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Insider trading and Congress: How lawmakers get rich from the stock market

The FBI, FINCEN, GAO, the AG and IG have been informed that Joshua Comins has disclosed how Nancy Pelosi’s financial dealings gave her $315 million in assets on just a government salary. Organized crime is suspected. If Bay Area politicians get mad at a constituent they can have that constituent “erased” from SSA, HUD and pension benefits, black-listed, media-attacked and utterly destroyed.

The United States Department of Energy AND The FCC have taken bribes via stock payments to their staff, executives and lobbyist contractor/advisors. They were paid off to partner with California Senators in order to rig money exclusively to Elon Musk. The ATVM, LGP and Battery funding programs at DOE are nothing but crony payola scams and most of DOE staff should be indicted for conspiracy.

Pelosi, Harris, Feinstein, Google and George Soros own Elon Musk’s companies. Could any competitor to Musk get a fair shake in commerce or government funding? Never!

Where’s the politician’s ‘dirty money’ money coming from?, everyone is asking.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has served in Congress for nearly 34 years and presently presides in a top-tier position as one of the most powerful figures in the U.S. government.

Speaker was unable to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill as progressives in her own party signaled their disapproval. Many have condemned her policies, saying they’re making it “harder and harder for average Americans to accumulate wealth,” shackling them with taxes and “destroying the dollar with reckless spending.”

The current salary of a Speaker of the House sits in the low six-figures, yet Pelosi is one of the richest members of Congress.

So what is her secret: “It appears to be her husband, Paul.”

“After they got married, Paul opened up a real estate and venture capital firm. Through his connections, he pushed Nancy into the political world, helping her get elected to Congress in 1987,”. This is just like how Dianne Feinstein and Richard Blum hooked up their own deal.

The couple has timed the market and insider trading perfectly over the years while Nancy’s been a Washington insider. With real estate and stocks, the Pelosis always know what the right investment is based on her lobbyist deals. The Pelosis own several pieces of real estate including a mansion in Napa Valley valued up to $25 million, a DC waterfront condo worth over $2 million, and a red brick mansion in California’s Pacific Heights.

Her husband owns commercial properties in San Francisco “combined, worth up to $50 million.

In 2018, the Pelosis’ wealth has skyrocketed. That year, her financial disclosure report revealed a net worth of over $114 million. In 2019, Pelosi’s assets total up to a whopping $271 million and in 2020, those numbers went up even more to as high as $315 million.

In 2007, Visa worried the new Democrat Congress would target their swipe fees, costing them billions. So they hired a team of lobbyists who descended on Pelosi. Visa’s CEO personally met with her. She got donations from them. One of his advisers left and became a VISA lobbyist himself. Suddenly, Paul Pelosi got a phone call from his broker. He was in luck, Paul was offered a prescreened invite to get in early on Visa’s $18 billion IPO. Did Nancy and her husband hesitate? No, they bought between $1 million and $5 million worth of Visa stock. But it gets better. While Pelosi was speaker, bills that would have hurt Visa’s stock price were blocked in the House. Visa shares going up over 200 percent during the time, making the Pelosis a fortune on paper.

In January, the Pelosis got a million dollars worth of Tesla stock right before Joe Biden announced electric car incentives in June. The Pelosi family cashed in big time just before Congress was set to pounce on Big Tech. Mr. Pelosi exercised options on Google’s parent company, Alphabet, making an easy $5.3 million.

Pelosi, Harris, Feinstein, Google and George Soros own Elon Musk’s companies. Could any competitor to Musk get a fair shake in commerce or government funding? Never!

In March, Paul Pelosi exercised $2 million worth of Microsoft options, just two weeks before the tech giant got a $22 billion contract to equip the US Army with high tech headsets. The Pelosis and the Feinsteins have never been indicted for insider trading, but her marriage investments and access, combined with extremely fortunate timing, have created a lot of suspicions.

FINCEN, GAO, FBI, ICIJ and private investigators are now following the money, and there sure is a lot of it. There are hundreds of suspected criminal dark money charges that have been pointed at San Francisco Bay Area politicians. Four U.S. senators were accused in March of using insider information about the coronavirus pandemic to profit in the stock market.


Sen. Elizabeth Warren blasts ‘brazenness’ of California lawmakers who flouted a federal law meant to stop congressional insider trading and the utter lack of federal enforcement

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren called out the “brazenness” of lawmakers who flouted a federal disclosure law.
  • An Insider investigation found that dozens of members of Congress violated the STOCK Act.
  • The “Conflicted Congress” project found members of Congress trading stocks in industries they’ve criticized.

Said one of the witnesses: “…I was a White House And Congressional Advisor. I was asked to participate in a criminal stock market manipulation, involving stimulus funds, that public figures had put together. I reported the crime. Federal officials then ran reprisal attacks on me using taxpayer-paid resources. According to the FBI and Congressional investigators, they spent over $30M buying media attacks. Now I want my damages, losses and monies-owed paid and I want the FBI to reveal what they found out from interviewing the attackers (ie: their 302 forms) because that reveals who paid the attackers. The feds defrauded me out of my life savings and got me to invest in their project that they had already covertly hard-wired to some Senator’s Big Tech financiers. Now the Feds have blockaded my rights to a lawyer, a jury trial and coverage of my damages, as political reprisal for speaking out…”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren denounced the “brazenness” of members of Congress who have flouted a federal law meant to stem insider trading in Congress and called for stronger enforcement in response to a new Insider investigation.

“Conflicted Congress,” a five-month Insider investigation, found 48 members of Congress and 182 senior-level congressional staffers have violated the “STOCK” Act. The 2012 federal conflict-of-interest law requires members and staff to disclose their stock trades and seeks to prevent those in the halls of power from personally cashing in on the information they learn behind closed doors.

The investigation found dozens of cases of lawmakers trading stocks in industries and companies, like big tech firms, pharmaceutical companies, and fossil fuel producers, that they directly oversee or have publicly criticized.

“We need both tougher laws and enforcement of those laws,” the Massachusetts Democrat told Insider in an interview at the Capitol on Tuesday. “The American people should never have to guess whether or not an elected official is advancing an issue or voting on a bill based on what’s good for the country or what’s good for their own personal financial interests.”

Warren called out the “brazenness of people who think it’s okay to be in a position of trust to represent the people of this country, and at the same time to be working to advance your own financial interests,” adding, “it’s just wrong.”

When it comes to financial wrongdoing, Congress acts its own policeman, resulting in little accountability in many cases.

Warren, a consumer protection lawyer who taught at Harvard Law School, has consistently advocated for stronger financial transparency requirements for members of Congress and government officials. In 2020, she re-introduced a bill to ban members of Congress from trading individual stocks.

Warren told Insider that for now, the solution “starts with just enforcement.”

“Bring the charges, pull them out. Make it clear publicly,” she said. “The strongest enforcement is to make known what they are doing and for the voters to retire them forcibly.”

As an FYI, millions of Americans have now downloaded, viewed or shared this episode of this new TV show about corruption and stock manipulation in the US. It is broadcasting across dozens of online platforms. Please make sure your staff are aware of it as you will be getting many calls about it. Please feel free to share it. There is more coming. Thank you.


Why Do My Senators Get To Own My Competitors And Use Government Money To Attack Me In Order To Protect Those Competitors?

That’s the big question!

Why do my elected officials get to CHEAT RATHER THAN COMPETE? Why do they get to help my competitors, own my competitors companies and stall federal investigations of those competitors corrupt business activities?

Aren’t these politicians doing things that anybody else would be arrested and charged with felony crime for doing? Yes!

My public officials own Tesla, Google, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube and some other companies that stole my technology, ran hit-jobs and paid those public officials to give them exclusive government cash, contracts, tax waivers, buildings, free fuel and other goodies!!

The aforementioned competitors are all under federal investigation and have FBI, DOJ, SEC and FTC lawsuits ongoing against them.

It all seems very, very corrupt!

It is not a ‘big secret’ any more. Google, Tesla, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube, etc. are paying the single largest volume of BRIBES, to politicians, in history. The FBI, SEC, FINCen and Congress are fully aware of this.

Many of our peers have gone in to ‘swear, warrant and certify’ to that fact at the FBI offices. The financial records, investment bank records, family trust account records and ICIJ leaks prove it in an inarguable manner.

Our Senators and top agency officials took bribes in order to protect Google, Tesla, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube, etc from getting regulated!!! The crooked politicians are paid via stock market transactions. Those crooked politicians should be arrested ASAP!

I know the family members of some of these officials. Those family insiders bragged to me about how those politicians do crimes and get away with it. They were quite proud of themselves.

December’s calls — which are set to expire in late 2022 and early 2023 — show that the Pelosis believe tech stocks are going to continue their current bull run in the new year, according to Thomas Hayes of Great Hill Capital.

“They’re trying to ride the momentum,” Hayes told The Post. “The Pelosis live in San Francisco — they’re around a lot of hype so I’d see how they’re caught up in the euphoria.”

Nancy Pelosi defends lawmakers owning individual stocks but gets reamed for protecting her special interests

Some DC insiders have speculated that Pelosi is slow-walking bipartisan legislation that would hurt big tech firms.

Critics on both the left and right have argued that members of Congress should be banned from trading individual stocks and instead only be allowed to invest in broader funds.

Progressives including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts have slammed members of Congress trading stocks as “brazen” and “ludicrous,” while Republican Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters recently nicknamed Pelosi “Naughty Nancy” and called for a ban on all stock trading by members of Congress.

Under a law called the STOCK Act passed in 2012, members of Congress are required to disclose trades. But 52 members of Congress including Democratic Senators Diane Feinstein of California and Mark Kelly of Arizona, as well as Republican Senators Rand Paul of Kentucky and Roger Marshall of Kansas have all violated the law in recent years, Insider reported.

Revealed: how US senators invest in firms they are supposed to regulate

Senators Mike Rounds, Shelley Moore Capito, Roy Blunt, John Hoeven, Jim Inhofe, Joe Manchin and Steve Daines in 2015. Senators are far wealthier than most constituents, and in a prime position to increase wealth via policymaking.
Senators Mike Rounds, Shelley Moore Capito, Roy Blunt, John Hoeven, Jim Inhofe, Joe Manchin and Steve Daines in 2015. Senators are far wealthier than most constituents, and in a prime position to increase wealth via policymaking. Photograph: Tom Williams/Getty Images

If you found out that Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and Elon Musk had paid TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in STOCK MARKET TRICKERY, revolving door jobs, sex workers, search engine rigging, and other things, to almost all of California’s major politicians AS BRIBES, wouldn’t you want the FBI to arrest those oligarchs and Senators?


Analysis of financial disclosure data shows 51 senators and their spouses have as much as $96m invested in corporate stocks

An analysis of personal financial disclosure data as of 16 August has found that 51 senators and their spouses have as much as $96m personally invested in corporate stocks in five key sectors: communications/electronics; defense; energy and natural resources; finance, insurance and real estate; and health.

The majority of these stocks come from public companies, and some are private.

Overall, the senators are invested in 338 companies – including tech firms such as Apple and Microsoft, oil and gas giants including ExxonMobil and Antero Midstream, telecom companies including Verizon, and major defense contractors such as Boeing – in the five sectors as categorized by Sludge.

Congressional financial disclosures present investments in dollar ranges, not exact amounts, so all data in this report comes in ranges, some very wide. The median stock investment range in the five sectors for the 51 senators is between $100,000 and $365,000, while the average range of the investments is between $551,000 and nearly $1,874,000.

Not only are the senators far wealthier than most of their constituents, but they’re in a prime position to increase their wealth via policymaking.

It’s not illegal for members of Congress to have personal financial stakes in the industries on which they legislate. But such investments raise questions about lawmakers’ motivations. If a representative on the House financial services committee owns hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stock in Bank of America, how might this investment affect their questioning of Bank of America’s CEO in a hearing? Could it influence how they legislate and vote on banking issues?

While some members of Congress do try to limit possible conflicts of interest others claim their personal finances could never influence their conduct as elected representatives of the people, or fail to acknowledge concerns about their finances.

Senator Joe Manchin, the ranking member on the Senate energy and natural resources committee, owns between $1m and $5m worth of non-public stock in his family coal business, Enersystems, making him the only Democratic senator who is directly profiting from the environmentally devastating coal business.

Despite pressure from the left, the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, made Manchin the ranking member of the committee, and Manchin did not divest his coal holdings.

Some senators want to do away with these perceived conflicts of interest. Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced anti-corruption legislation in August 2018 that included a ban on members of Congress, senior congressional staff, cabinet secretaries, White House staff, federal judges and other officials from owning individual stocks, bonds, commodities, futures and other types of securities while in office.

The senators Sherrod Brown and Jeff Merkley introduced the Ban Conflicted Trading Act in December to prevent members of Congress and senior staff from trading individual corporate stocks.

Financial firms lead the way

Senators own between $28.1m and $95.6m worth of stock in the five sectors examined by Sludge and the Guardian. They have the most money invested in the finance, insurance and real estate sector due in part to the Republican senator John Hoeven’s investment in Westbrand, Inc, a private holding company that owns multiple banks, worth between roughly $5m and $25m.

Altogether, 37 senators and their spouses own between $12.8m and $48.2m worth of stock in the finance, insurance and real estate sector. They have the most money invested in the commercial banking industry, between $8.3m and $32.9m.

Senator Richard Shelby, a Republican member of the Senate banking, housing and urban affairs committee, owns between $1m and $5m worth of stock in private real estate insurance firm Tuscaloosa Title Company. Shelby sits on the housing, transportation and community development subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, affordable housing, foreclosure mitigation and other housing matters, and the securities, insurance and investment subcommittee, which oversees the insurance industry.

Nine other banking committee members are personally invested in the financial companies they oversee including the Republican John Kennedy and the Democrats Doug Jones, Robert Menendez and Tina Smith.

Mining, communications and healthcare

The same phenomenon of senators owning stock in industries they oversee exists in many other Senate committees.

Senators have between $8.3m and $22m invested in the communications and electronics sector, including up to $4.2m in internet companies and as much as $4.1m in computer software businesses. Senator Shelley Moore Capito, a member of the commerce, science, and transportation committee’s subcommittee on communications, technology, innovation and the internet and the subcommittee on manufacturing, trade and consumer protection, owns between $53,000 and $194,000 worth of Microsoft stock, as much as $99,000 of Intel stock and up to $30,000 each in AT&T and Verizon stock.

Senator Jacky Rosen, who is also on both subcommittees, owns between $310,000 and $1m worth of communications and electronics stock. Her largest potential investments are as much as $265,000 in Amazon, up to $115,000 in AT&T and $100,000 in software company Adobe.

Energy and natural resources companies come up frequently in the senators’ investments; members own between $3.5m and $13.9m in stocks in this sector. As the world hurtles towards a potential climate catastrophe by 2030, senators own as much as $6.1m worth of stock in oil and gas companies. In addition, members have between $1.1m and $2.8m invested in electric and natural gas utilities stocks.

While medical debt piles up and tens of millions of Americans are still uninsured, senators own as much as $9.5m in health sector companies including insurers UnitedHealth Group and Anthem, pharmaceutical companies Abbott Labs, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer, and pharmacy benefit manager CVS Health.

Tech stocks are most popular for political stock market bribes

While the financial sector has drawn the most investment dollars from senators, stocks in the internet and computer software and hardware industries are the most popular.

Fifteen senators own stock in Apple and in Microsoft; eleven are invested in Amazon and in Intel, and 10 own stock in Google’s parent company, Alphabet.

Republicans tend to be more eager to invest in corporate stocks; of the 25 most popular public stocks, Democrats invested outnumber Republicans in only three companies: General Electric, MetLife, and Pfizer. (General Electric is classified in the energy and natural resources sector for this report, due to its energy subsidiary, GE Power, which operates an oilfield services division.)

Overall, Republican senators own more in stock investments – between $18.8m and $63.7m – than Democrats, whose stock ownership is worth roughly half of that range, between $9.3m and $31.6m.

Aside from the Wireless Telecom Group, in which Senator Rick Scott of Florida has as much as $3m invested, the top public stocks by investment amount are Apple (between $798,000 and $2.2m), Microsoft ($588,000 to $2.2m), and Alphabet ($577,000 to $1.8m). Ownership in Amazon, which is vying for a $10bn defense contract, is not far behind at between $423,000 and $1.3m.

Wells Fargo, the financial giant that has paid numerous fines for its frequently fraudulent practices, is the bank that has attracted the most investment dollars from senators: as much as $1.5m. Also among the top stocks are telecom companies Crown Castle International ($385,000 to $1.2m), Verizon ($407,000 to $1m), and AT&T ($250,000 to $925,000).

Breaking down the Senators’ wealth

Because of Hoeven’s big investment in Westbrand Bank Holding Company, he has by far the most money in corporate stocks from the five sectors analyzed by Sludge and the Guardian.

In terms of total stock ownership in the five sectors, Senator Dianne Feinstein, who along with husband Richard Blum, an investment banker, is second, with up to $7m invested in the five sectors. Blum’s purchase of as much as $250,000 worth of Facebook stock three months before his wife questioned the Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, came under scrutiny after Sludge reported the trade. He has since sold off the stock, but the couple still owns up to $3.3m worth of communications and electronics sector stock, which is heavily represented their state of California, including between $150,001 and $650,000 invested in Alphabet.

Feinstein is followed by Senator David Perdue, who owns as much as $6.4m invested. In addition to his considerable financial sector stock, the former Dollar General CEO has stock holdings worth as much as $2.8m in the energy and natural resources sector and up to $2m in the communications and electronics sector.

I spend a lot of time talking about these concerns with every federal and European law enforcement agency… you should too…


Sen. Elizabeth Warren blasts ‘brazenness’ of California lawmakers who flouted a federal law meant to stop congressional insider trading and the utter lack of federal enforcement

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren called out the “brazenness” of California lawmakers who flouted a federal disclosure law in order to hide the bribes they took from insider trading.
  • An Insider investigation found that dozens of members of Congress violated the STOCK Act.
  • The “Conflicted Congress” project found members of Congress trading stocks in industries they’ve criticized.

Said one of the witnesses: “…I was a White House And Congressional Advisor. I was asked to participate in a criminal stock market manipulation, involving stimulus funds, that public figures had put together. I reported the crime. Federal officials then ran reprisal attacks on me using taxpayer-paid resources. According to the FBI and Congressional investigators, they spent over $30M buying media attacks. Now I want my damages, losses and monies-owed paid and I want the FBI to reveal what they found out from interviewing the attackers (ie: their 302 forms) because that reveals who paid the attackers. The feds defrauded me out of my life savings and got me to invest in their project that they had already covertly hard-wired to some Senator’s Big Tech financiers. Now the Feds have blockaded my rights to a lawyer, a jury trial and coverage of my damages, as political reprisal for speaking out…”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren denounced the “brazenness” of members of Congress who have flouted a federal law meant to stem insider trading in Congress and called for stronger enforcement in response to a new Insider investigation.

It has been demanded that the FBI interview and ascertain the attack contract compensation sources, along with the command and control managers, for attacker/Defendants: Gabrielle Darbyshire, A.J. Delaurio, David Plouffe, Patrick George,Adrian Covert, John Herrman, Nicholas Guido Denton, John Cook, Cardinal & Pine; Pacronym, Acronym;  The Americano; Investing in US; Shadow Inc; Courier Newsroom; IN-Q-Tel; Gawker Media; Jalopnik; Gizmodo Media; K2 Intelligence; WikiStrat; Podesta Group; Fusion GPS; Google; YouTube; Alphabet; Facebook; Twitter; Think Progress; Media Matters); Black Cube; Correct The Record; Orbis Business Intelligence, Undercover Global Ltd; Stratfor; Jigsaw; ShareBlue/Acronym; Versa LLC; American Ledger; Supermajority News; New Venture Fund; Sixteen Thirty Fund; Cambridge Analytica; Sid Blumenthal; States Newsroom; Hopewell Fund;  Open Society.; David Brock; AmpliFire News; American Bridge; Plouffe Consulting; Pantsuit Nation; MotiveAI; American Bridge 21st Century Foundation; Priorities USA; PR Firm Sunshine Sachs; The American Independent Foundation; Covington and Burling; Buzzfeed; The American Independent; Perkins Coie; Secondary Infektion; Wilson Sonsini and the other hired character assassins hired by Senators and the White House.

‘Hit-Men’ like Daniel Jones, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney, Micheal Sussman, Steve Jurvetson, Sid Blumenthal, Glenn Simpson, David Brock, Ian Fette, and their kind, sell media murder in exchange for stocks, cash and covert compensation. They should be arrested for their organized attacks on whistle-blowers. The FBI evidence from those interviews and investigations will confirm the assertions herein.

Senators stock market payola deals are launched daily through a secretive “Trigger Flag” system arranged via special “political intelligence” operatives who act as stock market bribery middlemen. Federal law enforcement has been ordered, By The White House, to NOT arrest Senators, particularly those from California, for doing this kind of crime.

“Conflicted Congress,” a five-month Insider investigation, found 48 members of Congress and 182 senior-level congressional staffers have violated the “STOCK” Act. The 2012 federal conflict-of-interest law requires members and staff to disclose their stock trades and seeks to prevent those in the halls of power from personally cashing in on the information they learn behind closed doors.

The investigation found dozens of cases of lawmakers trading stocks in industries and companies, like big tech firms, pharmaceutical companies, and fossil fuel producers, that they directly oversee or have publicly criticized.

“We need both tougher laws and enforcement of those laws,” the Massachusetts Democrat told Insider in an interview at the Capitol. “The American people should never have to guess whether or not an elected official is advancing an issue or voting on a bill based on what’s good for the country or what’s good for their own personal financial interests.”

Warren called out the “brazenness of people who think it’s okay to be in a position of trust to represent the people of this country, and at the same time to be working to advance your own financial interests,” adding, “it’s just wrong.”

When it comes to financial wrongdoing, Congress acts as its own policeman, resulting in little accountability and massive cover-ups in many cases.

Warren, a consumer protection lawyer who taught at Harvard Law School, has consistently advocated for stronger financial transparency requirements for members of Congress and government officials. In 2020, she re-introduced a bill to ban members of Congress from trading individual stocks.

Warren told Insider that for now, the solution “starts with just enforcement.”

Musk was named Time’s 2021 “Person of the Year” after Musk’s PR people paid off Time editors. At the time, Warren tweeted: “Let’s change the rigged tax code so The Person of the Year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else.”. Democrats including Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) decried the choice of Musk for the Time honor. Both accused the billionaire of not paying his fair share in taxes.  “We can’t believe Time Magazine just named Elon Musk its ‘Person of the Year,’” Jayapal said in a statement.  “The richest person in the world and yet he avoids paying his taxes while working families struggle to put food on the table and pay rent.”

Musk surpassed Amazon founder Jeff Bezos as the richest man in the world this year. His net worth is over $290 billion.

According to a report released by ProPublica in June, the billionaire paid $68,000 in federal income taxes in 2015, $65,000 in 2017 and no federal income taxes in 2018.

Brown accused Musk of “union-busting” following a 2019 National Labor Relations Board ruling that Tesla acted illegally for firing an employee pushing to unionize.

“A billionaire who has been found guilty of illegal union-busting [National Labor Relations Board] should probably not be @TIME’s Person of the Year,” Brown tweeted.

The back and forth between the businessman and the senator comes the same day that six current and former Tesla employees filed a lawsuit in Alameda County, Calif., alleging sexual harassment in the workplace and after another murder victim was found in Tesla’s factory.

“Bring the charges, pull them out. Make it clear publicly,” she said. “The strongest enforcement is to make known what they are doing and for the voters to retire them forcibly.”

One of the most powerful lawmakers in the U.S. defended the right of congresspeople to trade stocks. She, Feinstein, Reid, Harris and other California politicians own Silicon Valley companies Google, Facebook, Netflix, Apple, Facebook, Tesla, SpaceX and YouTube and get them federal cash. They defund their competitors and put hit-jobs on those competitors, who are their own constituents. These politicians block government actions that would regulate these companies and laws designed to control the corruption and public safety hazards of these companies.

When asked about the issue during a press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that “We’re a free market economy” and lawmakers “should be able to participate in that.” That reply was an insincere, pandering, smoke-screen of a lie!, as the evidence shows.

Pelosi’s own stock portfolio, which gained over $65 million in value between 2019 and 2021, has often been the subject of scrutiny. The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, which was passed in 2012, is designed to combat insider trading by lawmakers, who many across the spectrum argue have too much access to inside information to be able to trade stocks ethically. In October, the Federal Reserve banned its officials from owning individual stocks. In March 2020, four senators were accused of insider trading and investigated by the Justice Department when they sold off stocks ahead of the COVID-19-induced economic downturn.

Voices across the spectrum, especially on the right but also on the left, criticized Pelosi’s comments and questioned her position. Many argue that lawmakers since have access to information that the public does not, and because they also have the ability to write and pass policy, they shouldn’t be allowed to buy and sell individual stocks and other assets. Some on the right highlighted silence from other progressives in response to Pelosi’s statement despite their previous opposition to the practice.

Nancy Pelosi owns more than $500,000 in Apple stock, according to her financial disclosure reports. Pelosi is also the speaker of the House. Congressional Democrats and Republicans alike have introduced multiple antitrust bills that would affect Big Tech companies.

