THE INSIDE TESLA INVESTIGATIONS!!!!: RICO, Safety, Tax Fraud, DOE Fraud, Stock Manipulation, Kickbacks…and more…
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Draft 5.8
A number of federal, state, securities, media, law enforcement and public entities are investigating Tesla Motors and associates relative to the following issues:
– In the entire history of America, there has never been a federal program where EVERY SINGLE applicant was denied EXCEPT the 1% handful who were friends of the awarding party and where the denied applicants were also targeted. Why did that happen in this program?
– Out of 300 million people in America, why are the same 12 people, who are backers and intermediaries, all connected to Solyndra, Fisker, Tesla, Abound, A123 and the rest, in the same exact taxpayer portfolio?
– Out of 300 million people in America, why are the same 12 people, who are backers and intermediaries, all connected to Solyndra, Fisker, Tesla, Abound, A123 and the rest, uniquely configured for personal windfall profits and gain from these financing’s?
– According to DOE staff, who were at DOE when the Tesla application was submitted, nothing that Tesla submitted was ever built by Tesla. In fact, these staff state that the vehicle that Tesla eventually sold was not even designed or engineered when Tesla was approved for the loan money, contrary to the Section 136 law requirement. They say that Tesla took the money and THEN hired people to figure out what they were going to do with it. As shown in the DOE files, the engineering of the shipping Tesla cars has no element that was submitted to DOE. Is that true?
– Ex-Guardian staff say “integrity-deficient U.S. Senator used powerful committee to order hits/spying on reporters/congressional opponents/others for personal political retribution attacks.” Recusal from committee demanded.
– Specific investigators tell reporters they were ordered to delay their investigations to avoid bad political optics.
– Why did the very staff in a Senator’s office, that got Tesla the taxpayer money, then get a job working for Tesla?
– Why did Tesla not have to pay the cash participation fee that the Section 136 law said everybody had to pay?
– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s Federal funding?
– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s Federal waivers, tax deferrals, credits and discounts?
– Can you clarify why, out of all the states in America, only four states got almost all of the CARGATE money and those same states, senators, campaign backers, beneficiaries, “winners”, and investment bankers were all connected?
– A portion of NASA was shut down at the same time that Tesla investors, who were campaign backers, were given NASA government contracts to provide the same services that NASA had just been told it could no longer provide. At the same time, NASA was giving Tesla investors free fuel for their private jets. Why is that? Why is the timing so aligned?
– Kleiner Perkins and certain silicon valley VC’s, all investors in a number of DOE “winners” (including Tesla, Fisker, Solyndra, A123 and others), organized meetings with a Dmitry Medvedev and other men known by the State Department and federal investigators to be involved in Russian mobsterism and then Ener1, Severstal and A123, dark-money funded and run by billionaires (many of whom own lithium mining interests) known by the State Department, the CIA and federal investigators to be involved in Russian mobsterism, were awarded taxpayer funds by Steven Chu, who was nominated by Kleiner Perkins. Was any of this a conflict of interest?
– Why is the only company to receive real estate exclusives, exclusive tax waivers, credits and stock enhancers and free rides on taxpayer backs also the same company who’s investors were the largest funders of certain State officials?
– Federal communications monitoring of text, voice and email communications of certain highly placed Senators, lobbyists and venture capitalists from 2005 to today should be made available to ALL federal criminal investigators. Have they been? Are one or more Senators blocking this effort because they are compromised?
– The head of the NHTSA Tesla investigation quit because of increased scrutiny. The facts, such as these, demonstrate that Tesla and Fisker never should have passed any NHTSA safety review. How can the public be assured that ongoing NHTSA investigations regarding Tesla will not be rigged?
– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s State funding?
– Did Tesla Motors provide falsified information in order to acquire it’s State waivers, tax deferrals, credits and discounts?
– Did Tesla investors bribe, or influence Congress people?
– Did Tesla staff or owners investors bribe, or influence Congress people?
– Did Tesla staff, owners or investors provider misleading information to investors?
– Was there a conflict of interest between Department of Energy staff and Tesla owners, investors or staff?
– Was there a conflict of interest between White House staff and Tesla owners, investors or staff?
