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(WORLD NEWS) Our Federal Anti-Corruption Lawsuits – The Battle To Save America From Crooks





Help our team sue the shit out of these corrupt scumbags, expand THE STOCK ACT and put the public back in charge of their government.

  • This information is for Congress, The FBI, The FTC, The DOJ And The Public.
  • During our previous cases: Steven Chu, The Secretary of Energy (Who we sued personally) was fired for Corruption; Eric Holder – The U.S. Attorney General, was fired AND condemned by Congress for Corruption; James Comey – The head of the FBI was fired for Corruption and Cronyism, The CIA’s In-Q-Tel rogue operation was caught with 4 tons of cocaine on it’s airplanes, Jeffrey Epstein ‘killed himself’ and over 178+ other government employees were fired and/or arrested for corruption. Don’t get us wrong: We are not ‘Anti-Government’. We ARE the government. We are pro anti-corruption!
  • The USG, the corrupt Senators and the Silicon Valley Corporations, that they conspire with, make over TWO TRILLION DOLLARS per day, a large percentage of that money is based off of technologies and work produced by Plaintiff according to the USPTO, financial reports, The IRS, The SEC and the Defendants themselves.
  • The Defendants exchange cash and stock back-and-forth via covert means and the Silicon Valley companies receive wire transfers from USG for surveillance of citizens.
  • The executives of the Defendants have been charged by federal authorities with sex trafficking, tax evasion, RICO, political bribery, money laundering, insider trading, anti-trust, hiring media assassins, stock market manipulation, causing child suicides, and other heinous crimes.
  • When judicial staff or officers try to jam up our case: We record any evidence relating to an incident of political rudeness, corruption, stonewalling, blacklisting or cronyism. We write down the alleged corruption and preserve any relevant documents that may prove corruption has taken or is taking place. We contact the judicial review board in our state. Every state and Washington D.C. has such a board to take complaints and conduct investigations of judicial misconduct. We file our complaint based on our state review board’s specific procedure and request the firing of all parties who engaged in such activity. We file a press release in all news services and contact all community organizations with an interest in such matters. We pull copies of every social media and internet posting, by those people engaging in the illicit acts and use CLEARVIEW AI and YANDEX FACE TRACK, and other services, to facetrack them, and any associations or event participation’s they may have had with the Defendants or ‘bad guys”. We pull stock market ownership records to see if the people who engaged in the judicial cover-ups, corruption, stone-walling, black-listing or cronyism, or their family members, own stock in the adversary interests. We make a statement with the judicial review board as requested. We file a separate complaint with the U.S. and state Attorney General where the corruption constitutes a criminal act.
  • There are over 300+ ‘bad guys’ (and bad girls) listed, by name, in the Trial Exhibits. As of today, all of the tax forms, stock records, accounting files, political contributions and other incriminating records of them, and their families, (including EVERY major Silicon Valley VC and CEO) have been hacked by hackers (including Russian, Iranian and Chinese state agencies) and dumped into the hands of news outlets like ProPublica and many others. The 300+ famous Jeffrey Epstein-like bad guys will cry and moan about their ‘innocence’ but the hacks mean that investigators now are ACTUALLY following-the-money from Sand Hill Road to The Oval Office and can’t ever defer, lie, delay, obsfuscate and jive with their “I didn’t do nothin‘” BS! Anybody trying to “slow walk” this case will face the fast lane to hell and their family will be cross-checked first, through all of the leak files. ICIJ will post results from these leaks as they did with The Panama Papers! If you think the Hunter Biden leaks were shocking…. you ain’t seen nothin yet!
  • Reaching the darkest depths of SCUM-BAGGERY Judges and Senators in this case are either financed by, friends, with, sleeping with, dating the staff of, holding stock market assets in, promised a revolving door job or government service contracts from, partying with, personal friends with, photographed at private events with, exchanging emails with, business associates of or directed by; our business adversaries, or the Senators and politicians that those business adversaries pay campaign finances to, or supply political digital search manipulation services to. Criminal U.S. Senators coordinated and profited in these schemes. Their own family members, who plaintiff, and his peers know personally, have now supplied evidence against them. That’s right: The Big Tech Companies causing your children to commit suicide, sex trafficking kids, bribing Congess, running insider trading and money laundering ARE OWNED BY YOUR OWN ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS!!!!!!

People working INSIDE the Courts, at California Senator’s offices and in the biggest companies in Silicon Valley are doing everything they can think of to keep Scott from getting to a Jury Trial in his Anti-Corruption cases. Those blocking Scott’s path to justice are the covert players in America’s current political civil war… BUT… Scott has already posted his most incriminating evidence on web servers across the planet. EVERYBODY CAN SEE THE EVIDENCE NOW and decide if a bunch of their public officials are corrupt mobsters! It has been uploaded in every country on the planet and also hidden in encrypted files that look like movies, music or powerpoints.

EVERYTHING the insiders want to keep the world from knowing about is already on the screens of THE ENTIRE WORLD! “Suck on that” says Scott’s peers.

The truth is out there… right on the computer screen of every citizen on Earth…all acquired 100% legally and already hand delivered to the FBI, DOJ, FTC, SEC, Congress and everybody who wants to know about the dirty deeds.

“FUCK YOU, corrupt politicians! The Streisand effect is coming!– ( Wikipedia)”

Why don’t you see much about this corruption in the “news? A handful of companies in Silicon Valley, all controlled by the same investors, control almost all of the news and information servers in the world. They only hire and publish writers that agree with their fake news ideology. That ideology is whatever lie they can sell to the emotions of those shill writers to get them to “believe”. In reality the only ideology the owners of those companies actually have is to pump their personal stock market holdings. They control elections in order to manipulate people into office that will do things that benefit the stocks of those media owners. They will lie to beat the band because their hookers, rent boys, private jets, drugs, private islands and other sins are expensive as hell and they are addicted to those deviancy’s. They are all invested with Elon Musk’s, Larry Page’s and Mark Zuckerberg’s companies so they never allow any negative news about those tech mobsters in the world news that they control. This is the worst kind of illegal media monopoly but these owners control the agency heads who are supposed to indict them. So everybody in America is screwed until some non-fake law enforcement comes along.


U.S. Senators, and their husbands, do not get to own Google, Facebook Tesla and YouTube, and their suppliers, while exclusively financing Elon Musk, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg with government money (your money) and tax waivers, while sabotaging their competitors and cutting them off from the same government benefits.

This goes wayyyyy beyond who gets a few bucks for their friggin’ windmills. The investigation exposed a nation-wide crime network run through Goldman Sachs, and other I-Banks, where Senators and their families steal hundreds of billions of dollars in ‘stock market’ payola at the expense of American citizens. Did you notice that there is over $200+ BILLION dollars missing from the COVID funds? Did you notice that over $800+ BILLION dollars of that scam-ridden ‘Build-Back-Better’ cash was hardwired straight to the stock market profits of the California Senators? Did you notice the TRILLIONS of dollars missing from the Afghan war funding? Yep, so it’s like that…

U.S. Senators and the highest officials in the land are also financed by Elon Musk, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg for their political campaigns. The United States Government is supposed to arrest Elon Musk, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg for corruption, not help them, and Goldman Sachs, do more crimes!

A sort look at world history reveals these key dates:

**** October 31, 1979 Soviet informants under orders from the inner circle of advisors under Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev relayed information to the Afghan Armed Forces for them to undergo maintenance cycles for their tanks. This leads to a full Russian invasion of Afghanistan.**** 1987 – Soviets determine that Afghan minerals are far less minimal than thought and not worth the effort. – Feb. 5, 1989 – Soviets fully retreat from Afghanistan. **** March, 1990 – CIA operatives start ‘finding’ rare earth mineral treasure maps left behind by Russians. They later turn out to be fake and possibly a trick to sucker the Americans. **** 1998 – Memo written by al-Qaida military chief Mohammed Atef, acquired by the FBI, exposes the Bin Laden 9-11 plans based around his group’s insiders at the USA/Afghan mineral, oil, and gas exploitation meetings, which are falling apart. **** Sept. 11, 2001 – US Attacked **** 2002 to 2008 – USAID and McKinsey Consulting flood Washington, DC with ‘White-Papers” and reports saying there are ‘trillions’ of dollars of rare earth mines in Afghanistan ‘for the taking’. Washington DC politicians and Silicon Valley oligarchs associated with Tesla, Fisker and Solyndra dreamed up this government scam based on a $7 trillion+ profiteering scam around a new invasion of Afghanistan **** March 10, 2022 – World War 3 begins (Russians again !!!?) because the current U.S. White House Staff can’t pay attention to anything but their own personal stock market accounts and are frozen with in an utter inability to accomplish anything they promised to the public.

Silicon Valley oligarchs and some U.S. Senators, and their husbands, created all of this hell. Then they attacked the whistle-blowers using government resources. Now hell, and the public, are coming for them!

The government reprisal attackers cancelled Plaintiffs federal funding and gave it to his competitor who they owned the stock of and were dating; they cut off Plaintiffs social security benefits; they hacked Plaintiffs devices; they cut off Plaintiffs HUD benefits; they took away Plaintiffs home; they got Plaintiffs fired; they poisoned hiring databases; they manipulated Paypal payments; They used DNS redirection, website spoofing, shadow-bans and other digital spy-tricks to keep Plaintiffs web storefronts hidden from buyers; They hired IN-Q-Tel, Think Progress, Media Matters, Gawker Media, Syd Blumenthal, etc to run a $40M digital character assassination; They hired Google to rig billions of global searches; They enforced blacklists and other anti-trust RICO actions; They exposed Plaintiff to weapons-grade toxins in his Dept of Energy lab work; and other spycraft type ‘political dirty tricks’ operations; Plaintiff was a key whistle-blower in the Solyndra FBI raids and Afghan war investigations yet never received his whistle-blower/informant/witness fees.

A number of those attacked (Sharyl Attkisson, Monica Samille Lewinsky, Julian Asange, John Michael Gravitt, Jeffrey Wigand, Dr. Aubrey Blumsohn, John Kopchinski, Robert Rudolph, Joseph Faltaous, Steven Woodward, Dr. Eric Ben-Artzi, Cheryl Eckard, Coleen Rowley, Bradley Manning, Frank Serpico, Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, et al ) compared notes and found that the same government contractors did, generally, the same things to each of them:

– Applicants employers were called, and faxed, and ordered to fire applicants from their places of employment, in the middle of the day, with no notice, as a retribution tactic.
– Applicants HR and employment records, on recruiting and hiring databases, were embedded with negative keywords in order to prevent them from gaining future employment.
– Disability and VA hearings and benefits were frozen, delayed, denied or subjected to lost records and “missing hard drives” as in the Lois Lerner case.
– Paypal and other on-line payments for on-line sales were delayed, hidden, or re-directed in order to terminate income potential for applicants who competed with DOE interests and holdings.
– DNS redirection, website spoofing which sent applicants websites to dead ends and other Internet activity manipulations were conducted.
– Campaign finance dirty tricks contractors IN-Q-Tel, Think Progress, Media Matters, Gawker Media, Syd Blumenthal, etc., were hired by DOE Executives and their campaign financiers to attack applicants who competed with DOE executives stocks and personal assets.
– Covert DOE partner: Google, transfered large sums of cash to dirty tricks contractors and then manually locked the media portion of the attacks into the top lines of the top pages of all Google searches globally, for years, with hidden embedded codes in the links and web-pages which multiplied the attacks on applicants by many magnitudes.
– Honeytraps and moles were employed by the attackers.
– McCarthy-Era “Black-lists” were created and employed against applicants who competed with DOE executives and their campaign financiers to prevent them from funding and future employment and many other forms of Government vengeance and retribution dirty tricks.

Financial and communication records have now been recovered by ICIJ, private investigators, news organizations and others examining the leaked documents that prove who did what.

White House and Agency senior staff, along with members of Congress, ran an organized crime, insider-trading “Enterprise’, within our government. They convinced major law enforcement executives to look the other way. They sabotaged and attacked competitors using government resources. Their ‘consigliere’ financier/beneficiary partners are the oligarchs of Silicon Valley’s Big Tech. All of their covert links have now been exposed by leaks, family insiders and whistle-blowers. Arrests are demanded!

Help fight these corrupt scumbags. Support our AMERICAN STOCK ACT (LINK) in Congress, Our CLASS-ACTION ANTI-CORRUPTION (LINK) , Our general anti-corruption lawsuits, the SHAME (LINK) campaigns against the corrupt politicians, our Citizen-CIA (LINK), the use of our promoted AMERICAN JOBS ACT (LINK) to allow crowd-funding, Our conversion of citizen lawsuits to federal lawsuits against corrupt Big Tech oligarchs, a global financial database assisted by ICIJ to root out family money-laundering by Senators and others, and much, much more…


Having worked with, and lived with, these people, been in their secret meetings and attended their home parties for decades, we have decided we do not like them because they are infested with criminality and they seek to normalize cultural horrors that any knowledgeable society would never tolerate. On top of that, they used government resources to attack us in reprisal and anti-competition.

The documented characteristics of this “Cartel”, which is an organized ‘enterprise’ consisting of Silicon Valley ‘Venture Capitalists’, Big Tech executives, Senators, White House executives, agency heads and investment bankers; includes the following facts as detailed in, literally, millions of news articles and law enforcement reports:

They have a sick, echo-chambered, criminality: A horrific phenomenon of cultural depravity and white-collar crime is going unchecked in Silicon Valley because Silicon Valley controls the media and the politicians that are usually supposed to check these kinds of things. Millions of pages of news reports, documentaries, interviews and legal transcripts prove this to be true. Feature films and network TV shows like: “Too Big Too Fail”; 60 Minutes (via over 10 investigation segments); Super-Pumped- The Uber Story; Bad Blood; Silicon Valley – The TV Series; and hundreds more, show the true culture of depravity that this crowd squirms around in.

They are an elitist cult. Silicon Valley elitists believe they are better than everyone else. Silicon Valley’s Kleiner Perkins founder: VC Tom Perkins, said that poor people must be “Nazi’s” for not accepting the “superior intellect” of VC’s. Silicon Valley’s Kleiner Perkins VC Vinod Khosla, took over California’s favorite public beach, bribed the White House for “green cash” and got sued for arrogance by a horde of public interest lawsuits. Silicon Valley’s Kleiner Perkins founder Ray Lane was indicted for tax evasion. Silicon Valley’s Kleiner Perkins boss John Doerr was sued for sexual office abuse and running a “frat house” and bribing Stanford University. Most of the VC’s and tech CEO’s in Silicon Valley are charged with similar ethics breaches. They bribe press and political figures to keep their dirty deeds out of the news.

They gorge on prostitutes. Silicon Valley males hire more hookers and “rent-boys” and fly more sex workers into the Bay Area than any other city in America. Google’s and Tesla Investments executives were killed in sex and drug romps with hookers. Google’s Eric Schmidt ran a huge “sex penthouse” and promotes infidelity and “anti-marriage”. Google’s search engine rigging boss died at the hands of one of his hookers. The Silicon Valley VC’s had the Rosewood Hotel built at the end of Sandhill Road as a place to take interns and hookers to for sex. Underage sex efforts operated by these VC’s and Tech CEO’s have created the “Pizzagate” phenomenon.

They engage in Rape and Sexual Coercion of employees. Young interns are “sent up the hill” by Stanford to the VC’s Sandhill Road offices to become sexual playthings for the VC’s at the Rosewood Hotel. Ellen Pao sued Kleiner Perkins over the sexual “rape culture” that they promoted. Thousands of women have written books and articles about the sexual intimidation they are subjected to by Silicon Valley VC’s and their tech CEO’s. VC’s Joe Lonsdale, Micheal Goguen and hundreds of others have been charged with rape and sex trafficking. Stanford University gets “endowments” and “gifts” for hushing rape culture and intern-fluffing up.

They are Assholes. Fraternity House Take-What-You-Want culture is re-percussively promoted in the bars, clubs, meetings, conferences and emails of the VC’s and CEO’s. The TV Show: Silicon Valley, underscores the point of the dangers of infectious asshole-ism in Silicon Valley.

They are tunnel-vision clones. They assemble those around them, that have the same stereotypical facial structure. In a room full of ordinary people and Tech VC’s, the VC’s faces stand out as Hollywood-type character-cartoon duplicates of each other. They act alike, talk alike, dress alike and do crime alike.

They are devoted to sexual deviance and extremism. In the book: BROTOPIA, and related books, you see that Google’s founders have all had extreme sex scandals involving cheating, 3-way sex, divorces over abuse, forced anal sex and other outrages. Their teachers at Stanford have had to quit over their sex scandals. Their willingness and infatuation with sexual extremes defines them as moral degenerates who care little about laws and ethics.

The had Dysfunctional Parents. The majority of the VC’s and Tech CEO’s come from rich dynastic families who are cultism-like devoted to “the family bloodline” and run by male oligarchs who believe in a rape culture/oligarch ethos. This belief system is passed on to their children. The oligarch parents threaten to cut endowments to Stanford University if Stanford punishes their son’s Frat Houses for date rapes.

They are Tone Deaf. Silicon Valley Tech people exist in a conceptual ideology reinforcement bubble by never interacting with, or reading information or news from, anyone outside of their group. VC Tim Draper spent vast amounts of money trying to make Silicon Valley it’s own country in order to systemize the Silicon Valley tunnel-vision bubble. They want to secede from America because they are offended by normal people who they consider to be low-class and unworthy.

They have their enemies killed. Rajeev Motwani taught the Google founders how to build Google and was found, mysteriously, floating, dead, in his Silicon Valley swimming pool. Silicon Valley’s Gary D. Conley reported John Doerr and Elon Musk for corruption and was found with a bullet in his head behind Beale Air Force base. Three top Tesla engineers reported corruption at Tesla Motors and then suddenly died in a plane crash next to Tesla’s factory in San Carlos. There are over 100 mysterious deaths associated with people who had conflicts with Google, Kleiner Perkins and other Silicon Valley oligarchs.

They are arrogant self-centered narcissists. Elon Musk has spent over a billion dollars buying exclusive Google, Twitter, MSM and Facebook hype about himself. Every Tech CEO has a multi-million dollar PR agent assigned to make them look like “Gods of Industry”. They regularly hold “Babes and Ball’s” parties and sex parties in Woodside that require women to beg for their money. They were trained to be “assholes” and “abusive dominants” via the Stanford Rape/Frat Culture.

They are misogynists. They are all White-Male-Controlled operations with frat house pasts. Women are used As Sex Objects and Window Dressing. The largest number of anti-women news stories, jock/bro blog reports and charges for abuse come from Silicon Valley. VC Steve Westly’s CEO friend is notorious for kicking his girlfriend hundreds of times because she “sassed” him. Almost of of their Divorce filings include abuse charges against the man.

They manipulate employees. Silicon Valley cartel companies practice Scientology-like indoctrination and “cultural programming” of employees. These highly impressionable naive young employees are kept in “controlled environments”, sent to “mindfulness programming workshops” and told what kind of political opinions they should have. Tight-knit groups of females experience synchronized menstrual periods ( http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v229/n5282/abs/229244a0.html ) over time, cohesive Google and Facebook employee groups engaged in decision-making discount dissenting viewpoints in the interests of consensus, and that couples who stay together long enough begin to look alike. A new study has captured another group phenomenon in Silicon Valley and chronicled in humans’ natural habitat: “group brain synchrony”. This is a CIA-like brainwashing technique exploited to get all Google/Facebook/Twitter employees to rapidly adopt the same political views.

They are racists. Silicon Valley companies have the lowest rates of hiring, or promoting blacks, in America even though they have a high population of blacks at the edge of their community. Elon Musk was raised by racists and is always getting sued for racism. Google and Facebook hire almost no black people except window dressing tokens.

They have huge Male insecurity issues. They use TED-Talks, SXSW and Syncronicity Events as self-promoting hype in which to act like an apostle of a tech religion. They buy Tesla cars as a badge of arrogance and mock any male who does not own what they own or who who did not go to Stanford or Yale. These pretentious and ostentatious boys are more inclined to brag about penis-size than family.

They run epic Blacklisting efforts. In the ‘AngelGate’ Investigation and the ‘Silicon Valley No Poaching Class Action Lawsuit’, Silicon Valley was exposed as an insider club that black-lists those who look different or are not part of the boys club.

They are Politically corrupt. Silicon Valley has bribed more politicians than any other domestic region in history. They promote more immigration in order to get cheap labor for their tech companies. They steal their technology and bribe politicians to eliminate patent protections for small inventors that they steal from. Political Corruption and Bribery Is The Norm for these boys. Silicon Valley created a CIA knock-off called “In-Q-Tel” in order to use CIA technology to manipulate elections at Google, Facebook and Twitter. The 60 Minutes Episode called: “The Cleantech Crash” is about their multi-billion dollar scam using the Dept. of Energy as a slush-fund. They refuse to allow their MSM to report on their corruption and crony kickbacks, ie: Tesla Motors Funding, Off-shore tax evasion, Hooker networks, etc.

They engage in Collusion. In the AngelGate Investigation, the Silicon Valley No Poaching Class Action Lawsuit, and hundreds of other cases, Silicon Valley was exposed as an insider club that colludes to rig valuations, stock markets and employee poaching. They operate in herds within their peer group. They are not inclined to independent thinking. Kleiner Perkins has been caught placing moles and saboteurs inside competitors start-ups. They operate in herds within their peer group. They are not inclined to independent thinking.

They are Stock Market Criminals. Stock Market Pump-and-Dump, Flash Boy Algorithm Manipulation, Insider Trading, Market Rigging. The Securities and Exchange law violations and FTC monopoly law violations are vast in number.

They are idiotic Burning Man Sex-and-Drugs Devotees. Silicon Valley frat boys have a huge participation in the date-rape goings-on at Burning Man and buy extensive pheromone and skin contact delivery animal-tranquilizer drugs to use on young Burning Man girls.

They have minimal regard for Consequences. Although their PR agents promote them as “green” and “socially positive”, it is all hype to get tax waivers and government hand-outs. Mark Zuckerberg’s take-over of San Francisco General Hospital’s brand was entirely a scam to get him a $1 billion dollar tax evasion deployment. The Silicon Frat Boys act on impulse and try to buy off the collateral damage later.

Many of them are closeted homosexuals. Using the tremendous funds they have at hand from their exclusive monopolies in public media, they push their trans-gender agendas through their bought-and-paid for politicians. This has resulted in a generation of sexually confused children who believe that they should cut their penises off. The top bosses at Facebook, Google, Twitter, Tesla and other companies are lying to the public about their sexuality and using hired wives, known as “beards”. If they lie about something so basic, one has to wonder what else they lie about.

They are thieves. They steal most of their technology from small inventors who can’t defend themselves. They get inventions from Indian engineers and then ship them back to India before the employees can get any stock or IP rights. The tech CEO’s send their VC friends to competing start-ups to spy on competing technologies and steal it. The VC’s say they are just doing “due diligence” but they are actually sucking the competing start-up dry of IP and staff and making a clone of it under another name. The NY Times ran an article about how Larry Page sneaks around at conferences stealing ideas and technology for Google. (see www.usinventor.org)

There are so many other awful things about the people of Silicon Valley. You get the picture. Silicon Valley is a swamp and a cesspool.

Criminal politicians and their Silicon Valley oligarch financiers organized a felony-class ‘enterprise’ to exchange stock market shares, jobs, government cash, sex, exclusive public policy switcheroos and other corrupt actions. They put hit jobs on us (their competitors and whistle-blowers) using government resources. Now we are suing them and filing criminal referrals against them with the FBI, DOJ, SEC, FTC, GAO, FEC and Congress!


By comparing records and files from FINCEN, FBI, FTC, SEC, Congressional Investigators, ICIJ, FEC, DOJ, ProPublica, and other sources, one can easily see that Bay Area political officials own Google, Tesla, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, et al, (AKA “The Tech Cartel” or, in legal terms: “The Enterprise“). This explains why those companies have been exempt from regulation and prosecution. Those public officials and tech company oligarchs have exchanged millions, and millions, of dollars between themselves and their families for profiteering.

They were all either financed by, friends, with, sleeping with, dating the staff of, holding stock market assets in, promised a revolving door job or government service contracts from, partying with, personal friends with, photographed at private events with, exchanging emails with, business associates of or directed by; our business adversaries, or the Senators and politicians that those business adversaries pay campaign finances to, or supply political digital search manipulation services to. Criminal U.S. Senators coordinated and profited in these schemes. Their own family members have now supplied evidence against them. You don’t hear about this, much, in the “main-stream news” because nearly half of Congress, White House staff and government agency bosses own the stock in the news broadcasters and receive billions of dollars of financing from them.

Many witnesses have now sworn, warranted and certified to federal law enforcement about the details of these crimes. Many of those whistle-blowers were former executives in “The Tech Cartel’.

This is not about politics. It is about felony crimes! Our government representatives are business partners with our biggest enemies and make decisions based on greed, not duty! Call them out! Demand their arrests!

THIS SITE EXISTS SO THAT no that no law enforcement official or public agency official can ever say they didn’t know about these crimes.

We told EVERY one of them in writing, verbally, in videos, in books, in court and at their front offices.

So far, all they have done is run COVER-UPS, SHRED our documents, STONE-WALL, blockade us from having a jury trial, tell FBI bosses NOT TO WRITE 302 REPORTS, and obfuscate.


Without breaking a single law and WITH the help of the largest law enforcement and investigative resources on the planet, we have had every single party that has come after us, including some of the largest entities in the world, hunted down, and punished!

If you are attacking us in political reprisal, vendetta and revenge or because our products were better than yours and you chose to cheat rather than compete, you can expect to lose a minimum of one billion dollars in stock valuation. Corrupt politicians, criminal big tech companies and sex pervert billionaire oligarchs can never survive THE TRUTH about them coming out in public and in Congressional investigations.

We use lawsuits, federal investigations, news reports, whistle-blowers, new public regulations, anti-trust filings, FBI criminal referrals, stock-devaluations, tens of millions of crowd-sourced voters and unique AI-based forensics software.

When you attack us, when you kill our friends, when you run smear campaigns: we find every person and organization on the globe that hates you, gather them together and aim them all at your life! Anyone who attacks us stays on the ‘shit list’ for the rest of their lives plus the next 100+ years of internet time. The corrupt should add up the market valuation of all of the stock they own. Then they can watch it lose 40% to 90% of it’s value and get huge investigations from the FBI, FTC, FINCEN, SEC, Interpol and activist investors!

If you come for us again, prepare to suffer. You will become a trailer park and we will be the tornado!

Every stock you buy is a notice to our team to bankrupt the company that you invested in. Every politician that gets that stock as part of a quid pro quo bribe, will be exposed. Even if we are dead, your punishment will be carried out by a legacy team of public volunteers and peers. It may happen to you tomorrow or it may be a slow-drip over the next 15 years. Never stop looking over your shoulder. Billions of citizens with notebook computers and criminology software are coming for every single one of these corrupt insiders!

If you hired media attackers, expect 100 times what you did to us to come back at you and your family forever!

If you don’t believe it, look at some of the evidence: