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THE CIA VS. THE FBI: THE SILICON SEDITION AND WIKILEAKS VAULT 7 REVELATIONS By WIKINEWS TEAM (with research support from The Intercept, The Guardian, Able Danger and WIKILEAKS) The CIA and The FBI used to both be mostly Republican. Now the FBI is very Republican and the CIA is very…

John Podesta’s Character Assassination Squad Exposed

John Podesta’s Character Assassination Squad Exposed Town Hall Topics: John Podesta, Sid Blumenthal, Presidential elections, Cheryl Sandberg, Larry Summers, John Podesta, Gawker Media, Univision, The Squad, In-Q-Tel, New America Foundation, Premise Data Corporation, David Soloff, character assassination, wikileaks, julian assange John Podesta and Sid Blumenthal operate in the dark and…