– Was there a conflict of interest between Senate staff and Tesla owners, investors or staff?
– Did Tesla Motors use taxpayer money to hire off-shore staff?
– Did Tesla Motors use taxpayer money to purchase supplies offshore that could have been purchased in the United States?
– Did Tesla Motors participate in a market rigging scam to rig lithium ion purchasing for its investors?
– Did Tesla Motors participate in a market rigging scam to rig the electric car market for its investors?
– Did Tesla Motors staff, or owners, sabotage competitors?
– Did Tesla Motors staff, owners or investors exchange campaign funding quid pro quo for business financing?
– Did Silicon Valley companies, owned by Tesla investors and campaign financiers, use internet technology to falsify information to the public in order to manipulate stock market perceptions in violation of SEC, RICO, and various other laws?
– Did Tesla Motors lie about the safety metrics of its lithium ion battery system?
– Was Tesla Motors holding safety metric data in its files which differed fully from the safety metrics data it provided to investors and NHTSA?
– Did Tesla Motors violate securities law by using false information to acquire a federal loan which it then used to falsify its stock metrics in order to “pump” it’s stock?
– Did a Big 5 accounting firm conspire with Tesla to manipulate market metrics in violation of RICO Statutes and did that firm manipulate Department of Energy review data on Tesla’s behalf?
– A U.S. Senator officiated at the opening of the Tesla Nummi plant and lobbied for Tesla’s tax waivers, credits, acquisition of NUMMI and discounts and then that U.S. Senator had their staff work in Tesla’s offices. Is it a conflict of interest that this senator received campaign funding and this senator’s family received real estate deals from the Tesla and, (next door to Tesla), Solyndra real estate deals?
– Did a major national retail bank conspire with Tesla to manipulate market metrics in violation of RICO Statutes?
– Did two major international investment banks conspire with Tesla to manipulate market metrics in violation of RICO Statutes?
– Were Department of Energy staff manipulating Tesla funding data in order to favor Tesla and it’s campaign funding investors in violation of RICO Statutes?
– Were Department of Energy staff manipulating Tesla funding data in order to disfavor Tesla competitors and competitors to it’s campaign funding investors in violation of RICO Statutes?
– Did Tesla owners, staff or investors attempt to delay federal investigations and indictments by asserting influencein violation of RICO Statutes and numerous other laws?
– For the SAFETY INVESTIGATIONS: See This Link>>>
Additional issues will be listed here as the media reports them.
Investigation Charges:
- Uber Scandal!!! Cover Up!! Breaking News!
- Tesla Model S may have started garage fire – California fire dept
- CARGATE For Dummies! The easiest way to get the quick hit on this scandal
- Small businesses claim US government stealing their ideas. Lawsuits!
- Silicon Valley heads to DC in Panic. Public has eviscerated them for privacy abuse. $Billions lost/More losses to come as citizens cut them off in disgust.
- Huffington Post discloses the biggest assassination in these scandals: Journalistic Freedom!
- The Amazing Gift of the public spying scandal. Read what is great about it!
- Check out: CORRUPTO-FLIX, The online film festival about SOMO Topics!
- DAVID STRICKLAND- Head of NHTSA, quits after receiving SOMO reporter team expose documents. 40th DC staffer, including Chu, to quit in CARGATE.
- Tesla investor/campaign donors paid back with free NASA luxury private jet fuel, NASA contracts, patent laws and more…
- Steven Chu and The Big Screw!
- Too much to read? Try CARGATE: THE CARTOON for a fun, quick overview!
- German Tesla “Safety Review” exposed as “Sham”!
- Certain Senators using surveillance for “reporter targeting” instead of crime-fighting. Greenwald, Schweitzer and others targeted for suppression.
- Did Musk just admit a felony on live TV?
- Samsung exploding Lithium ion Galaxy COVER-UP Expose proves Danger of Lithium ion!
- Senate Ethics Committee charges: “COVER UP”!
- Massive number of fraud lawsuits now filed against Tesla.
- Tesla patents prove Musk lied about dangers.
- How to “shill”, fake, “pump” and manipulate tech stocks!
- New contest: Find one person, who is always in the news, who works in DC, who isn’t paid by a corporation
- SAFETY REPORT BUSTS TESLA. Requires Tesla to reveal it’s secrets.
- Multiple Fed agencies/committees probes DOE-loans-for-campaign-checks.
- Lithium ion VC’s who benefited from DOE cash & main campaign check-writers are the same people. – Sunshine/NYT/WaPo/LAT/Barrons.
- Another $139 million lost in DOE scandal. Billions gone so far. Tesla next?
- Google (AKA: Tesla Investors) charged with manipulating search results to help hype stock by skewing all Google results pro-Tesla. SEC Violation?
- “Senator Ron Calderon FBI sting points to other Senators, higher up food chain, who greased the skids for Tesla”- Guardian/Al Jazeera Staff. FBI Solyndra investor investigation tie-ins- Guardian/Al Jazeera/LAT Staff.
- Musk accused of sabotaging competitors. Forbes Rips Musk’s smoke-screen.
- Tesla DOE loan review documents found to have been rigged.
- Awkward deaths.
- Stock Market Fraud under SEC & legal group review. DOE/CHU/VC connection now under investigation.
- Financials show “books cooked” – investigations. Shareholder lawsuits filed.
- Say “Howdy” to the ACTUAL Illuminati! Meet the “Tech Branch of the World-Control Council”.
- (Details in click-able Links in headlines above)
(Click Pix For More)
Safety Investigations:
- “Tesla MORE likely to catch on fire than gasoline car”per Bloomberg & MIT.
- NHTSA has now called Musk a Liar TWICE, said he lied about who called for probe and lied about NHTSA safety rating.
- Tesla “Douche Bag” Controversy! Do Tesla Drivers crash more?
- Toyota reviewed lithium ion, decided against it for safety/durability reasons.
- Calls to pull all Lithium Ion out of Tesla cars & replace with something else.
- Deadly toxic smoke fumes released by burning Tesla Batteries = Cancer, Brain Damage, Lung Damage per Federal Reports & MSDS.
- Tesla Safety Challenged! The Facts:
- Lithium Ion “nearly impossible” to extinguish, “acts like solid rocket fuel” say firefighters. Tesla never supplied required CO2 fire extinguishers to cars.
- Federal Investigation deepens on use of “exploding flashlight batteries in improperly shielded box” to power car instead of commercial energy storage technology.
- All other companies had to recall EXCEPT Tesla- Bribes?
- 85% less lithium crash protection on Tesla than ANY OTHER ELECTRIC CAR.
- (Details in click-able Links in headlines above)
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Technical Failures and Unreported Defects:
- Tesla cars found to have built-in gear to spy on you.
- Doors lock you in and out. Bad if car on fire!
George Clooney Rips Tesla: ‘Why Am I Always Stuck On The Side Of The Fucking Road?’ - Tesla “Satisfaction” survey authored by it’s own investors/fanboys.
- Crony’s sought to blockade Tesla recall to avoid bad optics.
- Tesla now the Rob Ford of auto industry.- Comedy Central
- Tesla deposit holder lists vast set of technical problems, below.
- Driving a Tesla causes Anal Itching!!! Ugh!
- VAMPIRE POWER DEFECT slams entire Tesla Model S fleet!
- Numerous defects documented by owners online.
- (Details in click-able Links in headlines above)
(Click Pix For More)
Staff Issues, Worker Safety, OSHA Investigations:
- Senior Staff leaving Tesla in herds. VP Blankenship heads for hills.
- Musk buys 60 Minutes, Consumer Reports, GQ, Fortune EGO articles about himself to hype his image instead of company image, investors pissed.
- OSHA probes “UNSAFE” Tesla factory per workers & ex-NUMMI staff.
- Musk NOT founder of Tesla: Ex-wives/actual founders say he screwed them.
- Lithium ion kills workers overseas in factories and kills companies who try to sell it. Tesla insiders spill the beans.
- (Details in click-able Links in headlines above)
- (Click Pix For More)
Brand Crisis:
- “Only Douche Bags Drive Tesla’s” Meme moving quickly on internet.
- Battery dumping scheme via Panasonic & SolarCity deals?.
