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Section 8 renters get $1900.00 per month in HUD money to rent studio apartments yet with $1900.00 per month, those renters can use that same money to buy, and build, single family homes…BUT CALIFORNIA WON’T LET THEM!



Almost every mortgage company in California will finance a home for you to buy, or build, if you have a guaranteed $1900.00 coming in to pay that mortgage from Uncle Sam. Mortgage companies are not the hold-up. You only need to cough up about $3000.00 to get the deal done. Even the poorest people in the state can pull that together.


Politicians and their big real estate developer financiers make billions of dollars in profits off of multi-unit mass housing buildings. Why would they give that up and allow citizens to have their own homes when they can gut the system for all that they can.

It is the corruption in Sacramento, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, etc. political corridors that is driving the citizens to the point of riots. The politicians have produced a hundred thousand “reports” and “studies” that all confirm what common wisdom has always known: The game is rigged by heartless politicians and counties who are ruled by billionaires.

California has over a hundred thousand acres of available land. That is enough to provide every single Californian, that wants one, with a single family home that can be built for $250,000.00 (without price gouging contractors).

The State of California and HUD housing agencies have long lists of “Certified”, “Qualified”, “Approved”, etc. loan brokers and mortgage brokers that the agencies say will help low-income citizens get single family financing.

So we called everybody on one of those lists provided by the State of California.

In fact, those loan brokers and mortgage companies don’t want to hear from you unless you are in a bid war on a $1.5 million dollar bungalow for which you already have $500K, or more, in cash in the bank.

Only a small percentage of the loan brokers and mortgage brokers on those lists had EVER done a completed subsidized home loan and even less had any clue how to paper a HUD Home Ownership financed home loan. Over 20 U.S. Bank mortgage brokers even refused to respond to emails or phone calls if one used the words “Cal-FHA USDA” because, as one unusually talkative U.S. Bank employee stated: “To us, those are code-words for ‘poor people”, the market is, frankly, too hot for banks to bother with the poors because we don’t make any money off them”.

It does not matter if you have spent years trying to keep your FICO score above 700. It does not matter that you never had a bankruptcy. It does not matter that you have guaranteed income for life from your government benefits. All of those things that the media told you to do to be a “good citizen” with a good social credit score seem to be pointless.

The loan and mortgage brokers on those lists are only on those lists to get a few PR brownie points. They do not want to hear from you or deal with you unless you are making big bucks in tech. They will let you upload your information but they will do little or nothing to help you because they lose money by helping you. They only make money off of the big deals.

On top of that the big real estate developers like Pulte Homes, Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet), Kauffman and Broad (K&B Homes), etc. are bribing the Governor and the heads of all of the agencies to keep you from building a home or getting a home that is not in one of their giant developments.

Most low-income people are the laborers who build the homes in those big real estate developments. Those people know how to build their own homes but State and Federal agency heads are bribed to make sure you NEVER can build your own home. Those people know they can build an incredible home, on their own, for under $100,000.00. You an see thousands of videos on the internet showing people that do it every day in any state but California. Try to build a home in California. You will find you are blockaded at every turn EXCLUSIVELY by rules that you have to follow but that big developers do not!

Try to buy a modular or factory build home in California …Same thing.

The political bosses in California have taken so many bribes from big special interests that they can’t stop sucking on the graft hose.

Political Bribes By Special Interest Lobbyists Make California Uninhabitable

If the state and federal government were actually serious about solving the housing crisis, they would have a mortgage agency that only serviced subsidized housing!

Low income people: “approved” lenders and mortgage brokers hate you and don’t want you bothering them.

US BANK, Wells Fargo, Guild Mortgage, and all the rest, talk a good story when they are on-camera or doing a public presentation but the reality is that they consider you to be a “waste of their time” if you are needing subsidized housing. They all issue press releases where they talk about their “commitments” and “special programs” but they put zero effort into those green-washing intentions. They only say those things to keep the banking regulators off their backs and to make their favorite politicians happy.

When real estate developers are paying politicians and banks to ignore low-income people and 79% of America is now “low income”, with more arriving daily, what chance does the public have?

The trend is edging toward disaster.

