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Update 2.2


This is the process for bankrupting Google and putting them out of business because they are a criminal organization.


For the purpose of this interdiction program, the trade name “Google” is comprised of a group of front companies: Alphabet, Calico, Jigsaw, YouTube, Google, Gmail, In-Q-Tel, New America Foundation, Loon, Google Search, Google Drive, Google Chrome, Google Phones, Google Fiber, Google Android, Google Nexus, Google Pixel, Nest, Google Home, Google WiFi, DoubleClick, On2 Video, Google Energy, Google Ivanpah, WAZE, DeepMind Spy Services, Goggle DayDream VR, etc., are all directed by the same people with the same agenda which is hostile to the public. All of these brands shall be terminated.


Google’s political manipulations have led to prominent media notoriety, including criticism of the company over issues such as aggressive tax avoidance,[339][356] search neutrality, copyright, censorship of search results and content, and privacy.[357][358] Other criticisms include alleged misuse and manipulation of search results, its use of others’ intellectual property, concerns that its compilation of data may violate people’s privacy, sexual deviancy and the energy consumption of its servers, as well as concerns over traditional business issues such as monopoly, restraint of trade, anti-competitive practices, and patent infringement.




Google dangles free candy at you and your children from the dark side alley’s of the internet. Once it gets its victims within its grip, it bends them over the digital dumpster, in that alley, and plunders them for their privacy, votes, cash, minds and impressions.


Pass this action-item list around. Feel free to re-post it everywhere you possibly can online and in the physical world. Anytime you file a demand, carbon copy it to all press and law enforcement so that nobody can ever say “they never knew about it”.


Google decided to operate election rigging and political hit-job services instead of selling a service. A company must either sell a good or a service or manipulate politics, not both. Google chose to manipulate politics and break laws and ethical standards. For these abuses of the public, it must be punished.


Interdiction Tactics You Can Use To Terminate Google as Provided by Human Rights Groups From Around The Globe:




  1. Break up Google’s global monopoly. Send a complaint letter about your realization that Google is an “Illicit Monopoly which controls the primary points of web access, and then censors public information in order to eliminate anything that does not comply with Eric Schmidt’s ideology” to the anti-trust and regulatory commissions in each nation on Earth. Organize groups to do this in large volumes. Allowing Google to keep its monopoly and just add a bunch of new little “divisions” is NOT a break-up beneficial to the public!

  2. Google has manifested a system which records everything you do and keeps a lifetime file on you, attached to your social security number and name. Write every U.S. politician and demand that laws be made to stop Google from doing that.

  3. Google, and it’s underling partners, create a psychological profile of who you vote for, what your beliefs are, what can be used to trick you into doing what Eric Schmidt and his partners want, and what your dating life is like. Write letters to Congress demanding that the FBI observe the erasure of all of those illicit files Google keeps on you.

  4. Every time you touch any network connected device, it is recorded, analyzed, time-stamped, GPS located, and put in the master surveillance file and digitally attached to your name, social security number and global surveillance code. Never connect to a Google product with anything that has a network modem, a plug or a battery.

  5. Anytime you “check in”, on any social media site, it is recorded, analyzed, time-stamped, GPS located, and put in your master surveillance file. Never “check-in” or “update” anything about yourself on Google or other social media.

  6. Google lies to advertisers by faking user stats and impressions to make it look like Google is bigger than it is. A huge number of “users” on Google are FAKE! Contact every company that advertises on Google and encourage them to sue Google for fraud. Contact every advertising organization and encourage them to file a class-action lawsuit against Google for fraud.

  7. Every single personal fact, text, email, comment, blog response, form you fill out, or any other activity you conduct on, near, or with your computer, phone or “smart device” goes into your surveillance digital file to build a psychological, emotional, political, financial and manipulation study of your life. Ask Congress, the EU and all regulators to make it illegal for Google to do this.

  8. Google uses these surveillance tricks to try to make you buy certain products, to make you vote for who Eric Schmidt wants you to vote for and to steer you, subliminally, into believing what Eric Schmidt believes. Ask Congress, the EU and all regulators to make it illegal for Google to do this.

  9. Schmidt, and his minions, are able to actually rig the Google system, around the world, to eliminate certain people, views, perspectives or experiences. Ask Congress, the EU and all regulators to make it illegal for Google to do this.

  10. Eric Schmidt’s sexual and marital deviancies are documented in the media. Schmidt’s deviancies extend well beyond the bedroom. Not quite so illuminated are his political and ideological beliefs. Schmidt believes that, because he got some huge government exclusives, which made him rich, that he is smarter than everyone else. Expose ALL sides of Eric Schmidt and his Silicon Valley Mafia, in the news.

  11. Schmidt has used his billions to buy one of the largest accruals of “Yes Men” the world has ever seen. He surrounds himself, twenty deep, with whimpering hipster sycophants, who drone on, endlessly, with affirmations of his self-aggrandizing ego. Deliver messages to Schmidt, in person, at his home, office and public events telling him what is really going on.

  12. Schmidt placed many of his “Yes Men”, and “Yes Women”, in the White House. No company, in modern America, has put more of it’s people inside the U.S. Government. DOX and Out every Google agent in government offices.

  13. Eric Schmidt bought The White House, the privacy of the public and control of the Internet. Now it is up to the rest of the world to decide if they want to roll over and let Eric Schmidt and his Silicon Valley weasels shove it in, deep and hard, or, finally reject Google across the map. Organize neighborhood anti-Google postings on every bulletin board you can find.

  14. Google receives hundreds of billions of dollars of exclusive government handouts at the expense of taxpayers and competitors. Write letters ordering your elected representatives to cut-off all government contracts to Google.

  15. Google operated a monopolistic empire using state and federal funding in violation of anti-trust laws and business ethics. Demand that the FTC file monopoly charges against Google and end the cover-ups.

  16. Google ordered, and operated “hit jobs” on competitors using state and federal staff and resources. Put the same kinds of hit-jobs on every Google executive and VC.

  17. Google has an executive team which strategically plans, organizes and implements the penetration of state and federal government agencies in order to illicitly steer funds and government policy to the will of Google’s owners.

  18. Google pays its public policy agents with cash, stock warrants, revolving door jobs, stock valuation manipulations, search engine rigging and mass-market mood manipulation data rigging worth tens of billions of dollars in unreported campaign funding and influence buying. That is a felony. It is a violation of campaign finance laws. Write to the FEC and demand that Google be prosecuted!

  19. Google orders it’s staff, within government agencies, to curtail all law enforcement and regulatory control of Google’s actions. Google programs its employees to believe that anything that Google does is for “the greater good” and that “Google mindfulness must always prevail” in a manner that abuses naive young employees and sets them up to not question Google’s actions.

  20. Citizens Arrest” Google executives and VC’s at their homes, offices, trade-shows or restaurants and turn them in to the FBI along with a CD of all of their crimes. Follow the correct procedures for documenting and staging your Citizen’s Arrest of Google VC’s and executives.

  21. Use databases and VOAT.CO to track and expose the tax evasion schemes, Irish false-fronts, PACS, Political stock market bribes, Stock market rigging, Google’s staff and VC Hookers, voter manipulations, expenses frauds, Crony Dept. of Energy and Dept. of Transportation payola, election rigging and other forensically documented crimes.

  22. Google engages in the hiding of Internet links, controlled by Google, in order to negatively affect the brand and reputation and income of competitors, across the web, globally. Report this and demand Congress stop Google.

  23. Google engages in the posting of character assassination articles about competitors, the production of which were partially coordinated by Google staff and investors; , along with with it’s attack contractors, on the first line of the front page of their search engine and locking those attacks there so that no outside IT or other positive global news stories could move it. Demand that Congress fund private funds to pay for lawsuits by the public against Google to stop these attacks.

  24. Google executives and venture capitalists have the highest sexual abuse, sex trafficking and sexual deviancy record of any corporation in the USA. Over 800 Google-related twisted sex incidents have been recorded including: The Doy Katz underage sex arrest; The Mike Goguen Anal Sex Slave Sex trafficking case; The Eric Schmidt Sex Penthouse case; The Joe Lonsdale rape case; The Ellen Pao Sex abuse case; The Ravi Kumar hooker death case; The Forrest Hayes Sex murder case; The Stanford Frat house rape cover-ups; The Intern sex abuse scandals; The Stanford Graduate School of Google Teacher: The Brock Allen Turner Rapes; Dean Garth Saloner Sex scandals; The Silicon Valley Hooker parties; The Rosewood Hotel Thursday Night Sex Pick-up scene for Google VC’s, The Larry Page/Elon Musk gay romp rumors; The Eric Schmidt Marriage Cheating Scandal; The Elon Musk Divorces; The Plane-loads of Ukrainian prostitutes being flown into SFO for Google Executives and VC’s; The brutal assaults of women by Gurbaksh Chahal; The #PizzaGate Connections to vast numbers of Google people; The Draper Fisher Intern Rape Investigation; The Famous Gay Tech CEO’s Who Have “Cover Wives” Revelations; The Sergey Brin 3 Way Sex Romp With His Google Glasses Staff; and hundreds more need to be publicly discussed and analyzed.




  1. Upon legal receipt of removal demands from competitors and their lawyers, Google refused, in writing, to remove the attacks in order to damage competitors maximally. Public support needs to be expanded to sue Google for refusing to cease attacks upon demand.

  2. Google engages in DNS, web pointing, down-ranking and search results targeting in order to damage the Internet operation of competitors web-sites and press releases. This must be reported to FTC and SEC as felony abuse of public rights.

  3. Google’s competitors hired IT experts to do a multi-year sting and IT analysis investigation, involving the setting of hundreds of “trap servers” around the world, to prove, over a five+ year period, that Google was manipulating search results in order to damage some parties and falsely enhance others, who were Google’s covert partners. Other parties, including universities, research groups, the European Union, The Government of China, The Government of Russia and other parties, have now emulated and proven these results showing definitive proof of Google’s malicious manipulation of the Internet in order to damage it’s competitors and promote it’s friends while also damaging it’s friend’s competitors. Google must be sued for these crimes. Sue each Google Executive and VC, individually, one at a time, in Small Claims Court!




  1. Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider Gawker Media.

  2. Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider Steve Spinner.

  3. Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider Wilson Sonsini.

  4. Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider Steven Chu.

  5. Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider In-Q-Tel.

  6. Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider John Doerr.

  7. Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider Vinod Khosla.

  8. Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack services provider New America Foundation.

  9. Google sought to “Cheat Rather Than Compete” against competitor’s products, which have now been proven, by industry documentation, to have been superior to Google’s. Expose Google as a cheater.

  10. In light of the accruing charges and evidence, Google was forced to break-up it’s main operation, changing it’s name from: “Google” to “Alphabet”, in order to attempt to mitigate it’s damages in this, and other pending cases, by creating a false-front structure whereby Google attempt to hide their tax and legal liability obligations by, on paper, reducing the operation into smaller parts. Expose Google’s sham corporate structure and shell companies and recognize the entire operation, and each and every part, and owner, as being liable for competitors damages.

  11. Google copied dozens of competitors products, which the federal patent office had issued patents and secured files on as being first developed by others, years before any interest in, or development by competitors. Google either gave away the copied products, in order to terminate competitor’s revenue opportunities, or used billions of dollars of “unjust rewards” secured, according to the U.S. Treasury, from ill-gotten gains via contract manipulations and illegitimate tax loss write-offs and payola tax waivers, to flood competitor’s out of the market and order financing blacklists to be created by their investors. The New York Times article on Larry Page proves him to be a patent thief. Google’s patent attorney runs the U.S. Patent Office. Demand that Michelle Lee be fired from the U.S. Patent Office and that a public fund be established by Congress to help small inventors who are attacked and blockaded by Google.

  12. Google engaged in additional malicious harassment using retained writers who did not disclose their “shill”, “meat puppet”, “Troll” and “Click-Farm” media attack services function for Google. Dox and Expose the media shills that Google hires.

  13. Google engaged in other malicious activities, against competitors, disclosed to competitors by whistle-blowers and ex-employees of Google which are documented in Google electronic communications. The NSA, CIA, DIA, FBI and Congress have all of Googles emails since 2006. Demand public revelation of those emails.

  14. Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Ann Wojcicki and Sergey Brin did not build the first Google, they stole the technology from others. Competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  15. Google, YouTube, Alphabet, Jigsaw, In-Q-Tel, and all of their various front organizations, are controlled by the same people with the same bizarre agenda. Competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand an end to the cover-ups with letters to Congress. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  16. Google, and a company called Kleiner Perkins, have a campaign payola deal with White House executives. This deal trades search engine rigging for Cleantech “green money” handouts ordered up by White House staff from various state and federal agencies. Competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  17. Google has a contracted relationship with non-Congressionally approved rogue groups, like In-Q-Tel, Media Matters and New America Foundation; who use U.S. treasury funds to attack competitors. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  18. While it is well known that the CIA finances Google it is unclear if Google works for the CIA or the CIA works for Google. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  19. Google staged a program to give “free” Google computers and software to children in order to indoctrinate them when they are young like McDonalds does by putting playgrounds at all of the McDonalds. Google’s child propaganda effort copied the CIA’s South American indoctrination program to a T. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  20. Google has paid money to Gawker Media and Gawker Media has paid money to Google. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  21. Google and Gawker Media have a series of quid-pro-quo relationships which provide for the mutual deployment of character assassinations of their business and political enemies. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  22. Google has placed over 400 of Google’s staff inside of the U.S. Government and the California State Government. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  23. Google’s lawyer, and other Google associates, work in and control the U.S. Patent Office for the protection of Google patent territory. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  24. Google has always had, and today fully has, total control over the text, links, results, adjacent results and all positioning of each and every Google search result and Mnemonic impression and Google selectively adjusts those results in order to harm competitors and political adversaries and hype investor friends and partners like Elon Musk. Google lied to government regulators, in multiple nations, when Google stated that executives had no control over Google results. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  25. Competitors, competitors lawyers and others sent hundreds of communications to Google asking Google to stop harassing, cyber-stalking and search engine locking attacks against competitor’s which Google refused to comply with and in fact, increased the attacks mentioned herein. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  26. Google receives operational orders from White House campaign financiers. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  27. Google stated on the record that it’s search results change every few hours yet Google locked each attack on competitors on the same top lines of the front page of Google, around the globe, for over five years without any shift in placement. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  28. Google meets the legal definition as an organized crime RICO-violation illicit “Cartel”. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  29. Google lies about how many women and blacks it hires. Expose this fact.

  30. Google bribes politicians to get Google’s owned politicians to harm Google’s competitors. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  31. Competitors placed thousands of server sensors in different ISP’s in different locations around the entire internet for extended periods of time in order to catch Google rigging the internet and did, in fact, catch Google rigging the internet. Others have emulated these tests and also caught Google rigging internet results. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  32. Google rigs the internet to hide misdeeds and company failures by Elon Musk while, concurrently, pumping up and hyping cover stories to hide those misdeeds because Larry Page and Elon Musk are best boyfriends and Google owns parts of Tesla and Tesla battery suppliers. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  33. Email this document to anybody in your contact manager that has a @Gmail address. Send this to everyone you discover with a @Gmail address so you can save them from getting “data-raped and privacy abused” by Google.

  34. Google has received billions and billions of U.S. Treasury money that were exclusively provided to Google. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  35. Google pumps marketing hype for stock market pump-and-dumps which inure exclusively to Google investors and against Google enemies. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  36. Google sabotaged and circumvented competitor’s government funding and rerouted it to Google. competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.

  37. Post this phrase everywhere you can: “FRIENDS DON’T LET FRIENDS USE GOOGLE”

  38. Write every trade office of every nation on Earth and show them this document and tell them that “…most people hate Google” and to “…not do business with Google or their citizens will look upon them unkindly.”

  39. More action items coming…stay tuned…