- Tesla “lies” about how many “thermal events” there have been, say workers.
- Social research study finds prostitutes, alcoholism, drugs, kinky sex predominant in Tesla drivers; leading to higher risk driving/crash potential.
- Musk now caught in multiple published/broadcast lies.
- Record-breaking investor fraud lawsuits now underway against Tesla.
- Why do so many drunks drive & crash Teslas? Now: Manslaughter charges!
- (Details in click-able Links in headlines above)
Yep, I hear the bad guys were only able to shut down part of the investigations. Some of the criminal investigators actually went out and did their jobs and are starting to bust the criminals, even though some of those criminals are “high profile”. It looks like owning a few senators and banks doesn’t hide you as well as it used to.
Tom – NYT
It is nuts it has taken this long. Everybody in the country can see what happened by now. It was getting obvious. It must have been an embarrassment for the federal cops to have to sit on their hands like that. NOW, finally, they can go to town.
Obama’s Green Energy Fire Sale – GOP
Oct 22, 2012 … Miasole’s Investors Include John Doerr‘s Kleiner Perkins. …. A Russian Businessman With Ties To Then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Silicon Valleys « Boom: A Journal of California
In June 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev came to the United … that venture capitalist John Doerr once called “the largest legal creation of wealth in the … – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Put each Article Title in the search window at the top right of the page to source the original:
- Hackers hacking Tesla to eavesdrop, manipulate GPS, make batteries blow up and generally screw with the car: Most easily hackable car in the world.2014/07/05
- Why so Many Tesla Drivers Turn Out to Be Deviants…Page
- The Tesla Patent Giveaway SMOKE SCREEN!2014/06/13
- Community Revolts Against Toxic Tesla Factory!2014/06/11
- The 500 trolls of Tesla Motors!2014/06/06
- Tesla OFFICIALY rated as “JUNK” by all finance industry experts. The TRUTH IS HERE!2014/05/29
- Top Tesla PR Department LIES:2014/05/01
- “RIGHT TO BUILD” Campaign against ELON MUSK and Tesla Launches!2014/04/30
- TESLA TRUTH TICKETS fliers charges: FACT CHECK! TSLA Scandal2014/04/16
- ‘Lemon Law King’ sues Tesla Motors2014/04/07
- Tesla Model S is ‘low hanging fruit’ for hackers to remotely track or unlock cars2014/04/02
- Tesla Fire Victims’ and relatives demand answers from Tesla over hidden ‘death trap’ toxic smoke from Tesla car batteries.2014/04/01
- BREAKING STORY: Billionaire MUSK admits, on 60 Minutes, he broke the law to get Tesla funded. Crony politics and insider deals exposed.2014/03/30
- All Tesla Model S Cars recalled by NHTSA due to proven fire danger. Now requires “ballistic fire shield”. See:
- Feinstein: Solyndra, Tesla and Greenwald.Page
- Eric Holder to bring the hammer down on Tesla! Will nail companies who “confronted a public safety emergency as if it was simply a public relations problem”2014/03/19
- Additional Tesla Articles- Section 1APage
- AN OPEN LETTER TO TESLA MOTORS: (Public Response Required!)2014/02/28
- Tesla Motors caught stretching the truth, AGAIN. Tesla Recalls Entire Line over NEW Fire Danger! – TSLA2014/01/10
- Tesla: A Serious Potential New RiskPage
- More Fire, More Subsidies for Tesla in CaliforniaPage
- Tesla Model S charging system may have started garage fire – California fire deptPage
- Tesla hiding reports of multiple defects of Tesla Cars?!Page
- TSLA Tesla Stock. “Shill”, Fake, “Pump” and manipulate tech stocks with tax $$$!Page
- Tesla Driver “Douche Bag” Controversy. Are Tesla drivers inherently unsafe?Page
- Tesla investor/campaign donors paid back with free luxury jet fuel, NASA contracts, patent laws, etc…Page
- Tesla’s Musk hates unions. Employee Compensation, “Spying on employees” and Safety Issues At TeslaPage
- Multiple Fraud and Malfeasance Lawsuits Against TeslaPage
- TESLA SAFETY REPORT Vers. 1.05M- Public Wiki Produced for NHTSA and other governmental agencies2013/12/06
- TESLA SAFETY REPORT- v. First Draft Public Wiki Produced for NHTSA and other governmental agenciesPage
- Tesla hacked to broadcast occupants conversations to all nearby cars2013/10/31
- White House staff order protection of Tesla “at all costs” to protect DOE image2013/10/06
- TESLA cars bursting into flames as batteries turn into potential DEATHCAR of lithium explosive & deadly vapors, as predicted: COVER UP.2013/10/02
- Newly discovered documents show Tesla failed all reviews and was only funded because White House staff ordered DOE to fund in order to compensate Tesla investors for campaign contributions.2013/10/02
- The Deloitte/Tesla Connection:2013/09/30
- App Authentication Flaw Creates Tesla Motors Hack Concern. Your Tesla can spy on you and drive you off the road on command.2013/09/24
- Tesla gets another $34M of your tax $$$ in campaign finance kickbacks.2013/09/17
- Google Kickbacks. Tesla Connected?2013/09/15
- U.S. Senator: Tesla money came from “one of the most disastrously mismanaged and corrupt programs in U.S. history,”2013/09/09
- Senator Charles , Consumers Union and other groups call for investigation of exploding lithium ion batteries. Same batteries as used in Tesla and Fisker.2013/06/23
- Tesla “Battery Swap” a smoke-screen to get rid of exploding battery pack2013/06/19
- BOMBSHELL NEWS: Treasury and OMB letters and documents reveal Tesla got “UNJUST REWARDS”2013/06/19
- Tesla suddenly announces new funding raise but lies about what it is for:2013/06/19
- Auto industry revenge strikes Tesla, reduces value of Tesla’s by $30,000.002013/06/19
- Tesla’s financial advisors: Deloitte charged in Money Laundering Scheme2013/06/19
- Tesla and Fisker use Vaginal Orifice to trick abusive rich guys into buying cars!2013/06/18
- Tesla “Battery Swap” doesn’t work already.2013/06/18
- Tesla snoops on you worse than the spy guys. Tesla cars watch and listen to you.2013/06/17
- 9 questions for Tesla’s Elon Musk; Reporters embrace the “jump Musk” tactic to expose him2013/06/13
- Friend of Tesla staffer killed in plane crash releases insider notes2013/06/13
- BARRON’S OUTS TESLA IN SCATHING TRUTH EXPOSE: Says Tesla driving over a cliff2013/06/12
- VAMPIRE POWER DEFECT slams entire Tesla Model S fleet! TESLA SUCKING: TOO MUCH ENERGY2013/06/10
- Is SolarCity’s use of Tesla batteries unsafe for homes and for Solarcity?2013/06/10
- ‘PLUG-IN AMERICA” is a shill organization funded by Silicon Valley VC’s, Tesla and their battery companies2013/06/10
- Cornell University Says Tesla Batteries Are Failed in Technology and Plans2013/06/10
- Credits fueled Tesla stock sale? Tesla manipulating stock reports?2013/06/07
- The Dark Side Of Tesla’s Masterful Short Squeeze2013/06/04
- Beware! Tesla is a bubble just waiting to burst2013/05/30
- Stock Analysts See Tesla Exploding Battery Problem as Fatal2013/05/27
- Even FORBES admits Tesla is a Scam!2013/05/27
- Tesla Owner Buyers List Out in the Public. No privacy for Tesla Owners!2013/05/23
- Did Tesla really pay back their loan? NOT ACTUALLY.. Taxpayers are STILL paying for it2013/05/23
- WE WON!! Tesla rushes to pay back U.S. Loan to Try to Halt Investigations caused by this paper and others!2013/05/21
- Google charged with “steering” Tesla articles to favored searches2013/05/16
- Adding up the Lies in Tesla’s DOE application:2013/05/16
