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The Insane Corrupt Socialites Of San Francisco

Fashionable San Francisco Charity’s Ugly Reality

  • Uppity Pacific Heights matrons with giant glasses, crazy huge necklaces, bad face lifts and gay husbands ruin The City By The Bay
  • 120 “Rich Folks” control City Hall and White Power in San Francisco
Joy Bianchi walks down the red carpet before the Opera Ball, celebrating the opening night of the San Francisco Opera Sept. 9, 2016 in San Francisco, Calif.
Joy Bianchi walks down the red carpet before the Opera Ball, celebrating the opening night of the San Francisco Opera Sept. 9, 2016 in San Francisco, Calif.Leah Millis/The Chronicle

San Francisco socialite Joy Venturini Bianchi has long been a striking presence among the city’s elite, soliciting donations and earning accolades from fashion icons, philanthropists and politicians for the cause she says propels her: helping people with developmental disabilities.

At a recent VIP fundraiser at Ghirardelli Square, Bianchi, 78, beamed in a silver-sequined dress and her signature oversized eyeglasses as she received a state Senate resolution honoring her “outstanding community service” and “high business ethics.”

Yet some donors to Bianchi’s 60-year-old charity have struggled with concerns that their donations were misused, raising doubts they said were never resolved.
A Chronicle examination of the public financial records of Helpers Community Inc. — known until 2015 as Helpers of the Mentally Retarded — shows the $6 million charity indeed appears to have strayed from its cause, pursuing questionable practices with scant oversight from a small board that includes its director, Bianchi, and her longtime friend.

Over the last decade, filings to the Internal Revenue Service reveal the nonprofit has done little charitable work while amassing millions of dollars in assets and donations and generously compensating Bianchi, as she travels to red-carpet galas from Beverly Hills to Manhattan, appearing alongside celebrities such as Demi Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow and Katy Perry.

Helpers’ mission statement defines its “most pressing and important goal” as supporting quality residential care for the developmentally disabled. But in the past 13 years, the charity has given nothing to residential programs. And for a six-year period from 2003 to 2008, Helpers gave nothing at all to any charitable cause, according to financial records.

Bianchi, meanwhile, has been paid far above the norm for directors of charities. With base compensation of $193,828 in 2015, Bianchi earned roughly $100,000 more than the CEOs of about two dozen similar San Francisco nonprofits, according to a leading charity watchdog group.

Five accounting experts and a former bookkeeper for Helpers, who reviewed 18 years of the charity’s financial disclosures to the IRS at The Chronicle’s request, questioned Helpers’ legitimacy as a nonprofit and cautioned future donors about contributing.

“It’s absolutely appalling; it turns my stomach, actually,” said La Salle University Professor Laura Otten, who has advised the nonprofit industry for 30 years. “In the nonprofit sector, we take money from people with a promise. The farther we go away from the mission, the more eyebrows we are going to raise.”

Based on The Chronicle’s findings, the San Francisco assessor’s office is reviewing the property tax exemptions Helpers receives as a charity.

Bianchi and her board members defend their organization, and dispute any notion they are mismanaging the charity. They consider it “misleading” to characterize Helpers as primarily a grant-making organization, saying their mission also includes consultation and education. Bianchi’s compensation is commensurate with her duties, they said, and they believe it would take three people to replace her. Bianchi works as many as 80 hours a week, according to the board.

“We’re very happy with what we’re doing,” Bianchi said in an October interview, adding that in years when Helpers’ donations to other nonprofits were minimal, “we were fiscally responsible for our donors’ money, and they trusted our judgment to find where those dollars — according to our standards — would make a difference in the lives of those who are developmentally disabled.”

Helpers board President Peggy Bachecki, however, said that the organization “is arriving at a crossroads” and must re-examine its resources — including its investments and real estate — and how it is benefiting the developmentally disabled. The board pledged to do more with its “targeted grant-making” and hire outside advisers to help with accounting, finances, strategic planning and legal matters.

From 1963 to 2002, Helpers housed people living with developmental disabilities in a collection of stately homes near Golden Gate Park. Since then, it has relied on Bianchi’s personality and persuasiveness to become a fundraising and advocacy organization, raising money and selling donated designer apparel at its resale shops to support other nonprofits.

But Helpers granted nothing to any charitable organization until 2009, the group’s records show. Since then it has given about $405,000 — primarily to purchase wheelchairs for people with developmental disabilities and to fund Medical Missions for Children, a Massachusetts nonprofit that finances surgeries to repair congenital facial defects in countries such as Tanzania and Cambodia. Other funds have gone to a gardening program for the developmentally disabled and a music program for rural children in Washington state.

Bianchi said Helpers has not given more to charities because she has struggled to find suitable recipients. At some residential centers for the developmentally disabled she has visited, she said, she saw scenes that disturbed her, including one resident spending all night sitting in a chair and others receiving too many psychotropic drugs.

“I went incognito for about four years traveling throughout the U.S. trying to find facilities we could help,” Bianchi said. “It was very difficult to give money away.”

Asked why Helpers did not give money to prominent residential programs for the developmentally disabled in the Bay Area, such as those operated by The Arc San Francisco, board members declined to comment.

Joy Bianchi helps Allison Thompson try on a hat at Helpers House of Couture in San Francisco, Calif., on Sunday, January 17, 2016.
Joy Bianchi helps Allison Thompson try on a hat at Helpers House of Couture in San Francisco, Calif., on Sunday, January 17, 2016.Scott Strazzante/The Chronicle

Bianchi volunteered for Helpers as a teen in the 1950s, eventually joining the organization in the 1960s just as it opened its first residential care home. For roughly 40 years, money raised by the organization helped fund its group homes, which boasted lush drapery, crystal chandeliers and needlepoint-covered chairs. Helpers cared for a total of 33 residents, offering them craft-making workshops and lessons in etiquette and fine dining.

Bianchi steered the charity’s fundraising efforts toward her love of high fashion, opening a boutique called Helpers Bazaar in 1966 in donated space at Ghirardelli Square. The shop sold crafts made by Helpers’ residents, and designer apparel donated by clothier Wilkes Bashford and others.

An illustration of invitations to Helpers Community Inc. events.
An illustration of invitations to Helpers Community Inc. events.Todd Trumbull, The Chronicle

After Helpers closed its homes, Bianchi began soliciting donations of high-end apparel from socialites and philanthropists for resale at private shopping parties. In 2008, she opened an appointment-only resale shop, Helpers House of Couture, in one of the former group homes on Fulton Street. Contributors of clothing have included philanthropists Ann Getty, wife of billionaire oil heir Gordon Getty, and British fashion designer Stella McCartney.

The boutique offers eight rooms full of designer-label apparel and accessories, including Chanel, Oscar de la Renta and Christian Dior. Stacks of handbags and shoes line shelves and floor space alongside glass displays showcasing hundreds of pieces of paste jewelry. Bianchi, an effervescent hostess, greets visitors to the boutique with tales of Helpers’ history and its vast collection of designer goods, with pieces selling for thousands of dollars.

A longtime San Francisco resident, Bianchi emerged as a fashion icon in the mid-2000s, her celebrity boosted by widely published photographs of her elegant presence at high-society events.

Bianchi already was known for another high-fashion fundraising effort, “Mouse Couture.” For that campaign, begun in 1995, Bianchi enlisted top designers to create outfits for toy mice that were sold in the bazaar.

 A toy mouse clothed to represent Audrey Hepburn in "Funny Face."
 A toy mouse clothed to represent Audrey Hepburn in “Funny Face.”KATY RADDATZ

Bianchi said the idea came to her when a mouse scampered across her path one day in Manhattan. In that moment, she said, she realized people fear the developmentally disabled like they fear mice, and she decided she could help combat that fear by dressing mouse-like dolls in formal wear.

“I was in front of a window at Bergdorf Goodman in New York and a voice came to me and said, ‘Dress the mouse, dress the handicapped, so people can find their souls,’” Bianchi recalled in a recent interview.

Such statements dismay some disability rights advocates, who questioned Bianchi’s approach to the vulnerable population her organization vows to serve.

“I see this not infrequently — sort of well-intentioned people who miss the mark,” said Katie Hornberger, a lawyer with Disability Rights California, a prominent legal advocacy group. “There are some outmoded ideas about people with disabilities.”

Hornberger also pointed to the organization’s longtime name: Helpers of the Mentally Retarded, which was changed to Helpers Community Inc. only last year. The term “retarded,” Hornberger noted, has been considered offensive for at least 15 years.

Bachecki said Helpers is unaware of such concerns.

About this investigation

Chronicle investigative reporters Karen de Sá and Cynthia Dizikes and Style reporter Carolyne Zinko reported this story on Helpers Community Inc. over several months. They examined 18 years of the charity’s Form 990s filed to the Internal Revenue Service, as well as court and property records and other documents related to the organization. Six experts in nonprofit operations were consulted throughout the reporting process, and dozens of interviews were conducted with disability rights advocates, politicians, fashion experts, philanthropists and Helpers officials.

All the while, Helpers has flourished, doubling its worth to more than $6 million over the past decade through donations and investments. That figure does not reflect the current market value of the four properties on Fulton Street, now estimated to be $8 million, according to real estate website Zillow.

Jack Calhoun, a former global president of Banana Republic who sits on prominent San Francisco fine arts boards, said he was impressed by Bianchi’s commitment after he attended Helpers’ 2013 black-tie gala at the Fairmont Hotel.

“Seeing Joy — my God, the woman pours her heart and soul into it. She’ll hit you up wherever you’re standing,” he said. “She has so much energy and is so passionate about this and anybody who has developmental issues. And it’s not fake.”

Calhoun dismissed concerns about Helpers’ operations. “It sounds like a very small charity that may not have enough of its money going into programming,” he said. “I feel like you could challenge a lot of nonprofits on that.”

Helpers House of Couture, Aug. 7, 2016. Credit: Carolyne Zinko/San Francisco Chronicle
Helpers House of Couture, Aug. 7, 2016. Credit: Carolyne Zinko/San Francisco ChronicleCarolyne Zinko/San Francisco Chr

Nonprofits such as Helpers can receive federal, state and local tax breaks as organizations benefiting the public. As such, they are expected to reserve the bulk of their spending for their mission — ideally at least 65 percent, according to best practices identified by charity evaluators and watchdog groups.

Since Helpers ended its residential programs in 2002, financial filings show an average of 23 percent of its annual spending has gone to its own “outreach, advocacy and education” programs that the group describes as central to its work.

But Bianchi and three board members could provide no specifics about the more than $100,000 a year the organization reports spending on those efforts, beyond Bianchi’s informal conversations with shoppers at Helpers stores and her occasional talks to retail employees and fashion students. They described outreach efforts as also including Bianchi’s “mentoring” of a girl from New Zealand and two girls she invited to play violin at fundraising events.

When pressed, the board said it “does not have sufficient resources” to detail those activities, and “does not maintain contemporaneous records of this type.”

On average, just 5 percent of Helpers’ annual spending from 2003 to 2015 has gone to grants benefitting charitable organizations, although recent annual donations have grown — from $75,533 in 2013 to $160,250 in 2015, records show.

Much of the increase has gone to Medical Missions for Children, the charity that repairs facial defects in children, some with additional disabilities. This year, Helpers has pledged to give more than $300,000, including about $200,000 to Medical Missions, a sum it raised through designer apparel sales in a pop-up shop in Bloomingdale’s department store in San Francisco over the summer.

Their recent spending uptick, however, still falls short of the norms in the nonprofit world, experts said. And in each year since 2003, Bianchi’s annual compensation has been larger than Helpers’ total charitable giving, according to the group’s federal filings.

In 2015, Bianchi’s compensation far exceeded the pay of CEOs at 22 similarly sized San Francisco human services nonprofits tracked by Charity Navigator. Bianchi also earned $29,074 in retirement and other deferred compensation, raisng her total that year to $222,902.

Brian Mittendorf, an accounting professor at the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University who specializes in nonprofits, said the outsize spending on Bianchi’s salary raises questions about whether donor funds are being used to enrich a single person at the expense of the mission.

“In general, it is difficult to explain why one person would be the recipient of so much of the organization’s spending,” he said.

Mark Bettini, an accounting and business instructor at UC Berkeley Extension who kept the books for Helpers in the late 1990s, agreed. “There seems to be no separation between Joy as the CEO and the charity itself.”

Nonprofit boards are tasked with providing independent oversight. Experts said larger boards allow for more perspective, with turnover ensuring greater objectivity. A typical board has at least 12 members, according to a recent survey by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

This year, Helpers’ board added a fifth member, Cati Gallardo, a former public relations manager at Bloomingdale’s department store who met Bianchi on the social circuit. Between 2010 and 2015, Helpers’ board had four members, including Bianchi and her longtime friend Bachecki, who has been on the board for 21 years. Bianchi, Helpers’ paid director, has served on the board since 2002.

“It’s a huge, huge conflict of interest,” said Otten of Philadelphia’s Nonprofit Center at La Salle University. “The board is safeguarding the money, and when there is a person on the board who is getting paid, it looks suspicious.”

Bachecki, the board president, said Helpers hopes to expand its board but believes members’ long tenures provide the organization with a needed historical perspective. She noted that Bianchi does not vote on her own compensation.

The Helpers board argues that much of its charitable work does not show up in its financial filings, such as more than 4,000 hours of volunteer time spent “spreading its mission” at the group’s administrative offices and retail shops. It also says that its spending on programs includes the cost of operating its resale shops and maintaining the four homes it owns on Fulton Street.

From 2003 to 2015, Helpers reported spending more than $850,000 maintaining the four properties. Those homes, however, have long been listed in federal filings as “temporarily closed homes for developmentally disabled adults,” despite Helpers’ acknowledgment that it has no plans to reopen them for residential care services. They are now used for storage, office space and the resale boutique.

Helpers has never been publicly sanctioned by any agency charged with oversight of its operations. If a nonprofit is found to have engaged in improper activities, the IRS and state regulators can take a variety of actions, including conducting an audit, imposing financial penalties, bringing legal action or revoking its charitable status.

The IRS and the California attorney general’s office declined to comment on Helpers’ practices.

San Francisco Assessor-Recorder Carmen Chu, however, said she has launched a review. From 2003 to 2016, Chu’s office granted Helpers about $100,000 in property tax exemptions at its Fulton Street homes. The assessor’s office ended another long-held Helpers tax exemption for its Ghirardelli Square shop in 2013, after it discovered the organization was not using it for rehabilitation programs, such as employing people with developmental disabilities.

“We rely on these organizations to truthfully declare any changes and to reaffirm their eligibility for exemption under penalty of perjury,” Chu said. “Our office will review the information gathered in this case and work to ensure we pursue payment if property taxes are found to be due.”

After years of concerns about Helpers, some donors welcomed the new scrutiny.

Six former donors told The Chronicle they abruptly halted their giving to Helpers because they believed Bianchi misled them and could not adequately document the charity’s spending. Some found it odd that, to date, Helpers does not have a website describing its operations, though it does have an Instagram account and conducts sales of donated apparel online at 1stdibs.com, a fashion and furniture website.

Elisabeth Thieriot, a philanthropist and founder of a skin care line, said she has donated at least $150,000 worth of furniture, designer suits, cocktail dresses and gowns to Helpers. But roughly 10 years ago, she inadvertently donated some custom-made clothing of her late mother’s and said she was rebuffed after repeatedly asking Bianchi for its return. Thieriot later found her mother’s Scaasi gown on Helpers’ racks during a private shopping party in Pacific Heights.

Tatiana Sorokko, a former runway model and vintage couture collector, said that roughly a dozen years ago she saw Bianchi at a party wearing the unique, cap-sleeved Claude Montana jacket she had given for resale to benefit the disabled. After that incident, “I was on alert,” Sorokko said. “I felt the charity was not legitimate.”

Helpers board President Bachecki said Bianchi has worn donated clothing in public only once — an evening gown in 2009, as “a fitting tribute” to a deceased donor’s legacy. Bianchi recalls receiving the donations from Thieriot and Sorokko but says she is unaware of any unresolved concerns.

Marin County resident Patti Hester, an e-commerce and shipping consultant, became concerned about Helpers more recently, after meeting Bianchi at the Helpers pop-up shop in Bloomingdale’s in June.

She said she had been looking for a charitable effort to support, particularly since marrying a man with a 12-year-old son with a developmental disability. Hester purchased clothing, made a donation, and considered helping Bianchi organize a fundraiser. But she later withdrew her support after reviewing the group’s financial disclosures online and noting the meager spending.

“We very much wanted to believe in Joy and her charity, but the more we looked into it, fewer things were making sense,” Hester said. “It felt like she misrepresented the charity and preyed on my desire to help the developmentally disabled.”

State Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco — who bestowed Bianchi with the state resolution in October — called the in-home care that Helpers once provided for developmentally disabled adults on Fulton Street a “revolutionary concept.”

“Prior to Joy,” Leno proclaimed, “they were locked up in dark, dank institutions.”

But after learning of the newspaper’s findings, he encouraged caution: “It would appear that the board is in need of a serious governance makeover.”


– All of the buildings in downtown San Francisco are cracking and collapsing.

– Drugs and douche-bags everywhere

– Stupid soy boys and naive millennial posers at every corner

– Residents are rushing to leave San Francisco as it has become so crime-ridden, flithy and corrupt
– Increasingly corrupt politicians thriving on Dark Money


San Francisco and Silicon Valley are both run by the same dynastic criminally corrupt families and sick perverted insiders. They send their kids to Stanford University where they indoctrinate and brainwash the next generation into a culture of greed, sex, political bribery and Sandhill Road collusion. San Francisco City Hall is powered by hookers, sex and kick-backs. Every attendee at the San Francisco Symphony and Opera opening nights are the “elite” scum of the Pacific Heights money and power manipulation crowd. Old men wield young arm candy as they siphon off taxpayers money into their personal construction and real estate company City contracts. The FBI can’t even keep up with all of the crimes. If you think the FBI arrests of Northern California political criminals is going good, know that they FBI has a backlog that is years long. An FBI forensic accounting investigation of the CPA files and investment bank records of each “old San Francisco family” and public official would reveal stock market crimes, insider trading, real estate money laundering and stock market payola crimes that are Off-The-Scales!
Centered around San Francisco, powerful and greedy people abuse the public system in order to manipulate TRILLIONS of government treasury and stock market dollars into their own pockets. They lie, cheat, bribe, steal, attack, and even kill, in order to grab this money (provided from the pockets of the taxpayers). They create fake “political issues” in order to steer massive amounts of government money to “solutions” that they just happen to own the companies of. (“Follow the Money”) They collude on cover-ups, cover-stories, pump-and-dumps, fake “Stimulus Funds” redirection and other illicit deeds. Famous politicians are a very big part of this crime. They are easy to spot via the tens of millions of dollars, in their personal bank accounts, which only appeared after they took office. One part of them is: The Silicon Valley Tech Cartel; an anti-trust violating organized-crime operation based on quid-pro-quo. They manipulated the Dept of Energy to only fund political favorites and to sabotage the competitors of those favorites in an epic violation of anti-trust and anti-racketeering laws.

San Francisco Criminals Now Targeting Residents Due to Lack of Tourists, Say City Officials


Posted by    

“tourism has gone down so substantially in San Francisco that criminal rings that targeted tourists in areas that tourists frequent no longer have tourists there”


Tourism in the city of San Francisco is down, partly due to the pandemic, but also because of crime. As a result, criminals are now reportedly shifting their focus to city residents. Wealthy movie star Julia Roberts moved to San Francisco and now she has to have full time security because gangsters from across town have staked out her mansion for robberies. It is not just the rich, anybody with a Tesla parked at their house is targeted by robbers.

How’s that for painful irony?


Andre Senior reports at KTVU News:





Contractor sentenced in San Francisco corruption scandal


San Francisco Corruption Scandal: Contractor Gets Prison For Bribing Mohammed Nuru With $36,000 Rolex


Recycling plant owner sentenced in San Francisco corruption scandal


San Francisco rolls out raises for city workers – some are eye-popping


Report: Senator Leland Yee indicted for public corruption charges







SF Supes Approve Chu To Replace Former Assessor-Recorder for corruption


“You’ve helped undermind the faith that San Franciscans have in their government”: SF contractor who bribed public works director gets



Nuru scandal: Woman who bribed official with Rolex watch gets prison time




Former Calif. PE Exec To Cop To ‘Varsity Blues’ Fraud Charge






Famous writer Ezra Klein says San Francisco has gone socially insane.


If progressivism can’t work there, why should the country believe it can work anywhere else?”  He said that: You may have heard that San Francisco’s Board of Education voted 6 to 1 to rename 44 schools, stripping ancient racists of their laurels, but also Abraham Lincoln and Senator Dianne Feinstein. The history upon which these decisions were made was dodgy, and the results occasionally bizarre. Paul Revere, for instance, was canceled for participating in a raid on Indigenous Americans that was actually a raid on a British fort. In normal times, bemusement would be the right response to a story like this. Cities should have idiosyncratic, out-there politics. You need to earn your “Keep X weird” bumper stickers. And for all the Fox News hosts who’ve collapsed onto their fainting couches, America isn’t suffering from a national shortage of schools named for Abraham Lincoln.

But San Francisco’s public schools remain closed, no matter the name on the front. “What I cannot understand is why the School Board is advancing a plan to have all these schools renamed by April, when there isn’t a plan to have our kids back in the classroom by then,” Mayor London Breed said in a statement. I do not want to dismiss the fears of teachers (or parents), many living in crowded homes, who fear returning to classrooms during a pandemic. But the strongest evidence we have suggests school openings do not pose major risks when proper precautions are followed, but their continued closure does terrible harm to students, with the worst consequences falling on the neediest children. And that’s where this goes from wacky local news story to a reflection of a deeper problem. California has the highest poverty rate in the nation, when you factor in housing costs, and vies for the top spot in income inequality, too. California is dominated by Democrats, but many of the people Democrats claim to care about most can’t afford to live there. San Francisco politicians generally have low IQ’s and loud mouths, just like internet “influencers”.

The median price for a home in California is more than $700,000. As Bloomberg reported in 2019, the state has four of the nation’s five most expensive housing markets and a quarter of the nation’s homeless residents. The root of the crisis is simple: It’s very, very hard to build homes in California. When he ran for governor in 2018, Gavin Newsom promised the construction of 3.5 million housing units by 2025. Newsom won, but California has built fewer than 100,000 homes each year since. In much of San Francisco, you can’t walk 20 feet without seeing a multicolored sign declaring that Black lives matter, kindness is everything and no human being is illegal. Those signs sit in yards zoned for single families, “If you’re living eight or 10 people to a home, it’s hard to protect yourself from the virus,” Senator Wiener told me. “Yet what we see at times is people with a Bernie Sanders sign and a ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign in their window, but they’re opposing an affordable housing project or an apartment complex down the street.” In California, taking that standard seriously might mean worrying less about the name on the school than whether there are children inside it. In San Francisco, politics becomes an aesthetic rather than a program. You have to have a BLM sign in your window and a rainbow sticker on your Tesla bumper but you never actually intend to do anything that is NIMBY. San Francisco’s fake symbols of progressivism are always preferred to the sacrifices and risks those ideals demand. In San Francisco Democrats hold total control of the government. If progressivism cannot work here, why should the country believe it can work anywhere else?

Naive Julia Roberts ‘Weirded Out’ Pals By Suddenly Moving To Filthy San Francisco and not seeming to know what a shit-hole SF is ..(LINK)

Actress Julia Roberts bought a house in the formerly up-scale area of San Francisco bur her friends wonder if she is crazy to have suddenly up-rooted and moved to the most corrupt, crime-ridden, fallen city in America…

(LINK) San Francisco is a total shithole (Paul Joseph Watson video)


(LINK) San Francisco is absolutely degenerate. USUALLY, If you go to the Mission District you can EXPECT your car to get broken into and keyed, but now EVERY neighborhood is filled with break-ins INCLUDING Pacific Heights!  (whatever)


So I went to a wedding in Sacramento, and found a cheap flight to Europe out of Oakland a few days later. So girlfriend decided we ought to see San Fransisco for a night. So we hear about a great restaurant, get into SF at like 8, park the car in a well-lit spot and get dinner. After dinner we walk past the car on the way to get some dessert, at 10pm. By the time we get back to the car at 10:30, the back window is smashed, side rear window is smashed, and both my bags are missing. I honestly don’t give a fuck if San Fransisco wants to make itself a shithole, but what pisses me the fuck off is that these morherfuckers think they’re so fucking smart and they know exactly how to live, and meanwhile crime is out of fucking control to the point that people are smashing car windows at 10pm I’m well lit and well travelled streets, homeless are everywhere, and they want to export the same policies that have destroyed their city and state to the rest of the country. Fuck off California leftists and your fucking bullshit.


IAN BIRRELL says tech giants have turned San Francisco
into a dystopian nightmare of addiction, homelessness and criminality

– Criminals “Zulu Jones”, “Lefty O’Douls Boss”, “Shrimpboy Chow”, “Francesco “Frank” Lanza”, “Roger Boas”, “James “Jimmy” Bronkema”, “Aladino “Jimmy the Weasel” Fratianno“…the list of political mobsters in the San Francisco Bay Area goes on and on and on…
By Ian Birrell for The Mail on Sunday
Gilles Desaulniers moved to San Francisco 40 years ago, settling in the ‘friendly, quaint and affordable’ city after running out of cash while driving from Canada down the West Coast of America.
Today he runs a grocery store filled with fresh fruit, vegan snacks and organic wines typical of this famously liberal Californian city.
But Gilles has shut one outlet and would sell up entirely if anyone wanted this one, his remaining shop. Each day, up to 30 people stroll in and openly steal goods, costing him hundreds of dollars.
A street cleaner showed me a box filled with used syringes that he had collected, then I met two charity workers picking up needles from the pavement. How many do you find a day, I ask? ¿Between 300 and 600, depending on the weather,¿ one replies. A homeless man is pictured second left using a syringe to inject drugs in the city in June 2018
A street cleaner showed me a box filled with used syringes that he had collected, then I met two charity workers picking up needles from the pavement. How many do you find a day, I ask? ‘Between 300 and 600, depending on the weather,’ one replies. A homeless man is pictured second left using a syringe to inject drugs in the city in June 2018
He has been bitten twice recently by people in his shop and he also found a woman turning blue in the toilet after a drugs overdose, a hypodermic needle still stuck in her leg. He showed me a metal door that is corroding due to people urinating in his doorway, then spoke of finding a man relieving himself in full view of infants playing in a child centre next door. ‘Our society is falling apart,’ says Desaulniers.  ‘If people do not play by some rules, society does not function. But it feels like there is no order, there is no shame.’ He uses two apocalyptic movies to illustrate the state of his adopted city: ‘Living here feels like A Clockwork Orange and Blade Runner have both come true.’
I could grasp his despair. I had just passed dealers selling drugs beside a police car parked outside government offices, and seen their customers openly smoke fentanyl, an opioid 50 times stronger than heroin, then collapse on the street.

Yet true to form, San Francisco has just elected as district attorney a radical called Chesa Boudin, whose parents were infamous militants from a far-Left, anti-war group. They were jailed for triple murder when Chesa was a toddler, leaving him to be adopted by the founders of the organisation

All cities have their seedy sides. But this is the very centre of San Francisco, by an upmarket Westfield shopping mall thronged with people in designer clothes perusing Rolex watches, Louis Vuitton handbags and Tiffany jewellery.
The beautiful city by the bay, where Tony Bennett famously left his heart and which poses as a beacon of progressiveness, has more billionaires per capita than any other on the planet.

Not long ago, a seven-bedroom home here recently sold for $38 million (£29 million), while at the Michelin-starred Saison restaurant, the ‘kitchen menu’ starts at $298 a head and reservations require a $148 deposit.
The city authorities have a huge $12 billion budget, handing their 31,800 staff average annual pay and benefit packages of an astonishing $175,000.
Yet the tide of homeless, addicted and mentally ill people washing up here has become so severe that a global expert on slums claimed San Francisco may be more unsanitary than some of the poorest parts of Africa and Asia.
Oracle, one of the technology giants based in the nearby Silicon Valley, has switched a conference for 60,000 people to Las Vegas due to the toxic combination of ‘poor street conditions’ and costly hotels.
This followed a medical association moving its $40 million convention out of San Francisco amid safety fears because of sordid tent encampments and overt drug use. Other events are being affected.
‘Indoors, people are making deals, talking about healthcare and networking. Yet in the streets, I witnessed homeless people injecting cocaine,’ tweeted Kistein Monkhouse while attending a recent J. P. Morgan conference for 9,000 people.
As one prominent academic tells me, it seems a cruel irony that so much squalor and despair is found in the Californian base of all those billionaire technology titans seeking to reshape the world in their image.
‘San Francisco has always had hobos but we’ve never seen anything like this. It’s become a vision of some kind of strange dystopian future,’ says Joel Kotkin, a widely respected professor in urban studies.
He can reel off damning statistics to back his claim that San Francisco symbolises the Golden State’s descent into ‘high-tech feudalism’ including America’s highest poverty levels, its worst rates of property crime and its biggest gap between top and middle incomes.
But one statistic stands out: almost half of homeless people in the United States are in California, according to a recent White House study.
And San Francisco, a comparatively small city that is home to tech giants such as Twitter, Uber and Airbnb, has the highest rate of ‘unsheltered’ citizens – at ten times the national level.
All cities have their seedy sides. But this is the very centre of San Francisco, by an upmarket Westfield shopping mall thronged with people in designer clothes perusing Rolex watches, Louis Vuitton handbags and Tiffany jewellery
(The Horrors Of Living In San Francisco Cause Many To Jump Off The Golden Gate Bridge)
All cities have their seedy sides. But this is the very centre of San Francisco, by an upmarket Westfield shopping mall thronged with people in designer clothes perusing Rolex watches, Louis Vuitton handbags and Tiffany jewellery

Downtown visitors cannot fail to witness the distressing evidence. Almost instantly after I arrived, I saw three people smoking crystal meth through glass pipes, then others with the facial scabs and sores associated with this destructive drug. One man with matted hair sat slumped in a stupor wearing just grubby underpants.

Another, clearly under the influence of heroin, had ‘nodded off’ and was static on a child’s bicycle. A third urinated on the street. A woman changed her clothes from a tatty suitcase on the pavement.
Others shuffled pathetically or rolled slowly along the street in wheelchairs. Some were clearly suffering mental distress, such as a man in his 50s begging for cash who told me he was waiting for his air force pension. A street cleaner showed me a box filled with used syringes that he had collected, then I met two charity workers picking up needles from the pavement.
How many do you find a day, I ask? ‘Between 300 and 600, depending on the weather,’ one replies. So if you are going to San Francisco, feel free to wear flowers in your hair but local women say avoid sandals on your feet. Dog owners complain they have to wash human faeces from the legs of their pets after a walk. One fed-up resident showed me Hondurans handing out socks filled with wraps of drugs in front of a building being turned into an upmarket Whole Foods store. The dealers displayed little need for concealment. ‘After a while, you become desensitised – it’s like everyone here is wearing blinkers,’ says my guide, a man in his 30s. ‘All my friends with kids have moved out of the city.’
The city and state have some of the highest tax rates in the country, but his area of SoMa West voted to back a fresh charge on firms to fund a new community group to clean up its streets. It is the 17th district to pass such a measure.
‘You have to develop a thick skin,’ says Sonya Lee, 24, supervisor in a Starbucks branch surrounded by bustling boutiques, expensive hotels and smart restaurants. ‘Every day, people come in and take stuff. It’s dreadful but we don’t know what to do.’
San Francisco, a comparatively small city that is home to tech giants such as Twitter, Uber and Airbnb, has the highest rate of ¿unsheltered¿ citizens ¿ at ten times the national level
(Twitter’s sick perverted staff attract naive young drug users and sex deviants)
San Francisco, a comparatively small city that is home to tech giants such as Twitter, Uber and Airbnb, has the highest rate of ‘unsheltered’ citizens – at ten times the national level. Official data, based on one night’s count last year, claimed 8,011 homeless people in this city of 884,000 people – a rise of 17 per cent on 2017. But a record of those receiving healthcare found numbers twice as high and rising faster. City authorities claim their key problem is the high cost of housing combined with past failures to build enough properties. But many blame something simpler to solve: the lack of law enforcement.

‘When you tell vagrants that anything goes, it leads to the anarchy you see on these streets,’ says Heather MacDonald, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute think-tank and a conservative essayist.  She believes we are witnessing a ‘real-life experiment’ into what happens if society stops enforcing bourgeois norms out of sensitivity to vulnerable people. MacDonald argues that the city authorities are culpable, fuelling drug addiction by doling out 4.5 million needles a year when there is nothing compassionate about giving addicts and mentally ill people the freedom to ‘decompose’ on the streets.

Much of what she says is backed by Thomas Wolf, 49, who lost his job and family after becoming addicted to opioid painkillers following foot surgery, then moving on to cheaper heroin and ending up homeless in his native city. ‘It is a cycle of despair,’ he says. ‘I was heartbroken at losing my wife and kids but all I cared about was drugs. I hated being on the streets but I loved the easy access to drugs. ‘Yet there’s such denial that if you’d have asked me if I had a problem, I’d have said no.’
Wolf, who now works for the Salvation Army helping homeless people rebuild lives and has just been appointed to a specialist civic taskforce, sees untreated addiction as the root cause of the city’s problem. He says most people living on the streets are hooked on either drugs or drink.
‘If you see someone shouting at the wall, it is crystal meth, not mental illness – although meth might have destroyed their mind.’ Wolf claims that while the city distributes drug paraphernalia, he was never asked to quit or offered help. He says many users sell their monthly welfare $190 food stamps on receipt to go on a binge. And he wants to see generous welfare benefits – almost $600 a month in return for 12 hours of voluntary work – slashed. His own time as a homeless heroin addict ended after police caught him holding six socks filled with drugs for Honduran dealers. His brother bailed him from jail on condition that he went into rehab. He was lucky. Last year there were 234 deaths from fentanyl and heroin in the city, more than double the previous year and five times higher than in 2016.
Wolf believes that the decision by a state ballot six years ago to reclassify thefts of property below the value of $950 as misdemeanours has backfired badly, leading to a huge increase in shoplifting. ‘It is a disaster,’ he says. ‘The idea was sound – to reduce jailing that is predominantly of minorities – but the side effect was to embolden people to commit crime with impunity. Everyone knows you can go into shops and steal up to $950.’ Even shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste are now locked up in chemist shops to curb thefts. The police declined to speak officially. But one officer sitting in his car beside blatant street-dealing said there was no point arresting people as they would simply be released, even if they were carrying drugs and cash valued at several thousand dollars. ‘I find it very frustrating and lots of my colleagues find it very frustrating,’ he says, adding that officers only intervene when there is violence. ‘We get the blame because people think we’re doing nothing. But it’s not our fault.’ Wes Tyler, manager of a family-owned hotel, told me a man high on crystal meth smashed a $5,000 window one Sunday afternoon – then repeatedly ignored court dates and probation orders despite being seen in the neighbourhood last week.
‘If City Hall does not start to take these issues more seriously, we’ll see businesses impacted,’ says Jay Cheng, spokesman for the local Chamber of Commerce. Yet true to form, San Francisco has just elected as district attorney a radical called Chesa Boudin, whose parents were infamous militants from a far-Left, anti-war group. They were jailed for triple murder when Chesa was a toddler, leaving him to be adopted by the founders of the organisation.
The beautiful city by the bay, where Tony Bennett famously left his heart and which poses as a beacon of progressiveness, has more billionaires per capita than any other on the planet. Not long ago, a seven-bedroom home here recently sold for $38 million (£29 million), while at the Michelin-starred Saison restaurant, the ¿kitchen menu¿ starts at $298 a head and reservations require a $148 deposit
The beautiful city by the bay, where Tony Bennett famously left his heart and which poses as a beacon of progressiveness, has more billionaires per capita than any other on the planet. Not long ago, a seven-bedroom home here recently sold for $38 million (£29 million), while at the Michelin-starred Saison restaurant, the ‘kitchen menu’ starts at $298 a head and reservations require a $148 deposit. The 39-year-old, who studied at Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar and later worked as a translator for Venezuela’s former leader Hugo Chavez, a Fidel Castro acolyte, campaigned on moving away from prosecuting ‘quality of life’ offences to focus on serious and corporate offences.
The San Francisco Police Officers Association spent heavily campaigning against Boudin, saying he was the choice for ‘criminals and gang members’.
But Jennifer Friedenbach, executive director of the charity Coalition on Homelessness, argues city residents should get angry over ‘systemic neglect’ that sparked this crisis rather than blaming people on the streets. ‘No one wants to live like this,’ she says. ‘We’ve tried locking people up before but that didn’t work.’ Friedenbach insists that the problems stem from a lack of affordable housing, a significant reduction of emergency shelters and the slashing of spending on treatment programmes.
She says, rightly, that issues of homelessness, mental health and addiction are often linked. The city’s mayor, London Breed, whose younger sister died of a drug overdose and elder brother was jailed for robbery, declined to comment.
In her inaugural speech, Breed said the ‘twin troubles of homelessness and housing affordability’ were the big challenge. She is boosting grants for shelters, treatment and street cleaning. Yet those desperate sights staining this one-time hippy nirvana are ultimately the sign of abject political failure. Her new fiefdom is, after all, so populated by millionaires in their exclusive enclaves that it is the second richest city in the world’s richest nation. Considering the city’s wealth, it smacks of callous and uncaring hypocrisy. As one local resident says: ‘Are they really being progressive to that poor guy in the street with a needle in his arm who is going to die tomorrow?’


(LINK) Median price for Bay Area home hits record-shattering $935,000…

(LINK) Woman allegedly calls cops on girl selling water in San Fran…

Meanwhile on the West Coast… Downtown San Francisco Littered with Drug Needles, Piles of Feces

San Fran Diseased Streets… Needles, Garbage, Feces… Like Worst Slums in World…

San Francisco mayor admits she was screwing corruption boss and took thousands of dollars of cash from top crook in FBI corruption probe

San Francisco Mayor London Breed on Friday admitted having a 20-year friendship and brief romantic relationship with a former city worker now under FBI investigation, prompting some to call for her resignation.
San Francisco Is One Of The Most Corrupt Cities In The World
San Francisco Mayors, Area Senators and Supervisors exist off of bribes. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Tesla, Chevron, Wells Fargo, Real Estate developers and Chinese mobsters are the biggest payers of bribes. They pay in cash, hookers, buildings, stock warrants and election manipulation. San Francisco politicians pretend to be “green” but they only care about Green Cash. They pretend to be a “Sanctuary City” but all they care about is harboring criminals who they can use to puff up voter counts.
San Francisco cares about one thing: CASH!
If there is a second thing they care about it is: PRETENTIOUS LIFESTYLES
Chicago is corrupt because of the mafia and gangster culture it supports. San Francisco is corrupt because it has no moral compass except the arrow that points straight to hell. Greed and power rule all decisions in San Francisco politics.
Are corrupt politicians the cause of sky-high San Francisco … What is the most corrupt city agency in San Francisco? … effect on San Francisco real estate. No one …
Corruption. It’s as San Francisco as fog, organic produce and good weed. And by that I mean, it’s such a part of the culture here that we take it for grant
San Francisco’s Homeless Encampments Expose The Failure Of A Liberal Utopia
By San Francisco Is Now The Most Rapidly Failing City In America

In America’s most liberal city, increasingly visible homeless camps are a stark symbol of San Francisco’s economic hollowing out and the failure of progressive governance.

SAN FRANCISCO – “You want the down-low? I’ll give you the down-low: Gavin Newsom and his pearl-clutching elitists from Pacific Heights only do things that profit themselves!

These guys will all tell you something different, but the one thing everyone here has in common is that they all do drugs.”
I’m talking to a group of homeless men camped out under Highway 101 in San Francisco’s Mission neighborhood, where a half-dozen tents are set up on a wide sidewalk across the street from a Best Buy. The thirty something guy who’s telling me it’s all about drugs doesn’t want to give me his name.

Shit-Hole San Francisco — where drug addicts outnumber high school students

Officer Brian Donohue checks on Jeffrey Choate after he sees him lying on the sidewalk along Larkin Street and asks him to dispose of used needles next to him in a proper container on Monday, September 10, 2018 in

San Francisco has more drug addicts than it has students enrolled in its public high schools, the city Health Department’s latest estimates conclude.

There are about 24,500 injection drug users in San Francisco — that’s about 8,500 more people than the nearly 16,000 students enrolled in San Francisco Unified School District’s 15 high schools and illustrates the scope of the problem on the city’s streets.

It’s also an increase of about 2,000 serious drug users since 2012, the last time a study was done.

“There is an opioid epidemic in this country, and San Francisco is no exception,” Deputy Director of Health Dr. Naveena Bobba said.

The problem is particularly visible in the Tenderloin, where police reported more than 600 arrests for drug dealing last year. And where 27 suspects were booked into County Jail for dealing drugs in the first 20 days of the new year.

The out-in-the-open use of drugs on city sidewalks and at the Civic Center BART Station was a huge embarrassment for the city and triggered more police patrols and crackdowns in the past year. The BART station has been cleaned up, but the problem continues in the Tenderloin.

And while the police stay busy targeting dealers — the criminal side of illegal drugs — the city’s public health officials work the problem as a health crisis.



The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted 7-4 on Tuesday to overturn the 2015 sale of Presidio Terrace, a privately-owned street in the neighborhood of the same name used by a few dozen of the city’s wealthiest homeowners, faulting the city’s tax collector and not the residents for letting an annual $14 tax bill go unpaid for decades.
Supervisor Mark Farrell, whose district includes Presidio Terrace, scheduled Tuesday’s hearing in August, allegedly to “get to the bottom” of the dispute and let all parties plead their case.
A South Bay couple bought Presidio Terrace’s circular street and accompanying sidewalks at a tax sale to the tune of $90,000 after the Presidio Terrace Association (PTA) had failed to pay the taxes on their avenue for 30 years.

Residents are FLEEING Sanctuary City San Francisco at a RECORD RATE!(youtube.com)

submitted 3 hours ago by yurisrevenge to news (+59|-8)


San Francisco street fight

Typical San Francisco street fight (youtube.com)

by gnexus to videos (+23|-0)
Commiefornia - Colin Flaherty: San Francisco Techies Surprised by the Level of Black Violence

Commiefornia – Colin Flaherty: San Francisco Techies Surprised by the Level of Black Violence (hooktube.com)



The founder of a Silicon Valley venture capital firm was sentenced Wednesday to six months behind bars for paying about $450,000 in bribes to boost his two daughters’ entrance exam scores and get one of them into Georgetown University as a bogus tennis recruit.
Manuel Henriquez, the 57-year-old founder and ex-CEO of Hercules Capital based in Palo Alto, California, cried and dabbed his eyes with a tissue as he prayed for forgiveness from his children and other families he hurt, and asked the judge for mercy.
“There is no perfect way to express how broken I feel in my heart and soul,” said Henriquez, who sat next to his lawyer and wore a face mask for much of the hearing held via video conference because of the coronavirus pandemic.
His wife, Elizabeth Henriquez, was sentenced in March to seven months behind bars. She is currently locked up at a prison in California and is expected to be released in January, according to online records.
Prosecutors had asked for five months for Manuel Henriquez, calling him in court documents a “less active participant in the mechanics of the fraud than his wife.” The defense urged the judge for three months or less.
U.S. District Judge Nathaniel Gorton called Henriquez a hypocrite who donated money to aid children, while at the same time using his wealth and privilege to put his kids ahead of other less fortunate students in the college admissions process.
“It’s a sad day,” the judge said.
A high-school senior had deftly promoted her “brand” for the Ivy League, a college consultant boasted. In a2013 promotional video, William Rick Singer, the mastermind of an elaborate admissions corruption scheme, showered praises on the young woman.
She’d started her own organization to fight climate change, he said. She’d eventually enroll in Brown. That student, it turns out, was Mary Doerr, a daughter of John Doerr, the Silicon Valley venture capitalist and early backer of Google and Amazon.
The Doerrs were clients of Singer years before he turned a legitimate college consulting practice into an elaborate bribery-for-admissions scheme that has shaken American academia, the parents who sought Singer’s advice and the Wall Street and Silicon Valley firms that are now dealing with the fallout.
Pro golfer Phil Mickelson and National Football League Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana each tweeted last week that their families had used Singer for college consulting and were “shocked” to hear about the illegal activity.
So are some of the Wall Street and Silicon Valley companies who had connections to Singer, including Goldman Sachs Group Inc., bond-giant PIMCO and venture-capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, which Doerr co-founded and is chairman.
Court papers suggest as many as 800 families hired Singer at some point. Singer ran an apparently legitimate college counseling firm, the Edge College & Career Network, before about 2011. The 2013 promotional video that referred to Mary Doerr says she was a client “six years ago,” or about 2007. The bribery case reaches back only to 2011.
The Doerr family has not been accused of any wrongdoing. Mary Doerr graduated from Brown University in 2015 and now is a graduate student at North Carolina State University, according to her LinkedIn profile.
Calls to Mary Doerr and her mother, Anne, were not returned. A Kleiner Perkins spokeswoman, Katie Hutchison, didn’t respond to a request to speak with John Doerr.
Hutchison declined to answer questions but said in a written statement that while Doerr and partner Tom Schlein, “along with a long list of Valley luminaries,” were clients of Singer, they consulted him only for “test tutoring and help with college applications — typical of services provided by thousands of private college counselors across the country — and nothing further.”
Goldman Sachs, which was mentioned in a wiretapped phone conversation as a social connection for at least one of the parents charged in Singer’s bribery-for-admissions scheme, says it has begun an internal investigation into any connection its employees may have to the former college consultant.
Firms whose partners and employees were caught up in the federal case known as “Operation Varsity Blues” have swiftly moved to fire or accept the resignations of people involved.
Bond-giant PIMCO said in a statement on Monday that “as part of a regular series that includes dozens of outside speakers, PIMCO invited Mr. Singer to speak twice over the past decade, the latest in 2015, about the college admissions process.” But the firm added that it “has never had a business relationship with Rick Singer or his college preparation organization. Neither PIMCO nor the PIMCO Foundation has ever paid Mr. Singer or donated money to his foundation.”
The statement added that any employees who engaged with Singer’s illegal scheme “would have no place at the firm.”
PIMCO’s former chief executive Douglas Hodge, who retired in 2017, is accused of paying about $500,000 in bribes for two daughters and a son to be admitted to Georgetown University and and the University of Southern California as fake tennis, soccer and football recruits.
The case has also sent shivers among affluent parents who fear they and their children will be tarnished as the Singer case unfolds.
Families now in the admissions process “want to illustrate that they’re a good family that wouldn’t cheat and that their kids would never want them to cheat the process,” said Christine Pluta, a private counselor with Edvice Princeton who has also worked in the admissions offices of the University of Pennsylvania and Barnard College. “I have never before heard a family try to convince me of their own integrity. Singer is part of the conversation.”
Pluta said when she worked at Penn about 20 years ago, a “father offered me a million dollars if his daughter would be admitted. At first I thought he was joking.” She said she made it clear the offer was inappropriate.
Singer cooperated with authorities and pleaded guilty to facilitating more than $25 million in bribes for faked ACT and SAT scores and bogus athletic profiles to schools including the USC,Georgetown andYale University. Parents contributed to Singer’s fake charity, Key Worldwide Foundation, to facilitate bribes to coaches and school officials and some and some took the charitable-donation deduction.
The wealthy parents worked in finance, sports and entertainment and included actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman as well as Hodge, who was replaced as CEO of PIMCO in 2016; Gordon Caplan, the co-chairman of global law firm Wilkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, and William McGlashan Jr., a former partner of private equity firmTPG, who was fired last week.
The relationships in those worlds led to some embarrassing revelations for firms who invited Singer to speak.
“We know people at Goldman Sachs who have, you know, recommended you highly,” said parent Marci Palatella, according to transcripts of a wiretapped conversation with Singer.
Palatella, chief executive officer of a liquor distribution company in Burlingame, Calif., and the wife of formerSan Francisco 49ers player Lou Palatella, was charged with paying $575,000 in bribes to get their son into USC as a fake “long snapper” football recruit.
Goldman Sachs spokesman Patrick Scanlan said Monday that “we’re continuing to look into the matter.”
Another parent charged in the scandal referenced Kleiner Perkins. In a wiretapped conversation, parent Bruce Isackson worried that the Internal Revenue Service might discover the bogus charity, to which Isackson is accused of paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to get his daughter into USC as a fake-recruited rower.
Isackson, who was president of real-estate development firm WP Investments in Woodside, Calif., was charged along with his wife, Davina. He no longer appears on the website of the firm, which didn’t respond to calls.
“Is this gonna be this — be the front page story with everyone from Kleiner Perkins do whatever, getting these kids into school,” Isackson said according to the transcript.
In the 2013 promotional video, Singer spoke of an unnamed client who had started Inconvenient Youth while in high school. “She got totally engaged in her brand, in her story, in her passion,” he said in the short video, adding that “I had her six years ago as a student” and thanking former Vice President Al Gore for allowing “us” to use his slide show from his 2006 documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” that inspired Doerr’s group.
Singer added that getting in to college “has to do with getting involved in your brand.” He highlighted his role in Mary Doerr’s venture, saying that “we wanted to create an organization that would focus on global warming for youth.”
Mary Doerr started Inconvenient Youth in 2008 between her junior and senior years atCastilleja School in Palo Alto, Calif.
John Doerr, whose net worth Forbes puts at $7.5 billion, has been involved in education issues for some time. He is co-founder and lifetime director of the NewS chools Venture Fund, which invests in start-ups aimed at improving public education. He and Anne Doerr donated $50 million in 2015 to Rice University, his alma mater, to finance a leadership training program.
The couple paid about $50,000 bribes to have someone cheat multiple times on standardized tests for their daughters, authorities said.
The Henriquezes were also charged with paying $400,000 to the sham charity run by admissions consultant Rick Singer to get their oldest daughter into Georgetown by falsely portraying her as a star tennis player. Singer in turn paid then-Georgetown tennis coach Gordon Ernst in exchange for labeling her as a recruit, authorities say.
Ernst, who’s accused of getting nearly $3 million in bribes, has pleaded not guilty.
Singer has pleaded guilty to running the sprawling bribery scheme and helped investigators build the case against the parents.
Henriquez’s lawyers said in court documents that his participation in the scheme was “minor and largely passive” as he was busy running his company while his wife “devoted herself to the care and well-being of their children.”
“Mr. Henriquez knew some but not all of the details of the scheme with Singer, played a small role, and to his great regret and shame, did not stop it. He paid Singer’s bills, as he did all the family’s bills,” his lawyers said in a court filing.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Eric Rosen said it “strains credulity” that Henriquez would believe that the $400,000 payment to Singer’s sham charity would support “underfunded college athletic programs (including Georgetown tennis) and programs for disadvantaged youth,” as his attorneys claimed in court documents.
Rosen accused Henriquez of refusing to fully accept responsibility for his actions and attempting to present a “sanitized version of the conduct to the court.”
The Henriquezes are among nearly 30 parents who’ve admitted to charges in the massive case called “Operation Varsity Blues.”
“Full House” star Lori Loughlin and her fashion designer husband, Mossimo Giannulli, are scheduled to be sentenced in August after pleading guilty to paying half a million dollars to get their two daughters into the University of Southern California as fake crew recruits. Loughlin’s plea deal calls for her to serve two months behind bars and Giannulli’s calls for him to serve five months.




STDs in California reach all-time high: 300,000 cases…


Home Prices In 80% Of US Cities Grew 2x Faster Than Wages… And Then There Is San Francisco

The mayor of San Francisco says he’s hiring 10 workers whose sole responsibility will be to clean up the massive numbers of drug needles littering the streets.

San Francisco Mayor Mark Farrell said Monday the team will respond to resident complaints and remove needles and syringes from “hot spots” every day of the week.
Farrell tells the San Francisco Examiner that discarded syringes on the streets are among the top litter complaints in the city with a growing homelessness problem and a devotion to encouraging hippie scum to live there.

San Francisco Forensic Investigator Paul Kangas Keeps The Ruling Elite On Their Toes

Don’t do crime with public money in front of Paul Kangas. This modern Sam Spade will latch onto the case like a pit-bull and never let go. If City Hall, Silicon Valley or the Opera Crowd get into bribery, corruption, sex trafficking and other dirty bits, Paul might end up on their heels.

As the former guard for President Kennedy, Paul Kangas is now a private Investigator in California. His seminal article on the role of George HW Bush in the assassination of JFK was just published on the front page of the Cuban newspaper, Granma. 30 million copies were distributed worldwide. He has taught, and inspired, many contemporary media investigators who have over-turned the entire news industry with the kinds of FBI-class public research that Kangas uses. The many “citizen sleuth’ groups operating around the world were inspired by the early work of Kangas. Paul Kangas has busted up more corruption in San Francisco than the last 4 police bosses in San Francisco. You don’t always know that he did it, but suddenly a package of investigation data shows up at the right reporter’s desk at the right time and that public official is “gone:.

Kangas is said to have copies of all of the files left behind when Clinton private eye: Jack Palladino, died. Paul Kangas is the last guy on Earth that any corrupt politicians should consider screwing with!

San Francisco Nurses Demand to Have Pervert Mark Zuckerberg’s Name Taken Off Hospital

– Corrupt Zuckerberg found to be using the sick as a tax evasion ploy
– Patients, public and staff object to a hospital being named after the world’s largest human rights abuser
– Mayor Ed Lee died at Zuckerberg Hospital due to politics
– Facebook found to be spying on patients and selling their private medical data to governments and political groups
By Courtney Tubbs  |
Photo credit: KRON4
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San Francisco: Democrat LGBT Lutheran Pastor And Friends Arrested In Child Porn Raid

Five pedophiles at a Pro-LGBT Church have been arrested by San Francisco’s Child Exploitation Task Forces for the production of child pornography. Controversial Gay Pastor of Christ Church Lutheran in San Francisco, the Rev. Steven Sabin, heads the congregations.
Reverend Steven Sabin is the head pastor at the Christ Church Lutheran national website, where he hosts streaming podcasts worldwide.
The Christ Lutheran Church says that they’re aware of the Pastor’s arrest. A HUGE number of church bosses have been charged with sex abuse, touching kids and running sex cults in San Francisco.

Rats, Public Defecation, Open Drug Use…

San Francisco Is An Uninhabitable Hellhole…

San Francisco Tech Executives And City Hall Directors Play A Dangerous Game With Trophy Wives and Prostitutes

By Lucy Carl

Driven by a psychopathic need to employ sex for power instead of passion, executives from SalesForce, Twitter, Google, Facebook and other famous brands, live a life of debauchery few normal people can comprehend.

Almost every $200K/year executive has both a “trophy” wife and a bevy of prostitutes on call. Most of them get the wives and the hookers from many of the same resources. Most of the prostitutes know about the trophy wives, and vice versa, because it is part of “The Deal”.

The San Francisco Zoo fundraising parties, The “House Parties” (on Broadway, west of Divisadaro in the tony Pacific Heights neighborhood), San Francisco Symphony parties and Opening Nights, The Red and White Ball Events, The Guardsman parties, The Spinster Events, The Rosewood Hotel “tech events” and a horde of other elitist find-some-ass events deliver the chicks to the Chads.

A Trophy Wife is a surgically enhanced woman who dresses like a Playboy model, wears porno makeup and has a Jessica Rabbit type of cartoonish facial structure. She is acquired by the tech executive to show off to other tech executives. An unusually large number of San Francisco tech executives are homosexual but they still have Trophy wives to keep up appearances.

At one of these events a young, attractive woman will approach a recently divorced tech executive and advise him that she understands “the Deal”. She uses code words and alluded to references but the intent is clear. She is willing to be either a trophy wife or a prostitute because the guy has the cash and she wants the rich lifestyle. A trophy wife is aware that she must accept the fact that the man is rich and can get any woman and there is a 3000 to 1 ratio of hot girls to rich men. If she wants the cash she must accept the non-monogamous sex-with-other-women culture of the tech males.

The Trophy Wives get to live in the big houses with the tech guys and the prostitutes live in apartments in Marin County and Palo Alto. Many of the prostitutes are from overseas and are known as “Instagram Girls” because the advertise on Instagram and Match.com as “models”. Hundreds of these internet hookers are flown into San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose international airports, daily, on the credit cards of these tech executives. The pot is well stocked. San Francisco tech executives account for as much bay area sex trafficking, in dollar volume, as the San Francisco Chinatown gangs. A San Francisco tech prostitute goes for $1000.00 to $10000.00 per night while a Chinatown sex worker is only $300.00 per session.

There are over 200 “Personal Services” providers for tech executives who pitch “managing engagement schedules” for CEO’s. They are pimps who have networked lists of hookers. They are usually women in the PR business who once were trophy wives, or prostitutes, themselves when they were younger. Most tech executives will eventually receive an offer from a “Social Events Manager”, looking to hook them up.

Trophy Wives and prostitute offerings can be found jogging on San Francisco’s Marina Green, sitting overtly in outdoor cafe’s on Chestnut Street and Union Street in the Marina district and at every “tech event”. They dress in fluorescent Spandex with bare midriff tops and painted on Spandex leggings shoved as far up their butt-crack as biology will allow. The regulars, though, are at the elite events and fund-raisers.

The websites BACKPAGE.COM, SEEKING ARRANGEMENTS.COM and MATCH.COM are the source favored by the tech guys for girls-on-demand hookers. Google is in a huge battle against the government because Google does not want BACKPAGE.COM shut down. It is the top source for hookers for the men of Google.

The parties at the French, British and Russian embassies are notoriously full of high-class hookers and wannabe trophy wife candidates. The key to confirming them, in person, or on Match.com, is the use of code words like “generous gentlemen”, “appreciates a special women”, “knows how to take care of..” , “diamonds..” and other subliminal references.

The game can go south, though. Google’s, Tesla Investments and other top executives have been killed by their hookers. Over 100 top tech execs are now in the news for their over-the-top sex scandals. A Trophy Wife or a Hooker can blackmail the tech executives at any moment; non-disclosure agreements be damned. Hundreds of babies are now being paid for by hundreds of tech executives along with hush-money to keep the names of those babies fathers quiet.

Yes, San Francisco truly is the modern version of Sodom and Gomorrah.


San Francisco accepted Hunters Point shipyard land that may still be radioactive

EPA, state health regulators approved transfer in 2015 despite awareness of fraud allegations
By Chris Roberts


San Francisco Housing market showing signs of cracking…

As Chinese Money-Hiders Get Busted In California Record Drop in Foreigners Buying…



Can you imagine a city in the United States secretly creating a Chinese-style public surveillance network that can identify everyone? Can you imagine that same city secretly creating a Chinese-style public watchlisting network?Well imagine no more because it has already happened.When I wrote about covert facial recognition street lights coming to a city near you last year, I never would have dreamt that my article would become a reality so quickly.


San Francisco is now POOP CITY as HEROIN Needles, AIDS and corruption define the roots of the City

Tourists and shoppers make their way past a panhandler asleep outside a clothing store in San Francisco on Aug. 25. The streets of San Francisco have long reflected the eccentric city’s governing priorities and many civic contradictions arising from the intersection of wealth and poverty. (Mason Trinca/For The Washington Post

San Francisco Millennium Tower is leaning, sinking and now cracking thanks to corrupt Ed Lee

San Francisco’s leaning, sinking Millennium Tower has a new problem after a window cracked on the 36th floor.

“This is a window system that’s designed to sustain hurricane force winds so this is obviously of serious concern,” said San Francisco Supervisor Aaron Peskin.

[–] EconDoesReal 2 points (+2|-0) 11 hours ago

I lived there, in North Beach for more than a decade. I recently left, and feel such a sense of relief. I can’t turn this into a joke since I know that place, but this caption isn’t far off. These people will continue to look at all the shit they vote for, and watch how it went wrong, blame someone else, and double down on their bullshit. Fuck that place. They deserve the shit that’s coming to them.


San Francisco’s Free Syringes Are Littering Its Streets – Come For The Heroin, Stay For The Corruption



Mayor London Breed exhibited a serious lapse of judgment — and possibly violated city ethics laws — in accepting several thousand dollars worth of car-related expenses from former Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru.

San Francisco Downtown Buildings Are Collapsing And Falling Apart As SF Earth Mass Found To Be Unstable

– City Officials will lie until the cows come home but the fact is that greedy mayor and supervisors overbuilt City to get bribes and developer fees
– When will the first skyscraper collapse and kill huge numbers of people?

Bay Area reaches highest exodus levels in 10 years. U-Haul says it is running out of 1 way trucks. (archive.is)

San Francisco residents navigate sidewalks filled with increasing piles of shit, mattresses, shelving, and other furniture


San Francisco Has The Most High-Tech Schools In The World But SF Students Are The Biggest Failures In The World

– San Francisco proves, again, that it is all fluff and no substance
– Bottom line: “Don’t move to San Francisco if you want your kids to get an education!”
  • San Francisco is too expensive even for tech workers.

    San Francisco’s housing market is so out of control, most tech workers say they can’t afford homes thanks to Google

    The San Francisco Bay Area’s housing market is so bleak, even tech workers are struggling to buy a home there.

  • Cisco, eBay, and Intuit had the highest percentage of employees who said home ownership is elusive.

