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‘-New Snowden Revelations Expose Exactly What Is Recorded About You: Unsettling!

New Snowden Revelations Expose Exactly What Is Recorded About You: Unsettling!

In the latest revelations provided by the Snowden Papers,

at The Intercept; a list of the data and information about you that is placed in the TIDE spy database is revealed. Greenwald’s group published the entire report which shows that your monitoring includes:

“In addition to data like fingerprints, travel itineraries, identification documents and gun licenses, the rules encourage screeners to acquire health insurance information, drug prescriptions, “any cards with an electronic strip on it (hotel cards, grocery cards, gift cards, frequent flyer cards),” cellphones, email addresses, binoculars, peroxide, bank account numbers, pay stubs, academic transcripts, parking and speeding tickets, and want ads. The digital information singled out for collection includes social media accounts, cell phone lists, speed dial numbers, laptop images, thumb drives, iPods, Kindles, and cameras. All of the information is then uploaded to the TIDE database.

Screeners are also instructed to collect data on any “pocket litter,” scuba gear, EZ Passes, library cards, and the titles of any books, along with information about their condition—”e.g., new, dog-eared, annotated, unopened.” Business cards and conference materials are also targeted, as well as “anything with an account number” and information about any gold or jewelry worn by the watchlisted individual. Even “animal information”—details about pets from veterinarians or tracking chips—is requested. The rulebook also encourages the collection of biometric or biographical data about the travel partners of watchlisted individuals.”

While this helps stop bad people it also opens the door to hackers, data-miners and stalkers to track you in ways you never imagined. Congress is, again, meeting to duscuss these consumer privacy issues… “Anything with an account number” seems to be pretty telling…

It also appears that you should not use any online App that asks you “to LOGIN” in order to use it. If the app is not click-and-go and it asks you to login, you are being tracked by it.

Did you know you can walk into your local FBI office and ask to look at your data search results? I didn’t.

The Intercept implies that the Obama Administration really likes all the surveillance because it keeps them from getting caught, or in trouble, or from being transparent..or something.. it is spooky…

Let’s discuss…

For more on this see:  https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/07/23/blacklisted/


  1. TalkShoe – Call – Alda’s Targeted Individual CommunityCall

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    In more than 80 percent of cases, the HPB system has yielded a better hit rate in intercepting attack attempts than current blacklist approaches that are either …

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  3. ‘Concrete facts are not necessary’ – Obama administration makes …

    2 days ago … … administration makes blacklisting air passengers easier than ever A. … ever A never-before-published document released by The Intercept …

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  5. US uses vague rules for terror watch list – Channel NewsAsia

    2 days ago … Once blacklisted, individuals have no way of finding out why they are … broad criteria for adding names to the blacklists, The Intercept reported.

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  6. Blacklist for Android Manual | AntTekAntTek

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    19 Jun 2014 … Documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and published on Wednesday by journalists at The Intercept and Denmark’s …

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  8. Calls Blacklist – Call Blocker – Android Apps on Google Play

    Calls Blacklist saves all blocked calls and SMS in a journal. ….. Automatically intercept and reject calls and texts from blacklisted, private or unknown numbers

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  9. Blacklisted | The Browser

    Blacklisted · Jeremy Scahill & Ryan Devereaux | The Intercept | 23rd July 2014. Screen Shot 2014-07-24 at 13.48.25. Account of America’s rules for adding …

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  10. Firetrust – Mailwasher Pro – ESPN Cricinfo

    Intercept is the answer to your time wasting junk mail problems, as well as letting … Plus, Intercept can use external blacklists such as ORDB, Spam Cop, VISI or …

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