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Revenge is a dish best served cold!


Have you noticed that none of the current decisions in politics help you? The current Washington DC and Sacramento policy decisions only help the politicians with their insider stock market profits!

Corrupt political California dynasty families conspire to give government funds, contracts, tax waivers, buildings, stock market profits and other insider perks to themselves and their friends. They also conspire to blockade, harm, sabotage and black-list those who compete with them and their friends. These corrupt politicians are never prosecuted for their crimes, and can laugh in the face of those who point out their crimes, because they control the prosecution system. Their Quid Pro Quo criminal corruption is the single largest cause of the taxpayer hatred of Congress.

Are you sick of the dirty corporations, Silicon Valley Oligarchs And YOUR OWN Senators engaging in these crimes using YOUR tax dollars?:

– Trillions Of Dollars Of Influence Peddling Between Famous Politicians And Secret Corporate And Family Accounts…
– Money Laundering…
– Sex Trafficking, Hookers And ‘Executive Sex Clubs’ like NXIVM, One Taste, Moscow Lovelies, Rosewood Hotel Hookers, etc…
– Killing Teens By Hiding Teen Suicides And Mental Health Issues Caused By T-Mobile Social Media
– Family Alcoholism…
– Political Bribery Using PACS and Dark Money Cash Relays…
– Stock Market Manipulations For Their Own Insider Trading…
– Infidelities And Spousal Abuse As Shown In Their Court Records…
– Organized Media Censorship By Silicon Valley…
– Misogyny And Sex Extortion Of Workers…
– Fake Tax Exempt ‘Charities’ That Exist Only For Political Money Laundering…
– Forcing “ISSUES” On Us That They Covertly Own The Companies Of…
– Dynastic Family Manipulations of Public Policy…
– Buying Stocks In Dept Of Energy Funded Projects That Are Then Pumped-And-Dumped For Unjust Wind-Fall Profits…
– Election Rigging Using Google, Facebook, YouTube And Their Media Cartel…
– Search Engine Bias And Shadow Banning Of Competitors And Reporters…
– Big Tech Monopolies Information Manipulation…
– Recession Causing Market Anti-Trust Law Violations…
– Corporate Hiring Racism…
Brotopia Frat Boy Rape Culture In Their Companies And Offices…
– Secret Offshore Shell Corporations To Hide Money…
– Venture Capital Funding Black-Lists…
– Collusion Between Sand Hill Road, Palo Alto VC’s On Finance Black-Lists, Valuation Prices And Monopolies…
– Patent Thefts And Attacks On Small Inventors…
– Political Payola Using Stealth Real Estate, Fine Art And Jewelry Holdings…
– Graft Via Bribes With Event Tickets, Dinners, Tax Waivers, Vacations, Pretend Speaking Contracts, etc….
– Corrupt Lobbyists Who Hire Fusion GPS, Gawker, Black Cube, Google And Other ‘media kill services’…
– Their Use of Our Democracy As Their Play-Thing…

All of these assertions have been proven in court records, federal investigations, Congressional charges, 60 Minutes segments, news documentaries, document and email leaks, and thousands of other sources. The facts are undeniable and can be proven, AGAIN, in live televised Congressional hearings!


In all of recorded history, there has never been so much taxpayer cash given to so few people, where each, and every, one of the recipients was a friend of the politician giving away the taxpayer cash and everyone who got the cash immediately skimmed “unjust profits” and shut down the business.

Want to help end the tech oligarch’s rape of society? Never, EVER: use, read, quote, link to, paste from, or refer to; anything on corrupt and contrived: T-Mobile – Twitter, Google – Alphabet – Facebook – Meta – Instagram – Netflix or YouTube! Don’t expand their reach! Don’t be their digital bitch! Stop being an addict to Silicon Valley’s social media scam! Keep the battery out of your phone so Big Tech can’t continue to spy on you. Did you know you CAN’T turn an iPhone off. Apple iPhone’s pretend to be “off” but still monitor you with reserve power. The government should shut these companies down but they don’t because these companies pay the largest bribes on Earth to politicians! Demand that Congress shut down these big tech abusers that cause child suicides, bullying, sex trafficking, money laundering, tax evasion, political bribery, election manipulation and other social crimes.Twitter, Facebook, Google, Netflix, YouTube spy on you and rape your mind by serving manipulated content choices requires by automatically creating covert user dossiers made by spying on users’ content consumption preferences and continually changing them based on psychological analysis of the users. Spy agency-type profiles created by Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc. use abstract content-specific features of the consumed content, such as categories, topic models, and entities, which they automatically extract using NLP methods. They Aggregating these features per user at scale based on what rich white Democrat ideology Google programmers want. In particular, it is impractical to store the entire dynamic history of a user’s interaction features, requiring the companies to use biased algorithms that selectively decay information in favor of a more liberal political representation. The more it scales, the more racist, sexist, classist, misogynistic and politically biased it gets.

The history books teach that San Francisco was founded by Prostitutes, Pirates And Gangsters. That crowd still runs San Francisco, even in modern times. These criminals expanded south of San Francisco to Silicon Valley based on Stanford University institutionalizing and teaching business corruption to sociopath frat boys. They then took their circus of bribery and insider trading to Washington, DC and the rest is history.

For example: All of the money that the U.S. Department of Energy gave out during the Obama and Biden Administrations only went to the friends and financiers of the Obama and Biden Administrations. Anybody that applied for the money, that competed with the friends and financiers of the Obama and Biden Administrations were cut-off and de-funded. The staff and politicians in the Obama and Biden Administrations owned the stocks of those few who got funded and went to work for them after they left Washington. It was as blatant a quid-pro-quo revolving door scam as anyone had ever seen. (ie: Solyndra, Tesla, Abound, Abengoa, etc.)

In another example: Feinstein’s family owned and controlled A.) Government trained attack ‘spies’ formerly with the CIA, NSA, etc., B.) The leasing contracts for Tesla and Solyndra, C.) Their office staff that threatened competitors in writing and in-person, D.) the financing for Tesla and Solyndra, E.) The construction services for Tesla and Solyndra, F.) The staffing company for Tesla and Solyndra, G.) The adjacent railroad services for Tesla and Solyndra, H.) Key suppliers for Tesla and Solyndra, I.) Goldman Sachs cooperative relationships for Tesla and Solyndra, J.) Transitions from their own Senate Office staff to revolving door jobs at Tesla and Solyndra, K.) Government decisions for Tesla and Solyndra, L.) The relationship incentives between Google, Tesla and Solyndra and that Senator’s campaign financing to that Senator; and other illicit conflicts of interest. Her husband: Dick and her daughter: Kathy, even confessed to these schemes to a whistle-blower, while being recorded. Competitors owned the competing electric car companies and technology that would have obsoleted Tesla, Google and Solyndra and was the first to begin negotiations with the factory that Tesla later took over at the insistence of that Senator, even though Elon Musk appears in news reports, previously stating that he saw no use for the building for Tesla. Feinstein put a hit job on them to protect her own stock market shares.

Silicon Valley has had the largest number of Congressional hearings against it, BUT the least number of regulations imposed on it. Why? You can look no further than the covert ownership of Silicon Valley by elected officials. Our politicians get paid bribes, by Silicon Valley, to keep the political corruption alive and well while they operate, with impunity, as the biggest threats to society ever manifested.

While the FBI, FTC, DOJ and FEC are supposed to objectively prosecute this case, it is impossible for them to be objective when their raises, promotions, house payments and stock market profits are entirely determined by the individuals we are charging with these crimes.

FORBES: For first time since Great Recession, super-rich did not get richer this year...

Tech Elite Lose $315 Billion...

Zuckerberg No Longer Top 10 Wealthiest...FUCK YOU BIG TECH!!!!!