San Francisco Employee privacy is at stake as corporate
surveillance technology monitors Bay Area workers’ every move

Key Points
  • Corporate interest in surveillance seems to be on the rise to boost productivity.
  • A 2018 survey by Gartner found that 22% of organizations worldwide are using employee-movement data, 17% are monitoring work-computer-usage data, and 16% are using Microsoft Outlook- or calendar-usage data.
  • Employees are concerned over this invasion of privacy.

San Francisco Logs 16,000 Feces Complaints in a Week as San Francisco becomes filled with poop and Google assholes…

WINNING: Arizona Appellate Court decides Nancy Pelosi’s Hockey Stick emails must be released (wattsupwiththat.com)


San Francisco Shall Forever Be Known as POOP CITY
because of the corrupt politicians and dirty people that live there


Typical San Francisco resident man charged with sexually assaulting
99-year-old woman in SF Chinatown as Frisco crime spree worsens

A man captured after a New Year’s Eve sex assault in San Francisco’s Chinatown had attacked a 99-year-old woman in her apartment at the Ping Yuen housing project, officials said Wednesday.

San Francisco’s Housing and Homeless Crises at “Boiling Point”Because Of Google-Twitter-Facebook Take-over of City Politicians

Written by  
San Francisco is a city of contrasts. It boasts glorious views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Pacific Ocean, and it also offers the stench and disgusting sight of piles of human feces on its sidewalks. It is a place filled with great wealth and striking poverty, with tech billionaires and Silicon Valley companies existing alongside an aggressive panhandling homeless population. While a city full of investors waits nervously on a new wave of initial public offerings (IPOs), drug users shoot up in the streets for anyone — be it tourists, businessmen, or schoolchildren — to see.


– The Entire Measure 3 Plan Is A Scam To Help Google and Crony Insiders!

Posted by: Zelda Bronstein  – On the June 5 ballot, Regional Measure 3 asks voters in nine Bay Area counties to approve a $3 increase in tolls on all the region’s bridges but the Golden Gate “to reduce auto and truck traffic, relieve crowding on BART, unclog freeway bottlenecks and improve bus, ferry, BART and commuter rail service.” Its supporters, who include the Bay Area Council, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, SPUR, Facebook, and YIMBY Action, call it “a bold, coordinated, region-wide traffic relief plan.”
RM3 is bold all right: it’s an audacious con that dedicates $4.5 billion to a hodgepodge of disconnected projects that will bring the Bay Area little traffic relief.


The San Francisco Bay Area Tech Mafia

What They Have Been Proven To Be:
Misogynists, Frat Boys, Sexual Abusers, Rapists, Sexual Extortionists, Sexual Harassers, Intellectual Property Thieves, Copy-cats, Monopolists, Valuation Collusion-ists, Hooker Addicts, Trophy Wife Abusers, Tone Deaf Yuppies, Sociopaths, Closet Homosexuals, Elitist Boys Clubbers, Narcissists, Burning Man Orgy Pros, Drug Addicts, Alcoholics, Sex Addicts, Mobsters, Tax Cheats, Abusers, Real Estate Scammers, Liars, Racists, Anti-Trust Violators, Political Bribery Experts, Crony Political, Scam Operators, Election Rigging Financiers


Clean up after yourselves: San Francisco mayor plans to ask homeless nicely not to poo in streets (rt.com)

The San Francisco Archi-Tastrophe Coming Building Collapses

– Greed and corruption put San Francisco in the current disaster movie scenario
– Over-building on un-stable ground in a small area subject to earthquakes should have been an obvious bad idea to anybody
– San Francisco City Hall chose to cram developer payola in their pockets and lies into the planning process
– Imagine a million tons of steel and concrete collapsing onto hundreds of thousands of commuters!
– One skyscraper will take down the next one in a ‘domino effect’
– 18 buildings have started to fail but you have only heard about a handful of them…
The building, which opened in 2008 and was touted as the most luxurious tower in San Francisco, became a beacon of the city’s burgeoning wealth, attracting tech millionaires, venture capitalists …

The San Francisco ghosts in Kamala Harris past show that she knows how to F*ck

Few outside of California know or care who Willie Brown is. But that may be about to change. Brown spent around a quarter of a century as de facto royalty in California, first serving more than three decades as a member of the California Assembly (15 years as its speaker), and then eight years as mayor of San Francisco. He also once carried out an open extramarital affair with a young prosecutor named Kamala Harris, currently a U.S. senator and leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination. Now, we’re far beyond the point that a personal past like that disqualifies a candidate. Harris, after all, is vying to challenge a thrice-married man who once graced the cover of Playboy and publicized his infidelity on the cover of the New York Post. Candidates’ personal lives no longer warrant deep investigation, unless they tell us something about their professional and political lives.
Unfortunately for Harris, the Willie Brown story is not strictly personal. It’s also professional.


When Harris was barely 30, she began dating Brown, then in his 60s and speaker of the California Assembly. To be clear, an ambitious woman dating a powerful man is not alone any cause for concern. Strong women are attracted to success, and a 30-year-old assistant district attorney is hardly, say, a 21-year-old intern. But the story doesn’t end there.
For one thing, Brown was married at the time. He wound up dumping Harris and returning to his wife as he became mayor. (Again, in the era of President Trump, few will clutch their pearls over this.)
More questionable than the romance is the relationship’s apparent effect on her finances and her career. Brown, according to contemporary news accounts, gifted his then-girlfriend two government jobs with ample salaries — while she was just getting her start as an assistant DA.


As the San Francisco Weekly reported in 2003:
Aside from handing her an expensive BMW, Brown appointed her to two patronage positions in state government that paid handsomely — more than $400,000 over five years. In 1994, she took a six-month leave of absence from her Alameda County job to join the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, where she served until 1998, attending two meetings a month for a $99,000 annual salary.

(That’s more than $150,000 in current dollars.)

Even after they broke up, Brown, a San Francisco kingmaker, continued to support Harris’ career, boosting her district attorney run and years later calling on Antonio Villaraigosa to stay out of the Senate race, thus clearing the field for Harris.
Just two years into her tenure as senator, Harris now wants to reach the White House.

Kamala DNA

The facts are messy, but most in California politics are. If she earned few hundred thousand dollars in taxpayer-funded patronage thanks to a personal relationship, that undermines some of her good-government cred. Or at least it requires her to explain how she’s changed.

kamala and willies willie

Barack Obama wisely fessed up about his drug usage long before he was a presidential candidate, and he alluded to his personal growth and past mistakes enough that it created a satisfying narrative, one that couldn’t be used against him. Donald Trump was a womanizer and a brash braggart, but that was his entire brand for more than two decades. The first real instance where his past came to haunt him was when he seemed to confess to sexual battery on the now-infamous Access Hollywood tape. The allegations of consensual affairs never really mattered.

Kamala Joe

Harris doesn’t talk about Brown. She says that it’s not relevant. But part of her prosecutorial persona is a posture of toughness on corruption. But the Willie Brown story, with those big paychecks, gives off at least a whiff of cronyism. She’s got to address the charge she was profiting personally off connections to power — at least if she wants us to believe she actually stands for the people.

Was San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee Poisoned, Using Untraceable Spy Technology, Because of His Immigration Scheme?

A Russian agent convicted of spying for Britain was fighting for his life last night amid suspicions he was poisoned in a shopping centre in Wiltshire.Sergei Skripal, 66, was in intensive care after being exposed to a mysterious substance as he sat on a bench in the centre of Salisbury. A 33-year-old woman who was with him, is also in critical condition. Both had collapsed and were unconscious when they were discovered.
By Jenna Lyons

San Franciscan’s Hate Google: Protesters toss scooters into street to block tech buses in SF

By Sarah Ravani



We Went UnderCover With An IPhone In San Francisco And Marin County – The Dark Side of the Orgasmic Meditation Company

Almost every member is a registered Domocrat and some are highly placed in the DNC. OneTaste is pushing its sexuality wellness education toward the mainstream. Some former members say it pushed them into sexual servitude and five-figure debts.

By  Ellen Huet

When Michal got married in August 2015, her family and longtime friends didn’t attend. The woman who walked her down the aisle, the dozens of beaming onlookers, her soon-to-be husband—all were people she’d met in the preceding 10 months. Wearing a loose, casual dress borrowed from one of her new friends, Michal spent the ceremony in a daze.

She knew she didn’t want to get married like this, in the living room of a rented San Francisco house without her family’s support, yet she felt compelled to do it. That uneasy feeling could apply to most of her experiences in OneTaste.

OneTaste is a sexuality-focused wellness education company based in the Bay Area. It’s best known for classes on “orgasmic meditation,” a trademarked procedure that typically involves a man using a gloved, lubricated fingertip to stroke a woman’s clitoris for 15 minutes. For Michal, like those at her wedding, OneTaste was much more than a series of workshops. It was a company that had, in less than a year, gained sway over every aspect of her life.


If You’re Going To San Francisco…Think Again

A few decades ago, Scott McKenzie sang one of the classic hippie anthems, “San Francisco,” back in 1967. It was sung during the heyday of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Flower power was the rage. Peace, love, and understanding were the mantras of the day, in response to the Viet Nam War and the oppression of The Man.
McKenzie sang, “If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.” Back then, the flowers were for decoration, to match the tie-dyed clothing and sandals.Flash forward fifty years, and residents of San Francisco may need to wear flowers, not only in their hair, but also covering their entire bodies. Not for decoration, however, but to mask the odor of a new feature of the streets of San Francisco. Excrement.
And it’s been making the national news, a veritable emblem of what the city has become. The newly inaugurated San Francisco mayor is London Breed, who, as an aside, has a perfect 1960s name. Interviewed after her inauguration, the Daily Caller noted that she observed that the streets of her city “are flooded with the excrement of the homeless.”
In other words, San Francisco has become Poop City.
Apparently this is not a new problem. The famous chronicler of the city, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen, occasionally would use the phrase in his daily screeds during the 1980s and 1990s, but it’s far worse now. As the Daily Caller had the new mayor noting: “There is more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve ever seen growing up here.” And not just poop. Added to the mix is a “dangerous mix of drug needles, garbage, and feces.”
Lovely. In 1967, “If you’re going to San Francisco, you’re gonna meet some gentle people there.” Now you will meet a garbage dump mixed with a cesspool.
San Francisco has about 7,500 homeless individuals and is spending $280 million on homeless services for them. Some simple math reveals that the city could give each homeless resident just over $37,000 per year, a figure well above the minimum wage in most other places, and call it a day.
If you take out the salaries of all the bureaucrats administering these “homeless services,” there would likely be more than $100,000 available for each homeless person. But you know that won’t happen in a Democrat-run city, an administrative state, like San Francisco.
How can the city discourage the homeless from using the sidewalks as their toilets? In their minds, spend more money. The mayor assured her fellow progressives: “Harsher penalties for offenders are not on the table.” Instead the typical liberal solution, as the mayor promised, came to: “I work hard to make sure your programs are funded.” I wonder if we’ll see toilet paper dispensers popping up on the sidewalks?
This situation might seem to be a cross between funny and absurd, but it has economic consequences far beyond the necessary clean-up. Who might not be going to San Francisco because of the city’s pungent new attractions?
Start with conventions? San Francisco has always been a popular convention destination due to its fairly pleasant weather, its tourist attractions, its world-class restaurants, and of course, the cable cars. But in its current state, the bloom is off the San Francisco rose.
A major medical association recently cancelled its annual meeting which would have brought 15,000 attendees and $40 million to the San Francisco economy,according to the SF Chronicle. This, after many years of coming to the city. Think of that. A group of doctors, quite familiar with feces, needles, and the downtrodden, have said “enough.”
These are things doctors can see in the medical ward and prefer to avoid when away from work, often with family, at a medical conference. It’s likely that other trade groups and industries will stay away from San Francisco as well.
Can you blame them? How many U.S. cities provide visitors with a public defecation map to help tourists steer clear of piles of poop littering the city’s sidewalks? Or which other city can boast of the 20-pound bag of poop found a few weeks ago on a city sidewalk?
How did things get this bad for the city that Tony Bennett left his heart in? When Tony recorded that song in the 1950s, San Francisco had a Republican mayor. Their last Republican mayor, George Christopher, left office in 1964, when the Beatles arrived in America. Since then, it’s been a hard day’s night for San Francisco, with nearly sixty years’ worth of Democrats running the show.
At a national level, San Francisco is represented by House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and Senator Kamala Harris, all of whom are hard-core liberals. I am quite confident that there are no piles of poop on the sidewalks in front of their homes.
San Francisco is just another of many U.S. cities run by Democrats, and into the ground. Even liberal film maker Michael Moore observed about his home city in Michigan: “Flint has voted for Dems for 84 straight yrs. What did it get us?”
San Francisco is left with virtue-signaling in the name of compassion, tolerance and all the other liberal claptrap in a bid to try to hide third world conditions on city streets. Aside from visitors choosing to go anywhere but San Francisco, what about the residents living in such conditions?
Warm summer temperatures and open sewers become a microbiology laboratory. Toss in a bunch of undernourished and unhealthy homeless persons, sharing hypodermic needles, and pestilence follows. Such a shame for a once-magnificent city.
Rather than cleaning up its mess, San Francisco has just this week banned plastic straws. Poop and hypodermic syringes littering the sidewalks is just fine, but watch out for those nasty little plastic straws.
Once upon a time Scott McKenzie’s words rang true, “For those who come to San Francisco, summertime will be a love-in there.” Now it’s simply America’s version of a s***hole.
Brian C. Joondeph, MD, MPS, a Denver based physician and writer.

The Bad Decision-Making Of The Drug Fried Minds Of The People That Live In San Francisco

By Karma HarrisThe social echo-chamber is a terrible thing.

Like drones, or robots or sheep, the mindless clones in San Francisco seem to be unable to see that they, in their cult-like quest for “individuality” are doing the exact same idiotic thing that every other San Franciscan is doing:
– Getting a giant eagle, crown or flower tattoo on their chest above their boobs
– Wearing a Fedora hat
– Growing a handle-bar mustache or stupid-looking Amish beard
– Making their clothes look like they accidentally exposed their look-at-me desperation tattoo
– Taking pictures of themselves making idiotic duck lips
– Wearing a plaid shirt
– Being obese and wearing a belly shirt
– Being obese and wearing a tube top
– Being obese and wearing Betty Boop make-up
– Thinking that heroin makes you look cool
– Study an “Art Career” at a commercial “Institute” your rich sucker parents pay you to smoke pot at
– Being a grown-up who uses a skate-board or push scooter
– Wearing a spandex T-Shirt and pursing your lips because you want to be gay and “with it”
– Using the phrase “sociability nexus” or any other Tech BS-speak
– Worshiping Google
– Wearing all black at night because nobody else thought of that
– Thinking that your “pot cafe” idea is original, unique and will last more than 3 months
– Paying tens times more for food because it has tofu hidden in it
– Blindly mouthing any party line pretext that Nancy Pelosi tells them to
– Getting scabies every weekend at the 1050 Folsom night-club
– Tweeting as if anything you do matters to anybody
– Hiding your mental illness by saying and dressing “gender fluid”-like
– Getting a pack of tattoos that proudly announce your bad decision making
– Getting a pack of tattoos that proudly announce you are a slut
– Owning a fluorescent colored bicycle
– Creating a start-up that sells nothing that anybody actually needs or wants but has an ironic name
– Talking about “Burning Man” with any other sense than shame
– Going to a “TED Conference” without realizing you are a douche bag
– Using Match.com to get free dinners
– Having no ability whatsoever to consider the consequences of your actions
– Not seeing that the SF Board of Supes are all elitist stock market inside traders abusing the City
– Having six room-mates
– Pooping in the street because you embrace the “multi-cultural experience”
– Having no clue how the real world works
– Being a woman at Stanford University without knowing the Frats just see you as a baby oven
– Being a white yuppie guy with a Chinese girlfriend who doesn’t not realize what the real deal is
– Not knowing why you feel you NEED to go to Starbucks


http://www.projectveritasaction.com Catch and Kill By Ronan Farrow, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch_and_Kill:_Lies,_Spies,_and_a_Conspiracy_to_Protect_Predators
Permanent Record By Edward Snowden, https://www.amazon.com/Permanent-Record-Edward-Snowden/dp/1250237238
Brotopia By Emily Chang, http://brotopiabook.com/
Throw Them All Out By Peter Schweizer, http://peterschweizer.com/books/throw-them-all-out/
The Circle By David Eggers, https://archive.org/details/circle00dave
World Without Mind By Franklin Foer, https://www.amazon.com/World-Without-Mind-Existential-Threat/dp/1101981113
A Journey into the Savage Heart of Silicon Valley By Corey Pein, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35684687-live-work-work-work-die
Disrupted By Dan Lyons, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26030703-disrupted
Chaos Monkeys By Antonio García Martínez, https://www.antoniogarciamartinez.com/chaos-monkeys/
The Creepy Line By Matthew Taylor, https://www.thecreepyline.com/
The Cleantech Crash By Leslie Stahl, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cleantech-crash-60-minutes/
Congress: Trading stock By Steve Kroft, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/congress-trading-stock-on-inside-information/

San Francisco Oligarchs, Elitists And Gatekeepers:

If you don’t pay bribes and an homage to these people, you get black-listed! If you don’t take the knee to them and put them on your Board of Directors (Like Hunter Biden) they will have you black-listed, cut-off, de-funded and ostracized in City Hall sponsored reprisal and vendettas.

Janet Reilly

Clint Reilly

Ed Lee

John Molinari

Any Member Of Gavin Newsom’s Family

Roger Boas

Dick Blum

Vinod Khosla

Anybody named Haas

Charlotte Maillard

Ed Shultz

Henry Kissinger

Will Hearst

Nancy Pelosi

Dianne Feinstein

Kathryn Feinstein

Scott Weiner

Darcy Brown

Stewart Brand

Joseph Costello

Carl Livingston

Henry Adams

Wally McCormick

Bob McKeen

Jean Bricker

Richard Thieriot

Wilkes Bashford

James Bronkema

Roger Boas

William Ball

Gordon Bellis

Frances Bowers

Donna Casey

Gretchen Cebrian

Tina Cella

Lawrence Chickering

Sheldon Cooper

Charles Crocker

Edwin Cutler

Myron Du Bain

Coburn Everdell

Donna Ewald

John Gamble

William Gaylord

Richard Graff

Reid Hoffman

Ann Getty

Anthony Hale

Matilda Kunin

Wendy Linka

Mary Moulton

William Newsom

John Owsley

Bokkara Patterson

Juan Reynal

Steven Swig

Charles Thieriot

Wilfred Von Bulow

Michael Whitman

Brayton Wilbur

Rita Barela

John  Brunelle

John Calori

William Coblentz

Joseph V. Costello

John Diefenbach

Myron Dubain

Frank Woods

Mort Feld

T. Jack Foster Jr

Gordon P Getty

James Gilleran

John Goy

Evie Haas

Bryan Hemming

John Jacobs

Fritz Jewett

Ray Jones

George Keller

Art Kern

Bob Lansdon

Arthur Latno

Robert Leefeldt

Bob Lurie

Malcom MacDonald

Dan McCall

Wallace McCormack

Rich Miller

Elizabeth Pfau

Forette Pomeroy

David Ringler

Hadley Roff

Norman Rosenblatt

Albert Schlesinger

Steven L. Swig



Note: We filed criminal complaints about these crimes, and about our damages, with every applicable city, state and federal law enforcement and regulatory office, every inspector general and every jurisdictional politician. We now find out that many of them were profiteering in these crimes and owned the stock of the criminals involved. So now, any party who does not help us, who runs cover-ups, who attacks us in reprisal for reporting their crimes and who engages in these crimes is being investigated (using FBI-quality resources), doxed, prosecuted, fired and addressed using the furthest legal means of the courts, the media and crowd-sourced forensics! We have FBI-quality forensic proof of everything on this page. If you have forensic FBI-quality proof that something on here is not true, show us (We can meet you, with the FBI staff, at the conference room at 450 Golden Gate Ave on the 13th Floor in San Francisco and go over the HARD FACTS) and we will remove any information proven to be in error. This is a report to the FBI, FTC, Congress and the American Public to demand an end to this COVER-UP!Revision #70


Defendants are a RICO law and anti-trust law violating Cartel including White House executives, The Department of Energy, Corrupt Senators who got tech stocks as bribe payments and their Silicon Valley oligarch financiers.


Defendants defrauded the victims out of millions of dollars via their crony-corruption, insider-trading, stock market scams and then ordered attacks on the victims when the victims told the FBI, Congress and FTC about the crimes. Defendants refuse to allow a jury trial, they have blockaded legal rights, they run reprisal attacks using government agencies and taxpayer resources and refuse to pay earned benefits and compensation in vendetta for getting their corruption exposed.


From 2005 up to today.


In California, Washington DC and across the nation


Victims demand Government-provided legal counsel, a jury trial and compensation for damages, expenses, back-salaries and monies owed. To be paid by the Defendants.



This is about powerful and greedy people abusing the public system in order to manipulate TRILLIONS of government treasury and stock market dollars into their own pockets. They lie, cheat, bribe, steal, attack, and even kill, in order to grab this money (provided from the pockets of the taxpayers). They create fake “political issues” in order to steer massive amounts of government money to “solutions” that they just happen to own the companies of. (Follow the Money) They collude on cover-ups, cover-stories, pump-and-dumps, fake “Stimulus Funds” redirection and other illicit deeds. Famous politicians are a very big part of this crime. They are easy to spot via the tens of millions of dollars, in their personal bank accounts, which only appeared after they took office. They broke and separated America by promoting their fake causes, which divide the public, in order to benefit off of their exclusive stock market scams. In fact, if the, completely computer manipulated, stock market did not exist, political corruption in America would be reduced by 95% and Silicon Valley’s sex trafficking would be cut in half.
One part of them is: The Silicon Valley Tech Cartel; an anti-trust violating organized-crime operation based on quid-pro-quo. They manipulated the Dept of Energy to only fund political favorites and to sabotage the competitors of those favorites in an epic violation of anti-trust and anti-racketeering laws.

Dept of Energy staff own the stock of Tesla and Solyndra – they work, in total conflict-of-interest, as slush-fund bankers for crony insiders! Steven Chu and his agency cronies defrauded all of the non-crony applicants out of their life savings and now they are getting doxed, investigated and sued forever as punishment for their corruption! the crooked senators behind this got tens of millions of dollars of dirty profits from it while their constituents got defrauded!
We are seeking compensation from the perpetrators of these financial crimes and attacks that harmed us. Victims have already gotten over 150 of them fired from their government jobs and directly sued some of them for corruption! The longer this goes unresolved: the more lawsuits and political embarrassments these crooks can count on!

Says one victim group: ” If you add up all the money the Department of Energy has spent on our FOIA’s, lawsuits and federal investigations since 2008 you can see that the Department of Energy has now spent more money fighting with us than the amount they would have spent simply settling with us and paying our damages. You can see in the last lawsuit we got free White House and Congressional lawyers. Lawyers love to beat up DOE for corruption for free. All those lawyers are now looking for something to do. We can keep doing this for another hundred years and embarrass every politician and their financiers forever. The Department of Energy could do the federal budget, the tax-paying public, the Court system, Justice and themselves a HUGE favor by simply paying us our damages and being done with it. We have been blockaded from getting our legal rights, from getting fair legal representation and from getting a jury trial because they know, in a fair un-rigged jury trial, we will win and they will be shamed and forced to pay up!”

A large part of the crimes involved trillions of dollars of payola involving rare earth mining schemes for minerals for cell phone and electric car components:

Afghan Rare Earth


… this is about corruption that we experienced. it involves trillions of dollars of government monies! famous politicians partnered with corrupt crony-capitalist Silicon Valley bully tech oligarchs to do these felony dark-money crimes! if you hate injustice, collusion, monopolistic bullies and bribes then you will love this case! it is widely documented that famous politicians including Dianne Feinstein, Barack Obama, John Podesta, Nancy Pelosi and many others hire media assassins and attack operatives to covertly destroy those they do not like or those who compete with their stock market ownership. we caught the people they hired to attack us! note that in the last 2 stimulus bills, tens of billions of dollars, in California, disappeared in fraud matters connected to politicians. the facts presented here are from police and court records, congressional investigations and eye-witness reports…”

California Politics


“…State sponsored hacking teams from Russia, China and Iran, ( Ie: Solarwinds, Supernova, Spectre, and hundreds of other hacks) along with thousands of bored teenagers have stolen all of the CIA, NSA and Fire Eye hacking tools and hacked 20 years of the bad guys emails, files, text messages and voicemails and sent them to the press, public-interest groups and the enemies of these oligarchs. Corruption has no place to hide now. All of the dirty secrets of their crimes, bribes and quid-pro-quo are on the table and no oligarch or crooked politician will ever be safe again! On top of the hacks and leaks, we have supported new open-source artificial-intelligence based software which operates autonomously (around-the-clock) tracking the covert cash of every politician, their family, and their tech oligarch bosses. When you follow the money with these bot programs the proof of the bribes and payola is crystal clear!  These crooks all use the same group o: 1.) dirty law firms like Wilson Sonsini, Perkins Coie, etc.; 2.) corrupt CPA’s like Deloitte, etc., 3.) Goldman Sachs investment bankers, 4.) bribery-based lobbyists and Media Matters/ David Plouffe-like attack operatives. See how we are taking these crooks down AT THIS LINK. For example, hired attackers: Nicholas Guido Denton, Ian Fette, Gabby Darbyshire, John Herman, Adrian Covert, John Cook and Patrick George have been placed under permanent surveillance by our private investigators and federal agents for the rest of their lives, along with their families. Any crimes, tax evasions, drug deals, sex trafficking, money-laundering, political manipulations, stock market holdings, revolving-door job bribes, exchange of bribes and payola with Google and Youtube (we have the bank records) for search rigging, INTERPOL investigated cross-border transfers between the US and Eastern Europe or other additional illicit deeds they engage in, will be uncovered and reported…forever!…”


How YOU can use the public “Corruption Kill Box” to wipe out crooked politicians and their financiers: A Corruption Kill Box Procedure combines federal police investigations created by formal filed criminal referrals and Form 302 overview drafts, public class-action lawsuits, massive news media disclosure blasts, formal regulatory agency complaint filings, individual lawsuits against political and agency executives, documentary film production and distribution, the promotion and organization of Congressional hearings, crowd-sourced social media public forensics and open-source AI financial crimes tracking software. The procedure is an extinction-level event with a 100% success rate against corrupt entities. CKB’s only work on the corrupt, so non corrupt parties are safe from it’s effects. ANY member of the public can engage in these totally legal anti-corruption actions. Just do it!  Read: “THE CORRUPTION DISRUPTION MANUAL” and use the tactics described in it. You can find copies of it world-wide at links like:


… and thousands of other sites, torrents and locations. Share it with your friends.


“…how corrupt are our political representatives? “we have not been able to find a single one of our political representatives who was not working for, paid by, sleeping with and/or profiteering off of the stocks and mutual funds of our competitors that attacked us! two of our senators were even caught financing some of the attacks!… For example, in California, they have been trying to figure out how tens of billions of dollars for Covid Loans, and also for housing projects, has gone missing. A series of recent audits has found that the much of the money was stolen and hidden by a system of duplicitous, on-purpose mismanagement designed to hide the thefts by saying that ‘California politicians are too disorganized to manage anything’. In reality, the embezzlement of the federal funds are carefully organized by State officials (who live in multiple MANSIONS and have parties at fancy restaurants constantly) who are expert at theft and cover-ups…”


An Actual Example Of A State-Sponsored Vendetta Attack:

In the case of one victim of this corruption, let’s call him “Applicant A”, the dirty deeds of public officials are illuminated in all of their darkest forms. He saw, first-hand, how modern politics turns public servants into criminal mobsters. Here is what was in his FBI report:

In college, “Applicant A” was a criminology student on the multi-campus “Core Curriculum” which was offered through Stanford, SFSU and Berkeley campuses. He lived in San Francisco, with a woman who was the best friend of Kathryn Feinstein, daughter of the future mayor of San Francisco. The woman’s mother, in fact, worked for Dianne Feinstein. Kathryn Feinstein often stayed at “Applicant A”’s home and partied there in the hot tub in the back yard and in the downstairs living room. There she told tales and gossip about the deep inside scoop on San Francisco politics. This led to “Applicant A”’s recording and production of an award-winning investigative film series about the characters in San Francisco politics.

Mayor George Moscone was then assassinated one day while “Applicant A” was on his way to City Hall for a meeting at the Mayor’s office. This assassination made Diane Feinstein the Mayor of San Francisco and, later, a U.S. Senator.

As further proof of the connection, Mayor Feinstein issued a large published City Hall proclamation to “Applicant A” for his work on a major project for the City of San Francisco, a tribute to George Moscone, viewed by millions of citizens and also had “Applicant A” produce many socialite events at City Hall for, and with, the Mayor’s friend Charlotte Maillard.

“Applicant A” knew hundreds of top political officials, dated top officials from the White House or Congress and was constantly being solicited to run for office.

“Applicant A” was one of two producer’s creating a major event for The City but a rift developed between “Applicant A” and another group. The opposing group (Comprised of competitors to “Applicant A” ) were being accused of embezzling civic funds. That other group was headed by two personal friends of Diane Feinstein’s. The failures of the opposition group became national news as it was also backed by David Rockefeller’s money man, who also financed Diane Feinstein.

At this time “Applicant A”, had numerous law enforcement and intelligence credentials, commendations and certifications and was approached to assist with a sting operation involving some of those officials. The sting operation required that “Applicant A” run for a major office in San Francisco because only a major candidate could have access to the proper people, information and proximity needed for such an operation. Department of Justice, FBI, California Fair Political Practices Commission and other entities had an interest in these task force-type efforts. The combined efforts resulted in one famous City Hall official being arrested for running an underage prostitution ring for San Francisco public officials, co-managed by a SFPD official, and another candidate for mayor, associated with the old school North Beach mob, being run out of politics and having his young daughter removed by the police to protect her from attempted abuse. Both of the indicted officials had close relationships with Diane Feinstein.

“Applicant A” ran the opening ceremonies of one of David Rockefeller’s big projects in San Francisco which Rockefeller, Feinstein and James Bronkema were key players in. James Bronkema, The head of the City business council, had his mistress intermediate a potential “peace treaty” between “Applicant A” and his Cartel. He later sought to invite “Applicant A” into the Bay Area political Cartel he ran and disclosed the insider scheme to “Applicant A”, hoping to entice him. Bay Area VC Tom Perkins also made “Applicant A” this offer and confirmed the existence, operation and scope of this Cartel which included famous politicians.

Subsequently, the Feinstein family became the investors, government financial agent, contractors, HR providers, staffing liaison, and friends for Elon Musk and managed the State and Federal gifts of billions of dollars of tax payer funds to Musk, which the Feinstein family profited from.

At the same time, “Applicant A” was operating a U.S. Government funded electric vehicle manufacturing company and an energy production company that competed with Elon Musk’s companies. “Applicant A” contacted the Fremont, California NUMMI plant which Elon Musk had publicly stated he “had no use for NUMMI”. “Applicant A” had been in negotiations and had arranged the first request to re-task NUMMI. A major Washington DC consulting group and CBS News 60 Minutes Producer: Bob Simon, then had communications with Diane Feinstein’s Chief of Staff who threatened “Applicant A” against having anything to do with the NUMMI plant. Subsequently Elon Musk announced he had stepped back in and was taking over the NUMMI plant in a surprise announcement MC’d, in person by Diane Feinstein, whose family was managing the leasing, hiring and contracting for the NUMMI and next door Solyndra buildings.

It turned out that a large rare earth minerals mining scam was underway to manipulate TRILLIONS of dollars of corrupt mining profits and federal tax dollars and that “Applicant A”’s federally funded technology obsoleted that plan.

Just after Russia evacuated Afghanistan, a particular set of Russian geological survey reports called: “The Afghan Metals Treasure Maps” were found by CIA researchers in Kabul. They were said to show where many trillions of dollars worth of copper, lithium, indium and other “rare earth” technology minerals were hidden in the Afghan plains.

That lithium and indium could power Elon Musk’s cars and Solyndra, Fisker’s, Abound’s Cleantech (if only a certain group of Silicon Valley billionaires had a way to monopolize that…hmmmm?) But; were those “Treasure Maps” a trick or a treat?

To this day, controversy exists across the intelligence communities, of many nations, about whether, or not, those maps were a scam created to “trick the American’s” or the actual locations of trillions of dollars of mining deals that were “antibody’s for the taking”. The papers that the CIA geologists pulled out of that archival library in Kabul, Afghanistan still read to be a bit too convenient for what happened next. Decades later, after an invasion or two, and vast expenditures of cash, political capitol and lives, very little of the promised golden mining treasure has materialized. What has materialized is epic corruption, political payola, campaign secrets, deaths and controversy.

Goldman Sachs, McKinsey Consulting and Deloitte helped a few rogue CIA buddies distribute a huge number of white papers and press releases which used the buzz words: “Trillions of dollars of lithium in Afghanistan” and “Afghanistan is the Saudi Arabia of Lithium”. Why would those particular companies put so much effort into hyping a pile of dirt on the other side of the planet? Because their investors (John Doerr, Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Steve Westly, etc.) had a quid pro quo deal with some members of The White House.

“Applicant A” had received a Congressional commendation, federal funding under contract to The Department of Energy and famous seminal patent awards for his work in the electric vehicle technologies; now used in the Honda, Toyota and Hyundai cars.


Subsequently, the FBI discovered ( confirmed via a declassified congressional report) that Daniel Jones, a former intelligence committee staffer for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, hired Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to push the Russian story and used Fusion GPS, and other services to put hit-jobs on people for Feinstein. Additionally, the FBI discovered that high level Chinese spies worked for Feinstein, including driving her around and that her husband’s partner: Mart Bailey, was in China setting up deals that the CIA was concerned about. Fusion GPS, Media Matters, Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media Google and Youtube were subsequently found to have been hired by “a famous politician” to operate over $30M of character assassination reprisal media defamation attacks against “Applicant A” to punish him for helping law enforcement in these cases. It is well known that Feinstein, Pelosi, Harris, Reid and other Senators commonly use intelligence agency resources and “dirty tricks” to attack citizens they are mad at.”Applicant A” and his co-workers were cooperating with agency investigations at this time. In order to discourage, threaten and intimidate “Applicant A”, he and his peers were attacked with the aforementioned $30M state-sponsored reprisal attack which included the following attack tactics:

1.) Defrauding Applicants via fake government requests to invest in rigged government contracts;

2.) Placing moles and spying inside Applicant’s companies;

3.) Blockading legal counsel for plaintiffs;

4.) Character assassination and sophisticated contracted defamation media attacks;

5.) Offshore factory processed social media attacks;

6.) Government benefits from SSA, HUD, etc, blockades and manipulations;

7.) Jobs and venture capital funding blacklisting;

8.) FOIA obfuscation for official government FOIA filings;

9.) Arbitrary government deadline manipulation for SSA, DOE, HUD and other applications;

10.) Creation of endless fake hurdles in agency applications (ie: DOE) to protect rigged “winners”;

11.) Toxic workplace poisonings like the Salisbury, Nalvany, Litvinenko poisonings;

12.) Workplace sabotage and obstruction of Applicant’s companies;

13.) Media defamation attacks via gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Google, Youtube, etc.;

14.) Commercial employment database “lois lerner-ing” and red-flagging;

15.) Murders of peers (ie: Rajeev Motwani, Seth Rich, Gary D. Conley and 120+ others);

16.) Revenue blockades and internet income re-direction;

17.) Troll farm attack teams hired from Chinese attack farms;

18.) Fusion GPS, Media Matters, David Plouffe attack contracts issued targeting whistle-blowers;

19.) Manual search engine lock-in attacks on Google, YouTube, Linkedin;

20.) U.S. patent office manipulation to blockade revenue;

21.) Honey-traps sent out targeting the whistle-blowers;

22.) Fake news tabloid empires created just for defamation attacks;

23.) Housing access and financing blockades created to reprisal harass whistle-blowers;

24.) Ongoing hacking of plaintiffs devices;

25.) Tech industry black-list coordination within the National Venture Capital Association;

26.) HUD and USDA mortgage rights blockades:

27.) DNS and IP routing manipulation to prevent victims from selling anything online;

28.) Digital attacks designed to put horrific fake news about target in front of 7.5 billion people…

and more spy agency type “dirty tricks”that cost the victims their lives, life savings, income and other disabling losses…

The Department Of Energy (DOE) acts under White House orders to only give money to White House political financiers and sabotage the competitors of those political insiders. DOE says they don’t do what David Axelrod. Rahm Emanual, or the latest Oval Office lackey, tells them to do, but by now everyone knows that assertion is a complete and total lie!

Some of the people that laid siege to Congress at the start of 2021 believed they were “doing the right thing”, others thought they were insane. Department of Energy staff are just as ‘insane’ in that they are hired to lie, cheat and manipulate funding in order to help their political favorites and harm the competitors to those ‘favorites’ who they perceive as political ‘enemies’. Department of Energy staff are as devoted to cronyism as an ISIS attacker is to sawing off someone’s head with his knife. Neither of them perceive themselves as “crazy zealots”, both groups think they are ‘doing the right thing’, but those on the outside can see the truth.

When an Applicant for government funding receives a letter simply stating that their loan application under the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM), LGP, Battery funds, etc. or other Program, has been rejected it is because the Applicant  did not bribe the right people. Bright Automotive famously published a national letter about how the Dept of Energy had lied to them. XP sued the Dept of Energy for corruption and won. Congress has held ongoing hearings about the corruption and payola at the Department of Energy.

No logical reasons are ever given in the DOE letters and only after several attempts at phoning the Department of Energy office can you ever get the so-called “reasons” orally. You may never receive the reasons in writing. Over a hundred Applicants like Bright, Zap, Brammo, EcoMotors, XP Vehicles, Elio, Lordstown and others have been lied to, led down the garden path, stone-walled, delayed and sabotaged in order to protect political insiders Tesla, Solyndra, Abound, Brightsource and other White House financiers.

One could understand a rejection if the reasons given were applicable to an Applicants actual loan application. However, in each case, they were not. Many reasons did not even reflect what was included in the Applicants submissions if the Applicant was a competitor to Elon Musk. Department of Energy staff simply made up data that was not even submitted in order to help Tesla and harm Bright Automotive, for example. In many cases a rejected electric car Applicant was told that their car “did not use enough gasoline” or that their windmill project used “too much sun”… or similar nonsense.

All of Steven Chu’s Department of Energy staff were friends of, investors in, or associates of Elon Musk’s Cartel. They stayed on, many of them even still in place in 2021, waiting for Jennifer Granholm to get in and start the old Chu regime back up to hand out cash to the insiders from the Silicon Valley Mafia. In each case, after several attempts at receiving more clarification from the Dept of Energy and ATVM offices, no one from DOE has been in further contact with any outsider Applicant . For years, each Applicant is still requesting additional information about their loan applications and more applicable reasons for rejections.

Most of the  competitors to Elon Musk, had cars that could go further than a Tesla, cost up to 80% less than a Tesla, used no gasoline, were easier to repair and build than a Tesla, saved your life better than a Tesla in a crash, didn’t blow up like a Tesla, did not get hacked as easy as a Tesla, were faster on torque-factors than a Tesla, were not about to go bankrupt like Elon Musk was at the time, did not require an extension cord to trip over like Tesla does, did not rely on foreign labor like Tesla did, did not have the horrific debt ratio that Tesla had, did not cause genocide and rape around the globe in corrupt lithium and cobalt child labor camps like Elon Musk did and, generally had every advantage over Tesla except: 1.) the Elon Musk partnership that Musk had with Dianne Feinstein’s family and the 2.) conduit of cash between Musk and political candidates.

Most of the other Applicant’s had thousands of customers lined up who wanted to buy their unique and very “green” cars. The public were eager to buy their products but those products were better and more competitive than Elon Musk’s. If you line up every Applicants merits in a spreadsheet, the “DOE winners” would lose. The metrics were ignored or rigged in order to favor Tesla and Solyndra and harm outsiders who competed with them.

One of the rejection reasons that DOE gave an Applicant was that their car “did not use E85 gasoline”. It was an ELECTRIC CAR which uses NO gasoline which one would think that an Obama Administration had as a goal our country should want to attain. Crony insiders Tesla Motors and Fisker also used no gasoline and they were handed the DOE funds with almost no scrutiny. At no point was E85 gasoline ever mentioned, discussed, commented on or requested by DOE. In fact the topic was particularly avoided by DOE staff.

Another reason an Applicant (XP Vehicles) was given was that that “they were not planning on making millions of cars.” Any intelligent auto industry expert knows you have to ramp up production from a few thousand cars in order to get to a few million cars. The Department of Energy was not offering enough money to start making millions of cars right out of the gate. No car company EVER FUNDED by the Dept of Energy, to this day, has ever been capable of making millions of cars from the get go. In fact, XP, who proposed 50,000 vehicles, turned out to be EXACTLY correct based on industry history. Dept of Energy reviewers turned out to be EXACTLY wrong on their comments…or they were making things up to protect Musk. The rejection point was that Applicants were not planning to make enough cars. This was a false statement by DOE. The company would like to build and sell more cars than any other car company. They were fully willing to produce millions of vehicles if provided with the appropriate funding as they quantified millions of fleet buyers for its vehicles. No DOE entity ever asked them to adjust, discuss or amend their numbers. They were more than willing to adjust those numbers if anyone had even bothered to ask. One must start out with small steps and were planned to ramp up to a massive number over time. To suggest that one do otherwise would demonstrate questionable judgment by DOE reviewers. The validity of this comment was based on either lies or manipulated interpretations by DOE staff designed to harm Applicant ratings over Musk.

Applicant XP, whose business plan was based on selling vehicles to the government was told they were rejected by DOE because they were “… not planning to sell cars to the government”. That determination was 100% false. It was a bald faced lie by Department of Energy staff. It was clearly stated in XP’s application that the core sales plan of the company is based on government fleet sales. The Dept of Defense wanted a particular light-weight version of the XP car for air-dropped rescues. One cannot help but wonder if DOE even read the applications or just rubber-stamped all non-crony applications as “rejected”.

In another example of a failure to read the applications, The Dept of Energy asserted that factory cost estimates were too low because “the metal body fabrication systems” were not calculated high enough. The Applicant  did not use much metal fabrication in its bodies, which Dept of Energy staff would have known if they had even read the first page of the application.

Banks and every other business lender takes a few weeks to decide on business funding. The Dept of Energy stonewalled Applicants for YEARS and received numerous write-ups from the GAO as one of the most screwed up organizations in Washington DC.

DOE reviewers never even talked to the founders, inventor, engineers, project leads or primary contractors from non crony Applicants. Outsider Applicants were even told, over and over again, that everything in their application was good and that no additional information was needed. This is despite the fact that the reasons given for outsider rejections did not reflect the technology being used and therefore the ATVM reviewers did not understand our concept and product. Tesla Motors received over 100 hours of staff meetings and attention to guide them through the DOE. Non-crony Applicant”s got zero help.

It was discovered that McKinsey Consulting was hired to write all of the global white-papers designed to promote the Cleantech investors stock market holdings. They were also hired to staff the Department of Energy entirely with Elon Musk’s and Solyndra’s friends. They were also the lobbying consultants to Google, Facebook and the Silicon Valley Cartel.

After nearly a year of waiting, accompanied by written, verbal and in-person DOE proclamations that “everything was fine”, “everything is on-track”, “you appear to meet every criteria”, etc. and after staff expended the majority of their personal funds based on these positive assertions, the applications were suddenly and mysteriously rejected. Why was staff at DOE during the course of the year, positive about the outcome and never asked for additional information? It was because they all knew, from December 2008 forward, that only those friends on a secret insiders list were ever going to be approved. Every other “Applicant A” was being defrauded and used as a smoke screen to make it look like things were “in process”. Applicant”s were promised, assured and relied on “things are looking good” statements from Dept of Energy staff who were lying. Dept of Energy staff knew from December of 2008 that the money was hard-wired for Tesla and a couple of others.

At the start of the DOE application process DOE’s Lachlan Seward, Matt Rogers, Steven Chu, Kathy Zoi, Carol Battershal, and ALL of the senior DOE staff told each Applicant that the review would “be very interactive”… but there was no interaction for non-crony outsiders while Elon Musk and Solyndra folks, who applied later, were reviewed earlier, had hundreds of hours of in-person hand-holding interaction with DOE and had already been awarded their funds. No outsiders got any of this help or “interaction”.

Rejection comments supplied by Chris Foster of DOE seemed to be unrelated to the business of each rejected company and had no foundation in fact. It was as if Dept of Energy staff would make anything up to keep competitors against Silicon Valley political campaign financiers from getting to market.

Rejected Applicants provided $100 million+ of asset collateral opportunity for only a $40M loan. To repeat, non-crony “Applicant A”s provided over TWICE the collateral of the value of the loan. How is this not as secure of a structure as any of the other Applicants. Elon Musk did not have any collateral like this!

Tesla was in such bad trouble that they had to borrow money from the Middle East and Detroit in order to temporarily cook their books so that DOE could release their cash. In reality, Tesla is a book-cooking stock market valuation manipulation operation and not a car company, as such.

The Department of Energy determined that three of the Applicant’s were “most likely” to obsolete and put Elon Musk’s company out of business because they beat the competitive metrics factors for price, range, safety, cost-to-produce…literally, THEY BEAT MUSK ON EVERYTHING! Department of Energy staff are beholden to Elon Musk and HIS political financiers so they could not let any competitors into the market. The Department of Energy is the gate-keeper of who gets to exist in the American auto industry according to Elon Musk’s own marketing director: Daryl Sirry. No American bank or VC will finance a car company without DOE insider say-so. The Department of Energy blockades funding for those who directly might compete with Elon Musk because they get paid by Elon Musk and his financiers with stock, jobs, perks, political appointments, etc.

DOE top staff told Applicants that if they paid $50,000.00 then they could get a full review. One Applicant got investors to fund the $50K fee. The investors agreed if a DOE staffer would tell them once on the phone or email that that was the case. The (lying bastard) DOE staffer (Foster) refused to come to the phone or reply to any fedex or email until an hour after the deadline to wire the fee, even though he was recorded in his office, hiding from the calls. The staffer then sent an email saying “you missed the deadline to pay the fee, you are rejected”, even though he had organized the missing of the fee by refusing any communication that he promised, in writing, to have with the investors who were to pay the fee. Elon Musk did not have to pay the fee until much later after Tesla got caught not paying the fee.

The state is wielding extraordinary power these days — power to close businesses, to directly impact people’s livelihoods and even lives — and so it owes it to the public to disclose how and why it makes those decisions that appear to only benefits campaign financiers and insiders. Hiding the identities and processes of the Department of Energy reviewers is a criminal act.

This secrecy is exactly the wrong approach here and will only breed further mistrust, confusion and contempt for the crucial role of government in bringing alternative energy vehicles to market.

Dept of Energy reviewers told non-crony Applicants that “electric motors and batteries were considered” by the DOE reviewers to be “too futuristic of a technology and not developed for commercial use even though they have been in use in over 40 industries for over 20 years, including by NASA. By the way, Tesla, Nissan and Fisker used the same exact electric motors. What was the rationale for this DOE argument aside from cronyism? In the case of XP, every part of the XP car was to be purchased from existing commercial sources with multiple points of supply, so it is not possible to see how a reviewer might think the vehicle had any significant technical acquisition hurdles. Over 100 major supplier companies, that have been building parts for the auto, aerospace and industry for decades) were to deliver the component parts for XP Vehicles. The U.S. Congress said that the primary purpose of this loan program was to develop advanced technology and further reduce U.S. dependence on gasoline. The non crony car “Applicant A”s used no gasoline and got over 125 miles per battery charge. How is the DOE claim that electric cars are not compliant not in direct conflict with the precepts of the Section 136 law?

DOE staff would constantly “Lois Lerner” (or lose) non-crony Applicants paperwork. A DOE staffer named Brent even revealed that Lachlan Seward had ordered some documents shredded for cover-up purposes. Congressional investigations have documented hundreds of such corruption actions at DOE.

So… we thought: “How could the U.S. Government engage in such insane criminal bull shit?”

So, we legally acquired the public Office Of Personnel Management records, social media postings, Linkedin records, FOIA revelations, voting and contribution records of every Department of Energy contractor and employee who had even the most remote contact with the funding process, from 2008 forward…and LOOKIE, LOOKIE! We have not been able to find a single one of them who was not financially involved with the handful of people who got they Dept of Energy funds. They were the most insider-trading, conflict-of-interest based, sleeping-with-the-recipient bunch of crooks and liars you could ever find. Why is the Dept of Energy allowed to hire only their friends and insider trading associates? Why is every office at DOE not required to have a 50/50 staff mix? The deciders and lobbyists are connected by sexual culture and greed and defrauded each of the non-crony people who they induced to apply. The Department of Energy knew from Dec. 1, 2008 that nobody was ever going to get Dept of Energy funding except the previously hard-wired crony insiders. Each “Applicant A” who was not an insider lost millions of dollars and years of their lives because of the lies of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Department of Energy has never apologized or paid their bills for the damages!

“Applicant A”, at this time, discovered that he had been exposed to toxic materials, possibly intentionally as “political poisoning” (ie: The Salisbury Poisonings and the Alexander Litvinenko poisoning), as a reprisal tactic, from his work with the Department of Energy and Kaiser laboratories. “Applicant A” filed for his benefit rights,, which he had full credits for, but political officials from Senate offices ordered those funds frozen and used intelligence agency dirty tricks to manipulate and alter government records. The “Solarwinds”, “Supernova”, “Spectre” and hundreds of other hacks show that the very servers that “Applicant A”’s records were on were, in fact, penetrated.

Agency staffers manipulated Applicant’s filed benefits applications with SSA, HUD and other agencies, in order to cut off their funds in reprisal for assistance in corruption investigations.

Congressional officials then assisted some of the whistle-blowers and their peers with a first-ever federal anti-corruption lawsuit. This case set many new legal precedents. The victims team won the lawsuit proving that government agencies “infected by corruption” had manipulated, blockaded and stone-walled the Applicant’s government funding.

These citizens instigated Congressional corruption investigations and hearings against the most senior members of the State and Federal government. These actions resulted in the termination of very famous public officials and their crony criminal embezzlement scams and almost resulted in the President being forced to leave office, mid-term, based on revelations of a massive crony kick-back scheme which began to be exposed after the FBI raid of Solyndra. The director of the FBI was fired for assisting in cover-ups related to this matter.

It was revealed that White House executives ordered government agencies to harm members of the public and to reprisal with-hold public resources from the public. This was a violation of tort, RICO and anti-trust laws.

The victims fought back.

They used 100% legal tools to interdict the corruption.

First, with a unique new kind of pioneering federal lawsuit, victims established — FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LEGAL HISTORY — that political cronyism is a valid basis for a claim of arbitrary-and-capricious agency action under the Administrative Procedure Act. See: Federal Case One, (D.D.C. 2015).

Second, they prevailed in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on their appeal of the district court’s ruling that an agency may escape judicial review of its action by requesting a voluntary remand but refusing to reconsider its initial denial of an application. See: Case Federal Two, (D.C. Cir. 2017). The Washington DC Circuit agreed with the victims that an agency may only seek a remand if it promises to reconsider its initial decision. It is because of that victory that the government, under court order is now re-doing the victims applications and GAO, FBI, IG’s and Congressional oversight offices are watching to assure effective ethics and transparency.

Third, these cases placed, on permanent public record, one of the most detailed documentation sets, ever assembled, about how modern political “Dark Money” conduits operate. The legal team hired ex-FBI, CIA and SEC experts to track down covert bank accounts, revolving door bribes, insider stock trades and other payola between the victim’s competitors and public officials. This documentation now prevents the use of those kinds of criminal efforts, in the future, by exposing their tactics to the public.

Fourth, the victim’s team engaged in the interdiction and termination of corrupt agency executives, contractors and their financiers. This included some of the most well-known names in Washington, DC, at the time. Many of them were, and are still being, investigated and surveilled by the FBI, GAO, SEC and Congress.

Fifth, and most important, the effort put every corrupt political scheme on notice that they WILL be found out and interdicted!

The bottom line? The victims group WON on every single aspect of their public-interest goals but still have yet to be recompensed for their damages!

Now the “bad guys” have less options to engage in the corruption of our Democracy!

Not only did the Department of Energy engage in reprisal attacks. SSA staff and officials from the SSA have been shown to have runn political reprisals on “Applicant A”. History has shown that some Bay Area SSA staff since 2007 have gone on to work for politicians in dispute with “Applicant A” or for ANTIFA-like political activism groups that advocate attacks. SSA has been forced to remove at least four officials from their SSA jobs and more are under investigation. Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Harry Reid and other Senators have the staff and power to manipulate any SSA, HUD, CMA, DOE and other agency decisions, files, results and benefits against any citizen they are pissed of at. All of those Senators own the stock market assets of all of the competitors to “Applicant A” and have the owners of those competing companies over to parties and home dinners on a regular basis.

Nearly a thousand public officials including White House, FBI (and other agency most senior officials) have been removed from their jobs for using the government for revenge, reprisal, retaliation actions against those they competed with. The published facts, Congressional reports, Inspector General investigations and testimony prove that government officials attack citizens on a regular basis.

In the event of “Applicant A”’s death an “insurance policy” of devastating encrypted files has been pre- distributed to certain reporter and legal groups.












PER:  http://www.the-truth-about-the-dept-of-energy.com



the 2008 and 2020 “stimulus funds” are quid pro quo scams to pay off political  insiders. We reported these crimes (with FBI-class evidence) to every law enforcement agency in writing ( FBI, DOJ, SEC, IG, FTC, OSC, FEC, etc.). apparently, citizens are ignored if the crimes involve politicians and their billionaires. the cover-ups are off-the-charts!these mobsters (Google, Tesla, Facebook, Linkedin, Netflix, In-q-tel, Kleiner Perkins, Greylock, etc; acting in a coordinated, collusion-based, operation) are paying billions of dollars of political bribes (…via cash, real estate, sex trafficking, pacs, search engine rigging, crony jobs, biased censoring, campaign funds, stock market manipulations, ukrainian money laundering, etc.) to delay justice and blockade our, and your, rights! There can be no question about the fact that Google, Facebook, Netflix, Tesla and the Silicon Valley Cartel control the Obama and Biden White House. For example: Elon Musk ordered the politicians who are his bitches to sabotage his competitors. He gave those political insiders: cash, stock in his cartel, revolving-door jobs, campaign funding, sex workers, off-shore money laundering, and other quid pro quo. Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, and the rest of the tech mob, all worked together on these crimes. The hacks and leaks of their documents prove it. Government agency bosses are covering up these crimes to protect their jobs and their corrupt stock market holdings. Musk and Goldman Sachs have gotten over FIFTEEN BILLION DOLLARS of free taxpayer cash and monopolized exclusives to pay for Musk’s drugs, sex parties and mansions. This is one of the largest violations of anti-trust laws in history. The politicians and agencies that are supposed to stop him are getting money from him. Musk exists entirely from quid pro quo bribes! Musk’s banks, including Deutsche Bank, have had to pay more than $100 million to settle charges related to violating anti-bribery laws and engaging in money laundering. While the Musk-controlled media bloviate on the god-like image of Musk, he and his buddies are just crooks and mobsters. It is now almost impossible for the public to reach any media source that is not controlled by the Silicon Valley Cartel via synchronized talking points. Politicians who say that their only motivation is to “save” the helpless billionaire Elon Musk and his unicorns: 1.) sabotage any companies who are not making Tesla’s, 2.) have sex with Tesla lobbyists and bankers, 3.) own the stock in Tesla Motors, 4.) are venture capital partners in Kleiner Perkins (ie: Gore) and Greylock capital insiders, 5.) trade revolving door jobs with the Elon Musk cartel, 6.) gave Musk over $15B of free taxpayer money, 7.) get campaign financing from Musk, 8.) order government agencies to freeze funding for Musk’s competitors, 9.) and engage in a vast number of other corruption and anti-trust crimes.

Politicians talk a big game about coming down on the Silicon Valley Cartel but they never really seem to move on their threats or declarations because they are receiving bribes FROM the Silicon Valley Cartel. The bribes come from covert money drops via covert political manipulation groups including: The Sixteen Thirty Fund, Tides Advocacy, Emerson Collective, American Bridge, Think Progress, New America Foundation, Future Forward, Priorities USA Action, Arabella Advisors, New Venture Fund, Windward Fund, Hopewell Fund, Democracy Alliance, MoveOn.org, People’s Action Power and nearly a thousand other groups who claim to be doing goodie-two-shoes smiley happy deeds but who use spy-tactic dirty tricks to manipulate stock markets. These kinds of dark money groups prey on naive citizens, using emotional trigger pitches to rig government money into the pockets of their bosses. If they can control the White House and most Senators, then they can steer trillions of dollars of government money into their own pockets!

It has been proven that Google does indeed pick and choose what search results come up at the top of every search in order to help Google’s friends and harm Google’s enemies. Google, Facebook, Netflix and Tesla covertly spend billions of dollars influencing Congress.
The monopoly of the Silicon Valley Cartel is distinct and different from somebody like the New York Times, for example, or any major media platform that does not have legal immunity because they are publishers. All other publishers do pick and choose what news stories they publish, what letters to the editor’s are printed, what kind of op-eds are put on their platform, and they make those decisions knowing they are legally liable. Google bribed the 230 law into existence as an exclusive law just for Google to get away with crimes.Via agreements to collude, the Silicon Valley Cartel platforms are acting as publishers as they are making editorial decisions while maintaining a legal immunity under section 230 which allows them to attack others without consequences. Google has parties and members of congress will go and pick up their checks. Facebook will have a big reception and Congress members go and say “hey, where’s my check?’”. That is outright bribery! READ THIS LINK: How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroys Competitors.pdf The reason no one is acting on big tech is that the companies are inviting our elected members of congress into their very deep pockets. This is a massive abuse of power on several levels and if our elected officials can’t resist the temptation of extra money in their pockets, then they need to be removed by recall elections, lawsuits and doxing….”



…they stole our lives – now we are taking their entire cartel down…without breaking a single law! Hndreds of public officials, at famous government agencies, and dozens of sociopath billionaires are profiteering in these crimes. they are blocking our requests for justice. they are running felony cover-ups to protect their sinister dark money scams. the public is sick and tired of their criminal corruption. attached to this site you will find millions of pages of evidence from federal investigators and top reporters proving each assertion herein. (ie: HTTP://WWW.THE-TRUTH-ABOUT-THE-DEPT-OF-ENERGY.COM )
These felony crimes affect every citizen in the nation. The public must demand new laws to make bribery via stock market securities and ‘revolving doors’ have a mandatory and severe prison sentence with no more loop-holes for politicians!  these tech oligarchs and dirty senators need to be arrested by the fbi and by citizen arrest! none of these scum-bags should ever be allowed to be “white house advisors” again! 98% of the politicians,  and their family members, that own stock, use it as payment for bribes, payola and corruption. how can you trust any politician whose family makes most of their money off of stocks they are making the laws for? forbid any politicians from owning stock! Each voter should sue each politician that engages in corruption! That will solve the problem!…”





Financial investigator Jim Mintz, GAO and FBI forensic analysts and hundreds of others have proven that Senators and White House bosses gave their friends Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and their other political financiers over $45 BILLION dollars of free taxpayer-funded cash. The politicians owned profits in those oligarch’s companies and put over $200M of dirty profits in their covert family bank accounts. Those politicians (ie; Feinstein, Harris, Reid, Pelosi, etc.) cut off our funds, benefits and human rights, and ran media attacks on us (we are the competitors of those oligarchs), to protect their corrupt profiteering scams. Their companies had crappier products, that killed or abused more Americans, that cost more, that avoided giving Americans jobs, that had racist and sex abusing cultures and that relied on payola and quid-pro-quo…they got the money because they paid bribes and for no other reason… ” Schmidt, Page, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc. each spend over $500M per election to manipulate elections! How much does the average citizen get to spend to steer election results? How much do you spend to rig elections? Is it right, or fair, that a crooked billionaire gets to buy elections with covert money while you, the public, languishes?

Every politician who was supposed to be helping us was an owner of our competitors, having sex with our competitors, running a Dark Money payola scam with our competitors and attacking us using taxpayer money. Their leaked emails and financial records prove it!

The victims were specifically and illegally excluded from participation in funding, benefits, jobs and income by major political figures, including U.S. Senators and White House executives who they knew, and those politician’s corrupt Silicon Valley oligarch financiers. The tech Cartel and politicians attacked the victims because they would not cooperate with the crooked: sex trafficking, tax evasion, off-shore money laundering, political bribery quid-pro-quo, revolving door payola scams, foreign nation-sponsored domestic manipulations, stock market rigging, internet censorship and search engine manipulation and other crimes. They attacked the victims because they reported the crimes to federal police. They attacked the victims because their products obsoleted the products the Senators owned the stock of (ie: Tesla, Google, Facebook, Netflix are covertly owned by California politicians). They attacked the victims using taxpayer-funded state resources. That is a felony violation of the law. The ongoing cover-up of these crimes and attacks is also a felony violation of the law. The victims their are owed damages compensation, witness fees and back-pay. Multiple Inspector General hearings, Congressional hearings and undercover videos have proven, beyond a doubt, that public officials order reprisal hit-jobs on citizens funding, SSA benefits, housing, permits, government applications and other things in order to harm them as political revenge for speaking out!

Federal investigators have proven (via records-tracking, financial data, surveillance, insider tips, leaks, etc.) that White House executives, government agency executives (SSA, LSC, DOE, USPTO, etc.) and California political bosses, including California U.S. Senators, owned interests in the victims competitors worth many billions of dollars. Any citizen can confirm these assertions via public records and the evidence in this report. The FBI has been arresting major political figures in this organized crime ring in San Francisco City Hall. Those government officials ordered, financed and executed whistle-blower reprisals and anti-trust violating attacks on the victims using state-sponsored, taxpayer-funded resources. Using government resources, they engaged in the illegal reprisal attacks on the victims. Those harms are listed in detail in the claim section of the filed Victim Demand entitled: “The Specific Attacks And Harms Undertaken Against Plaintiffs”.

Corrupt government officials manipulated SSA, HHS, DOE, USPTO, DOJ, and other agency, payments, funds, benefits and rights in order to harm and economically damage the victims. They produced and financed a massive media defamation campaign using their Paypal Mafia-based “Silicon Valley Cartel”. This ‘Cartel’: 1.) finances the political campaigns of the Senators and the other politicians that own stock in their Silicon Valley dirty tech companies, 2.) is the competitor of the victims, 3.) shared staff with the named politicians, 4.) is the nearly exclusive beneficiary of policy actions by those politicians, and 5.) has a massive number of conflict-of-interest relationships with each of the charged politicians. The victims reported the attackers crimes to the FBI, DOJ, IG and other officials and got attacked for reporting the crimes, for busting up the organized crime effort and for running companies whose product technologies obsoleted those of the tech Cartel. The victims are claiming their rights to their damages and fee compensation, but those same public figures have blocked them from an equitable jury trial to address the matter. The government has provided the attacker/political campaign financiers/competitors of the victims with tens of billions of dollars of free government cash yet the victims have gotten nothing but grief from the public officials who are supposed to help them because a criminal cover-up is in process. The politicians who got those “bad guys” that free taxpayer-provided money, own the stock of those criminal’s companies, are best friends with those oligarchs and are politically financed by those corrupt players. This organized crime cartel operates the most audacious and corrupt scheme in American political history.

No public official should hire, and seek to replicate, the entire crony corruption payola staff from the Obama Administration. Nobody who owns stock in, or has revolving door payola from, Silicon Valley tech weasels should EVER be allowed to work in our government. Those officials only made policy that put cash in their stock market accounts and were extremely corrupt; at the expense of every member of the public!

In addition to the above, agency bosses changed federal criteria from “first-to-apply/first-come-first-served” to “who-are-friends-are” in order to let their friends in line for funding ahead of everyone that applied first.

In order to manipulate the stock market and create a monopoly, Google/YouTube hyped Google insider Elon Musk and hid all of his competitors. Google/YouTube also accepted payments in order to run attack videos and character assassinations on his competitors, some of which were paid for by politicians who owned Google/Tesla stock. Those politicians got Musk and Larry Page government cash hand-outs! Google/Youtube manually manipulates servers to help friends and destroy competitors.




Part of the staff at the U.S. Department of Energy are political fan-girl zealots who will lie, stone-wall, cheat, shred, manipulate  and defraud in order to exploit their political cause and advance their careers. They will do anything to help their “girlfriends”: Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros and their brethren. They will do anything they can to harm the competitors of those insiders. Nothing that happens at the D.O.E. is not based in bribery and payola!

EVERY new Department of Energy staff has said: “We won’t do those bad things the last guys did”; but they have each been found to have lied! Jennifer must be ordered to pay the damages of the past victims and eliminate all of the programs that have been proven to have been corrupt.

Even if you spend years providing data for a Dept of Energy funding application, even though you get approved, at the last minute the White House will covertly whisper orders to cancel your funding because you compete with a financier of The President.

The lying sycophant scumbags at the Department of Energy are covering up these crimes because they own stock in, and get contracts and revolving door jobs from, Elon Musk, Google, et al. The Department of Energy is a deep, dark, smug abyss of crony payola, kick-backs, market monopolization, bribes and insider corruption beholden to the tech cartel. Google, Facebook and Silicon Valley are a private government that is more powerful than the U.S. Government. They use the U.S. Government as their bitch! These people put mobster-like ‘hit-jobs’ on the victims and operated state-sponsored attacks against them because they reported the crimes to law enforcement.

Don’t be a SUCKER and fall for the lies that the Department of Energy dishes up. The Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing and loan programs are insider controlled, quid pro quo, payola scams to pay off friends and campaign financiers. NO NON-POLITUCAL INSIDER HAS EVER GOTTEN MONEY FROM THE DEPT OF ENERGY! No Secretary of Energy in the last 20 years was not a political lackey. No non-insider has ever gotten the DOE funds. Every outsider who competed with an insider was sabotaged, stone-walled, lied to and shut down by the DOE stooges.

If you don’t believe that Silicon Valley is operated by an organized crime cartel of sociopath frat boys that are protected by famous Senators and public officials, who own their stock and get their campaign cash, then here is absolute proof of the crimes and the cover-ups that go all the way to the White House. We conducted an exhaustive, decades-long, investigation deep into the roots of modern political corruption and here is how it works and how to destroy it!

Have you noticed that all of the “stimulus” money always goes to the politicians friends and benefits their stock market accounts but almost none of the cash goes to the voting citizens? That is the kind of BS we are stopping here!

These tech kleptocrats have tried to hide all their dirty cash all over the world but distinct, AI computer-tracked patterns have emerged that have caught them! The moves and tricks they like to use each contain the seeds of their own destruction. We have been catching them at every stage and those patterns reveal how California politicians and dirty Google/Facebook/Tesla crooks hide their dirty money.

In all these corruption cases, these corrupt people took the same steps to conceal their assets. They each took the money in secret ways. The main ways are 1.) via Dark Money stealth political funds; 2.) bribes paid via insider trading ( notice that most of these crooks marry an investment banker to run their dirty schemes) and 3.) getting government contracts, loans and grants for their friends that they get kick-backs from. They then had their dirty law firms and CPA’s shove the money into their standardized covert financial structure to hide it. They use family members to run the operation. Their dirty family members and lawyer/CPA teams cover up their tracks. They then have intermediaries spend the money to get them islands, yachts, mansions, hookers, Tesla’s, etc.

They use Switzerland, The Ukraine, The Cayman Islands, Mexico, China, Cyprus, Russia and New Zealand as money laundering centers. They create a tsunami of offshore shell companies on islands and crazy places that few could find on a map. It is all a sham.

They keep moving the money around and buying sham real estate. These Senators and tech oligarchs will just lie and lie and lie because no major law enforcement agency ever has the will to arrest them. If public officials won’t do their jobs then the public must do it for them!


















and at:


and at:


and at:


and on a massive number of other auto-replicating mirrors.

There are millions of pages, and hours of video, of additional proof that have been given to the FBI, DOJ, SEC, FTC, FCC, OSC, IG and Congress. Ask the authorities to arrest the tech oligarchs and their crooked Senators TODAY!

We witnessed the bribes! We saw the corruption! We documented the organized criminal activities by famous politicians and tech oligarchs. We suffered from the reprisal and vendetta attacks. Now YOU can help end it all with the largest corruption exposure project in history!


MUSK – Bribes Frauds Safety Cover ups And Stock Manipulations – http://www.the-elon-musk-problem.com
TECH-THEFT – Silicon Valley Oligarchs Rig The USPTO – https://www.usinventor.org
MEET US – Top Investigators – http://www.ICIJ.org
SECURITY – How To Secure Your Devices From The Theiving Tech Oligarchs – http://privacytools.io
VC’S – The Mobsters Of Silicon Valley Tech – https://vcracket.weebly.com
FORENSICS – Checking The Banking Of The Corrupt  –   https://www.openthebooks.com
PRESS CLIPPINGS – News Coverage Of These Investigations – http://www.webco22.com/public/public
NEWS VIDEOS – TV News About The Investigations  – http://www.webco22.com/public/AAA_VIDEOS 
MORE EVIDENCE – Images From The Biggest Shockers – http://www.webco22.com/public/AAA_IMAGES 
CASE PHOTOS – Insider News Images – http://www.webco22.com/public/AAA_MORE_IMAGES
LATEST PHOTO EVIDENCE – Reader Submitted Case Photos – http://www.webco22.com/public/AAA_MORE_IMAGES_THREE
CASE 1  – A Key Case Example Of Political Corruption – http://testimony111.com
ATTACKERS – The Hired Hit-Job Assassins – https://gawker-media-attacks.weebly.com/
SAN FRANCISCO’S TECH MOBSTER NIGHTMARE – The Hell Of Living There – http://sanfrancisco.newsplus007.com
BIG TECH MANIPULATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA – http://www.webco22.com/public/social
WALL STREET   – The Most Rigged Game In The World   https://taibbi.substack.com/p/suck-it-wall-street
DIRTY DEEDS TECH REPORT Part 1: – The Evil Of Silicon Valley – https://webco22.com/public/THE_DIRTY_DEEDS_OF_SILICON_VALLEY.pdf


MUSKRAT – The World’s Biggest Scammer-  https://newsplus007.com/public/THE%20ELON%20MUSK%20SCAM.pdf
FREE DOCUMENTARY FILM ON THIS CASE –  https://newsplus007.com/public/OMERTA_Small.m4v
TECH SEX CRIMES CULT  – The Sick Cult In Silicon Valley –  http://lifebooks.net/TECH_OLIGARCH_AND_SENATOR_SEX_CULT.html
AFGHANISCAM – The Rare Earth Mining Corruption – http://lifebooks.net/6_trillion.png

STIMULUS – The Scams In The Stimulus Funds –  http://lifebooks.net/The_Dirty_Core_Of_The_Corrupt_Stimulus Cash.htmlTECH CENSORING  – The Coordinated Manipulations Of Big Tech = http://evidencevideos.com/The_Sick_Dystopian_Reality_of_Silicon_Valley_Big_Tech.html

CORRUPTION FILM  – A Documentary Of Quid Pro Quo –  https://rumble.com/vafiyj-omerta-the-anti-corruption-film.html
ENERGY SCAM – Using Taxpayer Cash For Payola –  http://focus-book.com/PUBLIC_REPORTS/FINAL_DOE_Loan_Guarantees_Report.pdf
KILLING CORRUPTION – The Tactics To End Corruption – https://webco22.com/public/THE%20CORRUPTION%20DISRUPTION%20MANUAL%202.3.pdf
RIGGING STOCKS – How One Company Cooks The Books And The Truth   https://american-corruption.com/public/MUSK_CRIMES
HOW TO RIG A NATIONAL ELECTION – The Psychological Manipulation Tools – http://corruption-fighter.com/The_Secret_History_of_the_Shadow_Campaign.html



“Government staff and contractors have told us: “just sue us”. This was their response to trying to resolve this issue.

That response, by government officials, is a felony violation of Constitutional law, human rights law, State and Federal public policy directives, the expectations of the national citizenry and the principles of Democracy.

The government response is, thus legally “non-responsive” and a threat to every voter and citizen.

Our previously filed demand, attached hereto as a PDF document under the title: “VICTIM DEMAND Jan 12 2020.pdf” proves that no care or attention was paid to Plaintiffs previously filed complaint by your office except to operate a cover-up campaign. Any cover-up campaign of this felony organized crime matter subjects each, and every, government employee and contractor involved in said cover-up to felony arrest and prosecution.

You have blocked Plaintiffs from getting a lawyer or getting any legal help. That is a felony violation of the law and an abhorrent violation of U.S. and State Constitutional and human rights.

The current tactics being used to prevent Plaintiffs from their legal rights include:

A. Plaintiffs have been “black-listed”. Even though the law in California (Cal. Lab. Code § § 1050 to 1053) says that an entity can’t prevent or attempt to prevent former workers from getting work or representation through misrepresentation, knowingly permitting or failing to take reasonable steps to prevent blacklisting, or make a statement about why an employee was discharged or left employment, implying something other than what is explicitly said, or providing information that was not requested: It is done every day in Silicon Valley. The “Silicon Valley No Poaching Black-List” class-action lawsuit was about this issue. Federal FAR Section 9.104-1 (d), and related laws, apply. Blacklisting is a key part of the IC Vendetta Cycle attacks. The victims also suffered damage to their rights under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) (29 USC Sec. 621, et seq.); the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USC Sec. 12181, et seq.); the Civil Rights Acts – (42 USC Sec. 2000, et seq.); the Davis-Bacon Act (40 USC Sec. 276a, et seq.); the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) (29 USC Sec. 1001, et seq.); the Equal Pay Act (29 USC Sec. 206[d]) and other violations.

B. Each and every law firm capable of handling Plaintiffs case has been contracted, paid and/or influenced so that they are “conflicted out” from representing Plaintiffs. Law firm Mofo was threatened if they helped Plaintiffs. Lawyer Amy Anderson was threatened and lost her license for attempting to help Plaintiffs. Every lawyer or law firm who attempts to help Plaintiffs is hired by Defendants, or their agents and threatened or compromised in order to prevent them from helping Plaintiffs because this case affects trillions of dollars of energy industry profits, the White House, billionaire oligarchs and multi millionaire corrupt Senators. In fact, this issue lies at the root of this entire corruption case. Sociopath over-moneyed Silicon Valley oligarchs have hire Morrison Foerster, Wilson Sonsini, Perkins Coie, Covington Burling and every other major law firm and lobbyist and told them to “kill everyone and destroy everything that I don’t like…”. These law firms (controlled by Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Steve Westly, Vinod Khosla, Laurene Powell Jobs, Nancy Pelosi, etc. All of whom have nearly a trillion dollars of funds at their disposal) have carte blanche and unlimited payments to run coups, character assassination campaigns, money laundering and other crimes for the oligarchs. They have the staffing to do these things and zero incentive to not do crimes. These law firms are the dirty deeds teams for the mobster-like suspects and there is no law enforcement body with the will nor resources to stop them. It is a violation of the U.S. Constitution to tell Plaintiffs to “go get a law firm” when EVERY possible, equitable, law firm works for, and is massively compensated by, the criminals that need to be sued. Both the politicians AND the tech oligarchs charged with these crimes have hired the very law firms that government agencies have told Plaintiffs to go out and hire.

C. There is a precedent that was set in the US Supreme Court case: Gideon v. Wainwright, (1963) that clarifies that you have a right to a lawyer even if you don’t have money for one. The Sixth Amendment, as applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause gives one their Due Process rights. One needs to kill someone, though, to most easily get your free lawyer, since the court-appointed lawyer is rarely ever appointed, on citizens behalf, in a case like this. Even if a defendant is represented by an attorney of his or her choosing, he or she may be entitled to relief on appeal if the attorney did not provide adequate representation. A defendant must demonstrate that the attorney’s performance “fell below an objective standard of reasonableness” and that this was prejudicial to the case. See: Strickland v. Washington ( https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/466/668/case.html ) , 466 U.S. 668, 688-92 (1984). A few “free lawyers”, that victims had tried, turned out to be working for the opposition side.

D. The federal organization: https://www.lsc.gov is required to help but has refused because it’s administrators were friends with, and appointed by, the public officials charged with corruption in this case.

E. Plaintiffs have personally asked the Attorney General, The Director of the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office for representation but they have been told not to respond because the case is politically embarrassing to major public officials and their corrupt Silicon Valley financiers.

F. The government agencies who have told Plaintiffs that Plaintiffs should “hire a law firm and sue them”, in order to resolve this matter, are the same government agencies that have cut-off, or blockaded Plaintiffs income sources in order to prevent Plaintiffs from being able to afford to hire a law firm to sue them.

G. A federal agency provided Plaintiffs with a list of “free lawyers”. Upon FBI-level investigation of every “free lawyer” on the list, (via their financial contributions, voting records, leaked emails, social media postings, event attendance, public records, social connections lists online and other surveillance data) they all worked for, or with the opposition interests and could not have possibly provided unbiased services. In fact, multiple lawyers have contacted Plaintiffs who turned out to be working for the opposition. They were sent in to delay, or redirect, Plaintiffs in order to keep the cases from being filed or properly prosecuted in order to protect the suspects. This is a common infiltration procedure widely documented in CIA, British secret service, Russian FSB and Snowden leaks documents on IC dirty tricks tactics.

The government is, at the same time, telling us to sue the government, yet blockading us from getting a lawyer per our Constitutional rights.

Agency staff were ordered to harm Applicants by manipulating their benefits in order to deny, delay, obfuscate and reduce their income as reprisal for their assistance to law enforcement in a political corruption and money laundering matter. Agency staff, ranging from the lowest level staff and up to the director headquarters offices, participated in this reprisal-vendetta-revenge action to harm Applicants.

Applicant’s peers have filed DOJ and FBI criminal referrals, launched federal investigations and the assertions have been proven in numerous IG, FBI, Congressional and major news media investigations. Agency offices have failed to provide responsive FOIA requested data, hearing investigation data and fair responses because some of their staff are STILL operating a criminal cover-up which has now been update-reported to the FBI, Congress, the IG, the AG and investigative reporters.

Other federal agencies have complied, verified and provided the requested deliverables. SSA and DOE have pointed the searchlight of suspicion on themselves, laser-like, by their overt failure to comply, unlike every other agency. Ironically, the political financing of their executives and their personal relationships “happens” to be with the exact same Silicon Valley oligarchs under felony criminal investigations. The stock market brokerage records, family trust accounts, PAC trace-routing, Interpol records and SEC investigation records proves it!

Unfortunately for the crooked agency staff, some Applicants have the authority, law enforcement credentials and training to arrest any person at their home or office and remand them to the FBI, DOJ or Sheriff. For example: Every “unsigned” SSA email is tracked to the individual author by their IP address, device IMEI, web camera, building key card, door camera, parking lot use chart, building camera, vehicle tracking circuits, text dba records, keyboard UI/UX patterns, motherboard ID #, DNS routing, stingray read-outs and a vast number of other metrics. Applicant investigation peers know the exact person that wrote every SSA email or document or file request. There is no such thing as an anonymous SSA email. Transparency is the Applicants middle name. The FBI and CIA people that SSA and DOE insiders think are their “buddies” may actually be the APPLICANTS buddies!

You will either give the Applicant his money and damages compensation, or suffer the consequences of the rapid acceleration of one of the largest investigations in modern history, supported by millions of voters with a shared peer-to-peer forensics social media network, the FBI and Congress. With the push of a single button, our latest info can be in the inbox of every blogger and independent investigative journalist in the world, in minutes.

History has proven that non-corrupt portions of federal agencies and public service law and community action firms have executed on their willingness to expend millions of dollars of resources to fight this injustice. Every individual involved in this at SSA and DOE are on a forensic database. No person at SSA or DOE who uses our government as a garage sale for corruption favors or a kill mill for political reprisals will avoid the 100% legally executed consequences. They will be targeted and prosecuted even more profoundly than the Applicants were targeted with IC-type hit jobs.

This felony criminal investigation case, is documented on thousands of websites and in dozens of federal court case records in which Applicant won the case or was vindicated in the case and in thousands of news websites.

Applicants researchers and investigators disagree with any decision by any agency which causes a delay in response which puts the applicants in jeopardy for their life and safety.

Testifying, and/or reporting about this crime has resulted in the death, potentially by murder, of the following individuals who reported to the authorities about this crime matter:

Rajeev Motwani; Gary D. Conley; Seth Rich; Philip Haney; David Bird; Doug Bourn; Misti Epstein; Joshua Brown; Kenneth Bellando; Moritz Erhardt; Imran Aliev; Kate Matrosova; David Drye; Vincent Foster; Kathy Ferguson; Duane Garrett; Eric S. Fox; Judi Gibbs; Berta Caceres; Suzanne Coleman; L.J. Davis; John Hillyer; Stanley Huggins; Sandy Hume; Shawn Lucas; Gary Johnson; John Jones; John F. Kennedy, Jr.; Stephen Ivens; Mary ‘Caity’ Mahoney; Eric Butera; Danny Casolara; John Ashe; Tony Moser; Larry Nichols; Joseph Rago; Ron Brown; Bob Simon; Don Adams; Peter Smith; Victor Thorn; Lori Klausutis; Gareth Williams; Daphne Caruana Galizia; James D Johnston; Dave Goldberg; Loretta Fuddy; Paul Wilcher; Gary Webb; Beranton J. Whisenant Jr; Stanley Meyer; Jon Parnell Walker; Tyler Drumheller; Barnaby Jack; Dominic Di-Natale; Barbara Wise; Ilya Zhitomirskiy; Jeff Joe Black; Robin Copeland; John Wheeler; Ashley Turton; Michael Hastings; Antonin Scalia; David Koschman; David Werner; Alex Okrent; Kam Kuwata; Larry Frankel; And hundreds more connected to this case who suddenly, and strangely, turned up dead in this case and, ironically, their deaths all benefit the suspects in this case. Applicants are also whistle-blowers who have been previously attacked in reprisal and who have been threatened with continued harm and death.

Any delay, obfuscation, cover-up, FOIA refusal or other obscuring tactic by each and every member of an agency employee or contracting entity will be prosecuted on a person-by-person basis. Each employee or official who causes, by their action, further harm to the Applicants will be sued personally, have their assets garnished and will have a formal criminal referral authored and submitted to the FBI, DOJ, FTC, Congress and the news media. Applicants have sued the highest level personnel in the government for corruption, launched FBI and Congressional investigations against them and had them removed from their jobs and placed under permanent surveillance. The court and news records prove this fact. Do not imagine that any reprisal action by a public agency staffer will go unnoticed or unpunished by federal law enforcement, public forensics and major independent news media investigations.

The suggestion, by certain agency bosses, that one should “just file an IG report” is like telling someone to file a complaint against Hitler at the suggestion box at Nazi SS headquarters. You won’t make it through the night! IG reports seem to accomplish nothing more than painting a target on your own back. Court records and news headlines prove that almost every citizen who reported similar political corruption through “official channels” was targeted with hit-jobs and economic blockades….ask Snowden!

Pay the Plaintiffs their damages compensation, whistle-blower fees, back-fees and offset monies NOW! Millions of citizens, around the globe, have all of the same evidence you now have and each day of delay only hurts YOUR agencies position in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of the voting population of the nation!”



We are fighting the battle to save the internet and now you are part of it!

( ie: http://silicon-valley-mobsters.com)

(Please share this with your peers and friends and post it on your social media)

What would you do if you found out that your politicians (ie: Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Kamala Harris) had put over one hundred million dollars in their covert family bank accounts which they got from sabotaging your business, because it competed with them, and from blockading your money because their tech oligarch insiders told them to? Our forensic investigators can ‘swear, warrant and certify’ that the politicians did the asserted crimes and corruption.

Like a social Terminex(c) pest control service, we are eliminating every single tech asshole in Silicon Valley (like the roaches that they are) using 100% legal, law enforcement approved, resources.

You are probably asking: “How Did Palo Alto, California Became Populated Entirely By Assholes”?


A glut of recent feature films ( ie: The feature film: Assholes: A Theory ) have excoriated the likes of Sand Hill Road and University Avenue scumbags…but pointing them out is not enough. They must be exterminated. You can verify the following facts, yourself, via court records, police records, FBI reports, FOIA and Congressional records.

As U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) famously opined on the TV show “Justified”, “You run into an asshole in the morning, you run into an asshole at lunch. You run into assholes all day”; America on the precipice of the fallout of a monumental presidential election, it seems that assholes are not only everywhere you turn—in newspapers, on cable TV, at political rallies and protests, and all over social media—but that they, and their behavior, has been normalized because they own the media. Silicon Valley has a tsunami of “assholery” underway. This reality is covered in the philosophy of professor Aaron James’ non-fiction book and new documentary aimed at both 1.) precisely defining the term “asshole,” and 2.) investigating how those who fit that bill have increasingly come to dominate key spheres of modern public life.

Stanford University graduates are inspired by the likes of corrupt Elon Musk and corrupt Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi—the forerunner of the media-manipulating populist-criminal-strongman trend that’s recently swept through Western nations—or passages discussing Facebook, Twitter and Google’s prioritization of profit over their responsibility to safeguard democracy from hate speech and disinformation. Stanford and Yale have proven to be the key training grounds for beginner assholes. Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Reid Hoffman, John Doerr, Vinod Khosla and Mark Zuckerberg are the embodiment of this problem. They flout all of the rules and standards of common decency. They have made it appear acceptable, and in fact rewarding, to act in the worst possible manner as a means of achieving one’s selfish ends. Their Silicon Valley is the pit of American assholery. You can spot an asshole, easily, when they are driving the official car of assholes: A Tesla, but what about the ones that are more under-cover?

Most people that have been tech raped by a Palo Alto Sandhill Road scumbag feel the same way as Mr. Sun, who says: ” Silicon Valley Oligarchs must be punished. Without breaking a single law and WITH the help of the largest law enforcement and investigative resources on the planet, my task force has killed off every single motherfucker that has come after me with their anti-trust violating schemes, including some of the largest entities in the world! My peers and I use lawsuits, federal investigations, news reports, whistle-blowers, new public regulations, anti-trust filings, tens of millions of crowd-sourced voters and unique AI-based forensics. Our private investigators have found my every person and organization on the globe that hates the oligarchs. We gathered them together and aimed them all at the tech assholes! My rule is that Anyone who attacks me stays on the shit list for the rest of their lives plus the next 100+ years of internet time. When you Zuckerbergs, Larry Page;’s Elon Musk’s, John Doerr’s, Reid Hoffman’s, etc., come for me, prepare to suffer. Every stock you buy is a notice to my team to bankrupt the company that you invested in. Even if I am dead, your punishment will be carried out by a legacy team of public volunteers. It may happen to you tomorrow or it may be a slow-drip over the next 15 years. Never stop looking over your shoulder. If you decided to cheat against our businesses rather than fairly compete against us, then start carving your tombstone. If you hired media attackers, expect 100 times what you did to us to come back at you and your family forever! We are fine with “forgive-and-forget”, except when it comes to criminal bullies: They are terminated!

He has pledged millions of dollars, from his family trust, to the effort. His AI database lists every investor, VC and executive in Silicon Valley, their family data and their “asshole ranking”. Most of the people attacked and ripped off by the tech oligarchs feel the same way. None of the victims have the monopolized control of the big tech law firms like the tech oligarchs do. None of the victims can afford to have an army of crooked law firms (ie: Mofo, Covington & Burling, Perkins Coie, Wilson Sonsini, etc.) working around the clock to enable financial crimes, corruption and Democracy abuses.

To grasp the argument that these people are assholes, one need only listen to the Silicon Valley Assholes’s basic description. As many state, “The asshole is the guy who allows himself special advantages in Bay Area cooperative life out of an entrenched sense of entitlement that immunizes him against the complaints of other people.” In other words, he’s the individual—generally male, although as John Cleese candidly admits, his mother probably was one too—who thinks the general rules don’t apply to them because they’re somehow smarter, better, or more special than their fellow citizens. James’ example is a surfer who violates the right-of-way customs in the ocean. Yet the type is universal, whether in line at the grocery store, on the road in traffic, or at work. They’re the arrogant creeps convinced they’re fundamentally superior, and thus free to conduct themselves in whatever way they see fit. That IS the essence of scumbag megalomaniacs: Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Reid Hoffman, John Doerr, Vinod Khosla and Mark Zuckerberg!!!

The way “they see fit”, of course, is often hateful, perverse and idiotic.  The Assholes thrive in a bubble of trophy wives, rent boys and superficial TED conferences. In the midst of ongoing protests and debate over America’s own domestic culture, which has long had a tradition of closing ranks and demonizing critics, every Silicon Valley employee ordeal sounds eerily familiar among every worker at Google and Facebook.

Such attitudes, according to the Silicon Valley Assholes are created by Stanford University Fraternities which are breeding grounds for horrid group-think mindsets about women and sex. The tech financial sector encourages greed, ruthlessness, and vulgarity as the best way to get ahead. Google executives champion initiation-ritual abuse in service of its own greater good. You can see the movies: Animal House, The Wolf of Wall Street and Full Metal Jacket to see the underscore of the notion that these milieus are all rife with a similar brand of assholery in which arrogance and entitlement justify all manner of despicable ideas and deeds. Every major rape fraternity in the USA eventually sent those abusive boys to run Sandhill Road venture capital companies and Google or Facebook departments.

Every executive at Google knows that they are doing crimes, lying to Congress and the public and operating the biggest scam in history. That is why they will come up with any lie, re-interpretation of the facts or denial to hide the truth!

Any Presidential Administration that puts sociopath, Epstein-like Eric Schmidt, Larry Page or ANY Google executive IN their Administration is either proving their tone-deaf lack of awareness of the facts or that their President is such a bitch to Google’s campaign cash that they could not possibly be trusted by any world leader or any citizen. ( See: https://therevolvingdoorproject.org/letter-to-oppose-eric-schmidt/ ) ( https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2013/07/eric-schimdt-penthouse-new-york-photos-apartment.html )

The Silicon Valley Assholes Process proves that real Silicon Valley VC and tech assholes probably don’t know they are one; central to this condition is the certainty that all bad behavior is actually OK.

This is detectable in the media posts of workers from Greylock, Kleiner, Andressen and other tech asshole firms. Many of the tech interns freely admit that that they only pay attention to other social media users if there’s a personal benefit to connecting with them. That type of me-first worldview is crucial to Palo Alto Sandhill Road’s conception of twisted reality. Asshole-rich Silicon Valley America (where “exceptionalism” is ingrained from an early age) lives in contrast to asshole-light Canada (where folks tend to be more agreeable and accommodating)(Justin, though, is a novel kind of asshole).

The most compelling—and enraging—realities concerns Silicon Valley, where Mark Zuckerberg and like-minded CEOs have bred a culture of trampling on competitors, laws, historical norms, and the bedrock tenets of democracy in pursuit of additional eyeballs, clicks, and revenue streams. In a place where young men team up in a desperate quest to develop the innovative next big thing that’ll turn them into tech moguls (“bro-gramming”), nothing matters but the self-centered end goal. And though Facebook, Twitter, Google, Kleiner Perkins, Greylock and their ilk could alter this landscape by simply cracking down on the horridness that permeates their platforms, they choose not to because of the negative financial consequences and their lust for hookers, private jets and cocaine.

To travel through Silicon Valley is to take a gravely depressing survey of a 21st century in thrall—in several crucial arenas—to humanity’s worst impulses.

So what is being done about this crisis of society?

We have hired the best investigators who used to work with the FBI, CIA, FTC, DOJ, SEC, GAO, IG and Interpol.

We have also been teaching every voter in the world how to be a top notch criminal investigator and how to use digital forensic AI tools to “follow-the-money” and bust these crooks. Imagine the entire resources of Palantir, XKEYSCORE, Splunk, Axciom, Fusion GPS and Taleo aimed at people like Zuckerberg, Hoffman, Musk and Schmidt. They will never survive it!

Every single asshole in Silicon Valley can expect to have accurate, highly professional, criminal charges and referrals filed against them with every federal law enforcement and regulatory agency. Those reports are being BCC’d to the news media and the public.

When you see reports like these, you can clearly see that: Every Tech CEO And Investor In Silicon Valley Is A Predatory, Parasitic, Sex Trafficking, Misogynist, Money Laundering, Politician Bribing, Exclusionary, Black-Listing Criminal:

– Kleiner Perkins Insider Spills The Dirt On Outright Criminal Culture In Palo Alto

A viral thread has busted the MYTH about “Famous Billionaires Starting Out “Poor”. Jonas Grinevičius and Justinas Keturka have revealed that we all love stories about scrappy underdogs who overcome the odds and make it big through relentless hard work, unwavering grit, and sheer force of will. However, the stories about how some of the richest and most powerful people made their millions (and billions) are too romanticized and gloss over some very important details.That’s the point that Aidan Smith made in a viral Twitter thread where he explained how Jeff Bezos and others had a huge leg-up when it came to helping lay the foundations of their business empires. Namely—having families with lots of money. Google used taxpayer funds to start its monopoly per  https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/how-the-cia-made-google-e836451a959e   and   https://qz.com/1145669/googles-true-origin-partly-lies-in-cia-and-nsa-research-grants-for-mass-surveillance/  Not only does Google not pay tens of billions of dollars of its taxes to sponsor firemen and teachers but Google used public resources to start its company! Billions of dollars of citizen funds were used by Google to create it’s evil empire. Google gets away with this crap because it bribes major U.S. politicians from California!

Aidan told Bored Panda that the US isn’t the only country where a lot of people believe myths about businessmen while the truth is a Google search away. “It’s far from a U.S.-exclusive phenomenon, but in America, it’s easier for most people to imagine becoming a billionaire themselves than it is to imagine an economic order in which a handful of people own half the world’s wealth. Social mobility from working-class to middle-class is increasingly out of reach and the illusion that one can conceivably amass a net worth of over a billion dollars is a comforting fantasy for many people.”

The indisputable facts are the assertions that the Silicon Valley oligarchs:

1. Control business and politics like a crime Cartel

2. Are a white male fraternity who attack outsiders in organized manners

3. Come from dynastic families that systematically ran them through Stanford, Harvard and Yale sociopath-in-training men’s clubs

4. Were socially trained and programmed to operate in a closed, tribal, exclusionary manner

5. Operated the “Angelgate” collusion scandal and most every other financial crime in America.

6. Operated the “Silicon Valley High Tech Employee Collusion” for which they were sued in a famous class-action case

7. Controlled the White House and traded most of the key staff with the Administration.

8. Have been sued, indicted and charged in divorce proceedings with an unusually massive amount of sex trafficking matters

9. Use the same 10 law-firms who have been charged with public policy manipulation

10. Control internet news, media and information

11. “Own” certain U.S. Senators by virtue of direct bribe payments and securities/stock payola payments

12. Use a variety of tools like GUST, Private Google Docs sites, covert Facebook pages and similar, to secret conspire and plan collusion and organized monopolistic practices

13. Have their venture capitalists spy on entrepreneurs and copy their technology to be deployed by Google, or Facebook under a new name

14. Are a Mafia-like criminal organization.

Who are some of the biggest, elitist, self-aggrandizing, entitled, tone-deaf assholes in Silicon Valley?

The Tech Crunch Silicon Valley database-of-assholes provides that answer. They include: David Krane, Brian Bendett, Brendan Bulik-Sullivan, Terri Burns, Blake Byers, Tim Draper, Steve Jurvetson, Elon Musk, Steve Westly, Steve Spinner, Tyson Clark, Frederique Dame, Tom Perkins, Scott Davis, Reid Hoffman, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Jared Cohen, David Drummond, Karim Faris, Tom Hulme, Joe Kraus, John Lyman, Vinod Khosla, Laura Melahn, Dave Munichiello, Erik Nordlander, Anthony Philippakis, Sridhar Ramaswamy, David Reshef, Ben Robbins, Issi Rozen, David Schenkein, Vidu Shanmugarajah, M.G. Siegler, Graham Spencer, Bethany Tsui, Jessica Verrilli, Andy Wheeler, Krishna Yeshwant, Asheem Chandna, Jerry Chen, Mike Duboe, Sarah Guo, Christine Kim, Josh McFarland, Saam Motamedi, Sridhar Ramaswamy, Corinne Riley, Jason Risch, Seth Rosenberg, David Sze, David Thacker, David Wadhwani, Manuel Bernal, Allie Dalglish, Don Sullivan, Yasmin Green, Kent Walker, Matt Rogers, Steven Chu, David Plouffe, Sergy Brin, Andy Rubin, Ian Fette, Travis Kalanick, Elizabeth Holmes, Dustin Moskovitz, Laurene Powell Jobs, Andy Bechtolsheim, Brian Goncher, Cheryl Sandberg, Gilman Louie, Ira Ehrenpreis, Tim Cook, James Breyer, Joe Lonsdale, Keith Rabois, Marc Andreesen, George Soros, Mario Rosatti, Martin LaGod, Michael Moritz, Viktor Vekselberg, Larry Summers, Pierre Omidyar, Tom Steyer, RoseAnn Rotando, Larry Birenbaum, Judy Estrin, Steven Goldby, Terry Kramer, Helen Raiser, John Scully, Sandi Thompson, Ann Wojcicki and their ilk…

You can see that most of them have the same facial deformities that make them all look like yuppie frat or sorority clones with Moonie/Scientology dead eyes and fake smiles that broadcast their blind zealotry and sports bar fakery to the world. Every email, phone call, text, condo, office and brothel that these people use should be bugged by the FBI. These scammers built an insider-trading bubble of TED conferences and tech parties in which they mutually promote their Elizabeth Holmesian fantasies of holier-than-thou idiocracy. Emily Chang’s book: “Brotopia” covers these scum-bags in great length.

The Silicon Valley cartel propagandizes climate issues because they own all the companies that will get government cash for climate issues. Are climate issues a bigger deal than: CANCER, SEX TRAFFICKING, POOR EDUCATION SYSTEMS, POLICE BRUTALITY, RACISM, HOUSING PRICES, PANDEMICS, MEDICAL COVERAGES, WARS, DRUG TRAFFICKING, CARTELS, STD’S, MONOPOLIES, POLITICAL BRIBERY, THE SPACE RACE, TOXIC FOODS, SEX ABUSE AT WORK, AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER ISSUES…????. The Silicon Valley Cartel says “It Is”, but that is only because they own all of the companies that will get free government cash to “fix” climate issues. They do not care one tiny bit about the climate. They care about CASH!

As a Hoover Fellow puts it: “…Elite arrogant asshole dynasties send their kids to Stanford University. Stanford puts the kids in asshole frat houses to train them to get away with rape and run monopolies. When they graduate they either go up the hill to Sandhill Road and start a venture capital clone operation or they get their frat friends on Sandhill Road to racketeer-fund their start-up or political campaign using money scammed from your parents pension funds. They only work with their frat buddies and insiders in a tribal ‘old boys club’ manner.They steal all the technology and markets they want because they control all of the tech lawyers and politicians via bribes and revolving doors. Most of the money in Stanford University bank accounts is from Foreign and Hollywood oligarchs delivered as bribes meant to get their snot-nosed brats into Stanford. Stanford bosses keep all of this covered-up and covertly fund political campaigns to grease the wheels of political corruption. They then sexually extort some Standford interns in Rosewood Hotel rooms, get the most ‘trophy wife’ ones pregnant, and start the cycle all over again. Alas, Stanford is the training ground for abuse, corruption and ‘Bro-Crime”…”

Everyone asks: ” How Does Elon Musk Maintain His Corrupt Empire Of Lies Without Getting Shut Down By The Government?”

Elon Musk has spent more money creating fake fame for his narcissist personality disorder than any other person in history! Musk is obsessed with buying troll farm outputs, Chinese click-bait processing service orders, fake Facebook likes, fake Twitter follows, Reddit self-glory lie-blogger services and PR hype media articles about himself. Musk can’t stand to go a single day without trying to make people think he is a god-like deity when he is just a scamming tech mobster!

Elon Musk runs a RICO-violating, stock market-manipulating, anti-trust-violating organized crime cartel! He is the high tech Godfather of financial crime and he is many times more “untouchable” than Al Capone! Public officials should be embarrassed to death that Musk waltzes around with such impunity. Musk maintains his immunity with BRIBES to Congress, bribes to the DOT, bribes to the NHTSA, and other political agencies. He acts as a conduit to pass free government cash he scams from politicians through his organization and back out, covertly, to those same politicians like Harris, Pelosi, Feinstein, et al.


Elon Musk,  and the Silicon Valley Cartel, have over 1000 people at Goldman Sachs that are dedicated to keeping this corrupt empire operating on smoke and mirrors in order to hype up the stock via dirty tricks such as these:

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Pools”

Agreements, often written, among a group of traders to delegate authority to a single manager to trade in a specific stock for a specific period of time and then to share in the resulting profits or losses.”[5] In Australia section 1041B prohibits pooling. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_manipulation#cite_note-5 )

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Churning”

When a trader places both buy and sell orders at about the same price. The increase in activity is intended to attract additional investors, and increase the price.

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Stock bashing”

This scheme is usually orchestrated by savvy online message board posters (a.k.a. “Bashers”) who make up false and/or misleading information about the target company in an attempt to get shares for a cheaper price. This activity, in most cases, is conducted by posting libelous posts on multiple public forums. The perpetrators sometimes work directly for unscrupulous Investor Relations firms who have convertible notes that convert for more shares the lower the bid or ask price is; thus the lower these Bashers can drive a stock price down by trying to convince shareholders they have bought a worthless security, the more shares the Investor Relations firm receives as compensation. Immediately after the stock conversion is complete and shares are issued to the Investor Relations firm, consultant, attorney or similar party, the basher/s then become friends of the company and move quickly to ensure they profit on a classic Pump & Dump scheme to liquidate their ill-gotten shares. (see P&D)

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Pump and dump”

A pump and dump scheme is generally part of a more complex grand plan of market manipulation on the targeted security. The Perpetrators (Usually stock promoters) convince company affiliates and large position non-affiliates to release shares into a free trading status as “Payment” for services for promoting the security. Instead of putting out legitimate information about a company the promoter sends out bogus e-mails (the “Pump”) to millions of unsophisticated investors (Sometimes called “Retail Investors”) in an attempt to drive the price of the stock and volume to higher points. After they accomplish both, the promoter sells their shares (the “Dump”) and the stock price falls, taking all the duped investors’ money with it.

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Runs”

When a group of traders create activity or rumours in order to drive the price of a security up. An example is the Guinness share-trading fraud of the 1980s. In the US, this activity is usually referred to as painting the tape.[6] Runs may also occur when trader(s) are attempting to drive the price of a certain share down, although this is rare. (see Stock Bashing) ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinness_share-trading_fraud )

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Ramping (the market)”

Actions designed to artificially raise the market price of listed securities and give the impression of voluminous trading in order to make a quick profit.[7] ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_manipulation#cite_note-7 )

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Wash trade”

In a wash trade the manipulator sells and repurchases the same or substantially the same security for the purpose of generating activity and increasing the price.

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Bear raid”

In a bear raid there is an attempt to push the price of a stock down by heavy selling or short selling.[8] ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_manipulation#cite_note-8 )

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Lure and Squeeze”

This works with a company that is very distressed on paper, with impossibly high debt, consistently high annual losses but very few assets, making it look as if bankruptcy must be imminent. The stock price gradually falls as people new to the stock short it on the basis of the poor outlook for the company, until the number of shorted shares greatly exceeds the total number of shares that are not held by those aware of the lure and squeeze scheme (call them “people in the know”). In the meantime, people in the know increasingly purchase the stock as it drops to lower and lower prices. When the short interest has reached a maximum, the company announces it has made a deal with its creditors to settle its loans in exchange for shares of stock (or some similar kind of arrangement that leverages the stock price to benefit the company), knowing that those who have short positions will be squeezed as the price of the stock sky-rockets. Near its peak price, people in the know start to sell, and the price gradually falls back down again for the cycle to repeat.

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Quote stuffing”

Quote stuffing is made possible by high-frequency trading programs that can execute market actions with incredible speed. However, high-frequency trading in and of itself is not illegal. The tactic involves using specialized, high-bandwidth hardware to quickly enter and withdraw large quantities of orders in an attempt to flood the market, thereby gaining an advantage over slower market participants.[9] ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_manipulation#cite_note-9 )

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Cross-Product Manipulation”

A type of manipulation possible when financial instruments are settled based on benchmarks set by the trading of physical commodities, for example in United States Natural Gas Markets. The manipulator takes a large long (short) financial position that will benefit from the benchmark settling at a higher (lower) price, then trades in the physical commodity markets at such a large volume as to influence the benchmark price in the direction that will benefit their financial position.

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Spoofing (finance)”

Spoofing is a disruptive algorithmic trading entity employed by traders to outpace other market participants and to manipulate commodity markets. Spoofers feign interest in trading futures, stocks and other products in financial markets creating an illusion of exchange pessimism in the futures market when many offers are being cancelled or withdrawn, or false optimism or demand when many offers are being placed in bad faith. Spoofers bid or offer with intent to cancel before the orders are filled. The flurry of activity around the buy or sell orders is intended to attract other high-frequency traders (HFT) to induce a particular market reaction such as manipulating the market price of a security. Spoofing can be a factor in the rise and fall of the price of shares and can be very profitable to the spoofer who can time buying and selling based on this manipulation.

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Price-Fixing”

A very simple type of fraud where the principles who publish a price or indicator conspire to set it falsely and benefit their own interests. The Libor scandal for example, involved bankers setting the Libor rate to benefit their trader’s portfolios or to make certain entities appear more creditworthy than they were.

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “High Closing (finance)”

High closing is an attempt to manipulate the price of a security at the end of trading day to ensure that it closes higher than it should. This is usually achieved by putting in manipulative trades close to closing.

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “Cornering the market”

In cornering the market the manipulators buy sufficiently large amount of a commodity so they can control the price creating in effect a monopoly. For example, the brothers Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt attempted to corner the world silver markets in the late 1970s and early 1980s, at one stage holding the rights to more than half of the world’s deliverable silver.[10] ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_manipulation#cite_note-TEXAS-10 ) During the Hunts’ accumulation of the precious metal, silver prices rose from $11 an ounce in September 1979 to nearly $50 an ounce in January 1980.[11] ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_manipulation#cite_note-NYT-11 ) Silver prices ultimately collapsed to below $11 an ounce two months later,[11] much of the fall occurring on a single day now known as Silver Thursday, due to changes made to exchange rules regarding the purchase of commodities on margin.[12] ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_manipulation#cite_note-TimeBubble-12 )

** The Silicon Valley Stock Scam Called: “The Political Campaign Conduit Double Blind”

In this scam, government money is given to a Tesla, Solyndra, etc. who then money launder the cash through executive-held 501 c3 and c4 charities; and company assets and then provide DARK MONEY cash and services to political campaigns like Obama and Clinton election funds. In the case of Tesla, Google (an investor and boyfriend of Musk) supplied billions of dollars of web search rigging. Stock ownership in the companies and deals is traded for campaign funds. David Brock is a master of this kind of Dark Money money-laundering for political campaigns using PACS and pass-through spoofing.

Tesla and Solyndra investors have used ALL of the above tactics and more. Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have thousands of staff who PROVIDE these stock market manipulation tricks to people like Elon Musk, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, et al. These kinds of financial crimes and corruption account for the manipulation of over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS of ill-gotten profits annually!

They all run a constant shell game and ponzi scheme using shell corporations, fake family trusts, hookers, facade real estate, dirty CPA’s, dirty corporate law firms, David Plouffe and James Halderman-type dirty operatives, lobbyists who are just bribery bag men, crooked CIA and FBI insiders and other criminal tools.


Given the massive stimulus packages that are in force today and expected to be implemented going forward, regulators need to set clear guidelines for how and when such privileged information can be disclosed, and impose rigorous trading restrictions for investors with access to private information. Failure to do so always gives unfair advantage to some and damages the level playing field in financial markets.

To avoid providing such unfair advantage to selected executives, the SEC and the Department of Justice need to develop new procedures to incorporate potential illegal transactions derived from information about government intervention through diverse channels. Plaintiffs advocate for a more transparent and consistent protocol on information disclosure regarding government’s loan programs to prevent similar events from recurring. For example, the government could channel the release of news about COVID-19-related stimulus interventions through a common platform to prevent leakage from diverse sources and reduce information asymmetry among investors.

The corrupt DFC loan to Kodak is the first of its kind under the Defense Production Act but not the first ever because DOE already created the pump-and-dump scheme for tech oligarchs. Nobody should be surprised by Kodak trying a proven corruption scam. Since we are in unprecedented times, government agencies and regulators need to make changes to adapt to the current situation and fulfill their mission to ensure a level playing field for investors even during this difficult period. Regulation never happens in theses scams because most California Senators and their families profit from these crimes and corruption.

In addition to Musk’s insidious army of corruption douche-bag enablers at Goldman Sachs, there are also:

– An army of worker-bee financial scam artist operatives at corrupt Welles Fargo and Deutsche Bank. There are about 120 people in that set of insider operatives

– Jared Birchall, the head of Elon Musk’s family office Excession LLC is a front man and bag man for the outside layer of Musk’s public-facing scams

– Deloitte Consulting has 17 financial advisors dedicated to ponzi scheming the appearance of liquidity in the Musk Empire

– Law firm Wilson Sonsini has 42 lawyers and admins dedicated to delaying, deferring and holding off law-suits and anti-trust filings against Musk.

– McKinsey Consulting has 120 staff dedicated to authoring and distributing bullshit hype ‘white papers” to Congress that sell budget ideas to the government that exclusively benefit Elon Musk. McKinsey is also in charge of getting people appointed or hired by the government who will provide payola and quid pro quo back to the Musk empire.

– Corrupt law firm Covington and Burling has 27 people dedicated to influencing and changing laws and public policy that will exclusively protect Musk. They put Eric Holder, Steven Chu and other top officials into the Obama Administration based on promises by those officials to protect and fund Musk.

– James Howard is one of over 56 private investigators that Musk has hired to dig up dirt on people that Musk does not like and to run attacks on them.

– In-Q-Tel is a rogue off-shoot of the CIA. Musk has hired a large number of In-Q-Tel staff to engage in CIA-class dirty tricks against competitors and former employees who expose Musk’s lies.

– Gawker Media, AKA Gizmodo Media are a tabloid character-assassination-for-hire operation which Musk contracts and owns interest in. They are mission-ed to to destroy the lives of others, in cooperation with Google’s servers. Payments for attack services, between all of the parties, have been uncovered.

– Google is an investor in Musk’s operations and the bosses of Google are bro-mance boyfriends of Musk. Google controls most perceptions on the internet using psychological manipulation tactics taught to them by their investor: In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel also works for and with Musk. Larry Page, of Google, and Musk got an apartment together and plan political schemes together.

– Elon Musk, or his associates have hired every hight tech law firm that could go after him in order to conflict-out and law firms that might get hired to go after him. His top corrupt manipulator partners-in-legal crime include: Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, Fenwick & West, Connolly & Williams, Perkins Coie, Steven Farina, Raol Campos and hundreds of others. In fact, a competitor of Musk’s was seeking a law firm to sue Musk and was told by Law firm Wilson Sonsini: “You can’t sue Elon Musk because he and his Sandhill road Cartel control every high tech law firm in America…” In some cases, Musk has sent some of his lawyers to smaller business entities that want to sue Musk. Musk’s lawyers pretend to be lawyers who are “offering to help” the opposition company but they are really there to covertly sabotage their legal efforts in order to protect Musk.

Tesla and CEO Elon Musk are facing dozens of lawsuits and investigations, according to public filings.

The costs of defense and settlements burden the car maker financially at a time when Tesla is already cutting headcount, closing stores and delaying loan repayments.

Among Tesla’s most recent legal woes, the Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a motion to hold Musk in contempt of court. The financial regulators argue that Musk violated the agreement they finalized with him and Tesla in October 2018 requiring the CEO to submit his tweets for review by the company’s in-house counsel if they contained material business information and could potentially affect the company’s stock price.

Musk is represented in this matter by John C. Hueston, formerly the lead prosecutor for the federal trial of Enron’s Jeffrey Skilling.

Beyond the contempt case, here are some of the other cases and investigations Tesla and Musk are facing that could most impact the company.

  • NHTSA and NTSB regularly investigate crashes involving Tesla vehicles and the use of “Autopilot” features. These agencies initiated new investigations in March 2019, after another Tesla-involved incident proved fatal for a Model 3 driver who collided with a semi-trailer in Delray Beach, Florida.
  • According to a Department of Justice statement, a former Tesla employee named Salil Parulekar was indicted in November 2018 for allegedly embezzling $9.3 million from Tesla by diverting payments from one supplier to another. The potential case, which hasn’t moved past the indictment, could reveal more about troubles with Tesla’s supply chain.
  • Two former Tesla security employees, Karl Hansen and Sean Gouthro, filed whistleblower complaints via the law firm Meissner Associates to the SEC. They claim, among other things, that Tesla spied on workers, and covered up theft and narcotics trafficking at its battery plant in Sparks, Nevada.
  • A former employee, Marcus Vaughn, is pursuing a class-action lawsuit against Tesla in California alleging that the company ignored black employees’ reports of rampant racism. Tesla is trying to compel arbitration, and the plaintiff’s lawyers say they are fighting Tesla’s motions.
  • The National Labor Relations Board filed a complaint in August 2018 accusing Musk of violating labor laws with a tweet on May 20 that employees wouldn’t have stock options if they formed a union.
  • Tesla-owned SolarCity has been the subject of multiple SEC investigations dating back to 2012, according to Probes Reporter, a firm that publishes FOIA research for investors. (As of May 2108, SolarCity was still under at least one SEC investigation, said Probes Reporter CEO John P. Gavin.)
  • Musk is being sued by spelunker Verne Unsworth, whom Musk claimed without evidence was a pedophile and child rapist. Musk lobbed those dramatic accusations at Unsworth after the cave diver questioned the Musk’s attempts to aid in the rescue of a Thai boys’ soccer team. Unsworth was part of the successful rescue effort and was critical of Musk’s approach.
  • In a Delaware Chancery Court, shareholders are suing Tesla alleging that the company’s acquisition of SolarCity in 2016 was improperly handled by the board, benefitted six out of seven of Tesla’s then-board members, and was ultimately a detriment to the company and its minority shareholders.

Analysis by legal research firm Plainsite found at least 38 securities actions filed against Tesla or Elon Musk (or both) since 2010, the year the company went public. Plainsite – which founder Aaron Greenspan describes as a “legal transparency initiative” – scans public records across the US legal system to document the volume and types of litigation effecting major U.S. corporations. (Greenspan personally holds puts in Tesla today.)

By way of comparison, Greenspan says he found only 1 securities lawsuit against Ford Motor Company filed since 2016, and only 4 since 1996, although this does not include all Ford subsidiaries.

Along with the securities litigation, Plainsite also found 43 workers’ rights cases, 14 deposit theft cases, and 20 vendor and government non-payment cases filed against Tesla since it went public in 2010. Of the 20 non-payment cases, 6 were from tax agencies in different states, Greenspan said.

Tesla also faces dozens of lawsuits around specific car-related issues, including allegations that Bluetooth doesn’t work, that Autopilot has caused Tesla cars to swerve into the wrong lanes and more. Most car-specific lawsuits against Tesla focus on the Model X. But Greenspan expects Model 3-related lawsuits to grow as the company sells more of these electric sedans. Even with all of these lawsuits, Musk has the taxpayer provided cash to buy off any judge, any court, any politician and any influence dynamic.

– Steve Davis runs operations to manipulate actual intent for Musk’s The Boring Company.

– The pretend CFO’s in Musk’s cartel including Zachary Kirkhorn, Vaibhav Taneja, Deepak Ahuja, Eric Branderiz, etc., are fully aware of the lies and financial crimes that Musk’s shell game is based. They need to be in prison too.

– Above and beyond the army of over 3000 corruption implementation employees and contractors, Musk #1 protection scheme is lobbyists and political intermediaries who pay bribes and produce quid pro quo and revolving door payola. Podesta Group, Roberti Global, David Plouffe, Jeff Burton, and over 150 other groups and individuals transfer the cash, PAC omerta funds, jobs, real estate, sex and other goodies to politicians. Senator Dianne Feinstein’s go from working for Feinstein to working for Musk like a political conveyor belt. Bribes hidden via family trust funds and elaborate shell game corporations and off-shore snake holes are the bread-and-butter of the Musk existence.

These facts are known, they are documented in FBI, SEC, FTC, FEC and Congressional records. It is pathetic that Musk can operate and that he is not sitting in a federal prison cell! Elon Musk is a scammer, mobster, liar, pervert, drug abusing, narcissist, Senator-bribing sociopath! Musk can run and try to hide in Texas but there is now no place he can hide!

NOTICE: To the editors allowing idiot child “reporters” to support Elon Musk’s BS:

We file complaints against each one of your writers who has accepted compensation in order to use your publication to promote falsehoods, lies and contrived public relations tripe for Elon Musk’s narcissist self-aggrandizement campaign designed to cover-up his crimes, scams and corruptions. Your writers have full knowledge of the proven facts in investigative documents such as:

How The Sociopath Venture Capitalists of Silicon Valley Prop Up Elon Musk And His Failed Tesla Motors.pdf

How Does Elon Musk Maintain His Corrupt Empire Of Lies Without Getting Shut Down By The Government?.pdf







and hundreds of thousands of previous news reports, FBI and SEC reports. These facts are easily found online by anyone of, at least, grade-school intelligence level. (ie: http://american-corruption.com/public or Reddit or Voat..or pretty much anywhere…). If your reporters ignore these facts then your publication will suffer revenue loss, stock market hits, devaluation, reports of your sex abuses and other sadness!

We file formal complaints against each one of these shills with industry associations, your investors and on public forums.

Your writers who selectively author fake-news hype instead of investigative journalism will be exposed and punished. Your publication’s market value and credibility will be greatly diminished by this information manipulation. (ie, You WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY!) Such fake news articles should be removed and accurate counter-point should be published. Without the proper correction, it is impossible to see how your publication could not follow Gawker, San Diego Magazine, The Outline, and the rest into the spiral of bankruptcy and termination.

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.



White House Staff including Rahm Emanual, Bill Daley, Jay Carney, David Plouffe, Robert Gibbs, Steve Rattner, David Axelrod, John Podesta, et al; and The Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and the Chief Counsel for the United States Department of Energy Daniel Cohen and Bill Cooper were, (from 2007 forward), either financed by, friends, with, sleeping with, dating the staff of, holding stock market assets in, promised a revolving door job or government service contracts from, partying with, personal friends with, photographed at private events with, exchanging emails with, business associates of or directed by; our business adversaries, or the Senators and Department of Energy politicians that those business adversaries pay campaign finances to, or supply political digital search manipulation services to. Criminal U.S. Senators coordinated and profited in these schemes. Their own family members have now supplied evidence against them. Elon Musk and his frat boys display their self-aggrandizing vanity in sociopath glory because nobody tells them “no”. Now we are calling them out!

From 2007 forward, The White House and The Department Of Energy were controlled by the Silicon Valley tech oligarchs for monopolistic profiteering! That is a violation of the law, the Constitution and the American Way. The named person’s we have presented to the FBI, DOJ, SEC and other agencies, engaged in crimes to personally profit in the stock market and political venues. At the same time they operated the command and control of millions of dollars of defamation, character assassination and black-list attacks against us for reporting their crimes. These perpetrators are now being exposed, arrested, indicted and drained of their ill-gotten profits. We are owed our damages compensation and we will not rest until we get it! Every member of the public is invited to help crowd-source the termination of these corrupt crooks.

We worked for, with, in and around the White House and The Department of Energy. We were at the homes of the most famous people in government and their Silicon Valley financiers. We have cooperated with top law enforcement and Congressional investigators. Additional whistle-blowers have provided our effort with even more evidence. Ourselves, and investigating agencies, have absolute proof of the crimes, corruption and illicit activities and the ongoing cover-ups.



Agency staff were ordered to harm Applicants by manipulating their benefits in order to deny, delay, obfuscate and reduce their income as reprisal for their assistance to law enforcement in a political corruption and money laundering matter. Agency staff, ranging from the lowest level staff at the San Francisco, San Mateo, Los Angeles and Marin offices, and up to the director headquarters offices, participated in this reprisal-vendetta-revenge action to harm Applicants. Applicant’s peers have filed DOJ and FBI criminal referrals, launched federal investigations and the assertions have been proven in numerous IG, FBI, Congressional and major news media investigations. Agency offices have failed to provide responsive FOIA requested data, hearing investigation data and fair responses because some of their staff are STILL operating a criminal cover-up which has now been update-reported to the FBI, Congress, the IG, the AG and investigative reporters.

Other federal agencies have complied, verified and provided the requested deliverables. SSA and DOE have pointed the searchlight of suspicion on themselves, laser-like, by their overt failure to comply, unlike every other agency. Ironically, the political financing of their executives and their personal relationships “happens” to be with the exact same Silicon Valley oligarchs under felony criminal investigations. The stock market brokerage records, family trust accounts, PAC trace-routing, Interpol records and SEC investigation records proves it!

Unfortunately for the crooked agency staff, some Applicants have the authority, law enforcement credentials and training to arrest any person at their home or office and remand them to the FBI, DOJ or Sheriff. SSA and DOE staff should not longer screw around! For example: Every “unsigned” SSA email is tracked to the individual author by their IP address, device IMEI, web camera, building key card, door camera, parking lot use chart, building camera, vehicle tracking circuits, text dba records, keyboard UI/UX patterns, motherboard ID #, DNS routing, stingray read-outs and a vast number of other metrics. Applicant investigation peers know the exact person that wrote every SSA email or document or file request. There is no such thing as an anonymous SSA email. Transparency is the Applicants middle name. The FBI and CIA people that SSA and DOE insiders think are their “buddies” may actually be the APPLICANTS buddies!

You will either give the Applicant his money and damages compensation, from his 2007 benefits filings, forward, or suffer the consequences of the rapid acceleration of one of the largest investigations in modern history, supported by millions of voters with a shared peer-to-peer forensics social media network, the FBI and Congress. With the push of a single button, our latest info can be in the inbox of every blogger and independent investigative journalist in the world, in minutes.

History has proven that non-corrupt portions of federal agencies and public service law and community action firms have executed on their willingness to expend millions of dollars of resources to fight this injustice. Every individual involved in this at SSA and DOE are on a forensic database. No person at SSA or DOE who uses our government as a garage sale for corruption favors or a kill mill for political reprisals will avoid the 100% legally executed consequences. They will be targeted and prosecuted even more profoundly than the Applicants waere targeted with IC-type hit jobs.

This felony criminal investigation case, is documented on thousands of websites and in dozens of federal court case records in which Applicant won the case or was vindicated in the case and in thousands of news websites. Applicants researchers and investigators disagree with any decision by any agency which causes a delay in response which puts the applicants in jeopardy for their life and safety. Testifying, and/or reporting about this crime has resulted in the death, potentially by murder, of the following individuals who reported to the authorities about this crime matter: Rajeev Motwani; Gary D. Conley; Seth Rich; Philip Haney; David Bird; Doug Bourn; Misti Epstein; Joshua Brown; Kenneth Bellando; Moritz Erhardt; Imran Aliev; Kate Matrosova; David Drye; Vincent Foster; Kathy Ferguson; Duane Garrett; Eric S. Fox; Judi Gibbs; Berta Caceres; Suzanne Coleman; L.J. Davis; John Hillyer; Stanley Huggins; Sandy Hume; Shawn Lucas; Gary Johnson; John Jones; John F. Kennedy, Jr.; Stephen Ivens; Mary ‘Caity’ Mahoney; Eric Butera; Danny Casolara; John Ashe; Tony Moser; Larry Nichols; Joseph Rago; Ron Brown; Bob Simon; Don Adams; Peter Smith; Victor Thorn; Lori Klausutis; Gareth Williams; Daphne Caruana Galizia; James D Johnston; Dave Goldberg; Loretta Fuddy; Paul Wilcher; Gary Webb; Beranton J. Whisenant Jr; Stanley Meyer; Jon Parnell Walker; Tyler Drumheller; Barnaby Jack; Dominic Di-Natale; Barbara Wise; Ilya Zhitomirskiy; Jeff Joe Black; Robin Copeland; John Wheeler; Ashley Turton; Michael Hastings; Antonin Scalia; David Koschman; David Werner; Alex Okrent; Kam Kuwata; Larry Frankel; And hundreds more connected to this case who suddenly, and strangely, turned up dead in this case and, ironically, their deaths all benefit the suspects in this case. Applicants are also whistle-blowers who have been previously attacked in reprisal and who have been threatened with continued harm and death.

Because this case involves a huge number of deaths, spies, trillions of dollars of energy industry funds, hit-jobs and epic political dirty tricks contracts there is a warning in effect to every suspect on “the list”. “If any other principle whistle-blower in this case is killed, within 24 hours of their death, every person on “the list” will experience the worst possible outcome!”

Any delay, obfuscation, cover-up, FOIA refusal or other obscuring tactic by each and every member of an agency employee or contracting entity will be prosecuted on a person-by-person basis. Each employee or official who causes, by their action, further harm to the Applicants will be sued personally, have their assets garnished and will have a formal criminal referral authored and submitted to the FBI, DOJ, FTC, Congress and the news media. Applicants have sued the highest level personnel in the government for corruption, launched FBI and Congressional investigations against them and had them removed from their jobs and placed under permanent surveillance. The court and news records prove this fact. Do not imagine that any reprisal action by a public agency staffer will go unnoticed or unpunished by federal law enforcement, public forensics and major independent news media investigations.

Pay the Applicants their damages compensation, whistle-blower fees, back-fees and offset monies NOW!



Case No. 1:20-cv-03010 ( Google monopoly and competitor attacks case)

Case No. 11-CV-2509  ( https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/judges/koh-lucy-h-lhk/in-re-high-tech-employee-antitrust-litigation/  )

Task force Case No. 20-xyz2020a  ( http://www.case-xyz2020a.com/ )

Case No. 20-03664 (  https://www.insurancejournal.com/app/uploads/2020/06/brown-v-google.pdf )

Case No. 1:12-CV-00774-mms and related cases. ( https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/the-administration/250109-a-case-study-in-pay-to-play-cronyism. Criminal referrals against the attackers have been filed with the FBI, DOJ, SEC, FEC, FTC )

Case No. 18-cv-8865 (S.D.N.Y.)(SEC v. Elon Musk for lies and scams )

Case No. 18-cv-8947 (S.D.N.Y.)( SEC v. Tesla, Inc. for lies and scams )

Case No. 1:14-cv-270143 ( Google racketeering charges – https://artistrightswatch.com/2017/10/08/googles-racketeering-challenge/ )

Case No. 1:19-cr-00490 ( United States v. Epstein – Big tech sex cult crimes case )

Case No. 129 So.3d 1196 (Fla. 2d DCA 2014); 170 So.3d 125 (Fla. 2d DCA 2015) ( Gawker Media, LLC v. Bollea in which Gawker, Deadspin, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku and Lifehacker were exposed as character assassination and money-laundering fronts working for notorious third parties)

Case No. 19-cv-343672 James Martin (on behalf of ALPHABET INC) v Larry Page et al (Sex Cults In Silicon Valley )

Case No. CGC-11-508414, California Superior Court, San Francisco (Plaintiff v Google )

Case No. 3:16-cv-03061 U.S. DISTRICT COURT, NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, San Francisco Division ( Plaintiff V. Google/Alphabet/YouTube)

Case No. 18-CIV05380 Rubin Vs. Rubin (Google sex cult and sex slave charges )

Case No. : 1:17 – cv – 06404  Vs. Rubin (Organized crime sex trafficking by stock market manipulators )

Case No. D.C. No. 3:17-cv-05369 – VC (Big tech harassment of outsiders)

Case No. 3:21-cv-00077  (Another of many lawsuits proving that the Silicon Valley Cartel conspires to manipulate media and markets)

And 200+ other cases related to the same Cartel members including many lawsuits against Google for corruption, sex trafficking, racketeering and other forms of their usual crimes. Google’s financier, political manipulation partner and spying command-and-control operative: In-Q-tel, was also sued for running dirty tricks campaigns against the Whistle-blowers. In-Q-Tel was forced to come to court in San Francisco and watch the Corbett Report’s expose on them ( https://www.corbettreport.com/meet-in-q-tel-the-cias-venture-capital-firm-preview/   and   https://www.corbettreport.com/siliconvalley/  ) and then try to explain to the judge why they are a “non-profit charity” when they run dirty tricks campaigns for politicians and were caught with tons of cocaine on their airplanes.

Related Precedents –

See-  Founding Church of Scientology v. Bell , 603 F.2d 945, 949 (D.C. Cir. 1979)

See – King v. U.S. Dep’t of Justice , 830 F.2d 210, 223-24 (D.C. Cir. 1987) (emphasis in original)

See – Mead Data Central, Inc. v. U.S. Dep’t of the Air Force , 566 F.2d 242, 251 (D.C. Cir. 1977

See – Competitive Enter. Inst. v. Office of Sci. & Tech. Policy , 827 F.3d 145, 149-50 (D.C. Cir. 2016); cf.

See – Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Kerry , 844 F.3d 952, 955-56 (D.C. Cir. 2016)  Id. at 8

See –  Al-Fayed v. Central Intelligence Agency, 254 F.3d 300, 306 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (Al-Fayed) Id. at 308.

See – : Wadelton v. Department of State, 13-0412 ESH, 2013 WL 1760853 (D.D. Cir. 2013) (Wadelton

See –  Id. Document 10, Filed 04/25/13, Page 6 of 8 (citing ACLU-NC v.DOD , 2006 WL 1469418, at *1-2;  Amer. Civil Liberties Union of N. Cal. v. Dep’t of Justice , No. C 04-4447, 2005 WL 588354, at *5-7 (N.D. Cal Mar. 11, 2005))

See – Edmonds v. FBI , CIV.A. 02-1294 (ESH), 2002 WL 32539613 (D.D.C. Dec. 3, 2002)

See – U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(E)(v)(II








And thousands of other torrents and mirror sites around the globe…




And thousands of other torrents and mirror sites around the globe…
KEY PUBLIC REPORTS AND POLICE REPORTS ABOUT THIS CASE CAN ALSO BE FOUND AT:(MIRROR 2 )And thousands of other torrents and mirror sites around the globe…


San Francisco Corruption Reports

Ongoing FBI Corruption Probe

San Francisco City Hall Corruption

FBI San Francisco Announces New Charges


SAN FRANCISCO CORRUPTION: City Hall, Pacific Heights And Silicon Valley Scum


https://www.searchingsanfrancisco.org/ – You Can’t Swing A Cat In San Francisco City Hall Without Hitting A Mobster

The solipsistic self-aggrandizing corrupt pigs in San Francisco’s City Hall and Pacific Heights are being hunted down (100% legally) and eviscerated by the FBI, public task forces like ours, the news media, private citizens and the biggest email leaks in history. Hundreds of people will be taken down. The few arrests you have read about in the media are only the beginning.We are all starting at the bottom of the cesspool and working our way up, all the way through Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, et al, and up to the White House. They will not escape, even in death. Roger Boas, Jeffrey Epstein, et al, may not still be lurking around but the truth about them will live on FOREVER!



The Organized Crime Bosses And Their Assassin Operatives That Are Being Terminated.

These are the people known as “The Deep State”, “The Silicon Valley Cartel”, “The Tech Mafia”, et al:

“To date, every single one of the targets that attacked us: 1.) have been sued; 2.) investigated by the government and our private investigators; 3.) had case files opened on them by the IRS, DOJ, GAO, FBI, FEC, SEC, FTC and others; 4.) placed under surveillance; 5.) had whistle-blowers and ex-staff expose them; 6.) been tracked across every social media post that has ever been made about them; 7.) had all of their illicit campaign funding and covert PAC cash exposed; 8.) had all of their family trust and shell corporation hiding places tracked and exposed by AI forensic software that works around-the-clock and 9.) placed on law enforcement watch-lists. Even the “untouchables” like Musk, Tesla, Google, Facebook, et al, now have nut-crunching law-suits filed against them, with more coming. There is no place to hide! You tried to kill us and we killed you back you criminal scum-bags!”

The following Parties participated in the scam, thought they were “untouchable” and found out that the arm of the law is very long, the hatred of the public for corruption is profound and that hundreds of public service groups have identified, tracked and assisted in their termination. This is the current list of the primary political mobster-scammers in this corruption who are all connected by financial, email and forensic FBI, SEC, FTC and CIA-class evidence. It is well known that every significant hacking and surveillance tool from the CIA, NSA, Fire-Eye and the FSB has been leaked on to the internet. Every teenage hacker is now exposing the last 20 years of these crooks crimes.They are all under deep investiagtion, surveillance and targeted for 100% legal termination using all the info found freely on the web and whistle-blower tips:

The Mob Bosses That Colluded, Organized and Planned These Srock Market Schemes Together:

  • Google/Alphabet/YouTube – Hiding under the guise of “Alphabet”; Charged with manipulation by multiple nations and national organizations; charged with crimes; charged with privacy harvesting frauds against the public; raided for tax fraud; loss of public trust; charged with campaign rigging by TV shows, presidential candidates, federal investigators and news media; under investigation for stock market pumping;
  • Steven Chu – Secretary of Energy (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign. Sued for corruption, publicly shamed by news media and Congress. Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)
  • The NVCA, AKA National Venture Capital Association, is the lobbyist and Cartel organizer behind much of the misdeeds of this group, they bribe politicians, organize anti-patent campaigns and promote a RICO-violating anti-trust law violating set of tactics to protect their members and to harm competitors, most of the women and blacks that have worked at the NVCA have said they experienced abuse. The NVCA has set-up a tactical program to put a global funding blockade on any group, CEO or inventor who competes with their existing companies.
  • SpaceX and their Star Link Web satellites are a domestic spying operation. They send all of the data that goes over their links to privacy abusers, data harvesters, and political spying operations. Friends don’t let friends use Star Link. Any 14 year old hacker can hack into Star Links web streams. Star Link is a danger to global privacy on an epic scale.
  • Lachlan Seward – Manager to Steven Chu (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign. Sued for corruption. publicly shamed by news media and Congress. Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))
  • Rahm Emanual – White House strong-arm (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign and his Chicago finance head was indicted for Corruption)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)
  • Robert Gibbs – White House press secretary (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
  • David Axelrod – White House strategist (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
  • Barack Obama – White House leader (Under investigation. Universally disdained in the press. shunned by his own party)
  • Larry Summers – White House finance head (Fired)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
  • Bill Daley – White House strong-arm (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))
  • Steve Rattner– White House Car Deals Director working in the West Wing and then with In-Q-Tel (Fired- Indicted in NY State for SEC Fraud/Corruption)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))
  • Eric Holder – Attorney General- DOJ. Eric Holder was nominated and appointed by the very individuals who ran the scam, created the marching orders, got the insider cash and ordered the hit jobs on their competitors. He ran the cover-up and halted any investigations into the crimes in order to protect his corrupt backers and business partners. He has been financially connected to every person, group and business who is charged with organizing and operating the scam.  (Forced to resign) (Charged with staff & VC Protections and blockade of FBI and Special Prosecutor deployments in order to run the cover-up)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)
  • Larry Page – Owner- Google (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
  • Eric Schmidt – Owner- Google (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more, a national coalition is actively exposing his sexual perversions, sex penthouses, etc…)
  • John Doerr – Owner – Kleiner Perkins. “Godfather” – Silicon Valley Cartel (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
  • Steve Westly – Campaign Bundler (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
  • Richard Blum – Senator Feinsteins Husband (He is now under investigation. Has had contracts interdicted by Congressional action)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
  • Ray Lane – VC (Charged with Federal Tax Fraud)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
  • Elon Musk – CEO – Tesla (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance) & in multiple lawsuits for fraud)( Now uncovered as largest individual recipient of government payola in history)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction) He cuts up and tortures animals for his Nueralink, spies on citizens with his SpaceX and runs an EV monopoly and causes genocide with his cobalt and lithium mines with his corrupt Tesla cars. His life is devoted to weird sex, drugs, political bribes and stock market manipulations.
  • Andy Bechtolsheim – VC- Insider campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
  • Vinod Khosla – VC Campaign backer (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)( in multiple lawsuits)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…Exposed in 60 Minutes and CNN news coverage)
  • Martin LaGod – VC Campaign backer from Firelake (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)(assets, investments and stock portfolio tracked and targeted)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
  • Latham and Watkins – Extremist law firm known for rigging public policy decisions, running attacks on candidates and manipulating the law to the advantage of Silicon Valley oligarchs
  • Ira Ehrenpreis – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
  • Eric Strickland – Head of Auto Safety agency (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Charged with cover-up of Tesla and GM auto dangers he had known about)
  • Tom Perkins – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation, slammed by public and media)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
  • In-Q-Tel, Inc. – CIA off-shoot associated with Eric Schmidt, Google, Elon Musk and the Cartel leaders. Ran “hit-jobs” on Silicon Valley VC adversaries and reporters (Sued, under investigation, exposed in multiple documentaries, under investigation for Cocaine trafficking) They claim to be a “charity” but they are a dirty tricks spy operation.
  • Tim Draper – VC Campaign backer (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
  • Lloyd Craig Blankfein – Head of Goldman Sachs and liaison in almost every single CleanTech company scam (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance))(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation and targeted for extinction)
  • Raj Gupta – McKinsey Fixer (Indicted, Jailed)(he is now under investigation)
  • Jacque Littlefield – Ran a private army out of Woodside, California (Dead)
  • Roger Boas – Ran San Francisco Child sex ring brothels, for SF City Hall officials, with crooked San Francisco Cops and embezzled money from San Francisco City Hall
  • Brian Goncher – Deloitte VC intermediary (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)) (accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
  • John Molinari – Old school San Francisco North Beach Mobster. Ran for Mayor. Lied about district. Daughter removed from him due to abuse.
  • Goldman Sachs – Financial packager (Suspected of staging most of the TARP/DOE deals for personal gain & insider payouts)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance). Elon Musk’s Go-To Book Cookers and stock manipulators
  • Kleiner Perkins – Campaign funding VC who (Received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging. Sued. Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)(Offices broken into by federal investigators) All assets being tracked and terminated.)
  • Draper Fisher – VC firm (Campaign funder who received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)
  • Mckinsey Consulting – Government services contractor (Supplied DOE manipulation staff, manipulated white-papers to Congress and lobbying manipulation for the scam)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)
  • John Denniston – Kleiner Perkins stock market manipulation boss
  • Dianne Feinstein – Senator (He is now under investigation) Wife of Silicon Valley Cartel Member Richard Blum(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) (Underongoing investigation and surveillance)
  • Harry Reid – Senator- Solar factory guru, Congress lead (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more, ran scams with Elon Musk…Forced out of Congress in shame) (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)
  • Senator Calderone – Senator (Indicted & charged with corruption)
  • Leland Yee – Senator (Indicted & charged with corruption)
  • Lois Lerner – IRS head charged with running political hit-jobs (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(She is now under investigation. Shamed in news media)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)
  • James Brown Jr – Obama HHS Programming lead in California (Arrested for corruption)
  • Daniel Cohen – DOE Legal counsel (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)
  • Perkins Coi – Law firm who sold lobby manipulation services (Under federal investigation)
  • Jonathan Silver – DOE VC (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)((Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)( Shamed in media for epic failures)
  • Bill Lockyer – Calif State finance head ((Under ongoing investigation and surveillance) and charged with corruption by media. Assets and ownerships under investigation)
  • Steve Jurvetson – VC who manipulated Senate staff for Tesla cash ((Under ongoing investigation and surveillance) All assets being tracked and terminated.)
  • Matt Rogers – Mckinsey corruption operator reporting to Steven Chu (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)(All assets being tracked and terminated.)
  • Steve Spinner and Alison Spinner- Mckinsey corruption operator reporting to Steven Chu with secret connection inside Solyndra (Under ongoing investigation and surveillance) All assets being tracked and terminated.)

Their Assassin Operatives That Run The Hit Jobs And Attacks For Them:

  • Gawker Media (Jezebel, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Gawker) – Sued; Bankrupt; under investigation for tax fraud and campaign finance disclosure evasion
  • Jay Carney – White House press lead (Forced to resign) (Under ongoing investigation and
  • David Plouffe – White House money packager. Arranged deals between VC campaign Donors (Forced to Resign. Under ongoing investigation and surveillance)
  • John Cook – Nicholas Guido Denton’s character assassination expert
  • Nicholas Guido Denton – Defamation-for hire boss of tabloid empire also charged with abuse of young boys
  • John Herrman – Nicholas Guido Denton’s character assassin
  • Adrian Covert – Nicholas Guido Denton’s character assassin
  • Patrick George – Nicholas Guido Denton’s character assassin
  • Gabrielle Darbyshire – Nicholas Guido Denton’s character assassin
  • Investigations have also revealed that the White House and California Senators hired the character assassination and defamation attack services: Cardinal & Pine; Pacronym, Acronym;  The Americano; Investing in US; Shadow Inc; Courier Newsroom; IN-Q-Tel; Gawker Media; Jalopnik; Gizmodo Media; K2 Intelligence; WikiStrat; Podesta Group; Fusion GPS; Google; YouTube; Alphabet; Facebook; Twitter; Think Progress; Media Matters); Black Cube; Correct The Record; Orbis Business Intelligence, Undercover Global Ltd; Stratfor; Jigsaw; ShareBlue/Acronym; Versa LLC; American Ledger; Supermajority News; New Venture Fund; Sixteen Thirty Fund; Cambridge Analytica; Sid Blumenthal; States Newsroom; Hopewell Fund;  Open Society.; David Brock; AmpliFire News; American Bridge; Plouffe Consulting; Pantsuit Nation; MotiveAI; American Bridge 21st Century Foundation; Priorities USA; PR Firm Sunshine Sachs; The American Independent Foundation; Covington and Burling; Buzzfeed; The American Independent; Perkins Coie; Secondary Infektion; Wilson Sonsini and thousands more to run hit-jobs, character assassinations, dirty tricks and economic reprisal attacks on any applicants who reported the crimes. Each of those companies are now under federal and civil investigation. Most of these businesses offer the service of manipulating elections and news coverage in order to steer stock market profits into the pockets of billionaire clients at the expense of the taxpayer and Democracy. They hide their transactions via money-laundering. All of these services, when focused on individual citizens, are lethal.
  • A.J. Delaurio, as well as through its pseudonymous authors, including: Adam Dachis, Adam Weinstein, Adrien Chen, Alan Henry, Albert Burneko, Alex Balk, Alexander Pareene, Alexandra Philippides, Allison Wentz, Andrew Collins, Andrew Magary, Andrew Orin, Angelica Alzona, Anna Merlan, Ariana Cohen, Ashley Feinberg, Ava Gyurina, Barry Petchesky, Brendan I. Koerner, Brendan O’Connor, Brent Rose, Brian Hickey, Camila Cabrer, Choire Sicha, Chris Mohney, Clover Hope, Daniel Morgan, David Matthews, Diana Moskovitz, Eleanor Shechet, Elizabeth Spiers, Elizabeth Starkey, Emily Gould, Emily Herzig, Emma Carmichael, Erin Ryan, Ethan Sommer, Eyal Ebel, Gabrielle, Bluestone, Gabrielle Darbyshire, Georgina K. Faircloth, Gregory Howard, Hamilton, Nolan, Hannah Keyser, Hudson Hongo. Heather Deitrich, Hugo Schwyzer, Hunter Slaton, Ian Fette, Irin Carmon, James J. Cooke, James King, Jennifer Ouellette, Jesse Oxfeld, Jessica Cohen, Jesus Diaz, Jillian Schulz, Joanna Rothkopf, Jordan Sargent, Joseph Keenan Trotter, Josh Stein, Julia Allison, Julianne E. Shepherd, Justin Hyde, Kate Dries, Katharine Trendacosta, Katherine Drummond, Kelly Stout, Kerrie Uthoff, Kevin Draper, Lacey Donohue, Lucy Haller, Luke Malone, Madeleine Davies, Madeline Davis, Mario Aguilar, Matt Hardigree, Matt Novak, Michael Ballaban, Michael Dobbs, Michael Spinelli, Neal Ungerleider, Nicholas Aster, Omar Kardoudi, Pierre Omidyar, Owen Thomas, Patrick George, Patrick Laffoon, Patrick Redford, Rich Juzwiak, Richard Blakely, Richard Rushfield, Robert Finger, Robert Sorokanich, Rory Waltzer, Rosa Golijan, Ryan Brown, Ryan Goldberg, Sam Faulkner Bidle, Sam Woolley, Samar Kalaf, Sarah Ramey, Shannon Marie Donnelly, Shep McAllister, Sophie Kleeman, Stephen Totilo, Tamar Winberg, Taryn Schweitzer, TaylorMcKnight, Thorin Klosowski, Tim Marchman, Timothy Burke, Tobey Grumet Segal, Tom Ley, Tom Scocca, Veronica de Souza, Wes Siler, William Haisley, William Turton and others writing under pseudonyms

Please report your complaints about Tesla, Google, Match.com, OK Cupid, Netflix, Facebook, Kleiner Perkins, Sony Pictures (and the other tech cartel members) for the active investigations and federal lawsuits now in progress. By filing a complaint and telling your story, you can help identify trends and patterns of questionable business practices that will contribute to law enforcement and consumer protection efforts. You can be certain that these particular cases will get driven hard and pushed before Congress. The more reports we can get filed on these bad guys, the bigger the cases we can get processed. File your complaint at http://www.ftc.gov/complaintAre you wondering why you don’t see any of the true facts on the “mainstream” internet or “news” sites. The tech Taliban of the internet have colluded to become an information and ideological control empire. If they can make you think, act and vote like they want then they can put their candidates in office who will give them trillions of dollars of government contracts. It has already worked. They all: sleep with each other;  go to each other’s parties; hire the same lobbyists, lawyers, Goldman Sachs fund managers; marry and date only people from the same frat houses and sororities; have the same homosexual agenda; finance the same PAC’s; hide their money in the same off-shore bolt holes; instruct their HR departments to only hire young, naive, easily brainwashed, radical dyed-hair hippie-types; have bank accounts that have received CIA or In-Q-Tel cash; control the National Venture Capital Association so that nobody who competes with them can get funded; practice exclusionary culture, ie: while screaming about women’s rights and BLM they never hire women or blacks; buy off the U.S. Patent Office to keep from having to pay for stealing most of their technology; own the servers and control equipment that operates 90% of the internet; etc. The Tech Taliban are: Netflix, Google, Alphabet, Youtube, Linkedin, Amazon, AWS, CNN, Facebook, Tesla, SpaceX, Survey Monkey, etc.

They do what they do to get profits from politicians they put in office.



The greatest success in shutting down their efforts has come from two tactics:1.) Forcing government agencies to sue them with RICO and Anti-trust lawsuits and by gathering groups of people to sue them with Class Action lawsuits. Lawyers will do Class Actions at no cost to you if you get enough people together.

2.) Using a CKB Procedure on each one. How the “Corruption Kill Box” (CKB) works: A CKB Procedure combines federal police investigations created by formal filed criminal referrals (which any member of the public can submit) and Form 302 overview drafts, public class-action lawsuits, massive news media disclosure blasts, formal regulatory agency complaint filings, individual lawsuits against political and agency executives, documentary film production and distribution, crash the crooks stocks, the promotion and organization of Congressional hearings, crowd-sourced social media public forensics and open-source AI financial crimes tracking software. The procedure is an extinction-level event with a 100% success rate against corrupt entities. CKB’s only work on the corrupt, so non corrupt parties are safe from it’s effects.

ANY member of the public can engage in these totally legal anti-corruption actions. Don’t sit around and complain about these criminals. They own parts of the government.

YOU have to do something!

Just do it!


(Pass this along to others who might partner up and take action)

Every public figure we file a complaint with that does nothing or that runs a cover-up is listed on a document and in a dossier that they will have to answer for later!


Check back; these files are updated daily by investigators. See the evidence back-up behind the topics at: ( http://www.federal-report.com ) ( https://focus-book.com ) ( http://www.tesla-motors-news.com ) ( http://the-elon-musk-problem.com ) ( http://the-san-francisco-hammer.com ) ( https://san-francisco-news.com ) ( https://sanfrancisco-news.org ) ( https://case-xyz2020a.com ) and a vast number of other self-propagating evidence mirrors around the globe…

Corrupt political families conspire to give government funds, contracts, tax waivers, buildings, stock market profits and other insider perks to themselves and their friends. They also conspire to blockade, harm, sabotage and black-list those who compete with them and their friends. These corrupt politicians are never prosecuted for their crimes, and can laugh in the face of those who point out their crimes, because they control the prosecution system. Their Quid Pro Quo criminal corruption is the single largest cause of the taxpayer hatred of Congress.
Shoshana Zuboff’s, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – Why Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Netflix, Alphabet are the SAME Thing, The SAME SICKO tech elites and the same kinds of social privacy RAPE against citizens!

Straight from the Palladino spy files — San Francisco is ruled by corruption, cronyism, bribes and favors. SF has become increasingly inhospitable to the average person. The median rent for a one-bedroom is $2,695. A family of four is considered “low-income” if they make less than $97,000. The Target and Walgreen’s stores have had to operate in “crisis” mode because the crime is so bad in San Francisco that you get robbed in the aisles while shopping at major retail stores in San Francisco. The STD rates are off-the-scale. It is almost certain that your car will be broken into or keyed. This place is tough to exist in long-term. It got like this because San Francisco’s corruption culture is so out of control. —- If you think San Francisco’s ills are all due to the technology mobsters, you are mostly correct!

—- San Franciscans now have an obsession with escaping from San Francisco. This comes from a healthy heaping of realistic bitterness — bitterness that you won’t be able to stay here, bitterness that you can’t buy a house and set down roots and bitterness that others, unplagued by inertia, can recognize these facts and leave.

—- As San Franciscans, we’ll always be looking over our shoulders at Austin and Portland and Denver, wondering what life’s like in a more hospitable city where City Hall is not entirely controlled By Twitter, Facebook, Google and Netflix corporate bribes.

—- The villains in “The End of the Golden Gate” book are familiar ones. Tech, capitalism, Mayor Ed Lee’s tax laws. Every writer seems to agree on one front: San Francisco has changed, and in many ways, for the worse.

— “The San Francisco I knew and loved has been face-lifted, sleeked, chromed, polished, colonized, homogenized, and marginalized as a cultural innovative force,” writes Peter Coyote in “San Francisco, For Sale by New Owners.” “The transformation was accomplished in a smooth, seamless manner by money and addiction to power.”

—- “San Francisco,” he writes earlier in the essay, “is too expensive, too monoculturally wealthy. Tech wealth and privilege have transformed it into a cushy enclave for the heartless.”

—- Gary Kamiya’s standout essay acknowledges the downsides of this city: “The exorbitant cost of housing, the influx of tech workers, traffic, crime, dirty streets, and an ever-worsening homeless crisis.”

—- The Bay Area’s Google, Facebook and Netflix, Tesla executives and VC’s happen to be the organizing, financing and beneficiary partners in a massive market manipulation scheme.

—- They formed their “Silicon Valley Cartel” to collude, conspire and organize against the government, the public and industry in a manner which the tech oligarchs describe in their own emails as being based on “…the Italian Mafia!”.

—- Indeed, The Silicon Valley Tech oligarchs have formed a collusion-based, law-violating, tax-evading, government-manipulating crime empire protected by famous Bay Area politicians, whom they bribe! No cops seem to be able to stop them.

—- The Bay Area Solyndra/Silicon Valley Cartel case was one of the largest corruption matters in America with roots that ran all the way to the Oval Office. The FBI raid on Solyndra was only the tip of the iceberg. The matter illuminated an organized crime scheme, in violation of RICO, anti-trust and other laws, between major public officials, Silicon Valley tech oligarchs and their operatives.

—- The tech oligarchs beg for you to view them as “Green Advocates” but they lie! They engage in genocide, child labor slavery and rape farms via corrupt overseas rare earth mining schemes owned by California Senators, Department of Energy Executives, White House staff and the Silicon Valley tech Cartel. They are actually only really interested in anything green that has a dollar sign on it.

—- The Silicon Valley C oartel loves to run everything. In their federal “no poaching” lawsuits: Case #’s 11-cv-2509 and 5:2011cv02509 and 1:10-cv-01629 and 1:10-cv-02220; these cases, along with the “Angelgate” scandal, prove that the Silicon Valley Cartel colludes to harm the public, rig the government and monopolize industries. –

— State-sponored “hit-jobs” were ordered, operated and financed by San Francisco government officials in order to engage in revenge, reprisal and vendetta, against any who speak out about their crimes.


V.D. Hanson wrote about “The Selfish Californian” describing how Silicon Valley Californians create inequality by pretending to hate inequality. Their hatred of inequality is just a front. It is a faux, fake, a pretense as a means to power and control. None of the tech elites in their mountain top homes and beach side mansions have any experience of “inequality”.

We hear plenty of reasons for the perfect storm that imploded California. One-party, progressive government, of course. Decades of unchecked illegal immigration, without doubt. Years of mass flight out of state of the productive middle classes, certainly.

But perhaps the most important, but overlooked, reason has been the infusion of trillions of dollars of mostly tech capital into the state. Unimaginable sums of market capital warped politics and led to a top-down, feudal society, run by progressive elites who are shielded from the ramifications of their own toxic ideologies.

More specifically, the common denominator was the emergence in California of a selfish, monied, left-wing political class. In concrete terms, it cared little for others but masked that unconcern with abstract leftism, emulating medieval penance and indulgences to assuage guilt over its enjoyment of sheltered and very good lives.

California’s recent premier politicians at the local, state, and federal levels—Jerry Brown, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Gavin Newsom, and Nancy Pelosi—all enjoyed wealth and power, whether by inherited money and family brand names, through marriage, or using their positions to leverage lucrative family and personal business with the Chinese.

Their lifestyles before, during, and after office-holding reflected both their privileges and the vast material differences between their own lives and the millions of Californians who suffered enormously from their utopian bromides. Yet a world away from their homes in Grass Valley, Kentfield, Lake Tahoe, Napa, Pacific Heights, or Rancho Mirage, the rest of the state’s residents who voted for them currently cannot afford a house, a full tank of gas, a chuck steak, or an air-conditioned afternoon.

At least the Church of the 15th century offered formal contractual indulgences and personal penance manuals for the guilt-ridden elite eager to abort their earned inferno-to-come. In California, however, to enjoy affluence and leisure without guilt or recriminations, left-wing power elites virtue signaled their progressivism, even as it wrecked the lives of distant others.

If it were a question of drilling more oil while transitioning to clean power or shrugging that nobody José Martinez in Sanger would pay $6.50 a gallon to commute to work, it was a no brainer: Mr. Martinez was simply out of sight, out of mind collateral damage.

So too all of California’s poor and lower middle classes who could not afford to flee and now cannot afford shelter, food, fuel, and safety, due to decades of policies that zoned away new home construction, strangled the gas, timber, and mining industries, taxed and regulated gas and diesel to the point of unaffordability, neglected the needs of the state’s once rich farming industry, and loved fish far more than people. Apparently, these well-educated and self-declared Socrateses believed that Californians could drink Facebook, eat Google, drive Twitter, and live on Snapchat.

The far-left Atlantic’s various contributors for years have been cheerleading most of the policies adopted by the Bay Area elite—defunding the police, decriminalizing an array of crimes, appeasing homelessness, ignoring dangerous drug use and dealing, and urging more redistributive taxation and entitlement.

But now Atlantic essayist Nellie Bowles warns us that San Francisco is a “failed city.” And she is correct in that the city is increasingly medieval. Its downtown is emptying, filthy, toxic, dangerous, and pre-civilizational—perhaps an unfair term since it was rare in pre-Roman Gaul or nomadic North Africa for tribal residents to sleep in the village pathways, fornicate and defecate openly among children, and violently attack random passersby.

In truth, the implosion of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and California more broadly is no accident. Destroying all the bounty that was inherited from far better and far-seeing generations was the logical result of deliberate policies—reflecting the self-interest of a few million rich, educated professionals. They apparently decided that their genius and superior morality had transcended worries over ancient challenges of food, water, shelter, transportation, and received law and custom.

California’s anointed enjoyed safe neighborhoods from Malibu to Presidio Heights. They inherited or purchased beautiful coastal corridor homes worth $1,200 a square foot, from La Jolla to Berkeley. They drew income from the trillions of dollars invested in Silicon Valley and the new globalized and Asia-centric economy that opened markets of multibillions of consumers for entertainment, media, finance, law, academia, corporations and the accompanying credential professional classes.

And so, they grew hubristic and stupid. In their arrogance and ignorance, they began to feel their own bounty and leisure were birthrights. Free from worries about who brought them their water, food, safety, energy, and shelter—or how—they were liberated to institutionalize their own visions of 21st-century-correct living to less fortunate others, albeit from a properly segregated distance.

Freeways were obsolete ideas. The fewer built, and the even fewer maintained, the more likely the clueless could be crowded into cost-effective, clean, and safe mass transit.

So, a $15 billion high-speed rail disaster arose and remained inert like Stonehenge monoliths. Meanwhile, thousands of the poor on the obsolete Highway 99 continued to die and were maimed in daily accidents on a Road Warrior-esque obstacle course. The nearby Amtrak trains still sat delayed on side-tracks, for want of a simple, 19th-century two-track rail. How strange that bankrupt 21st-century visions came at the cost of easy 20th-century solutions.

Aqueducts, reservoirs, dams? These were likewise relics of previous delusional generations. That the coastal corridor’s water came from aqueducts across vast distances was mostly unknown by those who crowded into one of the most naturally unsustainable regions on the North American continent—a coastal strip mostly dry and bereft of an aquifer to sustain its tens of millions.

So, the state stopped building water storage. More often, it released snowmelt and runoff water into the ocean rather than to farms and to replenish aquifers.

Fires? Let forests of evergreens burn as they had in primordial times, better to burn to provide mulch for worms and birds—and scare away the deplorable foothill folk who had no business living in the mountains, anyway.

The elite now dreamed of returning to a half-million person California of the 19th century, reputedly with lush riverbanks from the sea to Sierra, with salmon runs to the mountains. They recoiled at the very idea that a 40 million-person state of mostly poor immigrants—over a quarter of the state’s population was not born in the United States—might need water for their towns or for the farms they worked.

How ironic that millions fled Mexico and Central America to enter, often illegally, the once golden California, land of plenty. They were welcomed by the state’s business and political elite but not to be housed, fed, and schooled as were the elite. Their directive was to vote correctly for their supposed betters and to supply janitors, landscapers, nannies, cooks, and housekeepers for those who welcomed them in—on the condition that they not dare demand the state’s green resources for good homes, affordable gas, or a nice lawn or long shower.

Let them instead eat a solar farm, bike path, or Tesla.

And so it went, each carefully placed brick in the once sturdy long wall of California, laid carefully over the past 150 years—to ensure a naturally fragile state with affordable food, energy, security, housing, transpiration, schools, and education—was ripped out, mocked as obsolete, and written off an embarrassment to the present.

Californians who look at their aging dams, their granite classical civic buildings, and their large municipal parks, are like Dark-Age Greeks who stumbled around the ruins of Mycenaean palaces and walls, wondering who were the demi-gods who built such things that now were impossible to emulate. So, too, we are bewildered at Balboa Park or the California aqueduct, or rather saddened that simply copying them is beyond our moral power or expertise.

The state was once rich and secure in gas and oil, nuclear power, cutting-edge freeways and airports, water storage, law enforcement, a topflight public school system, and an effective higher education triad. All these resources have become either politicized or taboos that are neglected, dismantled, or destroyed by a class that commuted little, was nonchalant about their power bills, put their kids in private schools, and enjoyed neighborhoods whose zip codes and private security patrols bounced away revolving-door felons and homeless far distant to the haunts of the middle class and poor.

Rich leftists quote the Gini coefficient chapter and verse, oblivious that they have created a state of affairs in which California ranks second to the bottom—below even New York—in such calibrations of inequality. The Silicon Valley motto should be, “I create inequality by hating inequality.”

We have not built a major mountain reservoir outside of Los Angeles in over 40 years even as the population has soared. The main north-south laterals of the state—the 101, I-5, and 99—often narrow into four-lane deathtraps. SFO and LAX are among the more nightmarish airports in the nation. California’s test scores rank in the nation’s bottom 10 percent of schools.

Over one-fifth of the state lives below the poverty rate. Urban geographer Joel Kotkin recently noted that African Americans and Latinos in California suffer among the lowest real incomes in the nation, 48th and 50th respectively. How could that be true in the land of Mark Zuckerberg, Nancy Pelosi, and Jerry Brown?

One-third of Americans on public assistance live in California. To drive through the rural center of the state is to revisit the 1930s world of the Joads. Ramshackle farmhouses now house 20 or some immigrants. Many of them reside here illegally, in trailers, shacks, and illegal add-ons. A state famous for regulating the life out of the middle classes simply ignores systemic flagrant violations of sewage, water, power, and building codes, in the manner of the exemptions given the homeless: out of sight, out of mind.

California’s mid-size cities nudge out other blue-state metropolises to rank among the nation’s leaders in property crimes. The nation’s highest gas taxes, income taxes, and near highest sales taxes either do not mitigate the above pathologies or perhaps help fuel them.

If our liberal political elites lived in crime-ridden Stockton, San Bernardino, or Modesto, had two children in the Los Angeles City public schools, commuted daily on the 99 from Delano to Visalia, flew weekly commercial out of LAX, tried to buy a California home on their salaries as public officials, rode BART to Oakland each evening home, or depended on a business supplying the state with lumber, gas or oil, food, transportation, or construction—the stuff of life—then they might fathom how assuaging their left-wing guilt in the abstract destroyed the lives of those they never see and never wish to see.

So, in a word, California’s debacle was the work of the self-absorbed.

The self-declared most caring, virtuous, and moral in the end proved the most narcissistic, selfish, and self-centered. Yes, the rich left-wing California elites are many things, but utterly selfish explains what they do unto others.


A.J. Delaurio– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Abound Solar – Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Adam Dachis– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Adam Weinstein– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Adrian Covert– Defamation-for-sale blogger – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Adrien Chen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Al D’Amato, Park Strategies. The former GOP New York senator has been a big advocate for online gambling as a lobbyist for the Poker Players Alliance.
Al Mottur and Manuel Ortiz, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. Mottur heads up lobbying operations at the K Street giant. Ortiz, one of Brownstein’s newest hires, is a rising star in Democratic circles.
Alan Henry– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Albert Burneko– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Alex Balk– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Alexander Pareene– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Alexander Sternhell, Sternhell Group. Previously a Senate Banking Committee staffer, Sternhell’s two-year-old venture is in the big leagues with clients such as Citigroup Management and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Alexandra Philippides– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Allison Spinner – Wife of Steve Spinner and lawyer at WSGR and Solyndra who helped Feinstein rig the Solyndra cash ((Under investigation. All assets being tracked and terminated.)
Allison Wentz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Alphabet – Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier (Under Federal and EU investigation) Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Andrew Collins– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Andrew Magary– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Andrew McCormack
Andrew Orin– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Andy Barbour, Smith-Free Group. Smith lobbies for several financial and insurance companies but is best known for his work as the lead Democratic lobbyist for the Financial Services Roundtable.
Andy Bechtolsheim – VC- Insider campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Aneesh Chopra
Angelica Alzona– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Anna Merlan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Ariana Cohen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Arnold Schwarzenegger – Governor (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, illicit deal organization with Russians and more…)
Ashley Feinberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Austin Lau
Ava Gyurina– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Barack Obama – Chicago politician
Barry Petchesky– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Bill Daley – White House strong-arm (Forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)
Bill Gurley
Bill Lockyer – Calif State finance head (Under investigation and sex scandal conflicts, charged with corruption by media. Assets and ownerships under investigation)
Bob Livingston, The Livingston Group. Republican Livingston, a former House Appropriations Committee chairman, is a statesman on K Street.
Brendan I. Koerner– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Brendan O’Connor– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Brent Rose– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Brian Goncher – Deloitte VC intermediary in the stock market rigging (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Brian Hickey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Brobeck Law Firm – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Camila Cabrer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Carl Gordon
Chad Hurley
Charles Stenholm, Olsson Frank Weeda Terman Bode Matz PC. Stenholm’s decades of experience on the House Committee on Agriculture will be called upon as Congress crafts the next farm bill.
Cheryl Sandberg – Facebook boss, reports to Larry Summers
Choire Sicha– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Chris Jennings, Jennings Policy Strategies. A sage on healthcare reform, Jennings worked on President Clinton’s reform push and later lobbied on Obama’s bill.
Chris Mohney– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Chuck Brain, Capitol Hill Strategies Inc. Once a Clinton White House aide and longtime House Ways and Means Committee staffer, Brain would make any list of the best-known Democratic lobbyists in town.
Civis Analytics – Social manipulation group -Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Clover Hope– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Covington & Burling – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Dan Tate Jr., Capitol Solutions. Tate delivers stellar client relations while harnessing 10 years of upper-level Hill and administration experience.
Daniel Boston, Health Policy Source. Boston’s numerous healthcare clients turn to him for the policy expertise he honed as a GOP aide on Capitol Hill.
Daniel Cohen – DOE Legal counsel who assisted in the Steven Chu scam (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)
Daniel Morgan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Dark Money Group relay
Dave McClure – VC
David Axelrod – White House strategist who helped stage the quid-pro-quo (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
David Castagnetti and Alex Vogel, Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti. The bipartisan shop has heavy hitters on both sides of the aisle, thanks to Democrat Castagnetti.
David Danielson
David Drummond – Lawyer/Lobbyist– Google, bribes expert for DC and EU regions (Under investigation. Quail Road, Woodside, CA home bugged)
David Matthews– Defamation-for-sale blogger
David Mott
David Plouffe – White House money packager. Arranged deals between VC campaign Donors (Forced to Resign. Under investigation)
David Prend
David Sacks
David Sandalow
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Denis McDonough – White House adviser
Diana Moskovitz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Dianne Feinstein – California politician
Doyle Bartlett, Eris Group. Bartlett has years of Capitol Hill experience and a busy lobbying practice that is on the front lines for clients including MetLife, Genentech and eBay.
Draper – Fisher – VC firm (Campaign funder who received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging) – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Eleanor Shechet– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Elizabeth Spiers– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Elizabeth Starkey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Elon Musk – CEO – Tesla (He is now under investigation & in multiple lawsuits for fraud)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation ) Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Emerson Collective – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Emily Gould– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Emily Herzig– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Emma Carmichael– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Eric Holder – Attorney General- DOJ (Forced to resign) (Charged with staff & VC Protections and blockade of FBI and Special Prosecutor deployments in order to run the cover-up)
Eric Paley
Eric Schmidt – Owner- Google (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Eric Strickland – Head of Auto Safety agency under DOT (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Charged with cover-up of Tesla and GM auto dangers he had known about)
Erin Ryan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Ethan Sommer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Eyal Ebel– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Facebook – Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures ) – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Fisker – Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Fred Graefe, Law Offices of Frederick H. Graefe. Graefe is a force among Democratic healthcare lobbyists.
Fusion GPS – Defamation and journalist bribery service – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Gabriel Burt
Gabrielle Bluestone– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Gabrielle Darbyshire– Defamation-for-sale blogger and attack services director
Gawker Media – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Gizmodo Media – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Georgina K. Faircloth– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Gerald Cassidy and Gregg Hartley, Cassidy & Associates. The trailblazing firm has regained momentum by diversifying its practice following a staff shake-up late last year.
Gilman Louie – VC, founder on IN-Q-Tel
Gizmodo – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures ) Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Goldman Sachs – Financial packager (Suspected of staging most of the TARP/DOE deals for personal gain & insider payouts)
Google, Inc. – Data harvesting company(Ran media attacks, stock market pump and dump PR hype and character assassinations)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) (charged by EU, and most nations, with multiple abuses of the public. Has totally lost the trust of the public. Revenue loss increasing geometrically.) Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Gregory Howard– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Greylock Capital – Silicon Valley Insider trading operator (Under investigation) Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Hamilton Nolan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Hannah Keyser– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Harry Reid – Senator- Solar factory guru, Congress lead (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…Forced out of Congress in shame)
Heather Deitrich– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Heather Podesta, Heather Podesta + Partners. The former congressional aide has built a solid lobbying practice and helps fundraise for Democrats with her husband, Tony.
Hillary Clinton – Dynastic politician
Hudson Hongo– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Hugo Schwyzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Hunter Slaton– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Ian Fette– Defamation-for-sale blogger and Google, Gawker, Jalopnik, Gizmodo media assassin
In-Q-Tel, Inc. – CIA off-shoot associated with Eric Schmidt, Google, Elon Musk and the Cartel leaders. Ran “hit-jobs” on Silicon Valley VC adversaries and reporters (Sued, under investigation, exposed in multiple documentaries, under investigation for Cocaine trafficking. Removal of charity status demanded) – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Ira Ehrenpreis – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation)
Irin Carmon– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Ivanpah Solar – Criminally corrupt crony Google campaign finance front operation. – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
J. Steven Hart, Williams & Jensen. Hart is a sought-after GOP fundraiser who has steered the ship for more than a decade as Williams & Jensen’s chairman and CEO.
Jack Lew
Jacque Littlefield – VC, Dead
Jalopnik – Online defamation facade political publication. Pretends to be about cars but is DNC hit job rag – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
James Bronkema – West Coast Money Man for David Rockefeller and Feinstein financier – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
James Brown Jr – HHS Programming lead in California (Arrested for corruption)
James J. Cooke– Defamation-for-sale blogger
James King– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Jared Cohen – Google boss and international political manipulator
Jawed Karim
Hunter Biden
Jay Carney – White House press lead (Forced to resign)
Jeff Berman and David Russell, Bryan Cave. Berman, the former delegate counter for President Obama’s 2008 campaign, and Russell, a former chief of staff to the late Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), are standouts on a capable lobby team.
Jeff Lieberman
Jeff Peck, Peck, Madigan, Jones & Stewart. Once an aide to then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Peck has carved out a niche working on the Dodd-Frank reform law.
Jeffrey Zients
Jennifer Ouellette– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Jeremy Stoppelman
Jerry Brown – California politician
Jesse Oxfeld– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Jessica Cohen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Jesus Diaz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Jillian Schulz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Jim Blanchard and Ilia Rodriguez, DLA Piper. Blanchard, a former Democratic governor of Michigan, and Rodriguez, an ex-lobbyist for the Center for American Progress, are at the vanguard of a formidable K Street team.
Jim Breyer – VC and CIA intermediary
Jim Goetz
Jim Pitts and Chris Cox, Navigators Global. Pitts’s firm has welcomed back GOP consultant Mike Murphy, adding more Republican talent to pair with Cox, a skilled hand from the George W. Bush White House.
Joanna Rothkopf– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Joe Lonsdale – VC, famous for rape and abuse scandal and domestic spying via Palantir
Joe Rhodes – White House shill
Joel Johnson, The Glover Park Group. The former aide to Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) helps manage one of the marquee Democratic-leaning firms in town.
Johanna Shelton
John Breaux and Trent Lott, Breaux-Lott Leadership Group. Now merged with Patton Boggs, the two former senators are going strong with a profitable lobbying practice anchored by several blue-chip clients.
John Cook– Defamation-for-sale blogger and director of media assassins group
John Doerr – Owner – Kleiner Perkins. “Godfather” – Silicon Valley Cartel (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation ) Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
John Herrman – Defamation-for-sale blogger – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
John Lindfors
John Podesta – White House adviser
John Raffaelli, Capitol Counsel. The former Democratic staffer has more than 25 years of expertise in taxation and international trade — two issues at the top of the congressional agenda.
Jonathan Silver – DOE VC (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Shamed in media for epic failures)
Jordan Sargent– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Joseph Keenan Trotter– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Josh Ackil and Matt Tanielian, Franklin Square Group. With clients including Apple, Google and Intel, the two Democrats are among the elite lobbyists for Silicon Valley in Washington.
Josh Kopelman
Josh Stein– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Joshua Wright
JP Gan
Julia Allison– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Julianne E. Shepherd– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Julie Domenick, Multiple Strategies LLC. The Democratic lobbyist, who was once targeted by the K Street Project, has flourished by opening her own firm.
Justin Hyde– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Kamala Harris– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Kate Dries– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Katharine Trendacosta– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Katherine Feinstein
Katherine Drummond– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Kathy Zoi
Keith Rabois -VC
Kelly Stout– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Ken Alex – Adviser to Jerry Brown
Ken Duberstein and Marti Thomas, The Duberstein Group. Duberstein was floated as a candidate for Obama’s chief of staff before the president chose Bill Daley, while Thomas is a Democratic vet who worked in the Clinton Treasury Department.
Ken Howery – VC
Kenneth Kies, Federal Policy Group. Kies will be one to watch during the corporate tax reform debate because he was a key aide during the last overhaul of the tax code.
Kerrie Uthoff– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Kevin Draper– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Kleiner Perkins – Campaign funding VC who (Received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging. Sued. Under investigation. All assets being tracked )
Lacey Donohue– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Lachlan Seward – Energy Department gatekeeper – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Lanny Griffith and Loren Monroe, BGR Group. Though it has added Democrats, Griffith and Monroe’s firm is known for GOP connections and has benefitted from long-standing ties to the new House leadership.
Larry O’Brien, OB-C Group. O’Brien is one of the most potent Democratic fundraisers in the country.
Larry Page – Google Boss – – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Larry Summers – VC
Licy Do Canto, The DoCanto Group. The former aide to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) is a highly regarded healthcare lobbyist.
Linda Daschle, LHD & Associates. Daschle, a former administrator for the Federal Aviation Administration, remains one of Washington’s top aviation lobbyists.
Linda Tarplin, Tarplin, Downs & Young. Tarplin remained among the elite healthcare lobbyists during the reform debate, and her GOP background makes the 112th Congress a prime time to display her prowess.
Lisa Kountoupes, Kountoupes Consulting. The former aide to Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) has her own lobby shop and contracts with Best Buy, Yahoo and Intel.
Lloyd Craig Blankfein – VC and Sachs boss
Lucy Haller– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Luke Malone– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Melanie Nutter – Pelosi Top Aide
Luke Nosek
Madeleine Davies– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Madeline Davis– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Marc Andreessen -VC – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Marc Lampkin and Jack Quinn, Quinn Gillespie & Associates. Republican Lampkin and Democrat Quinn make for a blockbuster pairing.
Mario Aguilar– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Mario Rosatti – VC
Mark Isakowitz, Fierce, Isakowitz and Blalock. Isakowitz and his GOP lobby shop scored a coup this year when Apple and Facebook both signed up as clients in a two-week span.
Mark Kadesh, Kadesh & Associates. Kadesh, once chief of staff to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), has an A-list of California clients and a reputation as a real pro.
Mark Rayder, Alston + Bird. Rayder’s Hill experience in appropriations and healthcare policy makes for a dynamite combination.
Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook Boss
Martin LaGod -VC Firelake Cap – – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Marty Paone, Prime Policy Group. Paone spent decades on Capitol Hill working for Senate Democrats and is part of the leadership team at Prime Policy, one of K Street’s most successful firms.
Mary Meeker – VC
Matt Hardigree– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Matt Keelen, The Keelen Group. The Republican lobbyist and campaign guru is a bridge to labor for the GOP.
Matt Novak– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Matt Rogers – VC and pass-through conduit
Max Levchin -VC
Mckinsey Consulting – The firm you hire to rig white papers and insider hires in government positions for the Palo Alto Mafia – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Megan Smith
Melissa Schulman, The Bockorny Group. A former aide to Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), Schulman has the connections to centrist Democrats that are always prized on K Street.
Michael Ballaban– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Michael Dobbs– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Michael Eisenberg
Michael Herson, American Defense International. Herson’s Pentagon and White House experience has been an asset to him as president of the successful defense consulting and lobbying firm.
Michael Moritz -VC
Michael Spinelli– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Mike Fulton, GolinHarris. Fulton is well versed in the minutiae of the Washington bureaucracy and is adept at finding federal grants for his clients.
Mike House, Hogan & Lovells. House leads the government relations practice at the firm and calls the shots on a prized account with Nissan North America.
Mikey Dickerson
Mitch Feuer and Robert Griner, Rich Feuer Group. The two lobbyists work for first-tier clients from the financial services world, including Visa and Goldman Sachs.
Morrison and Foerster
Nancy Pelosi – California politician
Nathan Parker
Neal Ungerleider– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Neerag Agrawal
Nicholas Aster– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Nicholas Guido Denton– Defamation-for-sale blogger and head of the Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik sleaze tabloid empire – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Nick Allard, Thomas Hale Boggs Jr., Micah Green, Jonathan Yarowsky and Edward Newberry, Patton Boggs. The firm continues to reign on K Street thanks to its roster of seasoned power brokers.
Nick Giordano, Washington Council Ernst & Young. A former counsel to the Senate Finance Committee, Giordano is one of the best tax lobbyists in town.
Omar Kardoudi– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Owen Thomas– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Patrick George– Defamation-for-sale blogger and Character Assassination expert
Patrick Laffoon– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Patrick Redford– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Perkins Coie – Campaign conduit law firm
Peter Fenton
Peter Thiel – VC
Pierre Omidyar– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Rahm Emanuel – White House boss
Raj Gupta – VC, arrested
Rakesh Saxeena – Canadian in-house arrest, arms dealer, western political packager
Ray Lane – VC
Reid Hoffman – VC and sex.com partner with Gary Kremen, also match.com – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Rhod Shaw, The Alpine Group. Shaw is an astute observer of Congress who has worked on several major pieces of environmental and telecommunications legislation.
Rich Gold, Kathryn Lehman and Gerry Sikorski, Holland & Knight. The firm’s flourishing lobbying practice is plugged in to both parties.
Rich Juzwiak– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Rich Tarplin, Tarplin Strategies. Tarplin exemplifies the breed of lobbyist who makes a living by out-working the competition.
Richard Blakely– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Richard Blum – VC and director/husband of Dianne Feinstein – – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Richard Rushfield– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Rick Kessler and Steve Sayle, Dow Lohnes Government Strategies. The former House Energy and Commerce Committee aides — Kessler a Democrat and Sayle a Republican — have built a well-established lobbying practice.
Robert Finger– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Robert Gibbs – White press office head
Robert Raben, The Raben Group. Raben, a former aide to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Clinton Justice Department official, runs one of the best Democratic-leaning lobby shops in town with clients in the corporate and nonprofit world.
Robert Sorokanich– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Robert Van Heuvelen, VH Strategies. Van Heuvelen shrewdly surrounds himself with the best; he recently hired Stephen Ward, formerly chief of staff to Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), to help keep his firm among the elite.
Rodger Currie, Foley Hoag LLP. A former lobbyist for PhRMA, Currie now works for several clients at Foley Hoag in the healthcare, medical and biotechnology fields.
Roelof Botha
Rory Waltzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Rosa Golijan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Russel Simmons
Ryan Brown– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Ryan Goldberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Sam Faulkner Biddle– Defamation-for-sale blogger, Runs a large part of the Anti-GOP blog programs
Sam Geduldig, Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford. The former House Republican leadership aide has seen a business boom at his firm since the GOP takeover of the lower chamber.
Sam Woolley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Samar Kalaf– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Sander Lurie and Todd Weiss, SNR Denton. Lurie, a former chief of staff to Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), and Weiss, who has worked for former Sens. Tim Hutchinson (R-Texas) and Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), make for a strong one-two punch.
Sandi Stuart and Vin Weber, Clark & Weinstock. Stuart’s executive experience under President Clinton and Weber’s past as a GOP congressman from Minnesota have lured a diverse clientele to the firm.
Sanjay Wagle – VC
Sarah Ramey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Scott Segal, Bracewell & Giuliani. Segal is a respected advocate for several electric utilities and energy companies and played a big part in the industry response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Scott Shleiffer
Sergy Brin – Google boss – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Shannon Marie Donnelly– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Shep McAllister– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Slade Gorton and Emanuel Rouvelas, K&L Gates. Gorton, an ex-GOP senator from Washington, and Democrat Rouvelas are just a few of the big names at the prominent law and lobby firm.
Solyndra Solar Company – FBI raided corrupt Clean Tech company – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Sophie Kleeman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
SpaceX – Elon Musk company that Obama gave part of NASA to in exchange for campaign conduits – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Stephen Totilo– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Steve Chen
Steve Elmendorf and Jimmy Ryan, Elmendorf | Ryan. A former aide to ex-House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt (Mo.), Elmendorf brought in Ryan to help expand the Senate ties of his thriving firm.
Steve Jurvetson – VC embroiled in sex abuse charges
Steve McBee, McBee Strategic. A former aide to Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), McBee has seen his lobby firm take off.
Steve Perry and Andy Wright, Dutko Grayling. Perry and Wright man the roster for one of the top 20 lobby shops in Washington.
Steve Rattner – White House car czar, indicted for fraud
Steve Spinner – Energy Department manipulation expert, Wife was Solyndra’s lawyer
Steve Westly – VC
Steven Chu – Secretary of Energy – The most corrupt in US history
Stu Van Scoyoc, Van Scoyoc Associates. The man who founded a top-earning lobby firm specializing on taxation and appropriations will have plenty of work in the months ahead.
Tamar Winberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Taryn Schweitzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Taylor McKnight– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Ted Schlein
Tesla Motors – Car Company that conduits money to campaigns – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
The Groundwork– Social manipulation group – – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Thomas Jolly, Jolly/Rissler. Jolly is founding chairman of the Washington Caucus, a group that hosts dinners with lawmakers, and a mainstay among Democratic lobbyists.
Theranos – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Thomas Quinn, Venable. Quinn’s ebullient personality is complemented by deep knowledge of the financial sector that dates back to his time as general counsel to the Comptroller of the Currency.
Thorin Klosowski– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Tim Draper – VC
Tim Marchman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Timothy Burke– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Tobey Grumet Segal– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Todd Park – IT manipulator inside White House
Tom Ley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Tom O’Donnell, Gephardt Government Affairs Group. O’Donnell and his former Capitol Hill boss, ex-House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt (Mo.), have done well since joining forces.
Tom Perkins – Dead KPCB Palo Alto Mafia founder
Tom Scocca– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Tom Sheridan, The Sheridan Group. Sheridan uses his social services and public policy experience to bolster causes that don’t fit the typical K Street mold.
Tom Steyer – VC –
Tomorrow Ventures – Social manipulation group – – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Tony Podesta, Podesta Group. The prolific Democratic fundraiser has seen his firm rocket to the echelons of the top five lobby shops.
Tracy Spicer, Avenue Solutions. Spicer mastered policy working for the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and is a trusted adviser for a number of leading health insurers.
Twitter – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
Veronica de Souza– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Victor Fazio, Joel Jankowsky, Scott Parven and Bill Paxon, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. Fazio, Jankowsky, Parven and Paxon are among the lobbyists who keep Akiwn Gump humming along as one of the top earners on K Street.
Viktor Vekselberg – Russian business entity
Vinod Khosla -VC
Wayne Berman, Drew Maloney and Moses Mercado, Ogilvy Government Relations. Ogilvy’s commanding K Street presence reflects the firm’s deep ties to leaders in both parties.
Wes Siler– Defamation-for-sale blogger
William Haisley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
William Turton– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Wilson Sonsini Partner Club
Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich and Rosatti – – Targeted For Bankruptcy For Abuse Of The Public
XXXX …Plus additional persons to be named…

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