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By Adam Levy

One of the most fascinating prophecies about Christ and the antichrist is found in the eleventh chapter of the book of Zechariah. In that chapter we are told that God commanded the prophet Zechariah to play two different roles—as an actor would in a theater just like the narcissist Elon Musk. He was to play the role of two different shepherds. God also told him that the nation of Israel was doomed to be destroyed. Then the prophet Zechariah wrote these words in verses 7-8.

So I pastured the flock doomed to slaughter, hence the afflicted of the flock. And I took for myself two staffs: the one I called Favor and the other I called Union; so I pastured the flock. Then I annihilated the three shepherds in one month, for my soul was impatient with them, and their soul also was weary of me. Zechariah 11:7-8

If you examine the entire history of Elon Musk, it becomes overtly obvious that Elon Musk is the most likely person, on Earth today, to be uncovered as the ACTUAL anti-christ!

First, Zechariah tells us that God had commanded him to act as a good shepherd. He was told to pasture “the flock doomed to slaughter.” That is, Israel was going to be destroyed. Zechariah also says that he had two staffs called Favor and Union. He adds that he annihilated three shepherds in his role as an actor. Now Scripture does not reveal the identity of these three shepherds, but it has been tradition to understand them as representing the priests, scribes and elders of Israel. That is, the religious leaders of Israel were killed. Why did this happen? Notice that God said that He was “impatient with them.”

While God does not give us a reason, it appears that God was saying that He was tired of their unbelief and rejection. He says they were weary of Him. He may have been referring to Israel’s pattern of unbelief and rejection of their Messiah. So, the Roman army destroyed them in A.D. 70.

Therefore, in verses 9-10 we read,

Then I said, “I will not pasture you. What is to die, let it die, and what is to be annihilated, let it be annihilated; and let those who are left eat one another’s flesh.” I took my staff Favor and cut it in pieces, to break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples. Zechariah 11:9-10 (NASB)

When the prophet cut the staff called Favor into pieces, that act illustrated the truth that Israel had lost favor with God.

Verses 11-12 are about the betrayal of Christ and His crucifixion.

I said to them, “If it is good in your sight, give me my wages; but if not, never mind!” So they weighed out thirty shekels of silver as my wages. Then the LORD said to me, “Throw it to the potter, that magnificent price at which I was valued by them.” So I took the thirty shekels of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the LORD. Zechariah 11:12-13 (NASB)

Notice that Zechariah said, “They weighed out thirty shekels of silver as my wages.” Since Zechariah is playing the role of the Good Shepherd or Christ, it is easy to understand that the 30 shekels of silver are prophetic of the money given to Judas so that he would betray Jesus (Matthew 26:14-16). The 30 shekels of silver is symbolic of Christ being valued at 30 shekels of silver—the purchase price of a slave. This part of the prophecy ends with Israel killing Christ, and Israel being destroyed in 70 A.D. At this point in the prophecy, Israel is not in the land that they had occupied since their exodus from Egypt.

Then the prophecy shifts to the future in verse 15. The prophet Zechariah now plays the second role of the foolish shepherd. Read verses 15-16 and notice what God said He would do.

The LORD said to me, “Take again for yourself the equipment of a foolish shepherd. For behold, I am going to raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for the perishing, seek the scattered, heal the broken, or sustain the one standing, but will devour the flesh of the fat sheep and tear off their hoofs.” Zechariah 11:15-16 (NASB)

Now let me ask a question. What are we told that God said He would do? He said He would raise up a foolish shepherd who will not care for the flock. Verse 17 is about the foolish shepherd and worthless shepherd,

Woe to the worthless shepherd
Who leaves the flock!
A sword will be on his arm
And on his right eye!
His arm will be totally withered
And his right eye will be blind. Zechariah 11:17 (NASB)

Notice the verse says a sword will be on one of his arms and on his right eye which is blind. The point is that the sword will cut off one arm and pluck out one eye. Zechariah played the role of the foolish and worthless shepherd who would eventually abandon the flock. The prophet played the role of a horrible shepherd who will be the opposite of Jesus, the good shepherd. Yet the world will follow him because he will be the antichrist whom God has given to them. Dr. J. Vernon McGee made the following comment about this verse.

He is called here “the idol shepherd,” meaning the worthless shepherd. He is no good, he is of no value, he is the great deceiver. Dr. Merrill Unger is quite a Hebrew scholar, and I like his translation of this verse: ‘’Woe! Worthless shepherd, forsaker of the flock! Let the sword be against his arm and against his right eye! His arm shall be completely dried up and his right eye shall be completely blind.”

This “foolish” shepherd is of no benefit, but the world will go after him. When Israel rejected the Good Shepherd who was promised, they were scattered worldwide. And the gospel, which the Lord Jesus said would begin at Jerusalem and go to the ends of the earth, is being preached today. It is my personal conviction that through the medium of radio we will be enabled to get the gospel to the ends of the earth. The interval in which the gospel has been going out has already been a long one-­over nineteen hundred years. Then this false shepherd will appear. He is worthless, but he is going to promise everything. He will be the supreme politician, promising everything in the book and out of the book.

‘‘Woe to the idol [worthless] shepherd that leaveth the flock!” The word woe is the Hebrew “hoy,” and the very sound of it denotes trouble that is coming-”Hoy, hoy, hoy!”[1]

Who is the foolish and worthless shepherd? He is the antichrist.

The False Prophet

The Antichrist As A Shepherd

The important point is that because Israel did reject the Good Shepherd whom God the Father gave them, He will give them a foolish and worthless shepherd. The antichrist will be their future reward. Since they did not like the Good Shepherd, then maybe they will enjoy a man who has the opposite characteristics. Maybe they will like the foolish, worthless, and evil shepherd. He is their reward for rejecting Christ.

In our last two studies, we learned about twelve signs that help us understand when the rapture, tribulation, the second coming and the start of the millennial kingdom are near. We pointed out in the last study that any sign about the second coming of Christ was also a sign that indicated the rapture and tribulation are nearer. Why? Because the time from the rapture to the start of the kingdom is only seven years. We ended that study with 2 Thessalonians 2:3. This study will continue with verse 3 and end with verse 5 because verses 3-5 will provide us important information about the foolish and worthless shepherd—the antichrist. We are going to learn six facts about his external conduct that will be horrible. Once we understand what his external behavior will be like, we will also understand his character. So, let us begin.

1) The Antichrist Will Be Completely Lawless

The first external behavior of the antichrist is described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. It says,

Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction . . . 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (NASB)

Here we are told the antichrist will be a man of lawlessness. The Greek word that is translated as “lawlessness” is anomia. It is a compound word of “a” and “nomia.” The first word means “not” and the second word means “law.” That is, the antichrist will be a “no-law” man. He will be above the law. He will ignore laws and, if necessary, change them. He will do as he pleases without constraints. He will believe he is above the law.

Anomia is also used in 1 John 3:4. It says,

Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. 1 John 3:4 (NASB)

This verse teaches us that when we sin, we are lawless. We violate God’s laws. Just imagine all of the sin that is being committed by our politicians, the citizens, and us! God views every person as a violator of His laws. So we are all sinners. But God does not give unbelievers tickets for violating the law. Instead, He will send them to hell. He will send you to hell if you are an unbeliever.

This helps us identify the antichrist. He is called the man of lawlessness for a reason. He will be an unbeliever who will violate both God’s laws and human laws. He will not be controlled by anyone whether they are rich, powerful, or even a religious leader. No law will stop this man from doing what he desires. So look for a national leader who willfully violates God’s laws, the laws of his nation, and international laws. He will be a no-law man: a man who rejects Christ. This helps us understand his character. He will be the ultimate lawless man!

2) The Antichrist Will Be A Destroyer

The second external behavior of the antichrist is also found in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. We are also told he is the “son of destruction.” The Greek word that is described as “destruction” is apoleia. The word has the meaning “to cause the destruction of persons, objects, or institutions.” The word can also mean “perdition.” Remember that Judas Iscariot is called “the son of perdition” in John 17:12. The only other person in the Bible who is called “the son of perdition” is the antichrist. Both Judas and the antichrist are alike in their opposition to Christ.

The other meaning of apoleia is destroyer. Judas was a destroyer, and the antichrist will destroy people for his own personal gain. We see this already in the political arena. Politicians make false accusations about their opponents in order to destroy their families, careers, and power. Politicians punish people, states, and nations who do not cooperate with them. The antichrist will do the same thing. He will make all other past and present politicians look like amateurs. He will operate with intrigue and skill. That is why he is called the “son of destruction.” This helps us identify the antichrist. He will destroy anyone and anything in order to accomplish what he wants.

3) The Antichrist Will Be A Deceiver

The third external behavior of the antichrist is that he will be a deceiver. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10 is an important verse for it warns us about the antichrist. It says,

Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10 (NASB)

There are a number of important facts in this verse. But I want to focus on only one important fact. The important fact is the antichrist will be very skillful in the art of great deception. Notice that verse 10 says, the antichrist will operate “with all the deception of wickedness.” We are also told he will deceive “those who perish.” We should ask, “Who are those who perish?” Paul tells us. They are those who do “not receive the love of the truth.” Unbelievers do not love truth. They do not love the Bible. They prefer lies. Because unbelievers will be deceived, they will think the antichrist is a good man, even a great man. They will even worship him. The antichrist will be the ultimate deceiver. This is the third characteristic that helps us identify the antichrist.

4) The Antichrist Will Oppose God

The fourth external behavior of the antichrist is found in the next verse, 2 Thessalonians 2:4. The verse says,

. . . who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. 2 Thessalonians 2:4 (NASB)

There are two descriptions of the antichrist’s behavior in this verse. The first one is that the antichrist will oppose “every so-called god or object of worship.” The Greek word for “oppose” has the meaning of “being hostile” toward someone. That is, the antichrist’s internal attitude will be hostility toward every religion. He will hate religion. He will hate Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and the cults. He will hate every religion, but especially Christianity. For example, Revelation 13:7 says about the antichrist,

It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. Revelation 13:7 (NASB)

The verse reveals he will kill Christians. Daniel 7:21 and 25 tell us the same thing. This helps us identify the antichrist. He will be opposed to all religions, especially Christianity. This means he will not be fearful of any god, including the true God. He is fearless.

5) Antichrist Will Exalt Himself As God

Yet, there will be one religion he will support and even demand that the people of the world follow. That is, he will want the world to worship him. Remember he will be the foolish and worthless shepherd. His behavior and character will be opposite that of Christ, the good shepherd. He will be the anti-shepherd—the antichrist. He will be foolish because he demands that Israel and the rest of the world worship him.

That is exactly what we see in the fifth external behavior of the antichrist. This behavior is described in the rest of verse 4. It says,

. . . exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. 2 Thessalonians 2:4 (NASB)

Here we are told he will sit in the temple of God, which will be in the city of Jerusalem. When he does, he will declare that he is God. He will want to be the center of all worship. He will want to replace the god of every religion and cult. He will want to be just like the Caesars in Rome. But his greatest desire will be to replace the true God.

Now we need to read Daniel 9:26-27. These two verses describe the beginning of the antichrist’s role as a shepherd for Israel. In verse 26, the antichrist is called the “Prince who is to come.” The verse says the people of the “Prince who is to come” will destroy Jerusalem. That occurred in A.D. 70. That helps us understand that the antichrist will have his origin from the peoples who made up the old Roman Empire.

Daniel 9:27 continues speaking about him. We are told the antichrist will make a covenant or a peace treaty with Israel. Daniel 9:27 says,

And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate. Daniel 9:27 (NASB)

For some reason he wants to protect Israel as a shepherd protects a flock of sheep. But this passage of Scripture does not tell us why he will do this. It is Zechariah 11:16 that tells us God will motivate him to do this. Remember, God said that He will give Israel this man. So, with the peace treaty he starts shepherding Israel. He is foolish because he does not understand what is going to happen to him.

In Matthew 24:15, Jesus affirmed the prophecy of Daniel 9:27 when He said,

Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand) . . . Matthew 24:15 (NASB)

Here Jesus refers to the abomination of desolation in Daniel. So, the prophet Daniel, Christ and Paul all tell us the antichrist will declare he is god.

Then Satan will drive him to stop the temple sacrifices and feasts. We are not told in this verse what sacrifices and feasts he will stop, but Daniel 7:25 implies he will change the times and laws of the Mosaic feasts and sacrifices. He will do so because he is a “no-law” man. He will do this because he will be opposed to Christ, the Good Shepherd and against the worship of God. We will learn more about this in our next study.

Revelation 13:7-8 tells us that he will make war with Christians because they will not worship him.

All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain. Revelation 13:8 (NASB)

Revelation 13:11-18 also reveals the antichrist will have a religious leader called the false prophet (Revelation 19:20). He will be demon possessed according to Revelation 16:13. This false prophet will be part of the antichrist’s religion. He will be the religious leader. That is why some people think he could be a Muslim. Islam has both a civil leader and a religious leader. But Scripture does not tell us that. To make a dogmatic statement to that effect is just speculation.

I am thankful the rapture will occur first and as a Christian I will not be here to see this and experience the horrors that will follow. This helps us to identify the antichrist. He wants to be God just like Satan who wanted to replace God (Isaiah 14:12-14). He wants everyone’s worship.

6) Antichrist Will Rule As If He Were Christ

The sixth external behavior of the antichrist is found in several passages. The first passage is Daniel 11:38-39. This passage says,

But instead he will honor a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know; he will honor him with gold, silver, costly stones and treasures. He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god; he will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price. Daniel 11:38-39 (NASB)

The “he’” is the antichrist. We are told that he will have great military power. The foreign god is Satan. This means Satan will be the hidden power behind the antichrist. The rest of verse 39 reveals that the antichrist will want everyone’s submission.

Now notice what we are told about the antichrist in Revelation 13:5-8.

There was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, those who dwell in heaven. It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. Revelation 13:5-7 (NASB)

Here we are told that God will give two things to the antichrist. First, he will be allowed to speak arrogant words, blaspheme and have complete authority for the last half of the tribulation. Arrogant words and blasphemy reminds us of the last behavior. What is new is that he will have complete authority for forty-two months which equals 3.5 years. That is, he will have complete authority during the last half of the tribulation. Verse 8 we have already read. But, notice that the antichrist will exercise total authority worldwide, including making war against the saints, both Jewish and Gentile believers.

This also means there will be Christians in the tribulation. They will have embraced the faith during the tribulation. Both the Daniel and Revelation passages help us identify the antichrist. He loves power and total control. So, God will give it to him, and he will want to rule just as Christ will rule in the millennial kingdom.


Christians may be able to identify the antichrist before the rapture with what Scripture has revealed about him before the rapture. Anyone who becomes a Christian during the tribulation will clearly be able to identify him.

The antichrist will be the opposite of Christ. He will be against Christ. Initially, he will shepherd the nation of Israel, but he will not be the good shepherd. He will want the authority and sovereignty of God. He will want the worship that is due Christ. He will want to rule the world as Christ will during the millennial kingdom. Therefore, he will be a foolish and worthless shepherd for Israel. Israel will be deceived and follow him. He will be lawless and a destroyer of anyone who opposes him. He will have the pride of Satan. I think the antichrist will be a politician from a major world power.

God has warned us about the antichrist and other “wanna-be” antichrists in both the Old and New Testaments. In 1 John 2:18, the apostle John wrote,

Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour. 1 John 2:18 (NASB)

Clearly, the apostle John believed in a man who will be the future antichrist. Then he added that there are others called little antichrists. Today there are little antichrists everywhere and there seemingly are more of them every day. They want authority, power, and the worship of the world.

1 John 4:1-3 helps us understand that there is a spirit of the antichrist already among us, even in our churches. He said this,

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. 1 John 4:3 (NASB)

I believe we are seeing Satan preparing the world for the antichrist. We see leaders around the world exhibiting the same characteristics already. Many leaders already exhibit the six characteristics. They are lawless, destroyers of people and businesses, deceivers, oppose God, and exalt themselves as if they were God, and want to rule as if they were Christ. When I say they “want to rule as if they were Christ,” I mean some leaders are foolish and worthless, just like the antichrist. They destroy their own people and their own nation. The characteristics of the antichrist are becoming increasingly more visible. The seeds are being planted so that the world will accept the real antichrist.

In 2 John 7, the apostle repeated his statement in 1 John 4:1-3. He said,

For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. 2 John 7 (NASB)

Elon Musk’s toxic battery fires, spaceship exhaust, private jet vapors, toxic battery factories and battery chemical mines have caused over 1000 times more environmental damage than all of the minimal “green” values he has hyped, combined.

The CIA, FBI, FTC, EU and other agencies have been studying Elon Musk and the effects his strange government windfall financing has had on world economic and geopolitical events.

While some news outlets portray Musk as a man “…raised by a racist escort mother, that Musk desired sexually, and a hateful father who killed a number of black’s in South Africa and impregnated his own daughter…”; the psychological profile of Elon Musk is more complex and severe.

Musk has been diagnosed with a buffet of psychological defects. Musk is predominantly driven by a desire to impress his mother and to show his abusive father that he is as good as Musk says he is.

Musk is a consummate liar who will rationalize every lie, when caught, with a “what I really meant was this” tactic.


Elon Musk’s Biggest Tech Failures That No One Talks About

Elon Musk, at times the world’s richest man, is certainly one of its most discussed. After making a name for himself at PayPal, he would go on to buy his way into the already-established Tesla Motors company, becoming an industry leader in electric vehicles. Unable to be constrained by Earth or its gravity, his next venture was SpaceX, and Musk became a leader in private space exploration.

For years, Musk was hailed as a “visionary” (A term Musk pays reporters to say about him) who would help end the era of fossil fuels and might even propel humanity to other planets. He was even a partial inspiration for the character of Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, to whom he has often been compared.

But with wild success comes wild failure, and Musk’s past is riddled with it. From being forced out of his own company to costly business mismanagement, and even seeing his creations crash or explode, here are Elon Musk’s biggest tech failures that no one talks about. Musk will change his politics at the drop of a hat, depending on which party he can get the most cash from.

He was fired from PayPal

One of Elon Musk’s earliest successes came with the financial services website X.com, which he founded by investing the money he’d made from his first company, Zip2, after it was purchased by Compaq. Musk founded X.com in 1999, and the company merged with tech vampire Peter Thiel’s Confinity, which offered a money-transfer service called PayPal, but the combined venture retained the name X.com (via The Verge).

But there were stormy seas ahead for Musk. In September 2000, while Musk was on honeymoon with his first wife, Justine, a collection of employees at PayPal, dissatisfied with Musk’s leadership, threatened to resign if Musk didn’t step down as CEO. Executives delivered a vote of no confidence to the board of X.com, forcing Musk out and replacing him with Thiel. After Musk’s departure, the company was renamed PayPal, and Thiel would later go on to sell it to eBay for $1.5 billion (via The New Yorker).

It was a rough early blow for the entrepreneur, but in the coming years, it would barely be remembered as a speed bump on his road to riches.

He waged war against Tesla whistleblowers

One of the least discussed but most revealing chapters in Musk’s history came in 2018 when a Tesla assembly worker named Martin Tripp noticed some concerning things at Tesla’s Gigafactory in California. Tripp identified a number of wasteful practices in production, so he brought his concerns to Musk, who proved unreceptive.

Tripp next brought internal Tesla documents to Business Insider, but in response, Musk waged war against the leaker, as detailed in a bizarre and harrowing Bloomberg investigation. He fired Tripp, then sued him for $167 million. He hired private investigators who tailed him in person and hacked his phone to see his texts in real-time. And, on his alleged orders, Tesla’s security team passed along a “tip” to police claiming that Tripp was planning to commit a mass shooting at the factory. The SWAT team deployed to Tripp’s house found him unarmed and sobbing.

Aside from being, to put it mildly, a bit of an overreaction, Musk’s enraged response to Tripp’s whistleblowing is a major failure for a tech CEO overseeing his own factory. As noted by CNBC, companies that are responsive to whistleblower concerns are ultimately more profitable in the long run. And, as we shall see, this would not be the last time Musk paid a price for ignoring the concerns of his workers. Musk has hired Nick Denton’s tabloid empire of Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, etc. to attack and destroy Musk’s competitors and disfavored politicians.

