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YOU are the “United States Government“. As early as November 11, 1620, two opposing parties created an American body and signed a declaration of government which stated that the two groups (The “Pilgrims” and “the Strangers“) shall work together for “…better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good…”

YOU hire politicians to protect YOU.
YOU EMPLOY the politicians by paying taxes.
YOU do not work for the politicians: They Work For YOU!

The Platform Of ‘The Anti-Corruption Party’ –


These are the steps that the public must demand to strengthen public integrity by eliminating corrupt financial activities in Congress.

Congress must be ordered to eliminate both the appearance and the potential for financial conflicts of interest. Americans must be confident that actions taken by public officials are intended to serve the public, and not those officials. Your public officials are being paid BRIBES through their family stock market holdings. CUT THEM OFF – Demand that Congress make it a felony for any politician, judge or regulator to own stocks, or to let their family own stocks. If they want to get rich, they can go into another line of work.

If you can get these laws made, it will end 90% of American corruption. Politicians won’t allow these laws to be made because it will cut off their corruption. Thus: You have to force the politicians to make these laws. Lobbying and lobby companies must be banned from operating under felony prosecution.

The ownership of stocks, now used to pay bribes, by politicians, and their families, must be banned under felony prosecution.

Our TO DO List:

– End political corruption in America by making any stock ownership by senators and political insiders illegal.

– Exterminate Google, Facebook, Tesla, Youtube and Netflix for their crimes, attacks on competitors, patent office (http://www.usinventor.org) and Senate bribes.

– File criminal referrals to federal law enforcement on each oligarch that hired Fusion GPS, Gawker, Black Cube, Amyntor, et al, to run “kill teams” against competitors and whistle-blowers and produce public, CIA-quality, investigation dossiers on each one. Make it a felony for anyone to hire a “kill service”, “character assassination service” or “oppo service”!

– Distribute the list of anti-corruption laws (see the VERY specific list, below), to every citizen. Each citizen must force the elected officials that work FOR them to adopt these laws.

– Update the Social Security system per: https://socialsecurityworks.org and https://seniorsleague.org

– Allow any parent to observe any classroom. Teach a standardized curriculum, to every student, nationwide, without bias.

– Outlaw any, and all lobbyists, from existing. Make lobbying a felony!

– Make the CBO report the value, or loss, of each Congressional Bill to each individual citizen, instead of to each lobbyists industrial group.

– Make it a felony for any fraternity or sorority house to exist because we now know that they breed the worst kinds of people and culture in the world.

The world, via citizen forensics, is part way through accomplishing every one of these goals. No ending is reached by accident.

These are the actions needed to resolve those issues:

