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John Deere tractor company, Safeway grocery company and Walmart are not loaded to the gills with CIA agents that cover-up crimes. Why are Google, Facebook and Twitter over-flowing with government spies unless they are there to hide things and MANIPULATE ELECTIONS?

We all know that Jeffrey Epstein ran an underage sex service for big politico’s and that a certain group of people went to great lengths to keep Hunter Biden’s sex cult out of the news…but the story goes far deeper:



Google whistleblower claims tech giant’s Developer Studio division has been infiltrated by ‘pedophilic religious doomsday cult’ Fellowship of Friends that was featured in a Spotify podcast series called ‘Revelations’ last year

  • Kevin Lloyd, 34, was a video producer for Google Developer Studio from 2017 until he was fired in February 2021
  • Lloyd in August 2021 filed a lawsuit at California Superior Court alleging that he lost his job because he questioned a ‘cult’ that many of his colleagues joined
  • Earlier this month Lloyd wrote a Medium post about his time at Google, and his concerns about Fellowship of Friends
  • Google insist that they are unaware of a person’s religious beliefs during hiring; Lloyd says they know about the influence of the cult, but turn a blind eye 

An apocalyptic ‘cult’ led by an eccentric misogynist accused of sexual abuse of young men has taken over a division of Google, a whistleblower has claimed.

Kevin Lloyd, 34, claims that he was fired from his job as a video developer at Google last year because he began questioning the influence of the cult.

In August, Lloyd filed a discrimination case in California Superior Court, alleging he was fired for digging into Fellowship of Friends – a group based in the small Californian town of Oregon House, and whose members made up a large percentage of employees in his division.

‘Plaintiff’s preliminary research into Oregon House and the Fellowship of Friends described the Fellowship as a destructive cult, with a pedophilic leader who makes false prophecies about the end of the world,’ the lawsuit claims.

‘Plaintiff became alarmed that Google was involved with and/or financially supporting such an organization.’

Earlier this month, Lloyd wrote a lengthy description of his case on Medium, and spoke to The New York Times – who corroborated many of the lawsuit’s claims through interviews with eight current and former employees of the Google business unit.

Kevin Lloyd, 34, claims he lost his job at Google because he raised concerns about how many people within the Google Developer Studio were affiliated with Fellowship of Friends

Kevin Lloyd, 34, claims he lost his job at Google because he raised concerns about how many people within the Google Developer Studio were affiliated with Fellowship of Friends

Google's campus in Mountain View is 180 miles from the small town of Oregon House, population 1,250 - yet half of the people Lloyd met were from Oregon House, he said

Google’s campus in Mountain View is 180 miles from the small town of Oregon House, population 1,250 – yet half of the people Lloyd met were from Oregon House, he said

Lloyd said he began work at Google in 2017, as part of Google Developer Studio (GDS) – the tech giant’s internal production company, making adverts and video content.

He said it slowly dawned on him that many of the people he met at GDS were from the same small Californian town, 180 miles north of Google’s Silicon Valley home, in Mountain View.

The town of Oregon House is home to 1,250 people, and yet Lloyd said he realized that half of the 25 people he met at GDS were from the same town.

Lloyd said he noticed that many of the outside vendors, such as caterers and entertainers at corporate events, were also from Oregon House.

In 2018, Lloyd said, he was speaking to a freelancer who was working with them that day, and was from a town near Oregon House.

Lloyd recalls the freelancer telling him: ‘Oregon House isn’t a town. It’s a cult.’

He began investigating the freelancer’s claim, and said he was shocked by what he found.

‘There are online support groups for former Fellowship of Friends members to help them process the trauma endured during their membership, as well as problems that arise after leaving,’ Lloyd’s lawsuit states.

Fellowship of Friends, which is based in Oregon House, was founded in 1970 by Robert Earl Burton, a former school teacher in the San Francisco Bay area.

‘From its inception the vision of the Fellowship was, and remains, to establish a practical spiritual organization and to make it available to anyone interested in pursuing the spiritual work of awakening,’ they state on their website.

Robert Earl Burton, now believed to be around 83, founded Fellowship of Friends in 1970. He has been accused in multiple lawsuits of sexual abuse

Robert Earl Burton, now believed to be around 83, founded Fellowship of Friends in 1970. He has been accused in multiple lawsuits of sexual abuse

Burton is seen with a European artwork purchased with the organization's cash. Members must give 10 percent of their earnings to the group

Burton is seen with a European artwork purchased with the organization’s cash. Members must give 10 percent of their earnings to the group

Burton, believed to be now aged in his early 80s, sought to create a center celebrating the fine arts – with opera, ballet, works of art and literature the focus.

He based his organization in Oregon House, and created a winery where his devotees worked, when not studying the arts.

Google even purchased wine, the lawsuit claims, from the Grant Marie Winery, an allegedly cult-affiliated vineyard run by a Fellowship member in Oregon House.

But critics claimed that he had sexually abused new members of his group – in particular young boys.

In 1984 a former member filed a $2.75 million lawsuit claiming that young men who joined the organization ‘had been forcefully and unlawfully sexually seduced by Burton,’ according to documents obtained by The New York Times.

In 1996, another former member accused Burton in a law suit of sexual misconduct with him while he was minor. Both suits were settled out of court.

Some accusers, Lloyd alleged, had been flown to the country under false pretenses and then abused.

Members of Fellowship of Friends are seen with Burton (left, in pale blue suit) holding a meeting

Members of Fellowship of Friends are seen with Burton (left, in pale blue suit) holding a meeting

What is Fellowship of Friends?

Founded on January 1, 1970 by San Francisco school teacher Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends is a non-profit religious organization, headquartered in Oregon House, California.

Burton based his faith system on a philosophy called the Fourth Way, founded by an Armenian philosopher and mystic, George Gurdjieff, who lived from 1866 to 1949.

Burton adopted Gurdjieff’s believe that people are in a hypnotic ‘waking sleep’, and need to work on themselves through studying art, music and literature.

He named his 1,200-acre headquarters Apollo, and his 1,800 followers gave 10 percent of their earnings to the organization – which spent the money on art, fine wine and culture.

Critics have filed lawsuits claiming sexual abuse.

Other critics said that the group was strongly anti-women, and celebrated white European men above all.

In September, investigative journalist Jennings Brown published a six-part podcast produced for Spotify, entitled Revelations.

