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They don’t care about “Saving The Environment“, they care about saving green cash in their private stock market scams! The climate IS changing but nothing that the Big Tech oligarchs own will do anything about it except make the Big Tech oligarchs richer!

The Secretaries Of Energy own the companies and STOCK MARKET perks of these Big Tech Scammers… making those Secretaries of Energy LYING SCAMMERS too!

In one big consumer rights anti-trust lawsuit, you can clearly see how the cronyism at the White House and the Department of Energy rule the world. Let’s take a look at the Court records:

“…Plaintiff knew Defendants, and Defendants knew Plaintiff, up to, and including most White House staff who then went out and competed against Plaintiff using the information they acquired from their positions in the White House. They continued to compete against, order media and economic assassinations, and harm Plaintiff, using White House taxpayer-paid resources, even after they had stopped ‘officially’ working at The White House.

For example, Vice President Al Gore knew and admired Plaintiff as shown by evidence items such as the personal letters from Al Gore in the White House, with his signature and DNA on the letters:

But Al Gore joined up with Kleiner Perkins VC firm to create a scheme to benefit insiders and make United States Government laws which only benefit Al Gore and Kleiner Perkins. Now the investigations have revealed the following:

( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11653723/How-Al-Gore-300m-climate-alarmism-Former-VP-fortune-losing-George-W.html )

How Al Gore has made $330m with climate alarmism: Former VP made a fortune after losing to George W when he set up a green investment firm now worth $36BN that pays him $2m a month… as he warns about ‘rain bombs’ and ‘boiling oceans’

  • Al Gore has made hundreds of millions through his climate awareness

  • The former VP is at the forefront of green technology investment 

  • Gore’s company Generation Investment Management pays him $2m per month

  • The company has billions in investments worldwide

  • Gore’s wealth of around $300m is supplemented with speaking fees, shares and real estate

  • Kliener Perkins made BILLIONS off of this scheme.

Warning the world that it is on the brink of disaster has been lucrative for Al Gore.

His wild prediction at Davos that Earth faces ‘rain bombs’ and ‘boiling oceans’ is just his latest in decades of climate alarmism. 

At the same time, the former VP has been at the forefront of green technology investment that has seen his wealth balloon to an estimated $330 million+.

Four years after losing to George W Bush in 2000, Gore set up Generation Investment Management with former Goldman Sachs Managing Director and close friend David W. Blood. 

The mission statement of the investment firm, where Gore collects $2 million in a monthly salary, is to back companies that are making strides towards going green. The firm is worth around $36 billion. 

He proudly said of his role at the fund, when it launched, was that of a figurehead saying: ‘I’m not a stock picker.’ 

Warning the world that it is on the brink of disaster has been lucrative for Al Gore

Between 2008 and 2011, the firm generated roughly $218 million in profits to be split among its 26 partners. As a founder, Gore likely had a large stake in the profits. 

The firm owns millions of shares in companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google’s parent Alphabet, finance giant Charles Schwab and tractor king John Deere. 

The group has also invested in lesser known companies such as Motivate, the company behind New York’s Citi Bike, and Taiwanese electric-scooter make Gogoro. 

Gore told Wired in 2017 that among the first companies that Generation invested in was BP. Although he said that the fund pulled back prior to the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in 2013.    

In 2004, when the firm launched, Gore was lecturing about the perils of climate change, including once at the premiere of the heavily criticized climate disaster movie, The Day After Tomorrow. 

Those lectures would lead to him being given a starring role in the 2006 Oscar-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. 

The film has generated controversy over the years, with outrage that it was shown to school students in the US and UK. 

Gore’s Democratic Party ties were also criticized for politicizing climate issues. 

All the while, the Tennessee-native was making millions while lecturing the world on how humanity was losing the war against climate change.

He told the World Economic Forum in 2020: ‘This is Thermopylae. This is Agincourt. This is Dunkirk. This is the Battle of the Bulge. This is 9/11. We have to rise to the occasion.’ 

In November 2021 at the UN Summit on Climate Change, he compared the world’s complacency on climate change to the way it failed to take seriously the threat of fascism during the 1930s.

Invoking Winston Churchill’s famous warning that ‘the era of procrastination (…) is coming to its close,’ Gore told the U.N. climate summit in Glasgow that the impacts of global warming would soon spur momentum for action.

‘We are now experiencing the consequences of the climate crisis in every part of our world,’ he said , echoing Churchill. ‘The scientists warned us that these consequences were coming.’

Gore owns a condo in the St. Regis building in San Francisco, close to Silicon Valley, where many of his investments lie

The energy used at Gore’s home in Nashville was more than 20 times the national average

Gore bought his home in Montecido, California, in 2009, along a coastline that he believes his eroding due to climate change

Gore’s family has owned farming land in his native Tennessee for generations, while his mansion in Nashville is valued at $7.5 million, his waterfront villa in Montecito, where he counts Oprah as a neighbor, is worth $13 million, his Virginia home is worth around $3 million as is his apartment in the St. Regis building in San Francisco. 

On top of his Green Investment Management money, Gore has around $80 million worth of stock in heavy hitters such as Apple and Google, he also draws a a salary from Apple as a compensation committee member.

Gore also nets at least $200,000 per public speaking engagement. Gore’s advice on ‘going green’ is also sought by the biggest businesses in the world for undisclosed sums. 

It wasn’t always like this for Gore.  

At the time that he ran for the presidency, after serving as Bill Clinton’s loyal sub-ordinate for eight years, his net worth was a paltry $1.7 million, mainly through his family’s land holdings in Tennessee.

‘The accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every single day on the earth,’ Gore said

‘He’s been wrong about everything. Every prediction wrong. He’s a shill and doesn’t offer anything worthy of consideration regarding our climate,’ said one person who does not believe Gore’s claims  

In the aftermath of his run for the presidency, Gore received $15 million in taxpayer money for ‘nomination expenses,’ ABC News reported at the time. 

The vice president’s pension is based on how many years the person served in public office. After leaving the office of vice president in 2016, President Joe Biden began receiving $1 million per year for his 43 years of public service. 

In total, Gore served for 24 years between the House of Representatives, the Senate and as Vice President. 

A 2000 feature by CNN on his wealth stated that ‘Gore doesn’t own a single stock.’ While Gore’s health advisor Richard Boxer told the network that Gore was ‘not at all interested in business.’ 

His most lucrative venture at the time of his presidential campaign was his 1992 book Earth in the Balance with landed him $1.1 million in royalties. 

The CNN feature also notes that despite his advocating for the internet and technology, Gore was not an early investor in Silicon Valley. The piece said that most of his wealth had come from his father’s business ties. Gore’s father died in 1999. 

After leaving politics, Gore founded the Current TV network in 2004, nine years later, he netted $70 million from the sale of the channel to Al Jazeera. While working as Current CEO, Gore was paid $1.2 million per year. 

In 2000, Gore lost a controversial presidential election to Republican George W. Bush and accepted defeat following a brief court battle

Just two weeks after the Current TV sale, Gore decided to exercise a percentage of his stock options in Apple. 

Around the same period, Gore was demanding nearly $200,000 for private speaking engagements. His rider stayed on brand with the Inconvenient Truth star demanding a hybrid sedan as transportation and not an SUV. 

This contributed to giving Gore a comparable wealth portfolio to 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who became much maligned by the mainstream media over his personal worth of over $200 million. 

Gore has been a member of Apple’s board since 2003, and over that time, he has amassed more than 100,000 in shares and restricted stock in the company. In 2021, he was paid over $350,000 for his role on the company’s compensation committee. 

Earlier this week, CNBC reported that Gore and the two other members of the committee had voted to cut CEO Tim Cook’s pay by 40 percent from around $98 million to $49 million.  

During his tenure, the company’s stock price has increased by a staggering 5,900 percent – meaning he would earn tens of millions of dollars in an instant if he decided to exercise his options.

In 2013, his holdings with Apple were estimated at $45.6 million. The same year, Gore inherited an undisclosed number of shares of Occidental Petroleum Corp., which are valued at between $500,000 and $1 million.

During his time as a senator, Occidental Petroleum, a fossil fuels company, was one of his biggest donors. The company had long standing ties with Gore’s father, Al Gore Sr., also a former senator. 

Gore Sr. retired from the Senate in 1970 and was given a $500,000 per year job as chairman of Occident Petroleum’s coal arm, Island Coal Creek. 

The Center of Public Integrity said in a 2000 study that Gore was receiving $20,000 per year from Occidental as a rental payment that the company had on land owned by the Gore family.  

In July 1992, prior to the Clinton-Gore election, the New York Times wrote: ‘Part of the criticism directed at Mr. Gore during his first race for Congress in 1976 concerned his father’s involvement with energy interests.’ 

In 2009, Gore splashed out on a $9 million villa in Montecito, California, right on the seafront. A year later he announced his amicable divorce from his wife of 40 years, Tipper. 

The separation is considered an example of a ‘gray divorce,’ a split that is not acrimonious just the product of two people growing apart. There is no indication that the divorce hit Gore’s wallet too hard.  

Gore has also served in various roles – most often an adviser or partner – to several companies including Google and Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. Neither of the companies have disclosed how much they have paid Gore for his service.

At the time he signed on an advisor at Google in 2001, Gore was given stock options that were worth more than $30 million. At the time, Gore sported an ill-advised beard. 

He told Fast Company in 2007 that on his first day at the tech giant that as a practical joke: ‘Larry [Page] and Sergey [Brin] and the entire executive team had false beards on.’ 

The magazine’s Ellen McGirt later wrote that Gore’s wealth made it unlikely that he would ever run for the presidency again.  

The former senator has multimillion dollar homes in Nashville, Virginia and a condo in San Francisco, where the Generation Investment Management is based. 

CBS reported in 2007 that the energy consumption at Gore’s Nashville home was 20 times the national average.  

While in October 2021, Gore and Blood launched Just Climate that plans to invest in solutions that will help to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Just Climate has been founded to do the hard yards of addressing the most difficult to decarbonize segments of the global economy that investors have ignored until now, Blood said.

In March 2017, Barron’s ran a feature titled: ‘Al Gore is winning at Investing.’ 

However the same year, Warren Buffett’s top lieutenant Charlie Munger told a meeting that he felt as though Gore was ‘not very smart’ but that he had developed a simple investing strategy that was working for him.  

His business gains were such that when Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, along with its $1.9 million prize money, he put all of his winnings into the Alliance for Climate Protection, an organization he founded.   

