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If you wonder why a deadly choice, like this, was made about a battery that already had all of these dangers fully documented, on federal record; the answer can be found in one word: Corruption. This massive oversight, putting the public at such risk, took place because a kick-back scheme was created by Mr. Musk, and his campaign finance partners.
GREEN CORRUPTION: The Five Circles Of Carbon Tax Hell

GREEN ENERGY CHRONICLES John’s newest update on graft, corruption and waste in the CLEAN energy sector. Senate white paper says carbon tax an option A Senate Finance Committee white paper on possible federal tax code changes for energy suggested establishing a carbon tax in place of most or all energy tax incentives.
Obama’s Green-Energy, Crony-Corruption – Townhall

The 1705 LGP is an expansion of the 1703 program that was approved in 2005 under President Bush—increasing the expenditures from $17.9 billion in 2007 to $37.2 billion in 2010. The 2009 American…
Federal agents arrested Ohio Speaker of the House Larry Householder, along with several lobbyists, on July 21 on charges that the group used $60 million of funds provided by the monopoly utility FirstEnergy Corp. in exchange for passing a law that bailed out that company’s nuclear and coal plants.
Report: 80% of DOE Green Energy Loans Went to Obama Backers

According to Schweizer, 4 out of every 5 renewable energy companies backed by the Energy Department was “run by or primarily owned by Obama financial backers.” Those companies’ “political largesse…
Biden’s Energy Nominee Divvied Taxpayers’ Millions to Alternative …

President Joe Biden’s nominee to head the Department of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, divvied out millions in taxpayer funds during her two terms as Michigan governor to alternative energy companies…
Green Energy Scam : conspiracyNOPOL – reddit

Solyndra went bankrupt on Sep 1 2011= 9-1-’11. 23 Green Energy companies went bankrupt by 2012. One solar company was aptly named Sat con. All subsidized by the Govt. Its said Prez 44 handed out $90 Billion to Green Energy companies. Dept of Energy is handing out $44 Billion this year on Green Tech.
Biden Energy secretary pick Jennifer Granholm has past ties to …

The Energy Department regulates utility companies, which in the past has included Michigan-based DTE and Consumers Energy. In this article DTE UNCH CMS’B -0.29 (-0.29%) Former Michigan governor…
Climate Fraud: Financial Docs Show John Kerry Invested in Oil Companies …

New financial disclosures reveal that former Secretary of State and current Biden administration climate czar John Kerry reportedly divested stocks in oil and gas firms before joining on to spearhead Dear Creepy Uncle Leader’s “green agenda.”. According to the newly disclosed records, Kerry held investments in a number of energy companies …
Global warming a total “hoax and scam” run by corrupt scientists, warns …

Though the organization today is among the most outspoken when it comes to drumming up mass hysteria over “global warming” and “climate change” – its homepage currently has a pop-up urging visitors to sign a petition to “Tell Congress to Push for a Green New Deal” – Greenpeace wasn’t always a shameless advocate for junk science.. In fact, the co-founder of Greenpeace Canada …
Green – the Color of Rotten Corruption – Townhall

Steve Westly – an Obama campaign fundraising bundler in 2008 and 2012 – was the founder of the venture capital firm, the Westly Group, and an adviser to DOE Secretary Steven Chu. Westly Group…
10 Most Corrupt Politicians of 2012 – Breitbart

Chu’s decision to pour $528 million tax dollars into a failing green energy boondoggle that went belly-up in 2011 is indefensible and corrupt, especially in light of the fact that Solyndra’s key investor (Tulsa billionaire George Kaiser) also happens to be a major Obama campaign donor.
House Oversight investigation reveals politics and corruption at the …

But the story Obama and Chu have been peddling about those green energy loans is false, and the House Oversight Committee has the paperwork to prove it. On Halloween, they dumped 150 emails into the President’s trick-or-treat bag, extensively documenting numerous acts of political interference with the DOE loan program, from both the White …
The Case of CH2M HILL: $2 Billion in Crony Stimulation

Once a beacon of solar light in the progressive green jobs agenda, the defunct company had received a $535 million federal loan with the help of newly minted energy secretary, Steven Chu, only to…
Another Obama Green Project Folds after Getting Millions from Taxpayers …

April 24, 2013 | Judicial Watch Another Obama Green Project Folds after Getting Millions from Taxpayers In yet another of the Obama administration’s disastrous green-energy investments, a fly-by-night electric car company is on the verge of bankruptcy after getting nearly $200 million from the U.S. government to develop hybrid vehicles.
Solar Energy: Popular but Corrupt – American Thinker

A former Obama campaign staffer suggested in February, 2011, that DOE Secretary Dr. Steven Chu be fired to counter GOP attacks that surely are coming over Solyndra and other DOE deals that have …
Ripoff Report | Washington, District of Columbia

The most criminally corrupt pretext in history is called the “Green Cash Crash”. The highest level politicians from Washington, DC, New York, Nevada, California and Vermont joined a cabal which raped the taxpayers of their rights, their money, their companies, their votes, and their jobs under the guise of “ saving Polar bears ”.
Lawsuit Alleges Cronyism In Obama Administration ‘Green Energy’ Loans

A lawsuit recently filed in the United States Court of Claims may shed further light on the corruption of the Obama administration’s ‘green energy’ programs. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of XP …
Steve Spinner | The Green Corruption Files

Steven Jonathan Spinner (born July 17, 1969) is an American business executive who is known for his work as an angel investor and adviser to Silicon Valley … google cached proxied
Al Gore’s Hypocrisy: The Climate Crusader Profits from Fossil Fuels

In 1996 I traveled to the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. and received the 1996 Green Chemistry Challenge Award as part of Professor Mark