Brown had spent three years from 2018 digging into the group, and documented allegations of sexual abuse in what he termed a ‘doomsday cult’.

Lloyd said he was aghast that GDS was so strongly linked to the Fellowship, with GDS’s director, Peter Lubbers, described as a longtime member of the group, who joined shortly after he moved to the U.S. from the Netherlands.

Lubbers introduced a video producer named Gabe Pannell to the Fellowship: Pannell was pictured with Burton in 2015, and described as a ‘new student’, The New York Times report.

Lloyd’s lawsuit states: ‘Mr Lubbers gained status and praise relative to the increase of money flowing to the Fellowship through his efforts at Google that put (and kept) other Fellowship members — directly or indirectly — on Google’s payroll.’

Lubbers insisted faith had nothing to do with his hiring.

‘My personal religious beliefs are a deeply held private matter,’ Lubbers told The New York Times.

‘In all my years in tech, they have never played a role in hiring. I have always performed my role by bringing in the right talent for the situation — bringing in the right vendors for the jobs.’

Pannell told the paper that those hired were brought in from ‘a circle of trusted friends and families with extremely qualified backgrounds’.

Lloyd, in his Medium post – which does not name Lubbers or Pannell – said that anxiety about the Fellowship, and its reputation, sparked a panic attack, for which he was admitted to ER.

He said in his court documents that he worried events he produced ‘could somehow be used to funnel money back into the Fellowship of Friends.’

Burton is seen in a 1981 photo at Oregon House. In 1984, a former member filed a $2.75 million lawsuit claiming that young men who joined the organization 'had been forcefully and unlawfully sexually seduced by Burton,' according to documents obtained by The New York Times. The suit was settled out of court

Burton is seen in a 1981 photo at Oregon House. In 1984, a former member filed a $2.75 million lawsuit claiming that young men who joined the organization ‘had been forcefully and unlawfully sexually seduced by Burton,’ according to documents obtained by The New York Times. The suit was settled out of court

Fired in February 2021, he has retained a lawyer who previously represented a woman at Lubbers’ previous company, Kelly Services, and sued in 2008 in a similar case.

Lynn Noyes claimed that Kelly Services had failed to promote her because she was not a member of the Fellowship.

A California court awarded her $6.5 million in damages.

‘Anyone outside of the Fellowship is seen as somehow inferior and at times adversarial,’ Lloyd’s lawsuit says.

 ‘Those that express serious concerns, criticism or question the group may be eventually perceived as enemies.’

Google told The New York Times that they were barred by law from inquiring about someone’s religious practices during the hiring process.

‘We have longstanding employee and supplier policies in place to prevent discrimination and conflicts of interest, and we take those seriously,’ a Google spokeswoman, Courtenay Mencini, said in a statement.

‘It’s against the law to ask for the religious affiliations of those who work for us or for our suppliers, but we’ll of course thoroughly look into these allegations for any irregularities or improper contracting practices.

‘If we find evidence of policy violations, we will take action.’

Fellowship of Friends was approached for comment.

Who protects these Silicon Valley companies from being exposed in the media?

These Folks:

Spooks infiltrate Silicon Valley: Facebook is riddled with ex-CIA agents – including President’s briefer who now runs ‘harmful content’ team – so many ex-FBI work at Twitter they have Slack channel and Google is rife with ex-CIA

  • Mint Press’ Alan MacLeod found that former CIA agents made up some of the top ranks in almost every politically sensitive department at Meta
  • He also found that former FBI agents migrated to Twitter in droves
  • DailyMail.com has been able to track down many of these former intelligence officials who are now working at top tech companies 
  • All of them are also Democrat operatives

Former US government intelligence agents are now working across Silicon Valley in senior roles dedicated to censoring ‘misinformation’, DailyMail.com can disclose.

A large number of ex-officers from the FBI, CIA, NSC, and State Department have taken positions at Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

The revelation comes amid fears the FBI operated control over Twitter censorship and the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Twitter files have revealed the close relationship with the FBI, how the Bureau regularly demanded accounts and tweets be banned and suspicious contact before the Hunter laptop story was censored.

The documents detailed how so many former FBI agents joined Twitter’s ranks over the past few years that they created their own private Slack channel.

A report by Mint Press’ Alan MacLeod identified dozens of Twitter employees, who had previously held positions at the Bureau, by tracking down their LinkedIn profiles

He also found that former CIA agents made up some of the top ranks in almost every politically-sensitive department at Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

And in another report, MacLeod detailed the extent to which former CIA agents started working at Google.

It remains unclear whether any of these former agents have worked with their previous employers in a coordinated effort to quash any stories.

But the CIA is prohibited under federal law from ‘engaging in any activities for purposes of affecting or interfering with the domestic political process.’

In a video posted on Facebook's website, Aaron Berman, the president's former briefer at the CIA, explained how he is the manager of 'the team that writes the rules for Facebook'

In a video posted on Facebook’s website, Aaron Berman, the president’s former briefer at the CIA, explained how he is the manager of ‘the team that writes the rules for Facebook’

DailyMail.com has now been able to track down nine former CIA agents who are working, or have worked, at Meta, including Aaron Berman, the senior policy manager for misinformation at the company who had previously written the president’s daily briefings.

Six others have worked for other intelligence agencies before joining the social media giant, many of whom have posted recently about Facebook’s efforts to tamp down on so-called ‘covert influence operations.’

David Agranovich, a former intelligence officer at the National Security Office serving at the White House, even seemed to have dismissed the Twitter Files, which have been released over the past few weeks and show an apparently coordinated effort to quash certain stories.

Meanwhile, at Twitter, DailyMail.com was able to find eight former FBI agents working in divisions of ‘trust’ and ‘security,’ as well as one man who had allegedly worked ‘psychological operations’ at the National Security Council.’

Others, though, like Kristie Canegallo, Google’s former vice president of trust and safety have gone from their jobs at Big Tech companies to serving in intelligence organizations. Canegallo is now the chief of staff for the Department of Homeland Security.

Aaron Berman: President’s former briefer at the CIA turned senior policy manager for misinformation at Meta

For more than 17 years prior to accepting the job at Facebook, Aaron prepared and edited the president's daily brief

For more than 17 years prior to accepting the job at Facebook, Aaron prepared and edited the president’s daily brief

Aaron Berman left his job as a senior analytic manager at the CIA in July 2019 to become a senior policy manager for misinformation at Meta.

Speaking of his job in a video posted to Facebook, he explains that he is the manager of ‘the team that writes the rules for Facebook,’ determining ‘what is acceptable and what is not.’

He says he has to find a balance between ‘harmful content’ and ‘protecting freedom of speech.’

‘We’re really navigating that space as best we can.’

But for more than 17 years prior to accepting the job at Facebook, Aaron prepared and edited the president’s daily brief, writing and overseeing intelligence analyses to enable ‘senior US officials to make decisions on the most critical national security issues,’ according to his LinkedIn profile.

It said he focused especially on ‘the impact of influence operations of social movements, security and democracy,’ MacLeod wrote in his report, but that section seems to have since been deleted.

Still, it notes, he ‘led briefings for Cabinet members, senior National Security Council officials, and Members of Congress.’

Deborah Berman: Former Intelligence analyst at the CIA now working as trust and safety manager

Deborah Berman spent a decade working as a data intelligence analyst at the CIA before she was brought on as Meta’s trust and safety manager.

Not much is known about her work at the notoriously secretive agency, but her pre-agency publications indicate she was a specialist on Syria.

She also describes on her LinkedIn that she is a ‘former CIA analyst with 15 years of experience producing sophisticated strategic, technical, and statistical analysis to advance US national security.’

Deborah is now tasked with protecting Meta from threats and resolving issues with the sites.

Deborah Berman, a former data analyst at the CIA, seemed to praise Meta's leadership amid massive layoffs in the industry

Deborah Berman, a former data analyst at the CIA, seemed to praise Meta’s leadership amid massive layoffs in the industry

Recently, she published a post praising Facebook’s leadership amid massive layoffs in the tech industry.

‘I am fortunate to have been spared by Meta layoffs today. Unlike Elon Musk, our leadership clearly values Trust and Safety,’ Deborah wrote last month.

‘This is a c***** situation overall, but I will call out Zuckerberg for publicly owning his mistakes (in a mass email to employees, republished in NYT) that led the company to this place.

‘It’s a nice reminder that no matter how junior or senior you are, owning mistakes and devouring the resultant crow do not show weakness, but win you respect.

‘Similarly, it’s a nice illustration that, if you have an opinion and find it proven wrong, far better to admit it and work to mitigate the consequences than to deny and make others pay. I find that extremely relevant in our fraught society.’

Kris Rose:  Political and counterterrorism analyst at the CIA before joining Meta’s Oversight Board

Kris Rose has held a number of positions in the intelligence community before he joined Meta's Oversight Board in March 2020

Kris Rose has held a number of positions in the intelligence community before he joined Meta’s Oversight Board in March 2020

 Kris Rose has held a number of positions in the intelligence community before he joined Meta’s Oversight Board in March 2020.

His first foray into the field was as a counterterrorism analyst for the CIA, in which, he writes, he ‘assessed developments related to worldwide terrorism in support of US policy makers’ and led ‘team efforts in monitoring terrorism-related trends.’

From there, he became a special advisor of policy strategy at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for over a year, after which he went back to the CIA as a political analyst.

In that position, he writes, he ‘produced the US government’s leading strategic assessments related to geopolitical trends in support of US foreign policy development’ and ‘drove new thought, research and analysis to senior US officials including the president, the White House, National Security Council, Cabinet officials and Congressional leaders.’

Kris then went on to become the president’s daily briefer himself, informing ‘national security decision-making at the highest levels of the US government’ and presenting the nation’s preeminent intelligence briefing to senior White House officials.’

He served on Meta’s Governance Oversight Board, which is directly responsible for the direction of its social media sites.

Kris has now left that role, too, and is working back in the intelligence industry as a senior advisor to the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Bryan Weisbard: Former CIA intelligence officer now employed as director of trust, safety, security and data privacy

Bryan Weisbard worked as a CIA intelligence officer from 2006 to 2010, MacLeod revealed.

In that role he led ‘global teams to conduct counter-terrorism and digital cyber investigations.

He had written on his LinkedIn at the time that he would ‘identify online social media information propaganda and covert influence campaigns’ in his role.

But Bryan appears to have scrubbed any mention of working for the CIA from his profile, which now simply says he held ‘multiple senior level leadership positions in the U.S. government intelligence community.’

Not much is known about Cameron Harris, other than that he worked as a CIA analyst from 2015 through 2019 and is now working as a trust and safety project manager for Meta

Not much is known about Cameron Harris, other than that he worked as a CIA analyst from 2015 through 2019 and is now working as a trust and safety project manager for Meta

Cameron Harris: CIA analyst turned Meta trust and safety project manager

Not much is known about Cameron Harris, other than that he worked as a CIA analyst from 2015 through 2019.

He is now working full time as a trust and safety project manager for Meta.

Scott Stern: CIA targeting officer now working as ‘senior manager of risk intelligence’

Scott Stern first joined the CIA in January 2006, as a targeting/political analyst, making his way up through the ranks of the intelligence agency over the course of more than seven years.

In his last job at the CIA, Stern was the Unit Chief of Targeting, in which position he helped select targets for US drone strikes across South and West Asia.

He writes on his profile that he ‘led high-stakes operational determinations for complex and ambiguous overseas counterterrorism operations.’

Scott also ‘co-developed an innovative analytic report to update policymakers on specific-high profile counterterrorism activities’ as he distilled and clearly communicated ‘incomplete, vague and often intentionally misleading information’ to the White House, Congress and senior intelligence officials.

That incomplete information, he said, led them to ‘formulate insightful, value added conclusions with tight timelines.’

Scott is now working as the senior manager for Trust and Safety Risk Intelligence, in which, he writes, he oversees ‘more than 50 analyses to influence product roadmaps and design… to protect Meta’s users, company and systems from the most complex and high-severity risks across all platforms and abuse areas, notably child safety, counterterrorism, fraud, misinformation, and emerging harms.’

Mike Torrey: Senior CIA analyst now Meta’s technical head of detection, investigations and disruptions of complex information threats

Mike Torrey left his position as a senior analyst at the CIA in September 2018 to become the security engineer investigator for threat analysis.

He writes on his LinkedIn that he had also briefed White House and other top government and military officials, as well as ‘foreign partners,’ and ‘developed methodologies for assessing cyber attribution and cyber threat sophistication.’

Mike also says he conducted ‘in-depth technical analysis and targeting in support of operations, developed targeting studies… and identified and supported recruitment of human and technical intelligence sources against a variety of foreign cyber threat targets worldwide.’

In his position at Meta, Mike writes that he is the ‘problem lead for intelligence, investigations and engineering,’ working to ‘identify, understand and disrupt complex information threats to the Meta community.’

Hagan Barnett was a self-employed contractor for the CIA

Hagan Barnett was a self-employed contractor for the CIA

Hagan Barnett: CIA contractor who is the head of harmful content operations at Meta

 Hagan Barnett’s LinkedIn profile indicates that he was a self-employed contractor for the CIA from 2006 through 2008.

He does not specify what he did at the agency, but later went on to become the chief of the counterterrorism section at the Treasury Department before being promoted in 2019 to Acting Assistant Director of its Counterterrorism, Human Rights and Corruption Division.

Gina Kim Sumilas had served as an assistant general counsel for the CIA for nearly 12 years beginning in 2005.

Gina Kim Sumilas had served as an assistant general counsel for the CIA for nearly 12 years beginning in 2005.

Gina Kim Sumilas: Former lawyer for CIA now works at Facebook

Gina Kim Sumilas had served as an assistant general counsel for the CIA for nearly 12 years beginning in 2005.

She then went on to work as an attorney for Hewlett-Packard before taking a role serving as Facebook’s director and associate general counsel for the Asia-Pacific region.

Emily Vacher: Former FBI supervisory special agent who now serves as Meta’s director of trust and safety

Others, like Emily Vacher, served in other United States intelligence agencies.

Emily, for example, was in the FBI from 2001 through 2011, MacLeod reports.

She made her way up to the rank of supervisory special agent before being headhunted by Meta.

In an interview with Teen Vogue back in 2018, Emily said he role at Meta is to ‘keep people safe both online and in the real world.

‘Before I came to Facebook, I was an FBI agent,’ she said. ‘I was on the Child Abduction team, so when I came to Facebook I realized that this incredible platform could be used for such good.’

Emily Vacher, served in the FBI from 2001 to 2011, investigating missing children before creating Facebook's Amber Alert program

Emily Vacher, served in the FBI from 2001 to 2011, investigating missing children before creating Facebook’s Amber Alert program

She then worked with developers to develop Facebook’s Amber Alert program, alerting users of an abducted child in their area.

‘Coming from a place where I look for missing kids, I knew that the best way to find these ids was to get the information to the right people, and Facebook is the perfect platform for that.’

Mike Bradow worked for a decade at the USAID

Mike Bradow worked for a decade at the USAID

Mike Bradow: Former USAID deputy director of policy now working on misinformation policy at Meta

 Mike Bradow also worked for a decade at the USAID, eventually becoming deputy director of policy.

The USAID is a government-funded organization, which has faced backlash for bankrolling and staging multiple regime changes in other countries, including in Venezuela in 2002, Cuba in 2021 and ongoing attempts in Nicaragua.

But since 2020, Mike has been employed by Meta as its product policy  manager, in which position he is tasked with discovering misinformation.

Jeff Lazarus: Former economic and political analyst at the CIA now working in Meta’s strategic response department

Jeff Lazarus spent five years in the CIA as an economic and political analyst before joining Big Tech

Jeff Lazarus spent five years in the CIA as an economic and political analyst before joining Big Tech

Jeff Lazarus spent five years in the CIA as an economic and political analyst before joining Big Tech.

In his role at the CIA, Lazarus says he wrote ‘dozens of memos and assessments for senior policymakers on Middle East issues’ and completed a tour in Baghdad.

He also ‘briefed lawmakers, Natioanl Security Council staff, sub-cabinet officials and allies on a range of economic, political and security issues in Iraq’ before he joined Google’s staff in 2017 as a policy advisor in its trust and safety department.

Jeff said he would collaborate with ‘product managers, legal, industry partners and externsal subject matter experts on content and behavioral abuse across a range of Google’s consumer and developer-focused products.’

Eventually he was promoted to serve as Google’s ‘central source within the Government Affairs and Public Policy team on a range of cybersecurity-related issues,’ and became a senior policy advisor at the company in April 2021.

From there, Jeff went on to work as a senior trust and safety advisor, and is now in charge of ‘strategic response’ at Meta.

It is unclear what that role entails.

Olga Belogolova analyzed threats from Russia at the State Department and is now leading policy for countering influence operations at Facebook

Olga Belogolova analyzed threats from Russia at the State Department and is now leading policy for countering influence operations at Facebook

Olga Belogolova: Worked at State Department and the Office of the Secretary of Defense before joining  Facebook as its policy manager

Olga Belogolova has had stints at the State Department and the Office of the Secretary of Defense before she joined Meta’s staff in 2017.

She started off as just an analyst, before becoming an analyst specifically researching threats from Russia.

Olga writes that in that position, she would ‘identify, track and disrupt campaigns’ leading work on threats from Russia and Eastern Europe and ‘in particular the Internet Research Agency investigations between 2017 – 2019.’

She is now leading policy for countering influence operations at Facebook, according to her LinkedIn profile.

Just recently, she posted about Facebook’s efforts to combat covert influence operations from 2017 and 2022, writing: ‘Our investigative teams have identified and disrupted over 200 CIB networks now from all over world, from 68 countries in at least 42 languages from Amharic to Urdu to Russian and Chinese.’

Corey Ponder: Ex-CIA senior targeting analyst now working as a senior strategist at Meta focusing on creator equity and wellbeing

Corey Ponder started out as a policy consultant at the Department of Homeland Security

Corey Ponder started out as a policy consultant at the Department of Homeland Security

Corey Ponder started out as a policy consultant at the Department of Homeland Security, analyzing the overlap between cargo supply chains, regulatory agencies and aviation passenger chains, according to his LinkedIn.

He moved on to the CIA as a liaison officer in April 2012, working in Afghanistan to ‘manage outreach programs’ and communicating ‘key analysis on regional and national developments to senior military and diplomatic officials.’

Corey worked his way up at the agency, his profile shows, and became a lead data analyst and eventually a senior targeting analyst.

But in 2015, Corey was recruited by Facebook to become a product specialist, before ultimately becoming the policy programs associate manager three years later.

From there, Corey was hired by Google in 2019 to ‘develop policies that help improve user experiences on Google Assistant, with a focus on privacy policy’ only to join Meta again in March 2021 as a senior strategist of creator equity and wellbeing.

Writing of his years of experience, Corey says: ‘As a national security analyst with the CIA, I helped the organization  harness “big data,” managed an outreach and briefing program with senior leaders and developed a new analytic team to grow our organization’s capabilities.

‘With Facebook, I listened to users and drove product quality, advocated for users’ rights to privacy and built partnerships with community colleges and nonprofits to bring digital skills education to US workers.

‘At Google, I built our privacy best practices to insure user trust and meet user needs.

‘Now at Meta, I develop programs for creator partners, craft initiatives and support product strategies to help them feel safe, valued and treated fairly on our platforms.’

Hayley Chang served as deputy general counsel for the FBI and is now leading Meta's legal team

Hayley Chang served as deputy general counsel for the FBI and is now leading Meta’s legal team

Hayley Chang: Former FBI lawyer now working as the director of associate general counsel for Meta’s cybersecurity and investigations team

Hayley Chang leads Meta’s legal team, focusing on protecting the company and its users ‘from malicious activity in cyberspace,’ her profile on the George Mason website says.

Before taking on that job, she had served as deputy general counsel for the FBI , where she oversaw 9/11-related suits.

Hayley had previously served as deputy general counsel for cyber and technology at the Department of Homeland Security, her profile says.

In that capacity, she testified in favor of the Preventing Emerging Threats Act in 2018, which enables federal law enforcement to ‘use advanced technology to counter emerging threats from drones.’

She also led the department’s legal strategy to ‘leverage new authorities to mitigate a Russia-based cybersecurity threat.’

Robert Flaim was a strategic technology advisor for the FBI for more than 20 years prior to joining Meta as the head of strategic platforms in June 2020

Robert Flaim was a strategic technology advisor for the FBI for more than 20 years prior to joining Meta as the head of strategic platforms in June 2020

Robert Flaim: Meta’s head of strategic platforms who spent more than 20 years in FBI

 Robert Flaim joined Meta as the head of strategic platforms in June 2020.

Before that, he was working as a business development manager for Amazon Web Services, according to his LinkedIn, and was previously a strategic technology advisor at the FBI for more than 20 years.

Daniel Aragnovich: Director for intelligence at the National Security Council who is now the director for global threat disruption at Meta

 Before joining Meta last year, Daniel Aragnovich served in the United States Department of Defense — first on the 2016 National Security Council’s Presidential Transition Team before working as an analyst for six years.

Daniel Aragnovich served in the United States Department of Defense ¿ first on the 2016 National Security Council's Presidential Transition Team before working as an analyst for six years

Daniel Aragnovich served in the United States Department of Defense — first on the 2016 National Security Council’s Presidential Transition Team before working as an analyst for six years

From there, Daniel worked as the director for intelligence at the National Security Council and was then headhunted to become Facebook’s Global Threat Disruption Lead in 2018 and eventually taking on the role at Meta.

He also shared information about Meta’s efforts to quash cyber-espionage, writing on Friday: ‘Our surveillance-for-hire report focuses on new entities engaged in recon, engagement, or exploitation on behalf of clients around the world, building on our last year’s report.’

But he also seemed to dismiss concerns about government involvement in social media companies, tweeting on December 9: ‘Good people doing one of the hardest jobs in tech don’t deserve to become political footballs for a manic billionaire or for ladder-climbing opportunities.’

He seemed to dismiss the revelations posed by the Twitter files in a tweet earlier this month

He seemed to dismiss the revelations posed by the Twitter files in a tweet earlier this month

Nathaniel Gleicher: Former director of cybersecurity policy for the NSC joined Meta as head of security policy

Nathaniel Gleicher joined Meta in 2018 as the head of its security policy, just a few years after leaving the NSC

Nathaniel Gleicher joined Meta in 2018 as the head of its security policy, just a few years after leaving the NSC

Similarly, Nathaniel Gleicher joined Meta in 2018 as the head of its security policy, just a few years after leaving the NSC.

He had served as Director for Cybersecurity Policy at the National Security Council (NSC) in the White House, where he said he would develop ‘US government policy on key technology and cybersecurity challenges, including encryption, cyber deterrence, internet governance and network security.’

Nathaniel says on his Twitter that at Meta, he ‘counters adversarial threats,’ though he does not specify what those may be.

Jeffrey Gellman served as a 'special assistant' to the National Security Council at the White House before becoming a senior advisor on international security and nonproliferation at the Department of State

Jeffrey Gellman served as a ‘special assistant’ to the National Security Council at the White House before becoming a senior advisor on international security and nonproliferation at the Department of State

Jeffrey Gelman:  Former NSC and State Department official who became the policy communications manager at Facebook

Jeffrey Gelman started out as a foreign policy advisor on then presidential candidate Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign before taking on a role as a ‘special assistant’ to the National Security Council at the White House.

He then became a senior advisor on international security and nonproliferation at the Department of State for three years.

From there, he went on to serve a variety of roles prior to becoming Facebook’s policy communications manager in March 2020.

Jeffrey stepped down from that role, though, in November, and is now working as the deputy head of global communications and public engagement at the Oversight Board in London, England.

Erin Clancey was a political analyst at the State Department and served time at US embassies in the Middle East before being appointed to serve as a public policy manager for Meta in February 2021

Erin Clancey was a political analyst at the State Department and served time at US embassies in the Middle East before being appointed to serve as a public policy manager for Meta in February 2021

Erin Clancey: Political Advisor at the State Department turned public policy manager at Meta

Erin Clancey’s first real job out of school was as an intelligence analyst at the State Department, where she writes she ‘contributed intelligence analysis’ on counterterrorist finance assessment in the Middle East and North Africa at the request of the Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research.

Erin also boasts that she worked on the US sanctions placed on Iraq and Sudan by the US government.

She served time as a political-military advisor at the US Embassy in Oman and at the US Embassy in Damascus during the time of the Syrian civil war and the Arab Spring.

Additionally, Erin coordinated with the White Helmets — a controversial aid organization that some have alleged is too close to al Qaeda.

And, Erin’s LinkedIn notes, she volunteered on both the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016 and the Joe Biden campaign in 2020.

Erin was ultimately appointed to serve as a public policy manager for Meta in February 2021, but still moonlighted as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and as a fellow on the Atlantic Council.

Jim Baker, who before serving as deputy general counsel for Twitter held a similar role for the FBI, is now under fire for meeting secretly with some of his former colleagues at the Bureau

Jim Baker, who before serving as deputy general counsel for Twitter held a similar role for the FBI, is now under fire for meeting secretly with some of his former colleagues at the Bureau

Jim Baker: The embattled Twitter lawyer who used to work for the CIA

Jim Baker has come under fire in recent days after it was revealed that he previously served as an attorney for the FBI but is now working at Twitter.

On Monday, journalist Michael Shellenberger revealed how the FBI met with Jim Baker ahead of the 2020 presidential election, where he convinced Roth that the materials from Hunter Biden’s laptop could be ‘Russian disinformation.’

The trove of documents Shellenberger released detailed how several former FBI officials were joining the ranks at Twitter, and those left at the Bureau had tried to get top-level security clearance for Twitter officials so they could be notified of any alleged election interference.

Matthew Williams spent more than 15 years with the FBI, starting out as an intelligence analyst in March 2005

Matthew Williams spent more than 15 years with the FBI, starting out as an intelligence analyst in March 2005

Agents even allegedly paid Twitter executives $3.5million to silence the story.

Matthew Williams:  Intelligence program manager at the FBI who became a senior director at Twitter

Matthew Williams spent more than 15 years with the FBI, starting out as an intelligence analyst in March 2005 before ultimately moving up in the ranks to become an intelligence program manager.

He ultimately joined Twitter in June 2020 as a ‘senior director of public trust’ according to his LinkedIn, and was promoted in June to ‘senior director of public trust, revenue policy, counsel systems and analytics.’

Kevin Michelena spent more than 12 years working in the FBI as an intelligence analyst before he joined Twitter

Kevin Michelena spent more than 12 years working in the FBI as an intelligence analyst before he joined Twitter

With that promotion, the New York Post reports, became the co-lead of Twitter’s Trust and Safety department.

Kevin Michelena: An FBI intelligence analyst for more than a decade before becoming Twitter’s senior corporate security analyst

Kevin Michelena spent more than 12 years working in the FBI as an intelligence analyst before he joined Twitter’s ranks.

He writes on his LinkedIn that he was a technical intelligence analyst, though he does not specify what that role entailed.

In June 2021, Kevin became Twitter’s senior corporate security analyst, in which he writes, he autonomously runs the Protective Intelligence Team’s Data Center Security program.

Doug Hunt joined Twitter as a senior director in 2016, leading its Special Security Support Team and assessing and mitigating 'threats to Twitter's most visible employees and events.'

Doug Hunt joined Twitter as a senior director in 2016, leading its Special Security Support Team and assessing and mitigating ‘threats to Twitter’s most visible employees and events.’

Doug Hunt: Ex-supervisory special agent now serving as a senior director at Twitter

Doug Hunt spent over 20 years with the FBI as a supervisory special agent, working to take down gangs and criminal enterprises, according to his LinkedIn.

He joined Twitter as a senior director in 2016, leading its Special Security Support Team and assessing and mitigating ‘threats to Twitter’s most visible employees and events.’

Karen Walsh spent more than 20 years in the FBI, as a special agent focused on public-private sector outreach

Karen Walsh spent more than 20 years in the FBI, as a special agent focused on public-private sector outreach

Karen Walsh: Former special agent focused on public-private sector outreach who now serves as Twitter’s director of corporate resilience

 Karen Walsh spent more than 20 years in the FBI, as a special agent focused on public-private sector outreach.

She then joined Twitter as a director of corporate resilience in March 2020, writing on LinkedIn: ‘Privileged to find myself working with a new family of amazing people!’

Dawn Burton: Former federal prosecutor who is now Twitter’s director of strategy and operations

Dawn Burton is a former federal prosecutor who served as deputy chief of staff to former FBI Director James Comey.

She does not write much about what she did at the FBI, but working that closely with Comey, she likely would have been involved in the FBI’s investigation into then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails, as well as its probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Dawn Burton is a former federal prosecutor who served as deputy chief of staff to former FBI Director James Comey

Dawn Burton is a former federal prosecutor who served as deputy chief of staff to former FBI Director James Comey

Dawn continued to serve in her role following Comey’s ouster, before joining Twitter in September 2019 as the director of strategies, counsel organization.

‘Over the last three years at Twitter, I have built and scaled a global strategy and operations team of more than 40 incredibly talented and high-performing business and finance operations, strategy and program management, data analytics, and systems and tools professionals,’ she boasts on her LinkedIn

But her LinkedIn says she left the role over the summer, and is now working as the chief of staff for Google’s ads privacy and safety department.

Michael Bertrand spent 23 years with the FBI working in counterterrorism and internal investigations

Michael Bertrand spent 23 years with the FBI working in counterterrorism and internal investigations

Michael Bertrand: Worked over two decades on counterterrorism in the FBI before taking on role as ‘crisis manager’ at Twitter

Michael Bertrand spent 23 years with the FBI working in counterterrorism and internal investigations.

He was also the chief of staff to some of the FBI’s top executives from 2018 to 2020.

Bertrand is now a ‘crisis manager’ at Twitter.

In that position, the Post reports, he is responsible for ‘proactively and selectively leaking terms to assess and manage global incidents and crises affecting Twitter employees’ offices and reputation.’

Mark Jaroszewski: Former supervisory special agent who now serves as Twitter’s director of corporate security and risk

Mark Jaroszewski started out as a New York State trooper, spending seven years on patrol and another three investigating narcotic deals.

He then worked for over 20 years as a supervisory special agent for the Bureau in the violent crime, organized crime and terrorism units.

A 2018 press release says his job was focused on ‘helping the FBI create strategic, mutually beneficial relationships with the private sector.’

But from there, he was snatched up by the private sector, becoming the head of the crisis management team later that year.

Mark was then promoted in 2020 to become the director of corporate security and risk.

As he writes on his LinkedIn: My team looks to current events and the future to identify, assess and understand potential risks and threats before they materialize, on one of the most complicated platforms in the world.

Vincent Lucero spent more than 22 years at the Bureau and is now Twitter's senior security manager

Vincent Lucero spent more than 22 years at the Bureau and is now Twitter’s senior security manager

‘My team solves problems, builds collaboratively across teams and provides sound analytical assessments to inform leadership, content moderation and the business.’

Vincent Lucero: Supervisory special agent turned senior security manager at Twitter

Vincent Lucero spent more than 22 years at the Bureau, according to his LinkedIn.

He was a supervisory special agent for the FBI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction directorate from January 2012 to May 2015, before becoming an assistant legal attaché for four years.

 Vincent then served another two years as a supervisory special agent for the Bureau, while apparently also serving as Twitter’s senior security manager.

Greg Anderson was allegedly engaged in 'psychological operations' at NATO before he joined Twitter as a policy specialist. He now works at TikTok

Greg Anderson was allegedly engaged in ‘psychological operations’ at NATO before he joined Twitter as a policy specialist. He now works at TikTok

Greg Anderson: Worked NATO ‘psychological operations’ before becoming Twitter’s product policy manager

In 2019, Twitter hired Greg Anderson straight out of NATO to work on its cybercrime policy, according to MacLeod.

MacLeod had reported that his LinkedIn profile said at the time that he worked on ‘psychological operations’ for the trade alliance.

But after Mint Press highlighted his work in April, he removed all mentions of ‘psychological operations’ from his profile, claiming to instead have just worked as a ‘researcher.’

Either way, Greg joined Twitter in 2019 as a policy specialist before moving on to work as a product policy manager for TikTok.

In a recent post on his LinkedIn, Greg wrote: The staff at Twitter are some of the best in the field and I was honored to have worked alongside them during my time there.

‘They are driven, intelligent and above all empathetic. ‘

Jacqueline Lopour spent more than 10 years at the CIA

Jacqueline Lopour spent more than 10 years at the CIA

Jacqueline Lopour: The former ‘go-to-writer’ at the CIA works intelligence collection at Google

Jacqueline Lopour spent more than 10 years at the CIA, according to a profile about her at the Canadian Network for Research on terrorism, security and society.

She had served as a ‘leading US government expert on security challenges in South Asia and the Middle East’ and was the ‘go-to-writer of quickly needed papers for the US president,’ MacLeod reported.

In her position, her profile says, she performed analyses on security issues, specifically focusing on counterterrorism in South Asia and the Middle East.

She also did a rotation at the National Counter Terrorism Center where she followed terrorist groups in Syria.

Lopour then joined Google in 2017 as a senior intelligence collection and trust and safety manager.

Ryan Fugit spent eight years as a CIA officer, working in the Directorate of Operations across many mission centers throughout the world

Ryan Fugit spent eight years as a CIA officer, working in the Directorate of Operations across many mission centers throughout the world

Ryan Fugit: Former CIA officer recruited by Google to become senior manager of trust and safety

Ryan Fugit spent eight years as a CIA officer, working in the Directorate of Operations across many mission centers throughout the world.

In that capacity, he writes on his LinkedIn, he ‘led and oversaw the global collection and reporting of technical cyber threats.’

He was then recruited by Google in 2019 to become its senior manager of trust and safety, managing a ‘global Trust and Safety team of full-time employees and vendors.’

The team focused on ‘dark web monitoring, cyber threats, open source intel collection and an abuse bug bounty program,’ Ryan’s LinkedIn says.

Nick Rossman served as an analyst for both the FBI and the CIA before he was recruited by Google to become its senior manager of trust and safety

Nick Rossman served as an analyst for both the FBI and the CIA before he was recruited by Google to become its senior manager of trust and safety

Nick Rossman: Ex FBI and CIA agent who is serving as the senior manager of trust and safety at Google

Nick Rossman served as an analyst for both the FBI and the CIA before he was recruited by Google to become its senior manager of trust and safety.

In his work as an analyst at the FBI, he says he ‘wrote time-sensitive, analytic counterterrorism assessments and collaborated with a team of agents and analysts in the US and overseas on hostage cases in Afghanistan and Pakistan.’

From there he became an analyst at the CIA, where he worked for five years focusing on issues in Iraq.

‘While in government as a CIA intelligence analyst, I developed innovative intelligence products to address customers’ needs,’ Nick’s LinkedIn reads.

‘As an analyst covering a unique target — rule of law issues in the Middle East — I developed collaborative working relationships with intelligence customers to identify their analytic needs and use interviews and debriefings to leverage their knowledge for leaders across the community.’

Jacob Barrett served seven years with the CIA

Jacob Barrett served seven years with the CIA

Jacob Barrett:  Former CIA officer who lead’s Google’s Security Intelligence team

Jacob Barrett served seven years with the CIA, first as an ‘open source officer’ in 2007 before becoming an ‘expert open source officer for Big Data’ in 2013.

As part of his responsibilities, he writes on his LinkedIn, he managed ‘major big data pilot programs, evaluat[ed] technologies and secur[ed] and initiate[ed] new contracts.’

Jacob then joined Google as an associate principle for the trust and safety team two years later, and was promoted in October to the director of security intelligence.

In that role, he explains on his LinkedIn profile: ‘I lead Google’s Security Intelligence team, which investigates, monitors and disrupts the most dangerous security threats facing our users.

‘We conduct deep investigations into attacker behavior and quantitative performance analysis of Google’s web-scale protection systems, the combination of which informs Google’s high-level security strategy.’

Chelsea Magnant spent nine full years at the CIA, working as a political analyst before she was recruited by Google in October 2018

Chelsea Magnant spent nine full years at the CIA, working as a political analyst before she was recruited by Google in October 2018

Chelsea Magnant: CIA political analyst turned Google’s cybersecurity policy manager

Chelsea Magnant spent nine full years in the CIA as a political analyst before she was recruited by Google.

Yong Suk Lee spent a full 22 years at the CIA as a manager and analyst for the Directorate of Analysis

Yong Suk Lee spent a full 22 years at the CIA as a manager and analyst for the Directorate of Analysis

She joined the tech giant in October 2018 as a global threat analyst, eventually making her way through the ranks of the company to become the search giant’s cybersecurity policy manager this past October.

Yong Suk Lee: Former CIA manager who became Google’s director of global risk analysis

Yong Suk Lee started out his career in the CIA, spending a full 22 years at the agency as a manager and analyst for the Directorate of Analysis.

He left the agency in 2019, according to his LinkedIn, at which point he joined Google as the lead of the company’s risk analysis.

Lee was also promoted in May, and is now the director of the department.

He does not offer any specifics of what he did, either at the CIA or at Google.

Beth Schmierer: Former strategic analyst at the CIA and political officer at the State Department who is now Google’s ‘Americas Intel Manager’

Beth Schmierer got her start as a strategic analyst at the CIA, eventually becoming the agency’s senior political analyst.

In that role, she writes on her LinkedIn, Beth ‘analyzed classified and open source information to mitigate threats to US national security in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.’