The editor-in-chief of GreenTechMedia Stephen Lacey described Gore in an appearance The Energy Gang podcast in 2017: ‘He is a flawed character. We’re in an era of backlash against elites, so Gore, a guy who bought a 6,500-square-foot seafront home in California for $8.8 million, and who hangs around with other celebrities who talk big on climate but who live lavish lifestyles, is the perfect target at this point in time.’

New research reveals that Google, who funds Obama, Biden and Gore; and gets billions of dollars of government contracts in exchange; built biases into its search results that influenced the 2018 midterm elections – possibly costing Republicans three congressional districts

First things first – the study was conducted by Dr. Robert Epstein – a San Diego-based Harvard Ph.D. who founded the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. He’s also a Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT), a UCSD visiting scholar, and served as editor-in-chief of Psychology Today. 

He also supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 (just like Google!).

Down to the findings: 

Epstein and AIBRT analyzed Google searches linked to three highly competitive southern California congressional races in which Democrats won, and found that Google’s “clear democrat bias” may have flipped the seats away from Republican candidates. According to the study, at least 35,455 undecided voters within the three California districts may have been persuaded to vote Democrat due to the biased Google search results. 

Epstein says that in the days leading up to the 2018 midterms, he was able to preserve “more than 47,000 election-related searches on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, along with the nearly 400,000 web pages to which the search results linked.”

Analysis of this data showed a clear pro-Democrat bias in election-related Google search results as compared to competing search engines. Users performing Google searches related to the three congressional races the study focused on were significantly more likely to see pro-Democrat stories and links at the top of their results.

As Epstein’s previous studies have shown, this can have a huge impact on the decisions of undecided voters, who often assume that their search results are unbiased. Epstein has called this the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME).



Google executives and Democrats have disputed Epstein’s findings, apparently unaware that we can simply google documented instances of the Silicon Valley search giant’s overt bias surrounding elections, their ability to influence them, and their other efforts to hobble conservatives

“These are new forms of manipulation people can’t see,” said Epstein, who added that technology “can have an enormous impact on voters who are undecided. … People have no awareness the influence is being exerted.”

Google finances, partners with and answers to Al Gore’s Kleiner Perkins.

Any forensic analysis of these facts would conclude:

… that Al Gore, and other White House executives, used the United States Government, particularly the White House, as a venue to create their own business venues, and destroy competitors to themselves. They did this in cooperation with the U.S. Government and in partnership with Silicon Valley venture capital firms who covertly operate command and control of the White House for their own profiteering schemes…”

In fact, while Al Gore lauds himself as the “inventor of the internet” , Mr. Gore’s own letters and the United States Patent office records prove that it was Plaintiff who, more than likely, ‘invented the internet’.

For nearly two decades, John Doerr and Vinod Khosla worked together at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, forging one of the most lucrative partnerships in the venture capital business. The gravel-voiced Doerr scored the high-profile hits, including Netscape Communications, Amazon.com (AMZN), and Google (GOOG), while the confrontational Khosla backed little-known communications equipment startups such as Juniper Networks (JNPR) and Cerent (CSCO), with similarly explosive returns.

Now the former colleagues are competing to fund the most promising startups in clean technology, a potentially lucrative but risky field many believe could lead to Silicon Valley’s next boom. Doerr, still at Kleiner, helped shift his firm’s focus from information technology to green investments a few years ago, with help from partner Bill Joy, former chief scientist at Sun Microsystems. Khosla, who left Kleiner five years back, just raised $1.1 billion from partners and institutional investors, giving his Khosla Ventures the heft to compete for the most capital-intensive deals. “These guys are in a race” for the most important green deals, says Paul Deninger, vice-chairman at investment bank Jefferies & Co. (JEF)

Kleiner is the established giant. The firm has raised a total of $5.9 billion since its founding in 1972 and, in addition to Doerr’s hits, helped launch America Online (TWX) and Genentech (DNA). Still, the firm is a relative newcomer to green investing. Khosla has been dabbling in such deals since he started his outfit in 2004. With his fresh capital, he is on the hunt for the most ambitious startups. “Our specialty is risk,” says Khosla. “Forget [hitting] singles. Lay it out there and take a swing. You may not get a very high percentage of hits, but you get a high slugging percentage.”

Khosla’s approach is to winnow losing ideas quickly before they consume too much cash, gambling that the surviving startups can score big. Whereas most venture capital firms budget for product- development milestones by the companies they invest in, Khosla Ventures uses metrics that forecast how much it will cost for startups to remove technical risks, tackling the toughest problems first. “We’ve developed a few tricks,” says Khosla. Khosla has now been sued by San Mateo County, his own tech start-ups and the State of California for fraud and other dirty dealings affecting the public.

Anyone can clearly see, per this link: Frank Biden Peddled White House Influence During Joe Biden’s Presidency, that selling government insiderism is an ongoing problem,

Take Calera, a startup launched by Stanford University. Its goal is to reduce emissions by making cement that traps CO2 gas during manufacture. Khosla figures there’s a 10% chance his firm can make 100 times its eight-figure investment and a 90% chance the company will fail. That’s precisely the kind of prospect that draws his attention. “Sometimes we tell an entrepreneur, ‘Your project does not have enough risk for us,'” he says. “They look at you kind of funny.”

Many of the startups Khosla has backed aim to collect power from the sun, harvest it from the wind, or extract it from the earth. Soladigm makes glass windows that can lighten or darken to heat or coolrooms, and GreatPoint Energy converts coal into natural gas. Others are trying to invent more efficient motors and batteries. EcoMotors International in Troy, Mich., for instance, makes light, powerful diesel engines.

READ MORE:  The ___Paris Climate Deal___ Had Nothing To Do With The Environment and EVERYTHING to do with Al Gore___s Stock Market Profits

Kleiner is making similar investments. Its deals include hybrid sportscar maker Fisker Automotive, smart grid company Silver Spring Networks, and Bloom Energy, which is developing a fuel cell that can convert natural gas into hydrogen fuel. Both companies say this is a friendly competition. In fact, Khosla and Kleiner have co-invested in several deals. “I spend more time with [Doerr] now than I did when we were at Kleiner,” Khosla says. Still, he acknowledges that both want to be first to find and build the world’s most influential green-tech startups.

The competition could help speed the development of green technologies. Although the industry is perceived to be full of promise, it’s fraught with challenges, too. The field is marked by high startup costs, powerful customers and competitors, and government regulations that can change unpredictably.

Venture capitalists scaled back their clean-tech investments during the downturn, putting $1.6 billion into such startups during the first three quarters of 2009, vs. $3.1 billion during the same period in 2008, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Venture Capital Assn.

So far this year only two North American clean-tech companies, Canadian geothermal outfit Magma Energy and battery maker A123 Systems (AONE), have gone public, and there have been just nine acquisitions worth more than $10 million in the market, according to investment bank Jefferies.

Funding energy companies “is a difficult and new experience for many VCs,” says Adam Grosser, a general partner at venture firm Foundation Capital.

Both Khosla Ventures and Kleiner have made losing bets. The firms invested in ethanol maker AltraBiofuels, which late last year closed one factory and suspended production at another after raising $170 million. Ethanol producers have stumbled due to overproduction and demand that declined as the price of gasoline fell. Khosla Ventures wrote off the investment and lost money. “If people want instant gratification, they’re going to be disappointed,” says Ted Schlein, a managing partner at Kleiner Perkins.

Patience may well pay off. Entrepreneurs say Khosla, now that he has deep pockets to go along with his aggressive investment approach, could help develop a new generation of green startups. “[Vinod] can add tremendous value by giving people very direct advice about what does or doesn’t make sense,” says Andy Bechtolsheim, who co-founded Sun with Khosla in 1982 and is now chief executive of startup Arista Networks. “He wants to bet not just on significant ideas, but ideas that can change the world.”

Sequoia Capital and Foundation Capital back startups that use sensor networks, software, and other info tech to make buildings and data centers more efficient. In a feature, The New York Times looks at the trend.

The United States government has ALLOWED corrupt government officials to do corrupt things using the United States Government because other government officials get job appointments, stock market bumps and profiteering FROM those corrupt things. Plaintiff suffered by having his technologies copied and exploited by government officials and the emails and stock holdings of those officials prove it!

May reports are pointing to President Obama as the “clean tech investor in chief” and the presidential VC with bets on clean energy. The real trend is that venture capitalists focusing on greentech seem to have had an unprecedented influence on U.S. federal policy and allocations of the stimulus package.

When I attended the Department of Energy’s (DOE) first ARPA-E conference (Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy) earlier this year in Washington D.C., I was struck by how many venture capitalists were there. I shared a cab back to the airport with some familiar Silicon Valley faces, and was told if your firm didn’t have a dedicated person in Washington — in some circles they call them lobbyists — maneuvering grant and loan programs, you weren’t able to be competitive.

Just look at the figures from the stimulus package (which I am fully in support of): somewhere between $50 billion and $80 billion into clean power and energy efficiency initiatives (depending on how you slice it). The Obama administration has gone out of its way to seek the advice of green-leaning venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in the Valley on how to spend that colossal amount and what programs would be the most affective.

Kleiner Perkins managing partner John Doerr is on President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, and was able to convince Vice President Al Gore to join Kleiner, in addition to former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Kleiner’s investments have had some successful government bids, most notably the $529 million loan to Kleiner portfolio company Fisker Automotive out of the DOE’s highly competitive Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing, or ATVM, program. Fisker plans to use the loan to build its factory and launch its electric vehicle in 2011.

If you remember, another winner of the $25 billion ATVM program was Tesla Motors, which, as most of us know, was backed by venture capitalists from Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Technology Partners, and Vantage Point among others.

I attended Khosla Venture’s LP meeting earlier this year where the firm announced that former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair would be joining the firm as Senior Advisor. Several of my journalism peers were comparing the political influence Blair could wield to what Kleiner was doing with Gore.

The Obama administration appointed former venture capitalist Jonathan Silver as its loan chief to lead both the DOE’s loan guarantee and ATVM loan programs. About a third of the DOE’s loan guarantee commitments went to venture-backed startups, including thin film solar maker Solyndra and solar thermal company BrightSource.

I wondered earlier this year if the loan guarantee for Solyndra wasn’t a mistake, given the company has one of the highest manufacturing costs out of its competitors. The company withdrew its IPO plans, citing poor market conditions. The Government Accountability Office also found that the loan guarantee process treated some companies unfairly in their bids and risked “excluding some potential applicants unnecessarily.”

There’s nothing inherently wrong with venture-backed companies getting government support, and the energy sector needs even more federal funding to create innovation.


Al Gore’s quest to become world’s first ‘carbon billionaire’ – ‘Lavishly’ profited off climate lobbying

New Book: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” By Marc Morano – Available at Amazon & Barnes & Noble

Excerpt: ‘Gore would have personally benefited if the carbon cap-and-trade bill he supported had become law. The media never treated his Congressional testimony in support of the climate bills for what it actually was—a former vice president supporting legislation that would make him richer.’

‘Al Gore Is by Far the Most Lavishly Funded Fossil Fuel Player in the Global Warming Debate Today.’

“Warren Buffett’s vice chairman Charlie Munger told a small meeting of investors in 2017 that Gore is ‘not very smart’ and ‘an idiot’ but he was still able to amass a personal fortune in the investment world. ‘Al Gore has hundreds of millions [of] dollars in your profession. And he’s an idiot. It’s an interesting story.’ Munger added, ‘he’s not very smart. He smoked a lot of pot as he [coasted] through Harvard with a gentleman’s C.’ 

Warren Buffet’s vice chair: Gore’s ‘not very smart’ & ‘an idiot’, but became filthy rich investing in ‘global warming’

By: Marc Morano 

Below is an excerpt from the Amazon.com “Best Seller” “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change” by Marc Morano, released on February 26, 2018. Available at Amazon & Barnes & Noble

Book Chapter Excerpt:

Making Out like a Bandit

…And it’s not just universities, professors, and green organizations that have reaped financial benefits from the climate panic. Former vice president Al Gore has done quite well for himself, too. As Bloomberg News reported, “In the last personal finance report he filed as vice president, Gore disclosed on May 22, 2000, that the value of his assets totaled between $780,000 and $1.9 million.”

Buy by 2007, Gore’s wealth had skyrocketed. By that point he had a net worth “well in excess” of $100 million, including pre–public offering Google stock options, according to an article at Fast Company. MIT scientist Richard Lindzen declared that Gore wanted to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire.” After the Obama administration bloated climate and energy stimulus packages, Gore was on the path to that achievement.

By 2008, Gore was so flush that he announced a $300 million campaign to promote climate fears and so-called solutions. And he just kept raking it in. According to a 2012 Washington Post report, “14 green-tech firms in which Gore invested received or directly benefited from more than $2.5 billion in loans, grants and tax breaks, part of Obama’s historic push to seed a U.S. renewable-energy industry with public money.”

The Post explained that Gore “benefited from a powerful resume and a constellation of friends in the investment world and in Washington. And four years ago, his portfolio aligned smoothly with the agenda of an incoming administration and its plan to spend billions in stimulus funds on alternative energy. The recovering politician was pushing the right cause at the perfect time. Gore’s orbit extended deeply into the administration, with several former aides winning senior clean-energy posts.”

Republican Congressman Fred Upton of Michigan, the chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee, has been a critic of Gore’s profiting off the taxpayer funds using his government connections. Gore’s portfolio “is reflective of a disturbing pattern that those closest to the president [Obama] have been rewarded with billions of taxpayer dollars and benefited from the administration’s green bonanza in the rush to spend stimulus cash.”

Gore was essentially either a founder, a member, or a partner in a whole wide range of groups that were profiting or poised to profit from a green energy stimulus and federally mandated carbon trading schemes if they became law. Gore would have personally benefited if the carbon cap-and-trade bill he supported had become law. The media never treated his Congressional testimony in support of the climate bills for what it actually was—a former vice president supporting legislation that would make him richer. These reports prompted one sarcastic skeptic to suggest, “Maybe Al Gore Should Be the Subject of a RICO Investigation.”

The power of carbon trading schemes to enrich politicians and corrupt politics is one reason that environmental guru James Lovelock has slammed carbon trading, declaring, “Most of the ‘green’ stuff is verging on a gigantic scam. Carbon trading, with its huge government subsidies, is just what finance and industry wanted. It’s not going to do a damn thing about climate change, but it’ll make a lot of money for a lot of people.”

In 2013, Gore sold his Current TV network to the Qatar-funded Al Jazeera for a reported $100 million. The sale inspired this headline at my Climate Depot website: “AlGorjeera—It’s Official: Al Gore Is by Far the Most Lavishly Funded Fossil Fuel Player in the Global Warming Debate Today.”

I asked if the media would now accurately label Gore an industry-funded activist every time they reported on him. Gore had literally sold out to big oil and gas: Al-Jazeera “received its initial funding through a decree from Emir of Qatar, and Qatar gets its wealth from its vast oil and natural gas reserves.”

The freshly laid off staffers from Current TV did not hesitate to lash out at Gore. “Gore’s supposed to be the face of clean energy and just sold [the channel] to very big oil, the emir of Qatar! Current never even took big oil advertising—and Al Gore, that bulls***ter sells to the emir?” declared one former staffer, according to the New York Post. Another staffer commented, “He [Gore] has no credibility.”

Not So Smart

Warren Buffett’s vice chairman Charlie Munger told a small meeting of investors in 2017 that Gore is “not very smart” and “an idiot” but he was still able to amass a personal fortune in the investment world. “Al Gore has hundreds of millions [of] dollars in your profession. And he’s an idiot. It’s an interesting story.” Munger added, “he’s not very smart. He smoked a lot of pot as he [coasted] through Harvard with a gentleman’s C.”

John Denniston – Kleiner Perkins, Cleantech Mob Boss has told his peers that “this was the exact scheme we worked out..” when he was investigated for the article: https://fortune.com/longform/kleiner-perkins-vc-fall/


In https://spectator.org/55623_kleiner-perkins-sorry-it-ever-met-al-gore/

we see the backfire issues along with the reports at: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/nov/03/al-gore-conflict-of-interests

and https://www.salon.com/2007/11/13/gore_kleiner_perkins/

Followed by these revelations: https://www.businessinsider.com/kleiner-perkins-ellen-pao-lawsuit-sex-scandal-silicon-valley-2012-6?op=1

and these: https://www.venturecapitaljournal.com/kleiner-perkins-partner-al-gore/

In work carried out by McKinsey, who was hired by The White House and the Departmemt of Energy, the firm has faced accusations of conflicts of interest, and in some cases has apologized or agreed to costly settlements out of court.

Earlier this year, McKinsey agreed to pay nearly $600 million to settle investigations into its role in helping boost opioid sales. Lawsuits turned up documents showing how McKinsey pushed to ramp up sales of Purdue Pharma’s OxyContin painkiller as a deadly opioid crisis gripped the country. The firm also sought to help Purdue fend off potential regulations by the FDA, even as it did consulting work for the FDA, according to court documents.

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform announced this month that it was launching an investigation into McKinsey’s consulting work for the opioid manufacturers, seeking documents regarding “the company’s conflict of interest, and its apparent failure to monitor and prevent harmful practices.”

McKinsey has come under federal investigation and been sued over allegedly flouting bankruptcy laws that require advisers to be disinterested advocates for clients and to disclose all relationships that might give rise to a conflict of interest.

In 2019, McKinsey paid $15 million to settle an inquiry by a unit of the Justice Department into whether it violated disclosure rules designed to prevent conflicts of interest in corporate bankruptcies. The firm, however, did not admit to any wrongdoing.

Last year, McKinsey agreed to forfeit millions of dollars in fees for advising Westmoreland Coal Co. in its bankruptcy, as part of a deal with federal officials probing Westmoreland’s compliance with bankruptcy laws.

In South Africa, the consulting giant became embroiled in a corruption scandal after authorities began a fraud investigation into a $120 million contract McKinsey had worked on with a public utility company, Eskom. The company had ties to the billionaire Gupta family, close friends of former President Jacob Zuma who were found to have pocketed public funds by South Africa’s anti-corruption watchdog in 2016.

Eskom workers cut illegal connections during a energy management and losses campaign in Gauteng, South Africa, on Sept. 29, 2020.Alet Pretoriu / Gallo Images via Getty Images file

McKinsey issued an apology in 2017 over the Gupta case, saying it was “embarrassed” by the individuals whose work “fell short of our standards.”

There appears to be a pattern of behavior from McKinsey,” said Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H. “Whether it be the health of Americans or the national security of our country, McKinsey has repeatedly taken actions that create serious concerns about conflicts of interest.”

McDonald, author of “The Firm,” said the company’s bankruptcy work, its role in the opioid crisis and other examples show it has failed to regulate itself.

They say the nature of the business is such that we maintain strict confidentiality. OK, well then in that case, you’re the only ones that can regulate this,” McDonald said. “And all the recent evidence in the last few decades suggests that they are either incapable, inept or not inclined to do so.”

Now I would like to tell you about one very interesting character in the US establishment named Al Gore. This is the former US Vice President under Clinton, the presidential candidate in 2000 and the Nobel Peace Prize winner for the film An Inconvenient Truth (2006) about global warming.

His film and book have actually became the foundation for modern climate policy and the public demand for renewable energy sources. One should notice keep in mind that along with the awareness of internal concern for the ecology Al Gore was one of the first who realized the commercial potential in projects devoted to the protection of the environment.

Two years before ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ Al Gore together with Goldman Sachs Chief Asset Manager David Blood has run a new investment company Generation Investment Management. As a result, they both defined terms sustainable investing and ESG.

The former presidential candidate, as we could see, was very good at technology and finance. In 2007, he was suddenly invited to become a partner in Kleiner Perkins — one of the oldest and largest venture funds of Silicone Valley. John Doerr, one of Kleiner Perkins chief partners, joined the advisory board of Generation Investment Management.

J. Doerr, as Al Gore, stood for the

Figure 2: The “3 Musketeers” Of Crony White House Deals

… innovations in clean energy to struggle with climate change. On the TED conference in 2007, he quoted his daughter “your generation created this problem, you better fix it”. That reminds me on Greta Thunberg’s words which would be told later. So that J. Doerr and Al Gore had a similar vision of the future and the month after mentioned partners’ rotation Kleiner Perkins fund invested into Silver Spring Networks. Biden’s daughter, Ashley, left her hand-written diary for journalists to find where she reveals the same thoughts (in addition to her naked shower play with Joe Biden)

By great coincidence, this deal happened a year before the US Department of Energy had announced a $3.4 billion grant program for smart grid developers. In fact, $560 million of this amount was spent to utilities serviced by Silver Spring Networks, which works exactly with smart grids. 6 years later Silver Spring Networks successfully entered an IPO.

Luck literally pursued Kleiner Perkins. In 2008, the fund invested tens of millions dollars in a start-up hybrid cars manufacturer Fisker Automotive. After that, in September 2009, the company received a low-interest $529 million loan under the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing (ATVM) direct loan program from the same US Department of Energy.

Congress passed ATVM in 2007 after a drop in sales in the big three (General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler). The volume of the borrowed capital was $25 billion. The goal of the program was to help the US auto industry to reduce fuel costs because Americans were tend to choose more fuel-efficient Japanese cars. That is, the problem devoted not to ecology issues, but much more to fuel saving.

Again, ATVM passed in 2007, but the allocation of funds began only 2 years later on a competitive basis. In February 2009, 8 months before the government loan to Fisker Automotive, John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins became a member of the Presidential Economic Recovery Advisory Council. The funny thing is that Fisker did not even have manufacturing facilities in the USA and the assembly of their Karma models took place in Finland.

The Obama-Biden administration appointed a venture capitalist from Kleiner Perkins as a member of an economic advisory board. They also signed a government loan for help American automotive industry to a company (without any manufacturing capacity in the United States) that Kleiner Perkins has invested in.

That trick was obviously noticed by the public. Some companies have sued the Department of Energy, Mitt Romney even called on Congress to open an investigation into the loan to Fisker Automotive, pointing out that its investors included Al Gore, who sponsored Obama’s presidential campaign. Nevertheless, somehow all those worries dwindled away as federal cover-ups went into full swing.

Fisker’s plans to start the manufacture at a closed GM plant in Delaware at the expense of a government loan, which GM itself did not receive, deserved special attention. These plans caused some questions among local residents, and then current Vice President Joe Biden, who served as Senator from Delaware from 1973 to 2009, assured people that the budget money for Fisker would be paid off, and the company will eventually return “billions-billions” dollars to everyone.

Running ahead, the budget money didn’t return to taxpayers because Fisker went bankrupt in 2013. From the bankruptcy documents, which fell into the journalists’ hands only 7 years later, it turned out that Hunter Biden (Joe Biden’s son) was an investor of Fisker. However, this fact also faded into oblivion without preventing Biden from gaining 58.8% of the votes in Delaware during the 2020 presidential election.

Let us turn back to Tesla. Only $8.4 billion were allocated from the $25 billion program of help to the American auto industry. Only 5 companies received money, although 108 applications were received. Almost $6 billion went to Ford with a democratically oriented management, $1.5 billion were given to Nissan, about half billion — to Fisker and Tesla and, finally, $50 million came to a less known VPG company.

Surprisingly, the credit limit has not been exhausted, large manufacturers like General Motors or Chrysler did not receive money, but two unprofitable startups from California, selling several hundred cars each, did. We already know the main lobbyists of Fisker — they are Al Gore and John Doerr, who invested in Fisker through Kleiner Perkins. But were they acquainted with Elon Musk? A brief search immediately gave a positive answer to that question.

In 2013, Al Gore, while talking about his new Tesla S in an interview to Yahoo Finance, called Elon Musk his friend. More than that, his son Al Gore III has been in charge of Policy & Business Development at Tesla since 2015. After learning that I immediately went to have a look at the Generation Investment Management profile on CB Insights. It turned out that the Gore fund had invested in Musk’s SolarCity in 2011 and Gore III worked there as a Policy Officer.

Then in 2016, Tesla acquired SolarCity. An unprofitable service company that didn’t even produce solar panels was taken over for a suspiciously large amount of money. Recently it turned out that Elon Musk has faced a $9.4 billion fine for this deal, although the final court decision had not been made yet. It is important that after the takeover in 2018, Al Gore became suddenly nominated for the post of chairman of the Tesla board of directors.

Al Gore rejected that offer but I did not doubt more about his close connection with Tesla. At the same time, I was interested in their possible contacts before receiving the lobbied state subsidies of 2009. That’s why I decided to change the angle and check whether Tesla has a relationship with Kleiner Perkins. Then it turned out that Elon Musk had been friends with John Doerr for a very long time.

In 2006, when Tesla looked for money in round С, Kleiner Perkins fund offered $50 million, while VantagePoint offered $70 million. Despite the huge difference in bids, Musk wanted to strike a deal with Kleiner Perkins but on the condition that John Doerr would sit on the board of directors. Unfortunately, J. Doerr had many other obligations and was forced to refuse. That’s why Musk chose VantagePoint, as he told in an interview.

I went on and learned that the vice president of Tesla in 2006–2017 was Diarmuid O’Connell. As I remember, he was responsible for national security issues under former Secretary of State Colin Powell. He also spoke about Iraq chemical weapons and showed test tube to legitimize the military invasion of Iraq at the UN in 2003.

I wondered how he appeared in that story. However, I didn’t have to look for an answer for a long time, so let us meet Colin Powell, a member of the advisory board of Kleiner Perkins, a strategic partner of the fund in 2005.

There was no direct investment from the fund in the company, nevertheless it seems that there was another strong connection between Kleiner Perkins and Tesla. Is Al Gore really not a government subsidy beneficiary for Tesla? My confirmation bias did not allow this thought to get along in my head. Searching for keywords, I came across publications in Yahoo Finance and Insider Monkey. The articles mentioned Gore’s earlier investment in Tesla.

