These companies pretend to be ‘your friend’ but they exist as bait to use your presence to violate your privacy rights, data rights, family rights, medical rights. Never buy into their sham “we are just helping you” lies!
Cameras, cops and paranoia: How AMAZON surveillance network alters neighborhoods…
These companies are social DATA WEAPONS being used against the public and they should be forced out of business:
Google – Alphabet
Utah sues TikTok over claims it purposefully turned state’s children into social media addicts despite ‘terrible effects’ it has on health and mental wellbeing
Utah is suing TikTok, claiming ‘the social media giant illegally baits children into addictive and unhealthy use and misrepresents the app’s safety,’ and are calling for a digital curfew.
Keep Fighting These privacy issues are often posed as company versus consumer. And while certain companies have made enemies of their consumers, that doesn’t have to be the case. We should care…
May 27, 2022May 27, 2022, 6:00am. As the tenth largest city in the United States and the self-proclaimed “Capital of Silicon Valley,” San José, Calif. has deployed or tested dozens of “smart city …
Sep 19, 2019California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) kicks in on January 1 and rolls out sweeping new privacy benefits to the state’s 40 million residents — and every tech company in Silicon Valley….
The Silicon Valley tech giants want to reform government surveillance on the Internet? That’s what they say, anyway.
Tim Cook, the C.E.O. of Apple, notably was in attendance at the cyber-security summit, and he took the stage before Obama did.Tellingly, he spent much of his talk speaking about privacy, not …
Robert Remeika and Arisa Amano There’s a dirty little secret in Silicon Valley: the greatest threat to the security of customer data is not Russian hackers, foreign intelligence services, or even companies selling your data for profit.
Jun 30, 2017By Katie Benner June 30, 2017 Leer en español Their stories came out slowly, even hesitantly, at first. Then in a rush. One female entrepreneur recounted how she had been propositioned by a…
terrorism, Holman Jenkins, spying, counterterrorism, privacy vs. competitive advantage, Apple, Google, Facebook
In October, California approved legislation to protect against harassment in third-party business relationships. It specifically forbids investor-entrepreneur harassment. New York followed with …
DC is hit by major hack: At least 600,000 social security numbers, home addresses and contact details of US voters are accessed by cyber criminal group Ransom VC