The incipient “Great Reset” is a multi-faceted beast. We talk a lot about vaccine passports and lockdowns and the Covid-realated aspects – and we should – but there’s more to it than that.

Remember, they want you to “own nothing and be happy”. And right at the top of the list of things you definitely shouldn’t own, is your own home.

The headlines about this have been steady for the last few years, but it has picked up pace in the wake of the “pandemic” (as has so much else). An agenda hidden on back pages, behind by Covid’s meaningless big red numbers, but perhaps no less sinister.

You can find articles all over the net talking up renting over owning.

Last month, for example, Bloomberg ran an article headlined:

America Should Become a Nation of Renters”

Which praises what they call “the liquefaction of the housing market” and gleefully expounds on the idea that “The very features that made home buying an affordable and stable investment are coming to an end.”

The Atlantic published “Why Its Better To Rent Than Own” in March.

Financial pages from Business Insider to Forbes to Yahoo and Bloomberg again are filled with lists titled “9 Ways Renting is Better Than Buying”, or similar.

Other publications go more personal with it, with anecdotal columns about ignoring financial advice and refusing to buy your home. Vox, never one to sell their agenda with any kind of subtlety, have a piece titled:

Homeownership can bring out the worst in you

Which literally argues that buying a house can make you a bad person:

It’s the biggest thing you might ever buy. And it could be turning you into a bad person.

So what exactly is the narrative here? What’s the story behind the story?

The short answer is fairly simple: It’s about greed, and it’s about control.

It almost always is, in the end.

The longer answer is rather more complicated. Major investment firms such as Vanguard and Blackrock, along with rental companies such as American Homes 4 Rent, are buying up single-family homes in record numbers – sometimes entire neighbourhoods at a time.

They pay well over market value, pricing families who want to own those homes out of the market, which forces the housing market up whilst the Lockdown-created recession is lowering wages and creating millions of newly unemployed.

Of course, this is motivating people to sell the houses they already own.

People all across America have been saddled with houses worth less than they bought them for since the 2008 economic crash, and are eager to take the cash from private investment firms paying 10-20% over market value. Combine an economic recession with a created housing boom and you have a huge population of motivated sellers.

Of course, many of these sellers don’t realise, until it’s too late, that even if they attempt to downsize or move to a cheaper area, they may be priced out of the market completely, and forced to rent.

As such, in the last year, the private investment share of single-family home purchases is estimated to have increased ten-fold, going from 2% in 2018 to over 20% this year.

As more and more people are forced to rent, of course, rental properties will be in higher and higher demand. This in turn will drive the cost of renting up.

Market Watch has already reported that, in the last year, rent has increased over 3x faster than the government predicted.

This problem is likely to get worse in the near future.

Last night, Congress “accidentally failed” to extend the Covid-related eviction ban.

Which means, this weekend, while Senators adjourn to the summer homes they probably don’t rent, the ban will officially end and a lot of people are likely to have their houses foreclosed or their landlords kick them out.

The newly empty buildings will be a feeding frenzy for the massive corporate landlords. Who will descend on the banks like starving hyenas to snap up the foreclosed properties for pennies on the dollar. Just like they did in 2008.

None of this is any secret, it’s been covered in the mainstream. Tucker Carlson even did a segment on it in early June.

The Wall Street Journal headlined, back in April, “If You Sell a House These Days, the Buyer Might Be a Pension Fund”, and reported:

Yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family homes, competing with ordinary Americans and driving up prices

However, since then, something has clearly changed. The propaganda machine has kicked into gear to defend Wall Street from any backlash.

No better example of this shift can be found than The Atlantic, which ran this story in 2019:

With help from the federal government, institutional investors became major players in the rental market. They promised to return profits to their investors and convenience to their tenants. Investors are happy. Tenants are not.

…and this story last month:

The real villain isn’t a faceless Wall Street Goliath; it’s your neighbors and local governments stopping the construction of new units.

Going back to the Vox well we have:

Wall Street isn’t to blame for the chaotic housing market

Which ran just a few days after the Atlantic article, and is practically identical.

Both these (oddly similar) articles argue that Wall Street and private equity firms can’t be blamed for buying up houses, and that the real problem is the lack of supply to meet demand.