Keeping in mind that the journalists could simply make a mistake, I began to study which funds were invested in Tesla at earlier stages and whether Al Gore was involved. Finally, I came across an interview with the managing partner of Capricorn Investment Group on the blog of the Japanese financial holding Nomura. He said that Capricorn financed the filming of ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ movie.

Capricorn was founded by Jeffrey Skoll, the former eBay president and billionaire. The fund invested in Tesla together with SpaceX at early stages. Mr Gore brought in $35 million! Can you imagine? “That’s a big wad of cash for someone who reported barely $2 million in assets in 2000, when his job as vice president came to an end”, as the New York Times wrote in 2008.

As a result, Al Gore was the direct beneficiary of providing state loans under the ATVM program for Fisker Automotive and Tesla Motors, in which he owned shares through venture funds Kleiner Perkins and Capricorn Investment Group.

When I proved it, I wanted to learn more about Al Gore’s bio. It has been revealed that after losing the election, in 2001, he became a vice president of Metropolitan West Financial — a company with more than $65 billion in assets under management. The company was managed by former heads of Drexel Burnham Lambert. That was a bankrupt investment bank, which history was very similar to Lehman Brothers.

The same year Mr Gore also joined the Google Advisory Board, in which he invested together with Kleiner Perkins in 1999. Probably that was the time when he met John Doerr. Then, in 2003, the former US presidential candidate became a member of Apple’s board of directors. In addition, the founders of Google were also early investors in Tesla.

It is clear that Albert Gore had many connections in political and financial communities. In 2006, he started a charitable organization The Alliance for Climate Protection. The company launched a $300 million (sic!) ad campaign to mobilize Americans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions immediately. As a result, an “inconvenient truth” was told to everyone.

In 2009, Gore appeared before the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to support Obama’s economic recovery plan. Then the government had passed the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which included an $80 billion stimulus package to promote green energy initiatives. Newspapers called the bill the “biggest energy bill in history”.

The person who owns stakes in Tesla and Fisker first knocks out government loans and then pushes a law according to which manufacturers of electric vehicles should pay fewer taxes, and buyers of electric vehicles should receive tax deductions. Can you imagine?

Surely, Al Gore was not the only one who acted in this process. In 2006, Nick Pritzker, the brother of Hyatt founder, invested in Tesla. His niece Penny Pritzker became the 38th US Secretary of Commerce in Barack Obama’s cabinet, and his nephew was the Governor of Illinois. In general, Pritzker is one of the richest families in the US.

Among of early investors in Tesla there is Steve Westley, a politician and businessman. He has already joined the company’s board of directors in 2007. More than that, during the 2008 presidential election, Westley acted as a co-chairman of California’s Obama for America campaign. Currently, he is a member of the US Department of Energy advisory board.

Al Gore, John Doerr, Nick Pritzker, Steve Westley, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page — all of them were so-called donors and beneficiaries to the Obama campaign. I mentioned only the names from the public access. Let me remind that these people are only mentioned in the context of the Tesla story while the whole green initiative and the Recovery and Reinvestment Act affects a much larger number of companies and investors.

The rapid development of electric vehicle companies is taking place in a distorted market environment. Their commercial success is mainly driven by government incentives unavailable for ICV cars manufacturers.

The US government is literally restructuring the auto market by hand in order to make one guy: Elon Musk, massively rich.. In that case the active discussions about climate change and greenhouse gas emissions could probably be nothing more than a part of a program to reallocate money in the US establishment since Nancy Pelosi, George Soros and The Feinstein family are the true owners of the stock profits from Elon Musk.

However, the question remains whether this is really a good thing, because there is no full consensus in the scientific community regarding the general belief in the environmental friendliness of electric vehicles and the beneficiaries are always the same 50 people associated with Nancy Pelosi.

The FBI, and other law enforcement organizations, define a “cartel” as: ‘An association of industrialists and business firms organized covertly to establish a national, or international monopoly, by price fixing and ownership of controlling stock, to operate a trust or monopoly to reduce competition between themselves by allocating markets, censoring public knowledge, manipulating governments or controlling the price and production of a product or service.’

This case is about a crime “cartel” which operating within government offices.

Every single California Senator, federal public official and White House staffer that we have charged with crimes in the complaint has now been exposed in main stream global media, in tens of thousands of print, web and video news reports as the owners of the stock, and the board members of, the companies that engaged in the crimes. 90% of the political officials charged with these crimes owned the stock of, and received other bribes from, the competitors of Plaintiff:

Almost every start-up and technology that Plaintiff invented and marketed was copied by Kleiner Perkins and their government executives cartel AFTER they requested a copy of Plaintiff’s business plans under confidentiality requirements. The size and scope of the hit job operated against Plaintiff could only have been managed, operated and ordered by the White House in cooperation with contract media assassins that only ever worked for the White House and their intermediaries.

Plaintiff has discussed these issues, in-person with the San Francisco FBI and Washington DC DOJ, for many years but has yet to see any action taken.

The United States Government, through the White House, Department of Energy, SSA, HUD and other agencies ordered, coordinated, funded, operated, managed, approved, over-saw, encouraged and tactic-managed these attacks on Plaintiff using Plaintiff’s own taxpayer monies; thus Plaintiff must be compensated for the damages to him and the losses, therefrom….”