- Tesla Breaks Automotive History Record for Wasted Money, It’s Official2013/05/16
- Tesla Lied About Profits: Business Insider2013/05/16
- By Driving a Tesla you are supporting, and involved in, ORGANIZED CRIME.2013/05/10
- How Tesla Buys a Consumer Reports Positive Rating2013/05/09
- TESLA PR Manipulation BS!- Some of the more outstanding lies…2013/05/09
- Stock Market Says Tesla Is Hanging By A Thread2013/05/04
- How Fisker and Tesla backers killed the new American auto industry on purpose.2013/05/02
- ADDITIONAL criminal evidence emerges in Fisker & Tesla cases2013/04/30
- BREAKING NEWS: Federal Criminal Prosecuters charge Tesla, Subpeonas received by Tesla2013/04/30
- Tesla admits their batteries could “fry your family”!2013/04/29
- Obama Subsidized Electric Car Company Tesla Investigated for Fires2013/04/27
- Stock Analysts Say Tesla is Doomed.2013/04/27
- Outing SHILL REPORTERS who are compensated for rigged stories on Tesla2013/04/26
- How the Fisker AND Tesla Cover-Ups Work:2013/04/25
- Understanding Tesla’s Life Threatening Battery Decisions2013/04/24
- U.S. Senate Nails Tesla2013/04/24
- Tesla Workers Frustrated With Tesla Ethics2013/04/23
- Tesla Selling cars? “No Way”, says Industry Expert2013/04/23
- Tesla Standard Pitch To Each Country2013/04/23
- Tesla Immigration Cover-up?2013/04/23
- Immigration ISSUES: Tesla Still looking for Non-American Workers After TAKING U.S. Taxpayer money for a billionaire!2013/04/23
- Reddit Roasts Tesla2013/04/23
- Tesla Caught Faking Orders2013/04/23
- Tesla Caught Faking Orders2013/04/23
- exposes Fisker and Tesla Danger2013/04/23
- Did Tesla bankers at Deutsche Bank order German’s to give Tesla a wave-through on safety review that never actually happened?2013/04/23
- Panasonic engineers GUARANTEE that Tesla battery packs will explode when wet!!!!!2012/11/01
- Half of Tesla Roadsters Recalled For Rear Chassis Problems2012/10/31
- Tesla Needs Mo’ Money, Has Mo’ Problems – Automotive News2012/10/31
- Don’t look so smug: Your Tesla might be worse for the environment than a gas car2012/10/31
- Did Elon Musk Mislead Fox About Problems At Tesla?2012/10/31
- What Do the Financial Problems of Tesla’s CEO Mean For the Company2012/10/31
- the understatement: Five Problems For Tesla Motors2012/10/31
- Tesla Roadster facing ‘brick’ battery problems?2012/10/31
- Tesla Motors’ Devastating Design Problem2012/10/31
- Tesla cars could explode in flames if they get wet.2012/10/31
- Detroit Free Press busts Tesla’s Musk’s BIG LIE!2012/09/26
- More Tesla Issues are Reported. Tesla FANBOY Confesses2012/09/26
- How many cities are claiming Tesla defrauded them?2012/07/31
- Tesla/Fisker VC Kleiner Perkins sued for sex issues2012/07/29
- How did the Tesla-Takeover investors bribe Congress and Federal Agencies2012/07/29
- Original Tesla Founders blog about the conspiracy that stole their company in order to turn it into a tax dollar scam2012/07/29
- Why Tesla is one of the worst investments in the tech market2012/07/27
- One of Tesla’s many ads to help hire foreigners using taxpayer $$:2012/07/18
- What are the things the media has said that Tesla did?2012/07/18
- What is a Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist, actually?2014/07/04
- GOP web gurus: “We lost last election because Google is already using Facebook’s “Mood Manipulation” tricks on voters but PAYBACK has already begun”2014/07/02
- The Shocking TRUE STORY of Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler2014/06/16
- PUBLIC TO TECH COMPANIES: “SCREW YOU!” $100 Billion in losses and counting… Consumers are fed up!2014/06/08
- Department of Energy Head announces he engaged in “Meticulous Due Diligence” to ensure that only campaign billionaire funders got DOE funding!2014/06/05
