ELON MUSK sues U.S. Taxpayers for not giving him more campaign kickback $$ for spy satellites!
Elon Musk is known as a scavenger for Silicon Valley illuminati VC’s. He takes over companies created by others. Most of the actual founders of Tesla, and the rest, refer to Musk as an: “egotistical Sociopath”. His ex-wives and “dates”, and their friends, call him that. His record-breaking number of self-glorification videos posted on YouTube, his record breaking number of purchased puff-pieces in major magazines about him (and not his companies) and his bought and paid for “look-at-me” stories on 60 Minutes seem to validate the disturbing statements by his ex-social and business partners. His employees have sued him. His suppliers have sued him. His customers have sued him.
So you would expect an egotistical sociopath to want to take over NASA.
Many publications have speculated that all of the free state and federal cash that Musk got, and the first NASA contracts, were payback for funding political campaigns. One would think he would be satisfied with the hand-outs he already got, but NO! He wants more. So now he is suing YOU, the taxpayer, to get more exclusive carve-outs. He was not happy with getting PART of NASA shut-down so he could run that section as a payback, he wants it all!
Or should we say, the Silicon Valley VC’s want him to get more. Particularly Google, Musk’s silent partner. It is now no secret that Google, and a certain bunch of Silicon Valley VC’s, want to take over world politics and remake them into their Yuppie Frat Boy misogynistic popcorn-tech world with themselves at the helm.
Google is tasked with doing it by taking over communications. Google already got sued for using their Google Map cars to suck up everybodies data from their WIFI that they hacked into as the drove around. Google is buying drone companies, has launched internet balloons that take over, and spy on, third world internet and has every internet android device and web experience monitored, tracked and manipulated to drive your perceptions the way they want you to think… so why not take over the spy satellites themselves. Google is taking over NASA Ames Research Center Airfield in Mountain View, Calif., where they get free jet fuel on the taxpayer’s dime, for a pass off to their grand scheme. Google and Musk are the same thing.
So Elon set out to get control of the spy satellites that circle the globe, to help Google and the VC’s rope in the last remaining open communications space, in space itself. So Elon Musk just sued the U.S. Taxpayer to order the satellite launches to be handed over to him!!!! But some in the Pentagon said, “not so fast, you scheming shill”.
In one of the 60 Minutes episodes that Musk bought, you see him crying because the real astronauts told him he had no qualifications to be messing with space. They had seen how bad a job he did with his over-budget, exploding, crashing, late, highly sued, fake application’d, toxic Tesla’s. Musk’s reaction?: “Screw them, nobody tells Elon Musk what he can and can’t do!”
As this article shows (THIS LINK) the Generals have had it up to here with the arrogant Silicon Valley VC schemes!
R- New York Times
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Elon Musk‘s SpaceX will sue U.S. over rocket contract – Apr. 25, 2014
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Elon Musk‘s SpaceX to sue government over … – Washington Post
1 day ago … Elon Musk‘s SpaceX to sue government over space launch contract … and saying these launches should be awarded to us,” Musk said. “We’re …
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Elon Musk, SpaceX sues to federal government to break space …
1 day ago … A fledgling commercial space transport company plans to shake up the space launch industry by filing a federal lawsuit against the Air Force …
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1 day ago … SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced SpaceX will sue the federal government for the right to open up national security launches to …
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1 day ago … Multi-company CEO Elon Musk, wearing his Space-X hat, is taking on the … The protest provides a chance for the federal government to take a …
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Elon Musk‘s SpaceX to sue government over space launch contract …
Elon Musk‘s SpaceX to sue government over space launch contract … (Today) – Elon Musk‘s space company will sue the U.S. Air Force to protest a Lockheed …
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