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Senior Tesla Motors Media Consultant quits. Reveals All! Says "STUPID, STUPID NEWS REPORTERS NOW USING FACTS INSTEAD OF TESLA TALKING POINTS, THUS RUINING THE WHOLE DEAL..." Share this story via this link: http://wp.me/p4e1uX-2IH Fremont, CA- As of today, there is no mention of Buzz Flapjaw on any Tesla Motors website.…

‘-The 500 trolls of Tesla Motors!

The 500 trolls of Tesla Motors! Elon Musk has a massive amount of fake meat puppet social media accounts that he uses to create the false impression that there are "no problems at Tesla Motors" and that the fires, lawsuits, staff departures, investor departures, criminal charges, cartel charges, toxic smoke,…

‘- Department of Energy Head announces he engaged in “Meticulous Due Diligence” to ensure that only campaign billionaire funders got DOE funding!

Department of Energy Head announces he engaged in "Meticulous Due Diligence" to ensure that only campaign billionaire funders got DOE ATVM and LG funding! Under federal investigation, DOE staff are required to now testify about what happened to billions of taxpayer dollars that were conduit-ed, by DOE staff, to Senators…

‘Lemon Law King’ sues Tesla Motors

'Lemon Law King' sues Tesla   [wpvideo GtIooEG6] Wisconsin's 'lemon law king' sues Tesla By TODD RICHMOND Associated Press MADISON, Wis. -- Wisconsin's self-proclaimed "lemon law king" filed a lawsuit Monday against direct-order car maker Tesla Motors, accusing the company of refusing to give a Franklin doctor a refund on…


Featured Investigation: Tesla Scandal Highlights From Around the Web: Criminal Charges: Uber Scandal!!! Breaking News! Did Musk just admit a felony on live TV? Tesla patents prove Musk lied about dangers. SAFETY REPORT BUSTS TESLA. Multiple federal agency/committee probes now asked to look into organized crime charges over kickbacks re:…

Newly discovered documents show Tesla failed all reviews and was only funded because White House staff ordered DOE to fund in order to compensate Tesla investors for campaign contributions.

Newly discovered documents show Tesla failed all reviews and was only funded because White House staff ordered DOE to fund in order to compensate Tesla investors for campaign contributions. New discovered documents show that, at the time Tesla applied for DOE funds, it failed its technical, financial, asset, collateral, and…

Corruption Mapping –

Corruption Mapping - How to make a Corruption Map: 1. Define the issue as publicly stated. 2. Define the ACTUAL issue behind-the-scenes. 3. List the beneficiaries. 4. List their profit potentials for that issue. 5. List how much they spent on lobbying (AKA Bribes) in the last 3 years. Example:…

U.S. Senator: Tesla money came from “one of the most disastrously mismanaged and corrupt programs in U.S. history,”

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, chairman of the House Oversight subcommittee where Whitcombe testified, has called the loan program “one of the most disastrously mismanaged and corrupt programs in U.S. history,” and said during that Fisker hearing, “The Obama administration owes the American taxpayer an explanation as to why this bad…


The Drop- Part 1 From a copy written article by Anthony Zucker to appear in a major European news journal. With a tip of the hat to the tip from the office of the notorious Mr. Glenn: From Portions of the article: "As the great recession was winding into a…

Shallow Analysis Deems DOE Electric Vehicle Loans a Success

Shallow Analysis Deems DOE Electric Vehicle Loans a Success Submitted by Paul Chesser on Mon, 07/08/2013 Popular automotive Web site’s attempt to set the record straight on the degree of success and failure of the Department of Energy’s Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing loan program was well-intentioned, but missed the mark…


A huge number of investigations and expose sites are on the web yet nobody in Washington is arresting people. Why? (Hint: How do you spell C O V E R U P ?) http://peterschweizer.com/wordpress http://www.gao.gov/search?q=atvm&facets=a%3A1%3A%7Bs%3A16%3A%22tx_agency_0_term%22%3Bs%3A20%3A%22Department+of+Energy%22%3B%7D&search_type=Solr http://detroitelectricvehicleblockade.weebly.com/ http://greencorruption.blogspot.com/ http://www.usa.gov/directory/federal/government-accountability-office.shtml http://www.whistleblower.org http://tinyurl.com/badteslamotors http://www.commoncause.org/site/pp.asp?c=dkLNK1MQIwG&b=4773595 http://www.gao.gov/ http://dailycaller.com/2012/10/30/as-many-as-fifty-obama-backed-green-energy-companies-bankrupt-or-troubled/ http://www.voxeu.org/article/green-policy-and-corruption http://energymakesamericagreat.org/green-energy-crony-corruption-scandal http://www.carandsenatormovie.com/ http://atvmdoe.wordpress.com/ http://www.hbo.com/movies/too-big-to-fail/index.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inside_Job http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/obama-administration-solyndra/story?id=13640783#.UcXaSqnn-M8…

Steven Chu lives in Fantasy World. Publicly states the kickback scheme that got him his Stanford job as part of his payoff was not failed

Ex-Energy Secretary Chu: Our green-energy loans were “more successful than Wall Street” posted on June 10, 2013 by Erika Johnsen The Department of Energy is currently hanging back somewhat with issuing new government (i.e., taxpayer)-backed loans to what federal bureaucrats so augustly deem to be promising green-energy companies through its…

The problem with Elon Musk’s Women

One wife claims he cheated on her and her kids and now has a reality TV show about how she got screwed by Musk. Another "wife" was a bar pick-up and now claims he uses high-end Los Angeles escorts. A high end Los Angeles escort is now shopping an article…

Even FORBES admits Tesla is a Scam!

By Patrick Michaels, FORBES MAGAZINE I write about the interface of public science and public policy If Tesla Would Stop Selling Cars, We'd All Save Some Money First of all, let’s stipulate that the Tesla model S is a pretty cool looking car, that the high-end version accelerates like a…

Tesla Lied About Profits: Business Insider

Sorry, But Tesla’s Only Profitable Because Of Your Tax Dollars Craig Pirrong Yesterday 1:37 AM Electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla’s stock has rocketed up after the company reported positive earnings and operating cash flow for the first quarter. The stock had been heavily shorted, and short covering evidently fuelled the stock’s…