  • Ban individual stock ownership by Members of Congress, Cabinet Secretaries, senior congressional staff, federal judges, White House staff and other senior agency officials while in office. Prohibit all government officials from holding or trading stock where its value might be influenced by their agency, department, or actions.
  • Apply conflict of interest laws to the President and Vice President through the Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act, which would require the President and the Vice President to place conflicted assets, including businesses, into a blind trust to be sold off.
  • Require senior Department of Energy government officials, employees, contractors and White House staff to divest from privately-owned assets that could present conflicts, including large companies like Tesla, Google, Facebook, Sony, Netflix, etc., and commercial real estate.
  • Make it a felony to not respond to a filing by a citizen within 48 hours. Former White House and Energy Department staff use ‘stone-walling’ to intentionally delay responses for a decade, or more.
  • Apply ethics rules to all government employees, including unpaid White House staff and advisors.
  • Require most executive branch employees to recuse from all issues that might financially benefit themselves or a previous employer or client from the preceding 4 years.
  • Create conflict-free investment opportunities for federal officials with new investment accounts managed by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board and conflict-free mutual funds.
  • Close and lock the Revolving Door between industry and government and stop tech companies from buying influence in the government or profiting off of the public service of any official.
  • Lifetime ban on lobbying by Presidents, Vice Presidents, Members of Congress, federal judges, and Cabinet Secretaries; and, multi-year bans on all other federal employees from lobbying their former office, department, House of Congress, or agency after they leave government service until the end of the Administration, but at least for 2 years ( and at least 6 years for corporate lobbyists).
  • Limit the ability of companies to buy influence through former government officials.
  • Require income disclosures from former senior officials 4 years after federal employment.
  • Prohibit companies from immediately hiring or paying any senior government official from an agency, department, or Congressional office recently lobbied by that company.
  • Prohibit the world’s largest companies, banks, and monopolies (measured by annual revenue or market capitalization) from hiring or paying any former senior government official for 4 years after they leave government service.
  • Limit the ability of companies to buy influence through current government employees.
  • Prohibit current lobbyists from taking government jobs for 2 years after lobbying; 6 years for corporate lobbyists. Public, written waivers where such hiring is in the national interest are allowed for non-corporate lobbyists only.
  • Prohibit corporate outlaws like Google, Tesla, Facebook, Linkedin, Netflix, Sony, etc., from working in government by banning the hiring of top corporate leaders whose companies were caught breaking federal law in the last 6 years.
  • Prohibit contractor corruption by blocking federal contractor and licensee employees from working at the agency awarding the contract or license for 4 years.
  • Ban “Golden Parachutes” that provide corporate bonuses to executives for federal service.
  • Publicly expose all influence-peddling in Washington.
  • Strengthen and expand the federal definition of a “lobbyist” to include all individuals paid to influence government.
  • Create a new “corporate lobbyist” definition to identify individuals paid to influence government on behalf of for- profit entities and their front-groups.
  • Radically expand disclosure of lobbyist activities and influence campaigns by requiring all lobbyists to disclose any specific bills, policies, and government actions they attempt to influence; any meetings with public officials; and any documents they provide to those officials.
  • End Influence-Peddling by Foreign Actors such as that which occurred in the ENER1, Severstal, Solyndra and related scandals.
  • Fire the Fed officials that own, trade and pump stocks using the Fed itself for profiteering.
  • The most senior officials in the U.S. Government are the worshipers of Elon Musk, investor’s in Elon Musk’s companies and suppliers, deciders of the financing for Elon Musk, suppliers of staffing to Elon Musk, recipients of political campaign financing by Elon Musk and Musk’s covert Google And Facebook partnership, social friends of Elon Musk and the attackers of Elon Musk’s competitors. Make this a felony.
  • Combat foreign influence in Washington by banning all foreign lobbying.
  • End foreign lobbying by Americans by banning American lobbyists from accepting money from foreign governments, foreign individuals, and foreign  companies to influence United States public policy.
  • Prohibit current lobbyists from taking government jobs for 2 years after lobbying; 6 years for corporate lobbyists. Public, written waivers where such hiring is in the national interest are allowed for non-corporate lobbyists only.
  • End Legalized Lobbyist Bribery and stop lobbyists from trading money for government favors.
  • Ban direct political donations from lobbyists to candidates or Members of Congress.
  • End lobbyist contingency fees that allow lobbyists to be paid for a guaranteed policy outcome.
  • End lobbyist gifts to the executive and legislative branch officials they lobby.
  • Strengthen Congressional independence from lobbyists and end Washington’s dependence on
    lobbyists for “expertise” and information.
  • Make congressional service sustainable by transitioning Congressional staff to competitive salaries that track other federal employees.
  • Reinstate the nonpartisan Congressional Office of Technology Assessment to provide critical scientific and technological support to Members of Congress.
  • Level the playing field between corporate lobbyists and government by taxing excessive lobbying beginning at $500,000 in annual lobbying expenditures, and use the proceeds to help finance Congressional mandated rule-making, fund the National Public Advocate, and finance Congressional support agencies.
  • De-politicize the rulemaking process and increase transparency of industry efforts to influence federal agencies.
  • Require individuals and corporations to disclose funding or editorial conflicts of interest in research submitted to agencies that is not publicly available in peer-reviewed publications.
  • Prevent McKinsey-type sham research from undermining the public interest by requiring that studies that present conflicts of interest to undergo independent peer review to be considered in the rule-making process.
  • Require agencies to justify withdrawn public interest rules via public, written explanations.
  • Close loopholes exploited by powerful corporations like Google, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix, Sony, etc., to block public interest actions.
  • Eliminate loopholes that allow corporations, like Tesla and Google, to tilt the rules in their favor and against the public interest.
  • Restrict negotiated rule-making to stop industry from delaying or dominating the rule-making process by ending the practice of inviting industry to negotiate rules they have to follow.
  • Restrict inter-agency review as a tool for corporate abuse by  banning informal review, establishing a maximum 45-day review period, and blocking closed -door industry lobbying at the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
  • Limit abusive injunctions from rogue judges, like Jackson, et al, by ensuring that only Appeals Courts, not individual District Court judges , can temporarily block agencies from implementing final rules.
  • Prevent hostile agencies from sham delays of implementation and enforcement by using the presence of litigation to postpone  the implementation of final rules.
  • Empower the public to police agencies for corporate capture.
  • Increase the ability of the public to make sure their interests are considered when agencies act.
  • Create a new Office of the Public Advocate  empowered to assist the public in meaningfully engaging in the rule-making process across the federal government.
  • Encourage enforcement by allowing private lawsuits from members of the public to hold agencies accountable for failing to complete rules or enforce the law, and to hold corporations accountable for breaking the rules.
  • Inoculate government agencies against corporate capture such as Google undertook against the White House.
  • Provide agencies with the tools and resources to implement strong rules that reflect the will of Congress and protect the public.
  • Boost agency resources to level the playing field between corporate lobbyists and federal agencies by using the proceeds of the tax on excessive lobbying and the anti-corruption penalty fees to help finance Congress-mandated rule-making and facilitate decisions by agencies that are buried in an avalanche of lobbyist activity.
  • Reform judicial review to prevent corporations from gaming the courts by requiring courts to presumptively defer to agency interpretations of laws and prohibiting courts from considering sham McKinsey studies and research excluded by agencies from the rule-making process.
  • Reverse the Congressional Review Act provision banning related rules that prevent agencies from implementing the will of Congress based on Congress’ prior disapproval of a different, narrow rule on a similar topic.
  • Improve judicial integrity and defend access to justice for all Americans.
  • Create a higher standard of living under Social Security.
  • Strengthen Judicial Ethics Requirements.
  • Enhance the integrity of the judicial branch by strengthening rules that prevent conflicts of interest.
  • Ban individual stock ownership by federal judges.
  • Expand rules prohibiting judges from accepting gifts or payments to attend private seminars from private individuals and corporations.
  • Require ethical behavior by the Supreme Court by directing the Court to follow the Code of Conduct that binds all other federal judges.
  • Boost the transparency of Federal Courts.
  • Enhance public insight into the judicial process by increasing information about the process and reducing barriers to accessing information.
  • Increase disclosure of non-judicial activity by federal judges by requiring the Judicial Conference to publicly post judges’ financial reports, recusal decisions, and speeches.
  • Enhance public access to court activity by mandating that federal appellate courts live-stream, on the web, audio of their proceedings, making case information easily-accessible to the public free of charge, and requiring federal courts to share case assignment data in bulk.
  • Eliminate barriers that restrict access to justice to all but the wealthiest individuals and companies.
  • Reduce barriers that prevent individuals from having their case heard in court by restoring pleading standards that make it easier for individuals and businesses that have been harmed to make their case before a judge.
  • Encourage diversity on the Federal Bench.
  • Strengthen the integrity of the judicial branch by increasing the focus on personal and professional diversity of the federal bench.
  • Create a single, new, and independent agency dedicated to enforcing federal ethics and anti-corruption laws.
  • Support stronger ethics and public integrity laws with stronger enforcement.
  • Establish the new, independent U.S. Office of Public Integrity, which will strengthen federal ethics enforcement with new investigative and disciplinary powers.
  • Investigate potential violations by any individual or entity, including individuals and companies with new subpoena authority.
  • Enforce the nation’s ethics laws by ordering corrective action, levying civil and administrative penalties, and referring egregious violations to the Justice Department for criminal arrest and enforcement.
  • Receive and investigate ethics complaints from members of the public.
  • Absorb the U.S. Office of Government Ethics as a new Government Ethics Division tasked with providing confidential advice to federal employees seeking ethics guidance.
  • Consolidate anti-corruption and public integrity oversight over federal officials, including oversight of all agency Inspectors General, all ethics matters for White House staff and agency heads, and all waivers and recusals by senior government officials.
  • Remain independent and protected from partisan politics through a single Director operating under strict selection, appointment, and removal criteria.
  • Provide easy online access to key government ethics and transparency documents, including financial disclosures; lobbyist registrations; lobbyist disclosures of meetings and materials; and all ethics records, recusals, and waivers.
  • Maintain a new government-wide Office of the Public Advocate, which would advocate for the public interest in executive branch rule-making.
  • Enforce federal open records and FOIA requirements by maintaining the central FOIA website and working with the National Archives to require agencies to comply with FOIA.
  • Strengthen legislative branch enforcement.
  • Expand an independent and empowered ethics office insulated from congressional politics.
  • Expand and empower the U.S. Office of Congressional Ethics, which will enforce the nation’s ethics laws in the Congress  and the entire Legislative Branch, including the U.S. Senate.
  • Conduct investigations of potential violations of ethics laws and rules by Members of Congress and staff with new subpoena power.
  • Refer criminal and civil violations to the Justice Department, the Office of Public Integrity, or other relevant state or federal law enforcement.
  • Recommend disciplinary and corrective action to the House and Senate Ethics Committees.
  • Boost transparency in government and fix Federal Open Records laws, public official and candidate tax disclosure.
  • Disclose basic tax return information for candidates for federal elected office and current elected officials.
  • Require the IRS to release tax returns for Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates from the previous 8 years and during each year in federal elected office.
  • Require the IRS to release t ax returns for Congressional candidates from the previous 2 years and during each year in federal elected office.
  • Require the IRS to release tax returns and other financial information of businesses owned by senior federal officials and candidates for federal office.
  • Require the IRS to release tax filings for nonprofit organizations run by candidates for federal office.
  • Disclose the Cash behind Washington Advocacy and Lobbying.
  • Prevent special interests from using secret donations from corporations and billionaires to influence public policy  without disclosure.
  • Require nonprofit organizations to list donors who bankrolled the production of any specific rule-making comment, congressional testimony, or lobbying material, and to reveal whether the donors reviewed or edited the document.
  • Require individuals and corporations to disclose funding or editorial conflicts of interest in research submitted to agencies that is not publicly available in peer-reviewed publications.
  • Prevent sham research, like that from DNC shill McKinsey Consulting, from undermining the public interest by requiring that studies that present conflicts of interest to independent peer review to be considered in the rule-making process.
  • Improve the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
  • Close the loopholes in our open records laws that allow federal officials to hide tech industry and Silicon Valley oligarch industry influence.
  • Codify the default presumption of disclosure and affirmatively disclose records of public interest, including meeting agendas; government contracts; salaries; staff diversity; and reports to Congress.
  • Require all agencies to use a central FOIA website that is searchable and has downloadable open records databases with  all open FOIA requests and all records disclosed through FOIA.
  • Strengthen FOIA enforcement by limiting FOIA exemptions and loopholes, and by giving the National Archives the authority to overrule agency FOIA decisions and to compel disclosure.
  • Extend FOIA to private-sector federal contractors, including private federal prisons and immigration detention centers, and require large federal contractors to disclose political spending.
  • Make Congress more transparent by ending the corporate lobbyists leg up in the legislative process. The public deserves to know what Congress is up to and how lobbyists influence legislation.
  • Require all congressional committees to immediately post online more information, including hearings and markup schedules, bill or amendments text, testimonies, documents entered into the hearing record, hearing transcripts, written witness answers, and hearing audio and video recordings.
  • Require Members of Congress to post a link to their searchable voting record on their official websites.
  • Require lobbyists to disclose when they lobby a specific congressional office; specific topics of visit; the official action being requested; and all documents provided to the office during the visit.

Do these seem like common-sense rules that should have already been in place? They are!

These anti-corruption rules have been blocked by your own elected officials because they work for themselves and not you!

You need to PUNISH any public official who does not put these changes into effect!

How To Join:

We are not asking for your money or your mailing list data. First: Simply put the logo at the top of his page (download it here) on all of your blogs, websites, social media, T-shirts and other visible locations. Next: only vote for candidates who promise to enact the platform goals, above, and stop any candidates who do not promise, in writing, to enact these goals.

That’s it. It is that easy!

If you want to support us, then promote this website link and copy-paste the text on it around the globe. You don’t need to give us your money. Spend it on media and marketing promotions of this site and the text on it. You can use www.newswire.com, Mohr Publicity, promoteyourwebsite.com, and many other services, to make the message global.

Issue Details: Fixing Social Security


Demand that Congress set the minimum Social Security benefit to 125% of the federal poverty level, or higher. Seniors are not getting enough money to live on. Do YOU want to be starving and struggling to exist when you are old?



 The late Robert M. Ball, the longest serving commissioner of Social Security, began his Social Security career in 1939 and was involved in all major reforms from that time until his death in 2008. He defined the fundamental structure and principles in the landmark essay, “The Nine Guiding Principles of Social Security.”

Both in the essay and throughout his long, storied career, Mr. Ball explained that changes to Social Security have and always should occur “within a framework consisting of nine major principles. Social Security is universal; an earned right; wage-related; contributory and self-financed; redistributive; not means-tested; wage-indexed; inflation-protected; and compulsory.”

The members of this Coalition subscribe to each of those guiding principles. We oppose proposals to means-test Social Security, change it into a defined contribution plan, or cut its dedicated premiums and substitute an open-ended draw on the general fund for its financing. These and similar ideas are contrary to Social Security’s underlying structure, principles, and values.


Expanding social security is a solution. It provides retirement, disability, and life insurance to nearly all of America’s working families more efficiently, securely, and universally than its private sector counterparts. Social Security lifts millions of Americans, including over a million children, out of poverty and reduces the depth of poverty for millions more. Expanding Social Security is key to addressing many of our nation’s most pressing problems, including the retirement income crisis, growing income and wealth inequality, and the financial squeeze on working families.

When signing the Social Security Act of 1935 into law, President Franklin Roosevelt explained, “This law… represents a cornerstone in a structure which is being built but is by no means complete.”  Consistent with that incremental approach, survivors’ and spousal protections were added in 1939, long-term disability insurance was added in 1956, and Medicare and Medicaid were added in 1965. No additional risks have been added since then, though. It is well past time to build on the strong cornerstone laid down in 1935 and address additional risks that result in lost wages and increased expenses.


Social Security is designed to disproportionately benefit low-wage earners, including people of color, women, those with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and others who have suffered discrimination. Moreover, because those discriminated groups are less likely to work in jobs that provide supplemental pensions, they are even more reliant on their earned Social Security benefits than white, non-Hispanic men, on average. Expanding benefits both across-the-board and in targeted ways can cause our Social Security system to be an even more important and effective vehicle of social and economic justice.


Social Security is an extremely important issue that touches everyone’s lives. It should only be modified in the sunshine, subject to the full Congressional process known as regular order, with open hearings, Committee consideration with the ability to amend, and full debate on the floor of each chamber with the ability to amend. That is what has been done historically and that is what should be done in the future. Opponents of Social Security often try to use bipartisan commissions to fast-track Social Security legislation that would force through unpopular changes. Should that happen, it would be a major disservice to current and future beneficiaries.

Americans’ earned protections are under threat by continued, harsh cuts to the operating budget of the Social Security Administration (SSA). These cuts are occurring despite the fact that the services provided by SSA have already been paid for by the American people.

Cuts to SSA’s budget have already forced the agency to close field offices, reduce staff and office hours, and freeze hiring—resulting in increased wait times and deterioration’s in SSA’s world-class services. Further reductions will greatly limit SSA’s ability to administer benefit payments while also maintaining critical services to the public. To ensure that SSA can continue to provide Americans with the world-class, in-person services they deserve and have paid for, cuts to the agency’s operating budget should be reversed, and Congress should allow SSA to restore and expand the vital services it provides to the American people.

The critical changes that you must ask your elected officials to make are:

1. Changing how your COLA is calculated

Congress must change how cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) are calculated to better reflect seniors’ costs. Social Security currently uses the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), which excludes households that don’t have at least one person working. That means many retirees are left out. Compared to working-age people, retirees on average spend a higher share of their incomes on medical and housing costs, both of which rise faster than inflation.

Congress should be told to use the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E), which measures costs for older Americans. Using the CPI-E would only increase COLAs by 0.2 percentage points in an average year. Had the 2021 COLA been calculated based on the CPI-E, it would have been 1.5% instead of the 1.3% beneficiaries will receive, though the impact could be more meaningful when compounded over time.

2. A minimum benefit if you worked 30 years

Congress must be told to provide a minimum benefit of 125% of the federal poverty level for people with low lifetime earnings who worked at least 30 years. Based on the 2020 federal guidelines for the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia, someone with a 30-year work record would get a guaranteed monthly benefit of about $1,329. According to a Penn Warren Budget Model analysis, such a plan would also increase benefits by anywhere from 5% to 50% for a small group of people who worked between 10 and 30 years.

3. A higher benefit after 20 years

Congress must be told to increase benefits by 5% for people who have received benefits for 20 years or more. The bonus would be phased in at 1% per year, starting with the 16th year of benefits. The goal is to boost payments for Social Security’s oldest recipients because they have been forced into exhausting their retirement savings.

Contact your elected officials at this link to tell them to do these things: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials/


You have to ask why no Social Security reform is mentioned/included in the $1.5 trillion dollar stimulus package!  No one in Congress wants to make a decision when it comes to addressing the reform issue. That is why the public must continue to lobby and fight on the behalf of others that are not receiving benefits they rightfully earned and deserve. Congress likes it the way it is, so they can have money to spend on their “pork-barrel projects” instead of helping their constituents that are in need of basic financial assistance. Congress has your tax money for big parties, hookers, vacations and Rolex watches so they don’t care about regular folks.

News And Reports:

Report: Over 131 Federal Judges Broke The Law by Hearing Cases Where They Had A Financial Interest

Places Where You Can Research Democracy:


Judicial Watch


The Big Green Con –– About the Green Corruption Files




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