You see, all the “selfish” people who already own homes (they did say it makes you a bad person) are blocking the construction of new houses, and thus driving up the cost of property through scarcity.

This has been a logically flawed argument around the housing market for decades.

That there aren’t enough houses for people to buy is patently absurd when the US census data says that there are over 15 million houses currently standing empty. That’s enough to house all of America’s roughly 500,000 homeless people 30x over.

There’s plenty of houses, there’s just not enough money to buy them.

The reason for that is the same reason the California has massive “homeless camps” in its major cities, and that so many people are having to become renters instead of owners: wage stagnation.

For decades now, wage increases have lagged behind increases in the cost of living. In the 1960s one full-time job could afford a decent standard of living for a family of four or more. These days both parents work, sometimes multiple jobs each.

It was huge amounts of financial de-regulation which created this situation. So, whether you believe Vox’s BlackRock apologia or not, one way or another Wall Street very definitely is to blame.

But this isn’t just about money. It never is. Just as the war on cash isn’t just about efficiency, and the environmental push isn’t just about climate change. Ditto veganism. It’s about control. Just like vaccines, lockdowns and masks.

It always comes down to control.

It’s an oft-used cliche, but no less true for that, that homeowning “gives people a stake in society”. A family-owned house is a source of security for the future and something to leave your children. It is also sovereignty and privacy. Your own space that no one else can control or take away.

In short: A homeowner is independent. A renter is not. A renter can be controlled. A homeowner can not.

It’s the same reasoning behind the way working people were encouraged to take out loans and become debt slaves. If you limit people’s options, if you make them rely on you for a roof over their heads, you have control over them.

There’s a great article about this situation called “Your New Feudal Overlords”.

Under Feudalism, land wasn’t owned by the working class, but provided to them by landed barons, hence the term “Land Lord”. If you disrespected your Lord, or broke his rules, or he perceived another peasant/farm animal/crop would be a better use of the land, he could take it back.

Essentially, the behaviour of serfs was kept in check by their reliance on the nobility for a place to live. That’s very much the dynamic they’re going for here.

Rental agreements can be full of any terms and conditions the landlord wants, and the more desperate people get the more of their consumer rights they will sign over.

Maybe you’ll agree to smart meters which monitor your internet or power-usage habits, and then sell the data to behavioural modellers and viral marketers.

Maybe you’ll have to agree to certain power limitations or water shortages in order to “fight climate change”.

Maybe it will get worse than that.

Maybe they’ll go full Black Mirror style corporate dystopia. Maybe, through affiliation programs, the mega-equity firm which owns your rental house has ties to McDonald’s, and as such will require you to not eat at any competing fast-food franchises, or demand you observe at least ninety seconds of Disney advertisements per day.

Maybe it will be as simple as including vaccine status in the tenancy agreement, making it impossible for the unvaxxed to find a home.

Maybe they just want to make poor people miserable.

After all, the super-wealthy have got all the money they could ever need, and all the luxury they could ever use. Their living standards are as high as physically possible. So maybe the only way they can keep “winning”, is to start driving the living standards of us proles down.

No air travel. No vacations. No going out at all. Live in a tiny house, or a pod. Eat bugs. Get rid of your car. Rent your clothes. Or your furniture. Pay taxes on sugar. And alcohol. And red meat.

They’ve been very clear about this. They’ve told you about the Great Reset and the Internet of Things. That’s the plan.

You won’t own a house. And you’ll be happy…or else the mega-corporation you’re forced to rent from will kick you out.



Capital Public Radio: What’s working and what’s next in California’s fight for affordable housing?

By Nicole Nixon [3-2-23] // A joint hearing of state lawmakers from the Senate and Assembly looked at what’s working and where the state continues to fall short on housing affordability.


KQED: ‘We Have a Moment Here’: An Urgent Push for Farmworker Housing in Wake of Half Moon Bay Tragedy

By Tyche Hendricks [2-24-23] // For now, the 38 workers who were displaced from the two mushroom farms recently moved into Airbnb lodging — donated for a month. And officials are scrambling to find a more permanent solution.


Sacramento Business Journal: Housing California’s Chione Flegal on California’s ‘growing’ and ‘persistent’ lack of affordable housing

By Ben van der Meer [3-2-23] // Housing California’s executive director spoke with the Business Journal about California’s shortage of affordable housing and possible solutions.


