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CARGATE! Billions of dollars in kick-backs from taxpayer $$

The Crime Files: “CarGate”

Link to this page: http://wp.me/P4e1uX-20k

“CARGATE” is the multi-organizational name for the case as it is known to agency, media and public investigators. It refers to the case investigating the manipulation of hundreds of billions of dollars of TARP, ATVM, LGP funds and policy in exchange for campaign financing and profiteering via laundering and conduiting tactics.

A large group of agency and media staff have cooperatively worked on research and investigation for this case.

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In a Hurry? For a quick overview, try the 30 second briefer or the Cartoon version or watch CARGATE: THE SCANDAL MOVIE the CARGATE crime files.


There are tens of thousands of pages of evidence that pretty clearly prove who-did-what-crimes-with-whose-tax-money.

Other Crime Files Case Presentations coming on Education, Farming, Television, Privacy and all kinds of other great items…

Contents via past upload (But the latest contents are on the left hand vertical navigation bar, lower section):