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Is Elon Musk Google’s bitch or Vice Versa?

Google and Elon Musk both bribe the same politicians. Each owns part of the companies of the other. The bag men and money people, for both, are the same people. They both exploit Afghan war profiteering mining deals. They both have "driver-less" car projects which solicit federal cash to exploit…

Is Elon Musk Google’s bitch or Vice Versa?

Google and Elon Musk both bribe the same politicians. Each owns part of the companies of the other. The bag men and money people, for both, are the same people. They both exploit Afghan war profiteering mining deals. They both have "driver-less" car projects which solicit federal cash to exploit…

(VIDEO) The Dangers of Working At Google

[wpvideo 3WpPh0Mp] https://videos.files.wordpress.com/3WpPh0Mp/how-to-become-a-slave-to-googles-billionaires_fmt1.ogv   [wpvideo npaCCSpK] https://videos.files.wordpress.com/npaCCSpK/wrongful-termination-lawsuit-damages-by-google-ex-staff1_fmt1.ogv   [wpvideo n9KrusfM] https://videos.files.wordpress.com/n9KrusfM/google-gangbang-sergey-brin-is-the-wolf-of-silicon-valley_low_fmt1.ogv

The Great GOOGLE Hack! PART 2

EVERY Server Has Been Broken Into! Any network with even a single Cisco, or Juniper Networks, device was “wide-open” to “any kid with a keyboard for last ten years” Hackers have “run amuck” through corruption records, political kick-back documents, Department of Energy files and background check files Agencies warned over…

The Great GOOGLE Hack! PART 2

EVERY Server Has Been Broken Into! Any network with even a single Cisco, or Juniper Networks, device was “wide-open” to “any kid with a keyboard for last ten years” Hackers have “run amuck” through corruption records, political kick-back documents, Department of Energy files and background check files Agencies warned over…

Russia Insider – Google Bribes Politicians

Google Bribes, Uhm… Invests, Uh… Takes Care Of, Eh?.. Helps Europe Media! In an amazing coincidence, Search giant Google offers up €150 million euro and more to "help" European media outlets become more sustainable.. this in advance of a major EU anti-trust case... Phil Butler Zeit Online - Google News…

Google accused of abusing search dominance

Google accused of abusing search dominance in India Preliminary findings of three year old probe submitted to country’s competition commission includes allegations of illegal self-promotion Google is facing allegations in Europe that it rigged its shopping results to the detriment of rivals. Photograph: Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP Associated Press Tuesday 1…

Google accused of abusing search dominance

Google accused of abusing search dominance in India Preliminary findings of three year old probe submitted to country’s competition commission includes allegations of illegal self-promotion Google is facing allegations in Europe that it rigged its shopping results to the detriment of rivals. Photograph: Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP Associated Press Tuesday 1…

Russia Insider – Google Bribes Politicians

Google Bribes, Uhm… Invests, Uh… Takes Care Of, Eh?.. Helps Europe Media! In an amazing coincidence, Search giant Google offers up €150 million euro and more to "help" European media outlets become more sustainable.. this in advance of a major EU anti-trust case... Phil Butler Zeit Online - Google News…