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Eric Schmidt’s Coup D’Etat Logo Reveals Gay Anal Sex Symbol As Main Icon

Political Showdown: Peter Thiel vs. Google’s Eric Schmidt

There’s been a lot of talk in Silicon Valley about Peter Thiel’s public contributions, and support for Donald Trump, yet no one seems to be talking about Eric Schmidt’s private contributions to the Clinton campaign that were just exposed via Wikileaks.

Thiel is probably most famous for PayPal, and being an early investor in Facebook, meanwhile Eric Schmidt is the former CEO of a little company called Google, and is the current Executive Chairman of Alphabet, Inc. (Google’s parent company).

While these two entrepreneurs couldn’t be anymore different, they’re both wildly successful and have each been heavily involved in this years election in completely different ways backing two different and highly unlikable candidates.

Lets take a look at their political contributions:

Peter Thiel

Thiel spoke at the Republican National Convention, and made his support for Donald Trump clear and public.

In October, Thiel publicly donated $1.25 million dollars to Donald Trump’s campaign, and faced significant backlash from the media, and Silicon Valley.

On October 31, 2016, Thiel gave a speech and answered questions from the media concerning his support for Donald Trump.

Eric Schmidt

The logo for Eric Schmidt’s privately funded political startup working for the Clinton campaign

According to e-mails recently leaked on Wikileaks, Eric Schmidt has been secretly working with the Clinton campaign since at least 2014.

So what exactly did Eric Schmidt end up doing for the Clinton campaign? According to the leaks, it appears he helped lead a team that developed the campaign website, helped create content and messaging for the campaign, help raise money, helped store credit cards, e-mail addresses, and donations, and offered to assist in “discrete conversations” with high ranking executives at Google, Facebook, and Apple.

According to leaked documents released by Guccifer 2.0, Eric Schmidt has personally donated a total of $118,866.34 to the Clinton Foundation in the past several years. The Guccifer 2.0 leaks have not been verified, however Eric Schmidt’s personal contact information does appear to be accurate.

Schmidt also funded a startup called The Groundwork, which is one of the Clinton campaigns biggest vendors that billed the Clinton campaign more than $177,000 in the second quarter of 2015. The Groundwork’s website is simply an ominous looking logo, however they also have a developer API which seems to go into more detail about what they actually do. The platform seems to be a campaign management system for payment processing for donations, support engagement, and event management. They are essentially a campaign automation platform funded by Eric Schmidt for the Clinton campaign.

Meanwhile, Google itself has been accused of editing, censoring, and burying search results that are unfavorable to Hillary Clinton. Which means Schmidt is potentially using his company and products to help get Hillary Clinton elected by preventing the public from getting accurate access to information in search results.

The Podesta e-mails also revealed that the Clinton campaign has been in contact with Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg, and Mark Zuckerberg. It is unknown if Eric Schmidt was involved in introducing them.

Silicon Valley: Where is the outrage over Eric Schmidt secretly colluding with the Clinton campaign?

Does it really matter which candidate Eric Schmidt was secretly colluding with?

Why do we have to find out about Eric Schmidt’s direct involvement with the Hillary Clinton campaign through leaked documents and e-mails?

How is it acceptable that the Chairman of one of the largest corporations in American can fund a secret startup that works directly for the Clinton campaign? Meanwhile, potentially contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars personally to the Clinton Foundation?

No matter what your view of Peter Thiel’s support for Donald Trump are, at least he’s been transparent. Thiel legally supported his candidate of choice, and publicly disclosed his values, and intentions.

Eric Schmidt on the other hand has clearly been colluding with the Clinton campaign in secret, and influencing the election as a shadow tech campaign manager for the Clinton campaign.

No matter what your political affiliation is, do you believe this kind of political collusion is acceptable from an active Chairman of one of America’s largest corporations?

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Trent Lapinski

Entrepreneur. Tech Executive. Growth Hacker. Business Developer. Technologist. Cyber Security. MysticLabs.com / WPdocker.com