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The Biggest Secret In U.S. Politics

The Biggest Secret In U.S. Politics



There is a report, not so much a book, but a white paper, that reveals the biggest secret of American politics.



It was authored long ago, but new editions of it are constantly being covertly rolled out through it’s very limited reader pool.



Less than 40 people get to read this document, but they are some of the most powerful people on Earth.



This little tome was written by mathematicians and strategists. It has been crafted, over the years, as it’s offerings are tested, in the real world, on hundreds of millions of people.



It is the secret to winning an election.



It is called: “The Trigger Book”



The premise of the book is that most voters are idiots, in order to win a voting effort, you need to win a majority of those “idiots” by appealing to them in idiotic ways.



This book identifies the current words, and images, that frighten, or excite, the “idiots”, enough to get them to vote for your candidate.



It is a set of directives for political trickery. Every major party has their version of it.



The party operatives spend 5 to 10 years ahead of an election repeating certain words, like: “terrorist”, “Muslim”, “insider”, etc. in order to get the “idiots” programmed to react to those words with either fear or elation. As the election gets closer, they connect those words with their candidate. It is all done in a very subliminal manner using Madison Avenue marketing tricks.



Each local speech uses different versions of the words. What farmers in Nebraska hear from a candidate is not what tech CEO’s in California hear candidates say. They change their scripts for each area in order to get the sucker-play refined to each little group.



When you see that a shocking candidate, who you were certain does not represent the sane, logical views of the majority of people, has surprisingly won an election, this is how it happens.



Yes, rigging elections, throwing ballots into the river, hacking voter machines and buying off electoral voters and nomination delegates does, indeed, happen at every election, but the biggest fraud is the use of the Trigger Book.



The Trigger Book uses the idea that any human can be easily brain-washed and that a subliminal process, in the human brain, called “Mnemonic Triggers”, can be used to program humans to act certain ways and do certain things.



An aspect of the tactic uses something called “Neurolinguistic Programming” (You can read the details of this tactic on WIKIPEDIA) which, in essence, uses repeated words and phrases to make people think something is the conventional wisdom, when, in fact, it is not. It is a psychological process which can, easily, trick people into thinking that “red is blue”. Are humans that naive, dumb and gullible? You bet, ask Madison Avenue! Ask the tens of millions of teenagers that end up having a sexual incident they regret for the rest of their lives! It is really easy to program large numbers of voters into worrying about a certain thing and thinking that only one candidate can fix it.



One political manipulation expert recently exposed her program for controlling an election:




Ann Selzer’s secret sauce


Iowa’s legendary pollster explains what makes her the best in the business.


By Steven Shepard



Hillary Clinton speaks to guests during a campaign event at Tabor Home Vineyards and Winery on Aug. 26, in Baldwin, Iowa. | Getty




      1. Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

      2. The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics

      3. The one word that almost sank the climate talks

      4. Why I Stopped Talking Like Ben Carson

      5. Anatomy of a Clinton rally

      6. Cruz sternly rebuked by GOP

      7. The GOP’s staunchest young hawk is having a moment

      8. Ryan, Pelosi meet for rare dinner

      9. Rand Paul is flatlining

      10. Rand Paul remains on main debate stage


Politico Magazine



At a time when trust in public polling has eroded after high-profile failures in elections across the country and around the globe, people in Iowa still have faith that one woman can accurately measure where things stand in next year’s volatile caucuses.


That woman, J. Ann Selzer, has predicted election after election in Iowa working out of a small office in the Valley Junction section of West Des Moines — between the Tres Amigos Mexican restaurant and Perry Bridal shop, and across the street from At the Heart of Quilting, a sewing-supply store.


As the Des Moines Register and Bloomberg News prepare to release Selzer’s latest survey of the GOP caucuses Saturday evening, how does the longtime Iowa pollster explain how she’s bucked the trend, even while acknowledging that conducting accurate polls becomes more difficult every cycle?


“I think it has to do with being more of a traditionalist, science-based pollster,” Selzer told POLITICO during an interview at her firm’s offices last month. “And because it has worked for me, I’ve not been tempted to go and try other methods. And because I have clients who are willing to pay the premium that it takes to do it this way, I’ve not had to cut corners.”


