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(WORLD NEWS) The Biggest Political Corruption Case In History!!!! Bribery, Payola And Pay-To-Play!



The Biggest Political Corruption Case In History!

“Green Energy” exploited off the backs of black and brown child labor camps!


What would make a lawsuit “The Biggest Corruption Lawsuit In History?”

It would rope in two Presidents of the United States, their staff, their covert political financiers, global energy and internet markets and dangle a few murders and hookers to boot!

That might do it.

In fact a suite of such lawsuits have already been filed in Washington DC, San Francisco Superior Court, Federal Northern District Court and other Courts. Plaintiff’s already won one of them. They have case numbers, FBI agents on speed-dial, Inspector General files and whistle-blowers “out-the-ying-yang”.

Why haven’t you heard about these lawsuits? Because White House and Court officials have issued orders to the “main stream” news media to hide any stories about the matters. Court officials have been ordered to delay, defer, obfuscate, blockade and keep these cases “under wraps”. Of course such orders are a FELONY. Such orders are a Constitutional violation of the law and proof that the very political corruption being alleged is fully underway.

The amount of money, in damages, being sought by Plaintiff’s is relatively small. Google and government officials make that much in a few hours each day. The dollar amount is no skin off the Defendants backs.

The Team doing the suing knew, from the Watergate and other scandals, that huge cover-ups take place over huge scandals. They got their ducks in line, for these cover-up tactics, long ago.

They arranged to hide all of the evidence and lawsuit materials in plain sight in front of all 8 billion citizens on Earth.

They uploaded one set of the encrypted evidence files to satellite SSD’s already circling the Earth, to be downloaded on command. Plaintiff’s refused to confirm or deny that they had even installed copies on Elon Musk’s own satellites. While you might think that satellites are secure, you might have noticed that a group of 20 year old hacker’s just hacked into all of Russia’s spy satellites, the most massively defended space technologies in history, during the Ukraine war… so much for satellite security…

Plaintiff’s also emailed encrypted file sets to every investigative reporting outlet from ICIJ.ORG, to wikileaks to NY Times to you name it. Those files will open globally with a single web command.

Plaintiff’s also posted all of the files on every server in the world, on free public space, that their bots found, as “torrent” files that appear to be movies. They are not movies, though. On command, the torrent slices assemble themselves back into the evidence files for anyone on Earth to call together via simple internet “drawstring” download command.

So much for the cover-up! The “insurance” plan for the Plaintiff’s has already been distributed around the globe. There is no entity on the planet that can now find and delete it all.

So if the Plaintiff’s are killed, Seth Rich-like: Everything opens up for the whole world to see.

If the Plaintiff’s get pissed off enough: Everything opens up for the whole world to see.

Russia just got a taste of what that might be like when a certain spy agency leaked 800GB of secret Moscow files and got spy bosses and their hookers, yachts, jet planes and lives messed up.

Information is truly power!

What would an America be like that could no longer run it’s government like a garage sale? Better!

What would an America be like that no longer had it’s White House controlled by insane billionaires like Musk, Page and Schmidt? Better!

What would happen if every citizen saw the results of a cross database cull from the XKEYSCORE, FINCEN, SEC, ICIJ, IRS and GLX searches on every rich family in Washington DC and Silicon Valley? CHANGE!

Thus the lawsuits were put forward, on behalf of the American public through an example Plaintiff filing of a civil complaint against Defendants, a representative entity which has a command-and-control, financing and management influence over it’s own deep state sub-group, an agency operation of Defendant, known, in the media, as ‘The Silicon Valley Oligarchs’, AKA, The Paypal Mafia’, AKAThe NVCA Blacklisting Group, AKA ‘The Deep State’, and alleges as follows, based on law enforcement agency evidence and eye-witness experience. This report, that you are reading, has now been filed with every law enforcement agency, regulatory agency, Inspector General, Attorney General, news organization and community group in America and Europe.

The cover-ups and finger-pointing from one agency-to-another is endless.

Political operative/lobbyists like David Plouffe, Steve Westly, Jay Carney, Steve Spinner, John Podesta, David Axelrod spend their days running between rich people like Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, Laurene Jobs, et al, convincing them that they must control public discourse and media, energy policy and most politics. These political operatives rake in a skim of 10%, or more, of the cash they can guilt trip the oligarchs into barfing into the operatives thousands of shell corporations, fake charities and “social trusts”. They use the same social engineering tricks that the Nazi’s, the CIA and Chinese secret police use to start, or block social revolutions: Contrived emotional trigger facades. The best way to separate a stupid rich person from their money is to make the oligarch believe they are fighting a fake war against the “satanic forces” of the opposing political party.

Oversight investigations of the Biden (HE CREATED SOLYNDRA) administration and the president’s son Hunter Biden are heating up in advance of potential GOP House control.

According to the House Oversight Committee, Environment Subcommittee Ranking Member Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) and Oversight Committee Republicans are concerned about reports that the Biden administration is “inappropriately awarding taxpayer-funded government contracts and loans to political allies with a history of donating to Democrats and President Biden’s 2020 campaign.”

The lawmakers wrote to Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young on Thursday requesting “all documents and communications between OMB, various federal agencies, and certain Democrat donors who have received lucrative government contracts, in an effort to ensure that the Biden Administration is not rewarding political allies to the detriment of the taxpayers,” according to a press release from the Oversight Committee minority staff.

“To ensure that political donations are not unduly influencing the administration’s management of contracts and loans, we request documents and information about what, if any, safeguards and procedures are in place to protect taxpayers,” the committee members wrote in the letter to Young.

One of the contracts under scrutiny involves Joe Kiani, founder, chairman and CEO of Masimo who was appointed to the President’s Council on Science and Technology (PCAST).

“Mr. Kiani is a prolific Democratic donor, contributing over $1 million to the Biden Foundation in 2017, $750,000 to the pro-Biden super PAC Unite the Country, and $1 million to the Biden Inaugural Committee,” according to the GOP letter. “In addition to receiving an appointment to PCAST, Mr. Kiani’s company Masimo has received nearly $3 million in federal government contracts since January 2021.”

Lukas Walton, another top Biden donor, had investments in a company that “received the largest loan in the history of” the International Development Finance Corporation. Republican members of the committee are seeking further information on how and why this money was granted.

A committee minority staff spokesperson confirmed there are also several investigations in the works related to Hunter Biden.

House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer and other committee members are pressing Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Hunter’s ties to Russia’s wealthiest woman. 

“We are continuing oversight of Hunter Biden’s foreign business schemes,” Comer and other GOP committee members wrote to Yellen on Thursday. “The Biden Administration imposed sanctions on certain individuals after Russia’s undeclared war against Ukraine began in February, but not all of the names have been released publicly.

“Notably missing from the public list provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury is any reference to billionaire Elena Baturina, Russia’s wealthiest woman worth over $1.4 billion who paid Hunter Biden’s company over $3 million in 2014 and was formerly married to the Mayor of Moscow.” 

The lawmakers wrote that “because Hunter Biden is now subject to sanctions issued by Russia, his foreign business dealings are of heightened importance.”

They are requesting from Yellen “further information to determine whether Hunter Biden’s relationships with Russian oligarchs are impacting the foreign policy decisions of the United States.”

In a separate action on Wednesday, Comer called on Twitter to “preserve” all “documents and communications” related to the decision to censor a New York Post report about Hunter’s abandoned laptop during the 2020 election cycle. Several major news outlets are now confirming the authenticity of the laptop.

“Most recently Hunter Biden has made a fortune selling his artwork to anonymous and likely foreign purchasers,” Comer wrote in a letter to Parag Agrawal, CEO of Twitter. “Media reports indicate Hunter Biden paid various bills for his father, including thousands of dollars for the then-Vice President’s home in Delaware. If true, the sources of Hunter Biden’s income could exercise undue influence on national security and other U.S. policy positions. 

“These documents are critical to understanding whether Twitter and other Big Tech companies purposefully took actions to give then-candidate Biden an electoral edge in 2020. Likewise, the Committee must evaluate whether President Biden is vulnerable to improper influence from foreign nations.” 

In January, Comer launched an investigation into Hunter BIden’s Chinese business dealings.

‘It reeks of pay-to-play’: Joe Biden and his staff met with Hunter’s top business partner at the White House THROUGHOUT his Vice Presidency, visitor logs reveal

Joe Biden and his staff met with Hunter's top business partner at the White House

Eric Schwerin (top), former president of Hunter’s now-dissolved firm Rosemont Seneca, met with Joe Biden (bottom with Hunter) in 2010, according to visitor logs from the Obama administration. The logs revealed that Schwerin made a total of 19 visits to the White House during Biden’s vice presidency, with nine of those visits including meetings with Biden, members of his staff and members of Jill Biden’s staff (inset). Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a vocal critic of the Bidens, told the Post that the logs were the latest evidence of Hunter using his father to secure business deals and called on the Bidens to be investigated for corruption. ‘It’s increasingly obvious that Hunter Biden’s business revolved around providing access to his father and the highest levers of power,’ Cruz said. ‘It reeks of pay-to-play. The revelation comes as Hunter is currently under federal prosecution for alleged tax fraud, money laundering and illegal foreign lobbying.



Is this report a pack of lies designed to prep a stock market pump-and-dump for the owners of lithium, cobalt and rare earth stocks as uncovered on Hunter Biden’s hard drives?

There is not even remotely enough rare earth metal on Earth to meet the demand and the little that there is lies in China and other nations that hate the U.S. and require an invasion to acquire! These idiots have based their plan on mining unknown asteroids that “MIGHT” have metals on them… but nobody knows. The little bits of rare earth metals that they get now use child labor, rape and genocide to run their mining camps! Honda and Toyota have solved the problem with hydrogen fuel cells but the U.S. Big Tech hates hydrogen because it has no safety, cultural or toxicity issues and obsoletes Big Tech’s scheme! Musk and his big tech Cartel spend a billion dollars a year on PR hype to nay-say hydrogen but Toyota and Honda fuel cell cars keep speeding along without a single problem while Musk’s cars are always blowing up and burning their owners alive!




Plaintiffs Proposed Witness List

Civil Jury Trial
Dated April 17, 2022

Subject to revision

Peter D Cair – San Francisco FBI
Expertise – White Collar Crime and Bay Area Corporate Cartel Operations, Case Agent

David J. Johnson – Special Agent In Charge – FBI
Expertise – White Collar Crime and Bay Area Corporate Cartel Operations, Case Agent

Monica Lewinsky – Political Consultant
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attack Victim

William Edward Binney – NSA Operative
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attack Victim

Edward Snowdon – NSA Operative (Via Videophone)
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attack Victim

Julian Assange – Reporter (Via Videophone)
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attack Victim

Sharyl Attkisson – Reporter, CBS News
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attack Victim

Michael Dukakis – Political Advisor
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attack Victim

Mitt Romney – Political Candidate
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attack Victim

Leslie J. Reynard – Author/Researcher
Expertise – Troll Farms: Anonymity as a Weapon for Online Character Assassination

Terry Albury – Former FBI Special Agent/Whistleblower
Expertise – FBI Reticence Over Favored Politicians

John Robertson – FBI Special Agent
Expertise – High Level Sex Trafficking Involving Well Known Public Figures

Jon Ronson – Author of the book: So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attacks

Terry Bollea – Media Personality Known As “Hulk Hogan”
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attack Victim

Ion Mihai Pacepa – Author of the book: Disinformation
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attacks

Stephanie Hinds – DOJ Special Agent
Expertise – Bay Area Organized Crime

Michelle Lo – DOJ Special Agent
Expertise – Bay Area Organized Crime

Nicholas Guido Denton – Hired Attacker (Hostile Witness)
Expertise – Operator Of The Attacks

Adrian Covert – Hired Attacker (Hostile Witness)
Expertise – Operator Of The Attacks

Robert Gibbs – Former White House Press Officer (Hostile Witness)
Expertise – Operator Of The Attacks

Steven Chu – Former Secretary of Energy (Hostile Witness)
Expertise – Operator Of The Attacks

James Baker – FBI Senior Lawyer (Hostile Witness)
Expertise – Charged By Government With Manipulation Of FBI Investigations

Timothy Stone – Deputy Special Agent in Charge, San Francisco FBI
Expertise – White Collar Crime and Bay Area Corporate Cartel Operations, Case Agent

Craig D. Fair – Special Agent in Charge at San Francisco Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Expertise – White Collar Crime and Bay Area Corporate Cartel Operations, Case Agent

Patricia Ritch – FBI, Special Agent
Expertise – Discussions With Plaintiff Regarding The Solyndra Case And FBI Raid

John Dunne – FBI Duty Agent
Expertise – FBI In-Office Interview of Plaintiff

Robert J. McCarthy – United States Government
Expertise – Character Assassination and Cyber Attack Victim – Robert J. McCarthy served as Field Solicitor for the U.S. Department of the Interior and as General Counsel, U.S. Section, International Boundary and Water Commission. The Oklahoma Bar Association honored him in 2008 with its Fern Holland Courageous Lawyer Award for helping to expose the Interior Department’s mismanagement of $3.5 billion in Indian trust resources. In 2009, McCarthy disclosed massive fraud, waste and abuse by the IBWC, that imperiled the health and safety of millions of people on both sides of the U.S.- Mexico border and seriously damaged the border ecosystem. In both cases he was forced from government service, but continued to advocate for the victims of government abuse. In addition, his scholarly publications have revealed the fatal flaws in whistleblower protection laws, as well as the need for radical reform of specific government agencies.

Hervé Falciani – HSBC’s Swiss subsidiary HSBC Private Bank
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim – Since 2009 he has been collaborating with numerous European nations by providing information relating to more than 130,000 suspected tax evaders with Swiss bank accounts – specifically those with accounts in HSBC’s Swiss subsidiary HSBC Private Bank

Wendell Potter – CIGNAFormer head of corporate communications at CIGNA, one of the nation’s largest health insurance companies.
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim – He testified against the HMO industry in the US Senate as a whistleblower. United States. Customs ServiceA former United States Customs Service employee who exposed rampant racial profiling against Black travellers while working at Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia. According to Harris’s book, Flying While Black: A Whistleblower’s Story, 2008–2012 Cathy Harris she personally observed numerous incidents of Black travellers being stopped, frisked, body-cavity- searched, detained for hours at local hospitals, forced to take laxatives, bowel-monitored and subjected to public and private racist/colorist humiliation. The book also details her allegations of mismanagement, abuses of authority, prohibited personnel practices, waste, fraud, violation of laws, rules and regulations, corruption, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism, workplace violence, racial and sexual harassment, sexism, intimidation, on and off the job stalking, etc., and other illegal acts that occurs daily to federal employees especially female federal employees at U.S. Customs and other federal agencies.

John Kopchinski – Former Pfizer sales representative and West Point graduate
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim – His whose whistleblower (“qui tam”) lawsuit launched a massive government investigation into Pfizer’s illegal and dangerous marketing of Bextra, a prescription painkiller. Pfizer paid $1.8 billion to the government to settle the case, including a $1.3 billion criminal fine, which was the largest criminal fine ever imposed for any matter. The Bextra settlement was part of a $2.3 billion global settlement – the largest healthcare fraud settlement in U.S. history.

Pfizer Nine sales representatives for Eli Lilly filed separate qui tam lawsuits against the company for illegally marketing the drug Zyprexa for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.[185] According to the settlement, the drug was marketed for other medical conditions not approved by the FDA, known as off-label use. The Governments investigation was triggered by a lawsuit filed by nine sales representatives: Jim Wetta, Joseph Faltaous, Steven Woodward, Jaydeen Vincente, Robert Rudolph, Hector Rosado, Robert Evan Dawitt, William Lofing, Bradly Lutz

Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim – Eli Lilly pleaded guilty to actively promoting Zyprexa for off-label uses, particularly for the treatment of dementia in the elderly. The $1.415 billion penalty included an $800 million civil settlement and a $515 million criminal fine—the largest criminal fine for an individual corporation in United States history. Contingent upon the United States receiving the Federal Settlement amount, the nine whistle blowers shared $78,870,877, of the federal share of the civil settlement.

Linda Almonte – JP Morgan Chase
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim – Filed suit under the Dodd Frank Act whistleblower program regarding alleged corrupt practices including robosigning at JP Morgan.

Andrew Maguire – (whistleblower)
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim – Andrew Maguire is a British commodities trader and whistleblower. He presented evidence to United States regulators alleging that fraud had been committed, and that prices in the international gold and silver markets had been manipulated. He went public in April 2010 with assertions of market manipulation by JPMorgan Chase and HSBC of the gold and silver markets.

Chelsea Manning – United States Army – US Army intelligence analyst
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Cheryl D. Eckard – GlaxoSmithKlineGlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim – exposed contamination problems at GSK’s pharmaceutical manufacturing operations, which led to a $750 million settlement with the U.S. government related to civil and criminal charges that the firm manufactured and sold adulterated pharmaceutical products. Eckard was awarded $96 million in 2010, a record for an individual whistleblower, since surpassed by UBS AG whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld’s $104 million award.

Jim Wetta – AstraZeneca
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Micheal Woodford – Corporate President – Olympus Corporation
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Clare Rewcastle Brown – Sarawak Report
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Blake Percival – USIS
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Everett Stern – HSBC
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Ted Siska – Ward Diesel Filter Systems, Inc. of New York

Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Joshua Wilson – Captain, United States Air Force
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Carmen Segarra – US New York Federal Reserve’s appointed regulator to Goldman Sachs
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Antoine Deltour – PricewaterhouseCoopers
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

David P. Weber – United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

John Crane – Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defense
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Ben Strickland – U.S. Coast Guard
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Jofi Joseph – White House Insider, Wife Associated With Valarie Jarrett
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

John Tye – U.S. State Department
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

JK – Eye On Washington
Expertise – Interaction In Washington, DC With Feinstein Officials

Joseph Y. Ting – Radiation Oncology
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

J. Kirk McGill – United States Department of Defense – Defense Audit Agency
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

John Bitterman – U.S. Coast Guard
Expertise – Character Assassination and Government Reprisal Cyber Attack Victim

Additional names to be provided as vetting completes…