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Could You Kill Your Whole Family If You Were PSYOP’d By Google?

Could You Kill Your Whole Family If You Were PSYOP’d By Google?


The horrific things that you, right this moment, believe you would never do to another person, can be caused to happen, at your hand, by a highly skilled CIA psy-ops effort.

The majority of the world’s population are clinically stupid, naive, easily tricked, gullible creatures. In your heart, you know this to be true because it is exemplified the day after each national election. You can see that the voters from “the other side”, have little common sense and commit the murders, rapes and thefts that you read about every single minute. The ‘idiots’ that fanatically voted for the opposition were marketed to, specifically, by the opposition, using standard psyops tactics.

Those are not the ones we refer to in this assertion. The average guy in Fremont, California or Madison, Wisconsin with a white picket fence house and a job at IBM is who one can get to kill their whole family within 2 weeks of being targeted for psyops.

The medications they pick up from the drugstore and the waterline to their home would certainly be manipulated, but the effort can be done without the use of any added drugs.

Google and Facebook are entire companies dedicated to PSYOPS for political election manipulation.

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to U.S. objectives. They are an important part of the range of diplomatic, informational, military and economic activities available to the U.S. They can be utilized during both peacetime and conflict. There are three main types: strategic, operational and tactical. Strategic PSYOP include informational activities conducted by the U.S. government agencies outside of the military arena, though many utilize Department of Defense (DOD) assets. Operational PSYOP are conducted across the range of military operations, including during peacetime, in a defined operational area to promote the effectiveness of the joint force commander’s (JFC) campaigns and strategies. Tactical PSYOP are conducted in the area assigned to a tactical commander across the range of military operations to support the tactical mission against opposing forces.

PSYOP can encourage popular discontent with the opposition’s leadership and by combining persuasion with a credible threat, degrade an adversary’s ability to conduct or sustain military operations. They can also disrupt, confuse, and protract the adversary’s decision-making process, undermining command and control.[1] When properly employed, PSYOP have the potential to save the lives of friendly or enemy forces by reducing the adversary’s will to fight. By lowering the adversary’s morale and then its efficiency, PSYOP can also discourage aggressive actions by creating disaffection within their ranks, ultimately leading to surrender.

The integrated employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own.[2]

Between 2010 and 2014, PSYOP was renamed Military Information Support Operations (MISO), then briefly renamed PSYOP in August 2014, only to return to MISO shortly thereafter in 2015.[3][4] The term was again renamed back to PSYOP in October 2017.[5]


Further reading


  • Cruickshank, Charles. The fourth arm: psychological warfare 1938-1945 (Davis-Poynter, 1977)
  • De McLaurin, Ronald, ed. Military propaganda: psychological warfare and operations (Praeger Publishers, 1982)
  • Herz, Martin F. “Some psychological lessons from leaflet propaganda in World War II.” Public Opinion Quarterly (1949) 13#3 pp: 471–486. doi: 10.1086/266096
  • Margolin, Leo Jay. Paper Bullets: A Brief Story of Psychological Warfare in World War II (New York: Froben Press, 1946)
  • Lerner, Daniel, and Richard Howard Stafford Crossman. Sykewar: Psychological Warfare Against Germany, D-Day to VE-Day (1949)
  • McClintock, Michael. Instruments of statecraft: US guerrilla warfare, counterinsurgency, and counter-terrorism, 1940-1990 (New York: Pantheon Books, 1992) ch 1 online
  • Paddock, Alfred H. US Army Special Warfare: Its Origins (University Press of Kansas, 2002)
  • Stubbs, Richard. Hearts and Minds in Guerrilla Warfare: The Malayan Emergency 1948-1960 (1989). partly online, British efforts
  • Taylor, Philip M. British Propaganda in the Twentieth Century (Edinburgh University Press, 1999)


  • Barnhisel, Greg, and Catherine Turner, eds. Pressing the Fight: Print, Propaganda, and the Cold War (Univ of Massachusetts Press, 2012)
  • Osgood, Kenneth. Total Cold War: Eisenhower’s Secret Propaganda Battle at Home and Abroad (2006).
  • Osgood, Kenneth A. “Hearts and minds: the unconventional cold war.” Journal of Cold War Studies (2002) 4#2 pp: 85–107. online
  • Parry-Giles, Shawn J. The rhetorical presidency, propaganda, and the Cold War, 1945-1955 (Greenwood, 2002)
  • Parry‐Giles, Shawn J. “Rhetorical experimentation and the cold war, 1947–1953: The development of an internationalist approach to propaganda.” Quarterly Journal of Speech (1994) 80#4 pp: 448–467.
  • Puddington, Arch. Broadcasting Freedom: The Cold War Triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (University Press of Kentucky, 2000)

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