THE “CARGATE” SCANDAL MOVIE is this feature length film comprised of film segments. If you watch it in order, you can can stop, start, share and rewind the segments here. The movie will auto-update as new segments are created. The segments were produced by many producers and are coming from many servers across the web. This process of releasing a secured public interest film is called: Webmashing.
“Cargate”: The manipulation of hundreds of billions of dollars of TARP, ATVM, LGP funds (created from your tax dollars) and policy in exchange for campaign financing and profiteering via laundering and conduiting tactics.
The “CARGATE SCANDAL” is like the “WATERGATE SCANDAL” except it uses cars and gadgets and many more criminals.
Your tax money was involved in: An invasion, a trillion dollar profiteering scam, high-end hookers, futuristic cars, explosions, money laundering, criminal senators, murders & deaths, and more... How does this affect you? Did your money get used for one of the biggest scandals in history? Did you suffer a loss from Afghanistan. Did you suffer financial loss in the recession these people created in order to steal? Decide for yourself if this happened and see how it affected you!
After the movie, also see the 30 SECOND CASE BRIEFER and CARGATE: THE CARTOON for additional perspective. Highlighted words, below, link to more details.
If you are like most people, you will be horrified after you see the facts. What can you do? Email and call your congressperson and senator TODAY and demand the appointment of a non-biased special prosecutor and creation of an open public investigation committe with prosecution authority (Like the Church Committee). Send this link to your friends: and have your friends call and email too.
Link to this page:
If all of the movies do not show up in your browser, try a different browser or right click and download the film and play it on your computer. Some titles appear twice, one above the other, because they are mirrored from different servers.
[wpvideo RARvyxmP]
1. 60 Minutes- Segment 1: The Process:
[wpvideo fARepFlX]
[wpvideo DMl3dUqc]
2. 60 Minutes- Segment 2: The Crash !!!!!
[wpvideo jMnc6LJb]
[wpvideo h3AixjhD]
3. The Early days of “CARGATE”: “Too Big To Fail”
4. More on The Early Days of “CARGATE”: “Inside Job”
[wpvideo fB7KE5Gr]
5. Steven Chu and Mini-Chu- Standardizing the fix:
[wpvideo BxfXdYiV]
6. “CARGATE”: “The Car And The Senator”. Tipsters, insiders, Senate call girls and staff speak up about the scandal.
CLICK HERE to SEE: “The Car And The Senator” Site
[wpvideo WflN4lum]
7. A TV Series demonstrating some of the techniques used in “CARGATE”: “House of Cards”
[wpvideo YNDNdfm2]
8. A segment about Tesla safety issues:
[wpvideo eWLGV9DV]
9. A News Segment on the Solyndra portion of CARGATE:
[wpvideo i88djed1]
10. Another News Segment on the Solyndra portion of CARGATE:
[wpvideo h0rQY0q3]
11. Co-conspirators?
[wpvideo eo9ywkwc]
12. Another News segment about CARGATE, targeting the person in the White House thought to have arranged much of the CARGATE affair. In addition to Steve Rattner and David Axelrod, this guy steered the ship :
[wpvideo 7HJKrfal]
13. A CARGATE Mini examination:
[wpvideo n0lK9YSM]
14. A CARGATE Overview:
[wpvideo uTwRyXmf]
15. A segment about the insider politics of CARGATE:
[wpvideo LKA1oYfY]
16. Tesla on fire:
[wpvideo oEa6UMh2]
17. More Tesla Bad News:
[wpvideo fy1wYDdR]
18. Under Steven Chu: More company failures and more lost taxpayer cash than in ALL OF AMERICAN HISTORY yet 42 1%-er people made huge profits off of the manipulation of the taxpayer cash. The odds against this being accidental are billions to one. This was not the “average % of risk”. Average companies don’t get hundreds of millions of free loans, credits, waivers and incentives. It had to be planned acts of corruption to grab fees, tax write-offs and up-front payments from the U.S. Treasury and State funds. You don’t have money for enough fireman and teachers in your town because of this. Watch this segment for more:
[wpvideo 67OpvfFL]
18. Additional color commentary on the CBS News segment 2, 60 Minutes story, above: “The Cleantech Crash”. The billionaires of CARGATE and their hijinks:
[wpvideo h3AixjhD]
[wpvideo 6syz0vNW]
[wpvideo efQDTOLF]
[wpvideo fsB9480q]
[wpvideo QrKvoUyA]
19. While many banks have been charged, and some indicted, and bankers are killing themselves, relative to CARGATE, (IE: JP Morgan, HSBC, Deustche Bank, etc.) no bank was involved in arranging almost every CARGATE deal, nor pulled more elected officials strings like: GOLDMAN SACHS:
[wpvideo v9JoBcnM]
[wpvideo P2PJOBIM]
[wpvideo vjshiEMY]
[wpvideo r8Vkp7Pn]
20. If you have been watching the segments in order you probably need a little break. Here is your little break:
[wpvideo yc5duBJo]
21. A typical Department of Energy staff attitude and exchange with the public:
[wpvideo tHOwk3i5]
22. A segment about a key problem with the process:
[wpvideo litJUo6Z]
23. Here is how to work around those “pesky” corruption investigations if you don’t want silly things like THE LAW messing with your profits! :
[wpvideo KF6Ltf46]
24. Remember all of the Russian “Oligarchs” that Silicon Valley and Goldman got in bed with? Goldman and the VC’s made ‘deals with the devil”. Russian mining contracts for lithium ore exclusives in Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, etc. The billionaire Oligarchs even got DOE cash. Let’s meet some of them. Featuring The Terminator, Kleiner, Putin, A123, Enerdel, Severstal, Boris Badinov and other shady characters. Like “Ahnold” says in the video, it turns out it WAS “all about to go BOOM!”. Schwarzenegger’s Russian connections run as far back as 1987 when he partied with Russian leaders, and was inspired to run for office, while he made his film RED HEAT. The backers of his campaign are many of the same investors in the lithium/green CARGATE scandal.
[wpvideo V5wB2w4x]
[wpvideo lSAYkmQl]
[wpvideo ullehv2A]
25. Have you heard the term “Corruption” so many times now you have lost perspective? this will help:
[wpvideo YHSiLNUr]
26. Politicians who were suppose to watch-dog the programs made insider deals to make profits off of the taxpayer money. Senators connected to billions lost on corrupt green energy scandals:
[wpvideo KzolcfNS]
27. This segment wonders if the Department of Energy has turned into a sinkhole of corruption and if we should downsize it:
[wpvideo 49mRUmPQ]28. Segment of a Senator questioning a suspected agency manipulator:
[wpvideo ZzlLPxZ3]
29. Informant confesses to being intermediary for cash from DOE awardee to Senator. (HELD AT REQUEST OF AGENCY)
30. Why did Goldman Sachs and the Silicon Valley VC’s push the White House into Afghanistan? What trillion dollar thing was there for their electric car scam?:
[wpvideo 7uPjtxtO]
[wpvideo lWVAQdmj]
[wpvideo FbbWN6Dz]
[wpvideo wOZobJl9]
[wpvideo cgGmWDTG]
[wpvideo 2BX66KKg]
[wpvideo L2jQq0sh]
31. Segments about the danger of Lithium and why some companies wanted to “dump” it so fast. They knew these dangers 15 years ago. Profiteering?:
Extensive additional video segments and books coming…. We are holding the “juicy stuff” for later… The entire film is not posted yet…Keep checking back…
# 1. Demand that your elected official appoint an unbiased “special prosecutor” & a public investigation commission!
If you are like most people, you will be horrified after you see the facts. What can you do? Email and call your congressperson and senator TODAY and demand the appointment of a non-biased special prosecutor and creation of an open public investigation committe with prosecution authority (Like the Church Committee). Send this link to your friends: and have your friends call and email their representatives too.
#2. Organize a public RICO lawsuit.
#3. ORDER your elected representative (they work for YOU, they are your employees) to write and pass laws ending lobbying and “revolving door kickbacks”.
#4. Print out this poster on 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper, in landscape format, and put it up EVERYWHERE.
Print as many as you can. Email it to your friends. Post it on your social media. Right click on the image to save it to your computer.
Throw Them All Out: Peter Schweizer: Books
Throw Them All Out [Peter Schweizer] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. One of the biggest scandals in American politics is waiting to …–Them–All-Peter-Schweizer/dp/B00AK2Z2KQ – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
A book about “CARGATE”: “Jacked Up Cars: The Book“
Popular Political Corruption Books – Goodreads
Books shelved as political-corruption: Class Warfare: Interviews with David … – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Culture of Corruption
Weary of the corruption that gushes from the White House faster than a Gulf Coast oil … Culture of Corruption and over one million other books are available for … – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
LSE Review of Books – Book Review: Corruption, Anti-Corruption …
Jul 9, 2013 … Through detailed case studies from across the world, this book aims to illustrate that those looking to fight corruption must understand that … lsereviewofbooks/ 2013/ 07/ 09/ book-review-corruption-anti-corruption-and-governance/ – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
List of books by insiders revealing corruption in government offices …
These are factual, non-conspiracy books, on serious subjects that have and will continue to affect important personal and national security matters. – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
BOOKS: “The Corruption of Innocence” – the Joseph O’Dell Story …
Aug 20, 2013 … A new book by Lori St John, The Corruption of Innocence: A Journey to Justice, recounts the author’s quest to save the life of Joseph O’Dell … books–corruption-innocence-joseph-odell-story – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Political Corruption: A Handbook – Google Books
The studies of political corruption included here pertain to all areas of the world, but … The first of the book’s four parts deals with changing conceptualization and … books/ about/ Political_Corruption.html?id=fiVeX-lICtcC – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
Corruption Book | Frank Vogl
From the birth of pioneering anti-corruption organization Transparency International in 1993, to the Arab Spring in 2011, this is the story of people who risk their …
FYI- Google (AKA: YOUTUUBE) has hidden, moved, “down-SEO’d” and censored 60 Minutes videos and other videos about CARGATE because Google investors were the backers, and deal makers, for a large number of CARGATE efforts. CBS News is very concerned about the censoring. This is against the law re: securities and monopoly laws and is just plain “censoring”. Federal investigators have been asked, by multiple parties, to examine Google’s “selective media information”. If Google censored you, you have the legal right to collect your damages from them since they control the internet monopolistically. Let’s see how that plays out…
Hey Bad Guys! Are you feeling lucky, punks?
Are you willing to bet everything that not one of the kickback, revolving door, market monopoly, campaign funding, insider secret discussions you had was not recorded an any restaurant surveillance camera, on any car dashboard ONstar-type system, or on any urban system camera or your own smartphone being turned against you and that every single text, phone call and email you sent about it was never acquired and that you never passed through an RFID array during those indiscretions? Are you?
Are you REALLY feeling that lucky?
If not, it is a good time to turn States Witness!
Learn about DOE = The Department of Oil Ecstasy. These films show how DOE is owned and controlled by the petroleum industry. Learn how DOE exists to keep
competing technologies from competing with petroleum by controlling figure-head “alternative energy” efforts that are forced to fail or “artificially-limited” by DOE staff who then go to work for the petroleum industry, after DOE, in pay-to-play job payoffs.
There is still information that will come out. There are certain people that have that information. We know, and you know, who you are. Be Brave. Do the right thing. For inspiration: Listen to, and read, these words:
[wpvideo deOK4RY5]