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More than coincidence? Lot’s of bodies piling up…

  • James D Johnston, GM lobbyist/key witness- Dead! Questionable Circumstances?
  • Three crucial Tesla Senior Staff killed, one of whom was whistleblower- Accidental Plane Crash or “Boston Brakes”?
  • One Birth Certificate certifier- Heart attack AND plane crash at the same time?
  • Rajeev Motwani– Taught Google Engineers How To Make Bulk Privacy Harvesting Search Engine. Found floating face down in pool.- Murder or Suicide?
  • Investigative Reporter Michael Hastings fiery crash– “Boston Brakes“? (look it up) per Defcon Hackers Convention showcase on how easy it is to takeover car, plane or boat controls by radio and crash the vehicle.
    Rory Johnson– Targeted by DOE for his novel engine patent- Dead!
  • Stanley Meyer– Hydrogen car promoter- Murder by poisoning?
  • JP Morgan Senior Technology Banker Gabriel Magee jumped off HQ building.
  • William “Bill” Broeksmit Deutsche Banker , Tesla German “safety inspection fixer” who got a free-pass for Tesla on safety report in Germany- Hanged at home!
  • Danny Lewin, Creator of Bulk Internet at Akamai. The Architect and Builder of the Internet Tracking System- Plane Crash 9/11?
  • Ravi Kumra– Founder, Tesla Capital– Murdered!
  • Gary D. Conley– Hydrogen Energy Investor/Entrepreneur/whistleblower. Reknown, award-winning, green energy CEO found shot in head in back of military base after complaining of industry corruption. Disliked John Doerr & his buddies.- Murder or Suicide?
  • Silicon Valley VC Attorney- Autoerotic asphyxiation or Murder?
  • One Senator’s Son- Accidental Plane Crash or “Boston Brakes”??
  • White House liason’s wife- Burned to Death in Parked Car/Murder?
  • John Wheeler– Washington DC- Drugged, escaped, recaptured, murdered?
  • Two Guys from McKinsey Consulting- Questionable Circumstances?
  • The electric rail systems in most major cities across the U.S.- Killed by GM?
  • Top DC Madam’s and Escorts, including “THE” DC Madam herself- Suicides?
  • Three “Consultants”- Questionable Circumstances?
  • The Husband of a well known politician- Suicide?
  • Tata Motors Head Karl Slym dies in fall from hotel- Suicide or Push?
  • Wall Street Journal DOE/Oil Investigative Writer David Bird Missing- ???
  • Top DOE funding oversight aide for energy-radical Senator Alexander had vast insider knowledge of DOE staff actions. Did he leak to Greenwald, and others, before his death? Senate aide found hanged in basement- Suicide or sex-scandal set-up like Arrington? Do suicidal people write such carefully composed, edited, grammar-perfect suicide letters in their dire states?
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Suicides_in_Washington,_D.C.
  • Four lobbyist Lawyers- Suicide?
  • Andrew Brietbart the Blogger/whistleblower. First to provide tips about CARGATE online.- Cardiac Incident or Micheal Clayton-type Murder?
  • One Senator- Accidental Plane Crash?
  • Senior DB family members- Accidental Plane Crash?
  • Two people were killed in a head-on crash by a Tesla driver- Traumatic Death, “Boston Brakes?”
  • And the list keeps on growing…….. DETAILS BELOW and ONLINE:

Do a connection chart using social relationship software  (ie: http://www.smrfoundation.org) for every death of a prominent Washington DC official from 2000 to 2013 and notice the curves, relationships and spike points. It is a bit frightening. Plane crash, heart attack, hanging and jump are the most untraceable kill-types per Brazilian secret police. Per Tom Clancey: first you “taint” the subject with a sex or money scandal then you whack them, then you get an erroneous toxins report filed, so people will think it was the “victims fault” and not pay too much attention.

TDS- Boston G


Gary D. Conley

The big VC’s didn’t like the maverick approaches that Gary took. He did not play the Silicon Valley Frat boy brogrammer game. Unlike Silicon Valley, he treated women executives as equals and not as reception room eye candy like the other VC’s.

