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Senior Tesla Motors Media Consultant quits. Reveals All! Says "STUPID, STUPID NEWS REPORTERS NOW USING FACTS INSTEAD OF TESLA TALKING POINTS, THUS RUINING THE WHOLE DEAL..." Share this story via this link: http://wp.me/p4e1uX-2IH Fremont, CA- As of today, there is no mention of Buzz Flapjaw on any Tesla Motors website.…


WHO REALLY, ACTUALLY, KILLED THE ELECTRIC CARS? By Anderson W. (This was originally a confidential report for Mr. Carney at the Press Office, but, we understand, he refused to distribute it) Summary - These people really, actually, killed the electric cars (AKA: “The Dirty 7”: -          Senators with Insider Trading…

‘-The 500 trolls of Tesla Motors!

The 500 trolls of Tesla Motors! Elon Musk has a massive amount of fake meat puppet social media accounts that he uses to create the false impression that there are "no problems at Tesla Motors" and that the fires, lawsuits, staff departures, investor departures, criminal charges, cartel charges, toxic smoke,…

‘- Department of Energy Head announces he engaged in “Meticulous Due Diligence” to ensure that only campaign billionaire funders got DOE funding!

Department of Energy Head announces he engaged in "Meticulous Due Diligence" to ensure that only campaign billionaire funders got DOE ATVM and LG funding! Under federal investigation, DOE staff are required to now testify about what happened to billions of taxpayer dollars that were conduit-ed, by DOE staff, to Senators…

‘-Largest Justice Dept. investigation, in history, on Auto Parts Industry just as DOE/Moniz try to give billions to: Auto Parts Industry! Hmmmm…

Largest Justice Dept. investigation, in history, on Auto Parts Industry just as DOE/Moniz try to give billions to: Auto Parts Industry! Hmmmm... Auto parts price-fixing probe rattles industry - The Big Story 6 days ago ... Meanwhile, the Justice Department says it's looking into additional ... A federal investigation into…

‘Lemon Law King’ sues Tesla Motors

'Lemon Law King' sues Tesla   [wpvideo GtIooEG6] Wisconsin's 'lemon law king' sues Tesla By TODD RICHMOND Associated Press MADISON, Wis. -- Wisconsin's self-proclaimed "lemon law king" filed a lawsuit Monday against direct-order car maker Tesla Motors, accusing the company of refusing to give a Franklin doctor a refund on…

Lithium Ion Batteries and Organized Crime

Lithium Ion Batteries and Organized Crime Was Afghanistan invaded because the CIA and Goldman Sachs said there is "trillions of dollars" of Lithium ion material there? The ultimate goal of a career criminal politician is to run an agency, or top committee, in order to conduit money to friends and…

Enough is enough, Silicon Valley must end its elitism and arrogance: Washington Post

www.washingtonpost.com/ blogs/ innovations/ wp/ 2014/ 01/ 27/ enough-is-enough-silicon-valley-must-end-its-elitism-and-arrogance/ Enough is enough, Silicon Valley must end its elitism and arrogance By Vivek Wadhwa January 27 A storm is brewing over Silicon Valley. The world expects better behavior from its tech titans. (Jeff Chiu/AP) When computers were just for nerds and large…


Featured Investigation: Tesla Scandal Highlights From Around the Web: Criminal Charges: Uber Scandal!!! Breaking News! Did Musk just admit a felony on live TV? Tesla patents prove Musk lied about dangers. SAFETY REPORT BUSTS TESLA. Multiple federal agency/committee probes now asked to look into organized crime charges over kickbacks re:…

The Dianne Feinstein Investigation

The Dianne Feinstein Investigation-  ----------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government Vs. Senator C. and Does 1-20 Tonight Al Jazeera ripped Feinstein's colleague, one Mr. Calderone, a new one per an FBI sting operation. He's off to jail soon.  You can see the movie about his crimes on America Tonite. Will he roll over…

Omerta’ : Keeping the Dark Secrets of Dark Money!!!

Today's new word is: Omerta' Let's learn: Omerta' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omerta' The origin of the word is traced (by the OED) to the Spanish word hombredad, meaning manliness, modified after the Sicilian word omu for man. According to a different theory, the word comes from Latin humilitas (humility), which became umirtà and…

Newly discovered documents show Tesla failed all reviews and was only funded because White House staff ordered DOE to fund in order to compensate Tesla investors for campaign contributions.

Newly discovered documents show Tesla failed all reviews and was only funded because White House staff ordered DOE to fund in order to compensate Tesla investors for campaign contributions. New discovered documents show that, at the time Tesla applied for DOE funds, it failed its technical, financial, asset, collateral, and…

TESLA cars bursting into flames as batteries turn into potential DEATHCAR of lithium explosive & deadly vapors, as predicted: COVER UP.

Deadly fires. Deadly vapors released by Tesla Fires. Lithium Ion cars burn homes down. Spontaneous Combustions. Overseas workers die from making Tesla batteries. Fisker Cars Lithium Ion Explodes one-after-the-other. Multiple Tesla Fires Unreported. Boeing 787 proves Lithium Ion is unfixable. Where will it end? Multiple TESLA cars bursting into flames…

The Deloitte/Tesla Connection:

The Deloitte/Tesla Connection: Now that the entire California unemployment system online has failed, causing thousands and thousands of people to get evicted, with no end to the problems in sight, investigators look to the source: Deloitte! The California/Deloitte kickbacks with Sacramento and the associated campaign contributions show why EDD gave…

The “Lithium Ion” VC’s: Say “Howdy” to the ACTUAL 1% Illuminati ! How they copied the Mafia’s Playbook:

Who are the “Lithium ion VC’s”? Say "Howdy" to the ACTUAL 1% Illuminati! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This matter has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you like solar power or electric cars or gasoline or fracking or one technology over another. It has nothing to do with climate change; not…

Another Rich Douchebag Car Company charged with bribing government officials re: crony kickbacks. Global investigation. Jail time expected.

Another Rich Douchebag Car Company charged with bribing government officials re: crony kickbacks. Global investigation. Jail time expected. Rolls-Royce Holdings Says SFO Opens Corruption Probe - WSJ.com 4 hours ago ... Rolls-Royce Holdings said the U.K.'s Serious Fraud Office has opened a formal investigation into bribery and corruption allegations involving…

Google Kickbacks. Tesla Connected?

Google Kickbacks Google investors paid for the national election expenses and outside services and manipulated Google searches so they got: patent laws changed that benefit them, business tax laws changed that benefit them, free jet gas and free money for Google's car company -Tesla. Tesla is owned and controlled by…

Corruption Mapping –

Corruption Mapping - How to make a Corruption Map: 1. Define the issue as publicly stated. 2. Define the ACTUAL issue behind-the-scenes. 3. List the beneficiaries. 4. List their profit potentials for that issue. 5. List how much they spent on lobbying (AKA Bribes) in the last 3 years. Example:…