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‘-Over 1000 Reason’s Why Lithium-ion Is a DEADLY, CRIMINAL, VERY BAD THING!

Over 1000 Reason’s Why Lithium-ion Is a DEADLY, CRIMINAL, VERY BAD THING!

Why is such a dangerous thing being promoted with your tax dollars while those same tax dollars are being used to cover up these dangers? Let’s discuss…

Share the link to this page: http://wp.me/p4e1uX-2nj

This will be an on ongoing project article. New additions will be added as the team receive tips and data. Keep checking back. This article is currently in draft form (Note: if you count all of the items below, plus all of the items at the end of each link below, there are now over 2000 reasons… but who’s counting):

Please print this article out and send it every Senator, Congressman and Mayor and ask them to tell you what they are doing about it!


The Trillion dollar + Lithium-ion industry pays over a billion dollars a year to elected officials, appointed officials, their staff and lobbyists in order to get them to cover up the facts listed here and to promote this dangerous chemical for profit. Many of those have family stock in lithium-ion companies, private sector job promises and PAC funding from lithium-ion companies. Why won’t the people who are using lithium-ion stop using it? Why is there almost no regulation of deadly lithium-ion? The answer: KICKBACKS!

– If you are exposed to burning lithium-ion from a burning car, iPAD, phone, airplane, FED-Ex or UPS truck,  or other fire from lithium-ion batteries, the smoke and vapors that you inhale are some of the most cancer-causing, brain-damaging, lung damaging liver poisoning chemicals you could be exposed to. SEE HIS LINK  and THIS ONE and THIS ONE and THIS ONE (More coming)

– Lithium-ion batteries are made in “concentration camp-like” fenced-in compounds where low income workers are exposed to poison gas and powders from the lithium-ion manufacturing process. A dramatically large group of these workers die from the cancers and toxic poisoning from these factories. They have always been made in overseas, impoverished, regions because there is little or no occupational safety regulation there. Tesla’s factory has been fined by OSHA for setting workers on fire. This is a very deadly business. Now they are trying to build these factories in the American southwest to try to exploit Mexican workers like they do overseas. Some argue that large “white man owned” corporations “fighting for immigration rights” are really fighting to relax laws to allow cheap labor into these kinds of camp-factories in the desert. Some of the factory owners have even purchased multiple lots, in multiple southern states, and told investors that they will “build on the one where we can buy control of the most local politicians”.

– The makers of lithium ion batteries have issued a document called the “MSDS”. It states known facts about the batteries. The MSDS warns firefighters they can get cancer. It warns that the batteries are toxic. It clearly states the very great dangers of spontaneous, or easily caused fire from bumps or moisture. Why did Panasonic kill it’s MSDS web links the day the first Tesla fires hit the news? Look at the facts HERE.

– Lithium-ion batteries seem to have caused some wars. At THIS LINK, you will see hundreds of facts, films and links showing the direct connection between lithium ion investors in Silicon Valley and wars for ore in middle east countries.

Silicon Valley Lithium-ion investors signed deal with Russian “businessmen to create an international lithium ion cartel.

– Lithium ion battery companies Enerdel, and A123, and others, went bankrupt, after being funded with your tax dollars, from corruption, explosions and spontaneous fires. Facts that were well known by the people that funded them.

– Less compromised Senators have railed against the dangers of lithium-ion has shown HERE  and HERE

– IPAD Lithium-ion batteries have blown up setting entire stores on fire.

– Samsung lithium-ion batteries in cell phones have set a number of people, including many children, on fire.

– Lithium-ion does not even work as well as other lower-cost, safer energy solutions:


– The charge-keeping capability of a typical lithium-ion battery degrades steadily over time and with use. After only one or two years of use, the runtime of a laptop or cell phone battery is reduced to the point where the user experience is significantly impacted. For example, the runtime of a typical 4-hour laptop battery drops to only about 2.5 hours after 3,000 hours of use. By contrast, the latest fuel cells continue to deliver nearly their original levels of runtime well past the 2,000 and 3,000 hour marks and are still going strong at 5,000+ hours.

– The electrical capacity of batteries has not kept up with the increasing power consumption of electronic devices. Features such as W-LAN, higher CPU speed, “always-on”, large and bright displays and many others are important for the user but severely limited by today`s battery life. Lithium ion batteries, and lithium-polymer batteries have almost reached fundamental limits. A laptop playing a DVD today has a runtime of just above one hour on one battery pack, which is clearly not acceptable.

– Silicon Valley Lithium-ion billionaires try to exploit the lack of public awareness with disinformation campaigns linking anti-lithium-ion to saying that you are anti-environment. In fact: Lithium ion use and manufacturing is one of the most toxic industries on the planet.

– Lithium-ion battery companies have actually been charged with, and sued for organized crime. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE

– AT&T ‘s U-verse TV service now had a exploding battery problem, making it necessary for the firm to replace 17,000 backup batteries in its nationwide network.

– Lithium-ion batteries might have crashed the Malayasian airlines flight. SEE DETAILS HERE.

TESLA_SAFETY_REPORTTESLA SAFETY REPORT Vers. 1.05M- Public Wiki Produced for NHTSA other governmental agencies and public transparency

Draft- 1.05M (Document under construction – not final)- First Final Draft Due to NHTSA Due: 1/14/14.     (Note: The head of the NHTSA has now quit over this, let’s keep all eyes on this make sure nothing is rigged)  For Public Comment and Review

Please refer all agencies to this document link at:




1. Overview
2. Known, Unresolved, Safety Issues.
3. Safety tests that were never conducted and must now be conducted.
4. How many fire incidents have there been.
5. Contacts to follow-up on investigations
6. Are Tesla drivers more likely to get in accidents than mainstream drivers?
7. Original participant conflicts-of-interest created reduced safety oversight

– Lithium ion site
– NHTSA Demand Letter
– Additional data
– Video Evidence
– Questioning the validity of the German “Safety Report”

– Demand for identification matrix showing campaign backers who were lithium ion investors who had had their contacts exert influence over NHTSA decisions!

(Supplemental material now numbers over 10,000 pages and will be submitted directly to regulators in order to avoid congesting this site)

1. Overview

Regulators asked Tesla to detail the possible consequences of battery pack damage to the Model S and how those problems were addressed in the Model S design. NHTSA also asked Tesla to describe the “limits of that design to prevent damage to the propulsion battery, stalling and fires”. While electric cars have been in commercial production since the 1800’s, and have been widely released by major automobile manufacturers, only the Tesla vehicles have experienced the fire issues, relative-to-inventory, in this magnitude. The questions and data required by NHTSA, in the letter from NHTSA, contained below, demands disclosure of certain Tesla information which will reveal conflicts in previously provided Tesla data. Reporters and public interest law firms will be using the FOIA process to disclose the responses, required under federal law, in the public interest.

2. Known, Unresolved, Safety Issues.

– Dense packing non-automotive lithium cells
– Self ignition from exposure to air
– Self ignition from exposure to water
– Burning lithium ion, plastics and human skin
– Inability to extinguish lithium ion fires
– Failure to provide disclosures to buyers
– Failure to provide required CO2 fire extinguishers to buyers
– Toxic carcinogenic chemicals released in Tesla Fire- Danger to passengers
– Toxic carcinogenic chemicals released in Tesla Fire- Danger to bystanders
– Brain damage from toxic chemicals released in Tesla Fire- Danger to passengers
– Brain damage from toxic chemicals released in Tesla Fire- Danger to bystanders
– Lung damage from toxic chemicals released in Tesla Fire- Danger to passengers
– Lung damage from toxic chemicals released in Tesla Fire- Danger to bystanders
– Birth defects from toxic chemicals released in Tesla Fire- Danger to passengers
– Birth defects from toxic chemicals released in Tesla Fire- Danger to bystanders
– Home and office conflagration as warned in Tesla’s own patents
– BMS (Battery Management System) programming, ie: Vampire issues, etc.
– Danger to factory workers exposed to internal materials in Tesla Lithium ion cells
– Electronic door locks failing. Could passengers be locked inside car in fire?
– Previous seat safety recall
– Miscellaneous owner complaints about technical issues and relation to safety


3. Safety Tests That Were Never Conducted and Must Now Be Conducted.

The continued failure to engage in these tests, and/or provide the results from these tests, continues to call into question the efficacy and conflicts of interest of the original testing. The batteries used by Tesla were never designed, or created, to be used in automobiles and this short-cut to cost reduction must be mitigated by the relative increase in safety reduction.

– Vehicle with fully charged batteries drives into 3′, 4″, 5″, 6″, 7″ 8″ concrete curb at 5MPH, 15MPH, 20MPH, 25MPH, 30MPH, 35MPH, 40MPH, 45MPH, 50MPH, 55MPH, 60MPH, 65MPH, 70MPH, 75MPH and then is allowed to sit, post crash, for up to 3
hours to analyze spontaneous lithium ion combustion.

– Vehicle with fully charged batteries drives into 3″, 4″, 5″, 6″, 7″ 8″ metal post embedded in road at 5MPH, 15MPH, 20MPH, 25MPH, 30MPH, 35MPH, 40MPH, 45MPH, 50MPH, 55MPH, 60MPH, 65MPH, 70MPH, 75MPH and then is allowed to sit, post crash, for up to 3 hours to analyze spontaneous lithium ion combustion..

– Vehicle with fully charged batteries drives into 3″, 4″, 5″, 6″, 7″ 8″ concrete curb at 5MPH, 15MPH, 20MPH, 25MPH, 30MPH, 35MPH, 40MPH, 45MPH, 50MPH, 55MPH,
60MPH, 65MPH, 70MPH, 75MPH and then is allowed to sit, post crash, for up to 3
hours in simulated rain storm to analyze spontaneous lithium ion combustion..

– Vehicle with fully charged batteries drives into 3″, 4″, 5″, 6″, 7″ 8″ concrete
curb at 5MPH, 15MPH, 20MPH, 25MPH, 30MPH, 35MPH, 40MPH, 45MPH, 50MPH, 55MPH, 60MPH, 65MPH, 70MPH, 75MPH and then is allowed to sit, post crash, for up to 3 hours after complete immersion in water as in a hurricane or high-water event to analyze spontaneous lithium ion combustion..

– Rolling the vehicle with fully charged batteries in a 3 roll crash at 20MPH, 25MPH, 30MPH, 35MPH, 40MPH, 45MPH, 50MPH, 55MPH, 60MPH, 65MPH, 70MPH, 75MPH ending in the vehicle laying on it’s roof and counting the number of lithium ion cells that came loose from their mounts risking burning lithium falling on passengers.

– Rolling the vehicle with fully charged batteries in a 3 roll crash at 20MPH, 25MPH, 30MPH, 35MPH, 40MPH, 45MPH, 50MPH, 55MPH, 60MPH, 65MPH, 70MPH, 75MPH ending in the vehicle laying on it’s roof and counting the number of lithium ion cells that had their housings damaged risking burning lithium falling on passengers.

– Rolling the vehicle with fully charged batteries in a 3 roll crash at 20MPH, 25MPH, 30MPH, 35MPH, 40MPH, 45MPH, 50MPH, 55MPH, 60MPH, 65MPH, 70MPH, 75MPH ending in the vehicle laying on it’s roof and simulating a full rain storm on the, now exposed, underside of the vehicle for 2 hours to see if lithium ion ignites when wet risking burning lithium falling on passenger and to analyze spontaneous lithium ion combustion.

– Filling the battery compartment, with fully charged batteries, with water, draining it and observing for 4 hours to analyze spontaneous lithium ion combustion.

– Pouring 18 Oz. soft drinks into the battery compartment, with fully charged batteries, and observing for 4 hours to analyze spontaneous lithium ion combustion.

– Impacting the lower quarter panel of Tesla with fully charged batteries on the side of the car, on each side, at the lower center of the passenger door and two feet to either side at 20MPH, 25MPH, 30MPH, 35MPH, 40MPH, 45MPH, 50MPH, 55MPH, 60MPH, 65MPH, 70MPH, 75MPH at 3″, 4″, 5″, 6″, 7″ 8″ so as to penetrate the battery chamber at least 4 inches and then saturating the damaged area with water and waiting four hours to analyze spontaneous lithium ion combustion.

– Forced ignition of lithium ion cells in flipped over (vehicle resting upside down on it’s roof) with fully charged batteries and timing of penetration of smoke and flames to occupants simulated as contained within.

– Spectrograph analysis and complete full-range chemical read-out of the front metal and plastics of a Tesla on fire with fully charged batteries along with the lithium ion batteries. Disclosure of all known harmful chemicals in said smoke.

– Manually cutting 10 (ten) fully charged lithium ion Tesla battery cells in half long-ways in open air at average humidity and videotaping the results followed by dropping them in a bucket of water 60 seconds after cutting them. With the large number of lithium ion cells in a Tesla, physics and the law of averages predict that at least 10 cells will be fully ruptured in a high speed accident.

Plus such additional tests to be specified by:

The Center for Auto Safety

Davis College Engineering Department
Denver College Engineering Department
General Motors
Ford Motor Company
Automobile Dealers Association
and other public interest safety groups

4. How many fire incidents have there been.

Factory Fire 1?
Factory Fire 2?
Boston Fire?
Half Moon Bay Fire?
Tenn. Fire?
Seattle Fire?
Mexico Fire?
Factory Prototype Fires?
other post crash and testing fires…

5. Contacts to follow-up on investigations

##  http://www.nhtsa.gov/Contact

With a copy to:

##  public.affairs@dot.gov

The Center for Auto Safety

Organization that informs consumers about auto safety issues.


1825 Connecticut Ave, NW

Suite 330

Washington, DC 20009-5708

(202) 328-7700http://www.autosafety.org/fileacomplaint

Criminal Investigations:


with a copy to:




Chairman Barbara Boxer
Senate Select Committee on Ethics
220 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Fax:  (202) 224-7416

For German Investigations:

Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) at:

and at this link: http://www.kba.de/cln_031/nn_540136/EN/Service__en/Contact/Contact__node__en.html?__nnn=true

and by hard-copy mail to:
Stabsstelle (Office of Interdepartmental functions)
Mr. Thomas Meyer
24932 Flensburg

6. Are Tesla drivers more likely to get in accidents than mainstream drivers?

Sociological reports, such as the report below, confirm that Tesla drivers are more likely to drive drunk, use drugs and respect less laws:

tesla-info-graphic_2400wVarious crash reports find that a large number of Tesla drivers drive drunk. Here is a typical mocking web graphic pointing out this fact:


Tesla related investors engage in this sort of extreme behavior and use their resources to promote the car as a tool to skirt social bounds with speed and sex. Skirting social bounds often lies close to skirting laws and common sense. Here are reports on activities and personalities of these people who promote the vehicle:


A Tesla Driver is now charged with the homicide of two people in a crash with their Tesla.

The evidence shows that Tesla drivers and the Tesla Culture promotes extra-carelessness, extra arrogance, extra drinking, extra distraction due to sexual theatrics and an overall requirement to create higher-than-normal safety parameters for these drivers, particularly in light of the highly explosive bed of material they are driving around amongst other consumers and structures. Tesla drivers appear to be more likely to crash, or create lithium ion thermal event circumstances, because of the cultural dynamic which Tesla attracts.

7. Original participant conflicts-of-interest created reduced safety oversight

A certain, specific, group of investors, known to the FBI, The GAO, The SEC and
the Senate Ethics Committee, purchased undo influence on the previous Tesla
decisions process, in order to acquire “unjust rewards” from the U.S. Treasury.
These investors, coincidentally, provided funds to related campaign efforts and,
shockingly, they all hold major investments in the very battery system in

Because of this, the American consumer has been forced to “accidentally” conduct some of these tests at great personal risk to those consumers. These risks should have been disclosed by Tesla prior to the application for their DOE loan and prior to their first contact with NHTSA. Tesla produced documents show that Tesla was aware of the dangers disclosed herein.


Appendix: Reference Data:

FROM: http://lithium-ion.weebly.com

The lurking threat in your car and home “over a million failures of this chemistry and these batteries globally..”

Go to http://www.ntsb.gov/ and demand action:







October 2, 2013, 4:27 PM

Tesla Motors Inc.    TSLA     shares tanked after a video of a Model S on fire circulated on the web, prompting the electric car company to move quickly to douse the flames of bad publicity.

Elizabeth Jarvis-Shean, director of global communications at Tesla, confirmed that the vehicle engulfed in flames was indeed a Tesla but stressed that the driver walked away without injuries.


Tesla Issues Statement On Fiery Car Crash That Caused The Stock To Tank

MMamta Badkar Oct. 2, 2013, 3:45 PM   13,469  11

Aj Gill via YouTube

Tesla’s stock was down over 7% to a low of $175.40 today, but pared some of its losses to close down 6.24% at$180.95.

It appears that shares began to tumble in the last half hour on reports that a Tesla Model S car caught fire on Washington State Route 167.

Some speculated that the video highlights problems with the car’s battery. Though others rushed to point out that the battery is located in the back of the car.


“Media finds that “Safety Investigators” (read “SHILLS”) are bribed by VC’s and lithium holding companies to say “nothing to see here”, “lithium batteries are probably ok”. Beware of NTSB “consultant’s” and “investigators” who are being bribed, offered after-politics high pay jobs, called up by bribed congressional staff with “suggestions”, given sports tickets, handed stock in certain ventures and other bribes. Many of the “investigators” need to be put under investigation themselves!!!! When you see an investigator talking about how lithium ion is a wonderful thing, investigate them!”

The following are a variety of quotes, from across the web, demonstrating the critical nature of this public safety issue:

“Lithium ion batteries are blowing up, starting fires and, generally, destroying people’s homes, cars, electronics and physical health. Boeing was
just ordered to stop flying the 787 Dreamliner because it’s Lithium ion batteries are catching fire spontaneously.”

“A group of silicon valley venture capitalists forced/leveraged the government to buy and pay for these specific batteries, that they have stock in, in order to benefit their profit margins. Other batteries don’t have these problems. They knew about this from day one but put greed ahead of safety. There are thousands and thousands of reports of spontaneous lithium ion fires but the VC’s who back lithium ion pay to keep this information hushed up.
Millions of these batteries have been recalled for fire risk. The VC’s tried to push as many as they could before they got caught. Now they are caught. These VC’s own stock in lithium mining companies too.”

“Here is the Fisker Karma after it got wet and the batteries blew up. These batteries blow up JUST FROM GETTING WET! ALL of these burned up hulks are brand new $100,000.00+ cars that just blew up and torched everything around them just because they got wet! How bad do you want a Fisker or Tesla now? Fisker’s insurance company is balking at paying for this saying: “You knew this would happen”.
These links show vast sets of Fisker electric cars that burst into flames just because they GOT WET:

There are vast sets of other links proving the point.
Look at this: We were just sent a link that our website showed up in this movie:
Here is another link to the move at:  http://tinypic.com/r/7295hs/6

“Tesla Electric cars have 6800 lithium ion batteries wedged into a box. This can create a repercussive thermal event that can set the whole car off. The TESLA 18650 batteries can be seen exploding in multiple YOUTUBE videos. It is NOT TRUE that they are “an entirely different battery” they are the same chemical compound that blows up.”

“A direct quote from Tesla’s patent application, below. Tesla KNEW this was going to happen and never adequately warned anybody. Tesla wrote these words in the federal papers they filed yet they never showed these words to any buyers :

“Thermal runaway is of major concern since a single incident can lead to significant property damage and, in some circumstances, bodily harm or loss of life. When a battery undergoes thermal runaway, it typically emits a large quantity of smoke, jets of flaming liquid electrolyte, and sufficient heat to lead to the combustion and destruction of materials in close proximity to the cell. If the cell undergoing thermal runaway is surrounded by one or more additional cells as is typical in a battery pack, then a single thermal runaway event can quickly lead to the thermal runaway of multiple cells which, in turn, can lead to much more extensive collateral damage. Regardless of whether a single cell or multiple cells are undergoing this phenomenon, if the initial fire is not extinguished immediately, subsequent fires may be caused that dramatically expand the degree of property damage. For example, the thermal runaway of a battery within an unattended laptop will likely result in not only the destruction of the laptop, but also at least partial destruction of its surroundings, e.g., home, office, car, laboratory, etc. If the laptop is on-board an aircraft, for example within the cargo hold or a luggage compartment, the ensuing smoke and fire may lead to an emergency landing or, under more dire conditions, a crash landing. Similarly, the thermal runaway of one or more batteries within the battery pack of a hybrid or electric vehicle may destroy not only the car, but may lead to a car wreck if the car is being driven or the destruction of its surroundings if the car is parked.”


Tesla’s own staff have now admitted that once a lithium ion fire gets started in one of their cars, it is almost impossible to extinguish burning lithium ion material. This is Telsa’s own words in THEIR patent filing, (You can look it up online) saying that the risk is monumental.  Tesla has 6800 lithium ion batteries, any one of which can “go thermal” and start a chain reaction! If you look at all of the referenced YOUTUBE movies you will see how easy it is to set these things into danger mode.”


“Imagine a car crash with a Tesla where these 6800 batteries get slammed all over and then exposed to rain, fire hose water, water on the roads, cooling system liquid.. OMG!! And then if, in that same accident the other car is a gasoline car… getting burned alive sounds “BAD”! Telsa is covering up the problems with its batteries.”

“Lithium ion batteries have already crashed a UPS plane and killed people. Look here:   http://washingtonexaminer.com/dreamliner-fires-spark-new-doubts-about-a-green-energy-technology/article/2519353

More Lithium Ion Battery disasters: http://www.forbes.com/sites/petercohan/2013/01/24/is-787s-lithium-ion-battery-hazardous-to-boeings-health/

“If you’re along the Eastern Seaboard tonight, it might be worth your while to look at the sky this evening.  NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility is scheduled to launch a sounding rocket that   will release “two red-colored lithium vapor trails in space.”

As Space.com reports, those trails might be seen  across the Mid-Atlantic and perhaps as far north as Canada and as far south as
northern Florida.  Space.com explains how these trails will produce a “night sky show:”
“The sounding rocket that will be used to create the two NASA-made glowing cloud trails will be a Terrier-Improved Orion.In this technology test launch, two  canisters in the  rocket’s payload section will contain solid metal  lithium rods or chips
embedded in a thermite cake. The thermite is  ignited and produces heat to vaporize the lithium.

“Once the  vapor is released in space, it can be detected and tracked optically.  The rocket will eject two streams of lithium which will be illuminated  at high altitudes by the sun (which will be below the local horizon at  ground level).”

In a statement, mission project manager Libby West said the launch is a test flight for two upcoming missions. It’ll give scientists a view of two different  methods for creating lithium vapor trails.  By the way, NASA says the “lithium combustion process poses no threat to the  public during the release in space.”

If lithium is so dangerous it will even burn in space, why are we putting it in our airplanes and cars???????

