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  • ‘- GOP web gurus: “We lost last election because Google is already using Facebook’s “Mood Manipulation” tricks on voters but PAYBACK has already begun”

‘- GOP web gurus: “We lost last election because Google is already using Facebook’s “Mood Manipulation” tricks on voters but PAYBACK has already begun”

GOP web gurus: “We lost last election because Google is already using Facebook’s “Mood Manipulation” tricks on voters but PAYBACK has already begun”

The GOP has been researching IT pretty deeply in the last few years. Researching email hard drive storage crashes, HHS medical sign-up systems and quite a bit about data-mining consumers and online mood manipulation techniques that the UK has now filed charges against Facebook for using. The GOP got GEEKY!

Apparently some people have an issue with the secret manipulation of their free will!


C’mon, this is MUCH more efficient. Why tamper with voting machines, and get all greasy, when you can simply tamper with people’s minds?

Campaign directors, for savvy politicians, will tell you that they believe that 75% of Americans are as dumb as doorknobs and will simply follow the “loudest noise”. That is how they win elections. If the mental capacity is that sad, isn’t it, technically, “abuse” to trick them with subliminal internet voter mood manipulation?

The White House poll numbers, lowest ever, are due, in large part, to the new GOP IT take-over of the DNC controlled internet.

Now that they have figured out that Google, Twitter and Facebook were the DNC’s tactical secret weapon for voter manipulation, they have put counter-measures in place that have pretty awesome financing to back them up.

If you look at the VC’s and owners that control Amazon, Google, Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin; and you look at their web-cohabitation sign-up and data-mining systems; and you look at the politics and campaign contributions of those owners; and you look at the private “business conferences” they all attended at the same time; and if you look at the photos, in the White House conference room, of who the only companies on Earth were that got to come to the White House for the closed door meetings on “Internet Privacy Issues” Also-known-as the “Emperors new clothes are falling off emergency CYA meetings”; and a large set of other similarities, than no other companies on the planet share,… then the situation will become obvious to you.

The GOP is in a Silicon Valley recruiting war to steal the “good ones” from Google and the DNC-controlled social media companies.

Now that the public, and Congress, are realizing how insidious this is, watch for class-action lawsuits and a federal ethics hearing on: “Voter Mood Manipulation!”. Multiple foreign nations have already started the ball rolling on this.

This could get exciting.

Send in your links and let’s discuss…

DA- GOP Volunteer-NYC

Obama Meeting with Silicon Valley Elites to Figure His Shit Out


Google’s use of undisclosed mood manipulation of the public to hype up it’s investor/Vc’s portfolios by ARTIFICIALLY inflating those VC’s stock value perception on the web (ie: Tesla, Ener1, Solyndra, etc.) via mood manipulation falsehoods or “inaccurate ordering, in a contrived manner, of public information”  is a felony violation of a pretty big chunk of securities laws.

Of course Holder won’t let anybody file any charges, again, because this is yet another crime that will make the White House look bad. When, exactly, did PR policy get moved ahead of law enforcement? Just curious?

These cover-ups are getting so obvious that even those dumb-as-a-doorknob 75% can see through them.

Our lawyers just went over Google’s massive Terms of Use document. It is written so that no living human could ever understand it, or tolerate reading the whole thing. They wrote it to include the kitchen sink BUT, they actually DID LEAVE OUT DISCLOSING MOOD AND PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION. This leaves Google open to a lawsuit by ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO THOUGHT THAT GOOGLE SOLICITED THEM TO USE THEIR FREE PRODUCTS AND THEN ABUSED THEM WITH MIND TAMPERING!

Physical abuse = hurting your brain. Emotional abuse = hurting you emotionally and affecting your mood. They could get sued on both issues.

Indeed, this will get exciting.

T- Washpo



  1. Facebook can manipulate your mood. It can affect whether you vote …

    2 days ago … The social network admits manipulating its users’ emotions through the content it … A couple of years ago, it influenced their voting patterns, too.

    www.newstatesman.com/ internet/ 2014/ 06/ facebook-can-manipulate-your-mood-it-can-affect-whether-you-vote-when -do-we-startView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  2. Facebook’s Emotion Study Follows Efforts on Voting and Organ …

    1 day ago … Facebook’s controversial study exploring whether it could manipulate people’s moods by tweaking their news feeds to favor negative or positive …

    www.technologyreview.com/ news/ 528706/ facebooks-emotional-manipulation-study-is-just-the-latest-effort-to-p rod-users/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  3. Facebook Voting Manipulation? It’s Not Just Emotions, It’s …

    2 days ago … Facebook can alter your mood based on what news stories it shows you. Apparently it can also manipulate whether you’re likely to vote.

    www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ 2014/ 06/ 30/ facebook-voting-manipulation_n_5543650.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  4. Research – Fredrik M Sjoberg, Postdoctoral … – Google Sites

    We present evidence of vote manipulation, in the form of results falsification in the PR … Partisan poll workers can help deliver the vote by the use of ‘smart fraud’ …

    https://sites.google.com/site/fredrikmsjoberg/home/researchView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  5. Search Engines Manipulate Your Thinking – Business 2 Community

    21 May 2014 … Do you think you are making objective decisions each day when you are using the web? … In other words, Google is controlling your mind. This was demonstrated recently in a neat study looking at voting intentions in the …

    www.business2community.com/ seo/ search-engines-manipulate-thinking-0882386View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  6. How do “they” manipulate us ? By Lucien Cerise – YouTube

    18 May 2014 … Talking about manipulation, and means of control with Lucien Cerise: • Summary: 1. … Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, … settling a Constitution for Europe in 2005, as 55% of the voters did.

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=owPjODs3m_EView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  7. How Obama’s Team Used Big Data to Rally Voters – Technology …

    19 Dec 2012 … Voters’ disappointment with the Obama agenda was evident as independents …. “People who did ’08, but didn’t do ’10, and came back in ’11 or ….. It was, in essence, the way Microsoft’s Bing approached Google: trying to ….. It makes me uncomfortable to think this election was …

    www.technologyreview.com/ featuredstory/ 509026/ how-obamas-team-used-big-data-to-rally-voters/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  8. Media Coverage – Robert Epstein

    Huffington Post (Germany), Can Google Manipulate Elections, May 15, 2014. Brookings … Examiner, Google Can Sway Undecided Voters, May 13, 2014.

    www.drrobertepstein.com/index.php/media-coverageView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  9. Did Search Rankings on Google Impact Undecided Voters in the …

    15 May 2014 … In the experiment, the researchers recruited undecided voters who had not … Well, is quite obvious that Google does manipulate search results …

    www.viralseoservices.com/ blog/ 2014/ 05/ searchrankings-googleimpact-undecidedvoters-2014indianelections.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  10. Social Media Manipulation Can Affect Voter Decision Making …

    1 Nov 2012 … Social Media Manipulation Can Affect Voter Decision Making … elections and how manipulation of social media can both affect a voters’ perception of a … “ Google bombing,” a type of Web spam that has had an impact on past …

    www.wellesley.edu/news/stories/node/31088View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  11. Did Search Rankings on Google Impact Undecided Voters in the …

    15 May 2014 … In the experiment, the researchers recruited undecided voters who had not … Well, is quite obvious that Google does manipulate search results …

    www.viralseoservices.com/ blog/ 2014/ 05/ searchrankings-googleimpact-undecidedvoters-2014indianelections.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    1. Google search manipulation can swing votes in Indian elections: Study

      13 May 2014 … WASHINGTON: Altering Google search results can pose a real threat to democracy as it has a major impact on the voting preferences of …

      timesofindia.indiatimes.com/ news/ Google-search-manipulation-can-swing-votes-in-Indian-elections-Study/ articleshow/ 35060673.cmsView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    2. BBC News – Could Google manipulate elections? – BBC.com

      10 Jun 2014 … Google search results are an increasingly important source of political … you Google a candidate’s name, for instance – the company can have a … “That’s right , we deliberately manipulated the voting preferences of more than …

      www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27785535View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

      1. Business Plot – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        The Business Plot was an alleged political conspiracy in 1933. Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler claimed that wealthy ….. important part he played in exposing the Fascist plot in the early 1930s backed by and planned by  …

        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_PlotView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

      2. Smedley Butler Stopped American Fascist Conspiracy to Overthrow …

        The story of how Gen Smedley Butler exposed an American Fascist conspiracy to overthrow FDR NEVER GETS MENTIONED in the contemporary college …

        www.democraticunderground.com/ discuss/ duboard.php?az=view_all &address=389×6150066View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

      3. Bush Treason Exposed by Smedley Butler : Indybay

        Nov 8, 2009 … The Business Plot was a conspiracy to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt . Major General Smedley Butler exposed the attempted coup …

        www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/11/08/18628134.phpView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

      4. Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in US. (1934 …

        Apr 26, 2012 … Smedley Darlington Butler (1881, 1940) was a Major General in the U.S. … Butler alleged the existence of a political conspiracy of Wall Street …

        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RD-ISImWgwView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

      5. BBC: Bush’s Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America

        Jul 24, 2007 … Smedley Butler was approached by a wealthy and secretive group of … Butler, author of the famous quote “war is a racket”, exposed the fascist …

        www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2007/240707fascistcoup.htmView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

      6. The Real Plot to Overthrow FDR’s America – Daily Kos

        Feb 27, 2005 … The life of Smedley Butler is an uniquely American story. … plot collapsed when Butler went public in late 1934 and exposed the conspiracy.

        www.dailykos.com/ story/ 2005/ 02/ 27/ 95580/ -The-Real-Plot-to-Overthrow-FDR-s-AmericaView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

      7. Major General Smedley Butler | Americans Who Tell The Truth

        At the time of his death, Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, also known … Activities Committee (HUAC) to expose a conspiracy against the government.

        www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/ portraits/ major-general-smedleybutlerView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

      8. How a guy named “Smedley” saved America. The plot to over-throw …

        The Business Plot By John Burl Smith The Business Plot was a conspiracy to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Major General Smedley Butler exposed …

        www.scandal-sheet.com/ ripsheet-tv-investigation-videos/ video-guy-named-smedley-saved-america-plot-throw-washington-happening / guy-named-smedley-saved-america-plot-throw-washington-happening-artic les/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

      9. “The Plot to Sieze the White House” (review by Dale Wharton)

        Smedley Darlington Butler (1881-1940) blew the whistle on the little- known plot of … on Un- American Activities (CUAA)–was already exposing fascist intrigues. … Americans from knowing about [a] conspiracy” of US fascists in 1933-4 (p x).

        www.eclectica.org/v1n1/reviews/wharton_plot.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

      10. Truth: Major General Smedley Butler | Voices Education Project

        Additional Quotes by Major General Smedley Butler …. the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) to expose a conspiracy against the government.

        www.voiceseducation.org/content/truth-major-general-smedleybutlerView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    3. New Research Suggests That Google Could Manipulate Lok Sabha …

      14 May 2014 … According to Epstein, who was the editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and is a vocal critic of Google today, Google can thus influence voting …

      www.mensxp.com/ special-features/ lok-sabha-elections-2014/ 22719-new-research-suggests-that-google-could-manipulate-election-res ults.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    4. Research in India suggests Google search results can influence an …

      12 May 2014 … Psychologist sampling voters claims positive search results sway preferences in election. … But what power does Google have over the “real” world – and … power: Search Engine Manipulation Effect, with the acronym SEME.

      www.washingtonpost.com/ blogs/ the-switch/ wp/ 2014/ 05/ 12/ research-in-india-suggests-google-search-results-can-influence-an-ele ction/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    5. Could Facebook Or Google Manipulate An Election? | Radio Boston

      6 Jun 2014 … Some researchers say they can. And a study out last month suggests it’s easy to do; in India, researchers were able to swing undecided voters …

      radioboston.wbur.org/2014/06/06/zittrain-google-electionView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    6. Google search results could actually change elections, study shows …

      13 May 2014 … A new study shows that Google rankings can dramatically sway … manipulating the rankings of information that a mock search engine presented to participants. Around 2,000 eligible voters were allowed to search information …

      www.venturebeat.com/ 2014/ 05/ 13/ google-search-results-could-actually-change-elections-study-shows/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


    7. PageRank – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Other factors like Author Rank can contribute to the importance of an entity. … A hyperlink to a page counts as a vote of support. …. How Google identifies link farms and other PageRank manipulation tools is among Google‘s trade secrets.

      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PageRankView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    8. Can Google Influence Elections? – Slashdot

      13 May 2014 … Anyone who was going to vote against him because he used drugs had …… Which is exactly why Google does not manually manipulate their …

      politics-beta.slashdot.org/ story/ 14/ 05/ 13/ 0257258/ can-google-influence-electionsView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    9. The Voting Rights Act | American Civil Liberties Union

      Minority voters still face significant obstacles in registering to vote and casting ballots. Attempts to manipulate the law in ways that will disadvantage communities …

      https://www.aclu.org/voting-rights/voting-rights-act-0View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    10. Can Google Influence Elections? – Slashdot

      13 May 2014 … They are the swing votes that are going to go with the candidate based on …. Which is exactly why Google does not manually manipulate their …

      politics.slashdot.org/ story/ 14/ 05/ 13/ 0257258/ can-google-influence-electionsView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  12. The Many Reasons to Dislike Facebook’s Mood Manipulation

    3 days ago … Some past researchers have found that an initial positive or negative vote on a social site can prime users to vote in that direction. Sentiment …

    www.thewire.com/ technology/ 2014/ 06/ the-many-reasons-to-dislike-facebooks-moodmanipulation-experiment/ 373657/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  13. America’s New War Over Voting Rights: The 2012 Election and …

    2 Jan 2013 … No One in America Should Have to Wait 7 Hours to Vote What’s …. Everything We Know About Facebook’s Secret Mood Manipulation …

    www.theatlantic.com/ personal/ archive/ 2013/ 01/ americas-new-war-over-voting-rights-the-2012-election-and-beyond/ 266823/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  14. Karl Rove’s Voter Fraud Fetish – Joshua Green – The Atlantic

    12 Apr 2007 … The few people who have been convicted of voter fraud, the piece makes …. Everything We Know About Facebook’s Secret Mood Manipulation …

    www.theatlantic.com/ magazine/ archive/ 2007/ 04/ karl-roves-voter-fraud-fetish/ 305861/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  15. James Corbett ~ Voters Give EU The Thumbs Down – The Geneva …

    2 Jun 2014 … James Corbett ~ Voters Give EU The Thumbs Down – The Geneva … Robinson Meyer ~ Facebook’s Secret Mood Manipulation Experiment.

    www.shiftfrequency.com/ james-corbett-voters-give-eu-the-thumbs-down-the-geneva-business-insi der-video/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  16. Crikey says: Greens an easy scapegoat on climate policy | Crikey

    2 days ago … Stilgherrian rages at Facebook’s mood manipulation experiment. An aged care insider warns disaster looms. Voter IDs for Queensland, but are …

    www.crikey.com.au/ 2014/ 06/ 30/ crikey-says-greens-an-easy-scapegoat-on-climate-policy/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  17. Facebook Mood Manipulation Is Bad for Us All – The Huffington Post …

    2 days ago … Full Text: Facebook Voting Manipulation? It’s Not Just Emotions, It’s Democracy Too: Facebook can alter your mood based on what news …

    www.news-cloud.co.uk/ TheHuffingtonPostTech/ 2014/ 06/ 30/ FacebookMoodManipulationIsBadForUsAll.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  18. Voter Apathy – Huffington Post