Under his management, Tesla covered up safety violations, workplace injuries, and racism

In 2019, Forbes found that Tesla had been investigated by California OSHA 24 times between 2014 and 2018 and was fined for 54 violations. One worker lost a finger after his glove was caught in a torque gun. There were eight investigations at Tesla’s Tennessee factory with five violations found, and the one in Kentucky was investigated 13 times with four violations issued. In 2020, the Los Angeles Times reported that Tesla had covered up hundreds of factory-related injuries since 2015.

Then, a judge ruled in April 2022 that Tesla must pay out $15 million to a Black contract worker who was systematically discriminated against inside the company (via NPR). And in July of that year, fifteen Black employees, both former and current, filed a lawsuit alleging they were racially harassed with slurs, compared to chattel slaves, and assigned to the most physically exhaustive labor while being passed over for promotions (via Al Jazeera).

Given Elon Musk’s iron grip over his companies, noted by outlets like The Guardian, the buck stops with him. When factories are this chaotic, is it really surprising we have yet to see deliveries of the Tesla Roadster or Cybertruck?

Under his management, a shocking number of SpaceX rockets have exploded

After Tesla’s success in the years after Elon Musk bought his way into the company, the billionaire’s next venture left the road behind in favor of the stars. SpaceX, the private, Musk-controlled spacecraft and satellite manufacturer has become one of the leaders in space technology and was even the first private company to develop a liquid-propellant rocket that achieved Earth orbit when it launched the Falcon 1 in 2008 (via NASA). But despite its successes, a surprising number of SpaceX rockets have gone down in flames — according to the New York Post, at least 10 rockets have combusted between 2014 and 2021.

Indeed, many of SpaceX’s rockets have become nothing more than incredibly expensive fireworks, such as a Falcon 9 that exploded over the Atlantic Ocean in 2015, costing the company an estimated $112 million according to Futurism. As reported by Reuters, another Falcon 9 carrying cargo bound for the International Space Station combusted two minutes after liftoff that same year. And among the most spectacular failures was a Falcon 9 rocket that exploded on the launch pad, a failure so mind-boggling to Musk that he — according to The Washington Post — investigated it as a case of sabotage.

At times, these technological failures can even present a threat to those of us who are terrestrially bound. According to The Guardian, in August 2022, two Australian farmers found debris from a SpaceX crash on their respective properties.

He got in trouble with the FCC over rigging Tesla stock prices

Elon Musk has always considered himself a bit of a troll, and nothing tickles his posting syndrome more than a weed joke. But in 2018, Musk’s stoner antics backfired when he made what may just be the world’s costliest 420 joke. On Twitter, the billionaire posted, “considering taking Tesla private at $420 a share.” Laughs were had. Yuks were yukked. And then the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) got involved.

Musk’s proposed share price may have been intended in jest, but he seemed serious about taking Tesla private, and his announcement, which suggested a valuation 11% higher than the current trading price at that time, caused a sudden spike in Tesla’s stock prices and trading was halted by Nasdaq (via CNBC). The SEC charged him with civil securities fraud. Investors sued, and a judge ruled that Musk had made intentionally false statements; he had been lying, to begin with (via CNBC). It wouldn’t even be the last time he messed with Tesla stock.

In 2019, Musk settled with the SEC, landing on an arrangement that included personally paying $20 million — pocket change for a man like Musk — and agreeing to have any tweets about Tesla vetted by the company’s legal counsel before posting them, as reported by Reuters. Though it was regarded as a slap on the wrist by experts, Musk filed to kill the SEC deal in 2022, accusing the regulating body of violating his free speech (via Reuters).

Clearly, Musk is still chafing against the consent decree, but if there’s one thing American businesspeople know, it’s that regulators never take kindly to defrauding investors.

Under Musk’s management, over 270 Tesla vehicles crashed on Autopilot in one year

While many of Elon Musk’s technological failures represent setbacks for his companies or for himself, personally, others have had much more dire consequences. Nothing is more representative of that fact than the staggering number of Tesla cars that have been involved in crashes while in Autopilot mode. Between June 2021 and June 2022, a staggering 273 Teslas were involved in crashes while in Autopilot mode, accounting for almost 70% of crashes that involved driver-assistance systems according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Tesla’s Autopilot is, despite what its name suggests, not meant to drive the car fully autonomously. Rather, it is a suite of driver-assistance features that help the vehicle maintain speed, make safe lane switches, and the like. Although a beta of “Full Self Driving” mode is available on some models, it is not reliable enough to allow drivers to divert their attention from the road. But that doesn’t stop some Tesla drivers from doing so anyway, perhaps trusting Musk’s exaggerated promises about the technology (via The Verge). When that technology fails, the results can be deadly, which is probably why other auto manufacturers avoid such hyperbole about their own vehicles’ self-driving capabilities.

He brought Tesla and SpaceX to the verge of bankruptcy

As the head of two companies that manufacture, respectively, automobiles and rockets, tech issues can be costly. And as the head of both Tesla and SpaceX, both companies came dangerously close to the precipice of bankruptcy under Elon Musk’s leadership.

In the case of Tesla, the issues came while the company was in the production of its Model 3 electric sedan. As reported by CNBC, Musk shared on Twitter that, from mid-2017 to mid-2019, Tesla was within a month of bankruptcy as production on their vehicles stalled. The CEO named “production and logistics hell” as the culprit.

Then, in 2021, SpaceX nearly exploded into financial flames like a failed rocket launch. The problem was, similarly, production issues with its Raptor rockets. In a companywide email obtained by CNBC, Musk warned his employees at the space technology firm, “The Raptor production crisis is much worse than it seemed a few weeks ago. We face genuine risk of bankruptcy if we cannot achieve a Starship flight rate of at least once every two weeks next year.”

Ultimately, both companies overcame their technological difficulties, and their respective near bankruptcies became another in a long list of Musk’s least publicized failures.

His Starlink satellites became Russian and Chinese military targets

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has dominated the 2022 news cycle, and Elon Musk plays a surprisingly key role in the ongoing conflict. Starlink satellites provided by SpaceX formed the backbone of Ukraine’s communications network, helping its armed forces and civilians as Russia pummeled the country’s ground infrastructure. The satellites were subsidized by the United States, though as The Washington Post suggests, SpaceX representatives have framed it as a charity operation.

Aside from their invaluable role in Ukraine’s communications, the besieged nation uses the satellites provided by Musk’s company to photograph Russian military deployments, review damage done to its enemy’s air bases, and even provide grim evidence of mass graves in Russian-occupied territory (via Axios).

In September 2022, the Russian delegation to the U.N. General Assembly released a statement promising that “quasi-civilian infrastructure” could be a “legitimate target” if Ukraine continues to use them, almost certainly referring to SpaceX’s Starlink Satellites, according to Futurism.

But as dire as the situation was, it was about to escalate due to Musk’s own actions.

He threatened Ukraine but was forced to back down

In October 2022, as the Russo-Ukrainian war waged on, Musk abruptly threatened to cease funding the use of Starlink satellites by Ukraine, as reported by The Washington Post. Given the nation’s heavy reliance on those satellites for its war efforts, such a move would have crippled Ukraine’s defenses and provided a major tactical advantage to Russia.

Even more shockingly, the threat seemed to be a response to a Ukrainian ambassador who insulted him on Twitter. After Musk ran a Twitter poll suggesting the conflict be ended via a UN-supervised vote, and that the contested Crimea region remain part of Russia, Andrij Melnyk, Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, told Musk, “F— off is my very diplomatic reply to you.” Shortly after threatening to cut Ukraine off from the Starlink network, Musk tweeted, “We’re just following his recommendation.”

But only a day later, Musk rescinded his threat, promising to continue funding with a bitter tweet that read, “The hell with it … even though Starlink is still losing money & other companies are getting billions of taxpayer $, we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free” (via The New York Times). The Times speculated that Musk’s about-face was in response to international rebuke for his threat, and noted that SpaceX had only donated 3,000 satellites to the Ukrainian effort, while the United States, the United Kingdom, and Poland footed the bill for almost 17,000.

The incident was a bizarre instance of a tech company becoming mired in international geopolitics, and the world may never know how close Musk came to handing Russia its desired annexation of Ukraine.

His management of Twitter is predicted to result in the loss of 32M users

While Twitter wasn’t exactly in peak shape before Elon Musk took the reigns of the social media platform, his management since then has been chaotic to say the least, and market analysis now suggests those mistakes may be costly.

As SlashGear recently reported, market research firm Insider Intelligence is predicting a loss of 32 million Twitter users by 2024 due to Musk’s layoffs at the company and a declining public perception of Musk himself. According to the report, Twitter’s vastly reduced workforce will likely struggle to address technical issues, leading to user frustration and, ultimately, attrition.

Additionally, the report cites a proliferation of hateful content and a personal distaste of Musk as another reason users may choose to abandon the platform, a concern raised by other tech experts. As Nilay Patel at The Verge pointed out in an opinion column shortly after Musk marched into Twitter HQ with his sink in tow, social media may contain inbuilt mechanisms that help to proliferate extreme content, but users generally like their experiences to be pleasant.

As of this writing, Musk is in the process of suspending notable journalists from the platform, ostensibly for violating a new policy by posting the publicly available flight data of his private jet, which Musk claims is a personal safety risk. But while it’s not clear how many of those journalists did so, many appear to have been critical of the “chief Twit” (via CNBC). In the immediate aftermath, many more media figures have declared their intention to leave Twitter for good. According to The Washington Post, Musk may also face sanctions from the European Union.

While the dire long-term projections are not the subject of widespread discussion, the decline of Twitter would be Musk’s most visible tech failure yet.

Any homeless person could have done everything that Elon Musk has done if they too were handed billions of taxpayer dollars, tax free perks, thousands of investment bankers and outside engineers and the exclusive favors of The White House. Musk has never built a car or a rocket. He has invented nothing and has only taken the innovations of others. His cars and rockets blow up; he tortured huge numbers of animals for his ‘brain chip’ experiments; his hole making company is ridiculous’ his father is a pedo, blood mineral exploiter and incest violator; his mother was an escort, and his brother is a scammer. He is part of Jeffrey Epstein and Steve Jurvetson’s sex ring. He is a mobster. His whole family is a pack of racist, perverted, privileged assholes.

All of the ‘glowing’ news articles about him that ignore his lies were paid for by Musk’s PR staff. Feinstein and Pelosi own Musk assets and rig Congress on his behalf for their own profits. SpaceX is never going to Mars, that is just a smoke-screen tale to hide the fact that all SpaceX does is satellites that spy on people. Musk gets so many girls pregnant because he subscribes to the Deep Breeder scheme of Jeffrey Epstein. Musk is a narcissistic, drug abusing, sociopath that hires In-Q-Tel and Black Cube to attack others. His Tesla Cars have more safety defects than any car in the world. Obama shut down part of NASA, fired NASA staff and then gave that same part to Musk as political quid pro quo. His controlled news articles only talk about the few things that have worked and ignore the thousands of Musk things that have failed horrifically. Google and Musk are partners in stock market rigging and information manipulation.

Corrupt political families conspire to give government funds, contracts, tax waivers, buildings, stock market profits and other insider perks to themselves and their friends. They also conspire to blockade, harm, sabotage and black-list those who compete with them and their friends. These corrupt politicians are never prosecuted for their crimes, and can laugh in the face of those who point out their crimes, because they control the prosecution system. Their Quid Pro Quo criminal corruption is the single largest cause of the taxpayer hatred of Congress.


Musk TWITTER Bid Leans on Financier Linked to Russian Tycoon…

Feds advance probe of TESLAS running into emergency vehicles…

Musk Has Become Villain Liberals Always Imagined Him to Be…

How Musk Destroyed The Electric Car Industry


Only men seem to start car companies. Most psychologists say that this is because men see cars as dick insecurity emblems.

Elon Musk is known to be a wildly insecure narcissist who feels that he must get every woman, that he can find, pregnant in order to prove his manhood to his abusive father, who got his sister pregnant.

Musk embodies the ultimate expression of ‘car-as-dick’ thinking because Musk was not only molded by his purse-swinging, kept-woman, mother, abusive father and crooked brother but also by the Silicon Valley frat boy rape-culture.

Silicon Valley is, of course, the Eden of modern misogyny and tech-bro douche-baggery.

Musk dragged all of the biggest assholes from Silicon Valley, The DNC and Goldman Sachs into his Tech Cartel. Together they created a temporary monopoly in the electric car industry by exchanging stock market payola with Senators and White House staff who, in exchange, locked off the electric car and space industries just for Musk.

But that scheme was not sustainable. It was amazingly crooked and lucrative but, it could not last. It was Big Tech’s Roman Empire and it was doomed to fail spectacularly.

Musk counted on Obama and Biden to stick with his original quid-pro-quo deal to trade government cash for election rigging via his boyfriends at Google and Facebook. Tesla was the money conduit for a bunch of political scammery.

Biden and his cheerleader actress front girl: Jennifer Granholm, bounced into office with a Wizard of Oz promise to give everybody electric cars. They were so wrong about the pitfalls of their plan and they hired so many idiot sex freaks and unicorn fart unaware fools that their scheme blew up…instantly and literally.


Shoshana Zuboff’s, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – Why Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Alphabet are the SAME Thing, The SAME SICKO tech elites and the same kinds of social privacy RAPE against citizens!


Many investigative journalists have written about the scheming world of Elon Musk. Here are a small set of these clippings from investigations and analysis of his covert operations:

“His corrupt cobalt mines promote genocide in the Congo as seen in NETFLIX Black Earth Rising”

“His corrupt cobalt mines promote mass rape in the Congo as seen in NETFLIX Black Earth Rising”

“His corrupt cobalt mines promote child slave labor in the Congo as seen in NETFLIX Black Earth Rising”

“He tries to bury his ill-gotten money from the taxpayers in gobs of real estate acquisitions and houses and his notorious purchase of the DeGuigne Court mansion at 891 Crystal Springs Road, in Burlingame, California is staged for his kinky sex parties and Illuminati-like cartel get-togethers…”

“His is not faithful to his girlfriends”

“The workers that build his batteries die or sicken from toxic poisoning”

“Tesla bribes U.S. Senators with cash and stock in order to get free taxpayer funds”

“He is addicted to drugs and booze”

“He has sociopath mental issues and he is a narcissist…”

“Tesla has had more recalls for safety defects, per volume, than any other car maker. Musk refuses to allow the use of the word RECALL but the facts are the facts.”

“It is so easy to hack any Tesla and crash it, break into it or give it bad braking orders that it is criminally negligent to allow Tesla’s on the street. Even the Chinese have hacked Tesla’s from the other side of the world! Tesla’s have been hacked and remotely crashed, the drivers killed and Tesla covers this up…”

“His partner: Steve Jurvetson, has been charged with sex and corruption issues”

“He arranged government kick-backs with the White House”

“He is the world’s biggest government mooch”

“He is a member of the Palo Alto Mafia”

“Google (who is a major Tesla investor) hides all negative Musk/Tesla news and hypes TSLA stock in order to profiteer with TSLA stock. This is a violation of federal SEC laws”

“More drivers have been caught driving drunk, in Tesla’s, than any other car Per Capita produced”

“Larry Page is Musk’s ‘bromance’ boyfriend buddy and he uses Google to cover-up Musk’s scandals”

“His so-called ‘foundation” is just a payola and tax evasion scam for his family”

“His batteries are the most dangerous use of lithium ion storage ever conceived”

“His partner: Panasonic has been charged with multiple corruption, dumping, price rigging and manipulation crimes around the globe”

“Almost all of the internet ‘Tesla Fanboys’ are Russian troll farms and hired bloggers that Musk pays vast amounts of money to in order to hype up a fake image for him”

“The drug and murder-for-hire website: Silk Road, was built at drug-enthusiast Musk’s company SpaceX by Musk’s programmer and Musk hires many people from a group called: In-Q-Tel, who were caught with tons of cocaine on their airplanes in a DEA raid”

“His SpaceX is nothing more than a domestic spy satellite company”

“Musk’s brain chip company tortures small animals in bad science experiments”

“His father screwed his daughter and got her pregnant”

“Dianne Feinstein and her family covertly own many Musk interests and arranged for him to get his funds from the taxpayers”

“You can’t put out the fires when his batteries explode”

“The fumes from his thermal battery vapors give you cancer, lung and brain damage”



You may have run across Musk’s self promoting, narcissistic, multi-billion dollar, self-aggrandizing PR hype but here is the other side of his hype-coin. Here is who Elon Musk really is:

We know these facts from personal interaction with Musk, his companies and his politicians. Everything in this report can be proven in a jury trial, Congressional hearings or live TV debates.

Musk will do anything to keep this information from getting out but… it is too late for him!

While Musk’s dirty deeds sound like a bad Hollywood movie script. It all really happened and there is now massive hard copy evidence to prove it.

Elon Musk exists because he bribed DNC politicians including Obama, Clinton and Senators Feinstein, Reid, Boxer, Harris, Spier and Pelosi to give him free taxpayer cash and government resources from the Department of Energy and the California political tax pool. This is proven when you follow-the-money and the insider trading, stock ownership and crony payola kick-backs. The payola between Musk, his scummy cronies and the politicians included:

Billions of dollars of Google (Where Musk’s boy buddy Larry Page works), Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures stock and stock warrants which is never reported to the FEC; Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures search engine rigging and shadow-banning which is never reported to the FEC; Free rent; Male and female prostitutes; Cars; Dinners; Party Financing; Sports Event Tickets; Political campaign printing and mailing services “Donations”; Secret PAC Financing; Jobs in Corporations in Silicon Valley For The Family Members of Those Who Take Bribes And Those Who Take Bribes; “Consulting” contracts from McKinsey as fronted pay-off gigs; Overpriced “Speaking Engagements” which are really just pay-offs conduited for donors; Private jet rides and use of Government fuel depots (ie: Google handed out NASA jet fuel to staff); Real Estate; Fake mortgages; The use of Cayman, Boca Des Tores, Swiss and related money-laundering accounts; The use of HSBC, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Deustche Bank money laundering accounts and covert stock accounts; Free spam and bulk mailing services owned by Silicon Valley corporations; Use of high tech law firms such as Perkins Coie, Wilson Sonsini, MoFo, Covington & Burling, etc. to conduit bribes to officials; and other means now documented by us, The FBI, the FTC, The SEC, The FEC and journalists.



The U.S. Energy Dept (DOE) has been covering-up organized political crime activities in which government funds are being used as a slush-fund to pay off political campaign financiers and to pay for CIA/GPS Fusion-Class attacks on Silicon Valley business competitors.

Political campaign financiers and government agency staff share stock market holdings with each other under family trusts, shell corporations and layered Goldman Sachs accounts.

The Musk scam-deal was: “Obama funds Tesla, Musk conduits campaign funds to Obama, top Obama staff profit off of insider Musk stocks…”

Elon Musk is a criminal, a mobster, an asshole, a balding fake-hair wearing, plastic surgery-addicted, bi-sexual douchebag, woman-abusing, sex addicted, tax evader. We can put this in writing because all of those identifications regarding Musk can be proven in court and are documented in existing lawsuits and news stories.

Musk exploits poor people and child slaves in the Congo and Afghanistan to mine his lithium and Cobalt. Look up this phrase on the top search engines: “child labor electric car batteries”.

Musk spends billions per year to hire Russian trolls, fake blogger fan-boys and buy fake news self-glory look-at-me articles about himself. Musk thinks he is the ‘Jesus’ of Silicon Valley and he will do anything to make the public think so. Musk is insecure because his father was abusive and his “trophy wife” Mother is overbearing so he developed sociopath-like mental issues. Musk has been professionally diagnosed as a ‘psychotic narcissist. He public stated on an investor call that he uses drugs and alcohol to get through the night. We have the tapes.

Musk relies on Google and the DNC Main Stream News (MSN) to hide bad news about him. Fake News manipulator Google is run by Larry Page. Larry is Musk’s investor and bromance ‘Butt buddy’. They share an apartment. Musk uses massive numbers of shell companies and trust funds to self-deal, evade the law and hide his bribes and stock market insider trading. His brother ran Solar City and is now under federal investigation for securities fraud.

A huge number of Tesla drivers have been killed; pedestrians and oncoming drivers have also been killed, and Musk covers it up.

Extremist politicians and their controlled news outlets refuse to allow any articles about Musk’s crimes to be printed because they benefit from Musk’s crimes.

Investor oligarch’s Tim Draper and Steve Jurvetson are so fanatical about not being embarrassed from a Tesla bankruptcy that they will pump the TSLA stock and threaten anybody who might disclose the Musk misdeeds.

Peter Thiel, a Musk ‘boyfriend” also protects Musk. Musk, and his cronies, use Palantir, Google and related software to scan the entire internet every few minutes for any occurrence of the words: “Musk”, “Tesla” or “Tesla Fire”. They send trolls and fake bloggers (Many of them Russian) to put pro-Musk comments on the comments section of any blogs or articles discussing those topics and try to flood out the truth about Musk.

In EVERY blog that you read that mentions ‘Musk’, at least 1/3 of the comments have been placed their by Musk’s paid shills. There are no “Tesla Fan Boys”. All of the fanatic Tesla comments on the internet are Musk’s, Thiel’s, Jurvetson’s and Draper’s fake fanboy trolls. Musk, himself, stays up late at night pretending to be a ‘Tesla Fan Boy’on blogs.

The ‘Silicon Valley Mafia; cartel of frat boy sociopath venture capitalists like Steve Jurvetson, Tim Draper, Eric Schmidt, et al; threaten those who do not support the cult of Tesla or their political candidates.

Musk holds the record for getting sued for fraud by his investors, wives, former partners, employees, suppliers and co-founders. Elon Musk has gone out of his way to hire hundreds of ex-CIA and In-Q-Tel staff and assign them to “dirty tricks teams” to attack his competitors and elected officials who Musk hates.

Musk never founded his companies. He took Tesla away from the founder: Marty, in a hostile take-over!

Musk’s “Starlink” satellites are domestic spy and political manipulation tools – never get your internet from one. SpaceX is entirely a spy satellite operation.

The same kind of EMF radiation proven to cause cancer from cell phones exists in massive amounts in a Tesla.

Musk can’t fix a car or build a rocket and has almost no mechanical skills.

If you pull a report of every VIN# of every Tesla ever built and cross reference that with insurance, repair and lawsuit records you will find that the “per volume” fire, crash, death and defect rate is THE WORST of any car maker in history!

Musk is a lying con artist and partners with Goldman Sachs to rig the stock market. Sachs has a dedicated team of 18 men who rig stocks and valuation bumps for Musk.

Over 1000 witnesses can prove every one of those claims in any live televised Congressional hearing! Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it’s suppliers and mining companies. That is why they criminally help cover-up investigations of Tesla! All of this was reported, in writing, to James Comey, Patricia Rich and David Johnson at the FBI.

Why aren’t all of those parties in prison if it is so easy to prove the crime? Think back to recent history: the heads of the Department of Energy, the FBI, The DOJ and the U.S. Attorney General were kicked out of their jobs for corruption. THIS was the corruption they were doing. They all knew about this crime but they were covering it up.

Musk took over Tesla Motors in a hostile take-over in order to exploit lithium, cobalt and other mining corruption deals for his business partners. Let’s take a look at the ‘lithium’ in Musk’s horrifically miss-engineered lithium ion batteries:

His batteries cause wars in the Congo, Afghanistan and Bolivia from the corrupt mining deals involved with mining lithium and cobalt. Lithium ion batteries are insider trading-owned by ex-CIA boss Woolsey and DOE Boss Chu. Lithium ion batteries excrete chemicals that mutate fetuses when they burn; destroy your brain, lungs and nervous system when they burn; kill the factory workers who make them; cause Panasonic to be one of the most corrupt companies in the world; poison the Earth when disposed of; can’t be extinguished by firemen; poison firemen when they burn; are based on criminally corrupt mining schemes like URANIUM ONE; Have over 61 toxic chemicals in them; come from an industry that spends billions on internet shills and trolls used to nay say all other forms of energy; and are insider-trading owned by corrupt U.S. Senators who are running a SAFETY COVER-UP about their dangers.

Apple products with lithium ion batteries have been exploding and setting people on fire. Over time the chemical dendrites, or deposits, inside each battery grow worse and increase the chances of explosion as they age – LITHIUM ION BATTERIES BECOME MORE AND MORE LIKELY TO EXPLODE AS TIME GOES ON AND AS THEY AGE. This is not a theory. This is a scientific fact. That is why you hear about more and more lithium batteries catching fire and blowing up. Additionally, scientists also speculate that the increasing presence of low energy nuclear background energy and wifi energy in the environment is making lithium ion batteries explode more often lately. This theory is upheld by the increasing number of FAA reports about commercial airline cabins suddenly “filling up with toxic smoke” as some lithium ion battery explodes in someones overhead luggage. As commercial jets go higher they lose the protection of the atmosphere and are subjected to more gamma (and other) radiation from overhead. This makes the already unstable lithium ion batteries on board blow up.

“Bad Guys” have figured out how to make them explode remotely in devices by making the device electrnics cause the batteries to overload. The dangers of lithium ion batteries are hidden by CNN and Main Stream News (MSN) because pretty much only the DNC people profit from them and the DNC folks control CNN and the MSN.

The Obama Administration promised Silicon Valley oligarchs the market monopoly on lithium ion batteries and the sabotage of fuel cells in exchange for campaign financing and search engine rigging; United States Senators that are supposed to protect us from these deadly products own the stock market assets of them so they protect them and stop the FDA, OSHA, DOT & NHTSA from outlawing them.

Tom Steyer is a notorious DNC financier. His partner, Margaret Sullivan ran, the federal USAID agency, USAID sent all of the DNC campaign financiers in Silicon Valley a federal ‘report’ from USAID that said there was “A TRILLION DOLLARS OF LITHIUM IN AFGHANISTAN” and promised to give those lithium mines, EXCLUSIVELY, to the Silicon Valley venture capitalists if they funded and web search manipulated the election for Obama to take over the White House. We have the documents proving this. In other words, a re-up of the Afghan War was caused by Elon Musk and it killed American soldiers so that Musk could buy more mansions and trophy wives.

Alkaline, NiCAD and hundreds of other battery chemistries DO NOT have all of these problems but Lithium Ion batteries get a monopoly because of politician insider trading ownerships.

Tesla Motors has caused far more deaths and injuries than the world generally knows about. A recent fire on U.S. Highway 101 near Mountain View, CA, burned the driver alive and killed him. In Florida two kids died in a Tesla, burned alive, screaming in agony. A man died in agony in a Tesla crash in Malibu that set Malibu Canyon on fire. A young woman, at the start of life, and her boyfriend were burned alive in their crashed Tesla. There are many more deaths and crashes than you have seen in the Main Stream News (MSN) The deaths and the cover-ups are endless.

Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it’s suppliers and mining companies and they cover-up and halt investigations and laws designed to save the public. They, and their crony’s, spend over $1B a year to shill and troll hype about lithium ion batteries and cover-up the dangers. Lithium ion EVs are more prone to battery fires. Experts say that their lithium-ion batteries can fuel hotter fires that release toxic fumes and are more difficult to put out. Lithium ion fires keep reigniting which explains why it takes so long and requires copious amounts of water or foam (it is an electric fire, after all) to smother the flames. Tesla employee Bernard Tse and his team warned Elon Musk about these dangers in 2008 and they got fired and/or warned to “say nothing” by Musk. Three top Tesla engineers died in a plane crash next to Tesla offices in San Carlos after two of them agreed to become whistle-blowers.

The DNC bosses, Congress people and federal executives own the stock in lithium, Solar and EV markets and use kickbacks from those markets (Especially via convoluted campaign finance laundering via Elon Musk) to finance the DNC.

The DNC bosses and Musk use character assassination as their main political tool against any member of the public who speaks out against their felony stock market scams and PizzaGate-like scandals. The Harvey Weinstein reports by Ronan Farrow show that they have teams of hired goons that they pay to destroy people’s lives.

They use Black Cube, Mossad, In-Q-Tel, Stratfor, Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Media Matters, David Brock, Sid Blumenthal, NY Times, Google servers, Facebook servers, Podesta Group, Perkins Coie, Covington & Burling and a host of “media assassins”.

Gawker and Gizmodo Media set-up the attack stories and, in paid partnership with Google, Google kicks their attack links around the globe, in front of 8 Billion people, forever. Google locks the attack articles of its enemies on the front top search results of Google search results forever, on purpose! Google and Musk are partners-in-crime. Larry Page steals technology for Google and Musk meets with Larry Page to advise him on which technologies to steal and how to bypass FEC laws. Musk has exceeded FEC campaign finance limits by billions of dollars via “in-kind” services.










MUSK’S SPACEX COMPANY Will have all of it’s satellites destroyed in moments as soon as China gets pissed off:  https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/02/12/asia-pacific/chinas-space-debris-cleanup-may-cover-story-arms-u-s-satellites-pentagon/



ELON MUSK’S PAID-FOR MEDIA SHILLS. THEY COVER UP HIS CORRUPTION AND PUSH PUFF-STORIES ABOUT MUSK. NEVER TRUST THEM TO BE ANYTHING BUT BIASED PROPAGANDA OUTLETS. MANY OF THEM OWN TESLA STOCK: Electrek, Google, Facebook, CNN, Huffington Post, Dianne Feinstein’s PR office, Nancy Pelosi, Steven Chu, MSNBC, PayPal, KPIX-TV, San Jose Mercury News, Any Hearst owned entity, The SF Chronicle, Motley Fool, Green Car Congress, The executive staff of the DNC, The NY Times, etc.




– Why We Know That Elon Musk Is A Criminal

By Susan T. and Andrew H.

We saw Elon Musk commit crimes and we saw the Obama White House cover-up those crimes.

We, and our associates, worked for Bright Automotive, Zap Electric, Aptera, Eco Motors, XPV, The United States Department of Energy and the federal Office of Management and Budget and Tesla Motors itself.

Americans have an expectation that their tax dollars will be used in a fair and legal manner and not to pay off crony campaign financiers like Elon Musk. Americans have an expectation that fair market competition will decide which companies get to live or die and that no campaign financiers gets to order the White House to produce the death or success decision about any American business. Elon Musk’s operation exists entirely because of criminal corruption and all of his companies must be shut down by federal law enforcement.

For nearly a decade, the U.S. Department of Energy has refused to comply with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for copies of Tesla Motors entire D.O.E. funding application documents. Former D.O.E. employees have shredded copies of those documents in order to keep them from being exposed to the public and the media. Why would they do that? Because those documents reveal felony criminal fraud by Tesla Motors, federal violations of the Section 136 law requirements and manipulations of the “hard-wiring” of the entire D.O.E. program. Those documents, which we have seen (and some Senate staff have private copies of) prove that, in a side-by-side comparison with all other applicants, the Tesla application was manipulation, rigged, false-reviewed and crony-advanced in order to pay-off certain campaign financiers and damage their competitors. Tell the U.S. Congress to demand that the U.S. Department of Energy stop breaking the law and comply with the FOIA requests to stop hiding the incriminating evidence in the Tesla files. Demand that the public be shown the original paper and not the later, “doctored” versions.

We saw Elon Musk operate an entirely illegal and unethical program based on State and Federal corruption. We told this, in writing and in person to the U.S. Attorney General: Eric Holder, who then quit his job after we reported these facts to him.

We reported that Elon Musk lied about vast number of dangers of the lithium ion chemistry he was using. Nothing was done.

We reported that our associates at the Department of Energy were having their safety reports on lithium ion danger suppressed. Nothing was done.

We reported that Elon Musk’s credit rating and financial records were fraudulent and amounted to “cooking the books”. Nothing was done.

We reported bribes paid by Musk’s lobbyists and associated to government officials in order to grease the skids for his crony payola. Nothing was done.

We reported that Goldman Sachs and Tesla Motors were operating a stock fraud pump-and-dump scam to manipulate Elon Musk’s stock holdings. Nothing was done.

We reported over a hundred illegal and corrupt actions by Elon Musk and his mob of Silicon Valley gangsters. Nothing was done.





** If you have an ounce of morality, then you will not want to help Musk & Tesla profit from the crony political corruption that created them. Musk exists because he bribes politicians & acts as an illegal campaign financing conduit.

** DOT/NHTSA has covered up years of reports about an acceleration surge issue that can suddenly crash your Tesla into walls and drive it off cliffs. It is either a known hacking attack or the effect of WiFi on Tesla electronics. Either can kill you.

** Musk & Tesla are pure evil & exist because of hyper-corruption. You don’t want to contribute to their evil or be part of it in any way. You are funding evil & supporting criminal corruption by buying a Tesla or any Elon Musk owned product like Solar City, Tesla, Space X, Hyperloop, etc.!

** Elon Musk spent more money, than any other car company in history, to do the exact same things that any other car has done, or could do, for 20 times less money. Musk’s Tesla was $100,000.00 over budget, per car, at the time that Musk was handed his crony Dept. of Energy froms by Steven Chu. Musk has no clue how to operate a car company.

** In one lawsuit it is noted that: “…Plaintiff and Tesla both applied for funds at the same time, in the same funding cycle in the same program. Tesla had the historically epic number of horrific issues listed below, which were known to DOE at the time of application, and Plaintiffs had NONE of these issues. How can any court, or rational person, believe that Plaintiffs were not intentionally bypassed, targeted and damaged for political reasons while Tesla was simultaneously approved for political reasons, when the comparative metrics between the two applicants prove the largest merit disparity in the entire recorded history of the U.S. Department of Energy….the singular, and only, review criteria used by Department of Energy officials was: WHICH ONE BRIBED THE CAMPAIGN FINANCE GROUP FOR BARACK OBAMA?!”; Thus proving that Tesla exists because of organized-crime level political corruption.

** Elon Musk’s self-driving “autopilot” feature, which keeps crashing and failing, is his attempt to scam taxpayer cash from Dept. of Transportation and Dept. of Energy public funds. He is only trying to do it to get more free federal cash.

** The inventor of lithium ion batteries has confessed that lithium ion batteries blow up eventually. He says that deadly dendrites plague lithium-ion battery technology. The dendrites accumulate as part of the standard charging and recharging cycle and eventually cause a short circuit that often results in a smoldering or burning battery. These dendrites are destined to eventually blow up most Tesla cars and many electronic devices using lithium ion!

** The CIA’s software designed to take over any Tesla on Earth and kill the driver, passengers and bystanders has been released in the wild and every hacker on Earth can now easily get a copy of it and kill you in your Tesla!

** Ex-employees have leaked faked financial records, evidence of massive click-farm fake social media manipulation and evidence of unreported deaths and accidents. They say that most Tesla’s have one kind of defect or another.

** If you read about the dirty deeds and cocaine dealings with the In-Q-Tel airplanes called “Cocaine 1” & “Cocaine 2”, & the corruption behind the company called In-Q-Tel & Musk’s software programmer who ran “The Silk Road” drug & murder service then you must be concerned that many In-Q-Tel people work for Musk. Why does Musk need dirty druggies & spies on his payroll unless he is running covert drug and business spying activities?

** Ex-employees, Gawker writers and gay lawyers from Covington & Burling have leaked stories that Elon Musk, Reid Hoffman, Larry Page are “butt buddies”.

** Musk is anti-American and Anti-Worker Rights and has been caught flying in H1-B cheap offshore labor and exploiting immigrants for his deadly profits. Musk hates unions and worker rights efforts.

** Elon Musk gets the Cobalt chemical to make his lithium ion batteries from slave trade and blood-money corruption in the Congo!

** The lithium ion batteries that Musk uses also blow up when they naturally encounter Low Energy Nuclear (LENR) effects in the ambient environment. Millions of chemicals don’t blow up from LENR’d but lithium ion does!

** If you are a Democrat then know that Elon Musk cost you the Hillary Clinton campaign because of his payola schemes. If you are a Republican, know that Elon Musk is the epitome of the worst form of DNC crony corruption you ever saw!

** Musk bribed California politicians to give him hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer dollars & resources he never earned or worked for. He only got those crony payola perks handed to him because he operated as an illicit front for corrupt campaign financing for Dianne Feinstein, Jerry Brown, Harry Reid, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

** Multiple parties have filed “Demands For The Arrest of Elon Musk” with the FBI, DOJ, AG, FTC, SEC and other law enforcement agencies. It is not likely that Musk, or his companies will survive a full investigation.

** Tesla and Solyndra sit on the same land in Fremont, CA. Solyndra was raided by the FBI for corruption. Tesla SHOULD be raided by the FBI for corruption. Both companies had kick-back crony payola schemes with Senator Dianne Feinstein. She owned the land, lease, HR, construction company and supplier interests and stock for both companies in one of the most massive conflict-of-interest crony financing schemes in U.S. history. Elon Musk and the Feinsteins are corruption partners.

** People who see you in a Tesla think of you as a “Tone Deaf Douchebag”, “Tesla Tool!”, “Arrogant Prick”, “Ostentatious Obama Oaf”, “Sheep”, “Mindless Yuppie Scum”, “Misogynistic Silicon Valley Clone”, “Self-promoting Elitist Douche”, “Fake News Reading Main Stream Boob”, “Naive Idiot” or other bad things.

** Elon Musk is one of the main financiers behind Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton, both of whom have been charged with corruption. Musk endlessly tweets lies & “…No I didn’t do those bad things” BS but nobody else supports him.

** Tesla financial records are “cooked” in a fraudulent manner to make the stock market valuation of Tesla a falsely manipulated factor. Musk uses “pre-orders”, by his own investors, to fake sales and wrote emails to customers asking them to put small deposits down so he could book them as fully paid sales in one of a large number of stock and loan valuation frauds. Musk and his investors practice stock market skims, pump-and-dumps and Flash Boy manipulations.

** Lithium ion batteries are blowing up, starting fires &, generally, destroying people’s homes, cars, electronics & physical health. Boeing was ordered to stop flying the 787 Dreamliner because it’s Lithium ion batteries are catching fire spontaneously. A group of silicon valley venture capitalists forced/leveraged the government to buy & pay for these specific batteries, that they have stock in, in order to benefit their profit margins. Other batteries don’t have these problems. They knew about the dangers from day one, but put greed ahead of safety. There are thousands & thousands of reports of spontaneous lithium ion fires but the VC’s who back lithium ion pay to keep this information hushed up. Millions of these batteries have been recalled for fire risk. The VC’s tried to push as many as they could before they got caught. Now they are caught. These VC’s & the Senators they bribed own stock in lithium mining companies too. HERE IS THE PROOF: HTTP://LITHIUMBATTERYCOVERUP.COM

** Tesla Motors has filed a patent which states the following , THESE ARE TESLA MOTORS WORDS warning about a crisis, the level of which they never disclosed to the consumer: “Thermal runaway is of major concern since a single incident can lead to significant property damage &, in some circumstances, bodily harm or loss of life. When a battery undergoes thermal runaway, it typically emits a large quantity of smoke, jets of flaming liquid electrolyte, & sufficient heat to lead to the combustion & destruction of materials in close proximity to the cell. If the cell undergoing thermal runaway is surrounded by one or more additional cells as is typical in a battery pack, then a single thermal runaway event can quickly lead to the thermal runaway of multiple cells which, in turn, can lead to much more extensive collateral damage. Regardless of whether a single cell or multiple cells are undergoing this phenomenon, if the initial fire is not extinguished immediately, subsequent fires may be caused that dramatically expand the degree of property damage. For example, the thermal runaway of a battery within an unattended laptop will likely result in not only the destruction of the laptop, but also at least partial destruction of its surroundings, e.g., home, office, car, laboratory, etc. If the laptop is on-board an aircraft, for example within the cargo hold or a luggage compartment, the ensuing smoke & fire may lead to an emergency landing or, under more dire conditions, a crash landing. Similarly, the thermal runaway of one or more batteries within the battery pack of a hybrid or electric vehicle may destroy not only the car, but may lead to a car wreck if the car is being driven or the destruction of its surroundings if the car is parked”. See http://whoiselonmusk.com for more…

** Tesla’s own staff, & every fire department, have now admitted that once a lithium ion fire gets started in a Tesla, that it is impossible to extinguish burning lithium ion material. This is Telsa’s own words in THEIR patent filing, (You can look it up online) saying that the risk is monumental. Tesla has 6800 lithium ion batteries, any one of which can “go thermal”, start a chain reaction and blow up all of the rest of the 6800+ deadly batteries! Tesla drivers have been burned alive in thermal globs of flaming lithium ion, plastics & metal. Bystanders have heard their horrific screams of unutterable pain & terror as they were burned alive! Tesla fires can’t be extinguished & the bodies are burned into “unrecognizable lumps of charred flesh”, according to fireman.

** Lithium Ion batteries “go thermal” in peoples pockets, in your notebook, especially in a Tesla & Fisker car. There are tens of thousands of articles documenting this & there is a cover-up by the VC’s that fund these things to keep this fact out-of-sight. Making Lithium Ion batteries poisons the workers who make them. It is a dangerous product that is covered-up by the Obama Administration. Panasonic knows that these batteries are deadly.

** Tesla only exists to exploit Elon Musk’s briberies. The lithium ion batteries blow up when they get: wet, hot, bumped, over-charged, struck by energy fields, exposed to air or squashed. Lithium ion batteries poison the Earth & that they poison & kill the workers that make them. Lithium ion batteries come from war profiteering in Afghan & Bolivian corruption.

** Panasonic is Elon Musk’s partner. Panasonic is one of the most corrupt companies in the world. Panasonic has been charged, on multiple continents with: Product dumping, bribery, collusion, price fixing, anti-trust law violations, racketeering, worker abuse, toxic poisoning of workers, & other crimes. It is no wonder that Elon Musk & Panasonic are partners. Tata Motors executive Karl Slym was killed for exposing this fact.

** Your tax dollars were stolen in order to make Tesla Motors, as part of a political financing kick-back scam. In other words, part of your paycheck was taken away from you in order to buy hookers, rent-boys & private jets for Musk & company.

** Tesla’s are forged in criminal corruption, so anybody who drives a Tesla must be either ignorant, a weasel or one of the corrupt. The whole world now knows all of the facts in this list so you can never plead ignorance to these crimes.

** Telsa’s have a huge amount of highly documented defects. The defects are so extensive that Tesla made buyers sign confidentiality agreements to try to hide how messed up their cars are.

** Tesla’s have killed more people than the main-stream news has reported. The full Tesla death-list is covered up.

** Musk lied about why he wanted to make electric cars, when, in fact, he actually poisons the environment because Tesla investors wanted to exploit toxic minerals & materials which can’t be recycled in a clean manner

** No other electric car has been so mundane, & yet had so many problems with it, since the electric car was first sold in the 1800’s. There is nothing “novel” or “amazing” about the Tesla aside from dime store parlor tricks for PR hype.

** More drunks have crashed Tesla’s, than any other per capita car in the world, per volume of cars made

** Elon Musk’s co-founders, investors, partners, wives, investors, suppliers & employees have sued him for being a fraud &, essentially, called him an “asshole” in court records.

** Elon Musk lied on this Department of Energy funding application and the Obama Administration refuses to allow any federal employees or witnesses to testify to these facts in public due to the devastating potential results of these facts.

** More owners of Tesla’s have been found to cheat on their taxes, & be involved in abuse-based divorces, than almost any other car brand owner. Tesla owners are bad people who rationalize their poor life choices. Owning a Tesla is a red-flag for a tax audit!

** Elon Musk will lie, cheat & steal in order to self-aggrandize & glorify his egotistical mania. Musk has been documented engaging in over 100 lies which were later proven to be false. He has spent tens of millions of dollars to buy fake news about himself on Twitter, Facebook & Google because he is such a mentally disturbed ego-maniac.

** None of Elon Musk’s companies would exist if not for taxpayer funded handouts given to him by corrupt politicians in exchange for illegal campaign finance deals with him & his investors.

** Google, & Tesla, who are financial & political partners, have both been caught spying on consumers & manipulating Internet data in order to cover-up their complicity in huge political corruption & kick-back deals

** Musk took U.S. taxpayer dollars from the government & then hired cheap off-shore labor & fired U.S. Union workers & domestic workers. He lied to & screwed the NUMMI workers that were working at the Fremont plant.

** Musk has put over 18 surveillance devices in the Tesla. Anybody can hack those devices & monitor you. WORSE YET, foreign agents have hacked the Tesla & taken over the controls & driven Tesla’s into bystanders & over cliffs.

** When Erick Strickland was head of the NHTSA he was confronted about DOT safety cover-ups of the Tesla to protect Obama. He quit 48 hours later. The DOT safety cover-ups to protect the Obama campaign finance payola scheme continue to this day. Obama’s Gibbs, Emanual, Plouffe, Axelrod and Carney quit within a week of being threatened with exposure.

** Tesla’s have had a large number of recalls but Elon Musk refuses to call them “recalls”. Tesla’s have had multiple recalls for SEVERE safety dangers. DOT has been told this, in writing, for years, but wont take action in order to protect Obama.

** Elon Musk is a bullshit artist who has no original ideas & wears black-turtle neck shirts (like Elizabeth Homes) to try to create a “cult” around himself & convince the world that he is a “Jesus-like” figure when, in fact, he is a clinical sociopath.

** Tesla is a severe public safety hazard that has been systematically covered up by corrupt politicians.

** Large numbers of Ex-CIA staff and In-Q-Tel spy staff work for Musk. Why does he need spies to build cars?

** Tesla Motors batteries were promoted by those who wished to exploit the Afghanistan War for personal profit by controlling the Afghan lithium mining fields. Kleiner Perkins and Draper Fisher hyped the “…trillions of $ of lithium in Afganistan.”

** Tesla Motors batteries blow up on their own.

** Tesla Motors batteries blow up when they get wet.

** Tesla Motors batteries fires cannot be put out by any common fire-fighting resources.

** Tesla Motors batteries set themselves on fire.

** Per Federal MSDS disclosure documents, Tesla Motors batteries emit cancer-causing vapors when they burn.

** Tesla Motors Vehicles toxicity poison bystanders, nearby vehicular passengers, airline passengers in planes carrying said batteries in their holds, & environments where such incidents occur.

** Tesla Motors batteries blow up when bumped by the same level of car incident that would, otherwise, only dent a normal car bumper.

** In an accident, when a Tesla rolls over, molten metal & plastic can drip on & burn the occupants alive.

** Tesla has multiple sexual harassment and unsafe work-place lawsuits against the company.

** Per MSDS documents, Tesla Motors batteries emit brain damaging chemicals when they burn.

** Tesla is a stock pumping scam to profiteering on stock market peak manipulation at the expense of taxpayers.

** Per MSDS documents, Tesla Motors batteries emit chemicals, burning, or not, that can damage an unborn fetus.

** Per MSDS documents, Tesla Motors batteries emit chemicals that can cause lung damage.

** Per MSDS documents, Tesla Motors batteries emit chemicals that can cause liver damage.

** Per published lawsuits & news reports, the factories that make Tesla Motors batteries have been charged with the deaths, & potentially fatal illness, of over 1000 workers & the poisoning of nearby towns.

** Tesla Motors batteries become even more dangerous over time, particularly when tasked by electric transportation systems like Hover-boards & Tesla’s. The chemistry in a lithium ion battery changes to become more unstable over time.

** Tesla Motors batteries were never designed to be used in automobiles. Tesla used non-automotive batteries in one of the most dangerous configurations possible.

** Tesla Motors occupants experience higher EMF radiation exposure than gasoline vehicle occupants.

** Elon Musk’s Space X vehicles & Tesla Motors vehicles have both had a higher-than-average number of explosions. This has caused outside experts to doubt Musk’s ability to place safety considerations over his need for hyped-up PR.

** Leaked Sandia National Labs & FAA research videos dramatically demonstrate the unstoppable, horrific, “re-percussive accelerating domino-effect” explosive fire effect of the Tesla Motors batteries.

** Tesla’s own “Superchargers” & home 3-prong chargers have set Tesla’s, homes & businesses on fire.

** Consumer rights groups contacted Erick Strickland, the head of the NHTSA, & charged him with a cover-up. He quit days later. The NHTSA then issued a safety investigation request to Tesla Motors, which would have more publicly exposed these dangers, but the safety investigation was never under-taken due to White House requests & lobbyist bribes, from Tesla, which got the investigation shut down.

** NEPA regulations for the Tesla NUMMI factory in California & the Nevada Tesla “Gigafactory” have been violated relative to environmental safety standards. See http://xyzcase.xyz for details.

** Tesla Motors vehicles are not “Factory Built” “like Ford” builds cars, as Tesla professes. They are hand built in small volumes & subjected to numerous defects. Blogs have documented hundreds of defects, as listed by Tesla owners. Tesla has lost at least one LEMON CAR LAWSUIT for defective manufacturing.

** Tesla’s “showrooms” are often “pop-up” retail storefronts that are in tight-proximity retail centers, putting it’s neighbors at risk of total loss from fire damage.

** Tesla Motors vehicles have been hacked & taken over. Their doors, steering, listening devices & navigation have been taken over by outside parties. Multiple Tesla have suddenly swerved off the road, over cliffs & into other vehicles, killing bystanders & Tesla drivers.

** Three Tesla top engineers & two competing senior executives, all of whom had whistle-blown on Tesla, who were in perfect health one day, suddenly died mysteriously the next day.
** Multiple employees, founders, investors, marital partners, suppliers & others have sued Tesla Motors, &/or it’s senior executives for fraud. Musk had nothing to do with creating Tesla. He ran a hostile take-over of Tesla from the founders.

** In addition to suing him, many of his former staff & partners have described Musk as an “Arrogant Prick”.

** Main-Stream Media (MSM) have agreed not to provide news coverage of the deadly defects of the Tesla because the MSM are owned by the same politicians who own Tesla Motors. It is now legal to sue The New York Times for hiding these deadly defects, though, particularly if your family member was injured or killed because they covered-up the danger for political reasons.

** If you think the above bullet-points are bad there are over a 1000 more. Find the book “Is Elon Musk A Fraud” online or visit https://stopelonfromfailingagain.com/ or thousands of other sites that expose the truth about Musk & Tesla!

BANKRUPT MUSK – NO CASH FOR CRONY CORRUPTION. Print this out & freely re-post it on blogs & social media. Post this on bulletin boards. Put this on the windshield of every Tesla you find. Print this out & hand these out in front of every Tesla dealership: Nobody can stop you from handing these out, it is your U.S. Constitutional First Amendment Right! Pass the word! We are prepared to back up every single fact on here at any public meeting with the FBI, Congress, FTC, GAO, SEC or before a Federal Special Prosecutor.

The crash of a Tesla Model X through the home of South Korean singer and actor Ji Chang Son. The crash ended with the nose of the vehicle in Ji Chang Son’s living room after the Tesla malfunctioned. Hundreds of such Tesla crashes have occurred, resulting in the deaths and injuries of Tesla owners, passengers, bystanders, oncoming drivers and others.

On January 3, 1983, the United States federal government substituted the term independent counsel for special prosecutor.[4] Archibald Cox was one of the most notable special prosecutors. However, special prosecutor Archibald Cox today would be called independent counsel Archibald Cox in the United States.

The term is sometimes used as a synonym for independent counsel, but under the former law authorizing the independent counsel, the appointment was made by a special panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The Ethics in Government Act expired in 1999, and was effectively replaced by Department of Justice regulation 28 CFR Part 600, under which Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed to look into the Plame affair. The Tesla Motors and Elon Musk Case requires a Special Prosecutor.




Update 2.7

The following, culled from a variety of news articles, lawsuits and investigative reports, demonstrates the profound number of illicit actions charged against Elon Musk and his Silicon Valley cartel insiders. While any given, unbiased, expose on Musk covers some of these issues, it is important to examine the width and breadth of Musk’s culture of corruption. Expert witnesses, former employees and investigators are able to fully detail and confirm, with extended evidence, the following charges, in court, or Congressional public hearings:

B.) SEC subpoenas TESLA over Musk tweets…

C. Whistleblower posts ‘flawed cars’ details…

D.) Elon Musk’s Incredible Smoke And Mirrors Dance. Elon Musk’s untraceable money laundering and political bribery scam has now been exposed. It is called an “Invisible Bridge”. It is the way that covert funds move through a secret conduit of close associates and family members. Elon Musk is at the head of the conduit and his mother, brother and associates Tim Draper, Steve Jurvetson, and George Soros round out the other tentacles. With operational links through Wells Fargo Bank, Silicon Valley Bank and Goldman Sachs, the scheme is perfected corruption. The “bridge” uses a combination of fake tax evasion charities and business assets, passes through Senator’s pockets and is never visible to the FBI, the FEC and the SEC unless they have very good agents assigned to the matter.

E.) NTSB, DOJ, SEC and FEC have been blocked from action by DNC lobbyists.

F.) The overt and arrogant Musk misdeeds have now become “obvious and RICO-violating…”
G.) He is protected by Senators Reid, Harris, Pelosi and Feinstein. They are beneficiaries of the scam. Musk’s self promoting, narcissistic, multi-billion dollar, self-aggrandizing PR hype. Elon Musk exists because he bribed DNC politicians including Obama, Clinton and Senators Feinstein, Reid, Boxer, Harris, Spier and Pelosi to give him free taxpayer cash and government resources from the Department of Energy and the California political tax pool. This is proven when you follow-the-money and the insider trading, stock ownership and crony payola kick-backs.
H.) He is protected by the Clinton and Obama organizations along with most of the DNC. He finances these politicians via this scheme.

I.) The U.S. Dept of Energy (DOE) has been covering-up organized crime activities at DOE in which DOE funds are being used as a slush-fund to pay off DNC campaign financiers and to pay for Fusion-GPS attacks on Silicon Valley business competitors.

J.) DNC campaign financiers and DOE staff share stock market holdings with each other under family trusts, shell corporations and layered Goldman Sachs accounts. The deal was: Obama funds Tesla, Musk conduits campaign funds to Obama, top Obama staff profit off of insider Musk stocks.

K.) Elon Musk is a criminal, a mobster, an asshole, a balding fake-hair wearing, plastic surgery-addicted, bi-sexual douchebag, woman-abusing, sex addicted, tax evader.

L.) Musk exploits poor people and child slaves in the Congo and Afghanistan to mine his lithium and Cobalt. Look up this phrase on the top search engines: “child labor electric car batteries”.

K.) Musk spends billions per year to hire Russian trolls, fake blogger fan-boys and buy fake news self-glory look-at-me articles about himself. Musk thinks he is the ‘Jesus’ of Silicon Valley and he will do anything to make the public think so. Musk is insecure because his father was abusive and his “trophy wife” Mother is overbearing so he developed sociopath-like mental issues.

M.) Musk has been professionally diagnosed as a ‘psychotic narcissist.

N.) Musk has publicly stated on an investor call that he uses drugs and alcohol to get through the night. We have the tapes.

O.) Musk relies on Google and the DNC Main Stream News (MSN) to hide bad news about him. Fake News manipulator Google is run by Larry Page. Larry is Musk’s investor and bromance buddy. They share an apartment.

P.) Musk uses shell companies and trust funds to self-deal, evade the law and hide his bribes and stock market insider trading. His brother ran Solar City and is now under federal investigation for securities fraud.

Q.) A huge number of Tesla drivers, per capita, have been killed; pedestrians and oncoming drivers have also been killed, and Musk covers it up.

R.) The DNC and the MSM refuse to allow any articles about Musk’s crimes to be printed because they benefit from Musk’s crimes.

S.) VC’s Tim Draper and Steve Jurvetson are so fanatical about not being embarrassed from a Tesla bankruptcy that they will pump the TSLA stock and threaten anybody who might disclose the Musk misdeeds.

T.) Peter Thiel, a Musk ‘boyfriend” also protects Musk. Musk, and his cronies, use Palantir, Google and related software to scan the entire internet every few minutes for any occurrence of the words: “Musk”, “Tesla” or “Tesla Fire”. They send trolls and fake bloggers (Many of them Russian) to put pro-Musk comments on the comments section of any blogs or articles discussing those topics and try to flood out the truth about Musk. In EVERY blog that you read that mentions ‘Musk’, at least 1/3 of the comments have been placed their by Musk’s paid shills.

U.) There are no “Tesla Fan Boys”. All of the fanatic Tesla comments on the internet are Musk’s, Thiel’s, Jurvetson’s and Draper’s fake fanboy trolls. Musk, himself, stays up late at night pretending to be a ‘Tesla Fan Boy’on blogs.

V.) Main Stream DNC-biased News organizations who refuse to cover the story reveal themselves as shills for Musk.

W.) The Silicon Valley Mafia promotes Musk as a “Tech God” leader but, in reality Musk is the same kind of “Leader” as Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh, Swami Rajneesh and Al Capone.

X.) His own people have sued him for fraud and lies once they realized that Musk-ism and Scientology had so much in common.

Y.) The ‘Silicon Valley Mafia; cartel of frat boy sociopath venture capitalists like Steve Jurvetson, Tim Draper, Eric Schmidt, et al; threaten those who do not support the cult of Tesla or their political candidates.

Z.) Musk holds the Silicon Valley record for getting sued for fraud by his investors, wives, former partners, employees, suppliers and co-founders.

A1.) Elon Musk has gone out of his way to hire hundreds of ex-CIA and In-Q-Tel staff and assign them to “dirty tricks teams” to attack his competitors and elected officials who Musk hates.

A2.) Musk and his culture are being sued for abuse to women and blacks and the Unions hate him for lying to them.

A3.) https://stopelonfromfailingagain.com reveals even more Musk lies.

A4.) Musk never founded his companies. He took Tesla away from the founder: Marty, in a hostile take-over!

A5.) Musk’s “Starlink” satellites are domestic spy and political manipulation tools – never get your internet from anything SpaceX has launched. SpaceX is entirely a domestic spy operation.

A6.) Musk’s “Mars” scheme is just a PR distraction.

A7.) The same kind of EMF radiation proven to cause cancer from cell phones exists in massive amounts in a Tesla.

A8.) Musk can’t fix a car or build a rocket and has almost no mechanical skills.

A9.) If you pull a report of every VIN# of every Tesla ever built and cross reference that with insurance, repair and lawsuit records you will find that the “per volume” fire, crash, death and defect rate is THE WORST of any car maker in history! Musk’s lobbyists have bribed DOT and NHTSA to stall safety inspections.

A10.) NO COMPLETE UNCOMPROMISING SAFETY REPORT ON TESLA CARS HAS EVER BEEN PUBLISHED but we have a copy of a hushed up report that would put Tesla out of business.

A11.) Musk’s ‘Autopilot’ system is a scam to get government cash BUT IT NEVER WORKS. The Tesla ‘Autopilot’ has crashed into police cars, pedestrians, swamps and driven owners over cliffs.

A12.) Musk is a lying con artist and partners with Goldman Sachs to rig the stock market. Sachs has a dedicated team of 18 men who rig stocks and valuation bumps for Musk.

A13.) The “Silk Road” Cocaine and Murder-For-Hire website was created at Musk’s SpaceX

A14.) Musk’s In-Q-Tel staff ran two transport planes filled with drugs; listed as “Cocaine 1” on FAA records.

A15.) Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it’s suppliers and mining companies. That is why they criminally help cover-up investigations of Tesla!

A16.) All of this was reported, in writing, to James Comey, Patricia Rich and David Johnson at the FBI.

A17.) Tesla and Solyndra sit on the same land and share staff, contracts and lobbying. California politicians own parts of both companies.

A18.) Musk took over Tesla Motors in a hostile take-over in order to exploit lithium, cobalt and other mining corruption deals for his business partners.

A19.) The ‘lithium’ in Musk’s horrifically miss-engineered lithium ion batteries cause wars in the Congo over mining corruption.

A20.) Afghanistan and Bolivian mobsters benefit from the corrupt mining deals involved with mining lithium and cobalt for Elon Musk’s batteries.

A21.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries are insider trading-owned by ex-CIA boss Woolsey and DOE Boss Chu and they engaged in extreme conflict-of-interest to help Musk.

A22.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries excrete chemicals that mutate fetuses when they burn.

A23.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries destroy your brain, lungs and nervous system when they burn.

A24.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries kill the factory workers who make them.

A25.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries cause Panasonic to be one of the most corrupt companies in the world.

A26.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries poison the Earth when disposed of.

A27.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries can’t be extinguished by firemen because water makes them explode even more and then explode again hours later.

A28.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries have chemical dendrites and deposition massing issues (revealed by X-Ray analysis) which makes them more and more likely to explode as they age.

A29.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries poison firemen when they burn.

A30.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries are based on criminally corrupt mining schemes like URANIUM ONE.

A31.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries have over 61 toxic chemicals in them.

