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Analyzing How Google Rigged Internet Searches For Elon Musk and his companies from 2007 to today

Analyzing How Google Rigged Internet Searches For Elon Musk and his companies from 2007 to today

By The Center For Forensic Internet Analysis

Key Points:

  • Thousands of server nodes were employed in the half-decade analytical study
  • Google VC’s and executives share stock holdings and supplier ownerships with Musk
  • Google executives share personal relationships with Musk
  • Fraternity boy mentality of Google execs manifests severe male territoriality attacks on all competitors
  • Every time a Tesla fire, death or other safety defect was reported, Google would push hype stories, on Google, to the top ranking and down-rank, or hide the defect stories in order to cover Musk’s stock valuations
  • At same time, Google VC’s would pump large stock buys into Tesla in order to artificially inflate the TSLA stock charts to benefit Musk and Google investors
  • Google ranking and exposure for 22 Tesla competitors were compared and charted and show a distinct down-ranking of Tesla competitors while, at the same time, up-ranking Tesla, which Google co-owns and benefits from lithium-ion mining, as well
  • Stock market manipulation such as this is a felony crime.
  • Google is the biggest financier of the Obama Administration, Musk is the biggest personal cash hand-out beneficiary of the Obama Administration. Both have the same stock relationships.
  • Most of Musk’s Twitter, Facebook and Google text traced back to contracted troll-farms, click-farms and other fake meat puppet volume commercial web presence manipulation services



The Unofficial History Of Tesla Motors

By Rory Scheider & Pamela West


Tesla and Google

– Are Tesla and Google, essentially, the same entity by virtue of the same investors, agenda and stock market manipulations?

– When damaging news about Tesla emerges, do Tesla and Google investors place multiple stock-buy orders from a multi-billion dollar slush fund in order to make it appear that individual outside investors are excited by Tesla when, in fact, it is only a small internal group of investors “pumping the market”?

– Does Google “bury” any negative stories about Tesla in their searches on orders from Tesla/Google investors? Is that a violation of securities laws?

– Is it not a fact that Google deletes, or hides any bad PR about Tesla on it’s network? Would this be considered stock market manipulation in violation of SEC laws?

Tesla Spies On You

– It is said that the Tesla Model S has the most surveillance devices to watch, track, listen-to and broadcast the activities of the occupants, built into it than any other car in the world. Elon Musk has personally told reporters that his cars constantly watch the driver and occupants. Why is that? Why are Tesla and Google obsessed with spying on the public?

The Afghanistan War For Elon Musk’s Lithium

– How Elon Musk and his partners pushed for War in Afghanistan in order to try to get lithium from Russian mobster-connected companies

The NUMMI Real Estate Scam

– In multiple recorded interviews, Elon Musk is on public record telling the news media that, after careful research, the NUMMI plant in Fremont California would be a very bad choice for Tesla? Why did that suddenly change? What participation did Senator Dianne Feinstein and her husband’s real estate Company CBRE have on that decision and the award of the loan to Tesla? Why do Senator Feinsteins staff now work for Tesla? Why did Glenn Greenwald call Feinstein’s actions “suspicious”? What political support or funding did Tesla or Google provide to any related political officials?

Elon’s “Moles”

– From 2008 to 2010 numerous competing electric car companies have charged that Tesla Motors placed Tesla Motors “moles” inside of their companies to intelligence-gather and cause disruption. Is that true?

Investor Collusion

– Google and Tesla motors share the same venture capital investor groups and alliances. Numerous expert at Tech-Crunch, Valleywag and other industry journals have published articles about the fact that those VC’s actively collude with each other to lock competing technologies and companies out of the market and create business monopolies. Did Tesla investors and associates participate in such activities as reported in the “AngelGate” and “Silicon Valley No Poaching Lawsuit”? If so, would that not be a violation of SEC laws?

The Tesla Time-line That Elon Musk Does not want you to see

– Things are not as the PR says. Elon Musk had nothing to do with starting Tesla. He took it away, in a hostile takeover, from the guys who really started it.

– Martin, the real founder of Tesla

Bribing the NHTSA

– How does Elon avoid federal investigations from the massive number of safety defects Tesla has developed? Is it nothing a bribe, or two, can’t fix?


– Key Tesla staff suddenly died. Top reporters suddenly died. Drivers and innocent bystanders were killed by Tesla’s. Why are so many bizarre deaths connected to Tesla Motors

More Bribes?

– Did Tesla and/or Google reward certain politicians with campaign funding, web promotion, revolving door jobs for staff, and other incentives, in exchange for “hot-tracking” State and Federal taxpayer money for Tesla Motors?

Was it all just a stock market pump-and-dump skim?

– While other companies built consumer priced electric cars before and during Tesla’s existence, why did Tesla choose to build an un-affordable car and position the marketing of it to “the 1%” when the money for that car came from the 99% taxpayers?

The “Factory Building” Scam

– Numerous cities were told that they would have the Tesla car factory and then they stated, or sued Tesla, saying Tesla acted “in bad faith” and “used false and misleading information” to induce them to provide assurances which were used to pump the stock market. Why did Tesla lead so many cities on?

The Toxic Battery Fumes Cover-Up

– The factory that builds your batteries and the U.S. Government states, in their formal technical documents, that when Tesla batteries are on fire they emit lethal, brain-damaging, carcinogenic, liver, lung and DNA damaging fumes and smoke. Why do you not inform the public of this danger in your literature?

The Many Dead Workers Tesla Does Not Want You To Know About

– Lithium ion production kills and terminally sickens workers overseas. Multiple Tesla workers have been burned alive at your factory. OSHA has launched an investigation. What have you done to prevent the accidental and long term injuries to your staff and contractors? Is Panasonic a lying, corrupt partner of Tesla Motors?

– Why does Tesla avoid talking about the dead workers and poisoned towns in Asia where it’s batteries are made?

Elon Musk Took Billions of Your Tax Dollars For “American Jobs” yet hires underpaid workers from overseas

– The Elon Musk labor scam gets unreeled.

Elon Musk and Tesla Motors “Point-Blank Lied About Battery Safety…”

– Bernard Tse, and other main Tesla Engineering staff including: electric engineer Doug Bourn, electrical engineer Andrew Ingram, Brian M. Finn, senior manager of interactive electronics and George Blankenship; while investigating battery purchases for Tesla Motors, received numerous white-papers and technical documents from LG Chem, Panasonic and the U.S. D.O.E and vast numbers of other battery-makers which specifically stated that lithium-ion batteries would be “stressed” and “likely to combust” when used in the configuration which Tesla intended. They stated that the batteries were “not intended for use in cars”. Why then, did Tesla still use them? What effect did the monopolistic ownership of lithium ion mining and manufacturing resources by Tesla and Google investors have on the decision to use lithium ion?

– Did Tesla Motors lie about the safety metrics of its lithium ion battery system?

Tesla Sell’s It’s Cars To It’s Own Investors Who Buy Them As Shills To “Pump The Stock Valuation”

– Is it not a fact that a majority of your cars have been sold to your own investors or associates who act as “fluffers” against any bad PR?

– How Value Walk, Think Progress, and a very specific list of hired shills blog Elon Musk’s fake hype

Tesla and Musk lied on their Department of Energy Application and, in fact, never legally qualified for the Section 136 funds

– In multiple recorded interviews, Elon MUsk is on public record stating that, at the time of application for the DOE loan Tesla was on the verge of bankruptcy. The DOE loan was mandated under a Federal law known as Section 136. This law stated that no car company could receive money if it was on the verge of bankruptcy. Past accountants of Tesla have stated that Tesla was on the verge of bankruptcy at the time of the loan application. Numerous Tesla staff and contractors have verified this. Did Tesla commit a felony and acquire “unfair advantage” per the GAO?

– According to DOE staff, who were at DOE when the Tesla application was submitted, nothing that Tesla submitted was ever built by Tesla. In fact, these staff state that the vehicle that Tesla eventually sold was not even designed or engineered when Tesla was approved for the loan money, contrary to the Section 136 law requirement. They say that Tesla took the money and THEN hired people to figure out what they were going to do with it. As shown in the DOE files, the engineering of the shipping Tesla cars has no element that was submitted to DOE. Is that true?

– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s Federal funding?

Does Having A Round Oval On The Front Of Your Sports Car Make A Driver Not Realize He is a “Douchebag”?

– Analyzing the culture of Tesla owners

All Most Tesla Buyers Drunks and Drug Addicts?

– Relative to the number of cars sold, why has Tesla had so many Tesla drunk driver related crashes, deaths and homicides. Why are Tesla drivers killing innocent pedestrians simply because the Tesla’s “smell bad”?

The Trolls of Tesla

– Elon Musk hires armies of trolls, meat-puppets and click-farms to create a fake impression that there is hype about Tesla and Musk.

What is Wrong With Tesla Drivers? The Psych Study

– Psychographic, demographic and marketing studies have been published showing that Tesla drivers have a higher-than-average inclination towards drugs, strange sexual behavior and risk. Could this account for the number of Tesla crashes and deaths?

Did Tesla Cheat On It’s “Safety Reports”?

– Is it true that safety testing was done on Tesla cars without fully charged batteries and in a moisture-locked environment because Tesla staff knew that fully charged batteries and moisture in a crash WOULD cause a fiery explosion, as they already have?

Elon Likes To Spy On People

– Numerous periodicals, including Valleywag, document the fact that Elon Musk sends spy emails to his employees, each with a few words changed in order to track them and see who might reveal anything damaging to regulators?

Dianne Feinstein’s Family Profiteering Scheme With Tesla and Solyndra

– Who are all of the property holders and lease-owners of the Tesla and Solyndra, past and current, real-estate?

– What other “Family business ventures” did the Feinstein family profit on with Musk?

– A U.S. Senator officiated at the opening of the Tesla NUMMI plant and lobbied for Tesla’s tax waivers, credits, acquisition of NUMMI and discounts and then that U.S. Senator had their staff work in Tesla’s offices. Is it a conflict of interest that this senator received campaign funding and this senator’s family received real estate deals from the Tesla and, (next door to Tesla), Solyndra real estate deals?

The Hell The Elon Musk Puts Women Through According To His Ex-Women

– Elon Musks wives and founders have filed lawsuits and made public statements that he is a fraud and coerced them into participation. Is it proper fiduciary practice to allow Mr. Musk to continue with the company?

How Elon Musk Got Huge Numbers Of Taxpayer Paid For Freebies

– Why did Tesla not have to pay the cash participation fee that the Section 136 law said everybody had to pay? Tesla staff stated, at numerous documented Silicon Valley open meetings that they got a “special applicant participation waiver”. Why did Tesla get that waiver?

Did bribed politicos, like Steven Chu, help Tesla lie to the Government?

– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s Federal waivers, tax deferrals, credits and discounts?

The Silicon Valley Cartel: The mobsters of Stanford University

– Kleiner Perkins and certain silicon valley VC’s, all investors in a number of DOE “winners” (including Tesla, Fisker, Solyndra, A123 and others), organized meetings with a Dmitry Medvedev and other men known by the State Department, CIA, FBI and federal investigators to be involved in Russian mobsterism and then Ener1, Severstal and A123, dark-money funded and run by billionaires (many of whom own lithium mining interests) known by the State Department, the CIA and federal investigators to be involved in Russian mobsterism, were awarded taxpayer funds by Steven Chu, who was nominated by Kleiner Perkins. Was any of this a
conflict of interest?

The California State Politicians Who Enabled The Tesla and Solyndra Scams

– Why is the only company to receive California State real estate exclusives, exclusive tax waivers, credits and stock enhancers and free rides on taxpayer backs also the same company who’s investors were the largest funders of certain State officials?

– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s State funding? Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s State waivers, tax deferrals, credits and discounts? Did Tesla investors bribe, or influence Congress people?

Which Senators Were On Tesla’s Payroll & Perk List

– Federal communications monitoring of text, voice and email communications of certain highly placed Senators, lobbyists and venture capitalists from 2005 to today should be made available to ALL federal criminal investigators. Have they been? Are one or more Senators blocking this effort because they are compromised?

