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Big Tech Is Deliberately And Operationally Engaged In Stealing Ideas And Patents

Big Tech Is Deliberately And Operationally Engaged In Stealing Ideas And Patents

They do it for a few reasons:

– Big Tech and Venture Capital are run by guys. Guys start all of the wars in the world. Guys beat up other guys just for looking at a girl they liked. They do it because males can’t stand another male coming up with a better idea.

– They do it because corporations are clinically insane an immoral according to the film: “The Corporation”.

– They do it because their oligarchs are so rich they can get away with anything.

– They do it because Big Tech has bought out all of the law firms that could do any kind of big tech case.

– They do it for political payback because you dared to compete with them or talk down about their political candidates.

2700 Sand Hill Road In Palo Alto, California has 100+ Venture Capital offices running along the road-side there. Those offices fund most of Silicon Valley Big Tech and most of all anti-inventor lobbying in Washington DC. They have contracted most tech law firms so that most tech law firms are conflicted-out from representing small inventors. How can any small inventor fight these many billions of dollars of what is, essentially a Big Tech monopoly “Cartel”?

You can see in the news that THE STOCK ACT and The Elizabeth Warren stock law point out that Judges and Congress own the stocks of “Big Tech” so the Senator’s and Judges are conflicted. They are incentivized, by cash from stock profits, to NOT help small inventors. Congress has NO incentive to fix this because Congress makes most of it’s profits off of Silicon Valley.

Big tech IS deliberately and operationally engaged in stealing IP.

Larry Page who has openly stated he steals stuff. There is a NY Times article about him admitting it.

Tom Perkins from Kleiner Perkins has told how he took business plans and gave them to his buddies to copy them.

The VC’s, Google, Facebook and their buds are ‘deliberately and operationally engaged in stealing IP’. Big tech WILL NOT buy your patent unless your law firm is bigger than theirs.

Google Has It’s Staff Manipulate The U.S. Patent Office In Order To Protect Google and Hurt American Inventors and Innovation


Google Has It’s Staff Manipulate The U.S. Patent Office In Order To Protect Google and Hurt American Inventors and Innovation
*** Google controls the U.S. Patent Office
*** Google’s staff run the Patent Office, have revolving door job promises and massive amounts of Google stock, overtly and covertly
*** Google has a massive number of charges against it for robbing entrepreneurs
*** Google founder exposed as an “idea spy” for Google’s
*** Google orders its agents inside the U.S. Patent office to reverse decisions on patents, to outside inventors, that Google stole from those inventors
*** Google, and it’s owners, are the biggest campaign financiers of the Obama administration, which appointed them into the USPTO
*** FTC and SEC investigators quoted as saying that “Google Destroys Innovation”

How Google Steals Ideas From Entrepreneurs

By Sarah Dunn and Anthony Harvard

A recent article in The New York Times called: “How Larry Page’s Obsessions Became Google’s Business” describes how Google Boss Larry Page covertly attends technology conferences in order to get ideas from entrepreneurs. He does not seem to ever pay those entrepreneurs, for the technology he takes from them, and makes billions of dollars off of at Google.

Google Boss Eric Schmidt just spent over $1 Billion to try to lobby Congress to change the patent laws in order to make patents for entrepreneurs nearly illegal, and to try to make patents almost entirely unenforceable, so that Google would not have to pay for the technology it steals. Google seems to love killing the American dream.

Google spent millions of dollars to nominate, lobby for, influence and place it’s top lawyer in charge of the U.S. Patent Office. Now Google’s “inside-man” makes sure that patents, that Google is infringing, are either turned down or, in some cases, have their approvals reversed.

Google’s motto seems to be: “Why Compete When You Can Cheat”. This is a far more relevant motto than ‘Don’t be evil”.