Sacramento Bee: California is desperate for affordable housing. How union conflicts are delaying it

By L. Holden & M Miller [3-1-23] // California lawmakers thought they cracked the code last year on a construction union stalemate holding up housing bills, but rifts within labor could reignite the war over how best to craft affordable housing policy.


Eden Housing: Groundbreaking celebration for La Avenida Apartments to take place March 3

[2-27-23] // This Mountain View development will provide 100 new, affordable homes for individuals and families, including veterans and formerly unhoused individuals.


Urbanize L.A.: 100 apartments rise at 11600 W Santa Monica Boulevard in Sawtelle

By Steven Sharp [3-3-23] // Jamison Services ventures outside Koreatown for a new project.


Capistrano Dispatch: Jamboree Housing Kicks Off New City Hall, Housing Project with Upcoming Groundbreaking Ceremony

By Collin Breaux [2-27-23] // The housing complex is intended to provide shelter for formerly homeless people, specifically veterans, families, and those earning no more than 50% of the area median income. Groundbreaking is March 8.


Fontana Herald News: Money for mobile home repairs in Fontana will be available

[3-1-23] // The City of Fontana has announced a new cost-saving program for those who own and live in their mobile homes within the city limits.


Mercury News: ‘Exactly what I needed’: Los Gatos teachers move into affordable units

By Hanna Kanik [3-1-23] // Before she rented an affordable apartment in downtown Los Gatos, teacher Elizabeth Sharkey paid half her income for a single room with no kitchen in the Santa Cruz mountains, an hour from her school.


Urbanize L.A.: Modular supportive housing takes shape at 16015 Sherman Way in Van Nuys

By Steven Sharp [3-3-23] // Daylight Community Development, Decro Corp., and the Downtown Women’s Center are behind Oatsie’s Place.


Tahoe Daily Tribune: New film explores Lake Tahoe housing crisis

By Miranda Jacobson [2-17-23] // Elizabeth Cameron was shocked at how housing prices had risen in the five years since she’d coached and lived in the Tahoe area. So, she made “Room and Board,” a 30-minute documentary which will be playing at the Mammoth Film Festival tomorrow, March 4.


Freethink: World’s largest 3D-printed affordable housing project launches in Kenya

By Kristin Houser [3-1-23] // It printed the first 10 houses in 10 weeks.

Next City Podcast: The Results So Far: Is Guaranteed Income Cutting Poverty?

[3-2-23] // Pilots of guaranteed income programs are launching in cities all over the U.S. We check in with the researchers tracking the results and what they show. (31 min.)


San Bernardino Sun: In 25 years, housing will look different in Inland Empire

By David Downey [2-20-23] // Homes will be more dense, more vertical and more energy efficient – but some fear there won’t be enough homes for all.

Voice of San Diego: South Bay Mobile Home Park Dispute Moves to Sacramento

By Jesse Marx [3-2-23] // Assemblyman David Alvarez introduced a bill that would create new protections for residents living in recreational vehicles at mobile home parks in Imperial Beach and National City.


San Diego Union-Tribune: Settlement talks prompt judge to delay finalizing ruling that halted Rancho Peñasquitos housing development

By David Garrick [3-3-23] // The jointly requested delay could lead to a deal, possibly with the developer building new fire evacuation routes for the Junipers.


San Diego Union-Tribune: Should backcountry builders fund city sidewalks and bike lanes? Supervisors explore ways to offset vehicle traffic from new rural housing

By Deborah Sullivan Brennan [3-1-23] // Under a plan to reduce the number of driving trips countywide, developers in unincorporated communities could pay for transit and pedestrian facilities in urban areas.


Discourse: Zoning Out American Families

By Emily Hamilton [2-23-23] // Misguided land use regulations are making housing worse and less affordable for the very families they’re supposed to help.


Mercury News: New bill aims to convert offices to housing. Here’s where that could happen in the Bay Area

By Ethan Varian [3-2-23] // A model for the legislation, sponsored by Matt Haney (D-San Francisco), is an office conversion program in the Canadian city of Calgary.


