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Here is what is going to happen next to Silicon Valley!

Here is what is going to happen next to Silicon Valley!




The Silicon Valley companies are going to continue to fail in a huge way!




They are going to fail because they spied on America, and the world, and the public wants pay-back.




They are going to fail because the world has woken up and realized that they make useless nonsense.




They are going to fail because nobody is interested in their dumb Narcissism.




They are going to fail because the TV show: “Silicon Valley” showed the world what assholes they are.




They are going to fail because the Republican party targeted every single one of their investor’s portfolios in a payback plan.




They are going to fail because the Russians and the Chinese hacked every single one of their Cisco and Juniper Networks back-doors and took their technology and emails.




They are going to fail because their banks: Deutsch Bank, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, etc. are failing and getting exposed as sleazy criminal operations.




They are going to fail because “The Internet of Things” turns out to be an UN-closeable door for every hacker on Earth.




They are going to fail because they treat women, blacks and workers like dogs.




They are going to fail because their own workers think they suck and have no allegiance to them longer than the next pay check.




They are going to fail because they bribed politicians and got caught.




They are going to fail because Wikileaks is bringing the goods on them.




They are going to fail because of all of their sex scandals, rapes, hookers and abuse charges which prove that they are run by scum.




They are going to fail because their crooked lawyers (ie: WSGR) are now under federal investigation.




They are going to fail because their brands now only trigger negative impressions in consumers minds.




They are going to fail because their Ponzi Scheme financing pump-and-dumps have run out of air.




They are going to fail because most of the internet really, really, WANTS them to fail for all of the above reasons.




They are going to die huge, epic, smoking-crater kinds of deaths and it will be glorious. Their arrogant, self-aggrandizing venture capitalists will cry over their dead stock valuations.





p style=”margin-bottom:0;line-height:100%;”>Goodbye Rat-Bags of Silicon Valley. You reap what you sow!