The New York Times article, and hundreds of stories from entrepreneurs, describes how Mr. Page cuddles up to technologists in ordinary street wear, does not identify himself, and Hoover’s up their innovations for his company. The article, details the following:

Three years ago, Charles Chase, an engineer who manages Lockheed Martin’s nuclear fusion program, was sitting on a white leather couch at Google’s Solve for X conference when a man he had never met knelt down to talk to him.

They spent 20 minutes discussing how much time, money and technology separated humanity from a sustainable fusion reaction — that is, how to produce clean energy by mimicking the sun’s power — before Mr. Chase thought to ask the man his name.

I’m Larry Page,” the man said. He realized he had been talking to Google’s billionaire co-founder and chief executive.

He didn’t have any sort of pretension like he shouldn’t be talking to me or ‘Don’t you know who you’re talking to?’” Mr. Chase said. “We just talked.”

The article also reveals the show-boating of how Mr. Page likes to “ ignore the main stage and follow the scrum of fans and autograph seekers who mob him in the moments he steps outside closed doors.”

The article goes on to show that.. “ He is a regular at robotics conferences and intellectual gatherings like TED. Scientists say he is a good bet to attend Google’s various academic gatherings, like Solve for X and Sci Foo Camp, where he can be found having casual conversations about technology or giving advice to entrepreneurs. Mr. Page is hardly the first Silicon Valley chief with a case of intellectual wanderlust, but unlike most of his peers, he has invested far beyond his company’s core business and in many ways has made it a reflection of his personal fascinations.”

Further Page has “… said on several occasions that he spends a good deal of time researching new technologies, focusing on what kind of financial or logistic hurdles stand in the way of them being invented or carried out. His presence at technology events, while just a sliver of his time, is indicative of a giant idea-scouting mission that has in some sense been going on for years but is now Mr. Page’s main job.”

Then the article grows dark, it says: “Many former Google employees who have worked directly with Mr. Page said his managerial modus operandi was to TAKE new technologies or product ideas and generalize them to as many areas as possible. Why can’t Google Now, Google’s predictive search tool, be used to predict everything about a person’s life? Why create a portal to shop for insurance when you can create a portal to shop for every product in the world?

But corporate success means corporate sprawl, and recently Google has seen a number of engineers and others leave for younger rivals like Facebook and start-ups like Uber. Mr. Page has made personal appeals to some of them, and, at least in a few recent cases, has said he is worried that the company has become a difficult place for entrepreneurs, according to people who have met with him.”

 “People who have worked with Mr. Page say that he tries to guard his calendar, avoiding back-to-back meetings and leaving time to read, research and see new technologies that interest him.”

The articles details Page’s under-cover intelligence gathering: “ People who work with Mr. Page or have spoken with him at conferences say he tries his best to blend in, ..” “ The scope of his curiosity was apparent at Sci Foo Camp, an annual invitation-only conference that is sponsored by Google, O’Reilly Media and Digital Science.

The article goes on to reveal that Google was forced to engage in a break-up, into a front operation called “Alphabet” in order to try to create overt shell companies to build buffers from the Tsunami of legal actions that are coming after it.:

Of course, for every statement Mr. Page makes about Alphabet’s technocorporate benevolence, you can find many competitors and privacy advocates holding their noses in disgust. Technology companies like Yelp have accused the company of acting like a brutal monopolist that is using the dominance of its search engine to steer consumers toward Google services, even if that means giving the customers inferior information.

In fact, the company’s main business issue seems to be that it is doing too well. Google is facing antitrust charges in Europe, along with investigations in Europe and the United States. Those issues are now mostly Mr. Pichai’s to worry about, as Mr. Page is out looking for the next big thing.”

It is hard to imagine how even the most ambitious person could hope to revolutionize so many industries. And Mr. Page, no matter how smart, cannot possibly be an expert in every area Alphabet wants to touch.

His method is not overly technical. Instead, he tends to focus on how to make a sizable business out of whatever problem this or that technology might solve. Leslie Dewan, a nuclear engineer who founded a company that is trying to generate cheap electricity from nuclear waste, also had a brief conversation with Mr. Page at the Solve For X conference.