But Gary’s biggest indiscretion was that he got past the VC’s technology suppression and control system in the Valley. Time after time he created, launched and got funded one amazing new energy technology company after another. The Big VC’s only want things funded that support their portfolio and they stop anything that is going to compete with it.

As an example: The Valley VC’s decided that they wanted a chemical called “lithium Ion” to be the main chemical to power electric cars. Even though many other options existed, they picked this one chemical because they had configured their investment plays in lithium mining, lithium processing, lithium cars and lithium batteries in each of their portfolios and then, even though they were billionaires, they made Congress give them many more billions of tax money just for this one chemical because they had monopolized it globally.

Alas, Gary promoted a technology that competed with the Silicon Valley VC’s at Solyndra and with all of their lithium plays. He had the metrics, working proof and opportunity to exceed their technology.

First they tried putting a FULL MONTY on him but that didn’t work out.

It is now almost impossible to kill reporters and whistle-blowers without it getting recorded. Glenn Greenwald, and people like him, are now under so much surveillance that, if anybody did try to whack Mr. Greenwald, it would be caught on so many drones, microphones, laser scanners, cameras, tracking chips, window vibrators, IR chipcams, cell phones, bugs and other gadgets that the killers could never get away with it. Watch the TV show: Person of Interest. Everything in that show already exists today.

Private investigators, taking another look at the case, have been sourcing new surveillance data sources to try to find out what really happened to Mr. Conley in the time period leading up to, and at, the shooting.

History has proven:  1.) That Solyndra panels self-ignited and Lithium ion blows up when it gets banged, 2.) That Gary had better plans. 3.) That Gary’s efforts conflicted with the plans of the Silicon Valley VC’s. 4.) That Silicon Valley VC’s will stop at nothing to get their way; politically, egotistically and industrially.

Did he pay the ultimate price for his innovations and for speaking out? Ironically, Ford has announced that their new electric car will use the same type of solar optical concentrator on the roof of the car, as Gary’s SolFocus developed, although Gary is no longer alive to participate in the profits.

Many reporters find it “strange” that Steven Chu, the Secretary of Energy, who openly hated Hydrogen energy, was nominated and lobbied into office by opponents of hydrogen energy (who were investors in competing technologies) and that during Steven Chu’s reign, a record number of hydrogen executives and companies died.

Of course, it could all just be a coincidence. Forced suicide? Murder? Cover-up? Unusual number of coincidences? What do you think?

ghj-de, sdLAT, rf-Den

Gary Conley Dead: Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Dies Of Gunshot Wound

A man found dead Sunday afternoon from a gunshot wound outside a Beale Air Force Base residential area was a well-known Silicon Valley entrepreneur and clean energy pioneer, according to base officials.

Gary D. Conley, 52, whose most recent corporate venture, b2u Solar of San Jose and Gurgaon, India, was one of several energy-related companies he founded, was discovered by a Beale resident at about 1 p.m. Sunday.

His body was found outside a parked car near the Vassar Lake Gate with a gun in close proximity, according to Brian Wagner, 9th Reconnaissance Wing spokesman.

According to officials at the Air Force Office of Special Investigation, no foul play was involved.

Conley’s brother, who lives in Oklahoma, said he and other family members are mystified by details surrounding the body’s discovery.

“It’s very perplexing,” said Mark Conley, 55. “The circumstances don’t seem to make much sense.”

Gary D. Conley served in the US Air Force from 1979-83, as did Mark Conley and their father before them, according to Mark Conley.

“We’re an Air Force family,” said his sister, Michele Conley, 59, of Paradise Valley, Ariz., who said her brother was born at McClellan Air Force Base, about a half-hour south of where his body was found.

B2u Solar frequently negotiated military and other government contracts, she said, which would explain his presence in the area.

The energy entrepreneur was named Clean Energy Entrepreneur of the Year in 2005 by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Growth Forum.

He is credited with having founded SolFocus in 2005 in order to commercialize products created through its predecessor, a research company called H2Go.

That firm, also founded by Conley, began with hydrogen-related energy projects and later switched focus to solar energy.

“He was a genius,” Mark Conley said. “He did some really amazing stuff.”