The Fraud Lawsuits Against Tesla and Musk

– Why have so many fraud lawsuits been filed against Elon Musk and Tesla Motors?

The NHTSA Rigging

– The head of the NHTSA (Strickland) Tesla investigation quit because of increased scrutiny. The facts, such as these, demonstrate that Tesla and Fisker never should have passed any NHTSA safety review. How can the public be assured that ongoing NHTSA investigations regarding Tesla will not be rigged?

The Tax Evasions and Tax Waivers

– Did Tesla report tax credits as revenue/sales in stock reports in order to trick investors into thinking Tesla was making profit that it was actually not making?

The Conflicts of Interest

– Did Tesla staff or owners investors bribe, or influence Congress people? Did Tesla staff, owners or investors provider misleading information to investors? Was there a conflict of interest between Department of Energy staff and Tesla owners, investors or staff? Was there a conflict of interest between White House staff and Tesla owners, investors or staff? Was there a conflict of interest between Senate staff and Tesla owners, investors or staff? Did Tesla Motors use taxpayer money to hire off-shore staff?

Did Elon Musk Bribe PR Publications For “Reviews”?

– Marketing sales staff from the ad agencies for 60 Minutes, Consumer Reports, GQ, Fortune and other mainstream periodicals have stated that Elon Musk purchased “puff piece” stories about himself in those broadcasts and magazines and that none of those stories were internally generated. Is it good fiduciary practice for an executive to use corporate resources for personal glorification?

Taxpayer Cash For Musk’s Offshore Deals

– Did Tesla Motors use taxpayer money to purchase supplies offshore that could have been purchased in the United States? Did Tesla Motors participate in a market rigging scam to rig lithium ion purchasing for its investors? Did Tesla Motors participate in a market rigging scam to rig the electric car market for its investors? Did Tesla Motors staff, or owners, sabotage competitors?

Was Tesla Just A Front To Fund The Obama Campaign?

– Did Tesla Motors staff, owners or investors exchange campaign funding quid pro quo for business financing?

How Did Kleiner- Perkins And Draper – Fisher Rig The System?

– Did Silicon Valley companies, owned by Tesla investors and campaign financiers, use internet technology to falsify information to the public in order to manipulate stock market perceptions in violation of SEC, RICO, and various other laws?

Tesla’s Patent Filings Reveal It’s Lies

– Was Tesla Motors holding safety metric data in its files which differed fully from the safety metrics data it provided to investors and NHTSA?

The Stock Market Flash Boys Skims

– Did Tesla Motors violate securities law by using false information to acquire a federal loan which it then used to falsify its stock metrics in order to “pump” it’s stock?

Deloitte and Wells Fargo: The Mechanics of Corruption

– Did Deloitte accounting firm conspire with Tesla to manipulate market metrics in violation of RICO Statutes and did that firm manipulate Department of Energy review data on Tesla’s behalf?

– Did Welles Fargo conspire with Tesla to manipulate market metrics in violation of RICO Statutes?

– Did Goldman Sachs conspire with Tesla to manipulate market metrics in violation of RICO Statutes?

The Revolving Doors

– Were Department of Energy staff manipulating Tesla funding data in order to favor Tesla and it’s campaign funding investors in violation of RICO Statutes?

The Government-backed “hit-jobs”

– Were Department of Energy staff manipulating Tesla funding data in order to disfavor Tesla competitors and competitors to it’s campaign funding investors in violation of RICO Statutes?

The Stone-walling projects to “Lois Lerner” the investigations

– Did Tesla owners, staff or investors attempt to delay federal investigations and indictments by asserting influence in violation of RICO Statutes and numerous other laws?

Facts Vs. Tesla Hype Jobs

– Documents show there have been more Tesla fires that actually occurred than Tesla has reported in the media. How many actual Tesla factory fires, test car fires and Tesla battery fires have actually occurred?

The Matrix

– An identification matrix showing campaign backers who were lithium ion investors who had had their contacts exert influence over NHTSA decisions regarding Tesla?

