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  • Overwhelming disdain of market corruption by billionaires follows Fisker hearing.

Overwhelming disdain of market corruption by billionaires follows Fisker hearing.

Overwhelming disdain of market corruption by billionaires follows Fisker hearing.

In the days following the Fisker hearing nearly a thousand articles, and counting, have emerged condemning the buying of the auto market by billionaires and corrupt politics. Tens of thousands of reader comments show that the American public has had it with unfair fixing of markets by the 1% ego-driven Stanford men who tried to control the next auto opportunity.

The billionaires have been shown to be more concerned about their personal image more than the needs of the consumer. Building rich-boy jock-cars and avoiding the family SUV that is so strongly demanded.

It has now been revealed by emails, letters and daily increasing volumes of evidence that these elite billionaires paid to get their companies favored, to get their competitors cut-out of the process and to buy the perception that they were “Winning”.