- TV Investigation blows lithium ion dangers out into the open!2014/05/20
- Over 1000 Reason’s Why Lithium-ion Is a DEADLY, CRIMINAL, VERY BAD THING!2014/05/16
- Lithium Ion Giga-Factories Kill Workers! Contact with, and breathing the chemicals causes Cancer, Lung Damage, Brain Damage!2014/05/08
- You’ve heard of “DARK MONEY”, Now hear about Jay Carney’s “DARK MEDIA” and media “hit jobs”.2014/05/08
- Contact the Silicon Valley Vc’s to help with AFGHANISTAN DISASTER2014/05/04
- Elon Musk’s new worst Enemies: The Russian Billionaires2014/05/01
- Scientists and physicists use Path Integral Formulation Probability Quantum Mechanics to calculate the likelihood of corruption in the Department of Energy funding programs. Science says: 99.7%!!!!2014/05/01
- ELON MUSK sues U.S. Taxpayers for not giving him more campaign kickback $$ for spy satellites!2014/04/27
- The California “Cargate” Corruption Connection!2014/04/23
- Consumer Action Groups Demand Pilots Manually Release Masks At First Sign of Smoke In Plane. Lithium Ion Danger.2014/04/18
- Another DOE Flop: Smith Electric Vehicles Closes Kansas Plant2014/04/17
- Killing Mike Chieky: Silicon Valley Vc’s want total control of “Green Energy”, but only their version!2014/04/14
- Senators refuse to clamp down on Lithium ion fires due to personal stock investments. Sony recalls notebooks. FedEx/UPS trucks/Planes on fire.2014/04/11
- GOP says Holder: “Director of Cover-Ups”2014/04/11
- How the West Wing Crumbled and How to Fix it2014/03/31
- CARGATE revelations create record-breaking # of banker suicides2014/03/24
- Missing jet MH370 WAS carrying highly flammable and toxic lithium ion batteries: CEO of Malaysian Airlines finally admits to dangerous cargo 4 days after DENYING it!! (VIDEO)2014/03/22
- The Russian Connection- Lithium Miners, Silicon Valley VC’s and MobstersPage
- CARGATE SCANDAL MOVIE: Easy To Understand Overview of The Crimes!Page
- The 1% illuminati Lithium-Gate VC’s- Rigging Washington DC for profit at the expense of the publicPage
- CARGATE CARTOON- Easy, Fun, News!Page
- CARGATE! Billions of dollars in kick-backs from taxpayer $$Page
- Why 20-30 year old Silicon Valley Millenials will always lose your investment dollars:2014/03/17
- Lithium Ion Batteries and Organized Crime2014/03/06
- “CARGATE”- Here is what investigators now think happened:2014/02/25
- Column: THE TAKEDOWN – Perp walking the big dogsPage
- Enough is enough, Silicon Valley must end its elitism and arrogance: Washington Post2014/01/29
- Kleiner PerkinsPage
- DOE’s Moniz tries end-run, again, around Congress and Applicants2014/01/23
- What are the biggest fears about the spying scandal?2014/01/18
- Technology Suppression: How it works, Who does it!2014/01/16
- They used taxpayer money to pay to put lipstick on a pig.2014/01/16
- Additional Reports and File Evidence on the Investigations- PAGE 1Page
- Chris Christie and the Bridge To “Soprano-like” Retaliatory Political Hit-Jobs; http://www.paybackpolitics.org2014/01/09
- The Generals Vs. The Silicon Valley Illuminati 1% VC’s2013/12/31
- The Executioners Playbook: How Lobbyist/Operatives Shut Down Community Efforts2013/12/31
- The Death of the Internet – The Dawn of the PUBLI-NET: 1.1.142013/12/27
- McKinsey ConsultingPage
- Jonathan SilverPage
- “THE TEST”: Busted!!!!2013/12/25
- Valarie JarrettPage
- David AxelrodPage
- Steven ChuPage
- CARGATE Naming-the-Names: CARGATE Master ListPage
- CARGATE: Total Loss Spreadsheet:Page
- Duck Dynasty OFF-THE-CHARTS SHOCKER EXCLUSIVE!!!!!2013/12/22
- How Washington DC Politicos Have Reporters “HIT” and Intimidated!Page
- New Portable Gear Lets YOU find out what toxins are killing you at home, work. Stop Cancer before it stops you!Page
- CARGATE For DUMMIES GUIDE: 30 second overview for busy readersPage
