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  • Concerns over Musk’s stance on Russia, threat to cut Starlink
  • Musk also considering cutting Twitter’s workforce by 75%

Biden administration officials are discussing whether the US should subject some of Elon Musk’s ventures to national security reviews, including the deal for Twitter Inc. and SpaceX’s Starlink satellite network, according to people familiar with the matter.

Twitter shares fell 5.1% as the market opened in New York on Friday.

US officials have grown uncomfortable over Musk’s recent threat to stop supplying the Starlink satellite service to Ukraine — he said it had cost him $80 million so far — and what they see as his increasingly Russia-friendly stance following a series of tweets that outlined peace proposals favorable to President Vladimir Putin. They are also concerned by his plans to buy Twitter with a group of foreign investors.

The discussions are still at an early stage, the people familiar said on condition of anonymity. Officials in the US government and intelligence community are weighing what tools, if any, are available that would allow the federal government to review Musk’s ventures.

One possibility is through the law governing the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to review Musk’s deals and operations for national security risks, they said.

Read more: Twitter, Musk Talks Warm Up as Buyout Closing Deadline Nears

The interagency panel, known as CFIUS and overseen by the Treasury Department, reviews acquisitions of US businesses by foreign buyers. It is not clear if a CFIUS review — which would involve assessments by the Departments of State, Defense, and Homeland Security, among others — would offer the government a legal way to conduct a review, the people said.

Twitter is also confronting reports that Musk aims to gut its workforce as part of his takeover. The Washington Post reported that Musk’s plan for Twitter involve slashing its staff by 75% in a matter of months. Bloomberg News confirmed that potential investors were told of the plan for cuts, along with an effort to double revenue within three years.

One element of the $44 billion Twitter deal that could trigger a CFIUS review is the presence of foreign investors in Musk’s consortium. The group includes Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, Binance Holdings Ltd. — a digital-asset exchange founded and run by a Chinese native — and Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund.

The panel operates behind closed doors and rarely confirms when it is conducting reviews. CFIUS also holds the power to review deals that have already been consummated.

A US Treasury Department spokesperson said CFIUS doesn’t publicly comment on any transactions that may or may not be under review. A spokesperson for the National Security Council said they can’t speak for CFIUS. As for the White House, “we do not know of any such discussions,” spokesperson Adrienne Watson said.

Read more: Musk Tweets Complicate US Diplomacy From Ukraine to Taiwan

Musk, the world’s richest person, has taken to Twitter in recent weeks to announce proposals to end Russia’s war and threaten to cut financial support for Starlink internet in Ukraine. His tweets and public comments have frustrated officials in the US and Europe and drawn praise from America’s rivals.

Musk later backed down from his threat to stop deploying Starlink and said he would continue to bear the costs of the service. Starlink has become an essential tool for communications in Ukraine during the Russian invasion. Musk has been providing the service for free but has said SpaceX loses $20 million a month providing it to Ukraine and he cannot be responsible for that cost indefinitely.

The US government would also use Starlink in the event of a telecommunications outage, according to people familiar with the matter.

Read more: Musk Is at the Forefront of a Corporatized Space War in Ukraine

Musk did not respond to multiple e-mailed requests for comment.

He tweeted in reply to a fellow reader’s reaction to the Bloomberg article.

Widely known as the chief executive officer of electric automaker Tesla Inc., Musk is no stranger to Washington, where he is a major player in government contracts.

Musk forced his way into the business of military and intelligence satellite launches after lobbying vigorously in Congress and suing the US Air Force for the right to compete with a longstanding joint venture of defense giants Boeing Co. and Lockheed Martin Corp.

In 2019, the Pentagon said it was reviewing Musk’s federal security clearance after he smoked marijuana on a podcast, though the results of that investigation are unclear. A SpaceX official at the time, who asked not to be identified, said the review had not had an impact on the company.

SpaceX flies astronauts to the International Space Station as part of a long-standing partnership with NASA and launches top secret satellites for the Pentagon. The US Agency for International Development, or USAID, has also paid for some of SpaceX’s Starlink satellites that have made their way to Ukraine.

From the archive: All About Cfius, Trump’s Watchdog on China Dealmaking

— With assistance by Dana Hull

As Musk expands his reach, Washington worries...


EXCLUSIVE: Internet Sting Operation ‘J6 DELETED’ Exposes How Twitter Manipulated Jan. 6 Narrative ‘In Real Time’

‘Truth is a force of nature’
By Patricia Tolson


The developer of a social media monitoring algorithm explains how his internet sting operation “J6 DELETED” exposed how Twitter manipulated the narrative “in real time” on Jan. 6, 2021.

In 2018, Jason Sullivan—a social media and Twitter specialist—was subpoenaed by the special counsel investigating the now-debunked theory that Trump was colluding with Russia. Sullivan is now the lead investigative consultant to former President Donald Trump’s legal team, via Peter Ticktin. In an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times, Sullivan explains how he discovered evidence of a coordinated operation by influencers and Twitter to set the narrative on Jan. 6, 2021, as events unfolded.

“We’ve created an algorithm that enables us to determine which tweets are on a trajectory of becoming a viral event,” Sullivan explained. “We are watching social media intelligence in real-time, all day, every day, based on specific search terms, key phrases, and hashtags. Our algorithm can tell us exactly how much traction a particular tweet is receiving and how often people are reciprocating, such as liking and retweeting. When it meets a certain threshold, we are automatically alerted.”

Jan. 6, 2021

“Leading up to January 6, we were listening to the social media discourse,” Sullivan recalled, “and we set up the program to capture every viral event that took place on January 6 that pertained to the name ‘Trump.’ Think about that. ‘Trump’ is the most tweeted word on the planet, and whether they liked Trump or hated Trump, if their post included the word ‘Trump,’ we flagged it. We were listening to people who were trending. We were listening to people who were leaking things. We were listening to people who were seeding disinformation. What we discovered is that there were trends that clearly indicated there was going to be some type of false flag operation on January 6.”

As Sullivan noted, “the one who drives the narrative, drives the outcome.”

Screenshot of the cover of the Flip Book, created by Jason Sullivan, to document and share all of the viral tweets captured by his algorithm in real time, showing how Twitter and social media influencers coordinated to set a narrative as events unfolded on January 6, 2021.
Screenshot of the cover of the Flip Book, created by Jason Sullivan to document the viral tweets captured by his algorithm on Jan. 6, 2021. (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

“What we discovered is that many of these captured tweets, which had exculpatory evidence, had been conveniently and systematically removed from Twitter and some of the pages have even been scrubbed from the internet,” Sullivan recalled. So too had the communications feeds and comments within the viral threads, which contained additional exculpatory evidence.

“I want to make it perfectly clear that we conducted this sting operation,” Sullivan asserted. “We have it all. We have all of the tweets and all of the exculpatory evidence Twitter thinks it scrubbed from the internet. We have them all.”

The collection of all viral tweets captured by his algorithmJ6 DELETEDis now available to the public.

The Social Media Influencers

According to Nashville Film Institute, “Social media influencers” are “digital creators with a large social media following,” who “spark dialogues, set trends, and generate interest among their fan communities.” Among the dozens of influences who were active on Jan. 6, several stood out as leaders in pushing what Sullivan calls “the false flag narrative.”

Screenshot of one of the 18 viral tweets posted by social media influencer Aaron Rupar on January 6, 2021, spreading the misinformation that President Donald Trump attacked "four Black people) during his speech at the ellipse on January 6, 2021. The image was captured by an algorithm created by Jason Sullivan.
Screenshot of post by social media influencer Aaron Rupar on Jan. 6, 2021. The image was captured by an algorithm created by Jason Sullivan. (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

Aaron Rupar, an associate editor at VOX, initiated no less than 18 viral Twitter posts on Jan. 6.

Investigative journalist Lara Logan has worked closely with Sullivan and has seen his trove of tweets captured by his algorithm. She knew immediately that Rupar was spreading misinformation. In particular, she knew Rupar’s claim that Trump attacked “four black people within 30 seconds” when speaking about Stacy Abrams and Oprah Winfrey “had absolutely nothing to do with race.”

During Trump’s speech on Jan. 6, he mentioned Abrams twice near the halfway point and twice near the end. All references were related to her failed campaign to become governor of Georgia. Trump also mentioned Winfrey, twice, once saying Oprah “used to be” a friend of his and then how he “didn’t notice there were too many calls coming in from Oprah” after he became president.

Rupar is so well known for his history of spreading misinformation and false narratives that on March 21, 2021, the Urban Dictionary unveiled a new verb, “rupar.” It means “to lie with impunity; a brazen statement with a focus on misleading, usually with intention of a predetermined outcome.”

Social media influencer MeidasTouch had 14 tweets go viral on Jan. 6. According to Open Secrets, MeidasTouch, a “Democratic/Liberal” Super PAC based in Macomb, Michigan. According to the Federal Election Commission, the largest disbursements appear to primarily benefit Prestige WW Inc., “founded in 2020 to help progressive candidates and organizations stick it to Trump and his enablers online” and the PACs founding brothers, Jordan and Bret Meiselas.

In the meantime, attorney and Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe was responsible for eight viral Twitter posts on Jan. 6, primarily to insult and berate Trump.

Screenshot of Fire Alerts received through an algorithm developed by Jason Sullivan showing one of the many posts by attorney, Harvard law professor and social media influencer Laurence Tribe that went viral on January 6, 2021 and help set the narrative that President Donald Trump was guilty of inciting a riot at the Capitol.
Screenshot of post by attorney, Harvard law professor, and social media influencer Laurence Tribe that went viral on Jan. 6, 2021. (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

According to Logan, Tribe is also “one of the biggest architects of the whole insurrection narrative, both publicly and behind the scenes.”

Along with helping push the “false flag narrative” as an influencer on Jan. 6, Tribe has been a key influencer in pushing the narrative that Trump should be indicted. Tribe also used social media on Oct. 13 to advise Attorney General Merrick Garland that “it won’t be enough … to approve indictments of Trump related to Mar-a-Lago & obstruction. [Garland] will have to approve indictments for trying to overthrow the election, seditious conspiracy & insurrection.”

A day earlier, Tribe appeared on MSNBC, suggesting how many crimes Garland could indict Trump with.

While Sullivan noted that “every person listed in J6DELETED is an influencer because every single one of those 1,058 tweets were considered viral events,” he also pointed out that the only posts that were deleted by Twitter were those on the conservative side. Along with the influencers, he said there were also “coordinators,” people “using similar language in their tweets to perpetuate the chosen narrative.” Words like “seditionist,” “fascist,” “insurrectionists,” and phrases like “clashed with police,” “stormed the Capitol,” “terrorist coup,” and “domestic terrorists” were promoted.

Asked if he believes the influences and coordinators will be nervous when they learn that their activities are being monitored and exposed, Sullivan said, “I think they better.”

The Epoch Times reached out to Rupar and Tribe for comment.

The Silenced Conservatives

While liberal influencers pushed the narrative that Trump instigated a deadly insurrection and his supporters were violently storming the United States Capitol, anyone who posted anything that conflicted with that narrative had their posts deleted and their accounts shut down.

Screenshot of one of the posts by a conservative who eventually had his posts deleted and his accounts shut down by Twitter on January 6, 2021. This image was one of 1,058 viral posts that was flagged and captured by an algorithm developed by social media and Twitter expert, Jason Sullivan.
Screenshot post by The Election Wizard who eventually had his posts deleted and his accounts shut down by Twitter on Jan. 6, 2021. (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

Elijah Schafer posted that “Trump supporters have breached the Capitol building …” In response, Tracy Beanz said, “I don’t know that these are necessarily Trump supporters … But holy hell.” In a similar post by BNO News, Beanz said “These don’t look like Trump supporters to me.” As liberals began posting that Trump supporters were clashing with and pepper spraying police around 10:45 a.m. (PST), Beanz noted 10:53 a.m. (PST) that “The Trump crowd HAS NOT reached the capitol yet.” All of her posts were subsequently deleted and her account was suspended.

Screenshot of one of the many posts by Tracy Beanz who eventually had her posts deleted and her account shut down by Twitter on January 6, 2021. This image was one of 1,058 viral posts that were flagged and captured by an algorithm developed by social media and Twitter expert, Jason Sullivan.
Screenshot of a post by Tracy Beanz who eventually had her posts deleted and her account shut down by Twitter on Jan. 6, 2021.  (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

The Election Wizard said he “would not be surprised if a number of Trump Supporters clashing with police are Antifa in disguise.” His post was deleted and his account “doesn’t exist” anymore. For asking “who wears all black and attacks law enforcement,” the account of J Homes was also suspended.

Screenshot of a post by Melissa Tate sharing a video of President Donald Trump's supporters stopping suspected ANTIFA members, disguised as Trump supporters, from breaking a window at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Her post was deleted and her account was shut down by Twitter. This image was one of 1,058 viral posts that were flagged and captured by an algorithm developed by social media and Twitter expert, Jason Sullivan.
Screenshot of a post by Melissa Tate on Jan. 6, 2021. Her post was deleted and her account was shut down by Twitter.  (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

Melissa Tate posted a video showing Trump supporters stopping suspected ANTIFA members from breaking Capitol windows. “Dems set us up & GOP just threw us under the bus over a trap,” she said. Her post was deleted and her account was shut down.

The account for Lrihendry is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. The accounts for Cari KelemenTruth and ArtTV1Gen. Michael FlynnX22 ReportSydney Powell1TheReal Maddog58Kevin McCullough/KMC Radio, Carlos SilvaMelissa Tate, and Awakened Outlaw were also suspended. These are but a few of the hundreds of silenced conservative voices.

Shutting Down Trump

The most notable victim of Twitter’s censorship on Jan. 6 was Trump himself.

Screenshot of a tweet from President Donald Trump calling for peace on January 6, which was deleted by Twitter.
Screenshot of a tweet from President Donald Trump calling for peace on Jan. 6, which was deleted by Twitter. (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

Twitter started by deleting Trump’s tweets. When he posted a video message calling for peace, Twitter disabled the ability of anyone to like or share his message.

Screenshot of post exposing that Twitter had disabled users from liking or sharing the video message President Trump posted on Twitter on January 6, 2021, asking for his supporters to be peaceful and to go home.
Screenshot of post exposing that Twitter had disabled users from liking or sharing the video message President Trump posted on Twitter on Jan. 6, 2021, asking for his supporters to be peaceful and to go home. (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

Then they removed the video completely. Twitter then locked his account for 12 hours, saying, “If the Tweets are not removed, the account will remain locked.”

“Future violations of the Twitter Rules, including our Civic Integrity or Violent Threats policies, will result in permanent suspension of the @realDonaldTrump account,” Twitter Safety added.

Screenshot of one of many posts announcing that Twitter and Facebook had shut down the accounts of President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021. The image was captured as a "viral event" on Twitter by an algorithm developed by social media and Twitter expert, Jason Sullivan.
Screenshot of post announcing that Twitter and Facebook had shut down the accounts of President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021. (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

Then Facebook banned Trump for 24 hours. Then Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, announced he was “locking” Trump’s “Instagram account for 24 hours as well.”

Screenshot of post from Instagram announcing that, like Twitter and Facebook, it was also shutting down the account of President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021. The image was captured as a "viral event" on Twitter by an algorithm developed by social media and Twitter expert, Jason Sullivan.
Screenshot of post from Instagram announcing that it too was shutting down the account of President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021. (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

In the meantime, people like Reps. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), and even President-elect Joe Biden were demanding that Trump tell his supporters to stop and go home.

Screenshot of post from House Majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) demanding that President Donald Trump tell his supporters to leave the Capitol building on January 6, 2021. The image was captured as a "viral event" on Twitter by an algorithm developed by social media and Twitter expert, Jason Sullivan.
Screenshot of post from House Majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) demanding that President Donald Trump tell his supporters to leave the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021. (With permission from Jason Sullivan)
Screenshot of post from President Elect Joe Biden demanding that President Donald Trump" go on national television" to "fulfill his oat and defend the Constitution by demanding an end to this siege" on January 6, 2021. The image was captured as a "viral event" on Twitter by an algorithm developed by social media and Twitter expert, Jason Sullivan.
Screenshot of post from candidate Joe Biden calling on President Donald Trump” go on national television” to “fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution by demanding an end to this siege” on Jan. 6, 2021. (With permission from Jason Sullivan)

Sullivan also said the Jan. 6 Committee has had this information for months.

“The January 6 Committee contacted my attorney and asked for all of my email communications regarding January 6,” Sullivan explained, adding it included the posts deleted by Twitter. “We gave it to them, and now they voted to subpoena Trump, demanding that he provide evidence to defend himself against their allegations. I hope exposing this will encourage them to be more forthcoming with the evidence they received from me five months ago.”

According to Trump attorney Peter Ticktin, the truth is in the silence.


“If you want to know what truth is, just look at what you’re not allowed to say,” Ticktin, founder and Senior Managing Partner at The Ticktin Law Group told The Epoch Times. “In a free world, where we are allowed to have a voice, it doesn’t matter if someone makes up a lie because the truth will out. But if you need to hide truth then you have to censor everything and you have to erase people and eliminate their ability to say things.”

Photo of attorney Peter Ticktin from the days when he attended New York Military Academy with Donald Trump.
Photo of attorney Peter Ticktin from his days as part of the 1964 graduating class at the New York Military Academy with Donald Trump. (Courtesy of Peter Ticktin)

Ticktin, who also attended New York Military Academy with Trump, said the coordinated effort by liberal news media, social media influencers, Big Tech, and politicians to silence conservative voices reminds him of George Orwell’s “1984,” which warned of a world governed through propaganda, surveillance, and censorship.

Peter Ticktin, attorney for President Donald Trump.
Peter Ticktin, attorney for President Donald Trump. (Courtesy of Peter Ticktin)

“It seems like that’s the example they want to live by in terms of how to run society,” Ticktin explained. “If you look at the January 6 unselect committee and you believe that the election was fair and that Donald Trump was pushing ‘the big lie,’ everyone but The Epoch Times is required to put that news out, including FOX and Newsmax. But if you show evidence like in 2,000 Mules, and how Twitter censored voices and deleted exculpatory evidence, there’s no doubt that the election was stolen.”

For the most part, Ticktin believes the majority of Trump’s base knows the election was stolen.

“We have eyes,” he said. “We aren’t willfully blind. That’s the biggest difference between the left and the right, willful blindness.”

It’s ‘Classic Fascist Behavior’

According to Kirk Wiebe, “the Twitter experience that we’re seeing is not new.”

Wiebe and William Binney became National Security Agency whistleblowers in September 2002 when they exposed how the government was using a program called Trailblazer to illegally monitor all Americans.

“Twitter has removed tweets before. It has censored people before,” Weibe told The Epoch Times. “This is a censorship operation by the government working with Big Tech in classic fascist behavior. Whenever government colludes with big business to control people, which is what this is all about, it’s fascism, and I’m not sure the average reader understands that.”

Kirk Wiebe, a senior analyst at the National Security Agency from 1975 to 2001, became a whistleblower when he and colleague William Binney exposed how the government was using a program called Trailblazer to monitor American citizens.
Kirk Wiebe, a senior analyst at the National Security Agency from 1975 to 2001, became a whistleblower when he and colleague William Binney exposed how the government was using a program called Trailblazer to monitor American citizens. (Courtesy of Kirk Wiebe)

According to Kirk Wiebe, the vocabulary being tossed around in public discourse has blurred a history that was once crystal clear. “The people on the left call Trump a Nazi. The people on the right say liberals are the real fascists, and people are confused because they don’t teach this stuff in school anymore.”

According to dictionary.com, fascism is “a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.”

Wiebe also contends it’s not just a matter of “deleting truth or changing news, it’s omitting news, and it’s rampant. Stories are not covered.”

He noted how Big Tech censors things that conflict with the government’s narratives on climate change, COVID-19, and election integrity.

“It’s massive, purposeful censorship of free speech in this country by an administration that has no regard for our constitutional republic as defined by our founders,” Wiebe said.

‘Our Chance to Make Them Scramble’

Logan urges everyone to read through the deleted tweets “for many reasons, regardless of your political leanings. As a journalist, I can tell you that, when we do our jobs properly, we gravitate toward first-hand information and first-hand sources. In this case, it’s the independent record of what was said [on Jan. 6] and what was censored. So you don’t have to take anyone’s word for it. Go read it. It’s so important. Go and read it for yourself and make up your own mind.”

Screenshot of Flip Book, created by Jason Sullivan, showing a collection of messages posted on Twitter in real time, which were systematically deleted by Twitter to censor information that did not suit the government narrative that the protesters that went to the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 were "violent insurrectionists" who wanted to overthrow the government by the direction of President Donald Trump.
Screenshot of Flip Book, created by Jason Sullivan, showing a collection of messages posted on Twitter in real-time on Jan. 6, 2021. (Courtesy of Jason Sullivan)

The frustration for Sullivan is that conservatives have a tendency to complain but do nothing to right the wrongs perpetrated upon them.

“How come we’re not on the offense?” he asked rhetorically. “How come we’re always on the defense? How come we’re not setting the pace? That is exactly my strategy here, to set the pace, keep the opposition off balance and control the terms of public debate. This is how we do that. This is our chance to put them on the ropes. This is our chance to make them scramble. Truth is a force of nature.”

The Epoch Times reached out to Twitter and the Jan. 6 committee for comment, as well an Laurence Tribe and Aaron Rupar.

Patricia Tolson, an award-winning national investigative reporter with 20 years of experience, has worked for such news outlets as Yahoo!, U.S. News, and The Tampa Free Press. With The Epoch Times, Patricia’s in-depth investigative coverage of human interest stories, election policies, education, school boards, and parental rights has achieved international exposure. Send her your story ideas: patricia.tolson@epochtimes.us