Mercury News: Would dismantling Interstate 980 repair damage to Black neighborhoods?

By Shomik Mukherjee [2-28-23] // Caltrans will begin studying whether Interstate 980 could be replaced by a city street that’s less invasive to the neighborhoods it divided almost half a century ago.

Smart Cities Dive: The average apartment size is shrinking

By Mary Salmonsen [3-2-23] // Overall, new multifamily units were 54 square feet smaller in 2022 than they were 10 years earlier.


The Hill: Housing affordability hits historic low

By Adam Barnes [3-3-23] // Fewer than a quarter of homes listed for sale nationwide qualified as affordable for the typical U.S. household, according to a new report shared exclusively with The Hill. A separate report released Thursday by the NAR found that the homeownership gap between Black and white buyers increased in 2022 to its widest level in a decade.

CNBC: Mortgage rates jump back over 7% as inflation fears drive yields higher

By Diana Olick [3-2-23] // Growing fears that inflation is not cooling off are pushing bond yields higher. Mortgage rates loosely follow the yield on the U.S. 10-year Treasury.


L.A. Times: Startling increase found in deaths of Orange County homeless people. Drugs are the main cause

By Salvador Hernandez [3-1-23] // The Orange County report reflects a national trend. In 2012, the CDC recorded 1,615 overdose deaths in the U.S. linked to fentanyl. By 2021, the number of deaths due to synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, was more than 71,000.


New Santa Ana: Santa Ana declares victory after their own federal lawsuit against a developer is dismissed

[3-3-23] // Judge David O. Carter has dismissed a lawsuit brought by the City of Santa Ana against the developer of a new homeless shelter after the City successfully compelled the defendant to complete construction of the project.


Napa Valley Register: Homeless people to get permanent housing at former Napa motel

By Jennifer Huffman [2-24-23] // Burbank Housing is more than half finished with its remodel of the former Wine Valley Lodge Motel. It will provide housing to 54 tenants as Valley Lodge Apartments.


New York Times: A Homeless Student’s Search Sheds Light on L.A. Housing Challenges

By Corina Knoll [3-1-23] // Jacqueline Benitez thought getting a housing voucher would be a golden ticket to her own apartment. Her search quickly proved otherwise.


S.F. Chronicle: S.F. hotels say homeless residents damaged properties. Here’s how much city could owe for shelter program

By St. John Barned-Smith [2-28-23] // The city of San Francisco believes it may need to pay up to $26 million for damage and lost revenue to hotels that homeless residents caused during the pandemic.


Planetizen: Quiz: How Well Do You Understand the Homelessness Crisis?

By Diana Ionescu [3-2-23] // An online questionnaire from Urban Institute’s Housing Matters illuminates the root causes of homelessness, debunking some common myths about unhoused people in America.


OC Register: Homeless advocates pitch igloos to offer warm shelter during cold snap

By Roxana Kopetman [3-1-23] // Along with a warm shelter, Wound Walk offered 26 people in Anaheim dry clothes, food, hot coffee and medical care, Michael Sean Wright said. “Three presented with extreme hypothermia.”


San Jose Spotlight: RV dwellers in San Jose still in limbo

By Jana Kadah [3-2-23] // Infrastructure work is still needed, pushing back the opening of the Santa Teresa VTA light rail site until at least March 31.


L.A. Times: Pandemic food benefits are ending for millions of Californians. Now what?

By Mackenzie Mays [3-2-23] // Nearly 3 million households in California will stop receiving extra federal food benefits granted during the COVID-19 pandemic, a squeeze on budgets that comes as people continue to struggle with the rising cost of living.


Smart Cities Dive: White House releases national cyber strategy, shifting security burden

By David Jones [3-3-23] // The long-anticipated policy will push the technology industry to shoulder more of the load for cyber risk, while promoting long-term investments and global cooperation against common threats.

Mercury News: Bobcat spotted using Highway 17 wildlife crossing hours after it opens

By Hannah Kanik [3-2-23] // There is also evidence of many other animals using the safe passage under the Santa Cruz County highway, including deer and foxes.


Streetsblog: Federal Reconnecting Communities Program Announces First Grants, Four in California

By Melanie Curry [2-28-23] // Long Beach, Oakland, Pasadena, and Fresno will all receive funding to connect communities that were divided by highways.


San Jose Spotlight: State budget cut threatens transit in Silicon Valley

By Monica Mallon [3-2-23] // (Opinion) While some may argue that transit shouldn’t be prioritized because most people drive, everyone is impacted by transit — even if they don’t take it.


Urbanize L.A.: Mixed-use project moves forward at 8141 Van Nuys in Panorama City

By Steven Sharp [3-3-23] // 200 apartments and retail would rise near a future light rail stop.


Marin Independent Journal: Golden Gate Village residents to benefit from $2 million fund

By Richard Halstead [2-28-23] // The $2 million for the empowerment fund is part of the $5 million earmarked to help rehabilitate the southern Marin public housing complex.


Mercury News: San Jose site for proposed housing project tumbles into loan default

By George Avalos [3-2-23] // More than 100 apartments could sprout at property that’s become an eyesore.


FHFA: FHFA Announces $545 Million for Affordable Housing Programs

[2-28-23] // Funds will be disbursed to Housing Trust Fund and Capital Magnet Fund.


The Hill: Rubio reintroduces affordable housing bills to tackle housing issues

By Sarah Polus [3-2-23] // The seven bills are aimed at keeping low-income housing tenants safe, holding property owners accountable and increasing the affordable housing stock, according to a release.


Vox: The big, neglected problem that should be Biden’s top priority

By Rachel M. Cohen [3-1-23] // Ten months after the White House announced its Housing Supply Action Plan, the federal government has …largely failed to authorize new spending to expand the supply of housing.


Planetizen: Land Use Reform Picks Up Momentum in Connecticut Again

By Mark H. McNulty [2-27-23] // A transit-oriented development bill, Work Live Ride, and a “Fair Share” bill might help expand housing development through land use reform.

KVPR: ‘Someone decided to play ICE.’ Tulare County families report threats, wrongful evictions

By Cresencio Rodriguez-Delgado [3-2-23] // The Tulare County Housing Authority Board of Commissioners has launched an investigation into allegations that staff members of the Tulare County Housing Authority intimidated residents of farm labor housing centers and wrongfully pushed out families.


Axios: Phoenix prohibits housing discrimination based on income source — for now

By Jessica Boehm [3-3-23] // The new policy will force Phoenix landlords to accept renters who use housing choice vouchers or other government assistance and will prevent lenders and sellers from denying a buyer based solely on where they get their income. Violations could result in a $2,500.00 penalty.


National Association of Counties: HUD Publishes Proposed Rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Mandate

By M. Matthews & J. Cortina [2-27-23] // The proposed rule, which incorporates much of the framework of the 2015 AFFH rule, streamlines the required fair housing analysis for local governments, states and public housing agencies.


Dallas Observer: Justice Department Files Fair Housing Complaint Against DFW Landlord

By Jacob Vaughn [2-27-23] // The federal complaint alleges that the owners and operators of the rental discriminated against the renters on the basis of their disability.


Mercury News: Grappling with homelessness, California weighs extending foster care for 5 years

By Jeremy Loudenback [2-28-23] // Senate Bill 9 comes amid growing attention to how poorly young people leaving the state’s care fare once they are 21.


ABC: High costs driving people out of LA, into Inland Empire, data show

By Rob McMillan [2-15-23] // (Video/text) For the last several years, more people have moved away from California than have moved in. But within the state, more suburban areas are seeing gains, recent federal numbers show.


Planetizen: Los Angeles County Looks to Mandate Seismic Retrofits

By Diana Ionescu [3-1-23] // A common building type is a major contributor to earthquake fatalities, prompting the Board of Supervisors to consider requiring safety upgrades on older buildings.


Next City: In Cities, Reducing Air Pollution Could Lower Cancer Rates at Similar Rates as Eliminating Smoking

Kristina Marusic [3-1-23] // “Places with high levels of air pollution would still have higher cancer rates even if smoking was eliminated.”


New York Times: In a California Town, Farmworkers Start from Scratch after Surprise Flood

By Soumya Karlamangla & Viviana Hinojos [2-25-23] // Planada residents spent decades building their lives in the Central Valley community. A brutal series of storms destroyed what they had.