A32.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries come from an industry that spends billions on internet shills and trolls that they hire to nay say all other forms of energy

A33.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries are insider-trading owned by corrupt U.S. Senators who are running a SAFETY COVER-UP about their dangers.

A34.) Apple products with lithium ion batteries have been exploding and setting people on fire.

A35.) Over time the chemical dendrites, or deposits, inside each battery grow worse and increase the chances of explosion as they age – LITHIUM ION BATTERIES BECOME MORE AND MORE LIKELY TO EXPLODE AS TIME GOES ON AND AS THEY AGE. This is not a theory. This is a scientific fact. That is why you hear about more and more lithium batteries catching fire and blowing up. Additionally, scientists also speculate that the increasing presence of low energy nuclear background energy and wifi energy in the environment is making lithium ion batteries explode more often lately. This is upheld by the increasing number of FAA reports about commercial airline cabins suddenly “filling up with toxic smoke” as some lithium ion battery explodes in someones overhead luggage. As commercial jets go higher they lose the protection of the atmosphere and are subjected to more gamma (and other) radiation from overhead. This makes the already unstable lithium ion batteries on board blow up.

A36.) Tesla owner’s had had more DUI’s, abuse filings in divorce proceedings and crashes than any other car maker PER VOLUME. This makes Tesla the #1 car for douche bags and scummy people.

A37.) Tesla’s own federal patent filing records confirm that Tesla batteries are as dangerous as this document reports.

A38.) “Bad Guys” have figured out how to make Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries explode remotely in devices by making the device electronics cause the batteries to overload.

A39.) The dangers of Elon Musk’s Lithium ion batteries batteries are hidden by CNN and Main Stream News (MSN) because pretty much only the DNC people profit from them and the DNC folks control CNN and the MSN.

A40.) George Soros owns part of Tesla Motors so that Soros can help conduit DNC cash.

A41.) The Obama Administration promised Silicon Valley oligarchs the market monopoly on lithium ion batteries and the sabotage of fuel cells in exchange for campaign financing and search engine rigging.

A42.) United States Senators that are supposed to protect us from these deadly products own the stock market assets of them so they protect them and stop the FDA, OSHA, DOT & NHTSA from outlawing them.

A43.) There have been thousands of defect reports filed on Tesla cars.

A44.) Tom Steyer is a notorious DNC financier. His partner, Margaret Sullivan ran, the federal USAID agency, USAID sent all of the DNC campaign financiers in Silicon Valley a federal ‘report’ from USAID that said there was “A TRILLION DOLLARS OF LITHIUM IN AFGHANISTAN” and promised to give those lithium mines, EXCLUSIVELY, to the Silicon Valley venture capitalists if they funded and web search manipulated the election for Obama to take over the White House. We have the documents proving this. In other words, a re-up of the Afghan War was caused by Elon Musk and it killed American soldiers so that Musk could buy more mansions and trophy wives.

A45.) If a Tesla battery gets wet it will explode and cause all of the other batteries to explode in a “cascade of explosions”.

A46.) Water makes Tesla batteries explode.

A47.) In an accident, when a Tesla rolls over, molten metal & plastic can drip on & burn the occupants alive and seal them in molten metal.

A48.) Alkaline, NiCAD and hundreds of other battery chemistries DO NOT have all of these problems but Lithium Ion batteries get a monopoly because of politician insider trading owner-ships.

A49.) Tesla Motors has caused far more deaths and injuries than the world generally knows about.

A50.) A recent fire on U.S. Highway 101 near Mountain View, CA, burned the driver alive and killed him.

A51.) In Florida two kids died in a Tesla, burned alive, screaming in agony.

A52.) A man died in agony in a Tesla crash in Malibu that set Malibu Canyon on fire.

A53.) A young woman, at the start of life, and her boyfriend were burned alive in their crashed Tesla.

A54.) There are many more deaths and crashes than you have seen in the Main Stream News (MSN) The deaths and the cover-ups are endless.

A55.) Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it’s suppliers and mining companies and they cover-up and halt investigations and laws designed to save the public.

A56.) Elon Musk’s Lithium ion battery partners spend over $1B a year to shill and troll hype about lithium ion batteries and cover-up the dangers.

A57.) Lithium ion EVs are more prone to battery fires.

A58.) Experts say that their lithium-ion batteries can fuel hotter fires that release toxic fumes and are more difficult to put out. Lithium ion fires keep reigniting which explains why it takes so long and requires copious amounts of water or foam (it is an electric fire, after all) to smother the flames.

A59.) Tesla employee Bernard Tse and his team warned Elon Musk about these dangers in 2008 and they got fired and/or warned to “say nothing” by Musk.

A60.) Three top Tesla engineers died in a plane crash next to Tesla offices in San Carlos after two of them agreed to become whistle-blowers. Another whistle-blower has suggested they were killed in a “Boston Brakes” hit-job.

A61.) The DNC bosses, Congress people and federal executives own the stock in lithium, Solar and EV markets and use kickbacks from those markets (Especially via convoluted campaign finance laundering via Elon Musk) to finance the DNC.

A62.) The DNC bosses and Musk use character assassination as their main political tool against any member of the public who speaks out against their felony stock market scams and PizzaGate-like scandals. The Harvey Weinstein reports by Ronan Farrow show that they have teams of hired goons that they pay to destroy people’s lives.

A63.) They use Black Cube, Mossad, In-Q-Tel, Stratfor, Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Media Matters, David Brock, Sid Blumenthal, NY Times, Google servers, Facebook servers, Podesta Group, Perkins Coie, Covington & Burling and a host of “media assassins”.

A65.) Musk buddies: Gawker and Gizmodo Media set-up the attack stories and, in paid partnership with Google, Google kicks their attack links around the globe, in front of 8 Billion people, forever. Google locks the attack articles of its enemies on the front top search results of Google search results forever, on purpose! Google and Musk are partners-in-crime.

A66.) Larry Page steals technology for Google and Musk meets with Larry Page to advise him on which technologies to steal and how to bypass FEC laws.

A67.) Musk has exceeded FEC campaign finance limits by billions of dollars via “in-kind” services.

A68.) Had the full scope of these facts been acted on during the Obama Administration, Barack Obama would have become the first modern sitting President to have been arrested in the White House. Barack Obama was fully aware of these schemes, crony payola deals and corruption crimes and discussed the implementation of these crimes, daily, with Rahm Emanuel, David Plouffe, Steven Rattner, Robert Gibbs, John Podesta, David Axelrod, Eric Holder and Jay Carney in the Oval Office.

A69.) THIS corruption involves TRILLIONS of dollars of corrupt mining deals, automotive and energy monopolies!

A70.) THIS is why the federal budget analysis reports are showing TRILLIONS of dollars of ‘untraceable’ losses from the United States Treasury from 2006 up to today!

A71.) THIS is why a large number of reporters, whistle-blowers and prosecutors suddenly, and mysteriously turned up dead!

A72.) The company that Elon Musk built to usher in the electric-car future might not have enough cash to make it through the calendar year.

A73.) Tesla again fell far short of its own production targets for the mass-market Model 3 sedan

A74.) Another person died in a crash involving its assisted-driving feature.

A75.) Musk entered into a public dispute with federal safety regulators.

A76.) Tesla’s once high-flying stock, buffeted by a downgrade from credit analysts, has dropped 24 percent from its peak in September.

A77.) No one has raised or spent money the way Elon Musk has; Nor has any other chief executive officer of a public company made a bankruptcy joke on Twitter at a time when so much seemed to be unraveling.

A78.) Tesla is going through money so fast that, without additional financing, there is now a genuine risk that the 15-year-old company could run out of cash in 2018. The company burns through more than $6,500 every minute, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Free cash flow—the amount of cash a company generates after accounting for capital expenditures—has been negative for five consecutive quarters. That will be a key figure to watch when Tesla reports earnings May 2. Read the full story here: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2018-tesla-burns-cash/

A79.) In years to come, we will all look back and wonder how so many people were taken in by this shyster, who makes Enron look honest.

A80.) One of Tesla’s greatest strengths is its ability to monetize the patience and goodwill of its customers and loyal fans. The company is sitting on a staggering $854 million in customer deposits as of the end of 2017.

A81.) Since Tesla sells its products direct to consumers, without relying on a dealer network, customer deposits are cash payments that essentially serve as interest-free loans—and these loans can stretch on for years. If Tesla were to go bankrupt, those deposit holders would likely be wiped out.

A82.) Tesla is holding customer deposits for two vehicles that aren’t even in production yet: an electric Tesla Semi ($20,000 deposit) and a next-generation Roadster (either $50,000 down or the $250,000 retail price paid up front to reserve a limited edition). Even customers interested in installing an array of solar roof panels or the company’s Powerwall home battery must hand over $1,000 to place an order.

A83.) Tesla doesn’t break out deposit numbers by car, but the vast majority comes from $1,000 reservations for the Model 3. When Musk first introduced the lower-priced sedan in March 2016, fans stood in long lines at Tesla stores. Two years later, the slower-than-expected pace of production means that most of the more than 400,000 reservation holders are still waiting. And new people appear to be joining the queue: As of April, the company reported “net Model 3 reservations remained stable.”

A84.) There’s an additional source of free money from loyal believers: An unknown number of customers have paid up for vehicle features—$3,000 for “Full Self Driving” capability, for example—that Tesla thus far hasn’t figured out or released to anyone.

A85.) Elon Musk cooked the books by emailing interested sales prospects and asked them to put a deposit down before each quarter ended so he could book their tiny deposits as fully transacted $60K+ “sales” before each quarter closed.

A86.) Elon Musk and SpaceX are being sued by multiple employees for “lying about safety standards, safety records” and deadly safety defects.

A87.) The Elon Musk Tesla Money Laundering Board Of Directors is as full of fraud and corruption as Musk. Birds of a feather stick together and the Jurvetson, Draper, Musk, et al; clan of corruption runs deep. The Board of Directors can’t operate their scam without the whole pack of thieves and liars in place. An outsider will break theirs swamp of tax evasion, Dark Money political bribes, off-shore cash, self-dealing, book-cooking, real estate fraud, expense padding and other nefarious deeds.

A88.) Dianne Feinstein’s family member: Herb Newman of Sausalito, California’s HR firm: Newman Search (415 332-8425) has a company as of 1972 with the sole purpose of setting up investment bank deals with the People’s Republic of China. Feinstein arranged for Newman to provide the staffing for Tesla and Solyndra. Dianne Fenstein has been under investigation for spy activities with China and her senior aide was arrested as a Chinese top spy. In 1973 Mr. Newman arrived in Canton at the invitation of the Chinese Council for the Promotion of International Trade. (CCPIT). He and his company MVTC were one of fifty businesses to be invited to the Canton Trade Fair held in Kwangchow China. In 1978 Mr. Newman founded China Investments and in partnership with California Trade Delegations both companies as members of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce began taking US Corporations to China. Mr. Newman along with one of his associates at the time Mr. Darryl Schoon helped organize Senator Dianne Feinstein’s first trip to China in conjunction with the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. Herb Newman, Mart Bailey and Feinstein’s Husband; Dick Blum are on intelligence agency watch-lists, and under electronic surveillance, for potentially corrupt deals with China, Tesla and Solyndra.

A89.) Dianne Feinstein’s husband owns CBRE which owns the real estate contracts for both Tesla and Solyndra.

A90.) Dianne Feinstein’s family owns interests in the construction companies hired by both Tesla and Solyndra.

A91.) Dianne Feinstein had her staff warn other California businesses away from using the NUMMI car factory in order to protect the real estate deal for both Tesla ans CBRE, which is owned by her husband.

A92.) Tesla began real estate deals in multiple states and then cancelled them at the last minute, which got them sued for fraud and charged with “lying” to different communities. They started, and then pulled out of these different building (San Jose, Southern California, New Mexico, Etc.) deals, because CBRE and Feinstein were trying to leverage real estate profit exploitation using taxpayer funding.

A93.) Panasonic and Tesla have known for decades that the Panasonic 18650 batteries used in the Tesla suffer from multiple chemistry degradation defects which will almost always make them eventually explode or “go thermal”. The defects include: 1.) LENR activation, 2.) Dendrite lengthening, 3.) Particle congealing, 4.) Chemistry evolution and other defects. The Tesla projects is, essentially, a failed product product dumping effort of a failed and dangerous battery product.

A94.) Elon Musk has demanded that his employees sign “loyalty pledges”, “vows” and engage in Omerta’s in order to keep the corruption details of Tesla from being exposed to the public.

A95.) Tesla insider Antonio Gracias is the mob boss insider at Tesla who arranges media hit-jobs on those who displease Musk.

A96.) The NHTSB has issued requests to Tesla for safety tests and data that Tesla never complied with. Instead, Tesla paid bribes, which were referred to as “fees” to avoid having to complete those tests. An independent group of outside investigators issued a damning safety report to the NHTSB demanding that Tesla be compelled to produce the safety tests in 2010 but Obama appointed NHTSB executives buried the report and protected Tesla in order to keep the connection between Obama’s funding and Tesla protected. NHTSB boss: Strickland, an Obama insider, was confronted with this in Washington, DC and resigned from his job 48 hours later. NHTSB has still not acted on the severe Tesla safety defects that have been reported since 2009.

A97.) An SEC investigation of Musk uncovered horrific evidence of Musk corruption but the SEC could not report or act on it because Obama congressional bosses and lobbyists got the SEC investigation “limited” to only examine a single Twitter “Tweet” from Musk.

A98.) Elon Musk is protected by top DOJ, SEC, CFTC, FEC and other Obama left-over staff as well as 45 U.S. Senators and top Federal Reserve members and Goldman Sachs, who live in terror that exposure of the entire Elon Musk financial food-chain will topple the entire DNC Dark Money payola scam. This is the reason that Tesla can get away with so much obvious and overt corruption and still continue operations. Tesla Motors book-cooking, financial frauds and political payola conduits, if fully revealed, would change the course of political influence in America.

A99.) Elon Musk has been sued by a man that Musk called a “Pedo”, yet Musk’s own father has been accused of child sex abuse, racism and, indeed, got his own daughter pregnant!

A100.) Elon Musk’s mother has been accused of being a “self-indulgent trophy wife” who Musk was trained by to be an arrogant elitist. Her hatred of black people was imbued on Musk who has been sued by black people at his company for “running a racist culture”.

A101.) Elon Musk divorced the same woman twice because she knew his dirty little secret and threatened to out him if he did not keep the deal going. She was hired to “act” as his wife.

A102.) Musical artist Iggy Azalea was at a Musk Party, with other friends, who captured Elon Musk on video on drugs and in weird sex acts. Musk had Iggy’s camera stolen at the party to hie the evidence but he did not get the other cameras and did not realize that some of those cameras placed their images and videos directly on the Cloud, where hackers acquired them.

A103.) With cover-up help from Eric Holder, Steven Chu, Obama, Valarie Jarret, DNC FBI agents, Perkins Coie, Covington and Burling, Wilson Sonsini, etc; sociopath Musk actually believes he is “untouchable” and that he can get away with anything. His downfall will be the same downfall of every narcissist sociopath oligarch throughout all of recorded history.

A104.) Elon Musk is a drug addict. A simple urine and blood test proves it. Musk’s downfall and the downfall of John DeLorean are seeming to align.

Who is violating the law protecting Tesla by withholding investigations and prosecutions?

Why are they allowing American citizens to continue to die from the 1.) “sudden acceleration electronics defect”; 2.) “The failed Auto-pilot electronics defect”3.) “The deteriorating and deadly lithium ion batteries” and 4.) numerous other defects widely documented in the news media and filed lawsuits?


Why Elon Musk is a really bad guy and why his business operation is a corruption scam

By Former Tesla Staff

You may have run across Musk’s self promoting, narcissistic, multi-billion dollar, self-aggrandizing PR hype but here is the other side of the coin. We know these facts from personal interaction with Musk, his companies and his politicians. Everything in this letter can be proven in a jury trial, Congressional hearings or live TV debates. Musk will do anything to keep this information from getting out but… it is too late for him! While this may sound like a bad Hollywood movie script. It all really happened and there is now massive hard copy evidence to prove it.

Elon Musk exists because he bribed DNC politicians including Obama, Clinton and Senators Feinstein, Reid, Boxer, Harris, Spier and Pelosi to give him free taxpayer cash and government resources from the Department of Energy and the California political tax pool. This is proven when you follow-the-money and the insider trading, stock ownership and crony payola kick-backs.

The Energy Dept (DOE) has been covering-up organized crime activities at DOE in which DOE funds are being used as a slush-fund to pay off DNC campaign financiers and to pay for CIA/GPS Fusion-Class attacks on Silicon Valley business competitors. DNC campaign financiers and DOE staff share stock market holdings with each other under family trusts, shell corporations and layered Goldman Sachs accounts. The deal was: Obama funds Tesla, Musk conduits campaign funds to Obama, top Obama staff profit off of insider Musk stocks.

Elon Musk is a criminal, a mobster, an asshole, a balding fake-hair wearing, plastic surgery-addicted, bi-sexual douchebag, woman-abusing, sex addicted, tax evader. We can put this in writing because all of those identifications regarding Musk can be proven in court and are documented in existing lawsuits and news stories.

Musk exploits poor people and child slaves in the Congo and Afghanistan to mine his lithium and Cobalt. Look up this phrase on the top search engines: “child labor electric car batteries”.

Musk spends billions per year to hire Russian trolls, fake blogger fan-boys and buy fake news self-glory look-at-me articles about himself. Musk thinks he is the ‘Jesus’ of Silicon Valley and he will do anything to make the public think so. Musk is insecure because his father was abusive and his “trophy wife” Mother is overbearing so he developed sociopath-like mental issues. Musk has been professionally diagnosed as a ‘psychotic narcissist. He publicly stated on an investor call that he uses drugs and alcohol to get through the night. We have the tapes.

Musk relies on Google and the DNC Main Stream News (MSN) to hide bad news about him. Fake News manipulator Google is run by Larry Page. Larry is Musk’s investor and bromance ‘Butt buddy’. They share an apartment. Musk uses massive numbers of shell companies and trust funds to self-deal, evade the law and hide his bribes and stock market insider trading. His brother ran Solar City and is now under federal investigation for securities fraud.

A huge number of Tesla drivers have been killed; pedestrians and oncoming drivers have also been killed, and Musk covers it up.

The DNC and the MSM refuse to allow any articles about Musk’s crimes to be printed because they benefit from Musk’s crimes. VC’s Tim Draper and Steve Jurvetson are so fanatical about not being embarrassed from a Tesla bankruptcy that they will pump the TSLA stock and threaten anybody who might disclose the Musk misdeeds. Peter Thiel, a Musk ‘boyfriend” also protects Musk. Musk, and his cronies, use Palantir, Google and related software to scan the entire internet every few minutes for any occurrence of the words: “Musk”, “Tesla” or “Tesla Fire”. They send trolls and fake bloggers (Many of them Russian) to put pro-Musk comments on the comments section of any blogs or articles discussing those topics and try to flood out the truth about Musk. In EVERY blog that you read that mentions ‘Musk’, at least 1/3 of the comments have been placed their by Musk’s paid shills. There are no “Tesla Fan Boys”. All of the fanatic Tesla comments on the internet are Musk’s, Thiel’s, Jurvetson’s and Draper’s fake fanboy trolls. Musk, himself, stays up late at night pretending to be a ‘Tesla Fan Boy’on blogs. Main Stream News organizations who refuse to cover the story reveal themselves as shills and are then targeted for bankruptcy (ie: Time, Gawker, etc.) because they serve no public service.

The Silicon Valley Mafia promotes Musk as a “Tech God” leader but, in reality Musk is the same kind of “Leader” as Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh, Swami Rajneesh and Al Capone. His own people have sued him for fraud and lies once they realized that Musk-ism and Scientology had so much in common.

The ‘Silicon Valley Mafia; cartel of frat boy sociopath venture capitalists like Steve Jurvetson, Tim Draper, Eric Schmidt, et al; threaten those who do not support the cult of Tesla or their political candidates.

Musk holds the record for getting sued for fraud by his investors, wives, former partners, employees, suppliers and co-founders. Elon Musk has gone out of his way to hire hundreds of ex-CIA and In-Q-Tel staff and assign them to “dirty tricks teams” to attack his competitors and elected officials who Musk hates.

