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How Google and Facebook Are Raping Your Privacy and Manipulating Your Life

How Google and Facebook Are Raping Your Privacy and Manipulating Your Life



The real, actual, truth about Silicon Valley’s Biggest Secrets!


If you really care about your REAL friends and family, print this article out and hand it to them. Pass it around.



1. Google and Facebook receive tens of billions of dollars to send all of your information to the DEA, The IRS, The FBI, The CIA, The NSA and agencies you never even heard of.


2. Everything you ever put on their websites, or anybody else puts on their website, about you, is stored on file forever and used to analyze your politics, mental health, sexual activities, voting intentions, dating activities, buying habits, pregnancy status, sexual orientation and thousands of other things about you via computer analysis.


3. Which ever political party is currently in power gets reports about what your political thoughts, texts, emails, favorites and ideas are, from reports provided by these companies.


4. Not only do they read and psychologically analyze you via every email, VOIP call, message, photo, video or other action on their sites but they believe that your use of their site gives them permission to follow you to other sites and track your actions there, too.


5. They can hear you on your telephone, tablet and computer microphone and see you on your telephone and computer camera any time they want to.


6. The executives and investors of each company are under constant investigations for crimes including rapes, infidelity, hiring huge numbers of prostitutes and under-age sex suppliers, murders by prostitutes, rapes, tax evasion, drunk driving, embezzlement and other illicit acts.


7. They make half of their money by spying on you for advertisers and half by spying on your for politicians.


8. They don’t hire women, blacks or American labor and try everything they can think of to displace Americans from jobs and bring in cheap foreign labor.


9. They have been caught bribing Senators and White House staff.


10. They are monopolies who use their monopolistic forms for political and economic manipulation.


11. There is not a single thing in your life that you need them for.


12. Most of the effect of their existence has been to harm society.


13. They created and make money off of cyber-bullying.


14. Every credible child psychologist have stated that they cause severe mental and emotional damage to most people under 30.


15. They have caused more suicides than any other companies on Earth.


16. The owners have demonstrated such a wanton sense of arrogance, elitism, self-importance and hubris that they sicken most normal people.


17. They use you as tools to harvest your privacy and sell it to others. You are like a human cow to them.


18. Their purpose in life is to abuse mass volumes of people and seek to steer those volumes of people to their own twisted billionaire perspectives.


19. Most of the owners have had sex scandals and bizarre divorces resulting in abuse charges.


20. The people that finance them are a Cartel of very twisted old white fraternity house males with deep-seated fringe beliefs, outside of those of 90% of the population.


21. They not only just don’t care about you, but they see you as too much trouble to even bother with, if you ask questions, complain or get out of line.


22. Their “free services” are sucker-bait carnival tricks to get you to loosen your caution and start talking about your inner thoughts.


23. The “comfy family community” you think you are experiencing on their sites is all fake and populated by trolls, meat puppets, click farms and computerized fake likes, generated by the millions, to make you think that people are paying attention to you on their sites when, in fact, nobody is and it is all a facade to suck you in.


24. Most of your experiences on their sites is with a computer. Computer brains and human brains could not be more different. Everything you do on their sites is warped by the machine mind and, ultimately, leaves you emotionally cold and empty.


25. Most of your on-line dating attempts, on their sites, will fail because all actual dating only works with in person experiences known as “chemistry”.


26. If you only stopped to ask yourself this simple question, you would never actually use them: “Do I trust a multi-billion dollar computerized corporation, already charged with mercenary behaviors, with the most intimate parts of my personal life?”



If you really care about your REAL friends and family, print this article out and hand it to them. Pass it around.


Facebook friends are almost entirely fake, study finds – REUTERS


You can only count on about four of your friends, and most don’t even care if anything bad happens to you


REUTERS/Dado Ruvic


Most of your Facebook friends don’t care about you and probably wouldn’t even sympathise with your problems, according to a new study.


Many people have hundreds of Facebook friends. But people can only really depend on four of them, on average, according to new research.


Robin Dunbar, a professor of evolutionary psychology at Oxford University, undertook a study to find out the connection between whether people have lots of Facebook friends and real friends.


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the smarmy stick-figure meme taking Facebook by storm


He found that there was very little correlation between having friends on social networks and actually being able to depend on them, or even talking to them regularly.


The average person studied had around 150 Facebook friends. But only about 14 of them would express sympathy in the event of anything going wrong.


The average person said that only about 27 per cent of their Facebook friends were genuine.


Those numbers are mostly similar to how friendships work in real life, the research said. But the huge number of supposed friends on a friend list means that people can be tricked into thinking that they might have more close friends.


“There is a cognitive constraint on the size of social networks that even the communication advantages of online media are unable to overcome,” Professor Dunbar wrote wrote. “In practical terms, it may reflect the fact that real (as opposed to casual) relationships require at least occasional face-to-face interaction to maintain them.”


Facebook friends tend to organise in different layers, the research claims. About five people will be in the first and closest one, then 15, 50 and 150 different friends will be in each of the groups as they move further out.