Lithium Ion batteries blow up and burn down commercial building: http://westhawaiitoday.com/sections/news/nation-world-news/787-battery-blew-%E2%80%9906-lab-test-burned-down-building.html

“Tesla and Fisker have only sold a few hundred cars, (thank god) because nobody but dicks want these overpriced eliteist toys. A regular car company sells hundreds of thousands of cars per model. Every single Tesla or Fisker sold increases the likelihood of a burn up. Those burn-ups will affect the homes, cars and lives of the people next door who never even bought one.”

“Go to http://www.youtube.com and type into the search window:
“Lithium ion explosion”  or “lithium battery and water” or “lithium ion water” and any related derivation and you will hundreds of videos about how dangerous these batteries are. There are numerous videos of Tesla’s 18650 batteries blowing up.”

“This article in the LA Times sheds more light of the horrors of Lithium Ion:
http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jan/18/business/la-fi-dreamliner-battery-20130119  ”

“Lithium Ion batteries “go thermal” in peoples pockets, in your notebook, especially in your Tesla and Fisker car and everywhere else. There are thousands and thousands of articles documenting this and there is a cover-up by the VC’s that fund these things to keep this fact out-of-sight.

Making Lithium Ion batteries poisons the workers who make them. It is a dangerous product. Each time the workers, particularly in Asia, realize they are being poisoned by the factory, they jack up the product. Outlaw lithium ion batteries. Demand a recall.”

There are PLENTY of other energy storage solutions that do not involve the highly compromised Lithium Ion chemistry!”

“Below are a few samples of HUNDREDS of videos proving that Lithium Ion Batteries JUST BLOW UP. This is why TSA does not want them, or liquid, on planes.”
Report: Galaxy S 4 Lithium Explosion Burns Hong Kong Home To The Ground:

By Stephanie Mlot July 30, 2013

A Hong Kong couple have been displaced after an exploding Samsung Galaxy S 4 smartphone burst into flames, burning their house to a crisp.

The man, identified in the original Xianguo.com report only as Mr. Du, claims that his phone, battery, and charger were all legitimate Samsung products, but that’s now difficult to confirm since his home and everything in it were destroyed.

According to the translated report, Du sat on the living room sofa playing the game “Love Machine” on his charging GS4 when it suddenly exploded. In the heat of the moment, he threw the device onto the couch, which caught fire. The flames then spread to the curtains and the rest of the house, “out of control,” Xianguo said.

Du, his wife, and his dogs managed to escape the house unscathed; neighbors were temporarily evacuated as firefighters fought the flames. Almost all of the couple’s furniture and appliances burned to ash, the news site said, adding that their Mercedes parked outside was also damaged.

Whether or not the true cause of an entire house fire was a singular 5-inch smartphone remains to be seen, though a fire department investigation initially resulted in a report of “no suspicious circumstances.”

Samsung did not immediately respond to PCMag’s request for comment, but told Xianguo that it will “carry out detailed investigations and tests to determine the cause of the incident.”Last year, a Galaxy S III owner in Dublin was driving in his car when the device caught fire. Cell phone safety is increasingly becoming an issue in Asia, where two cases of iPhone shock occurred within a week of each other this month. On July 11, a 23-year-old flight attendant with China Southern Airlines was allegedly electrocuted when she took a call on her Apple device while it was charging. She was reportedly using the original charger when she was killed.

Here is what the Lithium Ion Batteries did to their home:
Boeing 787 Dreamliner woes put spotlight on lithium ion battery risks
BY KEN BENSINGER,Los Angeles Times

Chances are the same kind of battery that twice caught fire in Boeing 787 Dreamliners in recent weeks is in your pocket at this very moment.

Lithium ion batteries, small and powerful, have become the electricity storage device of choice. They are everywhere — in cellular phones, laptops, power tools, even cars. They allow us to talk, email and drill longer than ever possible in the past.

But the incidents that led to the grounding of the 787 fleet worldwide, and the decision by Boeing on Friday to temporarily halt all deliveries of the plane, have highlighted a troubling downside of these energy-dense dynamos: their tendency to occasionally burst into flames.

FOR THE RECORD: Dreamliner batteries: An article in the Jan. 19 Section A on lithium ion battery safety and the grounding of the Boeing 787 incorrectly described a fire in a Chevrolet Volt automobile. The battery did not ignite spontaneously; instead it burned after a crash test damaged the vehicle’s cooling system and the test car was left parked with the battery fully charged, eventually causing it to overheat. With investigators now working to determine the cause of the incidents, one on a Dreamliner on a Boston runway, the other forcing an emergency landing of a 787 in western Japan, the larger question of lithium ion safety has snapped into focus.

“Every battery can burn and every battery can be flammable,” said Mike Eskra, a Milwaukee-based battery development scientist who also works as a battery fire investigator for insurers. “But lithium ion batteries are more dangerous because they store more energy. It’s like a firecracker instead of a stick of dynamite.”

The casualty list is long. In recent years, tens of thousands of laptop batteries have been recalled due to the risk of fire or explosion. The 400-pound lithium ion battery on General Motors’ cutting-edge electric car, the Chevrolet Volt, burst into flames seemingly spontaneously while parked in 2011. And investigators blamed a cargo hold full of lithium ion batteries for a fire that
caused a UPS-operated 747 to crash shortly after takeoff from Dubai in late 2010.

That crash, which killed both pilots, is one of more than 100 incidents recorded by the Federal Aviation Administration linking lithium ion batteries to onboard fires over the last two decades. This month, new rules took effect limiting the transport of lithium ion batteries in aircraft. And the FAA had long prohibited use of the technology in commercial airplanes.

That changed in 2007, when it granted Boeing permission to use the batteries in the 787 under a number of conditions to ensure safety. For Boeing the lithium ion advantage was clear.

Thanks to their chemistry, the rechargeable batteries can store as much energy as a nickel metal hydride pack that’s 50% heavier, while charging and discharging faster than other battery types. That’s made them attractive for military applications such as the B-2 bomber and also for use on the International Space Station and the Mars Rover.

Lithium ion batteries enabled Boeing to swap out heavy hydraulic systems in the airframe for lightweight electronics and electric motors to operate systems like wing de-icers. That’s a key reason the Dreamliner burns 20% less fuel than other  wide-body aircraft.

The weight and power savings are exactly what made lithium ion batteries popular in other applications. In excess of 95% of mobile phone batteries worldwide are lithium ion, and without lithium ion, laptops couldn’t run anywhere near as long as they do without a recharge.

“They completely dominate the consumer market,” said Vishal Sapru, energy and power systems research manager at consulting firm Frost & Sullivan in Mountain View, Calif.. He estimates that global sales of lithium ion batteries reached $14.7 billion last year, up from $9.6 billion in 2009, a 53% increase. Sapru  expects the market to soar to $50.7 billion by 2018. “No other battery chemistries are growing at that rate.”

But  lithium ion also has downsides. The batteries tend to have shorter life spans than older, more proven battery technologies. And although the price is falling, lithium ion is still more expensive than other batteries. Although some carmakers have embraced the technology, others, such as Toyota, have decided against it. Several makers of lithium ion auto batteries for electric vehicles have filed for bankruptcy last year because of weak demand.

Safety  experts also have concerns. Because lithium ion batteries can store more energy, and discharge it more quickly, than other batteries, lithium ion cells can get  mch hotter than other technologies in the event of an overcharge or the external application of a heat source. Larger applications, such as the 63-pound batteries on the 787, incorporate multiple cells and the heat can spread rapidly from cell to cell, a chain reaction called “thermal runaway.”

And while other types of batteries use a water-based electrolyte in each cell,  lithium ion relies on a highly flammable solvent. When heated up, that solvent  tends to vaporize, spraying the burnable gas into the surrounding air. As a result, lithium ion battery fires burn extremely hot, as high as 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Those conditions were blamed for an explosion at a General Motors battery testing lab last April that caused $5 million in damage and sent one person to the hospital.  GM said flammable gas had vented from an experimental lithium ion battery that  heated up during extreme testing.

“Lithium ion is very controversial in the safety engineering space,” said Brian Barnett, vice president for battery technology at Tiax, a technology firm in Lexington,  Mass. He spoke last month at a conference on battery safety in Las Vegas, where more than three-quarters of the presentations focused on lithium ion batteries.

The cause of the fires in the two Dreamliners has still not been determined and neither Boeing nor the Japanese company that made the batteries, GS Yuasa, have publicly commented on likely factors. Boeing subjected the batteries on the  plane to thousands of hours of testing and installed numerous safety systems specific to the batteries.

“We have high confidence in the safety of the 787 and stand squarely behind its integrity as the newest addition to our product family,” Boeing Chief Executive im McNerny said Friday.

Barnett and others emphasize that it’s not uncommon to see problems in relatively new technologies. But they add that most lithium ion fires are caused by an external problem, such as a bad circuit or a software glitch that leads to overcharging.  Another common problem in consumer electronics is the use of low-cost wiring and other components that can overheat and spark or catch fire next to the battery itself.

Eskra,  the battery fire investigator, said he’s seen fires started by Chinese-made toys that use lithium ion batteries hooked up to chargers designed for nickel cadmium r nickel metal hydride batteries. Manufacturing errors, including allowing tiny metal particles to contaminate cells, can cause dangerous shorts, although they are exceedingly rare.

“Somebody tried to cut corners somewhere,” he said, noting that most lithium ion fires are caused by a tiny part that malfunctioned somewhere along the line and are easily resolved. “It’s a $2 fix, but it takes half a million dollars in research to
figure out what it is.”

Sometimes  the problem is more persistent. In 2006, Sony announced a global recall of more than 10 million lithium ion laptop batteries used in a variety of laptop computers after more than a dozen fires, and two years later issued a second  recall.

“This is a battery type that is only one of hundreds of possible batteries but this particular type was pushed by a few companies and investors so they could make money off it at the risk of public injury or death…”

“2006 fire under NTSB scrutiny
Carli Brosseau Arizona Daily Star

When a test of a lithium-ion battery charger turned into an inferno at Securaplane Technologies Inc. in 2006, temperatures reached as high as 1,200
degrees and three waves of firefighters failed to save the building.  An employee of the Oro Valley company blasted the flaming battery with a fire
extinguisher to no effect.  Two hours later, the galvanized metal roof collapsed, and the 10,000 square-foot building was a total loss.

It’s a fire that federal safety regulators are taking another look at now,  since Securaplane provides two key battery components to the Boeing 787
Dreamliner, the start-power and battery-charger units. Records from local Golder Ranch Fire Department, the first of three fire departments to respond to  the blaze, describe “an uncontrolled thermal reaction (that) caused the battery  to vent and this venting caused the ignition to various items and fixtures  throughout the test lab area.”

“The electrical technician who was performing a test on the battery when it exploded likened the experience to being near a jet after-burner.
Electrolytes from inside the battery were shooting 10 feet into the air, the former Securaplane employee, Michael Leon, said in an interview Friday. “The
magnitude of that energy is indescribable.”

“The fire stands as a graphic illustration of the power stored within energy-dense lithium-ion batteries and the potential consequences if something
goes awry.  It also highlights the importance and delicacy of the quality-control measures applied to a novel – and potentially explosive – technology, a
technology now allowed, under special conditions, to be used as the main and auxiliary power source of certain aircraft.
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the company’s newest and most energy-efficient plane, uses two lithium-ion batteries. After two battery-related incidents in the past month, the 50 Dreamliners distributed so far have been grounded.”


“Whistleblower: Dreamliner LITHIUM ION Batteries Could Explode

He says he was fired after warning about battery problems
By Christopher Freeburn, InvestorPlace Writer

Boeing‘s (NYSE:BA) new 787 Dreamliner could end up being a nightmare for the aircraft giant.

A former senior engineering technician at Securaplane Technologies, which makes the charging system for the lithium-ion batteries used in 787 Dreamliners, told CNBC that the batteries are defective and liable to explode if they overheat.”

” Lithium-ion batteries are heat intolerant, according to a potential whistleblower familiar with…
Lithium-ion batteries are heat intolerant, according to a potential whistleblower familiar with their technology. “Too much heat on those things,
they will go into a thermal runaway, they will explode.” The informant, a former senior engineering technician of Securaplane Technologies, was fired in 2007 for repeated misconduct, but he says it was in retaliation for voicing concerns about the batteries. The NTSB acknowledges that the lithium-ion batteries in Boeing’s (BA) Dreamliner experienced a thermal runaway, but insists there’s no connection between the incident and the whistleblower’s claims. ”
“The Japan Transport Safety Board makes a number of interim points. This battery, unlike one that burst into flames in a Japan Airlines 787 earlier in
January, did not actually ignite. It experienced a thermal runaway, as a result of a build up of heat, yet the materials affected did not start burning. While the semantics might escape the casual observer the safety investigator  said:-

“The battery was destroyed in a process called thermal runaway, in which the heat builds up to the point where it becomes uncontrollable.

“But it is still not known what caused the uncontrollable high temperature”.

In simple language, uncontrollable rises in temperature will if uncontrolled most likely result in a fire, including one that can burn through structural
composites and alloys, and prove almost uncontrollable by fire fighters,  even on the ground.

It took a Boston airport fire brigade detachment 99 minutes to put out the Japan Airlines fire using equipment unavailable if the airliner was hours away
from an emergency landing strip in the high arctic or north Pacific, which that particular flight had only recently traversed before the fire broke out after

he Japan air safety investigator said the wire supposed to ground or discharge static electricity build ups in the battery had been severed meaning
it had experienced abnormal levels of current.

However as also confirmed by the early stage of the US incident investigation into the Japan Airlines fire, this large lithium-ion battery had not experienced a voltage surge, and had so far as flight data recordings could tell, had been  operating normally immediately before the emergency landing.

Expect the news release in Japan to cause more tension between those who want the 787s to fly again pending a full understanding of the causes and cures in these incidents, and independent safety investigators who will recommend to  safety regulators like the FAA a continuation of the grounding”

“One aspect that may confuse some people relates to the decision to use this particular type of battery. The danger posed by it has been evident by a lengthy and documented list of disturbing events in recent years. They include many thousands of batteries used in laptops being recalled, because of
determined risks of fire or explosion. General Motors were also placed in the battery limelight. In 2011, the 400 pounds Lithium ion battery in their Chevrolet Volt apparently was subject to spontaneous combustion when it burst into flames, while reportedly in a parked vehicle. In 2010, a UPS-operated Boeing 747 crashed just after take-off from Dubai. Investigators placed the blame on a cargo hold that contained Lithium ion batteries, for a fire that caused the incident.”

A number of incidents of cell phones  with lithium ion batteries blowing up in peoples pockets, notebook computers blowing up in peoples briefcases and other shocking fires have been deeply documented.
“Here is where they make some of these batteries, in forced labor camps: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2013/01/13/china-s-labor-pains.html     Because, as we all know, chinese prostitutes are the best choice to make the things that keep our airplanes in the air and our cars on the road. The silicon valley venture capital guys front these batteries because they have such cheap labor to give them great profits.. quality control? not so much…”



Tesla-Information-Request-1  Tesla-Information-Request-2

Tesla-Information-Request-3Tesla-Information-Request-4  Tesla-Information-Request-5 Tesla-Information-Request-6 Tesla-Information-Request-7 Tesla-Information-Request-8 Tesla-Information-Request-9


Additional Mechanical Failures of the Tesla. Some could lead to lock-in during fire:


Mocking web image, below, highlights acknowledgement of high volume of Tesla drivers drinking and driving:


Image, below, shows that the battery compartment of Tesla has more impact points to cause ignition that any other electric car:IMPACT

The Chevy Volt did a recall because of the lithium ion dangers and added extra steel, (image below) around the lithium ion chamber but they had already acknowledged this danger by burying the lithium ion deep within the body of the car without exposing it to the outside edges like Tesla does:Volt_Strucg_492x0_q85_crop-smart

The following article (image below:) indicates that Tesla was in violation of federal law when it applied for DOE funds, which required that a company was not about to go bankrupt. Musk, herein states that he WAS about to go bankrupt when he applied. Additionally, he states that he front-loading his friends contracts to grab all the federal cash at a bankruptcy. This seems to indicate that safety due diligence data was being manipulated, along with federal law, on behalf of Tesla investors. Tjis calls into question, all data has submitted, or will submit, relative to honesty.


Exclusive: Tesla Model S charging system may have started garage fire – California fire dept
Wed Dec 18, 2013

(Reuters) – A fire department in Southern California said a garage fire may have been caused by an overheated charging system in a Tesla Model S sedan, in the latest link between the top selling electric car and the potential for fire.

While Tesla Motors Inc maintains that the fire was not related to the car or its charging system, the Orange County Fire Authority said the Tesla-supplied charging system or the connection at the electricity panel on the wall of the garage of a single-family home could have caused the fire.

“The fire occurred as a result of an electrical failure in the charging system for an electric vehicle,” said a report by the fire authority, a copy of which was obtained by Reuters. The report also emphasizes that the cause of the fire is unclear.

“The most probable cause of this fire is a high resistance connection at the wall socket or the Universal Mobile Connector from the Tesla charging system” which was plugged into a 240-volt wall socket, the report said.

The fire occurred on November 15 in Irvine, California. The possible link between the fire and the Tesla Model S was not reported previously.

The garage fire is not related to three road fires in Model S sedans that occurred in October and November and which caused Tesla’s stock to fall sharply last month. The road fires occurred in Washington state, Tennessee and Mexico.

In the U.S. incidents, Model S sedans caught fire after running over road debris. In Mexico, a Model S caught fire after striking a concrete wall. U.S. regulators are investigating the cause of the U.S. road fires, which caused the high-flying stock of the “green” car maker to fall from a high of $194.50 in late September to under $120 in late November.On Wednesday, Tesla shares fell 2.9 percent to close at $147.98 on the Nasdaq.  The November residential fire on the campus of the University of California-Irvine caused $25,000 of damage to the garage and its contents, but the Model S sustained only smoke damage, and no one in the house was injured, according to the Orange County Fire Authority’s report.

A Tesla representative disagreed on Wednesday with some of the report’s findings. “We looked into the incident,” said Tesla spokeswoman Liz Jarvis-Shean. “We can say it absolutely was not the car, the battery or the charging electronics.”

She added: “The cable was fine on the vehicle side. All the damage was on the wall side. “A review of the car’s logs showed that the battery had been charging normally, and there were no fluctuations in temperature or malfunctions within the battery or the charge electronics,” said Jarvis-Shean.

The owner of the Model S, who lives at the Irvine residence, had parked the car in the garage the evening of November 14, plugged the cord from the vehicle into the 240-volt wall socket, and set a timer to begin the flow of electricity to the car’s on-board batteries at midnight. She noticed a fire just before 3 a.m. and called for help. Fire crews put out the blaze quickly.

Some cardboard boxes stacked near the point of connection between the Tesla Model S charging system and the connection to the 240-volt outlet helped the fire spread, the report said. (Reporting by Bernie Woodall in Detroit and Norihiko Shirouzu in Beijing; editing by Matthew Lewis)








BATTERY CELL TEST: Notice that in the following movie, the lithium ion battery like Tesla uses starts exploding just when the insides are exposed to air and ALSO when it gets wet:


TESLA STAFF VIDEO: Here is a video made by Tesla’s own employees about their product:

You can also see it at:



Questioning the validity of the German “Safety Report”

Re-Quoted from:


Hard to Take the German Absolution of Tesla Fires Seriously
NLPC ^ | December 5, 2013 | Paul Chesser

Posted on Thursday, December 05, 2013 10:31:19 PM by jazusamo

Tesla Tenn fire

Following incidents in Washington state, Mexico andTennessee, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced it would probe fires that occurred recently over a six week period in Tesla Motors’ electric Model S.

And this week, as revealed in a Detroit News story, the NHTSA looks like they’re serious – at least more serious than Germany’s transportation safety authority.

Why bring up Germany? Because as the regulatory heat bears down in the U.S. on Tesla and high-profile CEO Elon Musk, they have trotted out the Eastern Europe nation to demonstrate that they’ve been absolved of any culpability in the fires. The media that has mostly fawned over the electric automaker helpfully amplified the development, which certainly Musk welcomed. He even got a slight recovery in the company stock price as a result.

On Monday Tesla posted a press release that claimed the company received an inquiry from the German Federal Motor Transport Authority about the three fires. While the NHTSA seems intent on conducting a thorough investigation (I’ll get to those details momentarily), the Germans have already wrapped up their inquiry! The result: After Tesla provided “data and additional information” and the Germans “reviewed Tesla’s responses to their inquiries,” they determined that “no manufacturer-related defects could be found. Therefore, no further measures under the German Product Safety Act are deemed necessary.”

Tesla posted a copy of the letter from the German Transport Authority – which is addressed to what appears to be the company’s local legal counsel – with the translation into English in the press release. Four things beg for explanation:

  • The letter is dated Nov. 27, which is only about three weeks after the most recent fire. Such a rapid conclusion to an inquiry would seem to be a new record for governmental efficiency looking into complicated, sensitive matters such as this.
  • The letter references a phone call earlier in the day with the attorney. What was that discussion about, that the Transport Authority immediately issued its exculpatory letter the same day?
  • Tesla blacked out the identity and contact information of the Transport Authority representative who wrote the letter. Why?
  • It’s apparent the German authority depended only on limited information supplied to it by Tesla (“According to the documents, no manufacturer-related defects could be found”). So it’s hard to give their “investigation” much credibility.

Compare that to what the US NHTSA is asking for. As the Detroit News reported Tuesday, the safety agency has requested that Tesla turn over detailed records of all consumer complaints, field reports, warranty claims and property damage claims related to the fires.

“Describe in detail all possible consequences to the vehicle from an impact to the subject component that damages the battery,” wrote NHTSA vehicle integrity chief D. Scott Yon. “Describe in detail how these possible consequences were addressed in the design of the (Model S) and the limits of that design to prevent damage to the propulsion battery, stalling and fires.”

The newspaper reported that Yon also asked for the results of all Tesla’s tests, studies, and investigations to review the battery fires and the alleged defect, and information about whether Tesla made any changes to the Model S to address the possible defect of roadway debris sparking fires in the battery packs. He also wants detailed records of vehicles at the time of the incidents, owner contact information, and all communication to owners or regional officers that the company plans to issue in the next four months.

The letter was dated November 27, and Tesla has until January 14 to respond. That’s about 50 days just to gather the information – more than twice as long as it took the Germans to collect, analyze and conclude their “inquiry” that “cleared” Tesla.

Tesla has carefully controlled information that’s been released about the fires, including statements from the Model S owners. For the most part media reports have derived from these. It makes you wonder if there is some sort of non-disclosure agreement between the company and its vehicle owners.

For example, in early October – shortly after the first fire in Kent, Wash. – Musk posted an essay on Tesla’s blog that explained how the Model S “struck a large metal object” that caused damage.

“A curved section that fell off a semi-trailer was recovered from the roadway near where the accident occurred and, according to the road crew that was on the scene, appears to be the culprit,” Musk explained. “The geometry of the object caused a powerful lever action as it went under the car, punching upward and impaling the Model S with a peak force on the order of 25 tons. Only a force of this magnitude would be strong enough to punch a 3-inch diameter hole through the quarter inch armor plate protecting the base of the vehicle.”

Maybe so, but for all the physical explanations Musk has tried to present, no photos of the large metal object have been produced. Nor are there any pictures – that are reasonably findable on the Web, at least – of the tow hitch that was accused of causing the Model S fire in Tennessee. In such a hotly scrutinized case you’d think Musk would be parading the evidence if it existed, but he hasn’t.

In the same blog post Musk went to great lengths to argue a conventional gasoline powered car, in the same circumstances, could have experienced a far worse fate.

“A typical gasoline car only has a thin metal sheet protecting the underbody, leaving it vulnerable to destruction of the fuel supply lines or fuel tank, which causes a pool of gasoline to form and often burn the entire car to the ground,” he wrote.

But the crash data doesn’t support that. As Justin Hyde of Yahoo!’s automotive Web site Motoramic wrote in early November, “Even though it has fewer electric cars on the road than its competitors (such as the Chevy Volt or Nissan Leaf), none have reported similar fires after crashes. And while liquid-fueled vehicles suffer about 170,000 such fires every year, federal data show they take place in only 0.1 percent of all crashes.”

Tesla’s control freakishness is also reflected in how the Model S owners who were fire victims. Has any independent journalist interviewed them? Below Musk’s blog post was a portion of an email exchange between Tesla’s vice president for sales and service and Rob Carlson, the Washington driver. The VP’s missive came off as a carefully crafted (lawyered?) explanation of how the fire occurred and that the Model S’s safety protections “operated correctly.” In reply, Carlson supported Tesla’s response to the incident and said, “I am still a big fan of your car and look forward to getting back into one.” Then he revealed that he is an investor in Tesla – so certainly a critical response on his part would not have helped the value of the shares he owns!

While not exactly tanking, Musk likely felt some anxiety (and investor pressure) when the company’s stock dropped from almost $200 earlier this year to about $120 the last couple of weeks, after the fires. Publicly Musk has said Tesla’s share price was overpriced anyway (he’s right), but at the same time, what executive wants to see a rapid drop like he’s seen? Not a moment too soon, this week he discovered a way to turn the German “inquiry” of the Model S fires into a Wall Street bump – the stock is up to almost $139 this morning.

As for the American investigation, time – and a serious examination – will tell whether Tesla needs to revisit its Model S design or not. Before the fires NHTSA still gave it a top safety rating, which seemed more like it was joining the irrational exuberance party rather than an accurate evaluation. The signs point to the agency taking this a lot more seriously than the Germans did, but then again, this is the Obama administration we’re talking about, which has relentlessly protected and subsidized the electric vehicle industry.

Paul Chesser is an associate fellow for the National Legal and Policy Center and publishes CarolinaPlottHound.com , an aggregator of North Carolina news.


Samsung exploding Lithium ion Galaxy COVER-UP Expose proves Danger of Lithium ion! Lithium ion and Cover-Ups seem to go hand-in-hand. Samsung tries to silence user whose S4 caught fire, it doesn’t go over well

08 December 2013

Oh Samsung, you tried to have a YouTube video pulled after it showed a Galaxy S4 that caught fire while charging but this is about to blow up in your PR and legal teams face after you sent a ‘hush’ document to the user.

Here’s the deal, YouTube user GhostlyRich posted a video on YouTube in early December that showed that his Samsung Galaxy S4 caught fire while charging. While the battery did not explode (thankfully) you can clearly see the charging port is burnt. To no surprise, a burnt charging point rendered the device useless and seeing that the Phone is still under warranty, you would think Samsung would simply exchange the device and make good with the consumer to fix the issue.

Wrong. What Samsung has done, foolishly, is sent the user a document saying that they will exchange his defective device only after he pulls his initial video from YouTube. If Samsung was unaware of how the Internet works, it’s about to find out that trying to quiet the user will result in a black eye for the company.

Yes, we can understand why a company would want keep this type of incident quiet but anyone who has a basic understanding of the Internet will tell you that once it’s posted to the web, there is no way to delete it. Sure, removing the video might keep it a bit quieter, but that would likely only raise more suspicion in the long run with the followers of that YouTube channel.

Samsung has goofed up big time as the original YouTube video, at the time of this posting, had 45,000 views and the video showing the Samsung demand letter, well, it has over 277,000 views.

The video discussing the letter and the incident is posted above and is worth a watch. It goes to show what Samsung will do anything to keep its S4 issues off the radar but in this case, it has completely backfired. Not to mention that having to sign a contract to execute a warranty is borderline unethical for the circumstances of this incident.

Additionally, the lithium ion in Apple iPad Tablets are exploding:

iPad Air explodes, erupting with smoke and flames in retail …

The appeal of Apple’s sleek and slender new iPad Air is significantly diminished when it explodes and pours out flames along with so much smoke that the fire department has to be called in to extinguish the blaze.


iPad Air EXPLODES leading to mobile phone shop evacuation …

Shop is evacuated and fire brigade are called after brand new iPad Air EXPLODES and fills mobile phone store with smoke . Sparks and smoke flew from device released on November 1


iPad Air EXPLODES INTO FIREBALL as terrified fanbois flee …

iPad Air EXPLODES INTO FIREBALL as terrified fanbois flee Apple Store Charred fondleslab removed by Apple minion for testing


iPad Air explodes at retail store in Australia

An Apple iPad Air reportedly exploded at a Vodafone retail store in Canberra, Australia, prompting the need to call the fire department to put out the flames and smoke.


iPad Air explodes in Vodafone store | CellularChief

A Vodafone store in Canberra, Australia was evacuated and firefighters were called in after the explosion of an Apple iPad Air inside the store resulted in the release of smoke that filled the retail establishment.


iPad air explodes in Australia, fire department had to be …

iPad air explodes in Australia, fire department had to be called in to contain the smoke Posted by Stefan Constantinescu on Nov 08, 2013 | No Comments »


What kind of battery did they put in the Apple ipad AIR?

Hard to Take the German Absolution of Tesla Fires Seriously


Following incidents in Washington state, Mexico and Tennessee, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced it would probe fires that occurred recently over a six week period in Tesla Motors’ electric Model S.

And this week, as revealed in a Detroit News story, the NHTSA looks like they’re serious – at least more serious than Germany’s transportation safety authority.

Why bring up Germany? Because as the regulatory heat bears down in the U.S. on Tesla and high-profile CEO Elon Musk, they have trotted out the Eastern Europe nation to demonstrate that they’ve been absolved of any culpability in the fires. The media that has mostly fawned over the electric automaker helpfully amplified the development, which certainly Musk welcomed. He even got a slight recovery in the company stock price as a result.

On Monday Tesla posted a press release that claimed the company received an inquiry from the German Federal Motor Transport Authority about the three fires. While the NHTSA seems intent on conducting a thorough investigation (I’ll get to those details momentarily), the Germans have already wrapped up their inquiry! The result: After Tesla provided “data and additional information” and the Germans “reviewed Tesla’s responses to their inquiries,” they determined that “no manufacturer-related defects could be found. Therefore, no further measures under the German Product Safety Act are deemed necessary.”

Tesla posted a copy of the letter from the German Transport Authority – which is addressed to what appears to be the company’s local legal counsel – with the translation into English in the press release. Four things beg for explanation:

  • The letter is dated Nov. 27, which is only about three weeks after the most recent fire. Such a rapid conclusion to an inquiry would seem to be a new record for governmental efficiency looking into complicated, sensitive matters such as this.
  • The letter references a phone call earlier in the day with the attorney. What was that discussion about, that the Transport Authority immediately issued its exculpatory letter the same day?
  • Tesla blacked out the identity and contact information of the Transport Authority representative who wrote the letter. Why?
  • It’s apparent the German authority depended only on limited information supplied to it by Tesla (“According to the documents, no manufacturer-related defects could be found”). So it’s hard to give their “investigation” much credibility.

Compare that to what the US NHTSA is asking for. As the Detroit Newsreported Tuesday, the safety agency has requested that Tesla turn over detailed records of all consumer complaints, field reports, warranty claims and property damage claims related to the fires.

“Describe in detail all possible consequences to the vehicle from an impact to the subject component that damages the battery,” wrote NHTSA vehicle integrity chief D. Scott Yon. “Describe in detail how these possible consequences were addressed in the design of the (Model S) and the limits of that design to prevent damage to the propulsion battery, stalling and fires.”

The newspaper reported that Yon also asked for the results of all Tesla’s tests, studies, and investigations to review the battery fires and the alleged defect, and information about whether Tesla made any changes to the Model S to address the possible defect of roadway debris sparking fires in the battery packs. He also wants detailed records of vehicles at the time of the incidents, owner contact information, and all communication to owners or regional officers that the company plans to issue in the next four months.

The letter was dated November 27, and Tesla has until January 14 to respond. That’s about 50 days just to gather the information – more than twice as long as it took the Germans to collect, analyze and conclude their “inquiry” that “cleared” Tesla.

Tesla has carefully controlled information that’s been released about the fires, including statements from the Model S owners. For the most part media reports have derived from these. It makes you wonder if there is some sort of non-disclosure agreement between the company and its vehicle owners.

For example, in early October – shortly after the first fire in Kent, Wash. – Musk posted an essay on Tesla’s blog that explained how the Model S “struck a large metal object” that caused damage.

“A curved section that fell off a semi-trailer was recovered from the roadway near where the accident occurred and, according to the road crew that was on the scene, appears to be the culprit,” Musk explained. “The geometry of the object caused a powerful lever action as it went under the car, punching upward and impaling the Model S with a peak force on the order of 25 tons. Only a force of this magnitude would be strong enough to punch a 3-inch diameter hole through the quarter inch armor plate protecting the base of the vehicle.”

Maybe so, but for all the physical explanations Musk has tried to present, no photos of the large metal object have been produced. Nor are there any pictures – that are reasonably findable on the Web, at least – of the tow hitch that was accused of causing the Model S fire in Tennessee. In such a hotly scrutinized case you’d think Musk would be parading the evidence if it existed, but he hasn’t.

In the same blog post Musk went to great lengths to argue a conventional gasoline powered car, in the same circumstances, could have experienced a far worse fate.

“A typical gasoline car only has a thin metal sheet protecting the underbody, leaving it vulnerable to destruction of the fuel supply lines or fuel tank, which causes a pool of gasoline to form and often burn the entire car to the ground,” he wrote.

But the crash data doesn’t support that. As Justin Hyde of Yahoo!’s automotive Web site Motoramic wrote in early November, “Even though it has fewer electric cars on the road than its competitors (such as the Chevy Volt or Nissan Leaf), none have reported similar fires after crashes. And while liquid-fueled vehicles suffer about 170,000 such fires every year, federal data show they take place in only 0.1 percent of all crashes.”

Tesla’s control freakishness is also reflected in how the Model S owners who were fire victims. Has any independent journalist interviewed them? Below Musk’s blog post was a portion of an email exchange between Tesla’s vice president for sales and service and Rob Carlson, the Washington driver. The VP’s missive came off as a carefully crafted (lawyered?) explanation of how the fire occurred and that the Model S’s safety protections “operated correctly.” In reply, Carlson supported Tesla’s response to the incident and said, “I am still a big fan of your car and look forward to getting back into one.” Then he revealed that he is an investor in Tesla – so certainly a critical response on his part would not have helped the value of the shares he owns!

While not exactly tanking, Musk likely felt some anxiety (and investor pressure) when the company’s stock dropped from almost $200 earlier this year to about $120 the last couple of weeks, after the fires. Publicly Musk has said Tesla’s share price was overpriced anyway (he’s right), but at the same time, what executive wants to see a rapid drop like he’s seen? Not a moment too soon, this week he discovered a way to turn the German “inquiry” of the Model S fires into a Wall Street bump – the stock is up to almost $139 this morning.

As for the American investigation, time – and a serious examination – will tell whether Tesla needs to revisit its Model S design or not. Before the fires NHTSA still gave it a top safety rating, which seemed more like it was joining the irrational exuberance party rather than an accurate evaluation. The signs point to the agency taking this a lot more seriously than the Germans did, but then again, this is the Obama administration we’re talking about, which has relentlessly protected and subsidized the electric vehicle industry.

[Originally posted on the National Legal and Policy Center]


Tesla Safety Challenged! The Facts:


Deadly Smoke and Fumes. If the crash and fire don’t kill you now, the toxins in the deadly smoke fumes kill you later.


(See all that smoke in the TESLA  fire, above? That smoke is filled with deadly toxins from burning lithium ion combined with plastics. Why does Tesla say nothing about this in it’s buyer documents? See all the cars stuck in traffic in the smoke plume? Do those innocent drivers, and their families, that have to sit there, behind the fire and in the smoke, appreciate having to breath in deadly vapors? See the fireman with the Full-Hazmat breathing apparatus on? He knows it sucks.)


Per the IJES via the State School of Chemical Engineering and Technology of China:



(Image above: New tests can see the cancer causing chemicals that got in your body from a Tesla fire from just two strands of your hair or one drop of blood or one swab of saliva. You can’t hide product toxic poisoning anymore.)

There are a vast number of MSDS disclosure forms and technical product documents from the feds, the battery companies, the FAA, the TSA, the SME, The IEEE and tons of others say that “Lithium ion batteries will explode and they will give off toxic gas”.

Why were the Tesla’s not equipped with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers as required? Why was a simple sheet of soft metal placed between the explosives and a “thousands-of-pound-per-sq.-ft. impact surface” (the road)? Was the car actually engineered or did Musk just doodle it out on the back of a napkin? You can hit the edge or front of the car and it will go off. The reason “Elon Musk stands behind Tesla” is because they usually blow up starting from the front.

Andrew- DC Group


Lithium Ion goes boom when it gets wet, poked, charged, used or pretty much gets unhappy for no apparent reason. All those car hulks, below, lined up next to each other are lithium ion electric piles of burned up $100K, per pile, cars, Nice huh? They are going to great lengths to cover that fact up:

LITHIUM_ion_FIRE_ELECTRIC_CTCRASHTESfir2smokeytesfire22(Notice the surgeon who owned it. Most of these guys are Swingin’ D Rich Guy Male Doctors)


Those images above show many different lithium ion electric car fires. Why is this being covered up? By whom? So far, most Tesla’s have been acquired by Tesla Fan Boys and their own investors to pump up the numbers. This has prevented a number of “thermal events” from getting reported.

WHAT!!!? You don’t think that’s enough burning Tesla’s? Well here’s some more, the next one is from Boston:




Not enough burning Tesla’s?

Stand by…




Tell The U.S. Government to order Tesla to remove all Lithium Ion chemicals from it’s cars! Is someone telling the NTSB not to do their job? Who?



You can read a number of postings online about the continual failure of the Tesla electronic door handles and door locks. How might fire increase these failure-to-unlock issues. Is it possible your own Tesla could lock you, and your family, INSIDE the car when it catches fire? How was this tested in the safety tests, or was it even tested?

The Tesla Defects seem to be multiplying.

Roberta- (A Mother)


Lithium ion = Bad Stuff

Notice that in the following movie, the lithium ion battery like Tesla uses starts exploding just when the insides are exposed to air and ALSO when it gets wet:


Another Tesla Movie

So you think: “OK, I would never drive my Tesla over any metal or bumpy roads so I never need to worry about that”, Well, that’s what this Tesla driver thought:

Watch the left side of the screen along the meridian wall. You can recognize the Tesla by the round open mouth grill.


No matter what kind of a persnickety, self-centered, rich douche-kinda guy you are: Your Tesla is eventually going to hit a pot-hole, bottom-out or hit some crap in the road and then: fire and toxic smoke!


SHOCKER EXCLUSIVE!!!!! Tesla “battery supply” problem -NOT. Battery explosion problem- YES.

“The napalm-like lava that is burning lithium-ion, combined with burning Tesla plastic, can eat through your entire face in about 2.5 seconds and it is nearly impossible to extinguish. This is not good stuff. They tried it on pig-corpses, ugly results.

There are over 1000 different ways to store electricity. Lithium ion is the worst. The faster a car goes, the more likely it is to crash and to flip over in a crash. Tesla is the fastest car so it will crash more and flip over more. People that drive Tesla’s are, generally, arrogant yuppie males with ego issues who want to go fast and show off. That makes crashes even more likely. While you are driving around on a carpet of deadly lithium ion, buried in the floorboards of the Tesla at your feet, and the car suddenly flips over, you are now trapped under a ceiling of burning lithium ion that firefighters can’t extinguish and your face burns off. This is like flouridation of water controversy; this chemical was specified because a certain group is making money off of this chemical. Over time, each battery has a higher and higher chance of “going off” because the charging demands of a car combined with the degradation offset of a single lithium ion battery is high in normal circumstances. Tesla uses them in extreme circumstances. They were never built for cars. You are not going to see less Tesla fires, you are going to see more. Tesla has dense-packed 6800 lithium ion packs in a closed metal box under your seat. That is 6800 chances of having your face burned off and 6800 chances of getting rained on with burning lithium ion and plastic, gassed out and burned up by the Tesla. I don’t like the odds. Look at some of these pictures on this site, it even melts the metal.

teslar2The people that are telling you “Lithium Ion is just a lovely thing, don’t worry about all of those scare stories” have a financial investment in batteries using this chemical. Almost all of them have worked for, invested in or been hired by the people that make money off it. The form factor Tesla uses is a common 18650 battery you can buy on Amazon and Ebay so Tesla is not telling the truth about “having a battery supply problem” in their latest financial reports. They are having a battery blow-up problem. Suppliers won’t sell them any batteries because they know Tesla abuses the batteries in the way they deploy them in cars and they don’t want to get sued too, along with the lawsuits that are coming after Tesla.  These batteries were never intended to be used in cars. All this has been known for decades. If the “biggest electric car funding effort in history” hired the “greatest technical review team ever created”,  how did this get by? Why didn’t the reviewers mention this for Tesla’s ‘loan’?  This is not new technical information!”

Dr. Lee- USGA

(FYI- I am available for TV interviews. Contact me through the SOMO funnel.)


NHTSA has now called Musk a Liar TWICE, said he lied about probe and lied about NHTSA safety rating

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which produced the safety rating, isn’t happy about Tesla’s boasting.

In its announcement, Tesla explained that the Model S earned five-star marks in every category; a rare feat. On top of that, its overall Vehicle Safety Score, provided to manufacturers, gave it a “new combined record of 5.4 stars.”

In a statement on its website, the NHTSA issued a rebuke to Tesla:
“NHTSA does not rate vehicles beyond 5 stars and does not rank or order vehicles within the star rating categories. In addition, the agency has guidelines in place for manufacturers and advertising agencies to follow to ensure that accurate and consistent information is conveyed to the public.”



Reporters use a new technology called: FACTS, to recall that only just the other day Musk was screaming in the press that “no recall” and “no probe” was needed, yet today he says he has secretly been demanding that NHTSA do a probe. Hmmmmm? Interesting!


Bloomberg, Guardian and Reuters staff have now spoken with NHTSA staff, including the head: David Strickland, who have said, on record, that Tesla did NOT request probe and that it would be “unprecedented” for any car company to request a liability probe like that. Another Musk lie to his investors. Both the lie and the counter, published and on the record. NHTSA said it had already had concerns about Tesla prior to any calls from Tesla or Tesla’s investors. Previous communications had been from Tesla backers and Senators (Who Tesla investors already had in their pockets)  saying “don’t do a probe”! Another P.T. Barnum “smoke-screen” move by Musk. Musk tried to take credit for creating Tesla even though Martin Eberhard created Tesla. Musk tried to take credit for creating the probe even though the feds had it already going. Musk tried to take credit for inventing electric cars even though GM and others did it decades earlier. Musk changed the NHTSA safety results and got caught lying about that too. Musk tried to take credit for creating the HyperLoop even though MIT created it 9 years earlier. What’s up with this douche bag?



Tesla: Unsafe At Any Speed, Unethical at Inception.

If I read all of the posts and articles on this page I get:

“Tesla seems to have been used to provide kickbacks to lithium ion investors in exchange for politics and those investors may, or may not, have known that lithium ion blows up, on its own, way more often than gasoline. When it does blow-up, along with the plastics and metals of the car, the toxic smoke and vapors can lead to a slow death of the occupants and bystanders. The Tesla batteries were not made for cars and when they are made, the workers who make them become very ill or fatally ill. There are plenty of electric cars available, today, from other companies. Tesla was not the first or the last and has led no wave of innovation that was not already in place decades earlier. Tesla staff and bundlers bribed Washington DC officials to get taxpayer money and fake stock market positioning for a billionaire. They deserve no applause. Almost all of the “Tesla fanboy Hype” is Tesla’s own hired bloggers, and investors, run out of Fremont, creating fake buzz by operating as thousands of fake social media accounts.”

Does that about sum it up?


EACH of those electric Fisker cars, in the photos above, blew up as they sat there when their lithium ion got wet in a storm. Lithium Ion blows up just from getting wet (or overcharged or banged). The cars, in the photos above, were not all brought there, and put together, after they blew up. They just blew up sitting in the parking lot waiting to get delivered to customers. That is a picture of dozens and dozens of VERY expensive cars that were being used as a scam to sell this chemical called “lithium ion” that campaign financiers had a near monopoly on. It was a kickback deal. Due Diligence was done, but ordered to be ignored, in order to shove as much cash out the door, and in their pockets, before they got caught.

Here is another one, below, the owner just ran into the grocery store and BOOM the lithium ion batteries in his $100K+ lithium ion electric super car just blew up, taking the tree and the car next to it out:

Watch As Another Fisker Karma Spontaneously Combusts, The …

Aug 17, 2012 … The Karma above caught fire in a Woodside, CA parking lot while …. attention away from the latest green energy project to blow up in the …

www.dailybail.com/ home/ watch-as-another-fisker-karma-spontaneously-combusts-the-100.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Second Fisker Karma Burns – Did EV1/Volt Engineer Predict Cause …

Aug 11, 2012 … Fisker Karma Fire, Woodside, CA – Photo Courtesy of Aaron Wood A … If only a few more of these cars explode, you can totally forget about …

www.thetruthaboutcars.com/ 2012/ 08/ second-fisker-karma-burns-did-ev1volt-engineer-predict-cause/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

DailyTech – Round Two: Fisker Karma Goes Up in Flames in California

Aug 13, 2012 … Yet another Fisker Karma has gone up in smoke, making this the second … A Fisker Karma driver from Woodside, California parked his hybrid at the ….. is an intercooler coupler blowing off and making a sound like a gunshot.

www.dailytech.com/ Round+Two+Fisker+Karma+Goes+Up+in+Flames+in+California/ article25389.htm – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight





TESLA knew their car was unsafe and says so in their own patent filings.  This, alone, says Musk was lying. The extreme military tank-type “ballistic shield” measures called for in their patent, below, are shocking proof that they knew how awful lithium ion is the way they use it. In another Tesla patent, Tesla says, in THEIR words filed with the feds: ““Thermal runaway is of major concern since a single incident can lead to significant property damage and, in some circumstances, bodily harm or loss of life. When a battery undergoes thermal runaway, it typically emits a large quantity of smoke, jets of flaming liquid electrolyte, and sufficient heat to lead to the combustion and destruction of materials in close proximity to the cell. If the cell undergoing thermal runaway is surrounded by one or more additional cells as is typical in a battery pack, then a single thermal runaway event can quickly lead to the thermal runaway of multiple cells which, in turn, can lead to much more extensive collateral damage. Regardless of whether a single cell or multiple cells are undergoing this phenomenon, if the initial fire is not extinguished immediately, subsequent fires may be caused that dramatically expand the degree of property damage. For example, the thermal runaway of a battery within an unattended laptop will likely result in not only the destruction of the laptop, but also at least partial destruction of its surroundings, e.g., home, office, car, laboratory, etc. If the laptop is on-board an aircraft, for example within the cargo hold or a luggage compartment, the ensuing smoke and fire may lead to an emergency landing or, under more dire conditions, a crash landing. Similarly, the thermal runaway of one or more batteries within the battery pack of a hybrid or electric vehicle may destroy not only the car, but may lead to a car wreck if the car is being driven or the destruction of its surroundings if the car is parked.”

Plus this other Tesla patent which says you need to, essentially, be in a military tank to drive a Tesla safely. Patent calls for “Ballistic Shielding” to keep drivers & passengers alive !!!!:



Per SME, lithium ion has blown up in products over 2000 times more often than any other energy storage.

Lead acid batteries, gasoline, hydrogen, nickel metal hydride, and all other product energy storage technologies COMBINED have NOT blown up as much as lithium ion has gone thermal in cars, airplanes, cell phones, computers, data centers, tablets, backup power systems and other systems. People have died in some of these incidents. Planes have crashed. Homes have been set on fire. People have been horribly burned. It is not OK to let lithium ion investors buy the news media and shut down the articles about these dangers.



Please Send This open letter to the German Federal Motor Transport Authority, or Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA):


Regarding: Your recent Tesla “safety declaration”.

Dear German Federal Motor Transport Authority:

It is quite surprising to hear that your organization has declared the Tesla completely safe without engaging in full due diligence. It makes it appear like someone got bribed. We certainly hope that Deutsche Bank staff’s substantial positions in Tesla held no bearing. We see that Deutsche Bank staff were just indicted for massive securities fraud and we hope that is just a coincidence.

Numerous organizations and experts have provided data showing that the car is not safe. The statistics, historical facts about lithium ion, and actual evidence point to the opposite conclusion. Many websites, including: http://lithium-ion.weebly.com and others provide rather contrary evidence. Tesla’s own patent documents state that the car is not safe. The Chevy Volt was recalled for far less battery issues with lithium ion.

There are over 200 safety concerns that can be provided to you in a documented report. America has not even started their safety investigation and has requested a deep set of technical documents from Tesla. Did your agency request such documents?

The members of the public hereby request publication of the identities of the reviewers, the methods and analysis methods they employed, the read-out of their data and the conclusive, specific data that the research was based upon. Here is a link to a much more overt investigation you might want to review:



Please feel free to send your own version to Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) at:

and at this link: http://www.kba.de/cln_031/nn_540136/EN/Service__en/Contact/Contact__node__en.html?__nnn=true

and by hard-copy mail to:
Stabsstelle (Office of Interdepartmental functions)
Mr. Thomas Meyer
24932 Flensburg

ki- ggt

German Tesla “Safety Review” exposed as “Sham”! MORE HERE>>>
NHTSA Tesla Public Wiki Safety Report is HERE>>>
On Elusive Tesla battery facts . More HERE>>>
Is SolarCity’s use of Tesla batteries unsafe for homes and for Solarcity?. More HERE>>>
Tesla challenged by auto safety research group to pass the safety tests listed HERE>>>
Did Tesla bankers at Deutsche Bank order German’s to give Tesla a wave-through on safety review that never actually happened? More HERE>>>

Samsung exploding Lithium ion Galaxy COVER-UP Expose proves Danger of Lithium ion! Lithium ion and Cover-Ups seem to go hand-in-hand. Samsung tries to silence user whose S4 caught fire, it doesn’t go over well

08 December 2013

Oh Samsung, you tried to have a YouTube video pulled after it showed a Galaxy S4 that caught fire while charging but this is about to blow up in your PR and legal teams face after you sent a ‘hush’ document to the user.

Here’s the deal, YouTube user GhostlyRich posted a video on YouTube in early December that showed that his Samsung Galaxy S4 caught fire while charging. While the battery did not explode (thankfully) you can clearly see the charging port is burnt. To no surprise, a burnt charging point rendered the device useless and seeing that the Phone is still under warranty, you would think Samsung would simply exchange the device and make good with the consumer to fix the issue.

Wrong. What Samsung has done, foolishly, is sent the user a document saying that they will exchange his defective device only after he pulls his initial video from YouTube. If Samsung was unaware of how the Internet works, it’s about to find out that trying to quiet the user will result in a black eye for the company.

Yes, we can understand why a company would want keep this type of incident quiet but anyone who has a basic understanding of the Internet will tell you that once it’s posted to the web, there is no way to delete it. Sure, removing the video might keep it a bit quieter, but that would likely only raise more suspicion in the long run with the followers of that YouTube channel.

Samsung has goofed up big time as the original YouTube video, at the time of this posting, had 45,000 views and the video showing the Samsung demand letter, well, it has over 277,000 views.

The video discussing the letter and the incident is posted above and is worth a watch. It goes to show what Samsung will do anything to keep its S4 issues off the radar but in this case, it has completely backfired. Not to mention that having to sign a contract to execute a warranty is borderline unethical for the circumstances of this incident.



Germany Clears Tesla Of Fire Probe…????? Was it a real probe?
Tue Dec 3, 2013
(Business Insider) The German Federal Motor Transport Authority, Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) has concluded an investigation into three recent Tesla Model S fires and found “no manufacturer-related defects,” Tesla said today.

In a press release, Tesla said it provided the KBA with relevant data on the accidents, and received a letter saying “no further measures under the German Product Safety Act [Produktsicherheitsgesetz (ProdSG)] are deemed necessary.”

In November, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) opened an investigation into the three fires. Tesla said it has “requested” the process, but NHTSA Administrator told a House panel that was untrue, according to The Detroit News.

That investigation is ongoing, but at least the Germans have been placated.

If you woke up this morning and read this, as I did, upon seeing TSLA up 6% before the open and my puts reversing lower on this “news”, you could be forgiven if your first impression was, “when the hell did Germany open an investigation?”

You see, I remember being told about the investigation being conducted by the NHTSA, the US based auto safety agency. I remember they opened an investigation following three fires, two of which occurred in the US, and the remaining one in Mexico. Barely a few weeks ago…

But it’s funny, as I don’t recall there ever being an announcement of a German investigation. It must have got lost under the Blankenship resignation announcement.

In fact, swinging over to Tesla’s Investor Press Releases – it’s astounding – but it seems completely devoid of any bad news at all. Not even a mention of the US based investigation, much less a German one, or a peep about the VP of sales leaving the company.

Meanwhile, in the real world, real men and women are throwing their money into this company, shaking off oversold conditions on a hard bounce. And class action lawsuits are raining from the sky. I’ve mostly been thinking those lawsuits were warrantless before now, but if this is how Tesla handles communications, I’m not so sure.

This isn’t a game, people.

Mr. Cain Thaler
Stock advice in actual English.


If GM had to do a recall for a potential thing, why didn’t Tesla have to do one for an actual thing? (Hint: Bribes)

“GM to Call Back 8,000 Chevrolet Volt to Strengthen Battery Pack

Michael Graham Richard
Transportation / Cars @ Treehugger

The saga continues! After some Chevy Volt battery fire issues during testing and GM offering Volt owners to buy back their cars or loan them replacements, we learn that that GM has decided to not take any chances; it is supposedly about to announce a call back of 8,000 Volt electric cars.

The Associated Press only writes: “A person briefed on the matter says General Motors will ask Volt owners to bring their electric cars into dealers to strengthen the structure around the batteries.” We should have more details later today, but if you own a Volt, expect to be contacted by your dealer and to have to bring them you car for some strengthening of the structure protecting the battery pack.”

See image below. Even though Chevy Volt batteries are contained deep within the body and chassis of the car, GM still had to do a recall to cover the lithium ion batteries up in even more steel. Tesla lithium ion batteries are fully exposed at the edges and bottom of the car. It should not be possible for NHTSA to NOT require a recall unless someone is paying someone off. Is Musk “Convinced there will be no recall” because Rahm told him so?


(C) GM

The Tesla Battery pack has TONS more impact points than a Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf or other car. It has less shielding density per Lithium Ion Square inches than any car. The batteries are very close to the edge and exterior of the car without protection equal to the known, and calculated, destruction potential. That is why Tesla’s blow up more often:

IMPACTThe Tesla battery box wall is a mere breath away from a deadly road surface moving with tremendous force and the lower edge of the car where an impact is most likely to occur. Thousands of pounds of shock force will instantly do things to those batteries that will be: Awesome in a frightening and fire-explosion kinda way.



Investigators would like to hear from you if you have information or tips:

Safety Investigations:


With a copy to:



Criminal Investigations:


with a copy to:




Chairman Barbara Boxer
Senate Select Committee on Ethics
220 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Fax:  (202) 224-7416

Please send them any helpful tips or just a kind note of encouragement!
Incriminating New Evidence!

Corporate testing videos have now been uncovered showing mice in a glass box exposed to a single burning Tesla Lithium ion cell and then exposed to a single burning Tesla Lithium 2 inch ion battery with a section of Tesla car body plastic and metal burning. After the horrid results, the mouse bodies were tested for toxins. Needless to say, none of the results were good. U.S. Government MSDS documents reveal the toxic vapor danger from these batteries was fully documented outside of DOE, yet never discussed by staff. Federal MSDS documents, from multiple federal agencies, specifically state that the Tesla lithium ion batteries are deadly toxic when burning.


INV439-1 INV439-2 INV439-3 INV439-4


Tesla fires Can’t be ignored no matter what the CEO says



Tesla Batteries Act Like Solid “rocket fuel” when they ignite!

As of 11/6/2013 Tesla had said there were only 3 fires, yet social media shows there were many more fires. Those other fires have been documented in photos and videos and Elon Musk has said he has tracking chips on all of the cars so Tesla had to have known about all of the other fires. The reality of the documentation and the statements from Tesla seem to clearly show a cover-up. Lithium ion in a metal box burns like solid rocket fuel when it gets going in a fire. Musk would have known this since he started SPACE X: A rocket company! (Which keeps having technical failures)

Additional Tesla Fire News Expose Links:








Bad Engineering

It was an idiotic move to use thousands of lithium ion consumer flashlight-type batteries, that were never made to be used in a car, to create an entire bed of toxic explosive material and put it just a hair breadth away from a surface that can puncture, explode and inflame it. That surface, the road, is trying to puncture, bump, and destroy the undercarriage, of every car, every inch of every mile of every road across the country. Also, the batteries are so close to almost all of the outside edges of the car, that puncture damage in a crash is certain. They decided to CHEAP OUT with the flashlight batteries yet they charge buyers insane amounts of money for a car with a growing list of technical failures. What were these people thinking?

HD- SME engineer

Update: See Fluoride controversy (below) for explanation about why someone would do this:


Understanding Tesla’s Life Threatening Battery Decisions

SEEKING ALPHA- John Peterson
Nov 22 2013

In the last couple of months, electric cars from Tesla Motors (TSLA) have had three collision-related battery fires that were widely covered by the media. Last week, the NHTSA decided to conduct a formal investigation of these incidents. While Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk immediately went on the offensive arguing that Tesla’s BEVs have a lower fire risk than gasoline powered cars, the question an increasing number of investors are asking is “Why has Tesla had three battery fires in a fleet of 17,000 BEVs while Nissan hasn’t had any fires in its fleet of over 90,000 BEVs?” The answer is simple. Tesla’s battery decisions significantly increased battery risks for both the customer and the company. MORE…


Musk Claim of Fewer Tesla Fires Questioned in MIT Report

By Angela Greiling Keane & Jeff Green

Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) cars have caught fire caused by collisions more often than gasoline-powered vehicles, according to a Massachusetts Institute of Technology report rebutting assertions by Elon Musk, the electric-car maker’s chief executive officer.

Because only 4 percent of vehicle fires are caused by collisions, Tesla’s Model S sedan, with a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, is statistically more likely to catch fire than are cars with gasoline tanks, wrote Kevin Bullis, senior editor for energy for MIT Technology Review.

Update: http://muckrack.com/link/tdT2/musk-claim-of-fewer-tesla-fires-questioned-in-mit-report

Disco Inferno- Burn Baby Burn



Didn’t Elon say he was just about to make a cross country drive in a Tesla?

Elon Musk to Drive a Tesla Across the U.S. — But the …

Elon Musk is planning to drive from Los Angeles to New York using only a Model S and Tesla Superchargers. But he’ll have to wait until the end of the year before the automaker’s quick charging network is actually built out. According to Musk, the trip will take six days and cover 3,200 miles





NOW look at what is blowing up!!!. THIS JUST HAPPENED IN the middle of all this too!!!!: Massive numbers of OTHER Lithium Ion devices blowing up.

iPad Air explodes, erupting with smoke and flames in retail …

The appeal of Apple’s sleek and slender new iPad Air is significantly diminished when it explodes and pours out flames along with so much smoke that the fire department has to be called in to extinguish the blaze.


iPad Air EXPLODES leading to mobile phone shop evacuation …

Shop is evacuated and fire brigade are called after brand new iPad Air EXPLODES and fills mobile phone store with smoke . Sparks and smoke flew from device released on November 1


iPad Air EXPLODES INTO FIREBALL as terrified fanbois flee …

iPad Air EXPLODES INTO FIREBALL as terrified fanbois flee Apple Store Charred fondleslab removed by Apple minion for testing


iPad Air explodes at retail store in Australia

An Apple iPad Air reportedly exploded at a Vodafone retail store in Canberra, Australia, prompting the need to call the fire department to put out the flames and smoke.


iPad Air explodes in Vodafone store | CellularChief

A Vodafone store in Canberra, Australia was evacuated and firefighters were called in after the explosion of an Apple iPad Air inside the store resulted in the release of smoke that filled the retail establishment.


iPad air explodes in Australia, fire department had to be …

iPad air explodes in Australia, fire department had to be called in to contain the smoke Posted by Stefan Constantinescu on Nov 08, 2013 | No Comments »


What kind of battery did they put in the Apple ipad AIR?

Randy Oates- DC


If one IPAD can take out a whole store and a Tesla has the equivalent of thousands of IPAD batteries in each car, how many homes in your neighborhood can a Tesla take out?

I want my neighbor to keep his Tesla at the office. Musk has made a big point out of saying, in recent interviews, that the new fires were not “spontaneous” thereby admitting he knows that Lithium Ion CAN go off spontaneously like it did in the Boeing planes and with many other electronics in the last 10 years.

GH- Boston G


EXPOSE: Here is a video made by Tesla’s own employees about their product:

You can also see it at:





“Is the beginning of an onslaught of fiery Tesla Model S wrecks?

A second Tesla Model S reportedly caught fire last week after crashing through a concrete wall in Mexico.


According to Mexican paper Progreso Hoy (by way of Business Insider), a Model S owner was speeding when he lost control of the car and went through a concrete wall and then into a large tree.

You can see the resulting fire in the video below.

The man was apparently not seriously injuries and walked away from the incident.

Here is an official recount from Tesla:

“We were able to contact the driver quickly and are pleased that he is safe. This was a significant accident where the car was traveling at such a high speed that it smashed through a concrete wall and then hit a large tree, yet the driver walked away from the car with no permanent injury. He is appreciative of the safety and performance of the car and has asked if we can expedite delivery of his next Model S. The first reported Model S fire occurred earlier this month when a Washington State driver struck an object in the road, which caused a fire in the front portion of the car, beneath the carpeted trunk area. It appears the Mexican Model S fire also began in the forward section of the car.” ”

Manu Fs. – Obsido

The Lithium ion profiteering scam. Dump, grab the money and run.

FISKER lithium Ion batteries burst into flames at the drop of a hat. This is now well-known. Telsa and Fisker funding with tax dollars was more about funding battery company deals for their investors than anything else. Lithium Ion Batteries blow up in Boeing’s, Tesla’s and they just blow up. That is why TSA does not allow liquid on airplanes. That is why AT&T eliminated Lithium Ion in its server racks. EVERYBODY knows that lithium ion blows up and releases deadly chemicals, why is this cover-up still going on?   Oh, I See: Profits and kickbacks!


Everyone was warned about this. Over 100 published reports from major universities and federally funded studies have now been sourced and posted showing that this had been guaranteed to happen by some of the top scientists in the world prior to Tesla receiving DOE money. Who owns all these battery companies? Watch for the WESTON REPORT from a major Huffington Post Journalist which links every investor in TESLA to all of their political connections and influences. Invest in Tesla and you will get tracked by numerous investigative reporters.




See these other articles and third party studies:





Lithium ion blowing up even more than usual?

Does anyone know how electromagnetic energy affects this Lithium Ion chemical? Since we now see that IPADs and other phones are blowing up, I wonder if EMF shifts set it off? In which case, sticking it the biggest electronic appliance might not be a good idea.



Tesla Failures push Auto Industry to Fuel Cell Cars




Boeing Lithium Ion Batteries Blew Up for No GOOD Reason too:


Class action law firms have begun research to determine the potential for Tesla fire-related cases.

A number of specialized law firms, who only produce class actions for consumer groups, have contracted exploratory research to look at the viability for class actions on behalf of Consumers who were near Tesla Fires, Employees who were near Tesla Fires, Tesla Factory employees, First Responders who were near Tesla fires, and related matters.

T- Law 360


Tesla shares slip more on reports of third fire, other car problems

By Jerry Hirsch- LA Times

November 7, 2013

By Jerry HirschNovember 7, 2013, 8:39 a.m.

Tesla Motors shares continued to fall Thursday as the automaker confirmed a third fire in one of its high-end electric cars and a major auto reviewer pointed out problems with its Model S luxury hatchback.

The 9%, or $13.40, decline in mid-morning trading to $137.76 followed a 15% plunge in the shares Wednesday after the automaker said limited supplies of batteries were hampering sales and that it was spending heavily on research and development to design new models. Tesla shares have been on a run for most of the year, rising about 400% before this reversal.

Car shopping website Edmunds.com said its 2013 Model S was “making an ominous noise under acceleration and deceleration. It originates from the rear of the car and seems to be getting worse.”

It is a complaint that’s also starting to show up on Tesla’s owners forum, an online discussion group hosted by the automaker for drivers of its cars.

“Mine had that and it got bad at 70 mph,” said one owner, posting under the “mortgagebruce” moniker.

He said Tesla had to replace the drive unit twice to fix the problem.

Tesla also replaced the drive unit on the Edmunds car, but declined to tell the company what caused the problem. It also replaced the driver door mechanism because of another problem. The car has just less than 11,000 miles on the road.

“We’re not sure what to think about the fact that both of these repairs were completed with just one overnight stay,” said Mike Schmidt, Edmunds’ vehicle testing manager. “Maybe the dealer is really on the ball. Maybe the supply chain is short. Or maybe the parts are readily available because they’ve seen these before.”

LITHIUM_ION_EXPLODE2Tesla spokeswoman Liz Jarvis Shean said she was not familiar with the Edmunds complaint.

Meanwhile, another Model S electric car caught fire Wednesday near Smyrna, Tenn., following a crash. This was the third Model S to have caught fire in the last five weeks. One burned near Seattle and another in Mexico. Both cars were in crashes and the fires injured no one.

Normally, car fires are not significant events that influence investors. There are about 150,000 annually, according to the National Fire Protection Assn. However, safety officials have been tracking fires in electric cars, as well as computers and other equipment, out of concern that the lithium-ion battery systems might be fire-prone.

Earlier this year, federal regulators grounded Boeing 787 planes for four months after batteries on two planes overheated, with one catching on fire. Boeing later ordered modifications to the jets to increase ventilation and insulation near the batteries, but the company and investigators never determined the root cause of the overheating.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reviewed the Tesla fire in Seattle and concluded it was caused by the accident rather than a vehicle defect.

Tesla said it contacted the driver of the car in Tennessee and noted he was not injured and “believes the car saved his life. Our team is on its way to Tennessee to learn more about what happened in the accident.”

“The problem is that we have three fires in six weeks,” said Karl Brauer, senior analyst at Kelley Blue Book, the car information company. “For a company with a stock price based as much or more on image than financials, those recurring headlines are highly damaging.”

The Palo Alto automaker said Tuesday it posted a loss of $38.5 million, or 32 cents per share, in the third quarter. That compares to a loss of $110.8 million, or $1.05 per share, in the same period a year earlier.  Now that it is delivering cars, revenue grew to $431 million from just $50.1 million a year earlier.


Science Question

With all of these lithium ion cars, IPADs and phones just blowing up and going off more and more, does the increased prevalence of WIFI, broadcast signals and atmospheric radiation and other ion drivers make Lithium Ion increasingly more likely to go off?



Plus these articles:



– Other competing power systems run many, many times longer and provide massively greater range per charge


– The run time of batteries constantly shortens


– Lithium-ion batteries have a problematic “Memory Effect”


– Lithium-ion batteries have a much shorter end-of-life metric.


– Lithium-ion batteries need to be charged from a “sour-grid”.


– Other technologies have a far higher storage density than lithium-ion batteries.


– Other technologies are far less bulky than lithium-ion batteries.


– The weight of lithium-ion batteries reduces the range of travel of a vehicle which causes the use of wasteful energy just to haul the lithium-ion batteries along with the car. Other technologies energy systems weigh far less.


– The disposal of lithium ion batteries, after use, presents a deadly environmental issue while other technologies do not.


– Other technologies do not self-discharge like lithium-ion batteries.


– Lithium ion batteries cause a greater carbon footprint than other technologies technology


– Lithium-ion batteries require coal be burned to charge them. One pound of coal has roughly 14,000 Btu of chemical energy in it. When everything operates well, all that turns out to be generally around 30% efficient, meaning that 30% of the chemical energy that started out in the coal has become actual electricity. Scientists say that you poison the planet even more by using lithium-ion batteries.




Stay tuned for additions as we sort through the massive amount of tips, whitepapers, government reports, lawsuits, disclosure documents and files that have been submitted, by you, for this article…