Musk and his culture are being sued for abuse to women and blacks and the Unions hate him for lying to them. https://stopelonfromfailingagain.com reveals even more Musk lies.

Musk never founded his companies. He took Tesla away from the founder: Marty, in a hostile take-over!

Musk’s “Starlink” satellites are domestic spy and political manipulation tools – never get your internet from anything SpaceX has launched. SpaceX is entirely a domestic spy operation. Musk’s “Mars” scheme is just a PR distraction.

The same kind of EMF radiation proven to cause cancer from cell phones exists in massive amounts in a Tesla.

Musk can’t fix a car or build a rocket and has almost no mechanical skills.

If you pull a report of every VIN# of every Tesla ever built and cross reference that with insurance, repair and lawsuit records you will find that the “per volume” fire, crash, death and defect rate is THE WORST of any car maker in history! Musk’s lobbyists have bribed DOT and NHTSA to stall safety inspections. NO COMPLETE UNCOMPROMISING SAFETY REPORT ON TESLA CARS HAS EVER BEEN PUBLISHED but we have a copy of a hushed up report that would put Tesla out of business. Musk’s ‘Autopilot’ system is a scam to get government cash BUT IT NEVER WORKS. The Tesla ‘Autopilot’ has crashed into police cars, pedestrians, swamps and driven owners over cliffs.

Musk is a lying con artist and partners with Goldman Sachs to rig the stock market. Sachs has a dedicated team of 18 men who rig stocks and valuation bumps for Musk.The “Silk Road” Cocaine and Murder-For-Hire website was created at Musk’s SpaceX and Musk’s In-Q-Tel staff ran two transport planes filled with drugs; listed as “Cocaine 1” on FAA records.

Over 1000 witnesses can prove every one of those claims in any live televised Congressional hearing! Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it’s suppliers and mining companies. That is why they criminally help cover-up investigations of Tesla! All of this was reported, in writing, to James Comey, Patricia Rich and David Johnson at the FBI. Tesla and Solyndra sit on the same land and share staff, contracts and lobbying. California politicians own parts of both.

Why aren’t all of those parties in prison if it is so easy to prove the crime? Think back to recent history: the heads of the Department of Energy, the FBI, The DOJ and the U.S. Attorney General were kicked out of their jobs for corruption. THIS was the corruption they were doing. They all knew about this crime but they were covering it up.

Musk took over Tesla Motors in a hostile take-over in order to exploit lithium, cobalt and other mining corruption deals for his business partners. Let’s take a look at the ‘lithium’ in Musk’s horrifically miss-engineered lithium ion batteries:

His batteries cause wars in the Congo, Afghanistan and Bolivia from the corrupt mining deals involved with mining lithium and cobalt. Lithium ion batteries are insider trading-owned by ex-CIA boss Woolsey and DOE Boss Chu. Lithium ion batteries excrete chemicals that mutate fetuses when they burn; destroy your brain, lungs and nervous system when they burn; kill the factory workers who make them; cause Panasonic to be one of the most corrupt companies in the world; poison the Earth when disposed of; can’t be extinguished by firemen; poison firemen when they burn; are based on criminally corrupt mining schemes like URANIUM ONE; Have over 61 toxic chemicals in them; come from an industry that spends billions on internet shills and trolls used to nay say all other forms of energy; and are insider-trading owned by corrupt U.S. Senators who are running a SAFETY COVER-UP about their dangers.

Apple products with lithium ion batteries have been exploding and setting people on fire. Over time the chemical dendrites, or deposits, inside each battery grow worse and increase the chances of explosion as they age – LITHIUM ION BATTERIES BECOME MORE AND MORE LIKELY TO EXPLODE AS TIME GOES ON AND AS THEY AGE. This is not a theory. This is a scientific fact. That is why you hear about more and more lithium batteries catching fire and blowing up. Additionally, scientists also speculate that the increasing presence of low energy nuclear background energy and wifi energy in the environment is making lithium ion batteries explode more often lately. This theory is upheld by the increasing number of FAA reports about commercial airline cabins suddenly “filling up with toxic smoke” as some lithium ion battery explodes in someones overhead luggage. As commercial jets go higher they lose the protection of the atmosphere and are subjected to more gamma (and other) radiation from overhead. This makes the already unstable lithium ion batteries on board blow up.

Tesla owner’s had had more DUI’s, abuse filings in divorce proceedings and crashes than any other car maker PER VOLUME. This makes Tesla the #1 car for douche bags and scummy people.

Tesla’s own federal patent filing records confirm that Tesla batteries are as dangerous as this document reports.

“Bad Guys” have figured out how to make them explode remotely in devices by making the device electronics cause the batteries to overload. The dangers of lithium ion batteries are hidden by CNN and Main Stream News (MSN) because pretty much only the DNC people profit from them and the DNC folks control CNN and the MSN. George Soros owns part of Tesla Motors so that Soros can help conduit DNC cash.

The Obama Administration promised Silicon Valley oligarchs the market monopoly on lithium ion batteries and the sabotage of fuel cells in exchange for campaign financing and search engine rigging; United States Senators that are supposed to protect us from these deadly products own the stock market assets of them so they protect them and stop the FDA, OSHA, DOT & NHTSA from outlawing them. There have been thousands of defect reports filed on Tesla cars.

Tom Steyer is a notorious DNC financier. His partner, Margaret Sullivan ran, the federal USAID agency, USAID sent all of the DNC campaign financiers in Silicon Valley a federal ‘report’ from USAID that said there was “A TRILLION DOLLARS OF LITHIUM IN AFGHANISTAN” and promised to give those lithium mines, EXCLUSIVELY, to the Silicon Valley venture capitalists if they funded and web search manipulated the election for Obama to take over the White House. We have the documents proving this. In other words, a re-up of the Afghan War was caused by Elon Musk and it killed American soldiers so that Musk could buy more mansions and trophy wives.

If a Tesla battery gets wet it will explode and cause all of the other batteries to explode in a “cascade of explosions”. Water makes Tesla batteries explode. In an accident, when a Tesla rolls over, molten metal & plastic can drip on & burn the occupants alive and seal them in molten metal.

Alkaline, NiCAD and hundreds of other battery chemistries DO NOT have all of these problems but Lithium Ion batteries get a monopoly because of politician insider trading owner-ships.

Tesla Motors has caused far more deaths and injuries than the world generally knows about. A recent fire on U.S. Highway 101 near Mountain View, CA, burned the driver alive and killed him. In Florida two kids died in a Tesla, burned alive, screaming in agony. A man died in agony in a Tesla crash in Malibu that set Malibu Canyon on fire. A young woman, at the start of life, and her boyfriend were burned alive in their crashed Tesla. There are many more deaths and crashes than you have seen in the Main Stream News (MSN) The deaths and the cover-ups are endless.

Senators Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and their associates own the stock in Tesla Motors and/or it’s suppliers and mining companies and they cover-up and halt investigations and laws designed to save the public. They, and their crony’s, spend over $1B a year to shill and troll hype about lithium ion batteries and cover-up the dangers. Lithium ion EVs are more prone to battery fires. Experts say that their lithium-ion batteries can fuel hotter fires that release toxic fumes and are more difficult to put out. Lithium ion fires keep reigniting which explains why it takes so long and requires copious amounts of water or foam (it is an electric fire, after all) to smother the flames. Tesla employee Bernard Tse and his team warned Elon Musk about these dangers in 2008 and they got fired and/or warned to “say nothing” by Musk. Three top Tesla engineers died in a plane crash next to Tesla offices in San Carlos after two of them agreed to become whistle-blowers.

The DNC bosses, Congress people and federal executives own the stock in lithium, Solar and EV markets and use kickbacks from those markets (Especially via convoluted campaign finance laundering via Elon Musk) to finance the DNC.

The DNC bosses and Musk use character assassination as their main political tool against any member of the public who speaks out against their felony stock market scams and PizzaGate-like scandals. The Harvey Weinstein reports by Ronan Farrow show that they have teams of hired goons that they pay to destroy people’s lives.

They use Black Cube, Mossad, In-Q-Tel, Stratfor, Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Media Matters, David Brock, Sid Blumenthal, NY Times, Google servers, Facebook servers, Podesta Group, Perkins Coie, Covington & Burling and a host of “media assassins”.

Gawker and Gizmodo Media set-up the attack stories and, in paid partnership with Google, Google kicks their attack links around the globe, in front of 8 Billion people, forever. Google locks the attack articles of its enemies on the front top search results of Google search results forever, on purpose! Google and Musk are partners-in-crime. Larry Page steals technology for Google and Musk meets with Larry Page to advise him on which technologies to steal and how to bypass FEC laws. Musk has exceeded FEC campaign finance limits by billions of dollars via “in-kind” services.

Had the full scope of these facts been acted on during the Obama Administration, Barack Obama would have become the first modern sitting President to have been arrested in the White House. Barack Obama was fully aware of these schemes, crony payola deals and corruption crimes and discussed the implementation of these crimes, daily, with Rahm Emanuel, David Plouffe, Steven Rattner, Robert Gibbs, John Podesta, David Axelrod, Eric Holder and Jay Carney in the Oval Office.

THIS corruption is what all of the big political scandals are about today!

THIS corruption involves TRILLIONS of dollars of corrupt mining deals, automotive and energy monopolies!

THIS is why the federal budget analysis reports are showing TRILLIONS of dollars of ‘untraceable’ losses from the United States Treasury from 2006 up to today!

THIS is why a large number of reporters, whistle-blowers and prosecutors suddenly, and mysteriously turned up dead!

THIS can all be proven in jury trial and in live televised Congressional hearings!

There is so much more to reveal but you get the picture.

This is all being covered up because top State and Federal officials are in on it, own the stock in it and are so deeply involved in it that they could go to Federal prison when this all comes out.

This is Part 1. There is more to be released. Show this document to the United States Senate and see what they say about all this…”

A complete guide to how Elon Musk has raised, and then spent, billions of dollars, mostly from your tax money and pension funds.

The company that Elon Musk built to usher in the electric-car future might not have enough cash to make it through the calendar year.

The anxieties that lurk beneath the tremendous ambition of Tesla Inc. moved into the forefront in recent weeks. The company again fell far short of its own production targets for the mass-market Model 3 sedan, another person died in a crash involving its assisted-driving feature and Musk entered into a public dispute with federal safety regulators. Tesla’s once high-flying stock, buffeted by a downgrade from credit analysts, has dropped 24 percent from its peak in September.

There’s a good reason to worry: No one has raised or spent money the way Elon Musk has. Nor has any other chief executive officer of a public company made a bankruptcy joke on Twitter at a time when so much seemed to be unraveling.

Tesla is going through money so fast that, without additional financing, there is now a genuine risk that the 15-year-old company could run out of cash in 2018. The company burns through more than $6,500 every minute, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Free cash flow—the amount of cash a company generates after accounting for capital expenditures—has been negative for five consecutive quarters. That will be a key figure to watch when Tesla reports earnings May 2.

Read the full story here:


In years to come, we will all look back and wonder how so many people were taken in by this shyster, who makes Enron look honest.

A lot of Musk’s money has been extracted from suckers, who think he is God’s gift, as Bloomberg report:

One of Tesla’s greatest strengths is its ability to monetize the patience and goodwill of its customers and loyal fans. The company is sitting on a staggering $854 million in customer deposits as of the end of 2017.

Since Tesla sells its products direct to consumers, without relying on a dealer network, customer deposits are cash payments that essentially serve as interest-free loans—and these loans can stretch on for years. If Tesla were to go bankrupt, those deposit holders would likely be wiped out.

Tesla is holding customer deposits for two vehicles that aren’t even in production yet: an electric Tesla Semi ($20,000 deposit) and a next-generation Roadster (either $50,000 down or the $250,000 retail price paid up front to reserve a limited edition). Even customers interested in installing an array of solar roof panels or the company’s Powerwall home battery must hand over $1,000 to place an order.

Tesla doesn’t break out deposit numbers by car, but the vast majority comes from $1,000 reservations for the Model 3. When Musk first introduced the lower-priced sedan in March 2016, fans stood in long lines at Tesla stores. Two years later, the slower-than-expected pace of production means that most of the more than 400,000 reservation holders are still waiting. And new people appear to be joining the queue: As of April, the company reported “net Model 3 reservations remained stable.”

There’s an additional source of free money from loyal believers: An unknown number of customers have paid up for vehicle features—$3,000 for “Full Self Driving” capability, for example—that Tesla thus far hasn’t figured out or released to anyone.

The consumer psychology that sees hundreds of thousands of people essentially extending an interest-free loan to a public company is unusual, to say the least. Consider the devotion of Bruce Sidlinger, a 60-year-old aerospace engineer who lives in Flagstaff, Arizona:

“The morning after the Roadster was announced, I put a deposit down. Putting down $50,000 for a Roadster that won’t be out for a few years is kind of like buying a bond that returns zero. Elon Musk is one of our planet’s great hopes. I would offer a kidney to him if he needed it.”

Keep in mind that Sidlinger already owns both a Model S and a Model X. He drove across the country to Florida earlier this year in a car made by one Musk company so he could watch a rocket made by another Musk company take flight for the first time.

I think the phrase “more money than sense” rather sums it up



Apple and Google also named in US lawsuit over Congolese child cobalt mining deaths for Elon Musk’s Tesla Cars

Exploitation in focus

Global development

Dell, Microsoft and Tesla also among tech firms named in case brought by families of children killed or injured while mining in DRC

Exploitation in focus is supported by

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Annie Kelly

A landmark legal case has been launched against the world’s largest tech companies by Congolese families who say their children were killed or maimed while mining for cobalt used to power smartphones, laptops and electric cars, the Guardian can reveal. Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla have been named as defendants in a lawsuit filed in Washington DC by human rights firm International Rights Advocates on behalf of 14 parents and children from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The lawsuit accuses the companies of aiding and abetting in the death and serious injury of children who they claim were working in cobalt mines in their supply chain. The families and injured children are seeking damages for forced labour and further compensation for unjust enrichment, negligent supervision and intentional infliction of emotional distress. It is the first time that any of the tech companies have faced such a legal challenge. Cobalt is essential to power the rechargeable lithium batteries used in millions of products sold by Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla every year. The insatiable demand for cobalt, driven by desire for cheap handheld technology, has tripled in the past five years and is expected to double again by the end of 2020. More than 60% of cobalt originates in DRC, one of the poorest and most unstable countries in the world.  Aerial view of the Kasulo neighborhood of Kolwezi. In the first picture, taken May 2016, there are just residential houses. By May 2019, Congo DongFang International Mining (a subsidiary of chinese company Huayou Cobalt) have built a mining site, with a walled perimeter and processing buildings (in blue). The pink tarps cover tunnels used for mining. The extraction of cobalt from DRC has been linked to human rights abuses, corruption, environmental destruction and child labour. The lawsuit argues that Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla all aided and abetted the mining companies that profited from the labour of children who were forced to work in dangerous conditions – conditions that ultimately led to death and serious injury. The families argue in the claim that their children were working illegally at mines owned by UK mining company Glencore. The court papers allege that cobalt from the Glencore-owned mines is sold to Umicore, a Brussels-based metal and mining trader, which then sells battery-grade cobalt to Apple, Google, Tesla, Microsoft and Dell.

Other plaintiffs in the court documents say they worked at mines owned by Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt, a major Chinese cobalt firm, which the lawsuit claims supplies Apple, Dell, and Microsoft and is likely to supply the other defendants.

In the court documents, the Congolese families describe how their children were driven by extreme poverty to seek work in large mining sites, where they claim they were paid as little as $2 (£1.50) a day for backbreaking and dangerous work digging for cobalt rocks with primitive tools in dark, underground tunnels.

The families claim that some of the children were killed in tunnel collapses while others were paralysed or suffered life-changing injuries from accidents.


I saw the unbearable grief inflicted on families by cobalt mining. I pray for change

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Another child, referred to as John Doe 1, says that he started working in the mines when he was nine. The lawsuit claims that earlier this year, he was working as a human mule for Kamoto Copper Company, carrying bags of cobalt rocks for $0.75 a day, when he fell into a tunnel. After he was dragged out of the tunnel by fellow workers, he says he was left alone on the ground at the mining site until his parents heard about the accident and arrived to help him. He is now paralysed from the chest down and will never walk again.

Other families included in the claim say that their children were killed in tunnel collapses or suffered serious injuries such as smashed limbs and broken spines while crawling through tunnels or carrying heavy loads. The families say that none were paid any compensation for the deaths and injuries.

One of the central allegations in the lawsuit is that Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla were aware and had “specific knowledge” that the cobalt they use in their products is linked to child labour performed in hazardous conditions, and were complicit in the forced labour of the children.

The families argue in the court papers that all companies named as defendants entered into commercial “ventures” with the mining companies operating in DRC, and all gained significant financial advantages from the widespread illegal mining of cobalt by children, which continues to enter global supply chains.

Children digging for cobalt near Lake Malo. Photograph: Siddharth Kara The court papers claim that Apple, Dell, Microsoft, Google and Tesla all have the authority and resources to supervise and regulate their cobalt supply chains and that their inability to do so contributed to the deaths and injuries suffered by their clients. A spokesperson for Glencore said: “Glencore notes the allegations contained in a US lawsuit filed on 15th December 2019.

Glencore supports and respects human rights in a manner consistent with the universal declaration of human rights.

Glencore’s production of cobalt in the DRC is a by-product of our industrial copper production. Glencore’s operations in the DRC do not purchase or process any artisanally mined ore.

Glencore does not tolerate any form of child, forced, or compulsory labour.”

Huayou, Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla have also been approached for comment.



    The facts are:

    – That an organized crime program exists between Silicon Valley tech oligarchs, investment banks, U.S. Senators, government agency staff and White House staff to engage in these crimes.

    – That public officials knowingly participate in these crimes by failing to report their associates who engage in these illicit actions and by hiring suppliers who operate these illicit activities.

    – That the suspects manipulate government funds for their personal profiteering at the expense of domestic citizen taxpayers like us.

    – That the suspects operate a vast stock market manipulation program, as a core function of their operations, and those illicit deeds function at the expense of the public to render unjust gain to public officials.

    – That the suspects contract a known group of lobbyists, corrupt law firms, unethical CPA’s, corrupt investment banks and specialized corruption services providers to attack, defame, physically harm, character assassinate, black-list and/or kill those they dislike and they harmed us with those acts.

    – That the suspects operate an Epstein-like sex-trafficking network of prostitutes and sexual extortion activities and locations for the engagement of said activities and for the bribery of cohorts via sex workers.

    – That the suspects engage in electronic attacks and manipulations including hacking, election manipulation, media censorship and internet search results manipulation in order to mask their schemes.

    – That the suspects engage in Lois Lerner-like, SPYGATE-like, VA whistleblower-like reprisal and retribution  attacks using government agencies like SSA, DOJ, FBI, LSC, HUD, HHS, DOE, Etc.

    We demand that Elon Musk be arrested on RICO Racketeering, Anti-Trust, Tax Evasion, Bribery, and related charges!

    What a twisted, raging, sick pervert, narcissist, vengeful, anti-competitive, monopolistic, Goldman Sachs sucking, hit-man hiring mobster!


    — The Musk empire has paid more bribes to politicians than almost any other modern entity. That is why no full investigation of the Musk scams has ever been completed.

    —- Elon Musk, Larry Page, Steve Jurvetson and Jared Birchell hire Ex-CIA losers right after they are fired by the CIA, or directly from IN-Q-TEL or from Fusion GPS, Media Matters and other CYBER ASSASSIN KILL SERVICES. They send their hit men after competitors, reporters, ex-employees and whistle-blowers because they chose to CHEAT RATHER THAN COMPETE! —- Elon Musk’s “Twitter Purchase” is just a scam to sell his Tesla stock without the SEC or his old investors noticing: THEY NOTICED!

    —- Google’s Eric Schmidt and Larry Page have a bromance relationship with Musk and use the global resources of Alphabet to hide any negative news about Musk assets.The 2008 Department of Energy Cleantech Crash proves that a federal agency was used as just one big slush-fund to pay-off political campaign financiers, operate insider-trading stocks and sabotage those financiers competitors using taxpayer-financed resources!

    —- We have used private investigator, FBI resources and deep AI research to reveal that all government staff working on our application were getting quid-pro-quo…they were on the take. (Can anyone point out to us EVEN ONE person who was in the DOE/White House loop who was not working for, invested in, getting a future job from or other wise conflicted?) What do you do when The U.S. Government convinces you to invest millions of dollars, and your life, into one of their projects.

    —- Then their project turns out to be a scam where they had covertly hard-wired the upside to a couple of Senator’s and their campaign financier friends. The fix was in and the game was rigged to use a government program as a slush-fund for friends-with-benefits. We, and the public, got defrauded. Now the damages must be paid for, one way, or another.

    —- Every one of the insiders who did get government funding got it in the exact same size and order as their covert political campaign funding and stock market bribes to the deciders. Chamath Palihapitiya and other Silicon Valley insiders have now exposed the fact that Greylock, Kleiner, etc. are just a VC Ponzi Scheme! in this whole mess.

    —- Musk used crooked Senators to get his funds. Those Senators and government agency bosses were financed by, friends with, sleeping with, dating the staff of, holding stock market assets in, promised a revolving door job or government service contracts from, partying with, personal friends with, photographed at private events with, making profits by consulting for, exchanging emails with, business associates of or directed by; one of those business adversaries, or the Senators and politicians that those business adversaries pay campaign finances to, or supply political search engine manipulation services to.

    — Elon Musk is notorious for getting Department of Energy money by bribing public officials and placing his friends: Steven Chu, Matt Rogers, Steve Westly, Steve Spinner’s ‘special friend’, etc. on the staff of the Department of Energy and in the White House. We have FBI-class records, financial tracking, emails, stock market relay records and other forensic data that proves it.

    —- We can swear, warrant, certify and prove these assertions in front of Congress in a live Congressional hearing or Civil Jury trial, given non-compromised legal backing. If you think you have bribed the same number of Senators, bought a President and taken over most of the Department of Energy like Musk did… go for it! In this day and age, with every citizen able to track every public figure, with FBI-quality databases, on their home computers, it might be a crash-and-burn but you are welcome to try.

    —- Lithium metals, and other rare earth mining materials, are monopolized by Elon Musk and his Silicon Valley Cartel, in rare-earth corrupt mining scams. Lithium’s widespread use in cars is hindered by a challenging obstacle: upon multiple charge-discharge cycles, fractal filaments called dendrites always grow through the electrolyte from the negative to the positive electrode and short-circuit the battery from the inside, thus guaranteeing that Tesla Cars will eventually all explode. Musk and Panasonic have known this since 2007 (They are “dumping” the batteries via Tesla) and have paid U.S. Senators, who own stock in Tesla, to cover it up.

    —- The lithium fires and toxic vapors are a major safety concern because they have killed, poisoned and injured too many citizens. Musk gets away with his scams because he pays U.S. Senators bribes with stocks in his corporations and has a thousand crooked Goldman Sachs investment bankers selling his hair-brained schemes to your parents pension funds.

    —- Tesla is known as “the official car of douche-bags”. The safety defect cover-ups on the Tesla are extreme. Musk’s narcissistic trophy-wife mom and his extremist father (who got his young sister pregnant) are thought to be the cause of Musk’s racism and sociopath behaviors.


    —- He is the #1 crony capitalist government mooch in America and has received billions of dollars of your tax money to help him buy his mansions, starlets and sex parties.

    —- He pays women for sex and pays other women not to disclose that he tried to sexually extort them. He paid Amber Heard at least $500K for sex, paid his stewardess $250K to report his sex abuse of her, and has a provider service via a layer of insiders.

    —- His cars and rockets blow up, his tunnels are unsafe, his satellites spy on consumers and his brain chip company tortures small animals. He swiped all of his technology from someone else and has never come up with his own inventions.

    —- Space-X is just a domestic spying company. Don’t buy Musk’s bullshit about Space-X doing any good deeds. Everything Space-X launches is to spy on the poor folks on the ground and monitor their internet. Also, Musk’s Neuralink company tortures small animals to try out Musk’s pseudo-science mind-reading chips.

    —- There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

    —- So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.

    See:   http://www.gotmusked.com

    — See:  https://dawnproject.com/full-self-driving-cars-software-at-its-most-dangerous/

    —- See:  https://tesladeaths.com

    —- Elon Musk has lied hundreds of times about Tesla Motors

    —- See: https://carbuzz.com/news/nearly-500000-tesla-models-have-serious-defects


    —- THE VAMPIRE POWER DEFECT: Your Tesla will suck more power than it needs in order to try to charge itself. A huge bunch of Tesla charging cords set themselves on fire. IF YOU WANT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE TO BURN DOWN, THEN PARK YOUR TESLA INSIDE IT.



    —– HORRIBLE DEFECTS: Not everything is unicorns and rainbows when it comes to an electric vehicle, and Tesla (undoubtedly) has a few kinks to work out. However, some of these flaws have seemingly been ignored or swept away from the public eye. There are some things that are never openly admitted or speculated about Tesla vehicles, yet we harshly criticize run-of-the-mill autos with ease. Out of fairness—and for potential buyers, necessity—we should take a look at a few of the complaints that current owners have raised about these beloved EVs.

    —- AWFUL BUILD QUALITY: If you have ever experienced difficulties with a Tesla, firsthand, then you probably know better than anyone how pricey repairs can become if they’re not covered by a warranty or insurance. This explains why insurance premiums are so high for these vehicles. However, the truth of the matter is that even if you’re not paying to replace those parts, they are much poorer quality than we’re all led to believe. If Tesla’s parts were, in fact, of great quality, then we wouldn’t have freak issues such as bolts rusting off after a mere few years of ownership, or falcon doors constantly misaligning themselves. Not everything on a Tesla is inherently low-quality, but Tesla is certainly cutting corners. The durability shows in the longevity of the parts and by how early rattling, squeaking, and other common problems seem to surface.

    —- HORRIBLE SPEEDOMETER PLACEMENT: The golden rule we’re all taught in driving school is to keep your eyes on the road. This is, obviously, why police have been cracking down on drivers who use handheld electronic devices while driving. You would expect that a carmaker would probably build a car with safety in mind and take things like this into consideration during the design process. But technology comes first for Tesla. Their (controversial) touchscreen is also the home for the speedometer, which on the edge of the driver’s peripheral vision, which means that they have to look away from the road in order to see what speed they’re going. It’s not necessarily the biggest problem, at least in hindsight, but it can become a dangerous feature for the unsuspecting. Still, the feature is shared with the Mini Cooper, including the electric Mini Cooper SE.

    —- INSANELY EXPENSIVE TO REPAIR: Part of the appeal of buying something expensive is the expectation that it will save you money in the future. But Tesla has earned a spot in the hall of fame for overpriced vehicles, and that doesn’t just apply to the sticker price but also takes into account all the maintenance costs that plague owners. Even though the Tesla’s don’t need oil changes, spark plug replacements, or oil filters, Tesla recommends drivers invest in their maintenance plans that include a thorough inspection of the vehicle every 12,000 miles. The prices vary based on the year and model of the car, as well as which specific plan the driver chooses, but standalone inspections range anywhere from $475 to $750 per visit (not including repairs). A four-year maintenance plan is around $2,500. Needless to say, you’ll need to have a good chunk of change set aside for these evaluations. Issues extend to tires and poor suspension, and yes, we will certainly mention the battery.

    —- EXTENSIVE STEERING FAILURES: It’s true that Teslas tend to carry a bit of technological baggage with their state-of-the-art devices. Most of it is just annoying more than it is dangerous, but rest assured, Tesla has also managed to squeeze in a few mechanical problems as well. They’ve been much less common than the cosmetic flaws but can have life-threatening outcomes. A few new Tesla owners have experienced problems with the steering wheel locking up while turning. Not only will you see your life flash before your eyes, but you may be dismayed to find out that several weeks of repairs are typically involved since it’s not an issue that Tesla has completely resolved. This is before we even bring to light the new “yolk” steering wheel in the Model S Plaid.

    —- YOU CAN NEVER GET YOUR CAR BACK FROM THE SERVICE CENTERS: Speaking of car troubles, Tesla dealerships are so sparse that many owners are forced to plan out their trip to the service center much more thoroughly than the average driver would. Unfortunately, the plight with their new Tesla’s can sometimes be uncharted territory for mechanics—this is a relatively new technology, after all—so it may take several days, and sometimes even weeks, before owners get to see their cars again. What’s worse is that many of these technical difficulties aren’t fully resolved during the first visit. Like we’ve said before, there isn’t much knowledge on electric vehicles and technicians may not be as familiar with the problems that plague these vehicles, primarily because a Tesla operates more like a computer than it does an old gas guzzler.

    —- TESLA CARS SPY ON YOU: Teslas are incredibly connected… to the point that they’re able to (potentially) predict when you plan to drive them and what routes. Elon hasn’t been known for respecting privacy and his first company, PayPal, has even been in lawsuits for it. All respect to his technological advancement, but consider what a man creating a chip for your brain is trying to do with your car! Face recognition, video sharing with or without consent, and Tesla monitoring your driving history and patterns are all open for discussion and unless you dig really deep or have a law degree, you might not be safe. If you’re a criminal or just worry about being watched, this is one of the last bit of tech pieces you would want. Some have even raised red flags over issues of hacking Teslas for a new world of issues.

    —- THE EMERGENCY RELEASE WILL SCREW YOU: It may seem like a nitpick (and it is) but the terrible placement of the emergency handle is also a potential threat to the car and therefore, it’s a necessary point to bring up. Since Tesla’s vehicles don’t have your average door handle and everything in the car is electric, the manufacturer was witty enough to install an emergency handle on the interior to prevent passengers from getting trapped inside. There’s just one little flaw with this idea: the placement. Since new passengers aren’t used to the high-tech vehicle, they tend to go for the emergency handle instead of using the standard electric button that opens the door. This is an honest mistake since the emergency handle is near where a door handle normally would be, but if it’s pulled too often it can and will crack the window. And that’s the last thing any Tesla owner wants to deal with.

    —- DEADLY BLIND SPOTS: Another feature that is seen in many modern-day vehicles (electric or not) is blind-spot detection. This is a nice touch to have and is practically expected on a high-end vehicle these days. The only thing that separates Tesla from other manufacturers that are employing blind-spot detection is the placement of the detector. Similar to the difficulty that people have seeing the speedometer, the blind-spot detection doesn’t alert drivers of a threat on the side-view mirrors like most vehicles do. Instead, a notice pops up on the touchscreen. A lot of people have something against the touchscreen and, while we don’t find it to be all bad, there are instances such as this one when it’s understandable why it can become a nuisance. If every feature is integrated into the touchscreen, it seems like the entire car revolves around a mounted iPad.

    —- BAD COSMETIC DETAILS: Have you ever bought something nice only to have it experience defects shortly after? If you’ve put a good amount of cash into it, it’s not only inconvenient but also extremely frustrating. Proud Tesla owners have been extremely let down to find that their overpriced electric vehicle has scratches all over their car and bulges in the windshield. These unfortunate Teslas were born with cosmetic defects from the factory. Clearly, the newbie manufacturer hasn’t been able to get the assembly process down yet. Waiting out the initial wave of manufacturer defects would be wiser than jumping on a waiting list for the latest and greatest model.

    —- ZERO FUTURE PROTECTION: Except Tesla and Rivian, there have been no major car manufacturers to emerge in almost 100 years. Naturally, this doesn’t include off-shoot luxury brands or foreign brands that were bought out. Tesla respectably came from the ground-up in the 21st century on its own. That being said, it doesn’t have a long carefully-recorded history of reliability, work ethic, or quality control, and it shows hard. Besides body gaps that range from dog doors to atomic fusion, the real longevity of a Telsa is almost entirely unknown. The used market for a Tesla is not great to begin with, but with the emergence of high battery replacement costs, how the old Teslas hold up is a big fat question mark. New rules and restrictions like to speed or features can be turned off without your consent remotely at the whim of a the bureaucrats.

    —- VERY UNSAFE WHEEL DESIGN: There are some things that you never know about a car until you personally own it. And, to be fair, owners tend to critique their own cars harshly. A common nitpick with the Tesla Model 3 is the obnoxious fact that it comes with all-terrain (otherwise known as, ‘all season’) tires. Many Model 3 owners dislike this because they want more performance-oriented tires. Not to say that it’s not a smooth ride—it has received incredible reception for that alone—but if it was included with performance tires, the experience could be enhanced tremendously. The shared belief among many owners (specifically, those who don’t need winter tires) is that all-terrain tires should be something that a buyer can purchase on their own if they happen to need them.

    —- BATTERY REPLACEMENT IS A NIGHTMARE: Along with the sketchy aspect of having an electric vehicle, there’s also a major setback on the cost to repair it as well. While a charge may not be so pricey, the cost to replace any of the parts on a Tesla can really become a burden. For instance, if you had to buy a new battery for a Model 3, the base would cost around $9,500 (on the low end) and the extended-range battery would come close to $16k. Sadly, that’s as much as a used car (maybe even a few). There’s a domino effect with these overpriced repairs as well, as the price to insure a Tesla tends to be more than the average vehicle. The high rate of accidents in Teslas is partly to blame, but their expensive repairs are no help.

    —- THERE ARE NO DEALERSHIPS AROUND TO HELP YOU: Tesla has just recently begun opening service centers in areas with a large amount of foot traffic, but the idea of dealerships is a concept of the past for Tesla. Following a completely different business model from the traditional car manufacturers, Tesla sells its cars directly to its customers through their own small, intimate stores. This allows Tesla to educate the customers on what exactly they’re getting into with an electric vehicle and to choose precisely how they’d like their car to look. Of course, it takes months for customers’ vehicles to be delivered, but this still allows them to get exactly what they want. It also means that Tesla makes money off of their cars, while traditional dealerships make money from their service departments. The drawback for a Tesla owner is that these are located, largely, in metropolitan areas and so are the service centers. Unlike traditional dealerships that are in every town, Tesla selects store and service center locations based on foot traffic.

    —- TESLA STILL COSTS MORE THAN A GAS CAR AND IS WORSE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: Even though Tesla has managed to bring down the customer’s cost of a vehicle by cutting out dealerships altogether, they’re still pretty pricey. Many of Tesla’s major competitors have a bit of an edge by offering vehicles that aren’t 100% electric, which is an appealing point for many buyers, but they’re also less expensive. The base Chevy Volt, for instance, is cheaper than Tesla’s base Model 3. Less people are as willing to go for the Model S purely because they have no desire to have an electric vehicle that revolves around performance. For many, the price just isn’t worth it, not when the battery will need to be replaced in a matter of a few years (depending on use). This goes hand-in-hand with the cost of Tesla’s parts because consumers don’t want to spend a lot of money on a car that will also be pricey to fix down the road.

    —- TESLA’S AUTOPILOT CAN KILL YOU: Tesla’s autopilot has been known to get people in trouble, napping, reading, and working on the freeway. The fact is, there’s still no legal protection for someone to sit down and be driven away. Thought Tesla gets close with tools like “tow mode,” allowing for an empty car to follow another Tesla with some limitations. Legally you still need to keep your hands on the wheels and be alert, despite the statistically safer autopilot driving and advancements in technology. While a truly autonomous car would open up a new world; safe transport for the elderly, fewer fatalities, easier commutes, and the like, we may be a few major traffic law changes away from that world, and Tesla can’t change that yet.

    —- COLD WEATHER KILLS YOUR TESLA: There are so many common glitches that go on with a Tesla that drivers have become paranoid of serious troubles, especially anything involving that precious battery. If you haven’t tested one out in cold weather, don’t be alarmed at that slow acceleration, it’s normal. Yep. If you buy a $35,000 (and up!) vehicle, you can expect that the cold air will affect the battery just like it would any other vehicle. But cold prevents the battery from regenerating as quickly as it typically would, which limits the driver’s ability to move faster. It sounds simple in retrospect, but it can be a frightening few minutes for a Tesla owner to discover their car is having trouble moving quickly.

    —- ACCELERATION SURGE DEFECTS WILL KILL YOU: Contrary to what Elon Musk has claimed on social media, Tesla has been accused of having a fatality rate that’s more than triple what you see in luxury vehicles. Musk claims that Tesla’s are the safest vehicles on the road, which is either an ill-researched claim or a blatant lie on his part. Since his stats are based on vehicle miles (rather than vehicle years) it leads you to an inaccurate conclusion, and we don’t actually know how many miles these vehicles have traveled, and this also leaves out passengers. After thorough research, many of the Tesla accidents weren’t even properly coded, meaning that Musk’s claim leaves out several accidents within the US and other countries (such as China) that have higher accident rates. Really, this could all be because of accident-prone drunk Tesla owners who are, mostly, drunk douche bags.

    —- CONSTANT RATTLING NOISES: The little things in life shouldn’t bother you, but when it’s an incessant rattling noise in your brand-new luxury car, those little things can be difficult to ignore. There’s a common problem with Teslas experiencing rattling in several areas of the cars. Owners have taken their cars to service centers numerous times for this issue but a very rare few have seen the annoyance resolved. In fact, a few have even documented their experience online, while some have even received their car from the service center only to discover that the rattle has not gone away plus there is a new one! It shouldn’t be blown out of proportion, but the fact of the matter is that consumers have put a lot of their money into these cars and they expect a decent level of quality so if problems occur then some resolutions would be nice.

    —- TESLA SOLAR STUFF IS NEVER IN STOCK: Lesser known than Tesla’s famed electric vehicles is the Solar Roof and Powerwall. As the names imply, these are solar panels that store energy that is even cleaner for the car to run off of. Just two years into this accessory, though, sales have dropped over 70% from their peak. The Powerwall 2 is said to lose 70% of its efficiency after 10 years and solar tiles are close to $42 per square foot, which is part of why most consumers steer clear. Investors aren’t extremely pleased with the outcome of SolarCity’s products (which Musk has endorsed with open arms), but the signs were written on the walls, as it were. If solar panels were cheap enough for everyone to afford, wouldn’t we all have them on our houses? Since they don’t even have a guaranteed longevity, consumers generally feel that the Powerwall and Solar Roof are simply not worth it. In the home solar markets, even if consumers beg for the still “available” Powerall or new shingle-replacing solar roof, it’s almost guaranteed they won’t be able to find or get any of them anywhere!

    —- TESLA CUSTOMER SUPPORT JUST SUCKS: The underworld of the customer service department is dreaded by customers of just about any major corporation. No customer wants to call in and get passed around from rep to rep and robot to robot. You’d think that Tesla would have come up with a more efficient way to handle their ‘valued’ customers’ problems and have a decent customer service team. That’s wishful thinking, though. If you need any help, particularly with SolarCity’s products, then you can forget ever getting through to anyone the first time. Attempting to get ahold of the ‘right’ representative is a game of cat-and-mouse, and you’ll have a pretty challenging time catching them in a spare moment (when they can actually speak, at all).

    —- TESLA IS ALWAYS ON THE VERGE OF BANKRUPTCY: While it’s no secret that Tesla has struggled with sales, it raises a few questions about what that means for the future of the corporation. We don’t really know how close Tesla truly came to going under, seeing as how Elon Musk has repeatedly glossed over Tesla’s issues instead of being frank about things (e.g., the SolarCity investments, accident rates, etc). So, Musk’s exasperated croaks of how Tesla nearly went bankrupt almost sound like the boy who cried wolf, at least from an outside perspective. If Musk is being honest about the company’s financial struggles, then the future looks bleak. Scraping by when the economy is relatively stable is not a good sign for a new car company, and what happens when those battery costs skyrocket? No one is going to be willing to pay more than $40k for a base Model 3.

    —- TESLA CARS HAVE AWFUL BODY PANEL GAPS: You don’t have to give a Tesla, specifically the Model 3, a thorough inspection to notice that there’s an insane amount of space between the body in some parts and less in others. It’s not an overly invasive issue, but when you’re paying around $35,000 for a car, there are a few minimum expectations that should be met. One of those is definitely a clean look. Each of the Tesla models has perfectly executed an aerodynamic style, with concealed handles and sleek lines, which makes the gap that much more noticeable to anyone who happens to glance in the direction of a Model 3. Since Tesla factory workers have been killing each other in Tesla’s parking lot in Fremont, you can’t expect too much from them.