The recent track record of her firm, Selzer & Company, is impressive: Selzer, who has polled for the Des Moines Register for decades, was the only pollster to nail the order of Democratic candidates in 2004. Her final poll before the 2008 caucuses accurately predicted that a surge of first-time caucusgoers would propel Barack Obama to a decisive victory. Selzer saw former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum’s surge in the waning days before the 2012 GOP caucuses when few others did.


And just last year, the final Register poll in the Iowa Senate race showed Republican Joni Ernst with a 7-point lead, contrary to other polls that showed a much closer race with Democrat Bruce Braley. Braley’s campaign decried the poll, calling it an “outlier.” But Ernst won by 9 points.




Ted Cruz to barnstorm the South in Super Tuesday sweep


By Katie Glueck


When POLITICO asked members of The POLITICO Caucus — a panel of influential political insiders, operatives, and activists in the early-nominating states — whether they trusted the public polling in their states, Iowa Caucus members were far more likely to say they did than their New Hampshire brethren.


“Ann Selzer!” exclaimed one Iowa Republican. “What — there are others?”


And this year’s candidates agree, with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) dismissing other pollsters who showed Hillary Clinton pulling away among Democratic caucusgoers.


“I will take the Des Moines Register poll, which is the gold standard for polls in Iowa,” Sanders said in late October.


Selzer basks in the praise.


“It is an honor, but I’m also not so modest that I wouldn’t say it’s earned,” she said. “We have a very good track record, and it’s not just in Iowa.”


Selzer’s sterling reputation raises the stakes for the new poll on Saturday. Already, GOP front-runner Donald Trump is pre-butting the poll, tweeting Friday afternoon: “Never get good #’s from failing Des Moines Register/Bloomberg. I think something’s going on w/them. Up 13 in IA according to respected CNN.”


A solid standing in Selzer’s poll can lead a candidate into the holidays with a tailwind in Iowa. Her final poll in 2012 established Santorum as a viable winner in the hours leading up the caucuses.


A disappointing showing, on the other hand, can stunt a campaign’s momentum, especially with donors in the last two weeks of the fundraising year.


Selzer’s successes have come as other public election pollsters have missed key races. The polls underestimated Obama in 2012. (Selzer nailed that one in Iowa, too, incidentally.) They swung the other way in 2014, misjudging the breadth of the Republican wave. And 2015 hasn’t been a banner year, either, with both public and private polling failing to account for the margin of Kentucky Gov.-elect Matt Bevin’s victory last month — or conservative victories abroad in the United Kingdom or Israel.


For Selzer, part of not “cutting corners” means live interviewers calling voters on landlines and cell phones. While she’s looked at conducting polls online, she worries that — since a pollster can’t randomly contact people via email — only surveying voters who opt into the poll skews the results.




WMUR booted from next Democratic debate


By Hadas Gold and Gabriel Debenedetti


“There’s no repository of all the email addresses that are out there,” she said. “Some have three, some have 13, so there’s no way that you can ensure that every person has an equal chance to be contacted. And then in the end you’re dealing with volunteers.”


But it’s also how she obtains the pool of voters from which she randomly selects her sample that differs from other public, telephone pollsters. It’s a major conundrum for many pollsters — how to reflect a low-participation electorate in a presidential caucus. Only 121,000 people participated in the GOP caucuses in 2012 — fewer than 6 percent of the total number of registered voters, and fewer than one-in-five registered Republicans, in the state.


Some pollsters, like the CNN/ORC poll to which Trump referred, randomly call Iowa phone numbers and ask respondents if they’re registered to vote and whether they intend to go to a caucus site. Others, like Monmouth University, have used a tighter screen — only calling those voters who participated in recent primary elections. (Though Monmouth recently expanded its screen to include a minority of people who haven’t participated in past nominating contests.)


Selzer views the CNN poll as too broad, and the Monmouth method — which is shared by some political campaigns — as a methodological shortcut. Calling only or mostly frequent primary voters is too restrictive, Selzer warns, and compromises the sample in order to cut costs, since pollsters are calling only people who have demonstrated past voting behavior.


“Caucuses are a low-incidence event,” Selzer explained. “So if you start with a narrower universe, where the incidence is higher proportionately [among] people who’ve voted in Republican primaries before, your incidence is going to go up to 25, 30, maybe 40 percent. You’re hanging up on fewer people. It’s cheaper to do.”


