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THE INSIDE TESLA INVESTIGATIONS!!!!: RICO, Safety, Tax Fraud, DOE Fraud, Stock Manipulation, Kickbacks…and more…

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Draft 5.8

A number of federal, state, securities, media, law enforcement and public entities are investigating Tesla Motors and associates relative to the following issues:

– In the entire history of America, there has never been a federal program where EVERY SINGLE applicant was denied EXCEPT the 1% handful who were friends of the awarding party and where the denied applicants were also targeted. Why did that happen in this program?

– Out of 300 million people in America, why are the same 12 people, who are backers and intermediaries, all connected to Solyndra, Fisker, Tesla, Abound, A123 and the rest, in the same exact taxpayer portfolio?

– Out of 300 million people in America, why are the same 12 people, who are backers and intermediaries, all connected to Solyndra, Fisker, Tesla, Abound, A123 and the rest, uniquely configured for personal windfall profits and gain from these financing’s?

– According to DOE staff, who were at DOE when the Tesla application was submitted, nothing that Tesla submitted was ever built by Tesla. In fact, these staff state that the vehicle that Tesla eventually sold was not even designed or engineered when Tesla was approved for the loan money, contrary to the Section 136 law requirement. They say that Tesla took the money and THEN hired people to figure out what they were going to do with it. As shown in the DOE files, the engineering of the shipping Tesla cars has no element that was submitted to DOE. Is that true?

– Ex-Guardian staff say “integrity-deficient U.S. Senator used powerful committee to order hits/spying on reporters/congressional opponents/others for personal political retribution attacks.” Recusal from committee demanded.

– Specific investigators tell reporters they were ordered to delay their investigations to avoid bad political optics.

– Why did the very staff in a Senator’s office, that got Tesla the taxpayer money, then get a job working for Tesla?

– Why did Tesla not have to pay the cash participation fee that the Section 136 law said everybody had to pay?

– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s Federal funding?

– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s Federal waivers, tax deferrals, credits and discounts?

– Can you clarify why, out of all the states in America, only four states got almost all of the CARGATE money and those same states, senators, campaign backers, beneficiaries, “winners”, and investment bankers were all connected?

– A portion of NASA was shut down at the same time that Tesla investors, who were campaign backers, were given NASA government contracts to provide the same services that NASA had just been told it could no longer provide. At the same time, NASA was giving Tesla investors free fuel for their private jets. Why is that? Why is the timing so aligned?

– Kleiner Perkins and certain silicon valley VC’s, all investors in a number of DOE “winners” (including Tesla, Fisker, Solyndra, A123 and others), organized meetings with a Dmitry Medvedev and other men known by the State Department and federal investigators to be involved in Russian mobsterism and then Ener1, Severstal and A123, dark-money funded and run by billionaires (many of whom own lithium mining interests) known by the State Department, the CIA and federal investigators to be involved in Russian mobsterism, were awarded taxpayer funds by Steven Chu, who was nominated by Kleiner Perkins. Was any of this a conflict of interest?

– Why is the only company to receive real estate exclusives, exclusive tax waivers, credits and stock enhancers and free rides on taxpayer backs also the same company who’s investors were the largest funders of certain State officials?

– Federal communications monitoring of text, voice and email communications of certain highly placed Senators, lobbyists and venture capitalists from 2005 to today should be made available to ALL federal criminal investigators. Have they been? Are one or more Senators blocking this effort because they are compromised?

– The head of the NHTSA Tesla investigation quit because of increased scrutiny. The facts, such as these, demonstrate that Tesla and Fisker never should have passed any NHTSA safety review. How can the public be assured that ongoing NHTSA investigations regarding Tesla will not be rigged?

– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s State funding?

– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s State waivers, tax deferrals, credits and discounts?

– Did Tesla investors bribe, or influence Congress people?

– Did Tesla staff or owners investors bribe, or influence Congress people?

– Did Tesla staff, owners or investors provider misleading information to investors?

– Was there a conflict of interest between Department of Energy staff and Tesla owners, investors or staff?

– Was there a conflict of interest between White House staff and Tesla owners, investors or staff?

– Was there a conflict of interest between Senate staff and Tesla owners, investors or staff?

– Did Tesla Motors use taxpayer money to hire off-shore staff?

– Did Tesla Motors use taxpayer money to purchase supplies offshore that could have been purchased in the United States?

– Did Tesla Motors participate in a market rigging scam to rig lithium ion purchasing for its investors?

– Did Tesla Motors participate in a market rigging scam to rig the electric car market for its investors?

– Did Tesla Motors staff, or owners, sabotage competitors?

– Did Tesla Motors staff, owners or investors exchange campaign funding quid pro quo for business financing?

– Did Silicon Valley companies, owned by Tesla investors and campaign financiers, use internet technology to falsify information to the public in order to manipulate stock market perceptions in violation of SEC, RICO, and various other laws?

– Did Tesla Motors lie about the safety metrics of its lithium ion battery system?

– Was Tesla Motors holding safety metric data in its files which differed fully from the safety metrics data it provided to investors and NHTSA?

– Did Tesla Motors violate securities law by using false information to acquire a federal loan which it then used to falsify its stock metrics in order to “pump” it’s stock?

– Did a Big 5 accounting firm conspire with Tesla to manipulate market metrics in violation of RICO Statutes and did that firm manipulate Department of Energy review data on Tesla’s behalf?

– A U.S. Senator officiated at the opening of the Tesla Nummi plant and lobbied for Tesla’s tax waivers, credits, acquisition of NUMMI and discounts and then that U.S. Senator had their staff work in Tesla’s offices. Is it a conflict of interest that this senator received campaign funding and this senator’s family received real estate deals from the Tesla and, (next door to Tesla), Solyndra real estate deals?

Did a major national retail bank conspire with Tesla to manipulate market metrics in violation of RICO Statutes?

Did two major international investment banks conspire with Tesla to manipulate market metrics in violation of RICO Statutes?

– Were Department of Energy staff manipulating Tesla funding data in order to favor Tesla and it’s campaign funding investors in violation of RICO Statutes?

– Were Department of Energy staff manipulating Tesla funding data in order to disfavor Tesla competitors and competitors to it’s campaign funding investors in violation of RICO Statutes?

– Did Tesla owners, staff or investors attempt to delay federal investigations and indictments by asserting influencein violation of RICO Statutes and numerous other laws?

– For the SAFETY INVESTIGATIONS: See This Link>>>

Additional issues will be listed here as the media reports them.


Investigation Charges:


(Click Pix For More)

Safety Investigations:


(Click Pix for more)

Technical Failures and Unreported Defects:


(Click Pix For More)

Staff Issues, Worker Safety, OSHA Investigations:

Brand Crisis:


Yep, I hear the bad guys were only able to shut down part of the investigations. Some of the criminal investigators actually went out and did their jobs and are starting to bust the criminals, even though some of those criminals are “high profile”.  It looks like owning a few senators and banks doesn’t hide you as well as it used to.

Tom –  NYT


It is nuts it has taken this long. Everybody in the country can see what happened by now. It was getting obvious. It must have been an embarrassment for the federal cops to have to sit on their hands like that. NOW, finally, they can go to town.



Obama’s Green Energy Fire Sale – GOP

Oct 22, 2012 … Miasole’s Investors Include John Doerr‘s Kleiner Perkins. …. A Russian Businessman With Ties To Then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

www.gop.com/news/research/obamas-green-energy-fire-sale/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Silicon Valleys « Boom: A Journal of California

In June 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev came to the United … that venture capitalist John Doerr once called “the largest legal creation of wealth in the …

www.boomcalifornia.com/2011/06/silicon-valleys/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight



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