Rigging The White House and Department of Energy Hiring Rosters

– The Secretary of energy was friends with all of your investors. We have been unable to find the name of even one person from OPM and Congressional nomination file wrapper for Steven Chu’s nomination, who Chu did not later give DOE $$ or perks to. Why is that?

The MSDS Documents

– The U.S. Post Office, The TSA, The DOE, The GAO, Panasonic and over 100 of the leading technical companies in the world say lithium ion batteries can spontaneously explode. Why do you not disclose this to your buyers in your literature?

Seven Ways That Tesla Batteries Kill You And Burn Your Home

– The Tesla can blow-up from it’s charger and/or it’s batteries. Are there other dangers that have also not been disclosed?

The Intellectual Property Theft Issues With Tesla

– Is Tesla operating in violation of the patents of any other company?

The Epic Engineering Screw-ups And Cover-ups of Those Bad Decisions

– By Elon Musk’s own admission, at the time of the DOE loan application all of the car designs were $100,000.00, PER CAR, over budget and they had no final design for a factory production run DFM. How could Tesla have gotten the loan with the worst debt ratio, the least engineering, the greatest financial risk and the least collateral of any applicant?

The White House Rat Pack That Made The Illegal Crony Deals With Musk

– Tesla lobbyists worked with Rahm Emanuel in the White House, to arrange their loan deal. Rahm Emanuals Senior Finance Aide was recently arrested for bribes, kickbacks, corruption and money Laundering. Steve Rattner, The West Wing “Car Czar”, who Tesla investors worked with to secure the Tesla loan, was also indicted for corruption. Almost everyone at DOE involved in your loan was forced to quit or fired. Does this call your dealings into question?

Assholes Anonymous

– Rolls-Royce Holdings said the U.K.’s Serious Fraud Office has opened a formal investigation into bribery and corruption of government officials for cars for the 1%. Why rich guy sports car companies usually end in corruption

Who Said What

– The NHTSA said that Elon Musk lied about Fire Safety Review approval and who made the request for recall and investigation. Should we trust Elon Musk?

A Break-down of the California kick-backs

– Tesla got another $34 MILLION of our tax money in exclusive campaign finance kickbacks for billionaires from the State of California. Why did Tesla billionaires need a few million of our tax money in a recession when people have no jobs?

The German Part of the scam

– The German Tesla “Safety Review” was exposed as “Sham” in that they conducted no safety review and were just told to “pass the car” by your bankers at Deutche Bank! Why did you not disclose that the German’s conducted no testing of your battery system of any nature?

– Why are there so many dead German investment bankers?

The Proof Of The Dangers of Lithium Ion

– In Tesla’s own filed patent applications you state that your batteries WILL explode spontaneously and kill and injure people and burn down their homes. Why did they not disclose this in buyers documentation?

The Expert Organizations That Say Tesla Motors is Lying

– Tesla is MORE likely to catch on fire than gasoline car”per Bloomberg & MIT. Why did you not disclose this?

The fire-bomb under your car seat in a Tesla

– Lithium Ion is  “nearly impossible to extinguish, and “acts like solid rocket fuel” say firefighters. Tesla never supplied required battery company CO2 fire extinguishers to car owners. Why not?

The “Worst Possible Engineering Concept For Batteries”

– Federal Investigators say you are using “exploding flashlight batteries that were never intended to be used in cars, in an improperly shielded box” to power the car instead of commercial energy storage technology. They say your car has “85% less lithium crash protection on the Tesla than ANY OTHER ELECTRIC CAR”. All other companies had to recall EXCEPT Tesla. Why not? What special leverage did you have?

How Tesla Covers-Up Defects: The NDA

– Over 150 defects and problems per model about the Tesla have been documented on user-forums and in the press including: “Doors lock you in and out. Bad if car on fire!”; “George Clooney Rips Tesla: ‘Why Am I Always Stuck On The Side Of The F*cking Road?”;  “Tesla “Satisfaction” survey authored by it’s own investors/fanboys”; “Tesla seat vibration causes Anal Itching!”; “VAMPIRE POWER DEFECT slams entire Tesla Model S fleet!”; “Numerous defects documented by
owners online.” When the NUMMI factory was in use by GM and Toyota only 5 defects per model car produced there occurred. Even after you bought brand new robots, why did the Tesla cars get worse in a pre-configured factory with billions of dollars of past car preparation?