Beth Schmierer analyzed information in the CIA to 'mitigate threats to US national security in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East'

Beth Schmierer analyzed information in the CIA to ‘mitigate threats to US national security in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East’

She also ‘wrote assessments to inform policymakers — up to and including the president — about foreign threats to US interests, enabling policymakers to avoid tactical surprise, mange ongoing crises and advance US interests abroad.

‘She recognized when the US government lacked information and worked with the intelligence community to drive collection to fill these information gaps,’ Beth continued.

Beth also boasted that she was deployed to Iraq in 2008 ‘to help defeat extremists, support the US warfighters and contribute to reconciliation.

In 2011, she moved on to the State Department, where she served as a political officer for 10 years, working with foreign governments ‘to implement the US government’s agenda in Spain and Latin America.’

She would also deliver briefings to the US ambassador and ‘authored reports measuring the impact of US policies overseas.’

By September 2021, Beth decided to get out of the public sector, and took a four-month break from work before joining Google, first as a global threat analyst in the Americas and then as the Americas Intel Manager.

It is unclear what that role entails.

Candice Bryant worked as a political analyst at the CIA for five years before stepping into the field of communications

Candice Bryant worked as a political analyst at the CIA for five years before stepping into the field of communications

Candice Bryant: The CIA’s former chief or public communications now works communications for Google

 Candice Bryant also got her start at the CIA, working as a political analyst for five years before stepping into the field of communications.

She was promoted to be the agency’s chief of public communications in March 2019, and spent more than two years in that role before she was headhunted by Google.

Candice writes in her profile that she worked to support ‘CIA leadership, the president of the United States and senior policymakers’ in her capacity at the agency, and has a background in corporate communications ‘focused on a range of issues from security to DEI.’

Meaghan Gruppo started off as a public affairs officer for the CIA before becoming an intelligence analyst for the agency

Meaghan Gruppo started off as a public affairs officer for the CIA before becoming an intelligence analyst for the agency

Meaghan Gruppo: Ex-CIA intelligence analyst who is now Google’s Global Intelligence manager for its Enterprise Security Risk Analysis department

Meaghan Gruppo actually started off as a public affairs officer for the CIA, working as the agency’s senior editor of its website.

She held that position for two years before becoming an intelligence analyst at the agency.

From there, Meaghan went on to hold a series of odd jobs in public relations and marketing until 2016 when she started working as a senior analyst for the New York Police Department’s counterterrorism bureau.

In that role, she writes on her LinkedIn, Meaghan ‘developed tactical and strategic intelligence assessments related to US violent extremist groups.’

Ultimately, Meaghan joined Google in 2018 as a program manager for its Enterprise Threat Management Department before eventually becoming the company’s Global Intelligence Manager.

As she writes on her profile: ‘A background in intelligence analysis and communications brought me to Google where I use both to build programs that help the company identify, assess and mitigate strategic security risk.’

Clinton Dallas' LinkedIn notes that he was an officer at the CIA for a total of nine years

Clinton Dallas’ LinkedIn notes that he was an officer at the CIA for a total of nine years

Clinton Dallas: Ex-CIA officer now working as Google’s systems access lead

Clinton Dallas’ LinkedIn notes that he was an officer at the CIA for a total of nine years before he was hired by Google in January.

It is unclear what he did in the agency, but at Google, he writes that he leads ‘risk analysis efforts to help set and implement strategy at the intersection of data security, network access and third-party (contingent) workers.

‘A career theme I’ve had has been navigating and solving risky and complex problems on a global scale while also developing strategy and [go-to-management] plans,’ he writes.

‘Leveraging these experiences and skills in a product role with global impact is my professional orientation.’

Katherine Tobin jumped from the Office from the Director of National Intelligence to the CIA and back before she joined Google's ranks

Katherine Tobin jumped from the Office from the Director of National Intelligence to the CIA and back before she joined Google’s ranks

Katherine Tobin: Former branch chief for the CIA who now heads Google’s workspace innovation for its global public sector

Katherine Tobin jumped from the Office from the Director of National Intelligence to the CIA and back before she joined Google’s ranks.

She started out in 2010 as an enterprise manager for the Office of the National Intelligence manager for South Asia, spending four years in that role, before joining the CIA as a branch chief in its Office of Advanced Analytics at the Directorate of Analysis.

From there, she returned to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, working for another two years as the director of its lateral innovation division.

Katherine finally joined Google in May 2021, working as its head of workspace innovation for the global public sector.

‘After over a decade in the US intelligence community, I am now at Google, where I help federal, state and local governments to accomplish their missions more effectively, more efficiently and more securely using state-of-the-art technology,’ Katherine writes on her LinkedIn.

Joanna Gillia worked as a leadership analyst for the CIA from September 2012 through January 2014

Joanna Gillia worked as a leadership analyst for the CIA from September 2012 through January 2014

She adds that her ‘favorite problems to solve are around promoting diversity, equity and inclusion, whether that’s human capital, technology use or access to public spaces.’

Joanna Gillia: Former leadership analyst at the CIA who became a talent consultant at Google

Joanna Gillia worked as a leadership analyst for the CIA from September 2012 through January 2014, MacLeod reported — though her LinkedIn profile now just says she worked for the ‘US government.’

She joined Google straight from the agency, and stayed at the company for over five years, eventually becoming a talent consultant in July 2019.

According to her profile, though, Joanna left the company the following year.

It is unclear what she is doing now.


Facebook is riddled with ex-CIA agents while many ex-FBI agents work at Twitter

Please stop calling these ex FBI or CIA agents. More accurate, would be current Democrat party agents.


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‘Ex’ eh?


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You know what it’s called when corporations merge with the state and wield all power? Fa.sc.is.t economy, Benicio Mussolini’s envisioning


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Democrat collusion.


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Strange times.


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chat room noise…saul bout data theft and fake news!


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For those that think we are not in a ‘ges ta po’ mode….got some ocean front property in Montana that you would love…


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Operation Mockingbird. Look it up


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CIA and FBI tend to be lifers. It seems unusual so many decided to go into tech. They picking up two paychecks?


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I hate to comment as I know they are here as well. These intel are our keepers now.


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I was surprised to meet ex-pentagon officials on engineering teams during the r&d phase of tech projects. I often wondered if it was by design and if companies were in the loop and/or if the employee is obligated to report back to their “previous” employer…