She said he questioned her on things like modular manufacturing and how to find the right employees.

He doesn’t have a nuclear background, but he knew the right questions to ask,” said Dr. Dewan, chief executive of Transatomic Power. “‘Have you thought about approaching the manufacturing in this way?’ ‘Have you thought about the vertical integration of the company in this way?’ ‘Have you thought about training the work force this way?’ They weren’t nuclear physics questions, but they were extremely thoughtful ways to think about how we could structure the business.”

Dr. Dewan said Mr. Page even gave her an idea for a new market opportunity that she had not thought of. Asked to be more specific, she refused. The idea was too good to share.”

Yet, Dr. Dewan did share, seduced by the understated encouragement of a top intelligence gathering officer: Larry Page.

Below, you will find a small sample of tens of thousands of blog articles and news articles discussing the overt experience of Google’s intellectual property theft. When you have a zillion billion dollars and own your own Senators, ethics do not seem to fall within range of your moral compass.

Entrepreneurs have charged that Google has overtly, stolen its video broadcasting technology, virtual reality systems, Internet balloons, search engine system, wireless technology and many other items. We spoke with technologists who showed us United States Government issued patents and communications that showed that they had designed, engineered, built, patent filed and launched a number of the technologies that Google now has filled their bank accounts from. Google’s financiers at Kleiner Perkins, Google Ventures and other groups had come to them, looked at the technologies confidentially, under the guise of “maybe we’ll invest”, and then sent the technologies over to Google to build 100% clones of.

How hard is it to sue Google for patent infringement? With Google controlling the patent office and 80% of the technology law firms, the hapless entrepreneur is out-gunned.

Google even tried the lamest shell game in history by posting ads on technology blogs asking inventors to just send Google their patents and Google would look at them and offer a low-ball check if Google thought they might get in trouble. That ploy was universally mocked on the web.

Google remains a big, dumb, reckless billionaire’s toy with no regard for the individual. As a creator, your idea is Google’s to plunder. As a citizen, your privacy is Google’s to plunder. As the buyer of elected officials and federal agencies, the law is now Google’s bitch.

American FTC investigators wrote, in their report, that “Google is a threat to domestic innovation”. The European Union investigators have found “…Google to be a private out of control corporate government that has more power than the U.S. Government.”

It is time the FBI came in and shut that train down. Google is nothing but bad news for modern society and innovation.

Does GoogleSteal Your Ideas? – Yahoo News

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Google span>StealsIdeas From Bing, Bing Steals Market Share From …

Last month, Google added a new feature to its homepage that enabled users to select a background image. Google included a gallery of professional photos to choose …


Why Google Is Stealing Apple’s Ideas – Forbes

Why Google Is Stealing Apple’s Ideas Just because you’re … Google offers its own Web-based alternative, Google Docs. Apple has an e-mail service.


Google Stealing Apple’s Ideas And Other Tales Of … – TechCrunch

This morning I woke up and saw an interesting headline on Techmeme from Forbes writer Brian Caulfield: Why Google Is Stealing Apple’s Ideas. Wow, a story …


Google Retracts After Caught Stealing Ideas – Tom’s Guide

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GoogleSteals Your Ideas – YouTube

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Does GoogleSteal Your Ideas? – AlleyWatch

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Does GoogleSteal Your Ideas? – AOL On

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Yes, Google “Stole” From Apple, And That’s A Good Thing

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Is Someone Stealing Your Ideas? Let Them – CBS News

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Newspiracy.com | GoogleSteals Your Ideas

Google Steals Your Ideas 0 Posted by newspiracy – January 24, 2016 – Alltime Conspiracies. Alltime Conspiracies Sun, January 24, 2016 10:50am URL: Embed:


Stealing Ideas Quotes – Search Quotes

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steal (stēl) v. stole (stōl), sto·len (stō′lən), steal·ing, steals v.tr. 1. To take (the property of another) without right or permission. 2. To present or …


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