Keep an eye out for the full 4 volume box set of “The Unofficial History Of Tesla Motors”

With Extensive Appendices

– See tons of charts, leaked emails and investigators evidence in deep backgrounders on Elon Musk and Tesla Motors


The Elon Musk Method – A 3-Part Bulletproof Program For Self-Promotion, Narcissm and Elon-like Ego-mania …


I hope that you have realized by now that you are your own personal brand. Everything you do, everything you say and everything you stand for …


Why People Hate Elon Musk So Much | CleanTechnica


Back when I planned and wrote about why Elon Musk is loved so much, I said …. What he is a genius at is self promotion, just like Steve Jobs.

Why People Hate Elon Musk So Much

I Don’t Believe In Elon Musk


return to updates I Don’t Believe in Elon Musk by Miles Mathis First published October 5, 2015 As usual, this is an opinion piece, protected by the US Constitution.


Elon Musk, Crony Capitalist – Reason.com


Elon Musk, Crony Capitalist The billionaire should spend his own money, not the taxpayers’. Veronique de Rugy | April 28, 2016


No Facebook, Elon Musk was not an ‘illegal immigrant …


According to Esquire, Musk took the oath of American citizenship with thirty-five hundred other immigrants in 2002. The important point that this incorrect Facebook …


Why is Elon Musk pulling off a self-promotion agenda? – Quora


Nov 2, 2014 … Hmm, good question. Why would a CEO of multiple companies, pursuing projects he considers fundamentally important to humanity (and …


Self Promotion: 6 Ways to Get Noticed | Inc.com


Mar 08, 2013 · Effective self-promotion lies somewhere between being a wallflower and a flaming narcissist. Find the sweet spot with these tips.


The Elon Musk Method – A 3-Part Bulletproof Self-Promotion Strategy


I hope that you have realized by now that you are your own personal brand. Everything you do, everything you say and everything you stand for, highlights the …


Elon Musk Has a Marketing Plan. Do You? – Huffington Post


Nov 10, 2015 … Elon Musk may not be the Tony Stark of charisma, but his marketing … through Musk’s Twitter profile, you’d find much more than self-promotion.


The Elon Musk Method – A 3-Part Bulletproof Self-Promotion Strategy


Nov 16, 2015 … The Elon Musk Method – A 3-Part Bulletproof Self-Promotion Strategy ( thequintessentialman.com). submitted 6 months ago by Andrian-TQM.


How Much Is Too Much Self-Promotion At Work? | Fast Company …


What seems clear is that while the right amount of self-promotion at work can be ….. On Saturday, Tesla Motors, Elon Musk’s Palo Alto-based manufacturer of …


Is Elon Musk “a sociopathic, narcissistic, Senator-bribing, lying …


Dec 15, 2015 … … stock swindling, woman-abusing, ego-maniacal, self-promoting attention whore” like … Elon Musk Unveils His Latest Taxpayer Boondoggle.

How Much Is Too Much Self-Promotion At Work? | Fast Company …


What seems clear is that while the right amount of self-promotion at work can be ….. On Saturday, Tesla Motors, Elon Musk’s Palo Alto-based manufacturer of …


No Facebook, Elon Musk was not an ‘illegal immigrant’ – Memeburn


Feb 10, 2016 … No Facebook, Elon Musk was not an ‘illegal immigrant’ … I am Elon Musk. …. Yet your posts and self-promotion speak half-truths and imply …


Elon Musk among tech industry heavyweights funding billion-dollar …


Dec 11, 2015 … Elon Musk is among the tech industry heavyweights funding a new … for it to be developed to benefit society, rather than in any company’s self …


Social media self-promotion: The urge, the ick, the outcome – CNET


Elon Musk: We’ll have people on Mars by 2025. PayPal’s mission … Social media self-promotion: The urge, the ick, the outcome. Humility is out.