- How F**KED Over By Your Own Representatives Do you Need To Get Before You Get Upset?Page
- ACTUAL CRIMES! And the indictments go to…..Page
- TARP CorruptionPage
- The Character Assassination of Martin Eberhard by Elon MuskPage
- Senate Ethics Committee accuses DOJ, FBI, IRS of investigation cover-up!Page
- How the Government Grant Process Can Stifle Innovation and How To Fix ItPage
- How They Will Try To Shut You Up When You Speak Out And How To Get Out AheadPage
- Meat Puppets, Zombies, Fake Bloggers and Industry Shills – Pundits or Secret Salesmen?Page
- How A Handful of People Take Over Governments: Dark MoneyPage
- Almost Every Major Bank Has Been Charged With A Crime By Various Governments. Are They Evil?Page
- Are We Treating Our Veterans Fairly?Page
- How YOU Can Do Your Own Corruption InvestigationsPage
- Bribing Congress-People With “Revolving Door” Job Kick-backsPage
- The Broken Education SystemPage
- Criminal Campaign FundingPage
- Ending Corruption With Term Limit RegulationPage
- Organizational Rape Cover-upsPage
- Sorority/Fraternity Corruption, Elitism, Eugenics and RacismPage
- Online Dating Service Corruption: Date Rape and Data RapePage
- ObamaCare Contractor CorruptionPage
- Special ReportsPage
- COVER-UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2013/12/01
- CARGATE: THE CARTOON! The World’s first interactive WiKi/public produced social cartoon!!!!!!!!!!2013/10/31
- The Dianne Feinstein Investigation2013/10/31
- Bankrupt solar panel firm took DOE stimulus money, left a toxic mess, says report2013/10/30
- Spying Controversy Blowback, The Rebekah Brooks Trial and Dianne Feinstein2013/10/28
- Does the President’s Staff Just Sit Around and Lie To Him All Day Long? White House: Fire Some People!2013/10/24
- Prostitutes!!! Lot’s of them! Sex and The Politicians2013/10/23
- Small businesses claim US government stealing their ideas. Lawsuits! Investigations!2013/10/19
- Lithium ion danger warning site raises huge red flags! Warnings ignored?2013/10/02
- The “Lithium Ion” VC’s: Say “Howdy” to the ACTUAL 1% Illuminati ! How they copied the Mafia’s Playbook:2013/09/19
- Bundlers and DOE Ex-Staff find that the tracks they thought they covered up were actually NOT covered up… Oops!2013/09/01
- “THE DROP”2013/07/25
- Shallow Analysis Deems DOE Electric Vehicle Loans a Success2013/07/08
- EXPOSE!: Failed due diligence metrics discovered in investigations2013/06/16
- Forbes Rips Musk’s smoke-screen2013/06/14
- “It’s the Real Estate, Stupid”: Are corrupt real estate deals behind Solyndra and Fisker?2013/06/12
- Did California and Michigan state officials give favors only to favored campaign funding companies2013/06/10
- Fisker Files For Bankruptcy. Owes $1 Billion.2013/06/10
- Nissan Whistleblower facing constant intimidation and attacks.2013/06/05
- Did White House order “no more DOE Loans to be funded” in order to protect campaign financiers other investments?2013/06/05
- BUSTED!!! Opposition News Hype-mongers Reveal Themselves.2013/05/21
- How big a failure was Steven Chu’s DOE car Program?2013/05/19
- BACK-UP INVESTIGATION DOCUMENTS- State TaskForce 62013/05/19
- Another day, another corruption failure… VPG2013/05/08
- Running the Scam2013/05/08
- Character Assassination- Washington DC’s Lethal Tradecraft2013/05/01
- Elon Musk shamed by Audi Commercial2013/04/29
- Deaths, so far, In These Scandals! Murders and Acquisitions?2012/10/31
- “But we are just a startup car company, don’t expect us to sell anything yet” says Musk2012/09/22
- Elon- not so nice per one of his employees2012/09/21
- Russian Mobsters!!! in DOE Funding and Silicon Valley?2012/07/29
- How to FACT CHECK and VALIDATE EVERY data point on this Wiki yourself2012/07/27