Selzer, however, uses a list of all registered voters, but she lets those voters tell her whether they intend to caucus.


It’s a technique that she says has served her well in past cycles, even as some critics say the polls are including too many people who say they intend to caucus but never have before — groups that could favor candidates like Trump, and on the Democratic side, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.


“I’ve had the experience that would change anybody. In 2008, our final poll said 60 percent of people on the Democratic side were going to be first-time caucusgoers,” Selzer said. “And we took a lot of heat, and people cried and they carried on. [PBS anchor] Judy Woodruff was interviewing me that day and said, ‘How did you assume this? Why did you assume this?’ I go, ‘I assumed nothing.’ My data told me this was what was going to happen, and it was 57 percent in the entrance poll.”


It’s too early to tell, Selzer said, whether the intense interest in the Republican field — record ratings for the GOP televised debates, for example — mean that turnout at the caucuses will surge as well.


Protesters ejected from The Plaza Hotel during Trump event


Protests disrupt Trump at ritzy Manhattan fundraiser


By Ben Schreckinger


Selzer said Iowa pollsters face the same problems as others around the country. Nearly half of U.S. adults don’t own a landline telephone, and fewer people than ever want to participate in phone polls even when they are reached. That’s made polling more expensive — prohibitively expensive for some of the other media outlets outside Iowa for which Selzer has polled in the past — and raised questions about obtaining accurate results.


But there’s another problem unique to Iowa — one specifically related to Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucus status.


“The tricky thing in Iowa is there is no state that is more polled,” Selzer said. “So the problem I worry about, there’s not anything I can do about it, is respondent wear-out.”


Saturday’s poll won’t be the survey against which Selzer is judged — that will come in late January, right before the Feb. 1 caucuses. And while she urges observers to look beyond the horse-race numbers at other questions that reveal what’s driving voters’ decisions, she acknowledges that “the horse race is always going to be the most important thing. The most important thing you can do is win. Iowa happens to be the place you can do it first.”


And before candidates and pundits celebrate or fret about their standing in the new survey, Selzer reminded POLITICO that late momentum can, and often does, carry an unexpected candidate over the finish line.


“There are the reporters who say, ‘Does this predict what’s going to happen?’ Which, to me, just sounds silly. If I were to say yes, then we would just stop polling,” said Selzer. “We do expect things to change. The candidates are spending time and lots of money to make things change.”


“There really is no playbook beyond what I think is terribly important, which is: Get hot at the end,” Selzer added.


Selzer declined last month to speculate which candidates were best positioned to surge in the waning weeks of the race. But she hopes — despite all of the negative trends for predictive public polling — she’ll see it coming.


“When I go to bed the night before caucus, I think, ‘There’s nothing I regret. There isn’t something I could have done that I should have done,’” said Selzer. “So we may not get it right the next time, but I’ve said that the last several elections because it is getting harder. But what I can do is pledge to my clients I will take my best shot.”


Read more:




















The opposition will engage in the following to try to terminate your efforts, you will need to engage in the following to counter them:




1. They will increase their “goodwill” ads on tv and radio in the area.




2. They will place their agents, acting as hepful neighbors, into your public neighborhood meetings to cause disruption, slow progress, fraction focus, delay efforts, make statements that cause the others to question their actions.




3. They will have fake bloggers put counter comments or questioning comments on your Twitter, Facebook or blog sites.




4. They will send out massive amounts of manipulated documents, written by their agents, which are designed to make you think there is confusion in the scientifc consensus or cause you to question the circumstances by implied lack of clarity on the issue, when, in fact, there is actually total clarity.




5. They will try to reduce your fundraising options.




6. They will announce a program to create a fix to the solution which is really ONLY an announcement and a smoke-screen for total inaction.




7. Know everyone in your group. Facebook is a good resource because it openly discloses who knows who. Shills who work for the opposition will be pointed out by your community. Realtors will try to stall this expose in order to prevent reduced property values.




8. If you are focusing on Marin County then you need to get 255,000 likes on your Facebook project site before any politician will pay attention to you. When you have that many “-likes- button clicks” openly listed on your Facebook Page then every politician will know their job, their staff’s job and their agenda is at risk if they do not listen to and respond to you.




9. A large number of supervisors, Air District members, “investigators” and other politicians are owned by your opposition. They have had their campaigns, insurance, sports tickets, meals, rent and other perks paid for by your opposition. They have been promised big ticket jobs with the opposition after they leave their public posts. Do not trust them unless every other community service group in the area vouches for them. DO contact EVERY other community service group in the area to check them out. There are even fake community service groups where the leaders are in the pay of your opposition. Know all of the connections.




10. Start at the top and work your way down, Arrange a conference call or meeting with the Governor and at least 8 of your team. The goal of the call must be only two things: 1. Do you know about this? 2. Will you file a criminal action if we prove to you we have enough voters backing a call-to-action”?




Most any other discussion in the call will be of little value and while it may make people feel like they are playing in “big politics”, the politician and his aids will just be rolling their eyes on the other side of the phone and thinking: “they don’t know how such things really work”. Keep the call short and sweet.




Then call the Attorney General and do the same thing. Then the next in command and go through the top 20 political executives in the state.




If any of them give you a commitment about anything on the phone, send out a statewide press release on www.prnewswire.com about it.




Your opposition will be having the same set of calls right after you to counter you.




Do not have an “all the politicians on one call” phone call. You will not get anything done. Target one politician and one promise per call.




You do not want them to “engage in a study”. That is a brush-off. The studies have all been done many times over.




11. Your opposition spends tens of millions of dollars buying ads in the local TV, Radio and Newspapers so they own those Radio, TV and Newspapers. The owners of those media outlets do not want to write or broadcast anything bad about your opposition or your opposition will cut off their ad budget. Know that they are owned and call them on it.




12. Buy your own media. Your campaign will have no impact with the public, the media or the politicians unless you have bought at least $10,000.00 of Google Adword ads pointing to your website or facebook page, at least 5 display ads in local newspapers and posted at least 100 blog articles online in prominant locations. Buy as much of these as you can possibly afford. Your ad buys will make 99% of the difference betwee a winning campaign and a failed naive campaign. Reguionalize your ads until you hit your 255,000 person, or so, goal and then re-aim your ads nationwide.




13. The agencies you think are supposed to help you have had tens, to hundreds, of millions of dollars of lobbyists manipulating them for over two decades, so do not expect much help from them. You have to do this yourself.




14. Get every well known movie star, writer, poet, musician or other celebrity in your area to give you a permission letter to use their picture and an exact quote from them under their picture to promote your campaign.




15. Put an ad in the school newspaper at every high school and college in the area asking for Facebook “Likes” and volunteers. You will be amazed to see how many volunteers will help you from those schools. Your opposition gives money to many of the campus organizations in your area and their lobbyists tell the administrators of those schools that they won’t get a new gym or new library if the “students are allowed to cause trouble for them”… watch for this.




16. Don’t let the opposition see this list because they will create a counter-measure for every item on it.




17. Build your Facebook page and website and launch them before you announce what you are doing. Spend a week tuning them up once you launch them. Have an automated manner to organize in case thousands of people start signing up and writing you. Send 200 emails to each of your core team members in one 10 minute period. If any one of you can’t send 200 rmails to each of your staff and RESPOND to 200 hundred emails within 10 minutes THEN YOU ARE NOT READY. There are hundreds of Automated systems like www.icontact.com, www.mailchimp.com etc.. to handle this. You need an account set up and launched on one of them the same day you launch your Facebook page and/or website. How are you going to handle 200,000 communications if you can’t handle 200? Automate, and have a sign up link to your automated email system on everything you publish. Control your passwords to these online accounts. They WIL get hijacked at some point.




18. Set up a www.meetup.com account




19. Have 4 spokespeople who are well trained media savvy people Like Sean Penn, The head of a PR Agency, etc.




20. When the opposition encounters scientific studies, their gameplan is to flood the media with thid party bloggers, shill writers, owned-politicians, owned news-casters and others who seek to message: “Nobody is really sure about that. This is important data but studies need to be conducted. We will even fund those studies” The “studies” will take 5 to 10 years. They are simply delay tactics to push the issue off to the next generation. Do not buy it.




21. Carefully control the passwords and login information to all of your online accounts. They WILL get hijacked at some point. Have a password crisis plan at the ready.




22. It is fine to use Pseudonyms for some online efforts to protect your resources.




23. Stay focused. Do you not expand your cause or let other groups add their cause to yours. That is how the “Occupy” activities failed, or were made to fail.




24. Include every age group, race, gender and income level that can help.




25. Do not hire a “Campaign Company”. Many of them have mixed allegiences and they will not work as hard as you will. You will be able to afford at least four times more doing it yourself.




26. If your campaign works you will then have enough clout to run for, or put a Senator, Congressman, Mayor or Supervisor or two in office.




27. Buy your own testing equipment and get University students to go around and do tests. The equipment is now very affordable.




28. Do not allow any of your members to have private meetings with anyone associated with the opposition. Require all meetings to be live-broadcast on www.ustream.com




29. Create a central public repository of data on www.dropbox.com and www.skydrive.com




30. On your automated email list service have a PUBLIC list, A PRESS List and a SPONSOR List. Use your press list to send our press releases as well as www.prnewswire.com




32. Back-up all of your files and records every Friday.




33. Do not have any meetings without a WRITTEN agenda being sent to all attendees at least 3 days in advance. Follow your agenda. People will quit your group in droves if your meetings run beyond the alloted time or are unfocused or slack. “Talking Sticks” still work great.




34. If you do all these things, in a very organized manner, in a passionate way: You will win!




If this sounds hard, it is. It gets dramatically less hard, the more people you bring in. It gets far less hard when you remember that less children will die, less friends will die, less family will die, and less of those people will have to suffer through horrific surgeries, decades of fear and decades of pain and suffering. You have to decide the value of the legacy you leave in the world.














***** We are a business and every voter is a consumer. Politics is entirely about business and controlling our revenue interests. There is no place in this year’s campaign for “humanism”-based agenda’s like the complainers.


***** In the handling of complainers in the audience rather than refer to the opponent as the “complainers Party’ or “complainers Administration’ refer to the Candidate by name only.


***** Use only our internal newspaper wire service, it will send out a political clipsheet every week, to thousands of “thought leaders,” and cartoons, editorials, and articles to 200,000 newspapers. Rural newspapers are so desperate for copy that many will print whatever our Service sends them, including documents that are basically press releases disguised as editorials endorsing whatever political position we advance.


***** Pretend that you are the Voice of the People. Use radio ads, sponsored by a false-front group with the word “Citizens” or “taxpayers” in the name.


***** Attack, attack, attack. You can’t wage a defensive campaign and win!


***** Keep it simple. Rhyming’s good. The low intellect voter’s love rhymes. Never explain anything. The more you have to explain the more difficult it is to win support.


***** Say the same thing over and over again. We have to get a voter’s attention seven times per slogan to control their intentions. Anybody that hears the same thing seven times is programmed to it for life.


***** Subtlety is your enemy. Words that lean on the mind are no good. They must dent it. Simplify, simplify, simplify. A wall goes up when you try to make Mr. and Mrs. Average American Citizen work or think.


***** Fan flames. We need more partisanship in this country. Never shy from controversy; instead, win the controversy. The average American doesn’t want to be educated; he doesn’t want to improve his mind; he doesn’t even want to work, consciously, at being a good citizen, But there are two ways you can interest him in a campaign, and only two that we have ever found successful. You can put on a fight or you can put on a Show. So if you can’t fight, PUT ON A SHOW! And if you put on a good show, Mr. and Mrs. America will turn out to see it.


***** Winner takes all. If you launch a campaign for a new car, your client doesn’t expect you to lead the field necessarily in the first year, or even the tenth year, But in politics, they don’t pay off for PLACE OR SHOW! You have to win, if you want to stay in business.”


***** This must be a campaign that makes people hear the beat of drums and the thunder of bombs. . . . This must be A CALL TO ARMS IN DEFENSE AMERICA!


***** Where the men go, the women will follow. Focus on male trigger slogans first.


***** Always and only use our prescreened 15 minute talking script. Try not to speak for more than fifteen minutes! people get bored! and never for more than half an hour.


***** Reject any health care issues that affect our supporters ability to make money. Say often: You can’t beat something with nothing,” and: “Political medicine is bad medicine.”


***** Lobby your local newspaper editors. Have your staff make in-person drop-by’s to every newspaper office to persuade editors to change their positions. Many of these newspapers do a vast amount of advertising business with us and received hundreds of words of free copy, each week, from our news services. They will not risk losing our advertising dollars when the internet is killing their business. We can cut out all of the newspapers supporting Obamacare in 70 days if we stay on our goal. This is a top 6 issue and we now have the budget to spend 10 dollars against every individual dollar the Obama campaign spends to push it.


***** Mention “Politically-Controlled Medicine.” often.


***** In private conversations with Senators, use this talking point:


“Please vote against all Compulsory Health Insurance Bills pending before the Legislature. We have enough regimentation in this country now. Certainly we don’t want to be forced to go to “A State doctor,” or to pay for such a doctor whether we use him or not. That system was born in Nazi Germany and is part and parcel of what our boys are fighting overseas to stop. Let’s not adopt it here.”


***** This must be a campaign to arouse and alert the American people in every walk of life, until it generates a great public crusade and a fundamental fight for freedom, any other plan of action, in view of the drift toward socialization and despotism all over the world, would invite disaster.


***** Our counter-measures campaign has now been distributed, by the hundreds of thousands, to reporters and editors, among others, and to every member of Congress.


***** A Top 6 immediate objective is the defeat of the compulsory health insurance program. The long-term objective is to put a permanent stop to the agitation for socialized medicine in this country by (a) awakening the people to the danger of a politically-controlled, government-regulated health system; (b) convincing the people, through a Nation wide campaign of education, of the superior advantages of private medicine, as practiced in America, over the State-dominated medical systems of other countries; (c) stimulating the growth of voluntary health insurance systems to take the economic shock out of illness and increase the availability of medical care to the American people. Our backers in the health business are looking at a trillion dollar loss if this Obamacare reaches fruition. Basically, the issue is whether we are to remain a free Nation, in which the individual can work out his own destiny, or whether we are to take one of the final steps toward becoming a Socialist or Communist State. We have to paint the picture, in vivid verbiage that no one can misunderstand, of Germany, Russia and finally, England. KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MEDICINE.” Always call Obamacare: “socialized medicine.”


***** We must educate every doctor, nurse, and druggist in the United States about the dangers of socialized medicine.


***** Hitler and Stalin and the socialist government of Great Britain all have used the opiate of socialized medicine to deaden the pain of lost liberty and lull the people into non-resistance. Old World contagion of compulsory health insurance, if allowed to spread to our New World, will mark the beginning of the end of free institutions in America. It will only be a question of time until the railroads, the steel mills, the power industry, the banks and the farming industry are nationalized. We must stop these complainers on the front line before they take this to our porches.


***** The DNC, via unions and tree-huggers, own a national company called Grassroots Campaigns, Inc. which puts people on the streets of every major city with clipboards to collect money and distribute propaganda. Encourage your staff to engage them in long-winded conversations to cut down their through-put


***** The A.M.A. in its campaign is carrying its case to the people of America in a grass roots crusade which we hope, with your help, and the help of tens of thousands of others, will reach every corner of this country. We have over 40 million dollars booked on this grass-roots effort. We WILL turn the President’s sensible, popular, and urgently needed legislative reform into a bogeyman so scary that, no American will want it.


***** The great need is to go on the offensive and to attack, Best to forget “the liberal complainers who wouldn’t vote for Mitt if he received the joint personal endorsement of Jesus Christ and Karl Marx via a s\E9ance with Eleanor Roosevelt


***** Politics is just like show business. . . . You begin with a hell of an opening, you coast for a while, and you end with a hell of a closing. We have a great closing!


***** Voters are basically lazy, basically uninterested in making an effort to understand what we’re talking about, Reason requires a higher degree of discipline, of concentration; impression is easier, Reason pushes the viewer back, it assaults him, it demands that he agree or disagree; impression can envelop him, invite him in, without making an intellectual demand. . . . When we argue with him we demand that he make the effort of replying. We seek to engage his intellect, and for most people this is the most difficult work of all. The emotions are more easily roused, closer to the surface, more malleable. Voters are, simply, idiots. Treat them as such and keep them amused by the shiny object.


***** We are leading men’s minds, this is the reason Washington must be in the hands of the most ethical, principled people; people with real concern for the world around them, for people around them: The RNC, or else it will erode into the hands of people who have no regard for the world around them: The complainers.