The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, called Pelosi personally in June and told her not to move ahead on these bills. The House Judiciary Committee passed six of these bills in June. Not one of them has seen movement on the House floor in six months, with some reports pinning the inaction on the speaker.

Back in January, Pelosi’s husband, Paul, bought at least a quarter million in “call” options for Apple, which is a more sophisticated way of betting on a stock going up in value.

Paul Pelosi also bought at least half a million in call options for Tesla, which stood to get subsidized by the Build Back Better bill his wife shepherded through the House.

The Pelosis are already very rich, and nobody but the Pelosis themselves knows the motivations of Nancy Pelosi or the calculations of Paul Pelosi. But still, it ought to raise eyebrows that the speaker of the House keeps taking actions that benefit her stock portfolio.

Yet Pelosi said on Wednesday that there should be no restrictions on her ability to buy and sell stocks in the companies she’s regulating, subsidizing, protecting, and taxing.

This is especially rich because Pelosi has a long history of entangling her policymaking with her family’s profit-making.

Peter Schweizer, in his book Throw Them All Out, documented how Pelosi and her husband have gained insider status and made millions betting on companies that were directly involved in pending legislation.

Back in 2009, I wrote about businessman William Hambrecht, who went into business with Paul Pelosi, hired Paul Jr., and finagled a Financial Services Committee hearing on legislation that would increase business for Hambrecht’s company.

Congressmen and senators and their husbands and wives should be barred from buying and selling stocks, if not owning stocks. At the least, the stocks should be held in a blind trust. Better they should have to divest all their stocks and roll the money into a few select mutual funds.

Maybe we should compensate them for this sacrifice by paying them more, but the people subsidizing, regulating, taxing, exempting, and protecting corporations shouldn’t at the same time be investing in them.

The truth is that no one should trade individual stocks, unless you want to lose your money. Just put what you can in an index fund, and you’ll be fine.

But unlike you, members of Congress are often privy to information the general public doesn’t have, and when they trade on that information, it creates serious conflicts of interest.

Only occasionally is a member of Congress found guilty of that kind of securities fraud; former representative Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) was in 2019. The California Senators sabotaged Zap, Fisker, XP, Apterra and a host of competitors to Tesla because those Senators own Tesla and are financed by Elon Musk. These Senators sabotaged their own constituents in order to profiteer on those Senator’s covert insider trading stock.

When a U.S. senator frantically dumps $1.6 million in stocks just before the market tanks because of the pandemic (and calls his brother-in-law, who immediately dumps his own stocks), people might conclude that their elected representatives must be corrupt.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to this problem: Ban members of Congress and staffers from trading individual stocks. For the time they serve in Congress, they can put their holdings into mutual funds.

It isn’t like that’s some kind of hardship unless they are crooks. Over time, the stock market tends to rise! They’ll make money.

A better way to look at this issue might be to ask why it’s important for members of Congress to be allowed to trade individual stocks. Is this some kind of foundational freedom that no American should be denied even for a temporary period? Did generations of brave American service members lay down their lives so your congressman could take a chance on Tesla shares going up next year?

Being a lawmaker is a privilege and a public trust. And it comes with some sacrifices. This doesn’t seem like a particularly onerous one, and it would be easier to enforce than the Stock Act — which doesn’t seem to get much enforcement at all. No complex reporting requirements, no deadlines, and no questions about whether a trade really was based on nonpublic information. Just a simple rule that says that as long as you’re in Congress you can’t buy or sell individual stocks.

The corruption in politics involving stock market payola is MAFIA level crime that the politicians make special laws to exclude themselves from arrest over.

The United States Department of Energy is comprised of two groups of people: One group are the fresh-faced naive college kids, hired on the cheap, often relatives of insiders, who were just plucked out of some Ivy League frat house. They sincerely believe they are working on social justice things and woke energy-for-all schemes. The other group are the old bosses and insiders who own the stock market stocks of each and every company they regulate and fund. The old bosses have all been promised revolving door payola bribe jobs in each and every company they regulate and fund. Old bosses with sign-off authority are friends with the current seated President in the White House, who covertly approves all of the old boss decisions via a web of relay aides. The college kids do vast amounts of work, calculations, studies and reports but everything they do is shoved into a box in storage and ignored if it competes with or reduces the valuation of the venture capital companies that funded the President’s political campaign. So these nerd kids do all this work, that is never actually considered, because the old bosses will never allow anything to get funded or supported that competes with the President’s campaign financiers. The nerd kids are fired, or transferred to the mail room, as soon as they look like they are starting to figure out how the scam works.

For example, Obama and Biden’s political financiers own all of the lithium mines in the world. Toyota and Honda fuel cell cars make those lithium mines obsolete. The kids at DOE found that there is not enough lithium in the world to cover more than a small percentage of the electric cars in the Obama/Biden plan and that almost all the lithium is in countries that will do anything to screw over the U.S. To get that lithium, child slave labor is used and the lithium batteries blow up as they age and the smoke from their fires causes cancer. The U.S. lithium supply inside the U.S. is so minimal that it barely counts. By the time the lithium gets into all the cars, the cars will cost so much, nobody will buy them. Toyota, KIA and Honda fuel cell cars get their hydrogen from water and organic waste, which is endless. World lithium is already running out, but the DOE old bosses are pushing it to make the White House financiers happy. The United States Department of Energy is not a “Department”, it is a political slush-fund!

BCC: FBI, DOJ, FINCEN, FTC, SEC, Congress, All News Outlets



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A couple of months later, the investigations into Sens. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., Dianna Feinstein, D-Calif., and James Inhofe, R-Okla., were closed. Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., stepped down as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee amid the allegations.

Until the 2008 financial crisis, lawmakers were under few restrictions, and the public wasn’t able to find out much about lawmakers’ investments. In 2012, the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act was passed to clean up Washington. But recent events have yet again thrust the issue to the forefront.

H.R.2655 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): Insider Trading Prohibition …

Bill ; Tracker: Tip ; House – Financial Services | Senate – Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs · Senate – 05/19/2021 Received in the Senate and Read twice and …


[Senate Hearing 112-344] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] S. Hrg. 112-344 INSIDER TRADING AND CONGRESSIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY …

Justice Department Closing Insider-Trading Investigations Into …

May 26, 2020 The Justice Department is closing investigations into three U.S. senators for stocks trades made shortly before the coronavirus market …

Kelly Loeffler and 2 other senators are no longer being investigated …

May 27, 2020 The Department of Justice is dropping its insider trading investigation into the coronavirus-related stock trades of Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D- …

– Anti-trust and anti-cartel actions are already underway with DOJ, FTC, SEC and public/private efforts

A team of citizens known as Justice Alliance announced support today for President Biden’s important action to reduce the harmful trend of corporate consolidation, increase American competition, and deliver concrete benefits to America’s regular folks. Today’s historic Executive Order established a whole-of-government effort to promote competition in the domestic economy. With 72 initiatives to be operated by more than a dozen federal agencies, it will promptly tackle some of the most pressing competition problems across the nation.

The White House will be rolling out a new website for this effort, called the White House Competition Council.

J.A. is also working with Inspector General offices and Congress (http://lifebooks.net/GOVERNMENT_CLAIM_1.55_Draft.pdf) to address the “Big Tech” cartel manipulation of government funding, US Patent Office process and crony funding deals between politicians and oligarchs.
The biggest causes of anti-competitiveness in America are 1.) Cronyism, 2.) Nepotism and 3.) Big Tech Cartel black-listing, censorship, favoritism and political special interest bribes.
Politicians are paid bribes via the stock market. America must make stock ownership by politicians, and their families, completely illegal. For example, California politicians own Google, Facebook and Tesla so they refuse to stop the illicit actions of those companies.

The Justice Alliance supports today’s fair competition announcement by The White House. The Justice Alliance has been working with Congress, DOJ, FBI, FTC, SEC and Inspector General offices for many years to help bring competition-equality efforts like this to fruition.

Justice Alliance is a wiki-based crowd sourced community support group.

They are not funded by any political or corporate entity. They are simply members of the public who communicate with FBI, SEC, DOJ, FTC, IG and Congress to help support the enforcement of anti-trust laws and regulations. Said David, a JA staff volunteer, “Justice Alliance is bi-partisan. The FBI and DOJ know us well, we have consulted to them on exact and specific case numbers we can quote. We are not an organization; we are citizens in America. Our mission is to help law enforcement, regulators and community groups stop corruption”  He also said: “We take no money, offer no paid membership and are known to the Inspector General’s office and every major government agency.”

Justice Alliance helps get the FTC, SEC, DOJ and others to sue “bad guys” and put censoring, monopolistic, anti-public interest entities out of business. They claim to have a 100% success rate. Teachers, grocers, ex-FBI and CIA officers and reporters are on their WIKI at http://www.majestic111.com which is a WIKI like WIKIPEDIA.

Source: Justice Alliance

A newly formed White House council to promote competition across the US economy and lower costs for American families is holding its first meeting on Friday in the Roosevelt Room at the White House.

The White House will be rolling out a new website for this council, called the White House Competition Council, on Friday, a White House official told CNN. The group, which consists of eight Cabinet members and the chairs of seven independent agencies, was formed following an executive order President Joe Biden signed in July to promote competition within the economy.
In the meeting, National Economic Council Director Brian Deese “will drive home that promoting competition is a cornerstone of POTUS’ Build Back Better agenda, and emphasize that it plays a key role in delivering on the (administration’s) strategy to drive down prices for consumers,” the official said.
Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack “will present deep dives on the work they’ve been doing in this vein,” according to the official.
“This meeting will underscore that the (executive order) was just the floor and that the President expects agencies to keep building out their competition agendas in addition to executing on the EO,” the official said.
The official said agencies will be called on in this meeting to come up with new and creative ways to promote competition. As chair of the Competition Council, Deese will task each agency to come back to the council’s next meeting with at least one new initiative, the official said.
In July, Biden signed a sweeping executive order to promote competition in the US economy, parts of which target a key business strategy used by Silicon Valley companies. The wide-ranging order aims to lower prescription drug prices, ban or limit non-compete agreements that the White House says impede economic mobility and cracks down on Big Tech and internet service providers, among several other provisions.
The White House also highlighted actions the administration has already taken since the signing of the executive order. The official pointed to the Surface Transportation Board working to protect competition in rail and the Federal Maritime Commission looking into surcharges that ocean carriers are charging American shippers, which the White House says drives up costs throughout the supply chain.
The Federal Communications Commission is also looking actions that shut down tenant’s access to broadband options, the official said, and the Department of Agriculture is working to combat consolidation in meatpacking.
“The heart of American capitalism is a simple idea: Open and fair competition. That means that if your companies want to win your business, they have to go out and they have to up their game,” Biden said when he signed the executive order earlier this summer.
“Let me be very clear: Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism. It’s exploitation,” Biden said.

Categories: Politics

Tags: anti-corruption, anti-trust, Competition, Fair Competition, fair-business, Justice Alliance, silicon valley, White House Competition Council

2596 Trades in One Term: Inside Senator Perdue’s Stock Portfolio

Dec 9, 2020 Last week, The New York Times reported that the Justice Department had investigated the senator for possible insider trading in his sale of …

More Republican Senators Trade in the Stock Market Than …

Dec 16, 2021 The issue of members of Congress trading in stock has been a point of contention in recent months, as a December 14 report by Insider …

Senator Warren’s Questions on Insider Trading and Stocks – YouTube

Apr 5, 2022 Senator Warren’s Questions at a April 5, 2022, Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee entitled: Keeping Markets Fair: …

Do senators and house members beat the stock market? Evidence …

Recent news reports and a Department of Justice investigation highlight the potential for insider informed trading by U.S. Senators and Members of the House …

Senate Trading Dashboard

The Stock Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act requires U.S. Senators to publicly file and disclose any financial transaction within 45 days of its …

Insider-Trading Scourge Wooed to Be Crypto Ally in U.S. Senate

May 7, 2022 Facing a crackdown from regulators in Washington, the crypto industry is turning to New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand for help.


Trillions of dollars of stock trades and direct payola bribes were exchanged using the White House as a broker and the United States Department of Energy as a stock market manipulation platform. Politicians turned the government into a cheap garage sale of cronyism!
This case affects who runs the United States Government and who profits from government decisions, a matter of many trillions of dollars.The following folders (globally distributed in online public repositories) provide evidence of the corruption in categories. The illicit acts described therein all involve the same perpetrators.





















The United States Department Of Energy, Since November 2008, has been almost entirely used as a scam crony payola slush-fund to pay off political campaign financiers of White House insiders.

In addition, the Dept of Energy is used as a gate-keeper to sabotage and stall the competitors to those political campaign financiers of White House insiders. It is political racketeering operating in plain sight! The cover-ups by the IG, AG and DOJ are ENDLESS!


At a high level: Trillions of dollars of stock trades and direct payola bribes were exchanged using the White House as a broker and government agencies as a stock market manipulation platform. Politicians turned the government into a cheap garage sale of cronyism! This kind of crime illicitly and illegally manipulates the power over who runs the United States Government and who profits from government decisions which are a matter of many trillions of dollars. The act and veracity of this crime enterprise will be proven to the Jury.

Based on that assertion it will then be proven that:

1.) Plaintiff exposed and reported the crime to proper authorities through proper channels.

2.) Some of those authorities used government resources to operate reprisal attacks against Plaintiff, using government resources to operate the attacks, as revenge for reporting the crimes.

3.) The state-sponsored attacks were supported by the political campaign financiers of the government authorities in order to protect their payola conduits and stock market manipulations.

4.) Over 40 harms, each to be detailed and examined in Court, were documented against Plaintiff by the actions of corrupt government authorities.

5.) In a vast number of previous lawsuits, including one won by Plaintiff and his peers, it was proven that government offices infected with corruption regularly attack and harm citizens in reprisal.

6.) The government, having been caught in these illicit actions, must now pay Plaintiff for his losses, damages, harms, back-pay fees and other compensation.

Plaintiff founded and owned a United States government-financed electric vehicle manufacturing company. His technology and metrics surpassed every: A.) price metric, B.) safety metric, C.) driving range metric, D.) national security metric, E.) debt Ratio metric, F.) non-bribery assertion metric, G.) 100% domestic worker hiring proof and EVERY other issue, which burdened Tesla and Fisker. Plaintiff worked as an employee and contractor for the USA. Tesla And Fisker were financed by the family and investors of Presidents Obama and Biden, as proven by Congressional investigators and email leaks. Government officials ordered attacks on Plaintiff, de-funding and reprisal because Plaintiff reported corruption at the White House, Department of Energy, and other government offices, and because Plaintiff’s technology could obsolete the technologies that government officials were illicitly receiving bribes from via insider trading. The attacks and harms against Plaintiff used government resources paid for by taxpayers.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.

That’s right! Your public officials use federal agencies as dark-money laundering operations for their friends.

If you are a taxpayer: You suffered damages!

If you are an American business: You suffered damages!

If you are Democracy: You were broken!

If you were a tech mobster: You made out like a bandit!

This is how it worked.

No public official wants these crimes to end because most of those officials profit from these crimes!

Forget about any allegiance you might have to one political party over another. This is not about parties, this is about racketeering crimes!

The Solyndra taxpayer, technology, financial and political disasters that began during the corrupt reign of Steven Chu and Jennifer Granholm at the Department of Energy typified the overt, organized crime, corruption and crony malfeasance of the public funds. In Silicon Valley, the folks that conspire together to manipulate the government are usually a little pack of sociopaths including:  Sequoia Capital, Google Ventures, Greylock, Battery Ventures, Formation 8, Menlo Ventures, SV Angels, Raptor Ventures (Jim Pallotta of Tudor), Tomorrow Ventures (Eric Schmidt – Chairman of Google), Founders Found (Peter Thiel and Sean Parker) and Metamorphic Ventures. These vicious little packs of frat boy, sex-obsessed bribery boys are 90% of the problem in America. They bought 80% of the Senators and 100% of the White House!

The “Rich Bastard” secret family funds that partner with them to rig elections via ‘particulated funding’, include: AME Cloud (Family Office of Jerry Yang); CM Capital; GIC; Disney Family Fund; Hillspire (Family Office of Eric Schmidt); Iconiq (Family Office of Mark Zuckerburg, Reid Hoffman); Makena Multi-Family Office; QIC; Rusnano; Sutter Health Family Fund; UC Regents; Capricorn (Family Office of Jeff Skoll); Excission (Elon Musk Money Laundering Team); CV Starr; Ford Foundation; Graham Family Foundation; Mercer Family Fund; Helmsley Trust; Johnson Family Foundation; MIT Endowment; Mousse Partners; Newscorp Family Office; Robertwood Johnson Foundation; Soros Family Office; Temasek; Willett (Family Office of Mike Bloomberg); H.R.H. Prince Abdulaziz bin Faisal bin Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; H.R.H. Prince Michel de Yougoslavie, Grandson of King Umberto of Italy and Prince Paul of Yugoslavia, Monaco; Markus Lehner, Principal, Markus Lehner Family Office, Monaco; H.R.H. Princess Léa of Belgium espoused to the late Prince Alexandre of Belgium, and aunt of King Philippe of Belgium; H.R.H. Prince Rina Telesphore, Madagascar; H.R.H. Prince Juan Jorge de Bagration-Mukhrani of Georgia, Georgia; H.R.H. Princess Kristine de Bagration of Georgia, Georgia; H.R.H. Princess Swati Dlamini Mandela, Granddaughter of Nelson and Winnie Mandela, South Africa; H.S.H. Prince Hermann zu Leiningen, Grandson of King Boris III Bulgaria and Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, Canada; H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Ahmed Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan, UAE; H.H. Sheikh Majid Rashid Al Mualla, Chief Executive Officer, Private office of Sheikh Majid Bin Rashid Al Mualla, UAE, et al.
This trend was created via the back-door deals between 1.) the U.S. Department of Energy and audacious kick-back schemes created by 2.) Silicon Valley campaign financiers and the 3.) White House. This is the story of the racketeering schemes and scams that set out to steal trillions of dollars of taxpayer cash, in plain sight, under the cover of a national “economic” or “health” emergency “stimulus” scam.



Lithium ion batteries: Cause wars, rape and genocide in the Congo, Afghanistan and Bolivia from the corrupt mining deals involved with mining lithium and cobalt; are insider trading-owned by ex-CIA boss Woolsey and DOE Boss Chu; excrete chemicals that mutate fetuses when they burn; destroy your brain, lungs and nervous system when they burn; kill the factory workers who make them; cause Panasonic to be one of the most corrupt companies in the world; poison the Earth when disposed of; can’t be extinguished by firemen; poison firemen when they burn; are based on criminally corrupt mining schemes like URANIUM ONE; Have over 61 toxic chemicals in them; come from an industry that spends billions on internet shills and trolls used to nay say all other forms of energy; are insider-trading owned by corrupt U.S. Senators who are running a SAFETY COVER-UP about their dangers. Apple products with lithium ion batteries have been exploding and setting people on fire; over time the chemical dendrites inside each battery grow worse and increase the chances of explosion as they age –LITHIUM ION BATTERIES BECOME MORE AND MORE LIKELY TO EXPLODE AS TIME GOES ON AND AS THEY AGE; “Bad Guys” have figured out how to make them explode remotely; have their dangers hidden by CNN and MSM because pretty much only the DNC people profit from them; are the heart of Elon Musk’s stock market scam. The Obama Administration promised Silicon Valley oligarchs the market monopoly on lithium ion batteries and the sabotage of fuel cells in exchange for campaign financing and search engine rigging; United States Senators that are supposed to protect us from these deadly products own the stock market assets of them so they protect them and stop the FDA, OSHA, DOT & NHTSA from outlawing them.

WRITE YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE AND DEMAND THAT LITHIUM ION BATTERIES BE MADE ILLEGAL TO SELL! NiCAD and Hundreds of other battery chemistries DO NOT have all of these problems but Lithium Ion batteries get a monopoly because of politician insider trading ownerships. A recent fire on U.S. Highway 101 near Mountain View, CA, burned the driver alive and killed him. In Florida two kids died in a Tesla, burned alive, screaming in agony. A man died in agony in a Tesla crash in Malibu that set Malibu Canyon on fire.

A young woman, at the start of life, and her boyfriend were burned alive in their crashed Tesla. There are many more deaths and crashes than you have heard about. The deaths and the cover-ups are endless. Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it’s suppliers and mining companies and they cover-up and halt investigations and laws designed to save the public. They, and their crony’s, spend over $1B a year to shill and troll hype about lithium ion batteries and cover-up the dangers.

Lithium ion EVs are more prone to battery fires. Experts say that their lithium-ion batteries can fuel hotter fires that release toxic fumes and are more difficult to put out. Lithium ion fires keep reigniting which explains why it takes so long and requires copious amounts of water or foam (it is an electric fire, after all) to smother the flames.

Tesla employee Bernard Tse and his team warned Elon Musk about these dangers in 2008 and they got fired and/or warned to “say nothing” by Musk. Three top Tesla engineers died in a plane crash next to Tesla offices in San Carlos after two of them agreed to become whistle-blowers.Elon Musk exists because he bribed DNC politicians and Senators Feinstein, Reid, Boxer, Harris, Clinton and Pelosi to give him free taxpayer cash and government resources from the Dept. of Energy and the Calif treasury.

DOE has been covering-up organized crime activities at DOE in which DOE funds are being used as a slush-fund to pay off DNC campaign financiers and to pay for CIA/GPS Fusion-Class attacks on Silicon Valley business competitors of those DNC campaign financiers who DOE staff share stock market holdings with. Elon Musk is a criminal, a mobster, an asshole, a bald fake-hair wearing, plastic surgery-addicted, douchebag, woman-abusing, sex addicted, tax evader.

Musk exploits poor people and child slaves in the Congo and Afghanistan to mine his lithium and Cobalt. Musk spends billions per year to hire Russian trolls, fake blogger fan-boys and buy fake news self-aggrandizement articles about himself. Musk thinks he is the ‘Jesus’ of Silicon Valley. Fake News manipulator Google is run by Larry Page and Larry is Musk’s investor and bromance butt buddy.

Musk uses massive numbers of shell companies and trust funds to self-deal, evade the law and hide his bribes and stock market insider trading. A huge number of Tesla drivers have been killed; pedestrians and oncoming drivers have also been killed, and Musk covers it up. The DNC and the MSM refuse to allow any articles about Musk’s crimes to be printed because they benefit from Musk’s crimes.

Musk has been professionally diagnosed as a ‘psychotic narcissist.’A ‘Silicon Valley Mafia; cartel of frat boy sociopath venture capitalists like Steve Jurvetson, Tim Draper, Eric Schmidt, et al; threaten those who do not support the cult of Tesla or their political candidates. In EVERY blog that you read that mentions ‘Musk’, at least 1/3 of the comments have been placed their by Musk’s paid shills.

Musk holds the record for getting sued for fraud by his investors, wives, former partners, employees, suppliers and co-founders. Elon Musk has gone out of his way to hire hundreds of ex-CIA staff and assign them to “dirty tricks teams” to attack his competitors and elected officials who Musk hates.

Musk never founded his companies. Musk’s “Starlink” satellites are domestic spy and political manipulation tools – never get your internet from one. Musk stole Tesla in a hostile ownership take-over from Marty the true inventor of the Tesla.

The same kind of EMF radiation proven to cause cancer from cell phones exists in massive amounts in a Tesla. Musk can’t fix a car or build a rocket and has almost no mechanical skills. If you pull a report of every VIN# of every Tesla ever built and cross reference that with insurance, repair and lawsuit records you will find that the “per volume” fire, crash, death and defect rate is THE WORST of any car maker in history!

Musk is a lying con artist and partners with Goldman Sachs to rig the stock market. Sachs has a dedicated team of 18 men who rig stocks and valuation bumps for Musk. Over 1000 witnesses can prove every one of those claims in any live televised Congressional hearing! Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it’s suppliers and mining companies.

That is why they criminally help cover-up investigations of Tesla! All of this was reported, in writing, to James Comey, Patricia Rich and David Johnson at the FBI. The DNC bosses own the stock in lithium, Solar and EV markets and use kickbacks from those markets (Especially via convoluted campaign finance laundering via Elon Musk) to finance the DNC. The DNC bosses use character assassination as their main political tool against any member of the public who speaks out against their felony stock market scams and PizzaGate-like scandals.

The Harvey Weinstein reports by Ronan Farrow show that they have teams of hired goons that they pay to destroy people’s lives. They use Black Cube, Mossad, In-Q-Tel, Stratfor, Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Media Matters, David Brock, Sid Blumenthal, NY Times, Google servers, Facebook servers, Podesta Group, Perkins Coie, Covington & Burling and a host of “assassins”.

It should be a felony to hire character assassins in the USA. DEMAND A LAW and DEMAND the termination of these attack services. IE: Gawker and Gizmodo Media sets-up the attack stories and, in paid partnership with Google, Google kicks their attack links around the globe, in front of 8 Billion people, forever. Google locks the attack articles of its enemies on the front top search results of Google search results forever, on purpose!

That is why Google is being terminated in the largest, most well resourced anti-corruption public service take-down in history! Tesla and Musk are protected by shareholders Harris, Pelosi, Feinstein, Brown and Newsom. Panasonic (indicted for bribery and Musk’s partner) spends billions of dollars annually cover-up lithium battery fires and battery defects.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.


Graphic outlines of the crimes and corruption. Please share with your friends and peers.


Trillions of dollars of stock trades and direct payola bribes were exchanged using the White House as a broker and the United States Department of Energy as a stock market manipulation platform.That’s right! Your public officials use federal agencies as dark-money laundering operations for their friends.
If you are a taxpayer: You suffered damages!
If you are an American business: You suffered damages!
If you are Democracy: You were broken!
If you were a tech mobster: You made out like a bandit!This is how it worked.No public official wants these crimes to end because most of those officials profit from these crimes!Forget about any allegiance you might have to one political party over another. This is not about parties, this is about racketeering crimes!The Solyndra taxpayer, technology, financial and political disasters that began during the corrupt reign of Steven Chu and Jennifer Granholm at the Department of Energy typified the overt, organized crime, corruption and crony malfeasance of the public funds.

This trend was created via the back-door deals between 1.) the U.S. Department of Energy and audacious kick-back schemes created by 2.) Silicon Valley campaign financiers and the 3.) White House. This is the story of the racketeering schemes and scams that set out to steal trillions of dollars of taxpayer cash, in plain sight, under the cover of a national “economic” or “health” emergency “stimulus” scam.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.


Regarding Facebook AKA META, the issues, that the public and the news media have complained about include: producing child suicides, racism, misogyny, child mental health threats, domestic spying, data harvesting, sex trafficking, election manipulation, tax evasion, Fusion GPS/Media Matters/ Black Cube hit jobs on competitors, censorship, contrived market monopolization, intellectual property theft, political bribery and many other social crimes!An unusually large number of their staff have been arrested for, or charged with, sex crimes, including under-age trafficking.

This entity is one of the largest operators of bribes to public officials. Some of those bribes include billions of dollars of, non-FEC reported, search engine rigging for the political campaigns of the very politicians who are supposed to regulate them.

Facebook-Meta engaged in the bribery of public officials.

Facebook-Meta is a front for actions and planning in the Obama and Biden White House.

Facebook-Meta is part of a criminal Big Tech Cartel.

Facebook-Meta is an illicit monopoly that violates anti-trust laws.

Facebook-Meta operates a digital news and information “protection racket”.

Facebook-Meta attacks competitors who cannot defend themselves.

Facebook-Meta uses public officials to blockade competitors.

Facebook-Meta manipulates the stock market illegally and unethically.

Facebook-Meta operates like a private, unregulated, government.

Facebook-Meta abuses CIA, NSA and DIA resources for unjust gains.

Facebook-Meta uses Stazi-like mind and ideology manipulation tricks on it’s site to try to get you to agree with Mark Zuckerbergs ideologies.

Facebook-Meta investors and investment bankers conspire in a Mafia-like manner.

Facebook-Meta steals patents and technology from others and refuses to pay for it.

Facebook-Meta’s Sandberg pretends to be the goddess of women’s rights yet she is screwing the CEO of Activision, the biggest female sexual abusing company in America.

Facebook-Meta’s stock is owned by almost all of the California politicians and their families and that is why Facebook-Meta is never regulated and always protected by them for their political and profiteering manipulations.

Facebook-Meta is Pro Israel and anti-Arab and anti-Muslim.

Facebook-Meta’s runs tens of millions of dollars of defamation attacks against competitors.

Facebook-Meta hides all media and news coverage for competitors of Larry Page and Elon Musk.

Facebook-Meta lies to the public about what they really do with the public’s data.

Facebook-Meta receives millions of dollars of payments from government spy agencies each month.

Facebook-Meta promotes illegal immigration in order to get cheap labor and control votes.

Facebook-Meta runs VC funding back-lists against start-ups that are competitive.

Facebook-Meta bribes thousands of politicians in order to steer policy to their advantage.

Facebook-Meta is a criminal RICO-violating monopoly.

Facebook-Meta rigs the stock market with Flash-boy, Pump/Dump and Microblast SEC violating computer tricks.

Facebook-Meta pays bribes to politicians in Facebook-Meta stock.

Facebook-Meta manipulates who gets to see what web-sites, globally, for competitor black-lists.

Facebook-Meta has a “no poaching” Silicon Valley jobs blacklist.

Facebook-Meta bosses sexually abuse women and young boys.

Facebook-Meta bosses run sex trafficking operations in the Epstein and NXVIUM cults.

Facebook-Meta bosses control the NVCA financing cartel over start-ups.

Facebook-Meta scheme to take over the VR and AR markets is based on spying on the public with VR sensors and cameras.

Facebook-Meta controls national elections for anti-competitive purposes.

Facebook-Meta’s law firms are corrupt conduits for payola and political conduit-relays.

David Plouffe and the Zuckerberg’s were recording in meetings planning a take-over of the United States Government.

Facebook-Meta bribes some politicians with revolving door jobs.

Facebook-Meta is primarily responsible for destroying the Bay Area Housing opportunities.

Facebook-Meta runs DDoS attacks on competitors by massively crawling their sites.

Facebook-Meta has paid covert bribes, PAC funds, real estate and search rigging payola to every California Senator.

Facebook-Meta has paid bribes, through its lobby fronts, to halt FBI, SEC, FEC and FTC investigations of Facebook-Meta crimes.

Facebook-Meta gets millions of dollars of taxpayer cash for spying on Americans inside the USA.

Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein have promised to “protect” Facebook-Meta because their families profit off Facebook-Meta stocks.

Facebook-Meta VC’s and bosses have spent $30M+ rigging the U.S. Patent Office to protect Facebook-Meta and harm Facebook-Meta competitors.

Facebook-Meta bribed it’s lawyer into position on the board of the U.S. Patent office in order to have him protect Facebook-Meta.

Facebook-Meta rarely likes, or hires, black employees per federal and news media investigations.

Facebook-Meta hired most of the Washington, DC K Street lobby firms and told them to “do what ever they could” to control public policy for Zuckerberg. The film: “Miss Sloane” depicts only 2% of the illicit lobbying tactics Facebook-Meta employs daily.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.

Twitter, Splunk, Google, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube and the Silicon Valley internet Cartel serve you custom manipulated content by automatically creating a covert digital dossier on you reflecting the content consumption preferences they have spied on about you. They continually evolve their dossier on you in order to steer you towards their ideology and their Democrat political party. At these companies, “data mining”, “machine learning” and “AI” means computerized propaganda processing for certain political entities. They began hiring off-shore people ( because they would work so cheap) but most of those people turned out to be Muslim. This created conflicts with the entire southern part of the United States (which is anti-Muslim) because those workers steered content to pro-Muslim positions.

Their spy dossier on you uses abstract content-specific features of the consumed content, such as categories, topic models, and entities, which they automatically extract using natural language processing by comparing every word you use to a giant computer library of what those words might mean about your psychology. So it’s like you are getting “mind-raped” without any penis use. Their assessment of what your words might mean is based on what rich, white male, $200K/year, DNC-promoting programmers think they might mean. Their computers scale and expand their tools with algorithmic software created by those politically and socially biased frat white boys that wrote the code. It is all biased as hell. They never hire blacks or women in system creation roles so everything these companies do only supports rich white soyboy snowflake type gamer thinking.

Because their Silicon Valley VC’s told them to spy on billions of people, even for these web giants, it is impractical to store the entire dynamic history of a user’s interaction features. They, thus, out of greed, use algorithms that selectively decay information in order to generalize users and populations. To them, you are just a generalized data point, like cattle on a ranch, to be harvested and fed upon by Silicon Valley.


Regarding Google – Alphabet – Youtube and their Cartel, the issues, that the public and the news media have complained about include: producing child suicides, racism, misogyny, child mental health threats, domestic spying, data harvesting, sex trafficking, election manipulation, tax evasion, Fusion GPS/Media Matters/ Black Cube hit jobs on competitors, censorship, contrived market monopolization, intellectual property theft, political bribery and many other social crimes!An unusually large number of their staff have been arrested for, or charged with, sex crimes, including under-age trafficking.

They seem to be an organized crime entity protected by the politicians that they pay bribes to.

This entity is one of the largest operators of bribes to public officials. Some of those bribes include billions of dollars of, non-FEC reported, search engine rigging for the political campaigns of the very politicians who are supposed to regulate them.

“Google is a sick corrupt criminal business run by sex trafficking perverts and sociopaths…” Say GOOGLE’S own inside employees, Divorce Court records of Google executives, 70+ State & Federal investigations and major news outlets.

– Google spies on competitors and steals their technology
– Google – Alphabet – YouTube stock is owned by almost all of the California politicians and their families and that is why Google – Alphabet – YouTube is never regulated and always protected by them for their political and profiteering manipulations
– Google runs tens of millions of dollars of defamation attacks against competitors
– Google hides all media and news coverage for competitors of Larry Page’s boyfriend: Elon Musk
– Google lies to the public about what they really do with the public’s data
– Google promotes illegal immigration in order to get cheap labor and control votes
– Google runs VC funding back-lists against start-ups that are competitive
– Google bribes thousands of politicians
– Google is a criminal RICO-violating monopoly
– Google rigs the stock market with Flash-boy, Pump/Dump and Microblast SEC violating computer tricks
– Google pays bribes to politicians in Google and YouTube stock
– Google manipulates who gets to see what web-sites, globally, for competitor black-lists
– Google has a “no poaching” Silicon Valley jobs blacklist
– Google bosses sexually abuse women and young boys
– Google bosses run sex trafficking operations in the Epstein and NXVIUM cults
– Google bosses control the NVCA financing cartel over start-ups
– Google has placed the majority of the corporate staff in at least one White House
– Google controls national elections for anti-competitive purposes
– The company “Polyhop“, in the HOUSE OF CARDS tv show, does all the crimes that Google actually does in reality
– Google’s law firms, like Wilson Sonsini, are corrupt conduits for payola and political conduit-relays
– Google bribes some politicians with revolving door jobs
– Google is primarily responsible for destroying the Bay Area Housing opportunities
– Google runs DDoS attacks on competitors by massively crawling their sites
– Google boss Andy Rubin runs a sex slave farm according to his own family
– Google boss Eric Schmidt was a philandering sex-penthouse owner according to vast news articles
– Google executives hire so many hookers that one of them, Mr. Hayes, was killed by his hooker
– Google executives sexually abuse so many women that the women staff of Google walked out one day
– In the 2009 White House, you could not swing a cat without hitting a Google insider
– Google has paid covert bribes, PAC funds, real estate and search rigging payola to every CA Senator
– Google has paid bribes, through its lobby fronts, to halt FBI, SEC, FEC and FTC investigations of Google crimes
– Google was funded by the CIA, via In-Q-Tel, a so called “501 c3 charity” which was caught with tons of cocaine
– Google gets millions of dollars of taxpayer cash for spying on Americans inside the USA
– Google’s map service was a spy system paid for by taxpayers money that Google now profits off of
– Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein have promised to “protect” Google because their families profit off Google stocks
– Payment receipts prove that Google and Gawker/Gizmodo exchanged cash and staff for Character Assassination attacks
– Google VC’s and bosses have spent $30M+ rigging the U.S. Patent Office to protect Google and harm Google competitors
– Google bribed it’s lawyer into position as head of the U.S. Patent office in order to have her protect Google
– To rig insider stock trades, Google hides negative Tesla stories and pumps positive Tesla stories on “push days”
– Google and Elon Musk Co-own, co-invest and co-market stocks covertly while running anti-trust schemes
– Google rarely likes, or hires, black employees per federal and news media investigations
– Google hired most of the Washington, DC K Street lobby firms and told them to “do what ever they could”
– The film: “Miss Sloane” depicts only 2% of the illicit lobbying tactics Google employs daily
– Demands for an FTC and FBI raid of Google, for criminal activity, securities law and election felonies have been filed
– Google’s David Drummond had his Woodside, CA Quail Road house bugged revealing sex and financial misdeeds
– Google, and it’s Cartel (Alphabet, Youtube, and hundreds of other shell-company facades) are a criminal organization engaged in felony-class crimes. Google’s bosses bribe politicians, regulators and law enforcement officials to hold off prosecution.

At Google: Kent Walker, Andy Rubin, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Sergy Brin, Jared Cohen, Yasmin Green, David Drummond and Ian Fette are so enmeshed in sex scandals, election manipulation, and White House bribes that it is hard to comprehend how they can get any legitimate work done.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.

Twitter, Splunk, Google, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube and the Silicon Valley internet Cartel serve you custom manipulated content by automatically creating a covert digital dossier on you reflecting the content consumption preferences they have spied on about you. They continually evolve their dossier on you in order to steer you towards their ideology and their Democrat political party. At these companies, “data mining”, “machine learning” and “AI” means computerized propaganda processing for certain political entities. They began hiring off-shore people ( because they would work so cheap ) but most of those people turned out to be Muslim. This created conflicts with the entire southern part of the United States (which is anti-Muslim) because those workers steered content to pro-Muslim positions.

Their spy dossier on you uses abstract content-specific features of the consumed content, such as categories, topic models, and entities, which they automatically extract using natural language processing by comparing every word you use to a giant computer library of what those words might mean about your psychology. So it’s like you are getting “mind-raped” without any penis use. Their assessment of what your words might mean is based on what rich, white male, $200K/year, DNC-promoting programmers think they might mean. Their computers scale and expand their tools with algorithmic software created by those politically and socially biased frat white boys that wrote the code. It is all biased as hell. They never hire blacks or women in system creation roles so everything these companies do only supports rich white soyboy snowflake type gamer thinking.

Because their Silicon Valley VC’s told them to spy on billions of people, even for these web giants, it is impractical to store the entire dynamic history of a user’s interaction features. They, thus, out of greed, use algorithms that selectively decay information in order to generalize users and populations. To them, you are just a generalized data point, like cattle on a ranch, to be harvested and fed upon by Silicon Valley.


News outlets in our country exhibit the widespread “criminality” and “defamation tactics” of a mostly corrupt news media landscape. The Gawker/Gizmodo/Jalopnik tabloid empire is nothing more than an organized info-crime operation backed up by offshore money-laundering through Russia and the Ukraine.Despite widespread recognition of their deceptive conduct, fools still read these trash publications.

There are massive conflicts of interest related to many news media outlets’ conglomerate-ownership as well and industry figures’ financial and familial links to companies, interests, and people they ostensibly report on.

‘Fake news’ isn’t the proper term. It’s the ‘propaganda arm of the Silicon Valley Socialist oligarchs’ In most cases.

It’s no different than the Chinese Communist Party [and] the propaganda they put out. It’s no different than what the Soviet Union did with the old Pravda media, and, quite frankly, it’s no different than how Putin controls the media today, where 95 percent of his media in Russia is propaganda for the Putin regime. It’s the same thing here with The Washington Post, NY Times, CNN, Hearst publications and all of the media owned by Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

Partisan news media should be treated as such. News media outlets such as the CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post regularly describe themselves as “politically objective and non-partisan.” In reality they are a propaganda machine for sick Silicon Valley oligarchs.

The information institutions are corrupt. For example, Elon Musk is one of the most corrupt men in the world yet the socialist propaganda news media won’t cover any of his crimes and corruptions in their publications because he pays political bribes to keep his dark side hidden in their media.

The public should not hurt legitimate news media outlets by engaging with and speaking to corrupt propaganda operations. One should only speak with genuine news media and not reward unethical companies with their time.

The following diagrams show what various independent researchers have discovered:

The Manipulation Techniques Of Silicon Valley Media Outlets

A common tool Google, Facebook and Twitter use to exert control over their victims.

We all use manipulation at some point in our lives, whether it be telling a little white lie to get out of a situation, or using flattery to get what we want. For some people, however, using manipulation is a way of life, and their first weapon in an arsenal of techniques to overpower their victims.

Who is at risk from the Silicon Valley media predators?

Predators use a range of manipulation techniques in order to control their victims, but they often target certain types of personalities. This is because they want to be able to easily manipulate a person, and particular vulnerabilities in a person lend themselves to manipulation. You are more likely to become a victim of a media predator if you have low self-esteem, are naïve, easy to please, lack an assertive native and have no confidence in yourself.

Here are 20 of the most common manipulation techniques: 

1. Lying

Predators are constantly lying about practically everything in their life. They do this to wrong-foot their victim and confuse them. Lying is one of the manipulation techniques psychopaths typically use because they have no qualms about it.

2. Not telling the whole story

This is different to lying as a predator will often keep a key part of the story to themselves in order to put their victim at a disadvantage.

3. Frequent mood swings

Never knowing what mood your partner is going to be in when you get home, whether they’ll be happy or angry is a very useful tool to the predator. It keeps their victim off balance and makes them more malleable.

4. Love-bombing and devaluation

Narcissists typically use love bombing as a manipulation tactic, they will go on a charm offensive and get you hooked into thinking this is the best relationship ever, then they’ll drop you like a ton of bricks without explanation.

5. Punishment

This can include anything from constant nagging, shouting, the silent treatment, physical violence and mental abuse.

6. Denial

Often the simplest way a predator will manipulate a person is by denying the thing they are accused of ever happening.

7. Spinning the truth

How many times have politicians twisted the facts to suit themselves? This spinning of the truth is often used to disguise bad behaviour by predators such as sociopaths.

8. Minimising

Where a predator will try and play down their actions as not important or damaging and shift the blame onto the victim for overreacting.

9. Plays the victim

The manipulator will themselves take on the role of victim in order to gain sympathy and compassion from those around them. We as humans are naturally drawn to helping people when they are suffering.

10. Targets the victim

When a manipulator accuses the victim of wrongdoing, they are making the victim defend themselves whilst the predator is able to mask their own manipulation techniques. The focus is on the victim, not the accuser.

11. Positive reinforcement

This includes buying expensive presents, praising them, giving money, constantly apologizing for their behaviour, excessive charm and paying lots of attention.

12. Moves the goal posts

You might think you know where you stand with a person, but if they are constantly moving the goal posts in order to confuse you, then it’s likely you’re dealing with a predator.

13. Diversion

Diverting the conversation away from the perpetrator’s act and moving the conversation onto a different topic is a typical way predators manipulate their victims.

14. Sarcasm

A predator will often be sarcastic about their victim in front of others. They do this to lower the self-esteem of the victim and to show others how powerful they are.

15. Guilt tripping

Someone who manipulates will often guilt trip their victim by saying that they don’t care about them, or that they are selfish or their life is easy. It all helps to keep that person confused and anxious.

16. Flattery

Using charm, praise or flattering the victim is one way of gaining that person’s trust. The victim is naturally happy to receive such compliments but in doing do lowers their guard.

17. Playing the innocent card

A true manipulator will feign utmost shock and confusion at being accused of any wrongdoing. Their surprise is so convincing that the victim may question their own judgement.

18. Over the top aggression

Manipulators often use rage and aggression to shock their victim into submission. The anger is also a tool to shut down any further conversation on the topic as the victim is scared but focused now on controlling the anger, not the original topic.

19. Isolation

It is far easier to keep a person under control if they are isolated from family members and friends who could shed some light and truth on the situation.

20. Feigns love and empathy

News Predators such as psychopaths and sociopaths do not know how to love someone other than themselves, and cannot feel empathy, but they can pretend to in order to inveigle others into their lives.

If you watch out for the above manipulation techniques, you can keep yourself out of a media predator’s clutches.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.

Twitter, Splunk, Google, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube and the Silicon Valley internet Cartel serve you custom manipulated content by automatically creating a covert digital dossier on you reflecting the content consumption preferences they have spied on about you. They continually evolve their dossier on you in order to steer you towards their ideology and their Democrat political party. At these companies, “data mining”, “machine learning” and “AI” means computerized propaganda processing for certain political entities. They began hiring off-shore people ( because they would work so cheap )  but most of those people turned out to be Muslim. This created conflicts with the entire southern part of the United States (which is anti-Muslim) because those workers steered content to pro-Muslim positions.

Their spy dossier on you uses abstract content-specific features of the consumed content, such as categories, topic models, and entities, which they automatically extract using natural language processing by comparing every word you use to a giant computer library of what those words might mean about your psychology. So it’s like you are getting “mind-raped” without any penis use. Their assessment of what your words might mean is based on what rich, white male, $200K/year, DNC-promoting programmers think they might mean. Their computers scale and expand their tools with algorithmic software created by those politically and socially biased frat white boys that wrote the code. It is all biased as hell. They never hire blacks or women in system creation roles so everything these companies do only supports rich white soyboy snowflake type gamer thinking.

Because their Silicon Valley VC’s told them to spy on billions of people, even for these web giants, it is impractical to store the entire dynamic history of a user’s interaction features. They, thus, out of greed, use algorithms that selectively decay information in order to generalize users and populations. To them, you are just a generalized data point, like cattle on a ranch, to be harvested and fed upon by Silicon Valley.


By Susan DeenLet’s face it, Netflix sucks. Netflix spies on you and sends your psychological profile, location and interests off to spies, political parties, marketing services, Google, The Silicon Valley mafia, the IRS, the DEA.. pretty much anybody can see what you are dong on Netflix.


If you like to get pandered to and treated like one of the data cattle on the privacy harvesting ranch then Netflix is your Pimp!

Netlix pretty much works for Obama and his political gang and pushes woke mass media manipulation and gay sex social programming at you as a result. If you are a guy, Netflix really, really, really wants you to cut your penis off and call yourself a girl!

Whats worse is that with so many studios refusing to license content to Netflix now, streaming services such as Disney plus, Peacock and many more are on the rise. Netflix sucks. Somehow, Netflix subscribers are left feeling like there’s nothing to watch on a platform that force feeds an over abundance of content from Indian and Mexican movies to it’s viewers.

Every Netflix subscriber claims there’s nothing above “B-list” movies being served to them on a thirteen dollar per month silver platter (and sixteen for 4k) Not to mention how unfavorable the label “Netflix originals” have become when slapped on a movie or show: “Netflix originals” is building a negative rep on par with Nickelback and Adam Sandler’s series of Happy Madison productions movies.

Everyone knows that Netflix is bad now and getting worse every day. Netflix makes young adults feel the same way the price of extra guac at Chipotle does… and that is the: “I don’t agree with this, but please take my money”, feeling. They know they’ve got your money because it’s too hard to say no each month because Millennials are so stupid and sheep-like.

Did we mention the increase of the monthly price? Netflix sucks. Netflix only hires Burning Man type extreme hair-dyed hipsters who have an ANTIFA-type attitude, especially if they are from Asia and will work like dogs for McDonald’s type pay and conditions. People who use Amazon Prime and then go back to Netflix can really see how much Netflix sucks. They would rather set their genitals on fire than stay with Netflix.

Netflix will make you love crippled, fat, black transgendered lesbians. You will get so many of them you won’t be able to stand it.

A while back Netflix destroyed its own rating system. What we mean by that is… they literally deleted it. Now, at the start of each movie we’re forced to either check rotten tomatoes or risk the next 25 minutes to figure out if a show or movie is worthy of our time and attention. Netflix removed their rating system in order to hide the fact that everyone thinks their movies are absolute shit!

Netflix stole most of it’s streaming media technology from small inventors that it never paid. If any inventor tries to sue Netflix, Netflix just sends millions of dollars of lawyers after them so that the inventors can never get paid. It is best just to put Netflix out of business.

Netflix spent zillions of dollars making new content but the content they made turned to be the worst shit ever created. When Obama and his buddies make media to try to program you into being “woke”, it ends beng heartless propaganda. Seriously, Netflix spent more money making shittier content han anyone in history. It’s as if Netflix was just funneling money back to Biden and Obama. Speaking of funneling money, the FBI’s Peter D. Cair has been busting Netflix executives who steal big money through the Netflix stock market system.

If you use Netflix you enter a “Netflix pit” you fell into and can’t get out of…

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.

Twitter, Splunk, Google, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube and the Silicon Valley internet Cartel serve you custom manipulated content by automatically creating a covert digital dossier on you reflecting the content consumption preferences they have spied on about you. They continually evolve their dossier on you in order to steer you towards their ideology and their Democrat political party. At these companies, “data mining”, “machine learning” and “AI” means computerized propaganda processing for certain political entities. They began hiring off-shore people ( because they would work so cheap) but most of those people turned out to be Muslim. This created conflicts with the entire southern part of the United States (which is anti-Muslim) because those workers steered content to pro-Muslim positions.

Their spy dossier on you uses abstract content-specific features of the consumed content, such as categories, topic models, and entities, which they automatically extract using natural language processing by comparing every word you use to a giant computer library of what those words might mean about your psychology. So it’s like you are getting “mind-raped” without any penis use. Their assessment of what your words might mean is based on what rich, white male, $200K/year, DNC-promoting programmers think they might mean. Their computers scale and expand their tools with algorithmic software created by those politically and socially biased frat white boys that wrote the code. It is all biased as hell. They never hire blacks or women in system creation roles so everything these companies do only supports rich white soyboy snowflake type gamer thinking.

Because their Silicon Valley VC’s told them to spy on billions of people, even for these web giants, it is impractical to store the entire dynamic history of a user’s interaction features. They, thus, out of greed, use algorithms that selectively decay information in order to generalize users and populations. To them, you are just a generalized data point, like cattle on a ranch, to be harvested and fed upon by Silicon Valley.


– Boyfriend Elon Musk Conspires With Page
– Page Caught Skulking Around Tech Parties To Steal IdeasSEE HOW YOUTUBE, NETFLIX, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, AMAZON AND THE SAND HILL ROAD VC’S STEAL YOUR STUFF UNDER THE GUISE OF “TAKING A LOOK UNDER THE HOOD”Draper Fisher, Kleiner, Andressen, Sony Ventures, et al.. need to go to prison for running a mob-like, RICO-violating, intellectual property theft mill…The contact start-ups, ask them to come in and pitch, reject them, then send their business plans to Google, Netflix, Sony and Facebook (WHO THEY FINANCE) and tell them: “…HERE COPY THIS, JUST CHANGE THE NAMES OF THINGS..” The Sand Hill Road VC’s are mobsters and scumbag theives! Tom Perkins, James Bronkema and many other of their members ratted them out in recorded statements!

“…We discovered that the patent lawyers that were supposed to be helping us… That we paid to provide our income; were covertly our competitors and were working as shills, for our enemies. Our patent lawyers were; either, financed by, friends, with, sleeping with, dating the staff of, holding stock market assets in, promised a revolving door job or government service contracts from, partying with, personal friends with, photographed at private events with, exchanging emails with, business associates of or directed by; our business adversaries, or the Senators and politicians that those business adversaries pay campaign finances to, or supply political digital search manipulation services to. Criminal U.S. Senators coordinated and profited in these schemes. Their own family members and ex-staff have now supplied evidence against them…”


When you spend your life on something, only to find that it was being sabotaged by those you depended on, call us: http://www.usinventor.org

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.


The Silicon Valley tech Cartel (AKA: “Paypal Mafia”, “Deep State”) is evil because these racist, ageist, sex-trafficking, money-laundering, elitist, politician bribing, tax evaders: steal any technology they desire; They manufactured the CLEANTECH CRASH as shown in the 60 MINUTES episode of the same name; they run a prostitution ring and sexually extort young women and interns in Silicon Valley; they are ‘rape culture’ take-what-they-want misogynists, ageists and racists as their history of abuses has proven; their Palo Alto Cartel operates AngelGate-type collusion and stock market insider trading schemes that harm independent business and the public; their Cartel ran the “no poaching” CEO ring which was class-action sued by DOJ and tech workers; 90% of their divorce court files reveal horrific abuses and sex trafficking; They have an army of lobbyists that pay cash, stock market and revolving door bribes to U.S. Senators; They can even evade FBI & SEC investigations; They hire women to act as ‘trophy wives’ and ‘beards’; they have lobbyists rig the U.S. Patent Office in order to block inventor patent rights because they are using stolen technologies; they have been caught on video and recordings beating, kicking and harming women hundreds of times.They have bought up all of the Tier-One tech law firms and order them to black-list, and never help, those who seek equal tech rights; they collude to abuse your privacy and make databases on the public for political control; they have to cheat to compete because they are only good with spread sheets instead of innovation; They run black-lists, character assassination attacks, collusion and other anti-trust violating acts in violation of RICO laws. Silicon Valley has become the largest assemblage of douche-bags and yuppie frat boy criminals in human history. Theranos is not the exception, it is the standard. Tesla, Google, Theranos, Wework, Facebook are lies backed by famous political insiders to protect their insider trading and covered-up by fake news operators. They are also fronts to fund political campaigns via the ill-gotten profits from their endeavors.When the bad guys, and their lap-dog politicians, attack you because your products are better than theirs they are proving that they are frat boy scumbags, from Stanford and Yale, that operate in a little pack, like dogs! Their Sandhill Road operation should be raided by the FBI! The best thing that could come from the COVID pandemic is that they all are forced into bankruptcy! When your Senator holds stock market shares in companies that exist to profit on the backs of consumers, via corruption, then it is impossible for that Senator to ever do anything but be corrupt! We have reported this in writing to winklerm@sec.gov, sanfrancisco@sec.gov and 30+ other federal officers but have yet to see our whistle-blower rewards…or any action! Do you wonder how big politician insider stock trading is?

Take a look at how many TRILLIONS of dollars pass through the stock markets annually and then look at the reported, AND UNREPORTED, securities holdings of famous U.S. Senators and government agency staff. That is what Seth Rich and the people in the “In Memory Of” section, below, were disclosing. These are massive crimes! The perpetrators operate a massive and abusive national sex cult.

The perverts in the SandHill Road Venture Capital offices, located between Highway 280 down to to Santa Cruz Avenue on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California, are the main perpetrators of this global cartel. Their executives at Google, Facebook, Netflix, Linkedin, Twitter, and their related holdings, comprise the rest. The Harvey Weinstein and Ed Buck sex scandals are well known.

These men’s sex cult actions have been widely covered in the news individually in the Joe Lonsdale rape case, The Kleiner Perkins Ellen Pao sex abuse lawsuit, The Eric Schmidt sex penthouse stories, The Jeffrey Epstein case, The Google Forrest Hayes hooker murder case, The Andy Rubin sex slave case, The Sergy Brin 3-way sex romp scandal, The British Hydrant investigation, The Elon Musk Steve Jurvetson billionaire sex parties scandals,The NXIVM sexual slave cases, The Michael Goguen anal sex slave trial, The Tom Perkins Hooker Parties and thousands of other cases and federal divorce court filings.

This group of people have proven themselves, over and over, to be sociopath control freaks not fit for participation in public commerce, public policy or media control. The Four Seasons Hotel and Rosewood Hotels in Silicon Valley are estimated to engage in over $30,000.00 of high-end escort sex trafficking per day, a portion of it managed by Eastern Bloc Mafia operators. The Elon Musk sex perversions are the tip of the iceberg. At least 10 Ukrainian escorts fly in and out of SFO and SJO airports every week for these Cartel members. Google boss David Drummond engaged in horrible philandering sexual violations of his wife yet Google covers up every story about it on the web. Google’s Eric Schmidt is under massive investigation. You hear about the female victims of this sex cult but you rarely hear about the young male victims. One of their vast numbers of prostitutes is quoted as saying that the girls and boys are paid “not just for sex but for the oligarch’s endless need to feel that they can control anyone for any reason…”. Multiple attorney general’s controlled by their cartel, ie: Eric Schneiderman and Eliot Spitzer, are involved this these sex rings. These are the main influencers of a national political party and they are all involved in horrific sex perversions and abuses!

All Silicon Valley tech cartel media companies work together to censor all news and information in order to hide coverage of their dirty deeds and to only put politicians in office that will give the Cartel political payola, kick-backs and insider stock pumps.

The Smedley Butler “Business Plot” from the past is not unlike the coup that Google and clan tried. See details in Emily Chang’s book: BROTOPIA; Roan Farrow’s book: CATCH & KILL; Edward Snowden’s Book: PERMANENT RECORD; Peter Schwetzer’s book: THROW THEM ALL OUT; Dave Eggers book: THE CIRCLE; Franklin Foer’s book: WORLD WITHOUT MIND; Corey Pein’s book: JOURNEY INTO THE SAVAGE HEART OF SILICON VALLEY; Dan Lyon’s book: DISRUPTED; Antonio Martinez book: CHAOS MONKEYS. The Angelgate, Epstein, No-Poaching DOJ Class Action, and hundreds of other cases, prove that they meet, conspire, collude and blacklist in felony violation of anti-trust and RICO Racketeering laws. – 90% of these guys came from the same date-rape fraternity houses involved in the recent college rape cases.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.

Twitter, Splunk, Google, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube and the Silicon Valley internet Cartel serve you custom manipulated content by automatically creating a covert digital dossier on you reflecting the content consumption preferences they have spied on about you. They continually evolve their dossier on you in order to steer you towards their ideology and their Democrat political party. At these companies, “data mining”, “machine learning” and “AI” means computerized propaganda processing for certain political entities. They began hiring off-shore people (because they would work so cheap) but most of those people turned out to be Muslim. This created conflicts with the entire southern part of the United States (which is anti-Muslim) because those workers steered content to pro-Muslim positions.

Their spy dossier on you uses abstract content-specific features of the consumed content, such as categories, topic models, and entities, which they automatically extract using natural language processing by comparing every word you use to a giant computer library of what those words might mean about your psychology. So it’s like you are getting “mind-raped” without any penis use. Their assessment of what your words might mean is based on what rich, white male, $200K/year, DNC-promoting programmers think they might mean. Their computers scale and expand their tools with algorithmic software created by those politically and socially biased frat white boys that wrote the code. It is all biased as hell. They never hire blacks or women in system creation roles so everything these companies do only supports rich white soyboy snowflake type gamer thinking.

Because their Silicon Valley VC’s told them to spy on billions of people, even for these web giants, it is impractical to store the entire dynamic history of a user’s interaction features. They, thus, out of greed, use algorithms that selectively decay information in order to generalize users and populations. To them, you are just a generalized data point, like cattle on a ranch, to be harvested and fed upon by Silicon Valley.


In California, elite arrogant asshole dynasties send their kids to Stanford University. Stanford puts the kids in asshole frat houses to train them to get away with rape and run monopolies.When they graduate they either go up the hill to Sandhill Road and start a venture capital clone operation or they get their frat friends on Sandhill Road to racketeer-fund their start-up or political campaign using money scammed from your parents pension funds. They only work with their frat buddies and insiders in a tribal ‘old boys club’ manner.

They steal all the technology and markets they want because they control all of the tech lawyers and politicians via bribes and revolving doors.

Most of the money in Stanford University bank accounts is from Foreign and Hollywood oligarchs delivered as bribes meant to get their snot-nosed brats into Stanford. Stanford bosses keep all of this covered-up and covertly fund political campaigns to grease the wheels of political corruption.

They then sexually extort some Standford interns in Rosewood Hotel rooms, get the most ‘trophy wife’ ones pregnant, and start the cycle all over again. Alas, Stanford is the training ground for abuse, corruption and ‘Bro-Crime”.

The issues, that the public and the news media have complained about include: producing child suicides, racism, misogyny, child mental health threats, domestic spying, data harvesting, sex trafficking, election manipulation, tax evasion, Fusion GPS/Media Matters/ Black Cube hit jobs on competitors, censorship, contrived market monopolization, intellectual property theft, political bribery and many other social crimes! An unusually large number of their staff have been arrested for, or charged with, sex crimes, including under-age trafficking.

The Silicon Valley Tech Cartel is one of the largest operators of bribes to public officials. Some of those bribes include billions of dollars of, non-FEC reported, search engine rigging for the political campaigns of the very politicians who are supposed to regulate them.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.


Sony’s Dirty Hollywood And Game Shananigens.The hacks and leaks at Sony Pictures Entertainment have exposed the dark side of Hollywood. The new information reveals an insider vision of a company racked with sexism, office politics, high-school-level personality quibbles and a severe mine-is-bigger-than-yours territoriality culture.

A number of lawsuits against Sony, from Lady GaGa to Sony’s own employees, have revealed even more.

An aspect of the revelations involves where Sony gets it’s ideas from. A number of revelations reveal that Sony seems to have established a process of “borrowing” technology and story ideas while “forgetting” to properly attribute or pay the sources.

Some of the ‘dirt’ exposed included:

– Sony finances Democrat Presidents in exchange for media ‘favored nations’ status over competitors.
– Sony and Google coordinate political manipulation campaigns together.
– Sony executives trade female entry-level staff like cattle at a ‘ranch’.
– Sony executives hire an insane amount of hookers, rent-boys and under-age sex providers.
– Sony executives bribe their kids into colleges.
– The good-old-white-jewish-boy club is alive and well at Sony.
– ZERO DARK THIRTY was a political PR hype movie commissioned by the Obama Camapign using government resources
– Sony steals patents from anybody it wants
– Sony stole it’s VR technology
– Sony stole its web video technology, especially SONY VUE
– Sex deviancy is the rule at Sony
– Sony is a bunch of high-school whine babies who think their shit doesn’t stink
– Ira Rubenstein, Sony’s Marketing Head, put his name on Sony’s patents, as the “inventor”, even though his own emails admit that “he does not even know how to work a computer”
– Sony’s web video patents, that were sold to AT&T/Direct TV, admit that Sony copied their patent ideas from TSBN in San Francisco
– Sony spends millions and millions of dollars on political bribes

The kids at Sony seem to have been very naughty children. They let their IT system go to pot, and got hacked, and outed, as “racist”, “misogynist”, “campaign rigging”, “high school tantrum throwing” kinds of people, per their own emails. Hollywood Reporter, The Verge, Wikileaks, and a variety of tabloids and pundits, have delighted in dissecting the fraternity house, inside antics, of Sony Pictures.

Sony says that the hackers “DELETED” Sony’s files. THEY DID NOT. The Russians, Koreans, NSA, DOJ and a number of reports have ALL of Sony’s files and emails!

Their boss got fired. They got ridiculed for turning “Zero Dark Thirty” into a, slightly fabricated, political vote-churn tool. Other execs got kicked to the curb. All of their financial, contracting, political cash layout, and tax dynamics were placed under investigation, and even more sketchy bits are shaking loose…

Sony announced that it sold just 2 million PlayStation 5 units last quarter (Q4), bringing its overall total to 19.3 million. That’s down considerably from the same quarter last year when it sold 3.3 million units. The company did manage to boost game sales, though, with 70.5 million PS4/PS5 titles sold compared to 61.4 million a year ago, including 14.5 million first party games compared to 7.9 million in Q3.

Overall, its Game & Network Services (GSN) division earned 665 billion yen ($5.1 billion) this quarter, up slightly over last year. Sales for the full 2021 year were flat, up just 2 percent over 2020, and profits also changed little.

Those numbers mean that the PS5 is falling even further behind the PS4 in sales, having now sold 3.1 million fewer units than the PS4 at the same point in time. Sony warned that this was coming, blaming the lack of sales not on customer demand but its inability to build enough units due to the ongoing chip shortage.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.

Twitter, Splunk, Google, Facebook, Sony Interactive, Netflix, YouTube and the Silicon Valley internet Cartel serve you custom manipulated content by automatically creating a covert digital dossier on you reflecting the content consumption preferences they have spied on about you. They continually evolve their dossier on you in order to steer you towards their ideology and their Democrat political party. At these companies, “data mining”, “machine learning” and “AI” means computerized propaganda processing for certain political entities. They began hiring off-shore people (because they would work so cheap) but most of those people turned out to be Muslim. This created conflicts with the entire southern part of the United States (which is anti-Muslim) because those workers steered content to pro-Muslim positions.

Their spy dossier on you uses abstract content-specific features of the consumed content, such as categories, topic models, and entities, which they automatically extract using natural language processing by comparing every word you use to a giant computer library of what those words might mean about your psychology. So it’s like you are getting “mind-raped” without any penis use. Their assessment of what your words might mean is based on what rich, white male, $200K/year, DNC-promoting programmers think they might mean. Their computers scale and expand their tools with algorithmic software created by those politically and socially biased frat white boys that wrote the code. It is all biased as hell. They never hire blacks or women in system creation roles so everything these companies do only supports rich white soyboy snowflake type gamer thinking.

Because their Silicon Valley VC’s told them to spy on billions of people, even for these web giants, it is impractical to store the entire dynamic history of a user’s interaction features. They, thus, out of greed, use algorithms that selectively decay information in order to generalize users and populations. To them, you are just a generalized data point, like cattle on a ranch, to be harvested and fed upon by Silicon Valley.


Stanford University builds corporate criminals, sex traffickers, sociopaths and elitist narcissists. It trains naive children to grow up to become adult stains on society!In California, elite arrogant asshole dynasties send their kids to Stanford University. Stanford puts the kids in asshole frat houses to train them to get away with rape and run monopolies.

The problems at Stanford University include:

  • Rape cover-ups by frats from rich families
  • Epic racism
  • Inter-Staff sex scandals that make the whole campus look like A Caligula party
  • Dynastic families control the whole campus
  • Arab, Iranian and Chinese oligarchs pay bribes to get their kids in
  • The CIA is always recruiting everyone
  • The Russian, Iranian and Chinese spy agencies have placed a huge number of spies on the campus as ‘pretend students’ and pretend teachers
  • Elitism is rampant
  • The Silicon Valley venture capitalists, up the hill on Sand Hill Road, get all their interns from Stanford and they date rape the hot ones with Ruffies, Scopalomine, and other amnesia drugs. The interns wake up with sore butts and can’t remember why.
  • To afford the fees, the girl students work as hookers at the Rosewood Hotel.
  • The entire school is funded by bribery.
  • Arrogance is the attitude of choice at Stanford.
  • 99% of the guys that went to Stanford execute 99% of the corporate corruption crimes in the world.
  • Girls at Stanford, that can’t afford tuition, become Match.com hookers. Everyone in the bay area knows that if a Match.com profile has the words: “STUDENT” and “GENEROUS” anywhere in the text, that the girls are offering sex-for-tuition. Send your hot daughter to Stanford and turn them into hookers. Match.com even has sex agents, on campus, that get a commission for getting girls to join Match,com.
  • Rape is OK at Stanford as long as your daddy is rich or owns part of the Middle East. The Stanford deans and regents say: “Boys Will Be Boys”.
  • Stanford provides buses that transport the sorority girls to the frat houses to get date raped and then back to the sorority houses drunk out of their minds or doped up on Ruffies and Scopalimine.
  • There have been a number of strange murders and suicides at Stanford.
  • Stanford students are perscribed the highest number of mental health medications of any campus in America.
  • All of the land on the Stanford Campus could solve all of Silicon Valley’s housing crisis. The State of California should take all the land away from criminally corrupt Stanford University and build housing for average income on it. Stanford University doesn’t “deserve” anything any more.
  • Chinese girls are sent to Stanford, by Chinese ‘Wife Mills’ to bag an Anglo husband and then divorce him 1 year after he hits paydirt. They are instructed to have 2 kids so the alimony upside is high. They pay a % of the money back to China.
  • Trophy wives were invented at Stanford
  • The Guardsman, The Key Club and over 50 “Final Clubs” brain-wash students into elitism and tribal exclusion of all but your fellow ‘club members’ from your ethinc group.

Most of the oligarch families paying bribes to Stanford are engaged in the most brutal human rights violations in history. They murder people and have them cut up with a hacksaw. They run prison camps. Only an idiot would think that modern day Stanford has any remaining ‘prestige’ or ‘credibility’. This isn’t the 1800’s any more. Shut this crap campus down!

When they graduate they either go up the hill to Sandhill Road and start a venture capital clone operation or they get their frat friends on Sandhill Road to racketeer-fund their start-up or political campaign using money scammed from your parents pension funds. They only work with their frat buddies and insiders in a tribal ‘old boys club’ manner.

They steal all the technology and markets they want because they control all of the tech lawyers and politicians via bribes and revolving doors.

Most of the money in Stanford University bank accounts is from Foreign and Hollywood oligarchs delivered as bribes meant to get their snot-nosed brats into Stanford. Stanford bosses keep all of this covered-up and covertly fund political campaigns to grease the wheels of political corruption.

They then sexually extort some Standford interns in Rosewood Hotel rooms, get the most ‘trophy wife’ ones pregnant, and start the cycle all over again. Alas, Stanford is the training ground for abuse, corruption and ‘Bro-Crime”.

The issues, that the public and the news media have complained about include: producing child suicides, racism, misogyny, child mental health threats, domestic spying, data harvesting, sex trafficking, election manipulation, tax evasion, Fusion GPS/Media Matters/ Black Cube hit jobs on competitors, censorship, contrived market monopolization, intellectual property theft, political bribery and many other social crimes! An unusually large number of their staff have been arrested for, or charged with, sex crimes, including under-age trafficking.

The Silicon Valley Tech Cartel is one of the largest operators of bribes to public officials. Some of those bribes include billions of dollars of, non-FEC reported, search engine rigging for the political campaigns of the very politicians who are supposed to regulate them.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.


The corruption is easy to prove with a simple spread-sheet but the corrupt Senators have done everything they can to keep you from seeing that spread-sheet.If you saw the spread-sheet that shows all of the covert family bank accounts, fake trust funds, shell companies and stock market accounts for Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, etc.; you can easily see how they only get a salary of $190K per year but put hundreds of millions of dollars in their accounts that all traces back to special interest groups that tell them what laws to make and what laws to stop from moving forward. Forensic accountants at the GAO, FBI or SEC can pop out the latest update on any given day.


These Senators have “rules” that delay investigations against themselves, though. Also, as we all saw from the Comey case: Corrupt Senators can even tell the head of the FBI who to NOT investigate! The 2008 and 2021 “Stimulus Funds” were just scams cooked up by politicians for them to skim stock market pump-and-dump profits off of and grab personal payola.

In all these corruption cases, these corrupt people took the same steps to conceal their assets. They each took the money in secret ways. The main ways are 1.) via Dark Money stealth political funds; 2.) bribes paid via insider trading ( notice that most of these crooks marry an investment banker to run their dirty schemes) and 3.) getting government contracts, loans and grants for their friends that they get kick-backs from. They then had their dirty law firms and CPA’s shove the money into their standardized covert financial structure to hide it.

They use family members to run the operation. Their dirty family members and lawyer/CPA teams cover up their tracks. They then have intermediaries spend the money to get them islands, yachts, mansions, hookers, Tesla’s, etc.

The 2008 and 202i “stimulus funds” are quid pro quo scams to pay off political insiders. We reported these crimes (with FBI-class evidence) to every law enforcement agency in writing ( FBI, DOJ, SEC, IG, FTC, OSC, FEC, etc.). apparently, citizens are ignored if the crimes involve politicians and their billionaires.

The cover-ups are off-the-charts!

these mobsters (Google, Tesla, Facebook, Linkedin, Netflix, In-q-tel, Kleiner Perkins, Greylock, etc; acting in a coordinated, collusion-based, operation) are paying billions of dollars of political bribes (…via cash, real estate, sex trafficking, pacs, search engine rigging, crony jobs, biased censoring, campaign funds, stock market manipulations, ukrainian money laundering, etc.) to delay justice and blockade our, and your, rights! There can be no question about the fact that Google, Facebook, Netflix, Tesla and the Silicon Valley Cartel control the Obama and Biden White House.

For example: Elon Musk ordered the politicians who are his bitches to sabotage his competitors. He gave those political insiders: cash, stock in his cartel, revolving-door jobs, campaign funding, sex workers, off-shore money laundering, and other quid pro quo. Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, and the rest of the tech mob, all worked together on these crimes.

The hacks and leaks of their documents prove it. Government agency bosses are covering up these crimes to protect their jobs and their corrupt stock market holdings. Musk and Goldman Sachs have gotten over FIFTEEN BILLION DOLLARS of free taxpayer cash and monopolized exclusives to pay for Musk’s drugs, sex parties and mansions. This is one of the largest violations of anti-trust laws in history. The politicians and agencies that are supposed to stop him are getting money from him. Musk exists entirely from quid pro quo bribes! Musk’s banks, including Deutsche Bank, have had to pay more than $100 million to settle charges related to violating anti-bribery laws and engaging in money laundering. While the Musk-controlled media bloviate on the god-like image of Musk, he and his buddies are just crooks and mobsters.

It is now almost impossible for the public to reach any media source that is not controlled by the Silicon Valley Cartel via synchronized talking points. Politicians who say that their only motivation is to “save” the helpless billionaire Elon Musk and his unicorns: 1.) sabotage any companies who are not making Tesla’s, 2.) have sex with Tesla lobbyists and bankers, 3.) own the stock in Tesla Motors, 4.) are venture capital partners in Kleiner Perkins (ie: Gore) and Greylock capital insiders, 5.) trade revolving door jobs with the Elon Musk cartel, 6.) gave Musk over $15B of free taxpayer money, 7.) get campaign financing from Musk, 8.) order government agencies to freeze funding for Musk’s competitors, 9.) and engage in a vast number of other corruption and anti-trust crimes.

U.S. Senators, Agency Heads and Congress are bribed by Google intermediaries with: Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures stock and stock warrants which is never reported to the FEC; Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures search engine rigging and shadow-banning which is never reported to the FEC; Free rent; Male and female prostitutes; Cars; Dinners; Party Financing; Sports Event Tickets; Political campaign printing and mailing services “Donations”; Secret PAC Financing; Jobs in Corporations in Silicon Valley For The Family Members of Those Who Take Bribes And Those Who Take Bribes; “Consulting” contracts from McKinsey as fronted pay-off gigs; Overpriced “Speaking Engagements” which are really just pay-offs conduited for donors; Private jet rides and use of Government fuel depots (ie: Google handed out NASA jet fuel to staff); Real Estate; Fake mortgages; The use of Cayman, Boca Des Tores, Swiss and related money-laundering accounts; The use of HSBC, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Deustche Bank money laundering accounts and covert stock accounts; Free spam and bulk mailing services owned by Silicon Valley corporations; Use of high tech law firms such as Perkins Coie, Wilson Sonsini, MoFo, Covington & Burling, etc. to conduit bribes to officials. This will never end unless the public demands laws to prevent all politicians, and their families, from owning ANY stock market stocks or securities!

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.


The Musk empire has paid more bribes to politicians than almost any other modern entity. That is why no full investigation of the Musk scams has ever been completed.Elon Musk, Larry Page, Steve Jurvetson and Jared Birchell hire Ex-CIA losers right after they are fired by the CIA, or directly from IN-Q-TEL or from Fusion GPS, Media Matters and other CYBER ASSASSIN KILL SERVICES. They send their hit men after competitors, reporters, ex-employees and whistle-blowers because they chose to CHEAT RATHER THAN COMPETE!

Elon Musk’s “Twitter Purchase” is just a scam to sell his Tesla stock without the SEC or his old investors noticing: THEY NOTICED!

Google’s Eric Schmidt and Larry Page have a bromance relationship with Musk and use the global resources of Alphabet to hide any negative news about Musk assets.The 2008 Department of Energy Cleantech Crash proves that a federal agency was used as just one big slush-fund to pay-off political campaign financiers, operate insider-trading stocks and sabotage those financiers competitors using taxpayer-financed resources!

We have used private investigator, FBI resources and deep AI research to reveal that all government staff working on our application were getting quid-pro-quo…they were on the take. (Can anyone point out to us EVEN ONE person who was in the DOE/White House loop who was not working for, invested in, getting a future job from or other wise conflicted?) What do you do when The U.S. Government convinces you to invest millions of dollars, and your life, into one of their projects.

Then their project turns out to be a scam where they had covertly hard-wired the upside to a couple of Senator’s and their campaign financier friends. The fix was in and the game was rigged to use a government program as a slush-fund for friends-with-benefits. We, and the public, got defrauded. Now the damages must be paid for, one way, or another.

Every one of the insiders who did get government funding got it in the exact same size and order as their covert political campaign funding and stock market bribes to the deciders. Chamath Palihapitiya and other Silicon Valley insiders have now exposed the fact that Greylock, Kleiner, etc. are just a VC Ponzi Scheme! in this whole mess.

Musk used crooked Senators to get his funds. Those Senators and government agency bosses were financed by, friends with, sleeping with, dating the staff of, holding stock market assets in, promised a revolving door job or government service contracts from, partying with, personal friends with, photographed at private events with, making profits by consulting for, exchanging emails with, business associates of or directed by; one of those business adversaries, or the Senators and politicians that those business adversaries pay campaign finances to, or supply political search engine manipulation services to.

Elon Musk is notorious for getting Department of Energy money by bribing public officials and placing his friends: Steven Chu, Matt Rogers, Steve Westly, Steve Spinner’s ‘special friend’, etc. on the staff of the Department of Energy and in the White House. We have FBI-class records, financial tracking, emails, stock market relay records and other forensic data that proves it.

We can swear, warrant, certify and prove these assertions in front of Congress in a live Congressional hearing or Civil Jury trial, given non-compromised legal backing. If you think you have bribed the same number of Senators, bought a President and taken over most of the Department of Energy like Musk did… go for it! In this day and age, with every citizen able to track every public figure, with FBI-quality databases, on their home computers, it might be a crash-and-burn but you are welcome to try.

Lithium metals, and other rare earth mining materials, are monopolized by Elon Musk and his Silicon Valley Cartel, in rare-earth corrupt mining scams. Lithium’s widespread use in cars is hindered by a challenging obstacle: upon multiple charge-discharge cycles, fractal filaments called dendrites always grow through the electrolyte from the negative to the positive electrode and short-circuit the battery from the inside, thus guaranteeing that Tesla Cars will eventually all explode. Musk and Panasonic have known this since 2007 (They are “dumping” the batteries via Tesla) and have paid U.S. Senators, who own stock in Tesla, to cover it up.

The lithium fires and toxic vapors are a major safety concern because they have killed, poisoned and injured too many citizens. Musk gets away with his scams because he pays U.S. Senators bribes with stocks in his corporations and has a thousand crooked Goldman Sachs investment bankers selling his hair-brained schemes to your parents pension funds.

Tesla is known as “the official car of douche-bags”. The safety defect cover-ups on the Tesla are extreme. Musk’s narcissistic trophy-wife mom and his extremist father (who got his young sister pregnant) are thought to be the cause of Musk’s racism and sociopath behaviors.

He is the #1 crony capitalist government mooch in America and has received billions of dollars of your tax money to help him buy his mansions, starlets and sex parties.

His cars and rockets blow up, his tunnels are unsafe, his satellites spy on consumers and his brain chip company tortures small animals. He swiped all of his technology from someone else and has never come up with his own inventions.

Space-X is just a domestic spying company. Don’t buy Musk’s bullshit about Space-X doing any good deeds. Everything Space-X launches is to spy on the poor folks on the ground and monitor their internet. Also, Musk’s Neuralink company tortures small animals to try out Musk’s pseudo-science mind-reading chips.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.



– California has the worst housing crisis in HISTORY!

– California politicians make lots of WINDOW DRESSING, PR statements about helping individuals but then they only give the government money to developers who financed the politicians campaigns!

– Nobody can get government support to build a home because in California it would compete with the developers who financed the politicians campaigns!

– Billions of dollars were sent to California, by the feds, to help individual citizens. The money came from the citizens own pockets via taxes. 99% of that money was given to developers who financed the politicians campaigns and none of it went to citizens to build homes.

– Investigators traced the federal funds back to the family bank accounts and stock market accounts of the politicians that control California!

– Fair Housing Advocates have identified over 200,000 people that already have lifetime mortage payment funds IN THEIR HANDS but The State Of California blockades these people from building homes… EVEN THOUGH CALIFORNIA SAYS “THE HOUSING CRISIS IS BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT GOT ENOUGH HOMES!!!” HUD says this is illegal but HUD has yet to sue California to stop the blockades.

– All of the land on the Stanford Campus could solve all of Silicon Valley’s housing crisis. The State of California should take all the land away from criminally corrupt Stanford University and build housing for average income on it. Corrupt Stanford University (now almost entirely based on bribes by rich oligarchs who engage in human rights abuses) doesn’t “deserve” anything any more.

– The State politicians will do anything to stop those 200,000 people, with mortgage cash in hand, from building their homes because developers who financed the politicians campaigns will shit their pants if their political quid pro quo payola conduits are cut off.

– Part of the housing crisis is because California politicians invited half of South America to move in in hopes of rigging the voter rolls. Most of the people that showed up are actually construction labor people, but California won’t let them build homes because they are not in a union and because they compete with developers who financed the politicians campaigns. The irony is mind-boggling!

– In California the laws, and ‘rules’ have been staged to make it impossible for a single family to build a home. Why are the laws and rules staged that way?: To protect developers who financed the politicians campaigns!



By Joaquin Palomino & Trisha Thadani / San Francisco spends millions of dollars to shelter its most vulnerable residents in dilapidated hotels. With little oversight or support, the results are disastrous.
By Tran Nguyen / Brenda Nichols was among 145 homeless seniors who died in Santa Clara County between December 2020 and November 2021—a record high number as the region witnessed 250 homeless deaths over the same period.
/ The Rural Partners Network (RPN) is a new whole-of-government effort led by the USDA to transform the way federal agencies partner with rural places to create economic opportunity.
By Paul Bergeron  // This generation’s homeownership rate doesn’t match up with Gen X or Baby Boomers. Big Tech companies should be limited from paying any worker over $50,000.00 per year.
By Melanie Curry  // Earth Day was born at a time when teach-ins and radical protests were forcing changes in the status quo…But over time – 52 years being a lot of that – corporate sponsorship and greenwashing shifted the focus of Earth Day to individual responsibility and to volunteerism.


There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.


Elon Musk and the Senators he owns: Pelosi, Harris and Feinstein, will lie, until their dying day about these batteries that they all own stock in!Lithium ion batteries: Cause wars, rape and genocide in the Congo, Afghanistan and Bolivia from the corrupt mining deals involved with mining lithium and cobalt; are insider trading-owned by ex-CIA boss Woolsey and DOE Boss Chu; excrete chemicals that mutate fetuses when they burn; destroy your brain, lungs and nervous system when they burn; kill the factory workers who make them; cause Panasonic to be one of the most corrupt companies in the world; poison the Earth when disposed of; can’t be extinguished by firemen; poison firemen when they burn; are based on criminally corrupt mining schemes like URANIUM ONE; Have over 61 toxic chemicals in them; come from an industry that spends billions on internet shills and trolls used to nay say all other forms of energy; are insider-trading owned by corrupt U.S. Senators who are running a SAFETY COVER-UP about their dangers.

Apple products with lithium ion batteries have been exploding and setting people on fire; over time the chemical dendrites inside each battery grow worse and increase the chances of explosion as they age – LITHIUM ION BATTERIES BECOME MORE AND MORE LIKELY TO EXPLODE AS TIME GOES ON AND AS THEY AGE; “Bad Guys” have figured out how to make them explode remotely; have their dangers hidden by CNN and MSM because pretty much only the DNC people profit from them; are the heart of Elon Musk’s stock market scam.

The Obama Administration promised Silicon Valley oligarchs the market monopoly on lithium ion batteries and the sabotage of fuel cells in exchange for campaign financing and search engine rigging; United States Senators that are supposed to protect us from these deadly products own the stock market assets of them so they protect them and stop the FDA, OSHA, DOT & NHTSA from outlawing them. WRITE YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE AND DEMAND THAT LITHIUM ION BATTERIES BE MADE ILLEGAL TO SELL! NiCAD and Hundreds of other battery chemistries DO NOT have all of these problems but Lithium Ion batteries get a monopoly because of politician insider trading ownerships.

A recent fire on U.S. Highway 101 near Mountain View, CA, burned the driver alive and killed him. In Florida two kids died in a Tesla, burned alive, screaming in agony. A man died in agony in a Tesla crash in Malibu that set Malibu Canyon on fire. A young woman, at the start of life, and her boyfriend were burned alive in their crashed Tesla.

There are many more deaths and crashes than you have heard about. The deaths and the cover-ups are endless. Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it’s suppliers and mining companies and they cover-up and halt investigations and laws designed to save the public. They, and their crony’s, spend over $1B a year to shill and troll hype about lithium ion batteries and cover-up the dangers. Lithium ion EVs are more prone to battery fires. Experts say that their lithium-ion batteries can fuel hotter fires that release toxic fumes and are more difficult to put out.

Lithium ion fires keep reigniting which explains why it takes so long and requires copious amounts of water or foam (it is an electric fire, after all) to smother the flames. Tesla employee Bernard Tse and his team warned Elon Musk about these dangers in 2008 and they got fired and/or warned to “say nothing” by Musk. Three top Tesla engineers died in a plane crash next to Tesla offices in San Carlos after two of them agreed to become whistle-blowers.Elon Musk exists because he bribed DNC politicians and Senators Feinstein, Reid, Boxer, Harris, Clinton and Pelosi to give him free taxpayer cash and government resources from the Dept. of Energy and the Calif treasury.

DOE has been covering-up organized crime activities at DOE in which DOE funds are being used as a slush-fund to pay off DNC campaign financiers and to pay for CIA/GPS Fusion-Class attacks on Silicon Valley business competitors of those DNC campaign financiers who DOE staff share stock market holdings with. Elon Musk is a criminal, a mobster, an asshole, a bald fake-hair wearing, plastic surgery-addicted, douchebag, woman-abusing, sex addicted, tax evader.

Musk exploits poor people and child slaves in the Congo and Afghanistan to mine his lithium and Cobalt. Musk spends billions per year to hire Russian trolls, fake blogger fan-boys and buy fake news self-aggrandizement articles about himself. Musk thinks he is the ‘Jesus’ of Silicon Valley. Fake News manipulator Google is run by Larry Page and Larry is Musk’s investor and bromance butt buddy.

Musk uses massive numbers of shell companies and trust funds to self-deal, evade the law and hide his bribes and stock market insider trading. A huge number of Tesla drivers have been killed; pedestrians and oncoming drivers have also been killed, and Musk covers it up.

The DNC and the MSM refuse to allow any articles about Musk’s crimes to be printed because they benefit from Musk’s crimes. Musk has been professionally diagnosed as a ‘psychotic narcissist.’A ‘Silicon Valley Mafia; cartel of frat boy sociopath venture capitalists like Steve Jurvetson, Tim Draper, Eric Schmidt, et al; threaten those who do not support the cult of Tesla or their political candidates.

In EVERY blog that you read that mentions ‘Musk’, at least 1/3 of the comments have been placed their by Musk’s paid shills. Musk holds the record for getting sued for fraud by his investors, wives, former partners, employees, suppliers and co-founders.

Elon Musk has gone out of his way to hire hundreds of ex-CIA staff and assign them to “dirty tricks teams” to attack his competitors and elected officials who Musk hates. Musk never founded his companies. Musk’s “Starlink” satellites are domestic spy and political manipulation tools – never get your internet from one. Musk stole Tesla in a hostile ownership take-over from Marty the true inventor of the Tesla.

The same kind of EMF radiation proven to cause cancer from cell phones exists in massive amounts in a Tesla. Musk can’t fix a car or build a rocket and has almost no mechanical skills. If you pull a report of every VIN# of every Tesla ever built and cross reference that with insurance, repair and lawsuit records you will find that the “per volume” fire, crash, death and defect rate is THE WORST of any car maker in history!

Musk is a lying con artist and partners with Goldman Sachs to rig the stock market. Sachs has a dedicated team of 18 men who rig stocks and valuation bumps for Musk. Over 1000 witnesses can prove every one of those claims in any live televised Congressional hearing! Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it’s suppliers and mining companies.

That is why they criminally help cover-up investigations of Tesla! All of this was reported, in writing, to James Comey, Patricia Rich and David Johnson at the FBI. The DNC bosses own the stock in lithium, Solar and EV markets and use kickbacks from those markets (Especially via convoluted campaign finance laundering via Elon Musk) to finance the DNC. The DNC bosses use character assassination as their main political tool against any member of the public who speaks out against their felony stock market scams and PizzaGate-like scandals.

The Harvey Weinstein reports by Ronan Farrow show that they have teams of hired goons that they pay to destroy people’s lives. They use Black Cube, Mossad, In-Q-Tel, Stratfor, Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Media Matters, David Brock, Sid Blumenthal, NY Times, Google servers, Facebook servers, Podesta Group, Perkins Coie, Covington & Burling and a host of “assassins”.

It should be a felony to hire character assassins in the USA. DEMAND A LAW and DEMAND the termination of these attack services. IE: Gawker and Gizmodo Media sets-up the attack stories and, in paid partnership with Google, Google kicks their attack links around the globe, in front of 8 Billion people, forever. Google locks the attack articles of its enemies on the front top search results of Google search results forever, on purpose!

That is why Google is being terminated in the largest, most well resourced anti-corruption public service take-down in history! Tesla and Musk are protected by shareholders Harris, Pelosi, Feinstein, Brown and Newsom. Panasonic (indicted for bribery and Musk’s partner) spends billions of dollars annually cover-up lithium battery fires and battery defects.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.


POLITICAL KILL ORDERS AND STATE-SPONSORED CHARACTER ASSASSINATIONS – How A Modern Character Assassination and Political “Kill Order” Is Executed By the Silicon Valley Oligarchs and their total control of propaganda media. Patrick George At Jalopnik attacks outsiders under contract with Elon Musk and the DNC. Silicon Valley campaign finance oligarchs hire him to run hatchet jobs on innocent outsiders and then Gawker-Gizmodo-Jalopnik uses their financial partnership with the DNC’s Google to push the character assassination articles to the top of Google web products and searches.Patrick George, Adrian Covert, John Hermann and Nick Cook are the sexually degenerate cabin boys that report to boy-loving sleaze-tabloid oligarch Nick Denton. They created the Fake News crisis in the media by flooding the internet with defamation posts and reprisal hatchet job articles designed to damage political enemies of the Socialists. They coordinate a large number of the character assassination efforts at Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, CNN, New York Times and other propaganda outlets. These Millennial boys are “Media Rapists” and should be treated as abusers. – How and why did a Donald Trump stripper-date named “Stormy” or an Elon Musk sex party or a Kavanaugh drinking incident or the Moonves and Weinstein indiscretions suddenly hit the news at about the same time in news history? – In addition to actual murder, Politicians and Silicon Valley Oligarchs hire operatives to end people’s lives in other creative ways. –

It is all part of the modern trend in vendetta, revenge and political payback when a Senator or a tech oligarch issues a “kill order” on an opponent. – The client does not like to get their hands dirty so the actual social hit job is performed by companies such as: IN-Q-Tel – (DNC); Gawker Media – (DNC); Jalopnik – (DNC); Gizmodo Media – (DNC); K2 Intelligence – (DNC); WikiStrat – (DNC); Podesta Group – (DNC); Fusion GPS – (DNC/GOP); Google – (DNC); YouTube – (DNC); Alphabet – (DNC); Facebook – (DNC); Twitter – (DNC); Think Progress – (DNC); Media Matters – (DNC); Black Cube – (DNC); Mossad – (DNC); Correct The Record – (DNC); Sand Line – (DNC/GOP); Blackwater – (DNC/GOP); Undercover Global Ltd (DNC/GOP) Stratfor – (DNC/GOP); ShareBlue – (DNC); Wikileaks (DNC/GOP); Cambridge Analytica – (DNC/GOP); Sid Blumenthal- (DNC); David Brock – (DNC); PR Firm Sunshine Sachs (DNC); Covington and Burling – (DNC), Buzzfeed – (DNC) Perkins Coie – (DNC); Wilson Sonsini – (DNC) and hundreds of others…These are the people and companies that except cash, revolving door jobs, political appointments, insider trading stock in Silicon Valley tech companies, prostitutes and real estate in exchange for destroying the lives of others. – These attackers deserve to be punished for the rest of their lives for taking away the lives of others in exchange for cash. Any company who is corrupt enough to hire any of these assassins should be forced out of business.

These attack services are responsible for 90% of the “Fake News” problem in the world because they are the authors of most fake news. Congress must act to make these kinds of companies illegal! – These digital assassination services offer hit-jobs, character assassinations and economic reprisal programs to famous billionaires and corrupt politicians who are seeking revenge, retribution and vendetta executions. – In the case of reporters getting targeted for attacks, President Donald Trump has been accused by the liberal corporate media of whipping up a hateful frenzy against the press. But while CNN’s Jim Acosta grandstands against Trump, real journalists are still reeling from the draconian extrajudicial measures that Barack Obama and his administration used to target them for exposing truth. – This secretive targeting occurred while Obama speechwriter and hate-filled ANTIFA supporter Ben Rhodes was running “Operation Echo Chamber,” which reportedly continues, in which he fed information to willing corporate media scribes. “They literally know nothing,” Rhodes said of the twentysomething journalists he easily manipulated. –

The Freedom of the Press Foundation’s Trevor Timm published documents showing how former attorney general Eric Holder changed the rules to more effectively intimidate and surveil members of the press. – Timm writes: “Today, we are revealing—for the first time—the Justice Department’s rules for targeting journalists with secret FISA court orders. The documents were obtained as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by Freedom of the Press Foundation and Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.” – Obama is also clearly linked to the plot to obtain fraudulent FISA warrants on President Trump’s team, as evidenced by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s texts confirming that Obama was overseeing their fly-by-night operation. – Larry Schweikart reported for Big League Politics: For months pundits and researchers have been pondering the mystery of the FISA approval that led to the illegal and historically titanic scandals to ever hit the U.S. government.

Some have argued that Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein knew the FISA was bogus when he extended it. Others have wondered if Special Counsel Robert Mueller knew about the fraudulent basis of the FISA when he used it, in part, to indict Michael Flynn. Other still, that Mueller was fooled by the FBI. This is what President Trump calls “SPYGATE”. – It may well be that the surveillance that was conducted began with UK intelligence services and then was fed back to the White House of Barack Obama. Here’s the kicker: President Barack Obama did not need a FISA warrant to authorize spying/electronic surveillance on Trump because Obama all along had legal authorization to by-pass the normal court vetting process. According to 50 U.S. Code 1802, the “Electronic Surveillance Authorization” () “Foreign intelligence in relation to a US person (Trump or his associates) is information that’s necessary for the US to protect against attack, hostile acts, sabotage, . . . as well as other clandestine activities by a foreign power . . . OR . . . information relevant to national defense/security of the US, or the conduct of foreign affairs of the U.S.” Such an authorization by Obama required certification by Attorney General Loretta Lynch that must be logged with the FISC court. (“The [AG]+ shall immediately transmit under seal to the court [FISC] a copy of his certification.”) – In short, the DOJ has this. If we are correct, a copy of that certification is currently under seal at least with the DOJ and the FISC. – This is what they are hiding. – However, the Act requires the AG to keep the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Committee on Intelligence informed of these authorizations and unmaskings therein. See 1803 (a) (1) (C) If indeed this is what happened, did Lynch report—or only selectively report—to the committees in a way that excluded non-friendlies? Can you see why Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and their ilk are terrified? – These are the playbook tactics that Senators and tech oligarchs most often use to destroy the lives of their political and business enemies: – Government agency bosses sometimes solicit the target victims with false promises of future loans, contracts or grants from their agency and cause the target victims to expend millions of dollars and years of their time for projects which those government bosses had covertly promised to their friends. They use the target victims as a “smokescreen” to cover their illegal government slush-funds for the victims competitors and personal enemies.

By using this tactic, the attackers can drain the target victims funds and force them into an economic disaster in plain view of everyone without the government bosses fearing any reprisal for their scam.- Every match.com, okcupid.com, Plenty Of Fish, Seeking Arrangements and all other IAC-owned, or similar, dating sites (IAC is managed by Hillary Clinton’s daughter) have had their profiles, texts, and inter-member communications, since those companies were started, hacked or purchased. The attack service providers use Palantir and In-Q-Tel financed data analysis software to analyze every activity in those dating services in order to find honey-trap, blackmail, sextortion and social conflict exploitation opportunities. If you had a bad date with someone, that someone will be hunted down and convinced to help harm, #metoo or “rape charge” the intended target. All dates involve a search for sex, so the likelihood that a sexual disappointment experience will exist in each persons dating history is high. Searching every past dating email and text of a subject is quite easy with modern software and hacking techniques. A synthetically amplified, PR-agency optimized sex scandal can destroy any target. Your dating experiences from the 70’s or 80’s will come back to haunt you decades later. Most dates involve drinking alcohol and taking drugs. If you were unattractive or had bad sexual skills your bad date will be called “date rape”, “drugging your date for sex” and related twisted narratives that are designed to shame you, the target.

If you try to get a date in the future, your potential date will be contacted by a third party who will slander and libel you to make sure your potential first date gets cancelled. Your social life will, essentially, end. Every photo on every dating site is cross checked with every other photo on the internet in order to cull your Facebook, Linkedin, Snapchat and other social media together to create a total psychological manipulation profile data file on you. A single photo on a dating site can be cross searched on every mugshot archive, photo album and corporate database in the worth within minutes using modern super-computers. Your sex life will be on public record in a flash.- Social Security, SSI, SDI, Disability and other earned benefits are stone-walled. Applications of targets are “lost”.

Files in the application process “disappeared”. Lois Lerner hard drive “incidents” are operated in order to seek to hide information and run cover-ups. – Government officials and tech oligarchs contact members of the National Venture Capital association (NVCA) and created national “black-lists” to blockade target victims from ever receiving investor funding. This was also confirmed in a widely published disclosure by Tesla Motors Daryl Siry and in published testimony. If Silicon Valley political campaign finance oligarchs black-list you (see the “AngelGate” Scandal and the “High Tech No Poaching Class Action Lawsuit” cases) you will never get investor funding again. – FOIA requests are hidden, frozen, stone-walled, delayed, lied about and only partially responded to in order to seek to hide information and run cover-ups.- State and federal employees will play an endless game of Catch-22 by arbitrarily determining that deadlines had passed that they, the government officials, had stonewalled and obfuscated applications for, in order to force these deadlines that they set, to appear to be missed. This can bankrupt a target victim.- Some Victims found themselves strangely poisoned, not unlike the Alexander Litvenko case.

Heavy metals and toxic materials were found right after their work with the Department of Energy weapons and energy facilities. Many wonder if these “targets” were intentionally exposed to toxins in retribution for their testimony. The federal MSDS documents clearly show that a number of these people were exposed to deadly compounds and radiations, via DOE, without being provided with proper HazMat suits which DOE officials knew were required. – Victims employers are called, and faxed, and ordered to fire target victims from their places of employment, in the middle of the day, with no notice, as a retribution tactic. – On orders from Obama White House officials, DNC-financed Google, YouTube, Gawker Media and Gizmodo Media produce attack articles and defamation videos. Google locks this attack media on the internet on the top line, of the front page of all Google searches for a decade in front of 7.5 billion people, around the world.

This attack-type uses over $40 million dollars in server farms, production costs and internet rigging. The forensic data acquired from tracking some of these attacks proves that Google rigs attacks against individuals on the internet and that all of Google’s “impressions” are manually controlled by Google’s executives who are also the main financiers and policy directors of the Obama Administration. This data was provided to the European Union for it’s ongoing prosecution of Google’s political manipulation of public perceptions. – Victims HR and employment records, on recruiting and hiring databases, are embedded with negative keywords in order to prevent the victim targets from ever gaining future employment. – Gary D. Conley, Seth Rich, Rajeev Motwani and many other whistle-blowers in these matters, turned up dead under strange circumstances. It is very possible that some of these attack services, operated by former CIA operatives, even offer discrete murder-for-sale services using high-tech assassination tools that make murders look like heart attacks and brain failures. –

Disability and VA complaint hearings and benefits are frozen, delayed, denied or subjected to lost records and “missing hard drives” as in the Lois Lerner case.- Paypal (A DNC-biased operation) and other on-line payments for on-line sales are de-platformed, delayed, hidden, or re-directed in order to terminate income potential for target victims who competed with the attackers interests and holdings.- DNS redirection, “website spoofing” sends target victims websites to dead ends where no sales orders or customer inquiries actually get back to the target. These internet revenue activity manipulations are conducted using Google and Amazon servers. All commercial storefronts and on-line sales attempts by target victims, will have had their sites hidden, or search engine de-linked by a massively resourced facility located in Virginia, Texas or Palo Alto, California in order to terminate revenue potentials for the target victims.-

Over 50,000 trolls, shills, botnets and synth-blog deployments are deployed to place defamatory statements and disinformation about victims in front of 7.5 billion people around the world on the internet in order to seek to damage their federal testimony credibility by a massively resourced facility. – Campaign finance dirty tricks contractors are hired by campaign financiers to attack the friends and family members of the target victim in order to create low morale for the target victims psyche and motivation.- Are you getting weird headaches and hearing a “buzzing sound” in your head? The U.S. Government has now acknowledged that the Cuban, Chinese and other embassy “sonic attacks” are from a known microwave beam weapon. Any one of the technical departments of the attack services listed at the top of this article can build such a biological harassment weapon.

It can be aimed at the target victims office, bedroom or vehicle and, within a week, have caused biological and emotional damage using a weapon that has no visible track of trajectory. It is designed to make the target victim think they are “going crazy” or “hearing sounds in their head”.-

In one case covert political partner: Google, transferred large sums of cash to dirty tricks contractors and then manually locked the media portion of the attacks into the top lines of the top pages of all Google searches globally, for years, with hidden embedded codes in the links and web-pages which multiplied the attacks on Victims by many magnitudes.- Covert Cartel financier: Google, placed Google’s lawyer: Michelle Lee, in charge of the U.S. Patent Office and she, in turn, stacked all of the U.S. Patent Office IPR and ALICE review boards and offices with Google-supporting employees in order to rig the U.S. Patent Office to protect Google from being prosecuted for the vast patent thefts that Google engages in.

Google has hundreds of patent lawsuits for technology theft and a number of those lawsuits refer to Google’s operations as “Racketeering”, “Monopolistic Cartel” and “Government Coup-like” behaviors. Thousands of articles and investigations detail the fact that Google, “essentially” ran the Obama White House and provided over 80% of the key White House staff. A conflict-of-interest unlike any in American history. Google’s investors personally told Applicant they would “kill him”. Google and the Obama Administration were “the same entity”. Applicant testified in the review that got Michelle Lee terminated and uncovered a tactical political and social warfare group inside Google who were financed by Federal and State funds. –

Honeytraps and moles were employed by the attackers. In this tactic, people who covertly worked for the attackers were employed to approach the “target” in order to spy on and misdirect the subject. – Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Snopes, SPLC and other hired media assassins will be retained to produce “hatchet job” character assassination articles about you. Then those articles will be faxed, mailed and emailed to your employer and investors with a note saying: “You don’t want to have anything to do with this person, do you..?” in order to get you fired from your job and get your loans or financing pulled. The attackers will use their round one attack media, that they authored, to create a round two second wave attack designed to end your life via economic warfare.-

Mortgage and rental applications will have had red flags added to them in databases to prevent the targets from getting homes or apartments.- Krebs On Security, Wired, Ars Technica, The Wall Street Journal and most major IT publications have reported that hundreds of spy “back-doors” have been found on every Intel, AMD, Apple, Xfinity, Cisco, Microsoft, Juniper Networks motherboard, chip-set and hardware component set.

This means that any kid with the “key” code can open any computer, server, router, cloud-network or other network connected device and read every file, photo, video, your calendar and email on your devices at any time from any location on Earth. The key codes have been released to every hacker community in the world for over ten years. There is now no government, corporate or personal data that can’t be hacked, even data from decades ago. Every single one of your darkest secrets can be in the hands of your enemy within 60 minutes, or less. Important meetings you had planned with potential investors, employers, clients, dates, suppliers and others will suddenly get cancelled at the last minute. They will get cancelled because your enemies are reading your calendar remotely and covertly sending slander information to those you had hoped to engage with in order to sabotage your life.

Nothing you have ever typed on a computer or Smartphone is safe. it WILL be acquired and it WILL be used against you. – McCarthy-Era “Black-lists” are created and employed against target victims who competed with Obama Administration executives and their campaign financiers to prevent them from getting funding and future employment. – Obama Administration targets were very carefully placed in a position of not being able to get jobs, unemployment benefits, disability benefits or acquire any possible sources of income. The retribution tactics were audacious, overt..and quite illegal. – There are thousands of additional Dirty Tricks tactics being used by these Attack Services yet Congress refuses to pass laws out-lawing such attack services.

The cost of an attack on a person ranges from $150,000.00 to over $50,000,000.00. While a Silicon Valley billionaire can afford to launch counter-measures to these attacks, any regular taxpayer will be utterly destroyed, and incapable of fighting back, against even the smallest version of one of these “kill orders”.

A number of modern office shootings are the results of these attacks against an individual who has lost everything because of the attack and has no options left. – Federal law enforcement, the United States Congress and the highest level investigators in the U.S., and abroad, have documented (per the “FISA Memo”, Congressional Reports and federal employee testimony) and proven the fact that the Obama Administration regularly engaged in the operation of retribution, vendetta and reprisal campaigns known as “hit-jobs” against domestic natural born U.S. citizen domestic taxpayers.

The Federal Court, in at least one previous court case,has ruled that Applicants, in this particular matter, were the victims and target of a number of these attacks designed to inflict permanent medical, emotional, character assassination, brand negation, economic and career damage. The FBI has been asked to interview John Cook, Nicholas Guido Denton, Adrian Covert, Patrick George, Ian Fette and John Hermann of Gawker/Gizmodo re: their financing, payola and hit-job attacks on third parties.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.


The corruption is easy to prove with a simple spread-sheet but the corrupt Senators have done everything they can to keep you from seeing that spread-sheet.

INSIDER TRADING with layered stock market payola is the top bribe method for politicians, these days!

If you saw the spread-sheet that shows all of the covert family bank accounts, fake trust funds, shell companies and stock market accounts for Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, etc.; you can easily see how they only get a salary of $190K per year but put hundreds of millions of dollars in their accounts that all traces back to special interest groups that tell them what laws to make and what laws to stop from moving forward. Forensic accountants at the GAO, FBI or SEC can pop out the latest update on any given day.

These Senators have “rules” that delay investigations against themselves, though. Also, as we all saw from the Comey case: Corrupt Senators can even tell the head of the FBI who to NOT investigate! The 2008 and 2021 “Stimulus Funds” were just scams cooked up by politicians for them to skim stock market pump-and-dump profits off of and grab personal payola.

In all these corruption cases, these corrupt people took the same steps to conceal their assets. They each took the money in secret ways. The main ways are 1.) via Dark Money stealth political funds; 2.) bribes paid via insider trading ( notice that most of these crooks marry an investment banker to run their dirty schemes) and 3.) getting government contracts, loans and grants for their friends that they get kick-backs from. They then had their dirty law firms and CPA’s shove the money into their standardized covert financial structure to hide it.

They use family members to run the operation. Their dirty family members and lawyer/CPA teams cover up their tracks. They then have intermediaries spend the money to get them islands, yachts, mansions, hookers, Tesla’s, etc.

The 2008 and 202i “stimulus funds” are quid pro quo scams to pay off political insiders. We reported these crimes (with FBI-class evidence) to every law enforcement agency in writing ( FBI, DOJ, SEC, IG, FTC, OSC, FEC, etc.). apparently, citizens are ignored if the crimes involve politicians and their billionaires. the cover-ups are off-the-charts!these mobsters (Google, Tesla, Facebook, Linkedin, Netflix, In-q-tel, Kleiner Perkins, Greylock, etc; acting in a coordinated, collusion-based, operation) are paying billions of dollars of political bribes (…via cash, real estate, sex trafficking, pacs, search engine rigging, crony jobs, biased censoring, campaign funds, stock market manipulations, ukrainian money laundering, etc.) to delay justice and blockade our, and your, rights!

There can be no question about the fact that Google, Facebook, Netflix, Tesla and the Silicon Valley Cartel control the Obama and Biden White House. For example: Elon Musk ordered the politicians who are his bitches to sabotage his competitors. He gave those political insiders: cash, stock in his cartel, revolving-door jobs, campaign funding, sex workers, off-shore money laundering, and other quid pro quo. Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, and the rest of the tech mob, all worked together on these crimes. The hacks and leaks of their documents prove it. Government agency bosses are covering up these crimes to protect their jobs and their corrupt stock market holdings.

Musk and Goldman Sachs have gotten over FIFTEEN BILLION DOLLARS of free taxpayer cash and monopolized exclusives to pay for Musk’s drugs, sex parties and mansions. This is one of the largest violations of anti-trust laws in history. The politicians and agencies that are supposed to stop him are getting money from him. Musk exists entirely from quid pro quo bribes! Musk’s banks, including Deutsche Bank, have had to pay more than $100 million to settle charges related to violating anti-bribery laws and engaging in money laundering. While the Musk-controlled media bloviate on the god-like image of Musk, he and his buddies are just crooks and mobsters. It is now almost impossible for the public to reach any media source that is not controlled by the Silicon Valley Cartel via synchronized talking points.

Politicians who say that their only motivation is to “save” the helpless billionaire Elon Musk and his unicorns: 1.) sabotage any companies who are not making Tesla’s, 2.) have sex with Tesla lobbyists and bankers, 3.) own the stock in Tesla Motors, 4.) are venture capital partners in Kleiner Perkins (ie: Gore) and Greylock capital insiders, 5.) trade revolving door jobs with the Elon Musk cartel, 6.) gave Musk over $15B of free taxpayer money, 7.) get campaign financing from Musk, 8.) order government agencies to freeze funding for Musk’s competitors, 9.) and engage in a vast number of other corruption and anti-trust crimes.

U.S. Senators, Agency Heads and Congress are bribed by Google intermediaries with: Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures stock and stock warrants which is never reported to the FEC; Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures search engine rigging and shadow-banning which is never reported to the FEC; Free rent; Male and female prostitutes;

Cars; Dinners; Party Financing; Sports Event Tickets; Political campaign printing and mailing services “Donations”; Secret PAC Financing; Jobs in Corporations in Silicon Valley For The Family Members of Those Who Take Bribes And Those Who Take Bribes; “Consulting” contracts from McKinsey as fronted pay-off gigs; Overpriced “Speaking Engagements” which are really just pay-offs conduited for donors; Private jet rides and use of Government fuel depots (ie: Google handed out NASA jet fuel to staff); Real Estate; Fake mortgages; The use of Cayman, Boca Des Tores, Swiss and related money-laundering accounts; The use of HSBC, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Deustche Bank money laundering accounts and covert stock accounts; Free spam and bulk mailing services owned by Silicon Valley corporations; Use of high tech law firms such as Perkins Coie, Wilson Sonsini, MoFo, Covington & Burling, etc. to conduit bribes to officials. This will never end unless the public demands laws to prevent all politicians, and their families, from owning ANY stock market stocks or securities!

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.


San Francisco has  become increasingly inhospitable to the average person. The median rent for a one-bedroom is $2,695. A family of four is considered “low-income” if they make less than $97,000. The Target and Walgreen’s stores have had to operate in “crisis” mode because the crime is so bad in San Francisco that you get robbed in the aisles while shopping at major retail stores in San Francisco. The STD rates are off-the-scale. It is almost certain that your car will be broken into or keyed. This place is tough to exist in long-term. It got like this because San Francisco’s corruption culture is so out of control.

If you think San Francisco’s ills are all due to the technology mobsters, you are mostly correct!

San Franciscans now have an obsession with escaping from San Francisco. This comes from a healthy heaping of realistic bitterness — bitterness that you won’t be able to stay here, bitterness that you can’t buy a house and set down roots and bitterness that others, unplagued by inertia, can recognize these facts and leave. 

As San Franciscans, we’ll always be looking over our shoulders at Austin and Portland and Denver, wondering what life’s like in a more hospitable city where City Hall is not entirely controlled By Twitter, Facebook, Google and Netflix corporate bribes.

The villains in “The End of the Golden Gate” book are familiar ones. Tech, capitalism, Mayor Ed Lee’s tax laws. Every writer seems to agree on one front: San Francisco has changed, and in many ways, for the worse.

The San Francisco I knew and loved has been face-lifted, sleeked, chromed, polished, colonized, homogenized, and marginalized as a cultural innovative force,” writes Peter Coyote in “San Francisco, For Sale by New Owners.“The transformation was accomplished in a smooth, seamless manner by money and addiction to power.”

San Francisco,” he writes earlier in the essay, “is too expensive, too monoculturally wealthy. Tech wealth and privilege have transformed it into a cushy enclave for the heartless.” 

Gary Kamiya’s standout essay acknowledges the downsides of this city: “The exorbitant cost of housing, the influx of tech workers, traffic, crime, dirty streets, and an ever-worsening homeless crisis.”

The Bay Area’s Google, Facebook and Netflix, Tesla executives and VC’s happen to be the organizing, financing and beneficiary partners in a massive market manipulation scheme.

They formed their “Silicon Valley Cartel” to collude, conspire and organize against the government, the public and industry in a manner which the tech oligarchs describe in their own emails as being based on “…the Italian Mafia!”.

Indeed, The Silicon Valley Tech oligarchs have formed a collusion-based, law-violating, tax-evading, government-manipulating crime empire protected by famous Bay Area politicians, whom they bribe! No cops seem to be able to stop them.

The Bay Area Solyndra/Silicon Valley Cartel case was one of the largest corruption matters in America with roots that ran all the way to the Oval Office. The FBI raid on Solyndra was only the tip of the iceberg. The matter illuminated an organized crime scheme, in violation of RICO, anti-trust and other laws, between major public officials, Silicon Valley tech oligarchs and their operatives.

The tech oligarchs beg for you to view them as “Green Advocates” but they lie! They engage in genocide, child labor slavery and rape farms via corrupt overseas rare earth mining schemes owned by California Senators, Department of Energy Executives, White House staff and the Silicon Valley tech Cartel. They are actually only really interested in anything green that has a dollar sign on it.

The Silicon Valley Cartel loves to run everything. In their federal “no poaching” lawsuits:
Case #’s 11-cv-2509 and 5:2011cv02509 and 1:10-cv-01629 and 1:10-cv-02220; these cases, along with the “Angelgate” scandal, prove that the Silicon Valley Cartel colludes to harm the public, rig the government and monopolize industries.

State-sponored “hit-jobs” were ordered, operated and financed by San Francisco government officials in order to engage in revenge, reprisal and vendetta, against any who speak out about their crimes.


They spy on you to manipulate your politics, ideology and intentions and to report you to bill collectors, tax colletors, investigators and political parties.Google, Netflix, YouTube, Facebook, etc. exist to mass manipulate populations and run stock market scams for their sociopath owners. From INSIDE Google, our team saw Google manipulate the entire internet to hype up Larry Page’s “boyfriend’: Elon Musk and Tesla, which Google execs owned a portion of, while sabotaging Tesla’s competitors.

Google illicitly and illegally timed these manipulations with stock market pump-and-dump efforts to exploit insider trading. That is a felony violation of RICO, Antitrust and other laws. Every single thing that Google does is contrived to harm a competitor, a politician, an employee whistle-blower or some other business adversary.

There are no “bugs”, “operator errors”, “server anomalies” or other media “accidents” at Google. Everything Google does is contrived, at a psychological warfare kind of level, to change a social perception.Google must show its software to FBI, SEC, FTC and our search engine optimisation experts to prove that they did not engage in these crimes. The fact is: We can prove they did the crimes and FBI experts can help us prove it! Google is known as the “Nazi’s of the Internet”.

In a case unfolding in Britain over whether Google wrongly demoted price comparison rival Foundem from its search results in favour of paid-for adverts, Google must now decide which it values more: the algorithms that rank its search results, or its stance that manually fiddling with those results to promote its own paid-for products over rivals’ sites doesn’t break competition laws.

The integrity of Google’s ranking processes relies upon all webmasters or website owners having the same degree of access to information about Google’s ranking… This will no longer be the case if information of this kind is made available to some individuals offering commercial services to assist companies to improve their Search ranking.

Google is a criminal operation. It’s executives have been publicly exposed as participants in horrific sex scandals, money laundering, political bribery and racism. It is time for the bought and paid shill politicians to stop protecting them! – Google spies on competitors and steals their technology – Google runs tens of millions of dollars of defamation attacks against competitors – Google hides all media and news coverage for competitors of Larry Page’s boyfriend: Elon Musk – Google lies to the public about what they really do with the public’s data –

Google promotes illegal immigration in order to get cheap labor and control votes – Google runs VC funding back-lists against start-ups that are competitive – Google bribes thousands of politicians – Google is a criminal RICO-violating monopoly – Google rigs the stock market with Flash-boy, Pump/Dump and Microblast SEC violating computer tricks – Google pays bribes to politicians in Google and YouTube stock – Google manipulates who gets to see what web-sites, globally, for competitor black-lists – Google has a “no poaching” Silicon Valley jobs blacklist –

Google bosses sexually abuse women and young boys – Google bosses run sex trafficking operations in the Epstein and NXVIUM cults – Google bosses control the NVCA financing cartel over start-ups – Google has placed the majority of the corporate staff in at least one White House – Google controls national elections for anti-competitive purposes – The company “Polyhop”, in the HOUSE OF CARDS tv show, does all the crimes that Google actually does in reality – Google’s law firms, like Wilson Sonsini, are corrupt conduits for payola and political conduit-relays –

Google bribes some politicians with revolving door jobs – Google is primarily responsible for destroying the Bay Area Housing opportunities – Google runs DDoS attacks on competitors by massively crawling their sites – Google boss Andy Rubin runs a sex slave farm according to his own family – Google boss Eric Schmidt was a philandering sex-penthouse owner according to vast news articles – Google executives hire so many hookers that one of them, Mr. Hayes, was killed by his hooker –

Google executives sexually abuse so many women that the women staff of Google walked out one day – In the 2009 White House, you could not swing a cat without hitting a Google insider – Google has paid covert bribes, PAC funds, real estate and search rigging payola to every CA Senator – Google has paid bribes, through its lobby fronts, to halt FBI, SEC, FEC and FTC investigations of Google crimes – Google was funded by the CIA, via In-Q-Tel, a so called “501 c3 charity” which was caught with tons of cocaine – Google gets millions of dollars of taxpayer cash for spying on Americans inside the USA – Google’s map service was a spy system paid for by taxpayers money that Google now profits off of –

Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein have promised to “protect” Google because their families profit off Google stocks – Payment receipts prove that Google and Gawker/Gizmodo exchanged cash and staff for Character Assassination attacks – Google VC’s and bosses have spent $30M+ rigging the U.S. Patent Office to protect Google and harm Google competitors –

Google bribed it’s lawyer into position as head of the U.S. Patent office in order to have her protect Google – To rig insider stock trades, Google hides negative Tesla stories and pumps positive Tesla stories on “push days” – Google and Elon Musk Co-own, co-invest and co-market stocks covertly while running anti-trust schemes – Google rarely likes, or hires, black employees per federal and news media investigations – Google hired most of the Washington, DC K Street lobby firms and told them to “do what ever they could” – The film: “Miss Sloane” depicts only 2% of the illicit lobbying tactics Google employs daily –

Demands for an FTC and FBI raid of Google, for criminal activity, securities law and election felonies have been filed – Google’s David Drummond had his Woodside, CA Quail Road house bugged revealing sex and financial misdeeds – Google, and it’s Cartel (Alphabet, Youtube, and hundreds of other shell-company facades) are a criminal organization engaged in felony-class crimes. Google’s bosses bribe politicians, regulators and law enforcement officials to hold off prosecution.

At Google: Kent Walker, Andy Rubin, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Sergy Brin, Jared Cohen, Yasmin Green, David Drummond and Ian Fette are so enmeshed in sex scandals, election manipulation, and White House bribes that it is hard to comprehend how they can get any legitimate work done. Google executives came from most of the fraternity houses involved in the college rape scandals.

Google sells covert character assassination services to politicians and fellow oligarchs. Youtube/Google/Alphabet/Deep State are all the same entity. They conspire to hide news about their corruption and they control most of the internet.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.

Twitter, Splunk, Google, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube and the Silicon Valley internet Cartel serve you custom manipulated content by automatically creating a covert digital dossier on you reflecting the content consumption preferences they have spied on about you. They continually evolve their dossier on you in order to steer you towards their ideology and their Democrat political party. At these companies, “data mining”, “machine learning” and “AI” means computerized propaganda processing for certain political entities. They began hiring off-shore people (because they would work so cheap) but most of those people turned out to be Muslim. This created conflicts with the entire southern part of the United States (which is anti-Muslim) because those workers steered content to pro-Muslim positions.

Their spy dossier on you uses abstract content-specific features of the consumed content, such as categories, topic models, and entities, which they automatically extract using natural language processing by comparing every word you use to a giant computer library of what those words might mean about your psychology. So it’s like you are getting “mind-raped” without any penis use. Their assessment of what your words might mean is based on what rich, white male, $200K/year, DNC-promoting programmers think they might mean. Their computers scale and expand their tools with algorithmic software created by those politically and socially biased frat white boys that wrote the code. It is all biased as hell. They never hire blacks or women in system creation roles so everything these companies do only supports rich white soyboy snowflake type gamer thinking.

Because their Silicon Valley VC’s told them to spy on billions of people, even for these web giants, it is impractical to store the entire dynamic history of a user’s interaction features. They, thus, out of greed, use algorithms that selectively decay information in order to generalize users and populations. To them, you are just a generalized data point, like cattle on a ranch, to be harvested and fed upon by Silicon Valley.


The social horror that ‘Silicon Valley’ became is just a bubble of social abuse waiting to burst. Let’s count down the days unil it finally implodes.All Of Silicon Valley needs to be “KILLED OFF” without breaking a single law. They can never be fixed.

It’s easy to do with one simple, 100% legal, weapon: THE TRUTH!

Said one Bay Area developer:

“These crooks don’t get to buy private jets, sex islands, multiple mansions, throw celebrity parties and buy hookers with MY money! If they are making big bucks off my technology, I get my percentage of what they spied on, copied and theived or they get exposed for what they are. I will bring the FBI, DOJ, CIA, FTC, SEC, FEC, FINCEN, 60 Minutes and Congress, along with my team, to help take them down…”







 BREAKING NEWS LINK: How The Sick Pervert Billionaires Boys' Club Came To Dominate The Public Square And Rig Elections (LINK)...



SNAP -50% FACEBOOK -41% UBER -47% AMAZON -35% DISNEY -30% TESLA -33% GOOGLE -21% (LINKS)


Silicon Valley has had the largest number of Congressional hearings against it, the largest number of consumer complaints in American history BUT the least number of regulations imposed on it. Why? You can look no further than the covert ownership of Silicon Valley by elected officials. Our politicians get paid bribes, by Silicon Valley, to keep the political corruption alive-and-well while they operate, with impunity, as the biggest threats to society ever manifested.

Politicians protect Silicon Valley and allow them to keep doing crimes!


Silicon Valley is producing child suicides, racism, misogyny, child mental health threats, domestic spying, data harvesting, sex trafficking, election manipulation, tax evasion, Fusion GPS/Media Matters/ Black Cube hit jobs on competitors, censorship, contrived market monopolization, intellectual property theft, political bribery and many other crimes! Why? Because crime pays…for corrupt U.S. Senators!



In the Age of Transparency, also known as The Great Disruption. Many document leaks have taken place, and more are expected, with particularly shocking data. The public has now become way moree savvy about information tools. This nexus of factors has created a new reality.

As billionaires and super-corporations become more prolific, their hubris, tone-deafness, and egotistic excesses seem to increase.

In this new age of equal access to all information, every member of the public now has access to the same investigation resources that the FBI and CIA have. Over 2000 online service providers will track down any crime, at any corporation or in any billionaies portfolio. You can, now, easily, hunt down the hookers, criminal expense accounts, tax evasion shelters, abuse of funds, insider trading, political bribes, mistresses, and other corporate mis-deeds of each and every executive at a company.

The lesson to the wise: If you are a cocky billionaire, or corporation, one week; you can now be an out-of-business corporation, or billionaire, the next week. Be honest, legal and moral and you won’t get the axe.

“E. Dinallo (edinallo@debevoise.com)” edinallo@debevoise.com, “E. McMichael “Mike” Clark, Jr., CLU, ChFC (mclark@bmr-inc.com)” mclark@bmr-inc.com, “E. Pete Adams (pete@ldaa.org)” pete@ldaa.org, “E.J. Dionne, Jr. (ejdionne@washpost.com)” ejdionne@washpost.com, “E.L. “Ted” O’Rourke (ted_orourke20@hotmail.com)” ted_orourke20@hotmail.com, “Eagle (frieagle@aol.com)” frieagle@aol.com, “Earl Hurd (ehurd@opcmia.org)” ehurd@opcmia.org, “Earl Potter (epotter@swcp.com)” epotter@swcp.com, “Ebony Boyd (eboyd@comptroller.nyc.gov)” eboyd@comptroller.nyc.gov, “Economic Development (EconDev@richmondgov.com)” EconDev@richmondgov.com, “Economist Intelligence Unit (460435.1026044299@ems.euromoneyplc.com)” 460435.1026044299@ems.euromoneyplc.com, “Ed “Flash” Ferenc (djbflash@aol.com)” djbflash@aol.com, “Ed Brown (erbrown@yahoo.com)” erbrown@yahoo.com, “Ed Coward (edward.coward@morganstanleysmithbarney.com)” edward.coward@morganstanleysmithbarney.com, “Ed Curran (RPASNY@aol.com)” RPASNY@aol.com, “Ed Donnelly (Donnellyed@aol.com)” Donnellyed@aol.com, “Ed Finn (ed.finn@barrons.com)” ed.finn@barrons.com, “Ed Friend, FSA, FCA, EA (edf@efi-actuaries.com)” edf@efi-actuaries.com, “Ed Goeas (egoeas@TARRANCE.COM)” egoeas@TARRANCE.COM, “Ed Grebow (edwardgrebow@amalgamatedbank.com)” edwardgrebow@amalgamatedbank.com, “Ed Hill (ed_hill@ibew.org)” ed_hill@ibew.org, “Ed Kelly (ed@axiomproducts.com)” ed@axiomproducts.com, “Ed Kelly (pres@pffm.org)” pres@pffm.org, “Ed King (eking@chicagofop.org)” eking@chicagofop.org, “Ed Malloy (edwardjmalloy@gmail.com)” edwardjmalloy@gmail.com, “Ed Marszal (edmarszal@gmail.com)” edmarszal@gmail.com, “Ed Patchett, CFA (epatchett@independentfiduciary.com)” epatchett@independentfiduciary.com, “Ed Randall (Edwrandall@yahoo.com)” Edwrandall@yahoo.com, “Ed Rothstein (erothstein@ecosystem.us)” erothstein@ecosystem.us, “Ed Rubovitz (edrub@fpainsurance.com)” edrub@fpainsurance.com, “Ed Smith (esmith@ullico.com)” esmith@ullico.com, “Ed Strazzini (edstrazzini@gmail.com)” edstrazzini@gmail.com, “Ed Strazzini (svmanatee@gmail.com)” svmanatee@gmail.com, “Ed Swan, Jr. (eswanjr@aol.com)” eswanjr@aol.com, “Ed Theobald (theobald.ed@gmail.com)” theobald.ed@gmail.com, “Ed Vargas (evargas@amalgamatedlife.com)” evargas@amalgamatedlife.com, “Ed Walsh (ironworkdc@aol.com)” ironworkdc@aol.com, “Ed Werneke (emwerneke@aol.com)” emwerneke@aol.com, “Eddie Alonzo (edalonzo@optonline.net)” edalonzo@optonline.net, “Eddie Boles (eboles@ufoa.org)” eboles@ufoa.org, “Eddie Brown (ebrown@browncapital.com)” ebrown@browncapital.com, “Eddie Deschapelles (Eddie.Deschapelles@aspectcapital.com)” Eddie.Deschapelles@aspectcapital.com, “Eddie Ott (edottnyc@gmail.com)” edottnyc@gmail.com, “Eddie Rodriguez (eddierodriguez@local1549.com)” eddierodriguez@local1549.com, “Eddie Vale (evale@aflcio.org)” evale@aflcio.org, “Edgar Alvarado (ealvarado@allstate.com)” ealvarado@allstate.com, “Edgar Bronfman, Jr. (ebj@wmg.com)” ebj@wmg.com, “Edgar Hernandez (edgar.hernandez@seiu.org)” edgar.hernandez@seiu.org, “Edgar Rios (erios@wenzicapital.com)” erios@wenzicapital.com, “Edgar Romney (edgar.romney@workersunitedunion.org)” edgar.romney@workersunitedunion.org, “Edie Fraser (edie@leadershipllc.com)” edie@leadershipllc.com, “Edmund J. McMahon (info@empirecenter.org)” info@empirecenter.org, “Edmund Tse (etse@altmancronin.com)” etse@altmancronin.com, “Eduardo Guemez (eduardo.guemez@lasalle.com)” eduardo.guemez@lasalle.com, “Eduardo Martinez Perez (eduardo.martinez@yale.edu)” eduardo.martinez@yale.edu, “Eduardo Stein (stein.eduardo@gmail.com)” stein.eduardo@gmail.com, “Edward Borins (e_borins@yahoo.com)” e_borins@yahoo.com, “Edward Buenaga (edward.buenaga@usbank.com)” edward.buenaga@usbank.com, “Edward Casal (ed.casal@avivainvestors.com)” ed.casal@avivainvestors.com, “Edward Coyle (ecoyle@retiredamericans.org)” ecoyle@retiredamericans.org, “Edward Drescher, Jr. (ed_42yahoo.com)” ed_42yahoo.com, “Edward Flynn (tflynn3@cox.net)” tflynn3@cox.net, “Edward Geisler (egeisler@hcpc.org)” egeisler@hcpc.org, “Edward Joyce, Jr., J.D. (ejor@verizon.net)” ejor@verizon.net, “Edward Kennedy, Jr. (ekennedy@marwoodgroup.com)” ekennedy@marwoodgroup.com, “Edward McEwan (EMcEwan@nabetlocal11.org)” EMcEwan@nabetlocal11.org, “Edward McMahon (emcmahon@iatse-local1.org)” emcmahon@iatse-local1.org, “Edward Mullen (mullen@kornferry.com)” mullen@kornferry.com, “Edward Novey, Jr. (enovey@jibei.com)” enovey@jibei.com, “Edward Perry (erp@masscop.org)” erp@masscop.org, “Eileen Flannelly (eflannelly@records.nyc.gov)” eflannelly@records.nyc.gov, “Eileen Flannelly (emflannelly@hotmail.com)” emflannelly@hotmail.com, “Eileen Hardy (ehardy@ala.org)” ehardy@ala.org, “Eileen Wait (ewait@ins.state.ny.us)” ewait@ins.state.ny.us, “Elaine Atwood (elaineatwood@iuoelocal30.org)” elaineatwood@iuoelocal30.org, “Elaine Bernard, Ph.D. (EBernard@law.harvard.edu)” EBernard@law.harvard.edu, “Elana Levin (elana.brooklyn@gmail.com)” elana.brooklyn@gmail.com, “Elena McCall (emccall@eflassociates.com)” emccall@eflassociates.com, “Elisa Sterling Vega (elisasterling@hotmail.com)” elisasterling@hotmail.com, “Elisabeth Burgess (elisabethbburgess@hotmail.com)” elisabethbburgess@hotmail.com, “Elise Roth (eroth@nabetlocal11.org)” eroth@nabetlocal11.org, “Eliseo Medina (medinae@seiu.org)” medinae@seiu.org, “Elizabeth “Liz” Fisher (efisher@spencerstuart.com)” efisher@spencerstuart.com, “Elizabeth “Liz” Mole (elizabeth_mole@yahoo.com)” elizabeth_mole@yahoo.com, “Elizabeth B. Henry (kcarlsonwp@earthlink.net)” kcarlsonwp@earthlink.net, “Elizabeth Bunker (ebunker@sfps.info)” ebunker@sfps.info, “Elizabeth Coleman (eilishcoleman@hotmail.com)” eilishcoleman@hotmail.com, “Elizabeth Crenshaw (elizabeth.crenshaw@egrayco.com)” elizabeth.crenshaw@egrayco.com, “Elizabeth Crowley (ecrowley14@aol.com)” ecrowley14@aol.com, “Elizabeth Cruz (Elizabeth.Cruz@pepsico.com)” Elizabeth.Cruz@pepsico.com, “Elizabeth Duke (regina.watson@frb.gov)” regina.watson@frb.gov, “Elizabeth Greenwood (elgreenwood@mac.com)” elgreenwood@mac.com, “Elizabeth Harris (eharris@richmondcap.com)” eharris@richmondcap.com, “Elizabeth Monterrosa (emonter@comptroller.nyc.gov)” emonter@comptroller.nyc.gov, “Elizabeth Moran (Elizabeth.Moran@vdba.virginia.gov)” Elizabeth.Moran@vdba.virginia.gov, “Elizabeth O’Leary, Esq. (oleary@kmm.com)” oleary@kmm.com, “Elizabeth Rankin (erankin3@nd.edu)” erankin3@nd.edu, “Elizabeth V. Halpin (bakeseli@shu.edu)” bakeseli@shu.edu, “Elizabeth V. Halpin (elizabeth.halpin@shu.edu)” elizabeth.halpin@shu.edu, “Elizabeth Warren, Esq. (ewarren@law.harvard.edu)” ewarren@law.harvard.edu, “Elizabeth Wilner (ewilner@pgpf.org)” ewilner@pgpf.org, “Elizabeth Wohlleb (elizabeth.wohlleb@rreef.com)” elizabeth.wohlleb@rreef.com, “Ellen Bollinger (ellen@thenation.com)” ellen@thenation.com, “Ellen Conovitz (econovitz@tonioburgos.com)” econovitz@tonioburgos.com, “Ellen LaBelle (EllenL@ifebp.org)” EllenL@ifebp.org, “Ellen Mosher (EMosher@voa.org)” EMosher@voa.org, “Ellen R. Malcolm (erm@EMILYSLIST.ORG)” erm@EMILYSLIST.ORG, “Ellen Redmond (eredmond@ibew1049.com)” eredmond@ibew1049.com, “Ellen Sheridan Hefner (elhef@aol.com)” elhef@aol.com, “Ellie Reeve Parker (ereeveparker@shed-ent.com.au)” ereeveparker@shed-ent.com.au, “Eloiza Morales (eloiza.morales@mail.cuny.edu)” eloiza.morales@mail.cuny.edu, “Elvis Duverge (ezd.verge@gmail.com)” ezd.verge@gmail.com, “EmergencyCorps (bjmccabe@emergencycorps.org)” bjmccabe@emergencycorps.org, “Emilio Pardo (epardo@aarp.org)” epardo@aarp.org, “Emily Jackson (ejackson@madisonsquare.org)” ejackson@madisonsquare.org, “Emily K. Garami (eg6124@att.com)” eg6124@att.com, “Emily K. Garami (emily.garami@att.com)” emily.garami@att.com, “Emily Kunze (emilykunze@hotmail.com)” emilykunze@hotmail.com, “Emma Blackwell (eblackwell@iinews.com)” eblackwell@iinews.com, “Equinox (myeq_feedback@equinox.com)” myeq_feedback@equinox.com, “Equinox Fitness Clubs (equinoxwebmonitoring@equinoxfitness.com)” equinoxwebmonitoring@equinoxfitness.com, “Eric Anthony (Eric.Anthony@mail.house.gov)” Eric.Anthony@mail.house.gov, “Eric Carmichael (ecarmichael@pacamsecurities.com)” ecarmichael@pacamsecurities.com, “Eric Gill (EGill@unitehere5.org)” EGill@unitehere5.org, “Eric Gioia (eric.gioia@jpmorgan.com)” eric.gioia@jpmorgan.com, “Eric Lang (eric.lang@trs.state.tx.us)” eric.lang@trs.state.tx.us, “Eric Lentovich (erlentovich@yahoo.com)” erlentovich@yahoo.com, “Eric Martin (emartin21@bloomberg.net)” emartin21@bloomberg.net, “Eric Middleton (@alliancerc.com)” , “Eric Ralph, CFA (e_ralph@summitstrategies.com)” e_ralph@summitstrategies.com, “Eric Robinson (eric@pscinsurance.com)” eric@pscinsurance.com, “Eric Rosengren (eric.rosengren@bob.frb.org)” eric.rosengren@bob.frb.org, “Eric Rovelli (ericr@azasrs.gov)” ericr@azasrs.gov, “Eric Ryn” ERyn@atpa.com, “Eric Smith, Esq. (esmith@CSSC.com)” esmith@CSSC.com, “Eric Stanchfield (eric.stanchfield@dc.gov)” eric.stanchfield@dc.gov, “Eric Stein, Esq. (eric@self-help.org)” eric@self-help.org, “Eric Young, Esq. (eyoung@sfmslaw.com)” eyoung@sfmslaw.com, “Eric Young, Esq. (eyoung@eganyoung.com)” eyoung@eganyoung.com, “Eric Zimiles (ezimiles@health.nyc.gov)” ezimiles@health.nyc.gov, “Erica Cm Pascali (epascali@eden.rutgers.edu)” epascali@eden.rutgers.edu, “Erica Namtalov (Erica.Namtalov@worldrg.com)” Erica.Namtalov@worldrg.com, “Erik Brand (ebrand@thedialogue.org)” ebrand@thedialogue.org, “Erika Tiedge (erika.tiedge@lafpp.com)” erika.tiedge@lafpp.com, “Erin Hill (replies@actblue.com)” replies@actblue.com, “Erin Mann (emann@the-impact-center.org)” emann@the-impact-center.org, “Erin Stevens (estevens@osc.state.ny.us)” estevens@osc.state.ny.us, “Ernesto “Ernie” Mattace, Jr. (emattace@aol.com)” emattace@aol.com, “Ernesto “Ernie” Mattace, Jr. (emattace@solutionsem.net)” emattace@solutionsem.net, “Ernesto Sampson (ernesto_sampson@ml.com)” ernesto_sampson@ml.com, “Ernie Fazio (ernie@limba.net)” ernie@limba.net, “Ernie Panasci, Esq. (epanasci@joneskeller.com)” epanasci@joneskeller.com, “Errol Katcher (strategyfocus@aol.com)” strategyfocus@aol.com, “Errol Ogman (eogman@sbanyc.org)” eogman@sbanyc.org, “Estancia El Colibri (reservation@estanciaelcolibri.com)” reservation@estanciaelcolibri.com, “Estevan Trujillo (e3designlab@mac.com)” e3designlab@mac.com, “Esther George (thomas.m.hoenig@kc.frb.org)” thomas.m.hoenig@kc.frb.org, “Ethan Penner (epenner@cbreinvestors.com)” epenner@cbreinvestors.com, “Eugene Trani, Ph.D. (etrani@vcu.edu)” etrani@vcu.edu, “eureekany@gmail.com (eureekany@gmail.com)” eureekany@gmail.com, “Eureka Private Equity (database@eurekahedge.com)” database@eurekahedge.com, “Eva Millona (evamillona@miracoalition.org)” evamillona@miracoalition.org, “Evan Weston (evanweston@gmail.com)” evanweston@gmail.com, “Evelyn Brust (ebrust@evelynbrustfoundation.org)” ebrust@evelynbrustfoundation.org, “Evelyn Vega-Maloney (EVELYNMALONEY@AmalgamatedBank.com)” EVELYNMALONEY@AmalgamatedBank.com, “Everald Burke (ecburkejr@hotmail.com)” ecburkejr@hotmail.com, “Everette Freeman (everette.freeman@asurams.edu)” everette.freeman@asurams.edu, “Evetta Petty (contact@harlemsheaven.com)” contact@harlemsheaven.com, “Evie (evie@dare2b.net)” evie@dare2b.net, “Evie Padilla, CPCU, CIC (evie-ziains@qwestoffice.net)” evie-ziains@qwestoffice.net, “Ezra King (eking@nyccarpenter.com)” eking@nyccarpenter.com, “F. G. Creamer (fgcreamer@aol.com)” fgcreamer@aol.com, “Fabrice Pasquinelli (fabrice@acimfunds.com)” fabrice@acimfunds.com, “Fabrizio Giovannini (fabosantafe@msn.com)” fabosantafe@msn.com, “Faith Schon (FSchon@)” FSchon@, “Falynn Enright (falynnenright@yahoo.com)” falynnenright@yahoo.com, “Fareed Zakaria (comments@fareedzakaria.com)” comments@fareedzakaria.com, “Faren Dancer (faren@unicopia.org)” faren@unicopia.org, “Federal Reserve Board (Office-of-the-Secretary@frb.gov)” Office-of-the-Secretary@frb.gov, “FedEx Office (usa0463@fedex.com)” usa0463@fedex.com, “Fedex Office 2 (usa0435@fedex.com)” usa0435@fedex.com, “Feinstein’s at Loews Regency (regencyfeinstein@loewshotels.com)” regencyfeinstein@loewshotels.com, “Felipe Floresca (fmfloresca@earthlink.net)” fmfloresca@earthlink.net, “Felipe Floresca (felipe.m.floresca@hud.gov)” felipe.m.floresca@hud.gov, “Felix Rohatyn (bill.barrett@rohatyn.com)” bill.barrett@rohatyn.com, “Fi360 Team (conference@fi360.com)” conference@fi360.com, “Fiduciary Counselors, Inc. (nell.hennessey@fiduciarycounselors.com)” nell.hennessey@fiduciarycounselors.com, “Field Griffith (fgriffith@vrs.state.va.us)” fgriffith@vrs.state.va.us, “Fierce Finance (editors@fiercefinance.com)” editors@fiercefinance.com, “Filip Celander (filipcelander@gmail.com)” filipcelander@gmail.com, “Finance@sriconferences.com (Financesri@sri.sriconferences.com)” Financesri@sri.sriconferences.com, “Financial Times (uscirculation@ft.com)” uscirculation@ft.com, “Fiona Ma (Assemblymember.Ma@Outreach.assembly.ca.gov)” Assemblymember.Ma@Outreach.assembly.ca.gov, “Fiona Reynolds (freynolds@aist.asn.au)” freynolds@aist.asn.au, “Fletcher Catron, Esq. (FCatron@Catronlaw.com)” FCatron@Catronlaw.com, “Fran Asselta (francine.asselta@columbiamanagement.com)” francine.asselta@columbiamanagement.com, “Fran Benson (fgb2@cornell.edu)” fgb2@cornell.edu, “Frances Hesselbein (gloria@leadertoleader.org)” gloria@leadertoleader.org, “Francesca Banci (Francesca.M.Banci@ampf.com)” Francesca.M.Banci@ampf.com, “Francesco Briganti (francesco.briganti@aeip.net)” francesco.briganti@aeip.net, “Franchesca Lugo (flugo@nywcc.org)” flugo@nywcc.org, “Francis Wilkinson (fwilkinson1@bloomberg.net)” fwilkinson1@bloomberg.net, “Francisco Gonzalez (frankieglez@aol.com)” frankieglez@aol.com, “Frank Bail (frank@local1102.org)” frank@local1102.org, “Frank Barrella, MBA, CLTC (fbarrella@jhnetwork.com)” fbarrella@jhnetwork.com, “Frank Barresi (fabfrank208@verizon.net)” fabfrank208@verizon.net, “Frank Campanaro (fcampanaro@trillacorpeconstruction.com)” fcampanaro@trillacorpeconstruction.com, “Frank Chinn (indosf@cs.com)” indosf@cs.com, “Frank Emspak (frank.emspak@uwex.edu)” frank.emspak@uwex.edu, “Frank Emspak (femspak@igc.org)” femspak@igc.org, “Frank Fatone (ffatone@electionservicescorp.com)” ffatone@electionservicescorp.com, “Frank Felice, CPA (frank_felice@victoryconnect.com)” frank_felice@victoryconnect.com, “Frank Fukuyama (f.fukuyama@jhu.edu)” f.fukuyama@jhu.edu, “Frank Gaffney, Jr. (gaffney@securefreedom.org)” gaffney@securefreedom.org, “Frank Gallagher (fgallagher@ia764.org)” fgallagher@ia764.org, “Frank Gentilella (frank_gentilla@medco.com)” frank_gentilla@medco.com, “Frank Guglielmo (fguglielmo@segalco.com)” fguglielmo@segalco.com, “Frank Hartsoe (boilermakers45@hotmail.com)” boilermakers45@hotmail.com, “Frank Hurt (fhurt@bctgm.org)” fhurt@bctgm.org, “Frank Iannucci, MSPA, MAAA, EA (summitfni@aol.com)” summitfni@aol.com, “Frank Karpinski (fkarpinski@ersri.org)” fkarpinski@ersri.org, “Frank L. Jobert, Jr. (rsealouisiana@att.net)” rsealouisiana@att.net, “Frank Lilly, Esq. (flilly@independentfiduciary.com)” flilly@independentfiduciary.com, “Frank Locastro \\’60 (locastf@gmail.com)” locastf@gmail.com, “Frank Marchese (frankmarchese@nysliuna.org)” frankmarchese@nysliuna.org, “Frank Marolda, Jr. (frank.marolda@wellpoint.com)” frank.marolda@wellpoint.com, “Frank Marzano (marzano@gmadvisorygroup.com)” marzano@gmadvisorygroup.com, “Frank Minard (fminard@xtcapital.com)” fminard@xtcapital.com, “Frank Mink, Ph.D. (FMink@entrix.com)” FMink@entrix.com, “Frank Nigro (fnigro@asbcm.com)” fnigro@asbcm.com, “Frank Nigro (kmayes@asbcm.com)” kmayes@asbcm.com, “Frank Ombres (sectreas@earthlink.net)” sectreas@earthlink.net, “Frank Pfeffer (fpfeffer@mdsass.com)” fpfeffer@mdsass.com, “Frank Santore (fsantore@abelnoser.com)” fsantore@abelnoser.com, “Frank Sirianni (pa.bldg@verizon.net)” pa.bldg@verizon.net, “Frank Snyder (fsnyder@paaflcio.org)” fsnyder@paaflcio.org, “Frank Sposato (frank.sposato@lazard.com)” frank.sposato@lazard.com, “Frank Talty (fatalty@aol.com)” fatalty@aol.com, “Frank Tramontano (ftramontano@nycpba.org)” ftramontano@nycpba.org, “Frank Viskup (fviskup1212@gmail.com)” fviskup1212@gmail.com, “Frankie Hughes (fhughes@hughescm.com)” fhughes@hughescm.com, “Franklin Hall (delegatehall@aol.com)” delegatehall@aol.com, “Franklin Madison, Esq. (frank.madison@gmail.com)” frank.madison@gmail.com, “Franklin Madison, Esq. (fmadison@itac.org)” fmadison@itac.org, “Frans Vanderschelde (francois.vanderschelde@Pandora.be)” francois.vanderschelde@Pandora.be, “Frany (frany@pegasus.rutgers.edu)” frany@pegasus.rutgers.edu, “Fred Abbazio (freddiea@aol.com)” freddiea@aol.com, “Fred Bruning (bruning@optonline.net)” bruning@optonline.net, “Fred Caffey (fcaffey@cwrai.com)” fcaffey@cwrai.com, “Fred DeMartino (fdemartino@insulators.org)” fdemartino@insulators.org, “Fred DeSerio (fred_deserio@invesco.com)” fred_deserio@invesco.com, “Fred Devlin (Fdevlin@fmausa.com)” Fdevlin@fmausa.com, “Fred Gortner (fgortner@paladinrp.com)” fgortner@paladinrp.com, “Fred Hagen (fhagen@1199Funds.org)” fhagen@1199Funds.org, “Fred Hunt, Jr. (fred@spbatpa.com)” fred@spbatpa.com, “Fred Klinghoffer (fklinghoff@aol.com)” fklinghoff@aol.com, “Fred Moss, CPA (fmoss@marshallandmoss.com)” fmoss@marshallandmoss.com, “Fred Nesbitt (phredd9@yahoo.com)” phredd9@yahoo.com, “Fred Walter (fwalter1500@aol.com)” fwalter1500@aol.com, “Frederick “Rick” Jackson (rjackson@potomacinfosystems.com)” rjackson@potomacinfosystems.com, “Frederick B. Pickering Jr. (fpickering@wallercc.com)” fpickering@wallercc.com, “Frederick Bailey (fb95733@imcnam.ssmb.com)” fb95733@imcnam.ssmb.com, “Frederick Bailey (fjbsutton@gmail.com)” fjbsutton@gmail.com, “G. Diehr (gdiehr@csusm.edu)” gdiehr@csusm.edu, “G. Kerr (gkerr5@hotmail.com)” gkerr5@hotmail.com, “G. Lahann (GLahann@novusventures.com)” GLahann@novusventures.com, “G. Lee (glee@opalgroup.net)” glee@opalgroup.net, “Gabriel Badescu (gabriel.badescu.2009@anderson.ucla.edu)” gabriel.badescu.2009@anderson.ucla.edu, “GAH Murray (gahmurray@gmail.com)” gahmurray@gmail.com, “Gail Bress (AB4GB@aol.com)” AB4GB@aol.com, “Gail Goldwasser (gabriela@cybermesa.com)” gabriela@cybermesa.com, “Galisteo Bistro-Santa Fe (chef@galisteobistro.com)” chef@galisteobistro.com, “Galisteo Home Furnishings (salesapgaliteohome.com)” salesapgaliteohome.com, “Garry Moody (gmoody9@comcast.net)” gmoody9@comcast.net, “Garry Torpea (gtorpea@ufcw655.org)” gtorpea@ufcw655.org, “Gary Burke (gburke@ullico.com)” gburke@ullico.com, “Gary Dokes (garydokes@azasrs.gov)” garydokes@azasrs.gov, “Gary Fox (foxprtco@pacbell.net)” foxprtco@pacbell.net, “Gary Griffin (ggriffin@ibewlocal24.org)” ggriffin@ibewlocal24.org, “Gary Harbin, CPA (Gary.Harbin@ky.gov)” Gary.Harbin@ky.gov, “Gary Jones (toolman54@prodigy.net)” toolman54@prodigy.net, “Gary Katz (gkatz@archercm.com)” gkatz@archercm.com, “Gary Koutsoubos (gkoutsoubos@imn.org)” gkoutsoubos@imn.org, “Gary LaBarbera (linbx@aol.com)” linbx@aol.com, “Gary Lawson, Esq. (Gary.Lawson@strasburger.com)” Gary.Lawson@strasburger.com, “Gary Lutin (gary.lutin@att.net)” gary.lutin@att.net, “Gary Lutin (gl@shareholderforum.com)” gl@shareholderforum.com, “Gary Matus (gmatus@rsrpartners.com)” gmatus@rsrpartners.com, “Gary Meyers (gmeyers@iupat.org)” gmeyers@iupat.org, “Gary Osborne (gary_osborne@ibew.org)” gary_osborne@ibew.org, “Gary Peart (gpeart@carpenterssw.org)” gpeart@carpenterssw.org, “Gary Robb (iwlu60@verizon.net)” iwlu60@verizon.net, “Gary South (GarrySouth1@AOL.COM)” GarrySouth1@AOL.COM, “Gary Stern (gary.stern@mpls.frb.org)” gary.stern@mpls.frb.org, “Gary Young, Esq. (gyoung@herrick.com)” gyoung@herrick.com, “Gauri Goyal (ggoyal@iiintelligence.com)” ggoyal@iiintelligence.com, “Gavin Enright (gvnenright@gmail.com)” gvnenright@gmail.com, “Gavin McDonald (gmcdonald@iupat.org)” gmcdonald@iupat.org, “Gavin McDonald (gavinmcdonald@verizon.net)” gavinmcdonald@verizon.net, “Gayle Horwitz (ghorwitz@comptroller.nyc.gov)” ghorwitz@comptroller.nyc.gov, “Gayle Moore (GMoore@NELIUNA.com)” GMoore@NELIUNA.com, “Gemma de Leon (gemma@local1102.org)” gemma@local1102.org, “Gene Carroll (gc32@cornell.edu)” gc32@cornell.edu, “Gene Eisner, Esq. (gene@eisnerassociates.com)” gene@eisnerassociates.com, “Gene Friedman, Esq. (efriedman@friedmanwolf.com)” efriedman@friedmanwolf.com, “Gene George (gene_george@bcbstx.com)” gene_george@bcbstx.com, “Gene Kuleta (gkuleta@thedialogue.org)” gkuleta@thedialogue.org, “Gene Nealon (Gene.Nealon@Nealonaffinity.com)” Gene.Nealon@Nealonaffinity.com, “Gene Noser (enoser@abelnoser.com)” enoser@abelnoser.com, “Gene Price (gprice@carpenterfunds.com)” gprice@carpenterfunds.com, “Genelle Brakefield, QKA, TGPC (genelle.brakefield@ekonbenefits.com)” genelle.brakefield@ekonbenefits.com, “Genie Hayes (ghayes@creditsolutions.com)” ghayes@creditsolutions.com, “Genny Lush (glush@lgva.net)” glush@lgva.net, “Geoff Dohrmann, CRE (g.dohrmann@irei.com)” g.dohrmann@irei.com, “Geoffrey Bates (gbates@immersion.com)” gbates@immersion.com, “Geoffrey Coley (gcoley@chappy.com)” gcoley@chappy.com, “Geoffrey Eaton (geoffrey.eaton@mail.house.gov)” geoffrey.eaton@mail.house.gov, “George “Ty” Tydings, Jr. (gtydings@columbiaptrs.com)” gtydings@columbiaptrs.com, “George & Tina Wakeman/Traficanti (GEW@ACHWG.COM)” GEW@ACHWG.COM, “George Aidonis, M.D. (aidonis@otenet.gr)” aidonis@otenet.gr, “George Bognar (gbognar@segalco.com)” gbognar@segalco.com, “George Bueno (gbueno@opeiu-tristate.org)” gbueno@opeiu-tristate.org, “George Bueno (georgelbueno@aol.com)” georgelbueno@aol.com, “George Dewees (deweesgeorge@aol.com)” deweesgeorge@aol.com, “George Dunnigan (gdunnigan17@gmail.com)” gdunnigan17@gmail.com, “George F. McCray (fredqfd@comcast.net)” fredqfd@comcast.net, “George Galis (ggalis@iupat.org)” ggalis@iupat.org, “George Henry, CA (george_henry@acuityfunds.com)” george_henry@acuityfunds.com, “George Hudspeth (ggudspeth@arqueadvisors.com)” ggudspeth@arqueadvisors.com, “George Kiriakos (gkirk@karpus.com)” gkirk@karpus.com, “George Laufenberg, CEBS (georgel@njcf.org)” georgel@njcf.org, “George McGregor, CPA, MBA (gmcgregor@mcgregorinc.com)” gmcgregor@mcgregorinc.com, “George Miranda (gmiranda@ibtlocal210.org)” gmiranda@ibtlocal210.org, “George Reilly (greilly@ualocal1.org)” greilly@ualocal1.org, “George Roche (groche@troweprice.com)” groche@troweprice.com, “George Sands (georgesands@pathwaycapital.com)” georgesands@pathwaycapital.com, “George Schmidt (gwtw11@aol.com)” gwtw11@aol.com, “George Soros (georgeSoros.com)” georgeSoros.com, “George Spira (gspira@nyccah.org)” gspira@nyccah.org, “George Stemerman (stemerman@blue-rock.com)” stemerman@blue-rock.com, “George Tedeschi (gtedeschi@gciu.org)” gtedeschi@gciu.org, “George Wallace (gwallace@scibew-neca.org)” gwallace@scibew-neca.org, “George Washington University Council on American Politics (GWU) (@GWU.EDU)” , “George Wilbanks (george.wilbanks@russellreynolds.com)” george.wilbanks@russellreynolds.com, “George Zeppenfeldt-Cestero (gzeppenfeldt@ahhe.org)” gzeppenfeldt@ahhe.org, “George Zeppenfeldt-Cestero (g.zeppenfeldt@nhcch.com)” g.zeppenfeldt@nhcch.com, “George Zorgo, Jr. (GZorgo@ZorgoPrint.com)” GZorgo@ZorgoPrint.com, “Gerald Garrett (ggarrett@ci.tulsa.ok.us)” ggarrett@ci.tulsa.ok.us, “Gerald Grayson, Ph.D. (jerryarb@optonline.net)” jerryarb@optonline.net, “Gerald Mele (gmele430@aol.com)” gmele430@aol.com, “Gerald Owens (gowens@ilaunion.org)” gowens@ilaunion.org, “Gerald Rafshoon (geraldrafshoon@GMAIL.COM)” geraldrafshoon@GMAIL.COM, “Gerard Arnone (gmarnone@comerica.com)” gmarnone@comerica.com, “Gerrard Bushell (gbushell@ardenasset.com)” gbushell@ardenasset.com, “Gerry Dandeneau, Esq. (gvdand@danlottlaw.com)” gvdand@danlottlaw.com, “Gerry Hudson (hudsong@seiu.org)” hudsong@seiu.org, “Gerry Kavanaugh (gkavanaugh@dcspolitics.com)” gkavanaugh@dcspolitics.com, “Gerry Lund (jlund@wilson-mcshane.com)” jlund@wilson-mcshane.com, “Gerry McEntee (gmcentee@afscme.org)” gmcentee@afscme.org, “Gerry O’Beirne (gerry.obeirne@eisneramper.com)” gerry.obeirne@eisneramper.com, “Gerry Owens (gowens@ilaunion.org)” gowens@ilaunion.org, “Gerry Waites, Esq. (gwaites@odonoghuelaw.com)” gwaites@odonoghuelaw.com, “Gewn (Gwen@budget.ci.detroit.mi.us)” Gwen@budget.ci.detroit.mi.us, “Gil Barrett (gilbarrett@amalgamatedbank.com)” gilbarrett@amalgamatedbank.com, “Gila Cohen (gcohen@golubcapital.com)” gcohen@golubcapital.com, “Gilda Avram (gilda@scpoa.org)” gilda@scpoa.org, “Gina Chon (gina.chon@wsj.com)” gina.chon@wsj.com, “Gina Dzurenda (gdzurenda@imn.org)” gdzurenda@imn.org, “Gina Marie Lacey (glacey@nyccarpenter.com)” glacey@nyccarpenter.com, “Ginger Hourihan” GHourihan@atpa.com, “Ginger Hourihan-Gmail” gingerhourihan@gmail.com, “Ginny Zipperer (gzipperer@youthshelters.org)” gzipperer@youthshelters.org, “GISELA CHACON (gchacon@caf.com)” gchacon@caf.com, “Gizmo Wexler (gizmo@compufriendtech.com)” gizmo@compufriendtech.com, “Glen Gee (glengee@me.com)” glengee@me.com, “Glenerst (glenerst@aol.com)” glenerst@aol.com, “Glenn Crisafi (gcrisafi@heraldnb.com)” gcrisafi@heraldnb.com, “Glenn Eyrich, CPA (geyrich@calibrecpa.com)” geyrich@calibrecpa.com, “Glenn Ezard (gezard@segaladvisors.com)” gezard@segaladvisors.com, “Glenn Mueller, Ph.D. (gmueller@dividendcapital.com)” gmueller@dividendcapital.com, “Glenn Nicholson (glenncraft@aol.com)” glenncraft@aol.com, “Glenn Ruffenach (encore@wsj.com)” encore@wsj.com, “Global Real Estate Institute (GRI) (info@globalrealestate.org)” info@globalrealestate.org, “Gloria Gil (Gloria.Gil@ucop.edu)” Gloria.Gil@ucop.edu, “GM (gmdist02@aol.com)” gmdist02@aol.com, “Goodloe “Geb” Byron (gebyron@potomacinvestments.com)” gebyron@potomacinvestments.com, “Gordon Whitman (gwhitman@piconetwork.org)” gwhitman@piconetwork.org, “Grace Chung (chunggra@gmail.com)” chunggra@gmail.com, “Gracie Mackell (gracecheers2001@gmail.com)” gracecheers2001@gmail.com, “Graham Bond (gbond@cornerstoneadvisers.com)” gbond@cornerstoneadvisers.com, “Grand Hotel Timeo & Villa Flora (framon@framon-hotels.it)” framon@framon-hotels.it, “Grant Berlin (GBerlin@TishmanSpeyer.com)” GBerlin@TishmanSpeyer.com, “Grant Thornton LLP (editors@e.grantthornton.com)” editors@e.grantthornton.com, “Greg (Greg@courtyardtvl.com)” Greg@courtyardtvl.com, “Greg Auteri, CPA (gauteri@buchbinder.com)” gauteri@buchbinder.com, “Greg Auteri, CPA (ga@buchbinder.com)” ga@buchbinder.com, “Greg Blomstrand (gblomstrand@americanreal.com)” gblomstrand@americanreal.com, “Greg Calvin (sofya3@juno.com)” sofya3@juno.com, “Greg Casey (gcasey@declaration.com)” gcasey@declaration.com, “Greg Casey (csandj@hotmail.com)” csandj@hotmail.com, “Greg Johnson (greg.johnson@rich.frb.org)” greg.johnson@rich.frb.org, “Greg Kinczewski, Esq. (kinczewski@marcoconsulting.com)” kinczewski@marcoconsulting.com, “Greg LeRoy (goodjobs@goodjobsfirst.org)” goodjobs@goodjobsfirst.org, “Greg Litster (greg@safechecks.com)” greg@safechecks.com, “Greg Menke (greg@hospitalitysantafe.com)” greg@hospitalitysantafe.com, “Greg Menke (foodie@movablefeastsantafe.com)” foodie@movablefeastsantafe.com, “Greg Motylenski (motylenski@gmail.com)” motylenski@gmail.com, “Greg Patterson (gregp@trendlinehealth.com)” gregp@trendlinehealth.com, “Greg Tarpinian (greg@tarpgroup.com)” greg@tarpgroup.com, “Greg Trento (gregtrento@comcast.net)” gregtrento@comcast.net, “Greg White (gwhite@thlee.com)” gwhite@thlee.com, “Gregg Kerr (gkerr@intechjanus.com)” gkerr@intechjanus.com, “Gregg Schochenmaier, Esq. (gsch@ipers.org)” gsch@ipers.org, “Gregory Bell (gregorysbell@gmail.com)” gregorysbell@gmail.com, “Gregory Dawson (gdawson@imn.org)” gdawson@imn.org, “Gregory Floyd (gfloyd@local237.org)” gfloyd@local237.org, “Gregory Ifill (gregoryifill@amalgamatedbank.com)” gregoryifill@amalgamatedbank.com, “Gregory Johnston (gregory.johnston@omgeo.com)” gregory.johnston@omgeo.com, “Gregory Philipps (gphilipps@pfeval.com)” gphilipps@pfeval.com, “Gregory Quagliato (gregoryq@comcast.net)” gregoryq@comcast.net, “Gregory Schwartz, Esq. (bizdealmaker@aol.com)” bizdealmaker@aol.com, “Gregory Zavoyna (greg.zavoyna@brandywineglobal.com)” greg.zavoyna@brandywineglobal.com, “Greta Harris (gharris@lisc.org)” gharris@lisc.org, “Greta Ulbrich (greta@courtyardtvl.com)” greta@courtyardtvl.com, “Gretchen Postula (gretchen.s.postula@pjc.com)” gretchen.s.postula@pjc.com, “Gretta Rivero (grivero@thedialogue.org)” grivero@thedialogue.org, “Griffin Goetz (ggoetz@ullico.com)” ggoetz@ullico.com, “Gustavo Bikkesbakker (gbikkesbakker@meketagroup.com)” gbikkesbakker@meketagroup.com, “Guy Norberg (guy.norberg@amacoregroup.com)” guy.norberg@amacoregroup.com, “Guy Turner (tsaffofficial@tsaff.org)” tsaffofficial@tsaff.org, “Gwen Butler (gbutler@capricapital.com)” gbutler@capricapital.com, “Gwenn Bough (gbough@pacificpension.org)” gbough@pacificpension.org, “H. Daniel Vincent (dvincent@cphi.org)” dvincent@cphi.org, “H.L. S. (HLS@TimeSaveLLC.com)” HLS@TimeSaveLLC.com, “Hal Kurofsky (halto@msn.com)” halto@msn.com, “Hana Vratna (hvratna@FiveMileCapital.com)” hvratna@FiveMileCapital.com, “Hank Kim, Esq. (hank@ncpers.org)” hank@ncpers.org, “Haranjeet Narulla (haran@blue-wolf.com)” haran@blue-wolf.com, “Harold Baxtor (hbax99@yahoo.com)” hbax99@yahoo.com, “Harold Daggett (hdaggett@ilaunion.org)” hdaggett@ilaunion.org, “Harold Daggett (mfong@ilaunion.org)” mfong@ilaunion.org, “Harold Hallstein, IV (hhallstein@hedgemark.com)” hhallstein@hedgemark.com, “Harold King (hking@councilofindustry.org)” hking@councilofindustry.org, “Harold McDonald (haroldnsherry@yahoo.com)” haroldnsherry@yahoo.com, “Harold Meyerson (meyersonh@prospect.org)” meyersonh@prospect.org, “Harold Mittel (hmittel@local338.org)” hmittel@local338.org, “Harold Schaitberger (hschaitberger@iaff.org)” hschaitberger@iaff.org, “Harold Zirkin (harild.zirkin@zirkincutler.com)” harild.zirkin@zirkincutler.com, “Harriet Levine (hlevine@stuartlevine.com)” hlevine@stuartlevine.com, “Harriet Preston-Morley (terrapin@uk.terrapinnmedia.com)” terrapin@uk.terrapinnmedia.com, “Harrison Magee (harrison.magee@gmail.com)” harrison.magee@gmail.com, “Harrison Magee (occupymedia@gmail.com)” occupymedia@gmail.com, “Harry Bailey (hbailey@chx.com)” hbailey@chx.com, “Harry Chapman (harry@acimfunds.com)” harry@acimfunds.com, “Harry Elish (harold.elish@ubs.com)” harold.elish@ubs.com, “Harry Melander (harstpbt@mtn.org)” harstpbt@mtn.org, “Harry Nicholas (mwc411@optonline.net)” mwc411@optonline.net, “Harry Quiett (HQuiett@voa.org)” HQuiett@voa.org, “Harry Robinson (hr@techsolpartners.com)” hr@techsolpartners.com, “Harvey Englander (harvey@ENGLANDERPR.COM)” harvey@ENGLANDERPR.COM, “Harvey Greenberg, Esq. (hgreenberg@gwlawny.com)” hgreenberg@gwlawny.com, “Harvey Hirsh (harvey@local1102.org)” harvey@local1102.org, “Harvey Morgan (hmorgan@local810.org)” hmorgan@local810.org, “Harvey Sigelbaum, Esq. (hsigelbaum@riversidecompany.com)” hsigelbaum@riversidecompany.com, “Harvey Sigelbaum, Esq. (harvey_sigelbaum@yahoo.com)” harvey_sigelbaum@yahoo.com, “HeartsHome Foundation (heartshome@gmx.com)” heartshome@gmx.com, “Heather Beaudoin (heather@beaudoinandco.com)” heather@beaudoinandco.com, “Heather Booth (HBoothgo@aol.com)” HBoothgo@aol.com, “Heather Chiu (HChiu@atpa.com)” HChiu@atpa.com, “Heather Christopher (h.christopher@ennisknupp.com)” h.christopher@ennisknupp.com, “Heather Nickel (hnickel@oaktreecapital.com)” hnickel@oaktreecapital.com, “Heather Ross (hross@lrgcap.com)” hross@lrgcap.com, “Hector Balderas (auditorbalderas@gmail.com)” auditorbalderas@gmail.com, “Heidy Barrondo (heidybarrondo@grupotrt.com)” heidybarrondo@grupotrt.com, “Helana Natt (helana@chamber.com)” helana@chamber.com, “Helen Holcomb (Helen.Holcomb@dal.frb.org)” Helen.Holcomb@dal.frb.org, “Helen Liu (helen.liu@fremontbank.com)” helen.liu@fremontbank.com, “Helen Stafford (hstafford@rmh-newyork.org)” hstafford@rmh-newyork.org, “Helena (helana@www-chamber.ccsend.com)” helana@www-chamber.ccsend.com, “Helena Nealon (helenanealon@iuoelocal30.org)” helenanealon@iuoelocal30.org, “Henry Goldman (hgoldman@bloomberg.net)” hgoldman@bloomberg.net, “Henry Simmons, M.D. (hsimmons@nchc.org)” hsimmons@nchc.org, “Henry Stern (StarQuest@nycivic.org)” StarQuest@nycivic.org, “Henry Zook (henryzook@gmail.com)” henryzook@gmail.com, “Herb Meiberger, C.F.A. (herb.sf@gmail.com)” herb.sf@gmail.com, “Herb Ricklin (h.ricklin@att.net)” h.ricklin@att.net, “Herb Taylor (Herb.Taylor@phil.frb.org)” Herb.Taylor@phil.frb.org, “Herbert Kramer, Esq. (fkmlaw.com)” fkmlaw.com, “Holly Macki (hmack@tmrs.com)” hmack@tmrs.com, “Holter Graham (hgraham@aftra.com)” hgraham@aftra.com, “Holter Graham (ldh1@aol.com)” ldh1@aol.com, “Hon. Ann Margaret Carrozza, Esq. (anncarrozza@aol.com)” anncarrozza@aol.com, “Hon. Ann Margaret Carrozza, Esq. (magooo221@aol.com)” magooo221@aol.com, “Hon. Annise Parker (mayor@houston.tx.gov)” mayor@houston.tx.gov, “Hon. Barack Obama (info@barackobama.com)” info@barackobama.com, “Hon. Bill Boarman (wboarman@gpo.gov)” wboarman@gpo.gov, “Hon. Bill Bradley (wbradley_2000@yahoo.com)” wbradley_2000@yahoo.com, “Hon. Bill Richardson (Governor.Richardson@gmail.com)” Governor.Richardson@gmail.com, “Hon. Bill Richardson (caitkell@gmail.com)” caitkell@gmail.com, “Hon. Charles “Chuck” Schumer (senator@schumer.senate.gov)” senator@schumer.senate.gov, “Hon. Charles Rangel (rangle15@mail.house.gov)” rangle15@mail.house.gov, “Hon. Edward Braunstein (braunsteine@assembly.state.ny.us)” braunsteine@assembly.state.ny.us, “Hon. Elizabeth “Liz” Holtzman (eholtzman@herrick.com)” eholtzman@herrick.com, “Hon. Gray Davis, Esq. (ggd@loeb.com)” ggd@loeb.com, “Hon. Henry Cisneros (Hcisneros@city-view.net)” Hcisneros@city-view.net, “Hon. James B. Lewis (jamesb.lewis@state.nm.us)” jamesb.lewis@state.nm.us, “Hon. James B. Lewis (jamesblewis.net)” jamesblewis.net, “Hon. James Zazzali, Esq. (jzazzali@gibbonslaw.com)” jzazzali@gibbonslaw.com, “Hon. James Zazzali, Esq. (peis11570@msn.com)” peis11570@msn.com, “Hon. Jeff Bingaman (senator_bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov)” senator_bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov, “Hon. Joe Crowley (joe@crowleyforcongress.com)” joe@crowleyforcongress.com, “Hon. Joe Crowley (D-NY) (crowley@house.gov)” crowley@house.gov, “Hon. Joe Kennedy, II (inform@citizensenergy.com)” inform@citizensenergy.com, “Hon. John Liu (johncLiu@comptroller.nyc.gov)” johncLiu@comptroller.nyc.gov, “Hon. Kathy Hochul (bounce@bounce.myngp.com)” bounce@bounce.myngp.com, “Hon. Kirsten Gillibrand (Senator@Gillibrand.senate.gov)” Senator@Gillibrand.senate.gov, “Hon. Loretta Sanchez (loretta@mail.house.gov)” loretta@mail.house.gov, “Hon. Mark Smith (Mayors.Office@BayNJ.org)” Mayors.Office@BayNJ.org, “Hon. Michelle Bachelet (klareskovv@un.org)” klareskovv@un.org, “Hon. Michelle Bachelet (dezai@un.org)” dezai@un.org, “Hon. Neil Abercrombie (neil.abercrombie@)” neil.abercrombie@, “Hon. Norm Mineta (jessica.ross@hillandknowlton.com)” jessica.ross@hillandknowlton.com, “Hon. Pete G. Peterson (ppeterson@pgpf.org)” ppeterson@pgpf.org, “Hon. Robert McCord (rmccord@patreasury.org)” rmccord@patreasury.org, “Hon. Robert McCord (rob@mccord2008.com)” rob@mccord2008.com, “Hon. Ron G. Crane (ron.crane@sto.idaho.gov)” ron.crane@sto.idaho.gov, “Hon. Steve Israel (D-2nd NY) (dccc@dccc.org)” dccc@dccc.org, “Hon. Thomas P. DiNapoli (DLombardi@osc.state.ny.us)” DLombardi@osc.state.ny.us, “Hon. Thomas P. DiNapoli (tpdinapoli@aol.com)” tpdinapoli@aol.com, “Hon. Tom Udall (web form)” web form, “Honor Donovan (hdonovan@prosperollc.net)” hdonovan@prosperollc.net, “Honorable John Ingram (jingram@courts.state.ny.us)” jingram@courts.state.ny.us, “Hope Sarah Goldstein, Esq. (hsgoldstein@bryancave.com)” hsgoldstein@bryancave.com, “Horace Caulkins, CFA (hcaulkins@pentegra.com)” hcaulkins@pentegra.com, “Horace Moulton (2mastiffs@gmail.com)” 2mastiffs@gmail.com, “Horatio Sparkes (horatio.sparkes@yucaipaco.com)” horatio.sparkes@yucaipaco.com, “Howard Brous (hbrous@wundernet.com)” hbrous@wundernet.com, “Howard Fillit, M.D. (Alzheimer_s_Drug_Discovery_Found@mail.vresp.com)” Alzheimer_s_Drug_Discovery_Found@mail.vresp.com, “Howard Glaser, Esq. (howard.glaser@exec.ny.gov)” howard.glaser@exec.ny.gov, “Howard Glaser, Esq. (Suzanne.Brackett@exec.ny.gov)” Suzanne.Brackett@exec.ny.gov, “Howard Hull (hlhull3@gmail.com)” hlhull3@gmail.com, “Howard Johannssen (ineedunionhelp@att.net)” ineedunionhelp@att.net, “Howard Kapiloff (hkapiloff@hspnews.com)” hkapiloff@hspnews.com, “Howard Marks (hmarks@oaktreecap.com)” hmarks@oaktreecap.com, “Howard Pohl (hhpohl@beckerburke.com)” hhpohl@beckerburke.com, “Howard Reich (hreich@nuveeninstitutional.com)” hreich@nuveeninstitutional.com, “Howard Savlick (hsavlick@litho.org)” hsavlick@litho.org, “Howard Susskind, Esq. (susskind@sugarmansusskind.com)” susskind@sugarmansusskind.com, “Howard Teich, Esq. (hbteich@aol.com)” hbteich@aol.com, “Hugh Arnold, Esq. (arnoldandkadjan@aol.com)” arnoldandkadjan@aol.com, “Hugh Cameron (Hjcmcop@comcast.net)” Hjcmcop@comcast.net, “Hugh Jackson (cjtennis@optonline.net)” cjtennis@optonline.net, “Hugh Jackson (hugh@kconnellycorp.com)” hugh@kconnellycorp.com, “Hugh Walsh (hwalsh4301@yahoo.com)” hwalsh4301@yahoo.com, “Hunter Biden (hbiden@senecaga.com)” hbiden@senecaga.com, “Hunter Hollar (hhollar@sandyspringbank.com)” hhollar@sandyspringbank.com, “Hunter Reisner (reisner@ymcaret.org)” reisner@ymcaret.org, “Hunter Reisner (hunterreisner@yahoo.com)” hunterreisner@yahoo.com