According to Michele Conley, he also was a gourmet cook.

Christmas Eve featured an elaborate meal he prepared in their Saratoga home for his wife, Grace, and their two teenage sons.

Gary D. Conley’s profile on LinkedIn, an online professional networking site, lists flying, skiing, food, several branches of science, economics and hydroponics among his interests.

B2u Solar, a small startup he founded in 2010, had solar demonstration projects in the works in China, and at the NASA Ames Research Center at Moffett Field in Mountain View, according to GigaOM, a technolgy news website.

Michele Conley said her brother had been expected to meet a friend at the former Castle Air Force Base outside Merced this week to help with a solar project there.

She last saw him a month ago, she said.

“He was having so much fun, traveling and doing so well,” Michele Conley said.

He recently bought a new car, which he did pretty regularly, she said.

The three siblings had been raised by their mother, primarily in Ohio, according to Mark Conley. Their father had been killed when his Air Force fighter jet was shot down over Vietnam in 1967, he said.

“We didn’t have any money,” said Michele Conley of their upbringing. “Gary was always the whiz kid — the braniac.”

She described her brother as a self-made man. His suspected suicide, she said, is implausible to her.  “He was not depressed. He was like a big kid — always excited about everything. It just makes zero sense,” Michele Conley said.

CONTACT Nancy Pasternack at npasternack@appealdemocrat .com or 749-4781. Find her on Facebook at /ADnpasternack or on Twitter at @ADnpasternack.

Chairman & CEO at b2u Solar, Inc
San Jose, California  (San Francisco Bay Area)   Renewables & Environment

Gary Conley’s Overview:
Current Chairman & CEO at B2U Solar, Inc; Chairman & CEO at  H2Go, Inc.; Past Chairman, founding CEO at SolFocus; boardmember at  Glacier Bay; Chairman at  EnergyConnect; CEO at GuideTech; President & CEO at  FlyteComm; Managing Director, co-founder at  Engage Electronics; Senior Vice president at  Credence;
President & CEO at EPRO; winner of multiple prestigious green-tech awards.

Gary Conley’s Experience

Chairman & CEO
B2U Solar, Inc (A ground breaking Solar Technology Company)
January 2010 – Present (4 years) San Jose, CA & Gurgaon, India

Chairman & CEO
H2Go, Inc. (A ground breaking hydrogen car and energy company)
January 2004 – Present (10 years) Saratoga

Chairman, founding CEO
SolFocus (A ground breaking Solar Technology Company)
November 2005 – May 2012 (6 years 7 months) San Jose, CA

Glacier Bay
2007 – 2011 (4 years)

January 2005 – June 2011 (6 years 6 months) Campbell

2002 – 2004 (2 years)

President & CEO
January 1999 – March 2001 (2 years 3 months) Mountain View, CA

Managing Director, co-founder
Engage Electronics
January 1991 – January 2001 (10 years 1 month) Singapore

Senior Vice president
March 1993 – November 1995 (2 years 9 months) Fremont

President & CEO
April 1984 – November 1995 (11 years 8 months) Santa Clara

Stanley Meyer

Hydrogen Car promoter- Murder by Poison

MURDER of STAN Meyers for his Water Powered CAR – YouTube

Dec 2, 2010 … Stan Meyers was MURDERED to keep him from putting his conversion kit on the open market after he refused $1 billion dollar sale for all rights …

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEp6ckvRtj0View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

What happened to the water powered car? – New York …

In the 1980’s an inventor named Stan Meyer built the first Water Powered Car. Unfortunately he died shortly after suddenly at age 57 and.

www.examiner.com/article/what-happened-to-the-water-powered-carView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Harassed Stanley Meyers Associate Steps Forward – PESN.com

Aug 5, 2011 … Mr. X claims to have been the individual that received the call at Aviation Development’s shop that Stanley Meyers had been murdered, and he …

www.pesn.com/ 2011/ 08/ 05/ 9501884_Harassed_Stanley_Meyers_Associate_Steps_Forward/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


Call me old fashioned, but isn’t killing taxpayers, and their companies, because they won’t join your business monopoly, considered to be a bad thing these days? As of Jan. 1, 2014, Steven Chu’s actions, and those of his staff, have put over 118 companies out of business that might have otherwise survived, and every single one of those companies competed with Steven Chu’s Silicon Valley venture capital sponsors/buddies. Now there is an interesting coincidence!



homepageHuffington Post discloses the biggest assassination in these scandals: Journalistic Freedom!

2013 Was An Insane, Important Year For The Media

Posted: 12/16/2013 7:28 am EST  |  Updated: 12/16/2013 11:20 am EST

When we at HuffPost Media started talking about what 2013 was like in the media world, we kept coming back to one word: “insane.”

It’s a sentiment that’s almost always hyperbolic, but, in this case, we’re sticking with it. 2013 was a pretty insane year for the media: a dramatic, jaw-dropping, thunderbolts-and-lightning kind of a year. It was also a deeply important one.

In this post, we’re going to focus on what was undoubtedly the biggest story of the year: perhaps the most titanic clash between media and government in living memory. (We’ll get to the rest of the year’s big events in another post.)

Time and again, people in 2013 grappled with the fact that governments in multiple countries seemed willing to intervene in journalism in startling ways. They were also reminded, if they needed it, of the power and value of journalism itself.

In the United States, President Obama found his administration repeatedly condemned as the most hostile and dangerous to the press since Richard Nixon’s. Though the White House vociferously disputed these comparisons, it was easy to see why people were pulling out the history books.

There was, for instance, the Justice Department’s admission in May that it had secretly gotten its hands on two months of phone records of reporters and editors for the Associated Press—something which the AP, an organization not typically known for its fiery statements, called a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into its journalistic operations.

ap doj

Less than a week later, the Washington Post revealed that the DOJ had also systematically surveilled Fox News reporter James Rosen—and, even worse, had dubbed him a “co-conspirator” in a national security leak case.

The notion that the practicing of journalism could be so baldly equated with criminality was met with responses like this one:

Serious idea. Instead of calling it Obama’s war on whistleblowers, let’s just call it what it is: Obama’s war on journalism.

— Eli Lake (@EliLake) May 20, 2013

The targeting of the AP and Fox News proved to be a kind of tipping point, bringing the long-simmering story of the Obama administration’s aggressive targeting of the media fully into the light. The backlash against the DOJ was so intense that Attorney General Eric Holder was forced to assure journalists that he would change the way the department conducted its investigations.

The bad blood between the press and the president continued throughout the year. December, for instance, saw a revolt by White House photographers and others, who decried the fact that they were allowed so little access to Obama and were instead forced to rely on carefully crafted pictures from the White House staff. The AP’s director of photography called the tactic “Orwellian.”

All in all, it was easy to see why an October report about the state of press freedom in America from the Committee to Protect Journalists was so downbeat. The report, by former Washington Post editor Leonard Downie, detailed the chilling effects the White House’s tactics were having on journalism. In a widely-repeated statement, New York Times reporter David Sanger called the Obama administration the “most closed, control-freak administration I’ve ever covered.”

If the DOJ’s operations showed how dangerous the White House apparently considered journalists to be, the publication of the Edward Snowden leaks by the Guardian, the Post, the Times and other outlets around the world—including, in one instance, The Huffington Post—provided a perfect example of why. People searching for a better case for the impact journalism can have would be hard-pressed to find one.

The revelations sparked international outcry and debate, turned journalist Glenn Greenwald into a global celebrity, and led to an eye-poppingly brutal response from the British government.

The UK’s hostility towards the Guardian was breathtaking, even to Americans who had just recently been condemning their own government’s excesses. Prime Minister David Cameron’s government dispatched civil servants to the paper’s offices, where editors were told in no uncertain terms that they could either destroy the hard drives containing the Snowden documents or face crippling legal action. (The paper complied, since it had copies in other countries.)

Then, police at Heathrow Airport detained Greenwald’s partner, David Miranda, for nearly nine hours under Britain’s Terrorism Act. The White House essentially admitted it had known of the planned detention in advance.


The targeting of the Guardian culminated in a rather disturbing parliamentary hearing in which editor Alan Rusbridger was asked whether or not he loved his country. Rusbridger staunchly defended himself:

The Snowden saga also tended to expose deep fissures in the elite media. While some outlets and pundits were either publishing Snowden’s leaked revelations or praising him for revealing so much hidden information, others were condemning him and essentially siding with the U.S. government. CBS News’ Bob Schieffer, for instance, sneered that Snowden was no Rosa Parks:

So, how should we look at 2013 as a whole?

Seen in one light, the picture that emerges is unremittingly depressing: of a media under continual assault, of governments using new technological powers to fight journalism in sophisticated ways not available to their predecessors; of press freedom attacked at every turn.

Yet there are many reasons to be hopeful. If 2013 was a year that showed that the state was willing to exert its power more than ever, it also showed how much power the media still retains—and, with the Snowden stories, the good it can do when it flexes its muscles in service of holding the state to account. It seems quite likely that 2013 could be seen as a watershed moment for the media and journalism. At the very least, it will make 2014 a fascinating year.


Suppression and Termination Technologies

While this used to be all hush-hush, the glut of ex spies that have retired and authored spook books (see the vast number of examples on Amazon.com), along with the research for their own books conducted by Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum and other authors, has put the whole “Distinct Interdiction” (“DI” in the biz) industry out in public view.

The main reasons people are “off’d” in a scandal are:

Suppression– To shut them up.

Guilt– They kill themselves because they realize the horrible thing they did is about to be revealed.

Frame-Ups– They are killed to make it look like they suicided out of guilt in order to steer suspicion away from the actual criminals.

Secondary Intimidation– If a key player is suspected of considering leaking or confessing, a close member of their family is eliminated to break their will.

During the Cold War the Russian spies mastered the craft of “Distinct Interdiction” with acidic vapors that you could spray under a persons nose in a crowd (still in use today), hidden in a rolled up newspaper, and cause an undetectable heart attack; polonium or heavy metal poisoning which causes slow cancer-like death; and electromagnetic pulse waves which also caused an undetectable heart attack by interrupting the heart beat impulses. Suddenly withering away, over a matter of months, or unexpected heart attacks are good indications of foul-play in these sorts of cases.

Until recently, all of these kill methods were undetectable, but modern medicine has thrown a wrench in the works. All of the previously known kill methods leave nano-evidence, micro-cellular traces and biological degradation effects which new genome science, DNA processing equipment, molecular imaging and other recent science advances can, now, detect and document. These techniques are still used in third-world countries but modern science labs, that even consumers can contract, can too easily source the culprits. In the developed world; hair, tissue, saliva and blood samples of the deceased can now tell the true cause of death.

Planes are easy for spies to crash by manipulating GPS and landing instrumentation, Tom Clancy has told listeners at book readings. A plane is a device constantly fighting gravity. Bad guys help gravity along and much of the evidence is lost at sea or in a fireball in a farmers cornfield. The plane crash scenario is becoming passe, though, and is now frowned upon by most spy groups as it, too, has become more detectable.

A- NY Times

John Wheeler murder: Last sighting of top White House aide found …

Jan 5, 2011 … ‘Disorientated and wearing just one shoe’: Bizarre last sighting of top … Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington DC, was discovered on …

www.dailymail.co.uk/ news/ article-1344347/ John-Wheeler-murder-Last-sighting-White-House-aide-dumped-landfill.ht ml – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Category:Politicians who committed suicide – Wikipedia, the free …

who committed suicide. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Politicians and national rulers who committed suicide.

https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Category:Politicians_who_committed_suicideView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Category:Australian politicians who committed suicide – Wikipedia …

Pages in category “Australian politicians who committed suicide“. The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. This list may not reflect recent …

https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Category:Australian_politicians_who_committed_suicideView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Category:American politicians who committed suicide – Wikipedia …

Pages in category “American politicians who committed suicide“. The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total. This list may not reflect recent …

https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Category:American_politicians_who_committed_suicideView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Category:British politicians who committed suicide – Wikipedia, the …

Pages in category “British politicians who committed suicide“. The following 27 pages are in this category, out of 27 total. This list may not reflect recent changes  …

https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Category:British_politicians_who_committed_suicideView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Political Graveyard: Politicians Who Committed Suicide

En route to New York City aboard the Benjamin Franklin, he apparently committed suicide by jumping from the ship and drowning, in Long Island Sound, June 9, …

www.politicalgraveyard.com/death/suicide.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Lobbyist Ashley Turton found dead in vehicle at … – Washington Post

Jan 10, 2011 … Video. D.C. lobbyist found dead inside burning car. A Washington lobbyist who was the wife of a White House adviser was found dead inside a …

www.washingtonpost.com/ wp-dyn/ content/ article/ 2011/ 01/ 10/ AR2011011006927.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


Ashley Turton, wife of White House liaison Daniel Turton, found

Jan 10, 2011 … A woman found burned to death in a car in Washington was the wife of a White House liaison. … Monday, where the Washington lobbyist was found dead. … killed in a car fire in the couple’s home in Washington, D.C..

www.nydailynews.com/ news/ national/ ashley-turton-wife-white-house-liaison-daniel-turton-found-dead-burni ng-car-report-article-1.149161 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

DC lobbyist, wife of White House adviser dies | New York Post

Jan 10, 2011 … WASHINGTON — A Washington lobbyist who was the wife of a White House adviser has been found dead inside a burning car in southeast …

www.nypost.com/ 2011/ 01/ 10/ dclobbyist-wife-of-white-house-adviser-dies/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


Craig J. Spence – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Contents. 1 Background; 2 Washington Call-Boy Scandal; 3 Death; 4 External links; 5 References …. Lobbyist Linked to Sex Case Is Found Dead. The New York …

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_J._Spence – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


‘Little Tony’ found guilty in Boulis murder trial – Collections – Sun …

Oct 25, 2013 … Anthony “Little Tony” Ferrari is guilty of first-degree murder and … and the buyers who emerged were Washington, D.C., lobbyist Jack Abramoff …

articles.sun-sentinel.com/ 2013-10-25/ news/ fl-boulis-trial-verdict-watch-20131025_1_boulis-murder-trial-suncruz- casino-boat-fleet-james-pudgy-fiorillo – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


David Werner, Former Member of the Capitol Steps, Found Dead …

Aug 26, 2013 … David Werner. Photograph courtesy of Leading Authorities. David L. Werner, a popular local singer, comedian, and former member of the …

www.washingtonian.com/ blogs/ capitalcomment/ local-news/ breaking-david-werner-a-former-member-of-the-capitol-steps-was-found– dead-over-the-weekend.php – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


Lobbying – Salon.com

Lobbying. … Will Bezos’ Washington Post be a mouthpiece? Amazon’s ranking …. D.C. Cop Charged With Making Child Porn Found Dead In Potomac River.

www.salon.com/topic/lobbying – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


sex and crime in DC – Progressive Review

For example, one way to keep a congress member bought is for a lobbyist to provide … RELIABLE SOURCE, WASH POST New stop on D.C.’s sex scandal tour: …. Spence was found dead in a Boston hotel room last fall, and authorities ruled …

www.prorev.com/sexindc.htm – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


ACLU figure Larry Frankel found dead in Washington creek – Philly …

Aug 31, 2009 … If Larry Frankel, past executive director and longtime lobbyist for the … counsel for the ACLU’s Washington office, was found dead in the stream that gives … brothers to the D.C. Medical Examiner’s Office to identify his body.

articles.philly.com/ 2009-08-31/ news/ 24986542_1_lobbyist-aclu-s-washington-body – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


Victims in crash that killed Stevens identified | Politics | McClatchy DC

Aug 10, 2010 … The conditions of the other two, lobbyist Jim Morhard, 53, of Alexandria, Va., and Willy Phillips, 13, of the Washington, D.C., area, were not made public. … “And it was at that point that they found out that the group never arrived …

www.mcclatchydc.com/ 2010/ 08/ 10/ 98911/ eight-aboard-plane-that-crashed.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


WellKnown Washington Transportation Planner Killed – Governing

Nov 12, 2013 … A wellknown transportation planner in the Washington, D.C-region was found killed in his Alexandria, Va. home, police said Tuesday.