    —- DEADLY TESLA DOOR HANDLES: One of the most notable characteristics of every Tesla is their futuristic door handles that pop out with ease. The higher-end models have nice, metal handles with chrome finishes. However, if you happen to compare, say, a Model S to a Model 3, you’ll immediately notice the lack of strength behind the latter’s handles. Not only are the door handles on the Model 3 thinner, but they seem to be made with inferior materials to the higher-tier models. There have even been a few people who have had the door handles freeze to the car, leaving them unable to get inside. We have to note that there hasn’t been a plague of door handle issues, so this isn’t an official defect, but it’s more of a cosmetic problem that could become a mechanical one in the future.

    —- TESLA CARS ADD AWFUL INCONVENIENCE TO YOUR LIFE: The naïve car buyer is often led to believe that electric cars are all ponies and rainbows. However, many manufacturers acknowledge that we have yet to get everything down to a science. Plus, there’s a learning curve for those new to EVs, which is why most semi-electric cars are still able to be powered with gasoline. The serious drawback with a Tesla is the lack of a safety net should the battery run dead. Jumper cables are entirely out of the question, which is why owners of EV’s get anxiety on road trips and long-distance commutes. The remaining range can be inaccurate, potentially leaving a driver stranded if they don’t judge their car’s abilities correctly.

    —- TESLA’S ALL LOOK ALIKE AND ARE NOW RUN-OF-THE-MILL: Although this isn’t much of a shock at all, little fail to recognize the total lack of variety that’s offered in the Tesla fleet. Of course, the higher-end models have prettier finishes and tend to look nice no matter what, but each and every Tesla is almost identical. This is obviously the case with everyday run-of-the-mill vehicles as well, but that’s sort of the point, isn’t it? If you’re spending a good chunk of change to claim that over-hyped Tesla as your own, wouldn’t it be nice if you at least had a decent amount of options to truly make it feel like your own? For what you’re paying, it seems like there should already be a plethora of options.

    —- ABOVE ALL ELSE: Tesla’s battery system is the worst designed, most deadly, awful power system in history! IT WILL KILL YOU AND BURN YOUR FAMILY ALIVE, LIKE IT HAS DONE TO MANY TESLA VICTIMS —Also see the additional Tesla issues, above, involving ‘rare earth mines’, ‘lithium battery dangers’, ‘Elon Musk’s constant use of “hit-men” and character assassins’ to destroy competitors and reporters, the vast racism and women abuse and the dead workers poisoned in his battery factories around the globe.


    TAGS: Silicon Valley Mafia, Afghan, TSLA, Tesla, Tesla Investigation, SEC Investigation, Smedley Butler, Musk, Spacex, Google, Bribe, Political bribes, Lithium ion, lithium ion danger, DOE, Paypal Mafia, AngelGate, Steven Chu, Schmidt, Obama, Solyndra, Crony, Political Insider, Feinstein Coruption, Pelosi Corruption, Cleantech, Political Poisoning, Clinton Deaths, Obama Campaign, DNC Spy, Cobalt Mining Child Labor, In-Q-Tel, Uranium1, Domestic Spying, Kleiner Perkins, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Vinod Khosla, Tim Draper, George Soros, Fusion GPS, Gawker Media is the DNC, Gizmodo Media is the DNC, Department of Energy Slush Fund, Google Defamation Attacks, DOE Corruption, Election Rigging, Google’s Election Manipulations, Silicon Valley Blacklist,  Google Sex Scandals, Pelosi, Crony Capitalism, Feinstein, Green Payola, Election Hacking, Eric Schmidt Corruption, CIA Abuse, New America Foundation Corruption,

    Protections: Public Domain. Non-Commercial. Fair Use. Freedom of The Press. No Tracking Of Public Allowed. First Amendment Protections, SLAPP, UN Protected. GDPR Compliant. Section 203 protected. Privacy Tools At: http://privacytools.io, ACLU, ICIJ- supported. If you sue us to try to hide and censor the news, you are allowing us to bypass the demurrer process, and we will counter-sue you for RICO, Anti-trust, Political Bribery, Sex Trafficking, Interference, First Amendment and your other crimes, which we have FBI-grade evidence for! Bring it on corrupt Tesla, Google, Facebook, Youtube, Netflix! We might even get DOJ and/or FTC to partner with us (again) to take your filthy corrupt companies down!….REAL NEWS does not have ads in it. Any news source, with ads in it, is fake news manipulated by the advertisers!….DOWNLOAD AND COPY THIS NEWS SITE. USE ANY FREE SERVER SPACE YOU FIND ON THE WEB. MAKE YOUR OWN DIGITAL NEWSPAPER. JOIN THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FREE NEWS SITES, LIKE THIS, AROUND THE WORLD AND DELIVER THE NEWS AND DEMOCRACY. PLEASE FOLLOW THE WIKIPEDIA RULES FOR POSTING. BE THE NEWS!


The Worst Ones – Rev 2.2

You would be shocked to learn how many people are killed, every day, for less than $50.00. ISIS and the Taliban will saw your head off for just an ideology. If people would commit murder over that small an amount of money, imagine what they would do to control the trillions of dollars of money that is always moving through the stock market. These are the people that will stop at nothing for power, mansions, hookers, private jets and greed!

### THE BRIBED INSIDER TRADING POLITICIANS – Tracked via financial records and email leaks to quid pro quo:

– Aneesh Chopra – White House Tech Exec
– Arnold Schwarzenegger – Governor (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, illicit deal organization with Russians and more…)
– Barack Obama – Chicago politician
-Bill Daley – White House strong-arm (Forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)
– Bill Lockyer – Calif State finance head (Under investigation and sex scandal conflicts, charged with corruption by media. Assets and ownerships under investigation)
– Daniel Cohen – DOE Legal counsel who assisted in the Steven Chu scam (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)
– David Axelrod – White House strategist who helped stage the quid-pro-quo (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
– Hunter Biden
– David Plouffe – White House money packager. Arranged deals between VC campaign Donors (Forced to Resign. Under investigation)
– Debbie Wasserman Schultz
– Denis McDonough – White House adviser
– Dianne Feinstein – California politician
– Eric Holder – Attorney General- DOJ (Forced to resign) (Charged with staff & VC Protections and blockade of FBI and Special Prosecutor deployments in order to run the cover-up)
– Eric Strickland – Head of Auto Safety agency under DOT (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Charged with cover-up of Tesla and GM auto dangers he had known about)
– Gabriel Burt
– Harry Reid – Senator- Solar factory guru, Congress lead (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…Forced out of Congress in shame)
– Hillary Clinton – Dynastic politician
– Jack Lew
– Jay Carney – White House press lead (Forced to resign)
– Jeff Berman – Bryan Cave. Berman, the former delegate counter for President Obama’s 2008 campaign
– Jeff Peck, Peck, Madigan, Jones & Stewart. Aide to then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) on the Senate Judiciary Committee
– Jeffrey Zients
– Jerry Brown – California politician
– Joe Rhodes – White House shill
– Joe Biden – Politican who created Solyndra funds
– John Podesta – White House adviser
– Jonathan Silver – DOE VC (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Shamed in media for epic failures)
– Joshua Wright – FTC
– Kamala Harris– Stock favoritism Insider with her husband
– Katherine Feinstein
– Kathy Zoi
– Ken Alex – Scheme Adviser to Jerry Brown
– Ken Duberstein and Marti Thomas, The Duberstein Group. Duberstein was floated as a candidate for Obama’s chief of staff before the president chose Bill Daley, while Thomas is a Democratic vet who worked in the Clinton Treasury Department.
– Lachlan Seward – Energy Department insider gatekeeper
– Melanie Nutter – Pelosi Top Aide
– Matt Rogers – VC and quid pro quo pass-through conduit
– Megan Smith – U.S. CTO
– Mikey Dickerson
– Nancy Pelosi – California politician
– Robert Gibbs – White press office head
– Steven Chu – Secretary of Energy – The most corrupt in US history
– Todd Park – IT manipulator inside White House

### THE OLIGARCH FINANCIER/BENEFICIARIES OF THE CRIMES – Tracked via financial records and email leaks to quid pro quo:

– Andy Bechtolsheim – VC- Insider campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
– Bill Gurley
– Carl Gordon
– Chad Hurley – YouTube
– Cheryl Sandberg – Facebook boss, reports to Larry Summers
– Dave McClure – VC
– David Danielson
– David Drummond – Lawyer/Lobbyist– Google, bribes expert for DC and EU regions (Under investigation. Quail Road, Woodside, CA home bugged)
– David Mott
– David Prend
– David Sacks
– Draper – Fisher – VC firm (Campaign funder who received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging)
– Elon Musk – CEO – Tesla (He is now under investigation & in multiple lawsuits for fraud)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation )
– Emerson Collective -Steve Jobs wife, has one of the largest and stealthiest election data combines
– Eric Paley
– Eric Schmidt – Owner- Google (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
– Gilman Louie – VC, founder on IN-Q-Tel
– Goldman Sachs – Financial packager (Suspected of staging most of the TARP/DOE deals for personal gain & insider payouts)
– Greylock Capital – Silicon Valley Insider trading operator (Under investigation)
– Ira Ehrenpreis – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation)
– Jacque Littlefield – VC, Dead
– James Bronkema – West Coast Money Man for David Rockefeller and Feinstein financier  (Dead)
– Jared Cohen – Google boss and international political manipulator
– Wilson Sonsini Partner Club
– Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich and Rosatti
– Jim Breyer – VC and CIA intermediary
– Joe Lonsdale – VC, famous for rape and abuse scandal and domestic spying via Palantir
– Johanna Shelton – Google Lobbyist
– John Doerr – Owner – Kleiner Perkins. “Godfather” – Silicon Valley Cartel (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation )
– John Lindfors
– Josh Kopelman
– JP Gan
– Keith Rabois -VC
– Ken Howery – VC
– Kleiner Perkins – Campaign funding VC who (Received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging. Sued. Under investigation. All assets being tracked )
– Larry Page – Google Boss
– Larry Summers – VC
– Lloyd Craig Blankfein – VC and Sachs boss
– Luke Nosek
– Marc Andreessen -VC
– Mario Rosatti – VC
– Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook Boss
– Martin LaGod -VC Firelake Cap
– Mary Meeker – VC
– Max Levchin -VC
– Mckinsey Consulting – The firm you hire to rig white papers and insider hires in government positions for the Palo Alto Mafia
– Michael Moritz -VC
– Neerag Agrawal – VC
– Peter Thiel – VC
– Pierre Omidyar– VC
– Raj Gupta – VC, arrested
– Rakesh Saxeena – Canadian in-house arrest, arms dealer, western political packager
– Ray Lane – VC
– Reid Hoffman – VC and sex.com partner with Gary Kremen, also match.com
– Richard Blum – VC and director/husband of Dianne Feinstein – Finally dead!
– Roelof Botha
– Sanjay Wagle – VC
– Scott Shleiffer
– Sergy Brin – Google boss
– Steve Chen
– Steve Jurvetson – VC embroiled in sex abuse charges
– Steve Rattner – White House car czar, indicted for fraud
– Steve Spinner – Energy Department manipulation expert, Wife was Solyndra’s lawyer
– Steve Westly – VC
– Ted Schlein – IN-Q-Tel
– Tim Draper – VC
– Tom Perkins – Dead KPCB Palo Alto Mafia founder
– Tom Steyer – VC
– Tomorrow Ventures – Social manipulation group
– Tony Podesta, Podesta Group. The prolific Democratic fundraiser has seen his firm rocket to the echelons of the top five lobby shops.
– Viktor Vekselberg – Russian business entity
– Vinod Khosla -VC

### THEIR OPERATIVES AND HIRED MEDIA ASSASSINS – Tracked via financial records, quid pro quo perks and email leaks to payola. The people in the two lists, above, hired these people to harm citizens:

– A.J. Delaurio– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adam Dachis– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adam Weinstein– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adrian Covert– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adrien Chen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Al D’Amato, Park Strategies. The former GOP New York senator has been a big advocate for online gambling as a lobbyist for the Poker Players Alliance.
– Al Mottur and Manuel Ortiz, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. Mottur heads up lobbying operations at the K Street giant. Ortiz, one of Brownstein’s newest hires, is a rising star in Democratic circles.
– Alan Henry– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Albert Burneko– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Alex Balk– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Alexander Pareene– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Alexander Sternhell, Sternhell Group. Previously a Senate Banking Committee staffer, Sternhell’s two-year-old venture is in the big leagues with clients such as Citigroup Management and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
– Alexandra Philippides– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Allison Spinner – Wife of Steve Spinner and lawyer at WSGR and Solyndra who helped Feinstein rig the Solyndra cash ((Under investigation. All assets being tracked and terminated.)
– Allison Wentz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andrew Collins– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andrew Magary– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andrew McCormack
– Andrew Orin– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andy Barbour, Smith-Free Group. Smith lobbies for several financial and insurance companies but is best known for his work as the lead Democratic lobbyist for the Financial Services Roundtable.
– Angelica Alzona– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Anna Merlan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ariana Cohen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ashley Feinberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ashley Vance – Elon Musk suck-up and Musk hype monger
– Austin Lau
– Ava Gyurina– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Barry Petchesky– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Black Cube – An attack service providing hit jobs on competitors
– Brendan I. Koerner– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Brendan O’Connor– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Brent Rose– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Brian Goncher – Deloitte VC intermediary in the stock market rigging (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Brobeck Law Firm
– Brian Hickey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Camila Cabrer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Carr & Ferrell – Sony and Facebook’s law firm that helps to blockade inventors
– Choire Sicha– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Chris Jennings, Jennings Policy Strategies
– Chris Mohney– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Chuck Brain, Capitol Hill Strategies Inc. Once a Clinton White House aide and longtime House Ways and Means Committee staffer
– Civis Analytics – Social manipulation group
– Clover Hope– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Covington & Burling
– Dan Tate Jr., Capitol Solutions. Tate delivers stellar client relations while harnessing 10 years of upper-level Hill and administration experience.
– Daniel Morgan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Covington & Burling – corrupt law firm that puts appointees in office for VC’s
– David Sandalow
– Diana Moskovitz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Doyle Bartlett, Eris Group. Bartlett has years of Capitol Hill experience and a busy lobbying practice
– Eleanor Shechet– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Elizabeth Spiers– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Elizabeth Starkey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Emily Gould– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Emily Herzig– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Emma Carmichael– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Erin Ryan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ethan Sommer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Eyal Ebel– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Fred Graefe, Law Offices of Frederick H. Graefe
– Fusion GPS – Defamation and journalist bribery service
– Gabrielle Bluestone– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Gabrielle Darbyshire– Defamation-for-sale blogger and attack services director
– Gawker Media – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool (In Mid-Termination)
– Georgina K. Faircloth– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Gerald Cassidy and Gregg Hartley, Cassidy & Associates
– Gizmodo – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
– Gregory Howard– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hamilton Nolan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hannah Keyser– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Heather Deitrich– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Heather Podesta, Heather Podesta + Partners. The former congressional aide has built a solid lobbying practice and helps fundraise for Democrats with her husband, Tony Podesta
– Hudson Hongo– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hugo Schwyzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hunter Slaton– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ian Fette– Defamation-for-sale blogger and Google, Gawker, Jalopnik, Gizmodo media assassin
– Irin Carmon– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jalopnik – Online defamation facade political publication. Pretends to be about cars but is DNC hit job rag
– James Brown Jr – HHS Programming lead in California (Arrested for corruption)
– James J. Cooke– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– James King– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jawed Karim – YouTube
– Jeff Lieberman
– Jennifer Ouellette– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jesse Oxfeld– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jessica Cohen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jesus Diaz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jillian Schulz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Joanna Rothkopf– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Joel Johnson, The Glover Park Group
– John Cook– Defamation-for-sale blogger and director of media assassins group
– John Herrman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– John Raffaelli, Capitol Counsel
– Jordan Sargent– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Joseph Keenan Trotter– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Josh Stein– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Julia Allison– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Julianne E. Shepherd– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Julie Domenick, Multiple Strategies LLC
– Justin Hyde– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kate Dries– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Katharine Trendacosta– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Katherine Drummond– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kelly Stout– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kerrie Uthoff– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kevin Draper– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Lacey Donohue– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Larry O’Brien, OB-C Group
– Lucy Haller– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Luke Malone– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Madeleine Davies– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Madeline Davis– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Mario Aguilar– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Mark Isakowitz, Fierce, Isakowitz and Blalock. Isakowitz and his GOP lobby shop scored a coup this year when Apple and Facebook both signed up as clients in a two-week span.
– Mark Kadesh, Kadesh & Associates. Kadesh, once chief of staff to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), has an A-list of California clients
– Matt Hardigree– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Matt Novak– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Michael Ballaban– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Michael Dobbs– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Michael Spinelli– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Morrison and Foerster
– Neal Ungerleider– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Nicholas Aster– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Nicholas Guido Denton– Defamation-for-sale blogger and head of the Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik sleaze tabloid empire
– Omar Kardoudi– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Owen Thomas– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Patrick George– Defamation-for-sale blogger and Character Assassination expert
– Patrick Laffoon– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Patrick Redford– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Perkins Coie – Campaign conduit law firm
– Rich Juzwiak– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Richard Blakely– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Richard Rushfield– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Robert Finger– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Robert Sorokanich– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Rory Waltzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Rosa Golijan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ryan Brown– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ryan Goldberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Sam Faulkner Biddle– Defamation-for-sale blogger, Runs a large part of the Anti-GOP blog programs
– Sam Woolley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Samar Kalaf– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Sarah Ramey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Shannon Marie Donnelly– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Shep McAllister– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Sophie Kleeman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Stephen Totilo– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Steve Elmendorf and Jimmy Ryan, Elmendorf | Ryan. A former aide to ex-House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt (Mo.), Elmendorf brought in Ryan to help expand the Senate ties of his firm.
– Steve McBee, McBee Strategic. A former aide to Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), McBee has seen his lobby firm take off.
– Steve Perry and Andy Wright, Dutko Grayling. Perry and Wright man the roster for one of the top 20 lobby shops in Washington.
– Tamar Winberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Taryn Schweitzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Taylor McKnight– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– The Groundwork– Social manipulation group
– Thomas Jolly, Jolly/Rissler. Jolly is founding chairman of the Washington Caucus, a group that hosts dinners with lawmakers, and a mainstay among lobbyists.
– Thorin Klosowski– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tim Marchman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Timothy Burke– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tobey Grumet Segal– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tom Ley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tom Scocca– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Veronica de Souza– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Wes Siler– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– William Haisley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– William Turton– Defamation-for-sale blogger

### THEIR CORPORATE STOCK MANIPULATION FRONT FACADES- Tracked via financial records and email leaks to RICO, Anti-trust and Money Laundering violations:

– Abound Solar – Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. (Terminated)
– Alphabet – Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier (Under Federal and EU investigation)
– Facebook/Meta – Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
– Fisker – Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. (Terminated)
– Google, Inc. – Data harvesting company(Ran media attacks, stock market pump and dump PR hype and character assassinations)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) (charged by EU, and most nations, with multiple abuses of the public. Has totally lost the trust of the public. Revenue loss increasing geometrically.)
– In-Q-Tel, Inc. – CIA off-shoot associated with Eric Schmidt, Google, Elon Musk and the Cartel leaders. Ran “hit-jobs” on Silicon Valley VC adversaries and reporters (Sued, under investigation, exposed in multiple documentaries, under investigation for Cocaine trafficking. Removal of charity status demanded)
– Ivanpah Solar – Criminally corrupt crony Google campaign finance front operation. (In failure mode)
– Linkedin – Election manipulation networking site
– Solyndra Solar Company – FBI-raided corrupt Clean Tech company
– SpaceX – Elon Musk company that Obama gave part of NASA to in exchange for campaign conduits
– Tesla Motors – Car Company that conduits money to campaigns

Any issues re: culpability can be easily resolved in meetings with the FBI, FINCEN, The SEC, The IRS, The FTC, ICIJ.ORG and open Congressional hearings! Never was the term: “Follow The Money” more appropriate than for these people! Why are these people not yet arrested for election manipulation, RICO and Anti-trust violations, money laundering, bribery and other illicit deeds? Who is protecting them? Who is telling the police not to act? This list also serves as a demand for investigation and prosecution of these individuals who conspired to engage in these illicit acts. This is not the complete list.

We must not forget that there is only one true Shepherd. He is Jesus Christ. He is wise, precious, sinless, godly, a protector, and God. He will return again someday and rule the world in righteousness, peace, and joy (Romans 14:17).