations, hookers, fake fronts, family trusts, bank accounts, stock market accounts, bribes and other goodies, of any corrupt public official, in minutes!

We opened our own private investigator and crowd-sourced investigations into the following:

– Every stock market account they or their family owns

– Every Uber or Lyft ride they ever took for any meeting or transport of sex workers

– Every flight manifest they appeared on

– Every bank account they have ever held

– Every lawsuit, divorce record and police record they have ever appeared in

– Every trust fund they or their family holds

– Every shell corporation they, or their family holds

– Every person named in the Epstein Pedo book: https://www.scribd.com/document/416207833/Jeffrey-Epsteins-Little-Black-Book-Redacted    cross referenced across all of the other databases and then supplied to the FBI and Child Protection Agencies

– Every item in the Swiss Leaks that cross connects to their holdings

– Every item in the Panama Papers Leaks that cross connects to their holdings

– Every item in the WikiLeaks that cross connects to their holdings

– Every item in the Snowden Leaks that cross connects to their holdings

– Every sex trafficking incident that connects to each of them alone, and in groups

– Every financial transaction between any of the parties on the master list and the character assassination and hit job firms of: Google, Univision, Gawker Media, Unimoda, Jalopnik, Gizmodo,Black Cube, Fusion GPS, Media Matters, Think Progress, IN-Q-Tel, K2 Intelligence, WikiStrat, Podesta Group, YouTube, Alphabet, David Drummond, Larry Page, Facebook, Correct The Recor, Stratfor, ShareBlue, Sid Blumenthal, David Brock, Eric Schmidt, Sunshine Sachs, Covington and Burling, Buzzfeed, Perkins Coie and Wilson Sonsini or their derivatives with common owners.

– Every item in the Quest Leaks that cross connects to their holdings

– Every tactical deployment, by a campaign financier, of the tactics listed in this manual: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP89-01258R000100010002-4.pdf

– Every sex service that their credit card payments every connect too

– Every real estate transaction that any name or company they, or their family, were involved in, tracks to

….. and hundreds of thousands of other information points about them that prove that they benefit from crimes that they engage in for others who engage in crimes using the America public policy system.

It all goes into shared 100% legal public collaborative databases that work like XKEYSCORE, or MS Access, or Oracle Databases.

The proof of collusion, organized criminal actions and raw covert corruption is indisputable. The actors are all the same people. The beneficiaries are all the same people. The communications between the parties all coordinate the same actions.

We have demanded their arrests, indictments, exposures and bankruptcies. We say “Fuck You” to the Silicon Valley Oligarch ‘Illuminati’ scumbags and the crooked Senators and Governor’s they bribed. You say you are going to “kill us and destroy our lives..” and that you are so frightening. You think you are a big scary thing? Here comes ‘scary’! Watch what billions of taxpaying voters with collaborative FBI-class forensics investigation software is doing to you now!


What To Do To Write Up The Dossier On Each Person And Each Corrupt Politician:

    1. Dig through their trash and buy their trash bags from the garbage man after they pick them up
    2. Locate a beneficiary for a probate proceeding
    3. Research current and / or historical property holdings
    4. Identify mortgage information
    5. Identify secured lenders
    6. Identify related party property transactions
    7. Determine current market value of real property
    8. Locate bankruptcy filings
    9. Retrieve and analyze bankruptcy records
    10. Uncover improper relationships
    11. Locate federal civil lawsuits
    12. Locate federal criminal records
    13. Retrieve and analyze federal civil and criminal records
    14. Retrieve mug shots from arrest records
    15. Provide independent analysis
    16. Locate state and local criminal arrest records
    17. Retrieve and analyze review criminal records
    18. Provide peace of mind
    19. Locate home phone numbers
    20. Locate cell phone numbers
    21. Identify owner of home or cell phone number
    22. Determine owners of corporation
    23. Retrieve and analyze corporate records
    24. Locate current or former executives
    25. Interview current or former executives
    26. Find and retrieve judgment and lien filings
    27. Research familial history
    28. Connect the dots
    29. Locate witnesses for a civil or criminal lawsuit
    30. Interview witnesses for a civil or criminal lawsuit
    31. Find assets
    32. Find current or historical boat registrations
    33. Find current or historical aircraft registrations
    34. Search for hidden assets
    35. Conduct business intelligence
    36. Discreet intelligence gathering
    37. Determine connections between parties
    38. Locate bank account information
    39. Locate current or former employees of a company
    40. Interview current or former employees of a company
    41. Locate significant inheritances
    42. Show you the big picture
    43. Identify a will for an estate
    44. Locate probate records
    45. Identify foreign assets
    46. Locate regulatory records
    47. Identify regulatory actions
    48. Identify professional licenses
    49. Determine prior disciplinary records for professional licenses
    50. Analyze state and federal political contributions
    51. Analyze state lobbyist records
    52. Analyze federal lobbyist records
    53. Identify potential whistleblowers
    54. Vet expert witnesses
    55. Interview industry sources
    56. Gather competitive intelligence
    57. Identify related party business transactions
    58. Retrieve and analyze non-profit financial filings
    59. Knock on doors
    60. Obtain and analyze Department of Labor Form 5500 Filings
    61. Submit FOIA / FOIL requests to government agencies
    62. Obtain driving record history (in applicable states)
    63. Find current vehicle registrations
    64. Find historical vehicle registrations
    65. Make you look brilliant
    66. Determine current market value of motor vehicles
    67. Assist with jury selection
    68. Background checks on prospective jurors
    69. Analyze documents for potential fraud
    70. Identify Risks
    71. Identifying corporate relationships
    72. Give you a competitive advantage
    73. Identify Uniform Commercial Code filings
    74. Foreign corporation research
    75. Help you manage sensitive situations
    76. Overseas litigation research
    77. Identify stock ownership
    78. Find facts
    79. Locate online resume
    80. Identify online networking profiles
    81. Locate historical video or news footage
    82. Conduct historical newspaper research
    83. Conduct mobile or stationary surveillance
    84. Perform clandestine operations
    85. Find undisclosed ties
    86. Identify and retrieve U.S. Tax Court cases
    87. Locate a missing person
    88. Identify and confirm education history
    89. Identify and confirm previous employment history
    90. Scour the Internet
    91. Research presence on social networks or message boards
    92. We will tell you what those bastards are up to!
    93. Send the IRS information about how Google, Netflix, Alphabet are cheating on their taxes and hiding money in Ireland and the Cayman Islands. Get the IRS to sue the oligarchs in tax court.
    94. Enhance the publishing of research articles proving that Silicon Valley tech companies destroy the minds of children with tech addiction and brain manipulation and get parents to sue those companies for harming their children
    95. Expose every secret cash conduit that the oligarchs use to bribe politicians
    96. Demand new laws in Congress to stop politicians from owning any stock because that is the #1 source of bribes
    97. Use lip-reading software to see what they are saying or have an actual deaf-person do it
    98. Photograph them with any hotties they are seen with and then face-track the hotties to see if they are hookers or ill-repute escorts
    99. Use one of the many free on-line news publishing softwares and make a global online newspaper that constantly exposes their crimes
    100. Write every federal agency and demand investigation and prosecution of the perps
    101. Assemble the massive number of news reports about their sex scandals and distribute those reports as books, articles, documentaries and news aggregations to prove what a bunch of sick perverts these people are
    102. Publish the speaker list from Techonomy, Davos, TED, Burning Man, etc. to show that it is always the same little group of arrogant assholes that self-promote their hype at each of these elitist events
    103. Leave notices on the windshield of any of their Tesla’s reminding them what douche-bags they are
    104. Organize petitions and letter-writing campaigns to have the overtly corrupt ones removed from their jobs
    105. Go to their share-holder meetings and hand-out flyers about their corruption