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  • ‘-Tired of your neighbor drone-spying on your wife while she is sunbathing? Get a “Tangle-Drone ™”

‘-Tired of your neighbor drone-spying on your wife while she is sunbathing? Get a “Tangle-Drone ™”

Tired of your neighbor drone-spying on your wife while she is sunbathing? Get a “Tangle-Drone ™”

RCA Resources in Los Angeles has created the perfect counter-measure for nosy neighbors: The Tangle-Drone.

It is a low cost drone with a sonic hunter-seeker circuit. It listens for the other high pitched buzzing bee whine of the nosy neighbor drone and aims itself a foot above the offending drone. You just turn it on, let it go and it aims itself.

The Tangle-Drone has four 3 foot long wires hanging below it. The nosy neighbor drone propellers get tangled and they both fall to the ground where you can pick them both up and sell the neighbors drone back to them, after reporting them to the police for peeping tom-ism.

Expect even cheaper knock-offs of the Tangle-Drone from Korea, by Christmas. Some people are just making their own from existing units and hand flying their tangler lines above the naughty neighbor drone, minus the automatic hunter-seeker sound gadget.

Are neighbors with drones becoming too big of a problem? Is this the right solution or does it causes even more problems?

Let’s discuss, send in your links.

Dave- BA

  1. If I Fly a UAV Over My Neighbor’s House, Is It Trespassing? – Alexis …

    Oct 10, 2012 … Even a toy drone with an HD camera scrambles our sense of property and … There’s a bully cat in the neighborhood who appears to relish in …

    www.theatlantic.com/ technology/ archive/ 2012/ 10/ if-i-fly-a-uav-over-my-neighbors-house-is-it-trespassing/ 263431/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  2. Fatdoor wants to bring you closer to your neighbors, using drones

    Jun 10, 2014 … Fatdoor’s plan is to allow neighbors with drones to synchronize their flight paths and even set landing locations outside their homes, making …

    www.theverge.com/ 2014/ 6/ 10/ 5794134/ skyteboard-fatdoor-kickstarter-social-network-drone-controlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  3. Would You Shoot Your Neighbor’s Drone? – IEEE Spectrum

    Dec 31, 2013 … As civilian UAVs take to U.S. skies, they’ll face pushback—and perhaps a few shotguns.

    spectrum.ieee.org/ aerospace/ aviation/ would-you-shoot-your-neighbors-droneView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  4. Drones Help Social Network Connect Neighbors – Tom’s Guide

    Jun 11, 2014 … In the “what will they think of next” category, social network Fatdoor hopes to connect you with your neighbors through the use of drones. Yup …

    www.tomsguide.com/us/fatdoor-neighbor-drone,news-18952.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  5. Drones Help Social Network Connect Neighbors – Yahoo News

    Jun 11, 2014 … In the “what will they think of next” category, social network Fatdoor hopes to connect you with your neighbors through the use of drones. Yup …

    https://news.yahoo.com/ drones-help-social-network-connect-142917543.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  6. Jerry Seinfeld Doesn’t Think You Use Drones to Spy on Your …

    Jun 24, 2014 … To a reader who wanted to know if it is cool to use a drone to spy on a neighbor who they suspect is feeding their cat, Seinfeld asked, “What’s …

    www.mediaite.com/ online/ jerry-seinfeld-doesnt-think-you-use-drones-to-spy-on-your-neighbors/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  7. Drones: What’s the Law on Small Private Drones? Commercial …

    Jan 26, 2014 … But the FAA advisory is voluntary, offering no solution when the neighbors buzz a drone up and down the street near or over private property.

    www.attorney-myers.com/ 2014/ 01/ drones-whats-the-law-on-small-private-drones-where-can-they-fly-what- about-privacy/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  8. Meet Your Neighborhood Drones | SF Weekly

    Feb 13, 2013 … Last week, a video surfaced on YouTube of what appeared to be a drone hovering over a residential neighborhood in…

    blogs.sfweekly.com/ thesnitch/ 2013/ 02/ meet_your_neighborhood_drones.phpView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  9. SE Portland drone debate: Everything you need to know about …

    Jun 20, 2014 … Eastmoreland neighborhood buys a drone The Eastmoreland Neighborhood Association is known for being vigilant. Now, they’ve got a drone …

    www.oregonlive.com/ portland/ index.ssf/ 2014/ 06/ drones_in_oregon_qa.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

  10. Skyteboard drone aims to bring neighbors closer together – Gizmag

    Jun 11, 2014 … Drones that bring neighborhoods closer together might not sound like the most radical idea, but combining them with a social network could …

    www.gizmag.com/skyteboard-drone-neighborhood-social-network/32510/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    1. Domestic Drones | American Civil Liberties Union

      Drone manufacturers are also considering offering police the option of arming these …. Police Hunger for Drones May be Growing, but So Are Privacy Concerns .

      https://www.aclu.org/blog/tag/domestic-dronesView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    2. States restrict drone use because of privacy concerns | Investigate …

      Mar 21, 2014 … Citing privacy concerns, legislators throughout the country are increasingly passing laws to restrict the use of domestic drones over private land …

      www.investigatemidwest.org/ 2014/ 03/ 21/ states-restrict-drone-use-because-of-privacy-concerns/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    3. EPIC – Domestic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Drones

      The US Supreme Court has held that individuals do not generally have Fourth Amendment rights with respect to aerial …

      www.epic.org/privacy/drones/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    4. Surveillance Drones | Electronic Frontier Foundation

      Surveillance drones or unmanned aerial systems (UASs) raise significant issues for privacy and civil liberties. Drones are capable highly advanced surveillance, …

      https://www.eff.org/issues/surveillance-dronesView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    5. Legal, privacy issues hover as drone use becomes more popular …

      Jun 14, 2014 … Mike Gamache, owner of Fleetfoot Marketing, watches a video from a drone– mounted camera of a recent flight over downtown Wichita. (June 6 …

      www.kansas.com/2014/06/14/3508048/legal-privacyissues-hover-as.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    6. Privacy Issues Domestic Drone Use | Video | C-SPAN.org

      Jay Stanley of the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, describes why civil libertarians are concerned over the growing use of domestic drones and  …

      www.c-span.org/video/?314562-5/privacyissues-domestic-drone-useView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    7. Drones bring promise, privacy concerns – Printer Friendly Version

      Jan 26, 2014 … Drones bring promise, privacy concerns. POLICYMAKERS SEEK BALANCE. By Susan Spencer TELEGRAM & GAZETTE STAFF

      www.telegram.com/article/20140126/NEWS/301269707&Template=printartView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    8. Drone Plan Draws Privacy Concerns – Wall Street Journal

      Nov 7, 2013 … Federal aviation regulators released their first overall plan to eventually integrate drones into U.S. airspace, but they riled critics seeking greater …

      online.wsj.com/ news/ articles/ SB10001424052702303309504579183711382731676View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    9. Small Drones Are a Bigger Privacy Threat Than the NSA, Says …

      Mar 18, 2014 … The confusion points to the problems with understanding and … But for the purposes of privacy in America, drones are nothing fancier than …

      motherboard.vice.com/ read/ small-drones-are-a-bigger-privacy-threat-than-the-nsa-says-senate-int el-chairView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

    10. Privacy issues hover over police drone use – Washington Post

      Jan 23, 2011 … AUSTIN – The suspect’s house, just west of this city, sat on a hilltop at the end of a steep, exposed driveway. Agents with the Texas Department …

      www.washingtonpost.com/ wp-dyn/ content/ article/ 2011/ 01/ 22/ AR2011012204026.htmlView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight