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U.S. Department of Energy Faces Hell Storm Of Charges

Nikki Haley Sues Energy Department For $1 Million A Day Over Nuclear Waste

Nikki Haley Sues Energy Department For $1 Million A Day Over Nuclear Waste bing news

Republican South Carolina Gov. Nikki Ha­ley outlined a lawsuit against the Department of Energy (DOE) Tuesday for $1 million in daily fines after the agency failed to meet a Jan. 1 legal deadline to complete a program which was supposed to turn …

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South Carolina Governor will take legal steps against US Department of Energy

22 hour(s), 40 minute(s) ago cached

She said that the people of South Carolina will not let DOE continue its violation of the federal law. MOX or the Savanah River Site mix-oxide project is made to turn weapon-grade plutonium into a commercial nuclear reactor fuel, it is now behind

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U.S. Department Of Energy And New Mexico Finalize $74M In Settlement Agreements For Nuclear Waste Incidents Of 2014

Jan 26, 2016 cached

U.S. Department Of Energy And New Mexico Finalize $74M In Settlement Agreements For Nuclear Waste Incidents Of 2014 bing news

Washington, DC — Today, the New Mexico Environment Department, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its contractors signed two settlement agreements to resolve the State of New Mexico Environment Department’s claims against DOE and its contractors …

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Department Of Energy Hacked Over 150 Times In Four Years

Sep 13, 2015 cached

Department Of Energy Hacked Over 150 Times In Four Years digg

The US Department of Energy, the agency that helps regulate our power grid, nuclear arsenal, and national labs, has been hacked 159 times between 2010 and 2014, according to a review of f…




Department of Energy attempts cover-up and whitewash of the most criminally corrupt program in U.S. history!


By Donna Gleason – Special to Voat



The American energy department is flooding news outlets with articles that seek to convince voters that its mind-numbing crimes, epic failures and horrific political payola scams never happened.

In a campaign which mirrors the twisted revisionist perversions of “the-holocaust-never-happened” people, The Department of Energy believes it can convince the voters that it has truly only delivered green-energy Unicorn farts to America and that voters should bow, on their knees to the god-like wonder of Secretary Moniz’s bizarre haircut. “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”, they trumpet, Oz-like, across the press release circuits.

The FACTS are quite different than the cotton candy clouds of PR hype that have recently emerged from the DOE in a tsunami of press BS.

The DOE lost over a trillion taxpayer dollars because of their crony-ism and failures

The DOE handed Goldman Sachs tens of billions of dollars of upfront fees and bankruptcy tax write-offs for jamming ” cleantech” companies into the death line, where they instantly went bankrupt after filling up the campaign investors bank accounts via illegal skims.

The DOE handed campaign billionaire financier Frank Guistra, now under investigation in both the funding of Obama’s and Hillary’s campaigns, illicit lithium and uranium contracts. The DOE, under a bill for emergency green energy funding in a “crisis-level domestic economy” handed U.S. taxpayer cash to Russian mobster billionaires in the Ener1 and Severstal give-aways, in exchange for kick backs in Afghanistan mining deals. Ener1 immediately went bankrupt, yet campaign billionaires made a hundred million dollars in profit by exploiting tax write-offs.

The DOE funded Solyndra, which had covert ownership by Senator Feinstein. Solyndra immediately went bankrupt and got raided by the FBI. Solyndra dumped toxic materials, was shown to have been owned by campaign financiers and lost over $500M in taxpayer cash. Goldman Sachs made over $40M on the failure. Solyndra’s tubes exploded into flames, on their own, on users roofs, as did panels from other DOE funded, Afghanistan-mined, projects.


A123 got taxpayer cash; was co-owned by DOE officials, relied on Afghan lithium mining contracts, suddenly went bankrupt, after getting the taxpayer cash, and the Sachs Cartel took a windfall on the tax write-off, again.

The same thing happened with Abound Solar. Sudden bankruptcy, toxic dumping, investigations.

The DOE funded the most cancer-causing; factory worker killing; fire starting; fetus mutating; liver damaging; airplane crashing; explosive; self-flame initiating; Afghan War profiteered program in the world: Lithium ion batteries. DOE staff and bosses own the lithium ion companies, and their stock. Even DOE’s own scientists wrote extensive papers about this toxic material which becomes increasingly unstable over time, explodes when it gets wet, or bumped, and may have been why Afghanistan was invaded. By the way, that Afghan war has now lost American taxpayers over $6 Trillion dollars according to major universities.

The DOE funded the campaign financier called: Fisker Cars. Then millions of dollars of lithium ion Fisker cars blew up and melted into slag heaps when they got wet in a storm. Your Tesla and Fisker blow up if their batteries get wet. The global crisis of exploding hover-boards, proves how deadly these batteries are. Fisker was suddenly bankrupt, taxpayers lost more money, Goldman Sachs made a profit on “fees”, “skims”, “stock pumps” and “write-offs and the company was sold to China, via Senator Feinstein’s husband, a close buddy of China’s.

Silicon Valley collusion firm: Kleiner Perkins, paid to put Department of Energy staff in office so that those DOE bosses could crony-kick-back the DOE cash to ONLY Kleiner Perkins and their Cartel members who own most of Google. History now proves that only Kleiner/Google Cartel members got cash and every single one of their competitors were denied and sabotaged by DOE staff working with Google and Kleiner hit job resources.

The DOE funded the giant solar mirror project called Ivanpah. The system never worked for anything but roasting birds in mid air, blinding pilots and wasting money. It was not only not the promised “free” or “cheap electricity”, it turned out to be the most expensive electricity in America. To underscore the failure, special supplemental generators had to be built to even keep Ivanpah going.

Elon Musk has now been revealed to exist in the world only due to tens of billions of dollars of government handouts and monopoly rights, given to him, and his backers in a crony payoff scheme. He famously built toxic, exploding cars, rockets and a battery factory that poisons its workers and the environment. Most of Musk’s crony payoffs came from DOE, which hired his business partners to make “fair” decisions.

DOE solicited hundreds of companies and asked them to bring the best technologies on Earth to help the nation. Their request was a sham. It was a cover story for a bundle of cash that had already covertly been hard-wired and secretly promised to a handful of political crony’s. None of those great American innovators were ever going to be given a chance at that cash and DOE knew that from the day they announced the grant and loan programs. DOE defrauded the applicants, tricked them into waiting and spending money on false promises, and used them to manufacture the cover story that the program was ” open to all”. It wasn’t. The DOE programs are rigged, and staged, for the exclusive purpose of crony payola compensation in exchange for the payment of political bribes.

60 Minutes has an investigative episode, which you can see on their website, called: ” THE CLEANTECH CRASH”. It details how Kleiner Cartel members raped taxpayer’s, using the Department of Energy as their bitch, and then gave America’s technology to China at low ball prices. Senator Feinstein’s family assisted with that and profited on the China deals. The whole thing stinks from Palo Alto to Beijing.


There are hundreds of other hard facts and proven examples of organized crime-level corruption and historical failures in the Department of Energy period from 2007 to today. This is not “spin”. This is not an opinion that is “subject to interpretation”. These are hard facts with proven evidence from the GAO, The SEC, The NSA, Chinese Hackers, The FBI, The U.S. Senate and the national news media. All of these corrupt crony failures happened. They happened at the Department of Energy. It is a travesty for the Department of Energy to use taxpayer resources to try to cover it up and re-write historical facts.

Now the Department of Transportation (DOT) is being used to conduit cash kickbacks, again, to Tesla and Google for their Afghan War mining scam contracts to exploit dirty lithium ion in their “driver-less cars”. This is just an extension of the DOE crony kick-back program.

Does that sound like the DOE was ” successful”? They were successful in operating the largest criminal revolving door and bribery payoff campaign, ever! Their efforts on behalf of America, and the voters, were an epic failure.

Department of Energy officials say that they “conducted massive due diligence on each applicant”, but the only due diligence that was undertaken by Steven Chu and Secretary Moniz was that they were very diligent about ensuring that only campaign financiers got the money, and that all other applicants were stone-walled and sabotaged.


There are a plethora of reports and investigations citing “White House orders” to manipulate the Department of Energy program funding to exclusively benefit campaign financiers. This brings about the famous Watergate question: “ What did the President know and when did he know it?”


Bibliography and Evidence Sets

Filed with law enforcement. the public, the media, and the court system in an extensive number of duplicate repositories.

An extensive number of documents, reports, white papers, grand jury reviews, indictments, news stories and law enforcement reports have been published. These materials document, in deep detail, the crimes and corruption that certain politicians, their staff and campaign financiers, engaged in, in order to stop outsiders from competing with their crony deals. There were an extensive number of victims of these malicious attacks by elected officials. The following bibliography provides indisputable evidence of the crimes and cover-ups.

These are the key outside materials of interest in this matter. Click the highlighted item to download the document, usually a .pdf or image file:


Download Area –


The Silicon Coup. An ongoing internet authored book about the characters and historical circumstances involved in the biggest corruption case in modern times:
Click This Link To Download >>> The Silicon Coup 4.5e

Get a free copy, in other digital formats, at:

Additional free downloads:

A Corruption bibliography. A list of top documents that cover the corruption procedures used by the suspects in this case:
Click This Link To Download >>> Corruption Bibliography 2015

The Solyndra Appendix. Actual emails and documents, acquired by Senate investigators, showing corrupt collusion between elected officials and Silicon Valley VC’s:
Click This Link To Download >>> TheSolyndraAppendixPt1HIGH

The Political Retribution Tactics used against competing applicants by federal and state officials, illegally:

The Book of Tesla. A live document, constantly expanding, detailing the most audacious one of the crony kick-back schemes in the “Cleantech Crash”:

A Discussion Site: http://thecleantechcrash.wordpress.com

A Discussion Site: https://policystudy.wordpress.com

The U.S. Senate Investigation which found the Department of Energy Program to be rife with corruption and kickbacks:
Click This Link To Download >>> FINAL-DOE-Loan-Guarantees-Report

More On the U.S. Senate Investigation:
Click This Link To Download >>> House Oversight Committee Reports $14B Missing

Check back here to download the free public WIKI Book with detailed public investigation lessons, tips and procedures to deploy CIA/FBI-class investigative journalism skills, from the comfort of your living room, to “fry”, or legally terminate, any criminally corrupt politician or campaign financier.
Click This Link To Download >>> How To Investigate and Terminate 1.7

How Google was “Weapon-ized” as a defamation and political payback tool in the Department of Energy scam. Google executives and Google investors were a large part of the scam, using their company to rig voter perceptions, and stock market valuations, in favor of elected officials and their campaign financiers:
Click This Link To Download >>> How Google was Weaponized Against Consumers 1.2

Click This Link To Download >>> How Google Bribed It’s Way To The Top: https://crimesquad1.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/how-google-bribed-its-way-to-the-top.pdf

The Corruption Of Senator Feinstein. A detailed, constantly updated, analysis about how one elected official used their office to enrich them-self and damage millions of taxpayers, in this case.
Click This Link To Download >>> The Corruption Of Senator Feinstein.

A University analysis of the Department of Energy Corruption:
Click This Link To Download >>> AADeRugy_testimony_final















Evidence Data and Video Sets, Mirrors









Films About This Case:

In addition to the many films linked on this WIKI, a number of feature films detail the exact methods and actions that took place in this matter, among them:





Automated mass internet manipulation attack “Troll Farm” Tactics used by The Silicon Valley Cartel to hype Tesla, Pump Stocks and Attack Reporters:






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