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Google, once disdainful of lobbying, now a master of Washington influence   Google's Eric Schmidt is no stranger to D.C. He has spent lots of time at the White House and on Capitol Hill lobbying on behalf of his titan technology company. But his relationship with Washington and the Obama…


FROM THE PUBLIC NOTICE: Let's fix the privacy and anti-trust issues with Google! We have a crowd-funded public litigation program set-up to fix the "Google Problem" VISIT: https://www.generosity.com/fundraisers/class-action-to-sue-google-for-public-abuse/ Short Link: http://igg.me/at/C6Kk5xrpSoU Help out! Give to CLASS ACTION TO SUE GOOGLE FOR PUBLIC ABUSE Raise funds on @generosity Please help promote…


FROM THE PUBLIC NOTICE: Let's fix the privacy and anti-trust issues with Google! We have a crowd-funded public litigation program set-up to fix the "Google Problem" VISIT: https://www.generosity.com/fundraisers/class-action-to-sue-google-for-public-abuse/ Short Link: http://igg.me/at/C6Kk5xrpSoU Help out! Give to CLASS ACTION TO SUE GOOGLE FOR PUBLIC ABUSE Raise funds on @generosity Please help promote…

The Google Murders!???

By Cheryl Denton, WiseWeb STRANGE DEATHS CONNECTED TO GOOGLE AND GOOGLE'S INVESTORS - An Amazing number of individuals, connected to Google, suddenly, and unexpectedly, died. Each one was connected to Google or it's investors. Most could be said to have had "too much information", or they were reporters, engineers or…

The Google Murders!???

By Cheryl Denton, WiseWeb STRANGE DEATHS CONNECTED TO GOOGLE AND GOOGLE'S INVESTORS - An Amazing number of individuals, connected to Google, suddenly, and unexpectedly, died. Each one was connected to Google or it's investors. Most could be said to have had "too much information", or they were reporters, engineers or…

Is Elon Musk Google’s bitch or Vice Versa?

Google and Elon Musk both bribe the same politicians. Each owns part of the companies of the other. The bag men and money people, for both, are the same people. They both exploit Afghan war profiteering mining deals. They both have "driver-less" car projects which solicit federal cash to exploit…

Is Elon Musk Google’s bitch or Vice Versa?

Google and Elon Musk both bribe the same politicians. Each owns part of the companies of the other. The bag men and money people, for both, are the same people. They both exploit Afghan war profiteering mining deals. They both have "driver-less" car projects which solicit federal cash to exploit…

(VIDEO) The Dangers of Working At Google

[wpvideo 3WpPh0Mp] https://videos.files.wordpress.com/3WpPh0Mp/how-to-become-a-slave-to-googles-billionaires_fmt1.ogv   [wpvideo npaCCSpK] https://videos.files.wordpress.com/npaCCSpK/wrongful-termination-lawsuit-damages-by-google-ex-staff1_fmt1.ogv   [wpvideo n9KrusfM] https://videos.files.wordpress.com/n9KrusfM/google-gangbang-sergey-brin-is-the-wolf-of-silicon-valley_low_fmt1.ogv

The Great GOOGLE Hack! PART 2

EVERY Server Has Been Broken Into! Any network with even a single Cisco, or Juniper Networks, device was “wide-open” to “any kid with a keyboard for last ten years” Hackers have “run amuck” through corruption records, political kick-back documents, Department of Energy files and background check files Agencies warned over…

The Great GOOGLE Hack! PART 2

EVERY Server Has Been Broken Into! Any network with even a single Cisco, or Juniper Networks, device was “wide-open” to “any kid with a keyboard for last ten years” Hackers have “run amuck” through corruption records, political kick-back documents, Department of Energy files and background check files Agencies warned over…

WIRED – EU Formally Accuses Google of Antitrust Violations and Mafia-like Behaviour

EU Formally Accuses Google of Antitrust Violations Click to Open Overlay GalleryEuropean competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager gives a press conference at European Commission headquarters in Brussels on November 20, 2014. Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Five years ago the European Union began an investigation into whether Google violated its antitrust laws. Now it…

TECH EYE – Google Offers Bribes To Journalists

Google offers bribes to journalists Business, News | tags: european union, Google, journalism, journalists April 28, 2015 by Mike Magee. Google – under close scrutiny from the European Union for anti-competitive practices – has said it will donate €150 million to publishers and journalism startups over the next three years.…