www.governing.com/ topics/ transportation-infrastructure/ WellKnownWashington-Transportation-Planner-Killed.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


Josh Burdette, 9:30 Club manager, dead | WJLA.com

Sep 3, 2013… the wellknown and well-liked manager and crew chief of D.C.’s 9:30 Club. … WASHINGTON (WJLA) – Nearly two days after his passing, family … Burdette was found dead inside his Kensington home early Sunday evening.

www.wjla.com/ articles/ 2013/ 09/ josh-burdette-9-30-club-manager-dead-93491.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT – What Really Happened

That means that the killers included at least one person known to the victims. … Found dead in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington, DC, of a supposed suicide by … Colby had old enemies as well as new, with plenty of motives for his extermination.

www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/BODIES.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Crossing Obama Can Be Deadly! | A Sheep No More

2 days ago … Kam Kuwata – was found dead inside his Venice home after friend — concerned that they … or out of the garage behind a rowhouse in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C., … They were well known for their work.

www.asheepnomore.net/2013/12/13/crossing-obama-can-deadly/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Sheila Stewart, Radio One Personality, Killed in … – NBC Washington

Oct 31, 2013 … A local radio personality was killed in a car accident in Atlanta, Georgia … Stewart , who worked for D.C.’s Radio One stations, had been staying …

www.nbcwashington.com/ news/ local/ Sheila-Stewart-Radio-One-Personality-Killed-in-Car-Accident-229100381 .html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

D.C. Madam Found Dead of Apparent Suicide – ABC News

May 1, 2008 … A jury in Washington, D.C. found Palfrey guilty of money laundering, … Several wellknown men were reportedly clients of her service, including …

abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=4765743 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Prison Planet.com » ‘Mancow’ Muller: Breitbart Was Murdered

Mar 7, 2012 … Mancow Muller: Breitbart Was Murdered. Contrary to today’s release of edited and seemingly innocuous footage that shows Barack Obama …

www.prisonplanet.com/mancow-muller-breitbart-was-murdered.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Was Andrew Breitbart Murdered? | RedState

Mar 5, 2012… Because knowing the malicious temperament of the radical left in America that hated Breitbart, we should not rule out that they killed him.

www.redstate.com/nikitas3/2012/03/05/was-andrew-breitbart-murdered/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

25 People Who Think President Obama Killed Andrew Breitbart

Mar 1, 2012 … A bunch of people seem to believe there’s a conspiracy behind Andrew Breitbart’s death. The theory is that Breitbart had a video from…

www.buzzfeed.com/ mjs538/ people-who-think-president-obama-killed-andrew-bre – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Who killed Andrew Breitbart? – Save America Foundation

Apr 29, 2012 … We hear today of yet another very strange death in the saga of the sudden death of Andrew Breitbart, a man I was shocked had a sudden major …

www.saveamericafoundation.com/ 2012/ 04/ 29/ what-or-who-killed-andrew-breitbart-now-the-coroner-is-dead-what-did- he-know-by-fred-brownbill/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Now a witness to Breitbart’s death vanishes – WorldNetDaily

May 7, 2012 … Corsi’s latest book is “Who Really Killed Kennedy?” rss feed … On the day the Los Angeles County coroner released Breitbart’s autopsy report, …

www.wnd.com/2012/05/now-a-witness-to-breitbarts-death-disappears/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


The Mysterious Death of Karen Silkwood | Legacy.com

Nov 13, 2010 … Thirty-six years ago, union activist and plutonium plant worker Karen Silkwood was found dead in what police ruled a single-car accident.

www.legacy.com/ news/ legends-and-legacies/ the-mysterious-death-of-karen-silkwood/ 135/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Life and Mysterious Death of Karen Silkwood — on truTV’s …

Controversial nuclear safety whistleblower Silkwood died before she had her day in court. An examination of her life, the case and her suspicious death.

www.trutv.com/ library/ crime/ criminal_mind/ forensics/ karen-silkwood/ martyrdom.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Who Killed Karen Silkwood? a $10.5 Million Verdict Still Leaves a …

