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Why Is Joe Biden So Fixated On Getting Guys To Stick Their Dicks In Other Guy’s Butt-Holes?

Why Is Joe Biden So Fixated On Getting Guys To Stick Their Dicks In Other Guy’s Butt-Holes?

…almost all of Biden’s (and Obama’s) Silicon Valley/San Francisco financiers are homosexual and they tell Biden what to do. On top of that, Biden is pushing for kids to cut off their dicks so that his friends can fuck them in the butt too and pretend they are “girlie men”? Biden has set a record as the largest promoter of child sex change operations in the history of America.

Every intelligent person knows that a human brain is incapable of making sound decisions until they are at least 30 years old. Biden and his crew are promoting child sex change operations for kids who are incapable of comprehending the meaning of it.

Google, Netflix, Linkedin and Facebook lobbyists practically live at the Biden (and Obama) White House. All those companies are run by the gays. They only hire gay or freak employees. You can look at all of their employees photos of their tattoos, half shaved haircuts, red hair dye and ANTIFA pussy hats. Silicon Valley is freak-town. Biden does not represent America, Biden represents Google and Google is all about gay sex parties. Big tech companies in Silicon Valley have had the most pedo-arrests of any kind of company.

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