“The Character Assassination of Martin Eberhard by the Coward Billionaire Elon Musk”
“Silicon Valley VC’s arranged for the take-over of Tesla, using Elon Musk as their shill, in order to try to control the lithium industry.
They put a character assassination attack out on (SEE THIS LINK) Martin Eberhard, the founder and creator of Tesla. Martin won the innovator of the year award. Martin accomplished impossible things. Elon Musk was a take-over thug who was sent to Tesla to get control of it on behalf of a venture capital alliance of corrupt men who set out to form a monopoly. Musk is an arrogant ass douche. Read the lawsuit by Marty and the postings that are archived by Marty and Tesla staff at the time. The truth will come out. Martin will be vindicated.”
(Please Re-Post to get they truth out)
Original URL: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/09/22/tesla_eberhard_lawsuit_resolved/
Elon Musk, Eberhard ‘resolve’ Tesla Motors wrangle
Pledge eternal chumship through gritted teeth
By Lewis Page
Posted in Science
Famous electrocar firm Tesla Motors – known as maker of the Roadster battery supercar and as one of PayPal hecamillionaire Elon Musk’s pet projects – has announced that the dispute between it and co-founder Martin Eberhard “is resolved”.
Eberhard had mounted a Californian lawsuit against the firm and against Musk personally in June, alleging that interference by Musk had almost wrecked Tesla Motors during the period when Eberhard was CEO – and that after Eberhard’s ousting Musk had slanderously tried to shift the blame. Furthermore, according to Eberhard, his long-promised personal Roadster had been supplied “wrecked”.
Following the suit, Musk – perhaps unwisely from a legal point of view – responded with a number of stinging comments on a company blog. He wrote:
Eberhard has simultaneously implied that I had nothing to do with the creation of the Roadster and that I micromanaged the design and thus caused the cost overruns. Obviously, those claims are mutually exclusive…
There were several smaller items I suggested, such as the touchpad door latch that Eberhard tries to use as an excuse for why it cost over $140M to bring the Roadster to market instead of the $25M that he estimated in the 2004 business plan. That would have to be one hell of door latch!
Musk stated that after Eberhard was fired by unanimous decision of the company board, “almost every major system on the car, including the body, HVAC, motor, power electronics, transmission and battery pack, had to be redesigned, retooled or switched to a new supplier,” in order to allow Tesla to turn a profit on the $100k car.
Tesla representatives also stated that Eberhard’s suit was “twisted and wrong” and that the firm would “likely be filing counterclaims and in the process present an accurate account of the company’s history.”
Last month, however, Eberhard told his lawyers to drop the suit and neither side in the dispute said anything further. Tesla and Musk, rather than crowing over their apparent victory, remained silent – leading to speculation that they had been forced to reach a financial settlement with Eberhard, or anyway give him a new Roadster.
Today the firm has finally issued a statement on the matter, saying that the argument is “resolved” and including quotes. “As a co-founder of the company, Elon’s contributions to Tesla have been extraordinary,” Eberhard now says. “Industry-changing efforts are virtually impossible. Without Martin’s indispensable efforts, Tesla Motors would not be here today,” comments Musk. “The terms are confidential, and we are not disclosing details… again keep in mind I am not going to discuss details”, adds a company spokesperson.
However one does note that the vitriolic blog post by Musk has now been taken down from the company website. It can still be viewed for a while, though, courtesy of the Google cache.
You also have to say that today’s quotes aren’t such as to suggest that the enmity between Musk and Eberhard is actually over. ®
The original Martin Blog
We’re all entitled to an opinion (last time I checked … the Supreme Court hasn’t changed that yet, have they?), but the co-founder of Tesla, Eberhard, and other “Tesla Founders”, have a thing or two to say about Tesla on their blog.
Even though going to that blog today has this message from Eberhard about some specific entries of his: “This blog entry has been taken down at the strong request of Tesla’s management. By taking it down, I am in no way admitting that anything I wrote was in violation of any agreement I signed with Tesla Motors, and I stand behind the truth of what I wrote. But it was explained to me that Tesla and its financial backer(s) can spend far more than I can on a lawsuit… Most of the comments on this blog entry have also be taken down; sorry for the inconvenience”, we at SteveParker.com have found the original postings by Eberhard and others (Tesla can’t fire us); the numbers of those fired by Tesla are between 26 and 40, depending on the source, and offices in Detroit and possibly Washington, DC, have been shuttered. With all that, here’s what at least some of the “Tesla Founders” have to say:
“As you may have heard, the ax has been steadily chopping away at Tesla. I don’t pretend to understand the choices being made and honestly wouldn’t even be surprised to learn if I was next on the list. At this point, I’m not even sure if that would necessarily be a bad thing.”
“The company has changed so tremendously since I started. It’s very secretive and cold now. It’s like they’re trying to root out and destroy any of its heart that might still be beating.”
“I came to Tesla with a great deal of optimism to work for a company with a noble purpose that had a real chance to make a difference in the world. That sense of mission and hope generated incredible energy and determination to overcome the many challenges of producing a great EV. This energy has been drained by the cold, irrational bloodletting that has been going on there. Everyone understands necessary, rational cost management actions in startups, but this was neither necessary nor rational. No thought has been given to the immediate and long term impact on the future of Tesla. Entire departments are stumbling around stunned, bleeding, and headless.” (Photo – California Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tesla’s Martin Eberhard give Tesla the “walkaround” treatment at a Santa Monica, CA, media event in 2006).
“It is a damn shame about Tesla. I once again spent the day dreading the words, ‘Did you hear?’ Today I heard that both Wally Rippel and [REDACTED1] are now gone. I just don’t know what they’re thinking. [REDACTED2] referred to it as a ‘stealth bloodbath.’ It’s next to impossible to concentrate and actually get anything done. And the real insult in my mind is that they have the nerve to host the holiday party this Saturday. It’s going to be more like a wake(!)”
“The atmosphere at Tesla Motors has been suffering for the last couple of months as the new management have slowly squeezed the life out of engineering. The way in which the layoff/reduction-in-force/firings have been handled is one almighty cluster cabbage. In a stroke of pure genius, the two HR folks were the first to go, leaving nobody to turn out the lights. Only after they left the building did they realize that now there was nobody to write the termination letters. Like I said, pure undiluted genius.”
“Sadly – and I do mean this – I am not sorry to leave. The culture that Martin and Marc created is gone. The car is nice, but every day in the office was like a visit to the dentist, not knowing what was going to happen next. Enough. I have moved on.”
“Unfortunately, the company that I used to love has changed drastically. If I were to pin point a critical turning point, it would be the day when you were pushed aside. Until then, it was not so obvious how Tesla Motors was really Martin Eberhard’s company. After you were gone, I think the spirit and the character of the company went with you. It was surprising how quickly it happened. Yes, there were technical and operations delays for sure, but these could have been better managed and, to a certain extent, anticipated since what you have started was a major paradigm shift in the industry. It was well understood that a revolutionary movement always comes with major challenges and costs. What Tesla has now become is a mere profit-loss centric company—and with a poor chance of making even that—unless someone absorbs it for its remaining core value that you have left behind. Tesla lost its true evangelist and the leader..” (end of blog quotes)
So, what do you think happened at and/or to Tesla Motors? One thing we can probably rule out, and that’s the forming of Tesla to rip-off people’s money. Even though the company demanded (and got) 100% down-payments of $100,000, or more, from each potential buyer just to get on a list of those wanting a car, the founders of Tesla already had tens and maybe hundreds of millions of their own dollars; many of them came to Tesla after retiring at young ages from their various Silicon Valley success stories.
That’s where the mystery deepens, the part of the story when people shake their heads and force themselves to wonder: Was Tesla simply the modern iteration of what used to be called “planned obsolescence”? Were the Tesla EVs always destined for the dump, their real purpose to “prove” to the world that even the money and minds of Silicon Valley are unable to build and market an EV?
These and other questions will probably never be satisfactorily answered.
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Martin was forced/coerced into signing a confidentiality agreement to never talk about the incident under a threat from Musk to “spend all of his money making the rest of his life a living nightmare if he talked”. Musk used all of his money to drive Martin to the financial brink so that Martin had no choice but to either kill Musk or sign the papers to get his cash. Musk’s VC partners blacklisted Martin in all of the jobs potentials he might have gotten so he was pushed to the wall with no other options. Tesla staff, who were there at the time, did not sign NDA’s so they are finally coming forward.
How totally ironic – Thomas Edison screwed inventor N. Tesla over by stealing his stuff and having more money to blockade technology than Tesla did. Now Elon Musk has screwed the actual inventor of the Tesla over and become the evil Thomas Edison using the same tactics as these:
DFG. FGT. (Full-Disclosure: A friend of Martin) HY
IT TURNS OUT: Elon Musk is not that nice of a person:
Marry a silent wife (or Silent Founding Partner) next time:
Tip: Ex-Wives Justine Musk and the Model he married are willing to do on-camera interviews, now, and it looks like the ACTUAL Tesla founders (Musk being not one of them) are going to come forward too with nasty counter- comments.
Elon Musk and Talulah Riley Divorcing – JD Journal | JD Journal
Jan 19, 2012 … Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, announced on Twitter that he had separated from his wife, British … He screwed over two women.
www.jdjournal.com/2012/01/19/elon–musk-and-talulah-riley-divorcing/ – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Elon Musk Divorce – Huffington Post
Elon Musk remembers a Sunday morning just before Christmas 2008 when his entire … Read More: Justine Musk Divorce Wars, Elon Musk Talulah Riley, Cnbc …
www.huffingtonpost.com/news/elon–musk–divorce – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Justine Musk Elon Musk Divorce – Huffington Post
CNBC’s Divorce Wars, which premiers Tuesday at 9pm EST, takes viewers behind the scenes of contentious, multi-million dollar splits. Anchor Meli.
www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/justine-musk–elon–musk–divorce – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Divorce Wars – CNBC.com
We’ll reveal the latest techniques for winning the war through the eyes of several high net worth break-ups, including the divorce of Justine and Elon Musk.
www.cnbc.com/id/41193264 – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Elon Musk: Correcting The Record About My Divorce – Business …
Jul 8, 2010 … I never said in any court documents that I was “broke” or even that I lacked considerable assets.
www.businessinsider.com/correcting-the-record-about-my-divorce-2010-7 – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Justine Musk On DIVORCE WARS reveals the Dirty On Elon Musk …
Apr 23, 2013 … http://justinemusk.com http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/29/divorce–wars– justine-musk_n_841761.html Justine’s friends open up even …
boycotttesla.wordpress.com/ 2013/ 04/ 23/ justine-musk-on-divorce–wars-reveals-the-dirty-on-elon–musk/ – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Elon Musk‘s ex-wife Justine on “Divorce Wars” – AutoblogGreen
Mar 29, 2011 … Divorce Wars trailer – Click above to watch video after the jumpElon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, has talked publicly about his 2008.
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