Jun 4, 1979 … For Karen Silkwood’s parents, the last four and a half years have been … a state trooper knocked on the door to notify them of Karen‘s death.

www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20073789,00.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Drath murder case exposes bizarre lifestyle of Georgetown couple …

Apr 24, 2012 … Drath murder case exposes bizarre lifestyle of Georgetown couple … On Wednesday, Mr. Muth, 47, is scheduled to appear in D.C. Superior Court for his … Drath worked in Washington as a journalist and college professor.

www.washingtontimes.com/ news/ 2012/ apr/ 24/ drath-murder-case-exposes-bizarre-lifestyle-of-geo/ ?page=all – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Clara Schwartz: A Deadly Game — Murder — Crime Library on …

Murder. December 2001 was a difficult month for the DC area. While the … shot in his car in front of his two children on Christmas Eve in northwest Washington. … his bizarre confession and the reasons he gave initially pushed investigators in …

www.trutv.com/library/crime/notorious_murders/family/clara_schwartz/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Bizarre Case Of A Murdered DC Socialite Is … – Business Insider

Mar 22, 2013 … WASHINGTON (AP) — The already-bizarre criminal case of a slain German socialite and journalist has been brought to a virtual standstill by …

www.businessinsider.com/albrecht-muth-is-fasting-2013-3 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Another bizarre murder of special forces veteran. Chris Kyle dies at …

Feb 3, 2013 … Another bizarre murder of special forces veteran. …. Washington D.C. Now granted the freeloader living there is a spineless b! tch and would …

www.examiner.com/ article/ another-bizarre-murder-of-special-forces-veteran-chris-kyle-dies-at-g un-range – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Disappearing Witnesses – Mae Brussel

Over 100 murders, suicides, mysterious deaths–the strange fate of those who … the meeting while testifying in Washington on April 22, 1964, since Bill Hunter, ….. when no penicillin could be located in Washington, D.C. in September 1971.

www.maebrussell.com/ Disappearing%20Witnesses/ Disappearing%20Witnesses.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Case of slain socialite in DC takes bizarre turns | Fox News

Feb 27, 2012 … Case of slain socialite in DC takes bizarre turns … WASHINGTON – She was a 91 -year-old expatriate journalist with a deep fluency in foreign affairs … Her husband, who reported finding her body, was charged with murder.

www.foxnews.com/ us/ 2012/ 02/ 27/ case-slain-socialite-in-dc-takes-bizarre-turns/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Was Michael Hastings Murdered? Internet Conspiracy Theories Are …

Jun 25, 2013 … Fourth, the car accident itself was pretty bizarre. … As a junior at Georgetown University in Washington DC, I’m studying Government, Women’s …

www.policymic.com/ articles/ 50533/ was-michael-hastings-murdered-internet-conspiracy-theories-are-rife – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Story Of A Failed Startup And A Founder Driven To Suicide

Apr 4, 2013 … A few months ago, on Sunday, January 27, an entrepreneur named Jody Sherman had plans to see a movie with a friend. But that afternoon …

www.businessinsider.com/jody-sherman-ecomom-2013-4 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Suicide in Silicon Valley – ToobBox.com

Jul 14, 2013 … The recent suicides of Jody Sherman, Aaron Swartz and Ilya Zhitomirskiy are tragic but all too familiar stories. Some might also recall the …

www.toobbox.com/blog/suicide-in-siliconvalley/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Suicide in the Silicon Valley | Male Success Norms Bad for Men Too …

Feb 24, 2013 … Judging men or women playing zero-sum games based on out-dated and harmful gender stereotypes is not good for business, not good for …

www.forbes.com/ sites/ shenegotiates/ 2013/ 02/ 24/ male-success-norms-are-bad-for-the-guys-too/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Modern Luxury | San Francisco Magazine | Dark side of the boom

Feb 17, 2012 … Then 22-year-old cofounder Ilya Zhitomirskiy committed suicide. … In the unforgiving environment of the newly booming Silicon Valley, though, … burn in the Valley, the lore goes, and still have venture capitalists lining up to …

www.modernluxury.com/san-francisco/story/dark-side-of-the-boom – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight