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The Afghan Papers – Part 21

CAMPAIGN FINANCIER AND LITHIUM MINING RIGGER: Frank Giustra Millennial financier stakes his claim in Nevada lithium rush POSTED ON November 12, 2015 BY Andrew Nelson CATEGORY Brian Paes Braga, Frank Giustra, Nevada, Albemarle’s Silver Peak, North America’s only lithium production facility. Royce’s claims are located to the north. People-projects-capital are…

The Afghan Papers – Part 21

CAMPAIGN FINANCIER AND LITHIUM MINING RIGGER: Frank Giustra Millennial financier stakes his claim in Nevada lithium rush POSTED ON November 12, 2015 BY Andrew Nelson CATEGORY Brian Paes Braga, Frank Giustra, Nevada, Albemarle’s Silver Peak, North America’s only lithium production facility. Royce’s claims are located to the north. People-projects-capital are…

The Afghan Papers – Part 20

Vast $Trillion Mineral Deposits Discovered in Afghanistan ... Lithium Statistics: Although no firm numbers are currently available, many estimate that the lithium reserve base in Afghanistan will be at least equal to those now ... thenewslink.com/afghanistan-lithium-trillion-dollar-miner... Afghanistan Mineral Deposits Said to be Worth $1 Trillion ... Afghanistan Mineral Deposits Said…

The Afghan Papers – Part 19

Afghanistan: Is miraculous $1T mineral discovery just war PR ops? American news media was all aflutter yesterday over a story by James Risen in the New York Times about an Immaculate Detection of massive mineral wealth in US-occupied Afghanistan. Finally, some positive news from America's longest-running war in history! Afghanistan…

The Afghan Papers – Part 18

 http://newamericamedia.org/2010/07/afghanistans-lithium-pakistans-loss.php Afghanistan's Lithium, Pakistan's Loss Pakistan Link, Commentary, Dr. Ghulam M. Haniff, Posted: Jul 26, 2010 The discovery of lithium and other minerals in Afghanistan next door should be a real bonanza for Pakistan which acts as the entry point for that landlocked nation. Unfortunately, that is not going to…

The Afghan Papers – Part 16

June 14, 2010 US Invaded Afghanistan For Lithium Just like Iraq for Oil, Panama for drugs and Haiti for Children....Damn the Imperialist Colonialist USA and its multinational corporations!!! Have you seen the headlines breaking today of the recently released report? U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan U.S. Discovers…

The Afghan Papers – Part 4

We Blew $17 Billion in Afghanistan. How Would You Have Spent It? by Megan McCloskey, Tobin Asher, Lena Groeger and Sisi Wei, ProPublica, and Christine Lee, Special to ProPublica, December 17, 2015 The U.S. government has wasted billions of dollars in Afghanistan, and until now, no one has added it…

The Afghan Papers – Part 4

We Blew $17 Billion in Afghanistan. How Would You Have Spent It? by Megan McCloskey, Tobin Asher, Lena Groeger and Sisi Wei, ProPublica, and Christine Lee, Special to ProPublica, December 17, 2015 The U.S. government has wasted billions of dollars in Afghanistan, and until now, no one has added it…

The Afghan Papers – Part 16

June 14, 2010 US Invaded Afghanistan For Lithium Just like Iraq for Oil, Panama for drugs and Haiti for Children....Damn the Imperialist Colonialist USA and its multinational corporations!!! Have you seen the headlines breaking today of the recently released report? U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan U.S. Discovers…

The Afghan Papers – Part 18

 http://newamericamedia.org/2010/07/afghanistans-lithium-pakistans-loss.php Afghanistan's Lithium, Pakistan's Loss Pakistan Link, Commentary, Dr. Ghulam M. Haniff, Posted: Jul 26, 2010 The discovery of lithium and other minerals in Afghanistan next door should be a real bonanza for Pakistan which acts as the entry point for that landlocked nation. Unfortunately, that is not going to…

The Afghan Papers – Part 19

Afghanistan: Is miraculous $1T mineral discovery just war PR ops? American news media was all aflutter yesterday over a story by James Risen in the New York Times about an Immaculate Detection of massive mineral wealth in US-occupied Afghanistan. Finally, some positive news from America's longest-running war in history! Afghanistan…

The Afghan Papers – Part 20

Vast $Trillion Mineral Deposits Discovered in Afghanistan ... Lithium Statistics: Although no firm numbers are currently available, many estimate that the lithium reserve base in Afghanistan will be at least equal to those now ... thenewslink.com/afghanistan-lithium-trillion-dollar-miner... Afghanistan Mineral Deposits Said to be Worth $1 Trillion ... Afghanistan Mineral Deposits Said…

The Afghan Papers – Part 21

CAMPAIGN FINANCIER AND LITHIUM MINING RIGGER: Frank Giustra Millennial financier stakes his claim in Nevada lithium rush POSTED ON November 12, 2015 BY Andrew Nelson CATEGORY Brian Paes Braga, Frank Giustra, Nevada, Albemarle’s Silver Peak, North America’s only lithium production facility. Royce’s claims are located to the north. People-projects-capital are…

Troll Farm Attacks By Competitors

Big companies hire "Troll Farms", "Meat Puppets", "Sock Puppets" and "Blogger Shills" to flood the internet and the media comment sections with malicious, disparaging, remarks about the independents that could give them a run for their money, if they get traction. [caption id="attachment_178" align="alignnone" width="193"] The official internet symbol for…

Troll Farm Attacks By Competitors

Big companies hire "Troll Farms", "Meat Puppets", "Sock Puppets" and "Blogger Shills" to flood the internet and the media comment sections with malicious, disparaging, remarks about the independents that could give them a run for their money, if they get traction. [caption id="attachment_178" align="alignnone" width="193"] The official internet symbol for…