    Voter Apathy … Being an American voter is like being stranded in the desert and choosing ….. Facebook Is Under Investigation For Mood Manipulation Study.

    www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/voter-apathy/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  19. Everything We Know About Facebook´s Secret Mood Manipulation

    3 days ago … This mood manipulation cuts across every facet of our daily life. …. Also think ´08 and ´12 presidential election, Arab Spring, Libya, S. American …

    www.lucianne.com/thread/?artnum=790235View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  20. Crowd manipulation – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Crowd manipulation is the intentional use of techniques based on the principles ….. on the sentiments of many American voters frustrated predominantly by the recent …. and really in the moment, and paying attention to the mood of the crowd .

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowd_manipulationView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  21. Computer Scientist Warns of Social Media Manipulation in US Election

    Oct 26, 2012 … It takes just a few hours of programming—or you can probably buy a program that can do it for you. … voting citizens and the possibilities for social media manipulation, it is unlikely … Requests to be Forgotten: Now on Google.

    spectrum.ieee.org/ telecom/ internet/ computer-scientist-warns-of-social-media-manipulation-in-us-electionView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  22. The Art of Political Manipulation – William H. Riker – Google Books

    While this should not shock anyone, Riker does provide examples where politicians … are trying to manipulate the system, won’t others try and do the same thing?

    books.google.com/ books/ about/ The_Art_of_Political_Manipulation.html?id=8beL_F2FmoYCView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  23. How voters are susceptible to politicians who can manipulate their …

    31 Aug 2007 … How voters are susceptible to politicians who can manipulate their fear …. derived can be found in the research articles themselves (try Google …

    www.boingboing.net/2007/08/31/how-voters-are-susce.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  24. Why Governments and Parties Manipulate Elections … – Google Books

    Why do parties and governments cheat in elections they cannot lose? … Electoral manipulation is not only a tool used to gain votes, but also a means of …

    books.google.com/ books/ about/ Why_Governments_and_Parties_Manipulate_E.html?id=h3H6mqEr_1YCView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  25. The Laboratorium : The Facebook Emotional Manipulation Study …

    1 day ago … Effect of rainfall on emotional content · Voter turnout (Nature, 2012); Social … Facebook’s Secret Mood Manipulation Experiment (The Atlantic).

    www.laboratorium.net/ archive/ 2014/ 06/ 30/ the_facebook_emotional_manipulation_study_sourceView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  26. Facebook May Have Tried to Manipulate Your Mood – WNYC

    1 day ago … According to Adrienne LaFrance, senior associate editor at The Atlantic, Facebook manipulating what you see on your newsfeed is nothing …

    www.wnyc.org/story/facebook-may-have-tried-manipulate-your-mood/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  27. C-voter sting: It’s time survey agencies, media get transparent …

    26 Feb 2014 … The power of pre-poll surveys and opinion polls to influence voter behaviour in … complex public opinion and political mood in the run-up to a general election, … two sets of data for a price, one original and one manipulated.

    www.firstpost.com/ politics/ c-voter-sting-time-survey-agencies-media-get-transparent-1408767.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  28. TeamCvoter | We Read The Pulse of The Nation

    ADVANI OUT OF SYNC WITH WORKERS’ MOOD, REVEALS POLL. Wed Jun’ 2013 … This would leave a lot of room for manipulations. What would happen if …

    www.teamcvoter.comView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  29. Countering Electoral Manipulation: A Crisis in Zimbabwe Special …

    9 Jul 2013 … Countering Electoral Manipulation: Strengthening Zimbabwe’s ….. Carrying out periodic, credible opinion polls to gauge the electoral mood. b.

    www.nehandaradio.com/ 2013/ 07/ 09/ countering-electoral-manipulation-a-crisis-in-zimbabwe-special-report / View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight